Country welcome to comics or. Is this the beginning of the end for im going to merkel politics yes of course she has announced its. Not run again for the president of the party and she has been known its mean she will not run again after this period which by the way. Is from twenty seventeen to twenty twenty one can she last that long til twenty twenty one was wounded. Too much i think she has taken the right decision at the right time and the position of an elected chancellor in our constitution is on behalf of expertize we. With the failure of the weimar constitution very strong with once elected as chancellor you can only be through out against your own without. Agreement if syria is in majority in parliament to elect him as a term that is by the way was also respect not signal not to be imagined in this given this Given Parliament of position is constitution is strong but inside the party she has her critics and her enemies of course doesnt aspire to party and choice to have the federal chancellor as member of the party and not of member of another party therefore i think as a party. We find reeses things when shes already admitted shes lost the trust of the people she already said that before the elections so shes on her way down the only question is how fast she goes down nobody knows look whats happened this is a lot of things its come together in. Our as we call it western system of democracy rule of law parliamentarism is under stress what happened in u. K. U. K. Them the origin of modern parliament there is moved the most important decision in the first tickets in this century for you kate from westminster to reverend im crazy whats going on all over Continental EuropeMember States of the European Union smaller to lety may just a fluke what happened in france two years ago. But you go home no longer connects to the voters there were massive losses in hassle your sister party suffered massive losses investors before that you no longer connect you provide them with a great economy motivate wages most employment they dont want you in the most part its all over europe would be happy if they would get twenty seven percent of all voters but not the ones who got forty one percent last time its a huge loss. What im saying is trying to say is you have Different Reasons one reason is the tectonic or change in modern democracy i think the main reason for this is a disruption in communication in communication between choices and to be influenced by or by developments pis by vents in all of the world we have german people became aware in the migration guises in two thousand and fifteen and then of course any long period of government stable government successful government and not just not to be disputed without any doubt its answers above. America has been impressively extraordinary successful for a long time yes but now but now you know longer now no longer larvae who are the beneficiaries the beneficiaries of everything are right and the left the greens and the f. T. That is the normal way of life everything in human in human life in human existence is for a time. And how its all is over now not over but your time is coming here you are she is weak and he is not as strong as he used to be but she is not as we can see has taken a decision in the summer a medal for this she is not weakened as a rise any president lets say in france or lets say in the u. K. In United States in his second term would be weakened it is not true but you cant ignore the fact that she is part of the problem isnt she now for your party shes no longer the solution shes part of the problem in politics you know this better than i do you either go up or you go down you dont stay still you dont stay still its human life yeah and you go up when shes going down shes going down maybe but she is strong you remain strong she wont be seen as strong those she be seen as will it is wanted and she is strong both together and therefore i would i would not be. So decided she has announced she will not run again that is an important step to announce that i think she is a good turns and we will we will be agreeing in my party that we will not that they will do what we can. Avoid brezhnev lame duck therefore we would see what will happen its not to some already calling her a lame duck the succession battle has begun as of course in any and its going to be bloody after thirty years it will be bloody. I think most most competitors will survive it and bill not be so bloody who are going to be the top candidates we will see i dont know i will not give im going to give an answer to you thats not my its not my role in politics to give in on the one thats close to this very day to be very very. From your point of view isnt the worst aspect of these elections the recently elections that the far right a d now has seats in all sixteen regional parliaments and is the only other party apart from yours to have seats in all the regional pounds thats a huge achievement for them thats the worst aspect for you isnt it. Its a. Story of a lot of strength of right wing party of course i agree so so were seeing the worst aspect of our my from my perspective but its a matter of fact we have the meter was. About nine i think ninety two members of parliament in the federal parliament they are all electors they have all equal rights and equal to it is now said join all state parliament. As a way we have seen in the last two state elections in bavaria as well as in essence that what has been foreseen by many of service so it will move. Towards twenty percent or more its not decided and it cant be changed but of course what we what we suffer all over europe look what happened in france since the kids look what was the reason for the break super vendome in u. K. If i remember. Stay if we may all right here is a chance they will live with germany germany has been unique your caller says your partys horses opened the door for the air the day that. The polls show that sixty nine percent of germans voted a of the because of concerns of immigration i dont agree i will tell you we have four four. Nearly sick lets say sixty five years in germany it was most. We hate on behalf of our very specific and tragic past advantage that we didnt have a relevant right wing party in contrary to to all parts of europe look whats going on in sweden and finland in the us our lands our italy well wherever you like now seventy years seventy years after of after the creation of the federal republic of germany it seems that insist regard we also become a move towards Something Like european normality i dont like it i dont like it but its a matter of fact about immigration gave them the foothold didnt it your bad all immigration if you look at the policies allowed them to oppress the fear. In the beginning it was it was not the immigration it was so you have appeal integration which was patterned to create this party called the look the Cologne Institute of Economic Research people are united by a general sense of unease about the future of the country sixty nine percent lament the negative consequences of immigration thats what you know. If you ask the voters of heston yesterday what was the most problems for the decision immigration is not in the not in the in the head of the of the range but in the end their family they got into the parliament they got twelve percent and it didnt all over you as a European Congress of course my underestimated the f. T. I dont underestimate but you did and we dont you refer to them in twenty sixteen as boneheads theyre not. Theyre doing much better than boneheads do we we care dismissed them. It is not decide we cant its to be it cant be changed but its a matter of fact and of course we so migration quizes in two thousand and fifteen create a lot of no was it by the way it was also for many for many people all over the world it was a new achievement as germany was seen as such an open and generous tolerant nation and the peoples have been to migrants have been created welcome her of with visibility in the valley called her way but look at the backlash from this not the backlash as far as they have to look in twenty two european states now you have a higher concentration of far right parties any time for the last thirty years maybe. But as you said last year i think we can say there is no chance germany will ever relapse internationalism i am quite sure you have we will let lets lets be clear they got about thirteen percent. That means eighty seven percent totally clear i think many many people in europe many state in europe Member States of the European Union would be happy if the right wing party were limited to a certain percent five years ago this was unthinkable that they would have ninety odd seats in the bundestag and they represented in sixty minutes the amount of the voters say maybe in five years that was unthinkable maybe in five years i cant remember who said it would be and you would say it is unthinkable that there will be diminished we will see futures always open it is not in the light of how well theyve done dont you want to reassess your come comforting statement that there is no chance germany will have a relapse International Germany bill ever never ever. In the knesset of some of the broad majority of german people have never moved our nationalism you have to suggest that european integration was the reason part of the reason that the continent overcame the disaster of hitler and the cold war divisions but there is now what president macro calls a civil war taking place in the e. U. Divisions of values like the european civil war he said that in april the battle between liberal and illiberal democracies didnt take that. I dont agree i like france president much and he make impressive attempts to get reforms in france done his very engaged in pol european banks in europe and i agree that this. I would not i would not say. This is worth doing in saying we are in the civil war and on bellas of the face of hungary and poland theyve thrown the challenge havent backed challengers because by the moment when the moment i am quite careful in always criticizing our eastern neighbors they have a different history so they have a Different Development they have different chances and what they dont need and what they dont deserve is its a always treated not an equal level but say i was if i was feeling that we from the vest on we want to teach them we want to are we have to do is of no say we didnt have we wouldnt have chairman of the unification but the club has rules doesnt it yes if you are so keen on countries. As apprenticeship must must be careful to ask me on the rules of the european because i will tell you so without so engagement and the courage of east european people in times of communist soviet empire we wouldnt have we wouldnt have enjoyed the german unification it was poland it was czech it was hungry all these countries and therefore we must be a little bit more generous to these countries of course well drilling in the opposite direction you can be generous all you want. To wait and see where im gonna direct challenge hasnt he said brussels is currently ruled by those who want to european power directed nobody has a. Chance. There is a lot of the euro crowd out probably migration politicians want to make sure you make me impatient with all due respect quoting somebody was no wait a moment im an old man not so fast. Me too ok lets be quiet to quote some political leaders with some specific quotes makes no sense in public in discussion in substance we are going for common rules in europe is the way you have seen poland i think paul is an example so i have a different understanding on the reform of the system but well see European Court decided last week so they have to cancel so i have to to correct it its a decision to send it over to the pension they corrected it and pens and pencils has not such as has been complex ever as long as the decisions of the European Court are respected by Member States i would not criticize them i am a lawyer and their lawyer lawyer knows there are always different opinions. And should never let me talk to you as a lawyer because the subject of rules came up and you have been most insistent talking about them twenty sixteen you said it clearly all nations must stick to the rules of the single currency. Was my voice is no they dont do that who who doesnt the stability pact was introduced since its been introduced not a single year has gone by without at least one member countries finances breaching guidelines you know this you know this but who are the rules for the little countries. No we in germany read the required respect towards village in my in my time in my time as finance minister i did work to. Respect is what i have i know you have seventy six rule infringement cases against you now in the brussels yea yea yea we got into the greens you are no longer pupil your bottom of the. Bottom of the class yeah we are not we are not a model we have never understood our serve as a model for us us so it is just not what but what we do why dont you apply the rules what we do every world we do or a spec. If the European Court decides we respect the decision therefore the rule of law is very important and we do expect of course i dont say the terminus result any mistake by far not but what i what i am asking for has said we have Mutual Respect and we dont always blame our neighbors in the east i dont like it i bet youve always said no no play by the rules and since two thousand and seven germany has continuously been in breach of european current account just as to be have fifty fended. Impression of arrogance in relation to our Eastern European neighbors now you are. From germany on this what hypocrisy telling people to obey the rules and you dont you know no one is perfect even german is not perfect is that not just because you can then you know it was crazy i always close and i am going in my company to respect the rules but we dont we are not better sense of polish and i thought out of Member States therefore that respecting three rules is an ongoing battle of every day and before you criticize us you have to kill yourself and we have a lot of reasons to care ourselves but. I would not say as there are many does not respect the rules in my time as finance minister i was not going to so as not to respect the rules for fine and the finest even the practice ability and cross. And now you have italy the latest challenge to euro zone rules youre smiling about this but theyve thrown down a severe challenge to brussels havent they and. Says it once again threatens the euros existence first time first time that italys budget has been first time you have heard god i smile because i would have enjoyed if all these people who are now saying this relation to italy would have supported me in the times when we tried to tell the greek people that they have to respect the rules it is also respect therefore we have exemption was that you went too far with greece you know we are right now we did it so i could question in my parliamentary spin i have been too generous in relation to greece and that was also true because i didnt respect the rules but having said this we did it in the interim in a suitable way and i will tell you i was happy that the European Commission has set rules are rules i quote your moscow busies are responsible Commission Member of commission and he said also our audience and i was happy because in former times it criticised me in saying it would have to be respected now but the problem with italy is the relationship is telling them they cant have the budget do you really think that brussels can tell a freely elected country whose economy has been stagnant for the best part of twenty years that it cant pursue the policies it was elected to implement you really think plus wait wait a moment wait a moment do it just try to convince me that we suit was pick the rules now you are telling me we should not ask to italy to stick to the walls ok maybe its a contradiction but having said this. I dont play both sides here you see i just want you to play one i will tell you i play marbles the same i am totally convinced its the problem of italy is not a lake of death of a lake of deficit it is not the problem of italy if a lack of this. Means increasing there is increasing deficit with source italian problems. So how serious a crisis is this for three years requires a serious process like but i think markets will tell. You it will not get financed if you if you have a huge deficit and you want to increase your youd still visit you always have to find someone who is give you credit you have to pay a price and you see you can see the spreads are increasing the spread so i agree zinc therefore i hope this situation is serious so you commission is doing so right drop in this when you tell us have said we are not giving in were not maybe lets wait and lets wait and if they dont give in and theres no result we will see we will see i will not speculate but we will see i want to be done and i dont like to people like me i would never like to people like me for luxuries i want if i may to talk briefly about saudi arabia germanys decision to suspend arms sales to riyadh after the murder of the journalist jamal khashoggi. I was out on the lateral is x excuse me not member of government i am president of the Bundestag Federal Parliament i do resist appropriate eyes duress like myself to commend any decision of politicians and government in this we have a time having said this i would like to make clear chancellor merkel has said if i quote dr li and. Says fear is. Clear and if we know whats happened we will suspend he did not say we will cancel our exports he hasnt been to suspend until we have a clear. Sings have been clear what happened and so if said this was a government i think its wide i dont see i dont what grounds moral grounds its ride to make pleasure said there must be. We we do know what we do we we have to know what happened really and why and who is responsible for this its a bit late for morality isnt it i mean there are credible and i dont know the saudis have been committing war crimes in yemen yeah ever since that started the new government did nothing if you if you want to go to church well politics only on moral more categories you will always have a lot of problems you have always find the right balance you kno