Blockage as i said thirty four percent in this poll are supporting my canvas for Prime Minister and basically people main thing is people are supporting our agenda thats more important the course will you say than you insisted to a magazine called as you said ukrainians would never forgive you if you just gave up the fight against corruption will never forgive you that is if you are the last best savior of this country while some people people believe like that so i dont i dont think the two percent who gave you a very favorable rating so you have thousands never seen my dad ever anybody had mobilize such large crowds in the streets of kiev as we did this december and this is. All all about me but i helped to do it with brew group of people lots of good people lots of new places but its value because you told of my dizziness to go see if i gave up that would mean im just like everybody else and all my life ive tried not to be just like soldiers all about you know absolutely its not going to
like this look this kind of politicians talk about their vision you talk about you in this you. Know i talk i just made a film which is all about ukraines future you create how you can crank and make talk about new political system new colony new Energy System new. Tourist industry if you crank its all about you crack my legacy in short its all about results i would like to come on to the. Lets talk about your time as governor yes in twenty fifteen must go off your job governor region and you went with a reformist zeal absolutely like that you said people expected with a real revolution comes real change but we have the revolution of basically didnt produce real change now is the time to resolve this and then eighteen months later you say youve been sabotaged nearly cost thats their part of life you dont and you didnt expect that this is known as well one of the most of the tourist areas of corruption exact in ukraine a very corrupt. In ukraine and you just gave it eighteen months and then gave up
exactly because when i went there we all believed. That i brought with me we will believe that poroshenko would have interest in supporting us that it would have stayed and support you so they would be that easy no no i thought that they had you know its all started nicely and well it all started Beautiful People brought this government oppression fifty four percent we had my dad and wed all the criticisms we had of them and with all the scalps that we had of them we still thought theyll make this time it will be different why because it was after my dad because thats the european choice because its you know how entrenched corruption. You start somewhere only get one thousand thats all you were prepared you know given. The u. K. Ukrainian civil rights advocates said last year he knew he quit early just blaming everything and everyone else for not achieving anything you hearing that people thats not exactly right with the benefits we built the road that had been built for forty years we had built we brought a lot of new people for the customs of the first time in history of the city of
odessa Customs Police and prosecutors were not corrupt thats quite an achievement were now i would have prepared to prepare to build this new singapore theyre already the new but it didnt exactly work that needs another level of support but we showed the people different and i think thats some kind of legacy even if im not im totally unhappy with it and im not satisfied with my performance but we could achieve as much as we could let me put it this way the trouble was the job wasnt high profile enough wasnt big enough didnt have enough power and youre still hungry for power rather look at the job offer theres a governor was very high profile in ukraine because it was the front line of fighting for the for basically for against corruption and for unity of ukraine told a western journalist in december last december that you had your eyes on a role in the future government ideally as problem and. Social youre hungry of power let me let me put it put very plain went off or twice to become Prime Minister i declined i declined because i thought it. Bindo dressing i declined
because he wanted me to use my popularity at that moment to kind of do this p. R. Stunt for him but i thought that it would not when i asked him would i be allowed to have my ministers would i be allowed to have one day allowed to have call for new elections together with him if we wanted a real change he said absolutely not then i said i cannot take the job but of course if we have new elections you have changeability you have new people and if people want me to serve as Prime Minister and for percent at the put according to this poll so short they supported you know why not i. Think you are going to make progress in this country by making serious allegations constantly against powerful people you think after youve called everyone else a crook and everybody says youre a crook and you call them liars you think youre going to be The Last Man Standing here it becomes a joke is that you said poroshenko is a thief who is mega corrupt and hes plundering the whole of europe we will go to parliament and call for his impeachment serious charges but you laid not one shred
of evidence while there is more like more than there is well theres plenty of evidence would you you say this year but you dont do the hard look we dont do the analysis you dont know we didnt say sions you know you havent we did you havent pointed out that we in the Public Domain everybody says this about we just had a bunch of big scandals very well documented about president abusing his power about a president taking part in Money Laundering reinforcing the oligarchs having direct conflict is the proof that you could take to court to prove to which court the court that they will record full course that fully controlled by the way we have courts look we have lots of lawsuits against them in every court but as a rule we are losing the legal system in this country does work orders control political power media prosecutors Courts Police system and every time you make a major allegation like justin you dont provide the evidence you devalue no i think i think we are getting more and more support of the. People people are
getting awareness i think we saw in romania what had happened when the situations that failed people i think ukrainian started were no worse than romanians i think they will as well as they will eventually for a peaceful protests force institutions to work to perform their duty and to get rid of the corrupt oligarchs you know using these allegations the way a lot of politicians use slogans you somehow dont feel the need to prove them but you just dont call Them Crooks You prince case call them or. Fortune almost entirely so mr bennett plays thats almost a cliche but lets face it you think that gets rid of the need to actually provide good solid evidence. In this but the worst voted out their biggest biggest business ukraine as ukraine is not growing economies in ukraine has ukraine has become the poorest per capita g. D. P. Per capita country in europe and on the strength of that you tell them theyre all crooks and theres a reason this is a result of these corrupt at least i wouldnt stand up and then of course the enormous you have president owning becoming part and to because all the guys on the
monopoly then he raises prices and thats because its not in there and you knew this before you did on the job so look no new this you know but you know he was an oligarchy you knew he hadnt sold you a Chocolate Business good even though he promised to do this well you had no illusions or you should have had no illusions about what you were getting into you gave in eighteen months and you call the movie wrong you throw up your hands and then you walk out and nothing that when we started we both believe that he had the unique chance to become somebody else yes he had all these corrupt backgrounds of connections but on the other hand people came to mend it and we believe in this that he started quite well he brought some quite some young people he allowed us to have some autonomy he allowed us to create an enchanter Corruption Bureau he loved to have transparent purchases there are certain he allowed us to create a national to Corruption Bureau and also to create a new police force. So there are a good number of steps taken in the right direction not that everything was so bad but at certain moment. This all came into conflict with his personal interest and
personal all of course and then he had a choice and unfortunately made absolutely wrong choice to decide well if i had been in his place i would never have opted for forbes list of billionaires i would have become historic figure he would rather be in porcelain billionaires than be a philosophical difference of view you claimed in december that a president ial emissary visited you said all your problems would go away current accusations and saving illegal funds although if you would simply criticize the Opposition Politician julia to michelle and stop criticizing him i was told my troubles would be over if i agreed to these things i would get my passport back in five minutes but when you were asked for the name of the emissary you wouldnt give it the one detail that would have substantiated your story you couldnt provide well but thats because thats basically the person that i wanted because my money was that because he wasnt to blame for it if you want i mean it does it gives you credibility and if you dont give the name of credibility with the story every
action to prove that he was right after that everything good then management would happen how does anyone know that you didnt just make up a report they told me we will go after you will create socalled compromise dont you well put it on television we will we will but youre still here we will still yes we will be right under arrest we will arrest you and well throw you out of the country youre always saying the coalition likes to hear the courts actually refused to put you on i think this was so we did that. Exceptional judge who said that all the evidence against me is fake that its all empty that they should be let free and justice in ukraine theres one person and she was immediately dismissed right now shes fair and youre free to talk youre free to walk around here she says you are but youre free to be here i have to put you on a plane to georgia because they could because i still have off they couldnt they did it with my some of my people but them Something Else they point to several groups of georgian back on their head and with. Flight. Separately its
a special flight they sent people away and im somebody else when i was in prison in k. G. B. Prison here fifty pounds and people took to the streets and went to my prison that was quite a message to the government thats why i think its also interesting judge it really showed that im not alone and people are standing but thats what matters lets let lets talk about georgia john youre the first and im sent here convicted you of abuse of power gave you a three year jail term. They say that in Two Thousand And Eight you misused your president ial pardon for Police Officers convicted of the murder of a banker sandra give clearly and the pardons were part of a deal to cover up evidence surrounding the killing yes well you say thats a lie no nobody has ever used their presence for pardon you remember bill clinton. You know pardoning its not just about partly its about whether you covered up evidence surrounding him to kill nobody has ever. Shorter makes it absolutely
limited right for president to pardon that first second. Term and they were pardoned together with hundred thirty three Military Officers potential holes yes yes huge holes in a case heard in Two Thousand And Eleven the European Court of human rights just slammed the entire investigation and implicated you in the cover up didnt they not if you look at it said it was struck by how the different branches of state power the Ministry Of Interior the Public Prosecutors Office the Prisons Department the domestic courts and the president of georgia all acted in concert in preventing justice from being down thats a huge allegation against you at the same time European Court of human rights just last december it sat on the case against my former Prime Minister who is in prison that he is the only he is basically hostage to the fact that they were looking for some kind of evidence against me and because they refused to provide it it was a purely political case the Government Of Georgia have hired hand best world investing. It is like
a retard when the president of israel is. This Government Of Georgia thats controlled by because private shareholder but this is two thousand you have a little bit older but what you always take you will still because of the exactly but let me tell you whats happening now i know but lets not get away from what happened there in europe there was a huge outcry in georgia in about the European Court. But on the other hand president unlimited right to pardon this case is purely political and the suggestion was to let mr saakashvili the only was murdered on the orders of one of your senior colleagues and the four policemen were persuaded to take the hit in return for bill money and only socalled byrd who got it to him on this massive order he said they were convicted and served big part of it were convicted in a trial where the judge didnt even ask about their motives but you know the same a trial was faulty you know where you know that a big no thats james this very same judge has been used in cases against my
government members already by this government so just learn the mother of the victim was threatened and told to stay silent offered money if she stayed silent and told she would be silenced she opened her love this case was dirty through and through Wasnt It Mischievous Look country i took at the Georgia Water filled country with way back you wouldnt expect to turn pale country with no budget wed not function constitutions turned. Into very performing really and case of success and reforms but it couldnt have been turned into absolute perfectly so that was an excuse very very very familiar as a liberal democracy thats an excuse for venting justice relating the. Judicial system our judicial system had been failing this is true i would admitted the accusation is that you prevent this from being but thats just not true our duty easy to our judicial system was we and our judicial system is it worse now but your human rights. Record wasnt that good because of the time of the year once it was
what you would need to go back down on the press look you for instance of the immediate t. V. Station that your Security Forces raided in Two Thousand And Seven physically abusing journalists destroying their equipment so it went back to the er so thats let me point out there but if you put your own car. In the station it also idea is still there well there are plenty of other stations they made a result of my work in the region where nobody quits on their own where they had full power much more to have here i quit on my own through elections i came as you shall have done absolutely i was you should have got through to you claim you click credit simply for doing what you make an old president in a normal country should not you know region you look around you know richard nobody does that jeopardy your former Foreign Minister said it was clear by the end of your first term you were using your thirty to create an unshakable power fiefdom
your style of ruling ultimately or thora terry and it was what it was working for because private shareholder of course from your own issue that doesnt mean it was wrong there are plenty of other people you said called any of other people who said the same thing clued in the Human Rights Organization we including them look at we move toward or from one of them to what would the worst place of Doing Business in one of the best quite Sound Position position we will endure spied on your own people it comprehensively you have a socalled dirty archive full of sex tapes featuring Politicians Activists and well known George Stockpiled to use a new language he has ever struck by both repeat the russian propaganda nobody has ever produced it they all joined also to tell the Twenty Dollars from the Governmental AuthorityOne Hundred Forty Five of them nobody has ever produced in front of the press no its not nobody has ever produced evidence of it it was all made up it was made up first by russian propaganda and repeated by brick is private. Hold up i presume this is specifically prohibited to put any together any
evidence of private life this is very important for me personally because thats exactly what theyve been using against me and the previous government thats what theyre trying to use against me and i just hate those enjoy your little ga system was far from ideal but georgia had the best reforms in terms of corruption in this region georgia had the best four promises to short of that of course the judicial system which Wasnt There Georgia had georgias government when theyre talking about give t