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Military green a power sharing deal with civilian prodemocracy activists ending months of protests. This is the interview news live from glenn coming up doc film looks at the rising number of jellyfish and what they mean the worlds oceans by brian thomas for the entire team thanks for being here and have a great weekend. The 1st Climbing Lesson from the doors grandma always arrives. Joining a ring in jane on her journey back to freedom. In our interactive documentary during an orangutan returns home on t w dont come in tanks 2. Theyre beautiful. Like flowers of the sea. 2 but there are many of them and they can be dangerous. A few are even deadly to humans. And theyve terrified bathers Around The World. When it starts with a crime after an Electric Shock and then a burning feeling we. Are their numbers in the worlds oceans increasing. And we have to have an insane reproductive capacity as a single jellyfish like this can produce 15000. 00. Is this punishment for mankinds irresponsible actions. Our oceans are not well and jellyfish seem to be benefiting the explosion of their population just the unspoken. The jelly fish expressed to us human beings as a warning sign. Scientists the world over are studying jellyfish they hope to discover the secrets of jellyfish the medusas of the sea and their laboratories. And. These are the waters off the coast of japan where back in 2002 something changed. A swarm of the Moros Jellyfish appeared veritable giants with a diameter of 2 meters. Numerous jellyfish with tentacles as they cause macaroni look like something from outer space not much is known about their life cycle. German scientist Cornelia Ja Sprues meets shinichi way from japan. Hes considered the leading expert of the international jellyfish scene. The aspers as a plankton expert and she wants to find out more about the Giant Jellyfish swarms in the sea of japan. They indicate that something is not right in the worlds oceans. The eerie Giant Jellyfish invasions are putting japanese fishermen at risk. Or professor way shows footage that looks like a scene from a horror film. When the the jedi fish comes in large numbers. They are neck broken and the bruises and then the fisherman lose their huge money and its very difficult for the fisherman to do the solution but that may be the science will give some. Cute to do it. We scientists know where the jellyfish come from and then theyre where they are abundant so we will like to give such information to the fisherman as early as possible. We discovered that a large swarms of jellyfish came from china. And coastal waters there have been heavily impacted by Human Activity. That china sea is overfished and polluted. From their currency transport the 200 kilogram heavy jellyfish to the japanese coast. Barcelona. Experts are meeting at the Jellyfish Blooms Symposium. The International Scientists are studying the seemingly unstoppable growth of the marine animals. But it remains an exotic research field. And not many Marine Biologists and choose to specialize in jellyfish. Is the current explosion in jellyfish numbers linked to Human Activity actor. Playing an expert cornea gaspars in a colleagues discuss the issue at the symposium. Birds has Good International connections and shes hoping to find new orleans. During her stay in barcelona she visits josep maria kelly. The aquariums in his lab contain dozens of species of different ages. The. Jellyfish have inhabited our worlds oceans for over 600000000 years. For decades scientists overlooked jellyfish in fact creatures were actively avoided. By what had happened jellyfish were typically ignored in research now theyre attracting a lot of attention because there are now harbors and close to our beaches people are noticing that there are a lot more jellyfish than before really if i may but sadly we dont have systematic long term data to answer our questions like if i thought. Jellyfish dont have a brain or a heart. They swim by contrasts. The ring shaped muscles to create an underlining motion that propels them forward their Jelly Matter Bodies are kept together by 2 thin layers called epidermis and Gastro Dermis Inside Jellyfish have an essentially hollow space which is their gastro vascular cavity prey is guided from the tentacles by arms through the stomach tube and into the interior. Experts are discovering more and more of these animals remarkable skills the Moon Jellyfish or alien or rita is found in all the 7 seas and can form huge swarms gilly is especially worried by one mediterranean species the palagi not to look up which glows in the dark. And. The biggest problem with the janata luca comes from its impact on the entire marine ecosystem and theyre predators they eat zooplankton and fish. But theyre also a problem for humans. Currents and when you bring them together in large swarms around our beaches contact with our skin causes severe burns. Well beaches have had to be repeatedly closed as a result. Of climate. That pizza is one of spains islands. This is where bartolome madi tour jose tour salo work their volunteers with the spanish Civil Protection office. They regularly visit the monitored beaches to determine the number of Jellyfish Incidents. Nobody here can predict when this mornings occur. I think it is the be not made we move in early may we had a veritable jellyfish invasion in this seat. On the beaches. But since then its been quiet. According to our lifeguards weve been having no more than 3 Jellyfish Incidents per day. Just hoping it will stay that way for the next season as well if the money but on a practical. His colleague has a picture from the spring on his mobile. This is what a real jellyfish invasion in a pizza looks like. That or if you could be a fish issue solution. The jellyfish could show up at any time. Jellyfish have one of the most toxic and differentiated cellular mechanisms in the Animal Kingdom lining their tentacles stinging cells. On contact they inject toxin into their victims. Yes 1st it feels like a crime now but after an Electric Shock and then it does the boat this give a little bit of the thats why its better to stay in the water because its cooling. If you go out into the sun it burns and hurts much more. You should call a jellyfish right away. But hell not because it. Knows what hes talking about. He was stung by jellyfish just recently. He and his Lifeguard Colleagues swear by their 1st aid measure salt water with Baking Powder mixed in. Not fresh water because that would fuel the activity of the venomous capsules. The mix is always at hand at their observation post. If they stay i was thats not it that what this is so water with baking soda and its better than vinegar. And baking soda is alkaline or neutralizes the toxins in the Jellyfish Tentacles it when just the mom listen lessens the pain and yet the book that leave yes its definitely been a bit of a. Jellyfish. Youre not just a danger to humans and Northern Ireland they killed some 100000 salmon. An Ocean Current had carried the swarm to the salmon farm pushing millions of stingers into the cages. Jellyfish even cause power outages. When those gen officious coming in swarms there blocking our cooling system. Nuclear power plant in Southern Sweden was forced to shut down on the weekend after large amounts of jelly fish clocked up the pipes curing Cooling Water to deter banks. As i dont like that have given jellyfish a bad image as some scientists exploit this Saying Jellyfish of bad by nature and that we have a real problem but that doesnt take into account the Jellyfish Populations always also lies there are years when there are lots of jellyfish and he is when there are barely any thats normal for jellyfish and this is not my this is for trying to help me. Canary are ya spurs wants to find out the truth about jellyfish. Shes been researching Around The World for years. And because i have to hunt my professor had mentioned small animals that could reproduce within 24 hours and that really sparked my interest i asked him about them and he said i should join a trip across the indian ocean to research the significance in the worlds oceans. I said yes and joined and thats how i became fascinated by them. Jellyfish get transported to europe and the Ballast Water of large container ships. For nearly a yacht spurs whos from hamburg has been observing the introduced species for almost 10 years. And not just in kiel on the baltic where shes currently work. Their population is growing dramatically a present as it is late summer. She can spot several jellyfish from the jetty. Its worth visiting these marine creatures under the surface. The search doesnt take long as expected they can be found on mars around the genny. Its called the Warty Comb Jelly or sea walnut and strictly speaking its not a jellyfish. This creature doesnt have stinging cells unlike True Jellyfish. This is why ya spurs can touch them. Listen test has specialized and comb gel in. Their natural home is the atlantic the east coast of the u. S. For nearly a year aspers has established that this species is extremely adaptable and can reproduce at lightning speed. Matters that since they have no Food Competitors here they can grow incredibly large take this one for example its 6070. 00 millimeters if you just take the body a specimen like this produces 15000. 00 eggs per day that can fertilize themselves we have to keep an eye on them although the salt content in the Central Baltic is too low for them but its a super habitat for reproducing. The port of kiel on the baltic is the starting point for scientific expeditions all Around The World. He goes gale mar Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research is well known among researchers. Ya spurs was previously at the institute for Aquatic Resources at the Technical University of denmark. In 2006 Marine Biologists discovered the imported Cone Jelly Species in the baltic. That was a shock. In the mediterranean the population had exploded and also caused huge damage to the black c. Z. Ecosystem. How quickly can the warty come jelly conquer its new habitat. Is it a threat to the baltic to at 1st glance their fascinatingly beautiful. The a comb jellies shimmer and all the colors of the rainbow. Under the microscope it becomes clear why. Light refracts in all the spectra colors in the tiny transparent discs with which the animal moves around. But yeah spears has made a frightening discovery. The migrants can cope so well with local conditions that its not just the adults that are reproducing but the young ones as well. Under ideal conditions in the lap of the Brush Lee Hatched Larva Begins Lang Eggs and only a few days. Yes burstein spent months counting and observing to find out just how many eggs such larvae can produce. The oscars has shown that the ability of the Warty Comb Jelly to reproduce rapidly wherever it likes the conditions is largely linked to the species particular reproductive qualities. As as isnt a native species it doesnt belong here so its important that we keep an eye on it so we know how its developing and whether its taking over the ecosystem. That would be disastrous. The baltic is home to fish such as cod and herring which are important for the fish market. Are the warning home jellies eating their young. Cornelia aspers performs an experiment to find out. She gives the jelly fish caught eggs larvae for food. Jellyfish doesnt eat the fish eggs is put them out again. The opposite happens to the very young cod babies. The comb jelly laps them up. When you have this kind of taken a to fish lava but mostly just those that is still in the yolk side they dont actively swim yet the others are to mobile get away from the jellyfish arms into the vehicle issue and coming up to 7. This means the warty come jellys could be dangerous. On board the Danish Research vessel donna biologist boss john cougar conducts a jellyfish census 4 times a year. Are they posing a threat to the eggs and larvae of herring in cod. And it was supposed to be in there and these jellyfish is a natural habitat along the east coast of North And South America they are notorious for Eating Fish Eggs and marking fish eye on the laughing rest of us have thats why we were worried when we 1st discovered this b. C. s back in 2007 here around born home because this is the main Spawning Area for baltic cod. This os that offers. Plenty nets saved. The water column from the surface to just above the sea bed. Is this is the net is called a bongo net because it looks like a bongo drum and. We use this larger one mainly to capture fish eggs and larvae fish love into found. This one catches all kinds of zooplankton and the baby bongo captures very small organisms. And jellyfish are caught by all of the nets. Playing with. The captain of the down a is setting the course for the night. To be able to compare the results long term bastiaan who have their heads to the same coordinates each time only. If we zoom in again we can see the islands of gone home and fame on our bases are more in the eastern area. I thought wed start with the transact in the Our Kona Basin and then well work our way over. The Research Ship will travel along the set g. P. S. Coordinates for several nights. Captured zooplankton gathers in a catch back at the end of the net. And. The main thing were interested in is how many jelly fish we have in the samples and how many fish eggs and larvae and fish. The data has set course on the next spacek. Meanwhile who have their tends to his catch. A school of sticklebacks is basting on the zooplankton that he has yet to count. They have to be removed 1st. From. Under the microscope the different species of zooplankton can be identified. Tiny co parts along with fish eggs and larvae prey for jellyfish. And at every station a measuring probe is lowered into the water. This determines the oxygen and salt content along with the temperature. Vertical profile of the Environmental Data appears on who their screen of the graphs indicates salty oxygen rich layers. It seems water from the north sea house found its way to the Eastern Baltic through deep channels that suggests that the warty come jellies came here on this salt water current is here as far as i am says at the moment we dont believe this jellyfish has had a big impact on the Fish Populations here in the Eastern Baltic because it hasnt appeared on mass anywhere in the fall come to be. In a dish and the jellyfish doesnt show up during the main caught spawning season in the light side of this process. So no reason for concern. For nearly youngsters disagrees. Because the water column jellies came to europe into migration waves. The ones that appeared for the 1st time down here in the black sea a rich night and from the Gulf Of Mexico he often goes from mexico well him being the animals we have up here in the baltic theyve come from boston woods home that area. Boston thats been proved genetically and means that these were 2 completely distinct invasions. So what would happen if the warty come jellies from the black sea were introduced into the baltic killa come here they are found in large numbers in the southwest and baltic and in the kattegat between denmark and sweden but they havent conquered the majority of the baltic. If we can show that the Southern Spaces has a different genetic repertoire and can cope with the lowest salt content then if the sudden ones transferred north that could be a threat on the other hand we dont know what would happen if the southern and northern jellies were brought together we could get super potent hybrids or we could get hybrids that cant reproduce its a very exciting question thats really significant for the future of the baltic. But i dont. The scientist is bringing 40 come jellies from America The Black Sea and the baltic together in the lab. Over the next few years shell carry out evolutionary and breeding experiments funded by the e. U. As Marie Curie Program and the Danish Council for independent research for natural sciences. The Plankton Scientist hopes to find out whether the jellyfish will continue their advance and conquer new regions. In view. On the coaches your. Marine biologist bobby im known by our works for the observatory also on a graphic. For us its a meters to meet your deficient scale. Beautiful organism a bit like flowers of the sea with their shape and tentacles and their almost lace like you. Might find them very pretty with a sort of zen way of life. On this this is there. Anyone who speaks that positively about jellyfish must have a reason. The location of his office for example. Its from here that he decides whether its worth capturing a few of his research objects. Todays a good day. The last stinger is the dominant species of the mediterranean. Needs a few for his experiments in the laboratory. So. Terrible as people think. Theyve been at home in the worlds oceans for more than 600000000 years sometimes theyre there in great abundance sometimes there are just a few of them but they always play an Important Role as predators in the ocean and they could be useful to us humans so we shouldnt think of them as being terrible even if there are sometimes too many of them we have to learn to live with them and occasionally use them. He. Has an unusual idea. He sucks up large quantities of slime released by the mob sting or when its lange its eggs and the Moon Jellyfish when it stressed. The slime into test tubes. Then he injects water polluted with nano particles into the Jellyfish Line Purple here. The result the Jellyfish Slime causes the nano particles to clump together thus cleaning the polluted water. Prison and there are more and more nano particles these days in creams for example factories producing these nano particles must dispose of their waste water without polluting the environment. The Jellyfish Slime can be used to collect and gather all these nano particles into a bowl so that they can be gotten rid of easily in a low cost an environmentally friendly way. Back to. Could this rescue the jellyfish its reputation. Of being a host is also seeking to understand jellyfish is dual potential on the North Sea Island the public well known for decades shes been researching the Reproduction Strategy of skipper so a more True Jellyfish shes being helped by divers from the alfred begun to institute the team is going out to look for Jellyfish Polyps. And easier to see them if there are a lot of them of course looking for tentacles that move to and fro around corals is a good way to spot them they prefer to live on the underside of substrates which means you should always look from below that will give you a better chance of finding them. There are 5 north sea species floating under the ship apart from the from aphrodite Compass Jellyfish all the species have males and females. The sperm is released into the water and taken in by the females who carry the eggs. The fertilized eggs then turn into a jellyfish larva or plan ulip. The True Jellyfish and then release these plan yelling into the ocean. Thanks to tiny filaments the plan stays afloat until it comes across a smooth solid surface on to which it can attach itself. Once settled the plan yola develops into a polyp. Under very specific conditions these polyps will release many little jellyfish called a fire up. The a fire up grow into full sized medusas. Then the cycle starts afresh. Its an extremely effective reproductive strategy. Polyps can survive for several years on the hard ground of the divers are to search. They dont have a skeleton so sandy soil moving around them would break them down thats why they need a hard substrate where they can settle safely sandy soil is no good to them or drown in a Little Something when the time were introducing hard substrate sim places where they used to be only sand in the shape of platforms or rigs for example. Meaning where increasing the places with can settle and develop into polyps and produce jellyfish i once did. Off shore facilities are being built all over the world to satisfy our huge energy demands. The massive structures provide new underwater settlement areas for the polyps. Even shipping markers have been colonized along with Concrete Harbor Structures and break waters. A dive along this wall reveals just how popular treatment structures are for marine inhabitants. Every Square Centimeter is occupied. This diver is trying to find the polyps in this jungle on the harbor is sheet piling. She takes a sample from a likely location. On her way back. Into a lions mane jelly fish. Fortunately hes wearing a full face mask otherwise he would have been badly stuff other talk but i hope its a female with lava so we can harvest the lava and race politics in the lab then we can study the polyps and find out when they produce jellyfish and im to what conditions. So they decided if you dont find could see it on the definitely not. Enough to have it. Because. The jellyfish in the sample are taken to the lab. Environmental conditions in the sea are changing. The reason is climate change. The increase in Greenhouse Gas concentrations is warming our atmosphere. The ocean absorbs the heat. In the north sea alone and encrease of 1. 7 degrees celsius has been measured Global Warming was also a subject of a Jellyfish Bloom Symposium in barcelona. Yes present host meet Jennifer Purcell shes been researching the dynamic between Jellyfish Populations and their policies for the past 40 years. When you give them higher temperatures they produce more jellyfish. Dramatically more jellyfish than they do in the cooler waters. Increasing Air Pollution as a result of industry and traffic is leaving its mark. Theres too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution the worlds oceans have absorbed half of the carbon dioxide. The Gas Dissolves in the oceans reducing their ph values. Our oceans are becoming more acidic. All organisms with the calcium based skeleton are in danger because the acidic water dissolves limestone. Jellyfish dont have a skeleton therefore the Acidification Of The Oceans Isnt A problem for them they survive. Jennifer herself describes further negative effects. The high amount of fertilizer used in agriculture leads to nutrients getting into the oceans via groundwater rivers. This causes phytoplankton blooms. Tiny algae which form huge carpets as can be seen from space. Vegetable fodder produces all the more zooplankton. Is made up of microscopically small animals and fish larvae. This is what jelly fish feed on allowing them to reproduce in great numbers this is causing you trophic conditions with loss of nutrients in the water it leads to low Oxygen Levels and. Jellyfish are very tolerant of those conditions. At the same time the Fishing Industry has depleted Fish Populations and fish are the main Food Competitors of jellyfish. Fishing in the baltic and the Danish Research boat down a. Even a cursory glance tells the scientists that there are too few female caught able to spawn. Theyve been overfished by the baltic fishing fleets. The danes are counting on behalf of the International Council for the exploration of the sea which monitors 110. 00 fish species Around The World. Their data is included in the annual recommendation for e. U. Fishing quotas. Both the young fish and the small schooling fishes like herring are eating those oh plankton and the little tiny animals to swim around in the water so both of those are being consumed by jellyfish and fish then youre taking away the fish so that leaves more food for the jellyfish to eat. Back on how the girl and so being a host is on her way to the lab the breakwaters made of tetrapods like a red carpet with a Jellyfish Larvae she finds plastic rubbish on the beach. Millions of tonnes of Plastic Waste find their way into the oceans Around The World. Currents keep the plastic adrift in the water for a long time and they too are welcome settlements for polyps. In the lab post examines the sample brought in by the divers. She finds what she was expecting. There amongst the Algae Barnacles and moss animals of the branching Jellyfish Polyps of the anthem a doozy. Biological institute has been sending a Monitoring Boat out to sea almost daily since 1962. It is one of the longest running long term marine Data Collection programs. The scientists collect water and plankton samples. If environmental conditions change could impact the composition of the Ocean Plankton change jellyfish might benefit from living through that we know that Jellyfish Polyps are very resistant to changes in the environment and that means that the polyps survive environmental conditions that other organisms cannot believe in the organism and need to believe in. The atlantic. To circuses sea which is situated far off the coast of north america. Danish Research Vessel diana was on a deal expedition. For nearly a aspers does not agree with the negative image jellyfish have together with an International Team of maritime Biologists Plankton Experts she wants to prove they play an enormously Important Role in the food chain for. Ample for the Endangered European ill parts of tiree one is surprised that evil is becoming more expensive meals are actually at risk of extinction one possible connection that nobody is really making is that jellyfish could be a potential Building Block in the food chain without them we might have no more ills to wait by and You Couldnt Stand Up To a compiler. On. The net for catching feel larvae was raised from a depth of 250 meters. The 1st glance proves that there are many species of gelatinous Plankton Organisms here. Amongst them the scientists discover the mysterious deal larvae that hatch here in the sargasso sea. One this size wouldnt survive in an aqua culture because nobody knows what these baby seals eat. Thats why no one has ever been able to breed european eels. The multi net is lifted on board. Gather samples from several depths between 0 and 400 meters. Plankton experts cornelia yeah Spring Skills are needed. After hours of rinsing counting classifying. It becomes clear which organisms contribute to the food chain out here sarkar so see. We catch small and cut them open we remove the stomach and his molecular methods to determine what they eat jellyfish dont have skeletons as a result they get digested immediately that makes it really hard to use normal methods like microscopes to find traces of such organisms but now we have molecular methods so that we can find out what gelatinous organisms are in the stomachs we also examine which gelatinous organisms are in the water. And then hopefully we can match the 2. Maybe buy ins are consummate. Do ill larvae eat jellyfish. Proving that is difficult. The meticulous counting job on board is only the 1st step for the researchers. Analyzing the data will take several years only then will the results be ready for publication. Are Jellyfish Voter for the fish we eat establishing that would be a breakthrough for science. And the key not just for saving the european deal but also other endangered fish species. The Jellyfish Blooms Symposium is an important event for change between scientists. Jellyfish research is still in its infancy. And the uniform Research Methods as have been established in Fishery Biology are lacking. I think its a really nice sign that there are so many young people involved now thats a very positive sign so is there a lot of postdocs and students involved that that means that theres an interest and growing interest and that is what has been lacking in the past years i think we. Still need to find old why there is some growing population some point on the plan that we have a lot of indications about of course it needs rolling through these the Decatur Street is all youve been very strong experimental through it is that falls a moment i feel lucky there is a lot of Money Touring is through Monitoring Programs that are started that need to be continued to area to understand what is going on. Whats clear is that the mid do says are an important indicator of the decline of the oceans. A problem caused by humans. Of course the jellyfish has no words to say theyre human beings but the explosion of their population is just the unspoken language. That the fish the jedi fish expressed to us human beings as a warning sign. The mysterious world of jellyfish theyve been around for over 600000000 years making them the oldest marine inhabitants on our planet so far there has never been a Jellyfish Takeover but the creatures unusual qualities continue to enrich the diversity in our ocean. More intrigue on the International Talk show for journalists discuss the topic of the week 50 years at a critical juncture as its kind of it prepares to vote on a new commission with europe facing pressing challenges leadership is more important than ever will it emerge from the process with democratic deficits thats our Shopping Contract we can join us. Quadriga 30 minutes on t. W. Quality technology. Where. Equal technology with no frills at affordable prices. From the electric pick ups. To last it. Will show you how. To borrow today. 90 minutes w. It. Surely is from africa the. Story link to exceptional stories and discussions from these eat and while website deputed comes to africa join us on facebook. For

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