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You may not have any habit battlefield instruments to, to withstand it, ukrainian, or candidate bosses. So i think youre going to take this seriously, and the International Community has to take it seriously. For now, though, what has changed the fortunes of Ukraines Armed forces . Im, can they keep up the momentum . How do they treat, suspected ukrainian collaborators . And why is the door to piece talks still firmly, shut your job for . Welcome to complex on thank you for having in your forces have had a spectacular month. 6000 square kilometers, sees back from russia. Youve just taken one of their key supply hubs in done yet. Can youve broken through in the south in cast sun . How important are these latest successes to you both on the battlefield and psychologically. Wow, thank you for this question. Really. It is very important on the battlefield, or if you take the 1st 30 days and months of war 1000000, the world didnt believe that ukraine will not be able to even to withstand the war. And then to have any major success on the territory of my country. But for all this, more than 7 months of the war, we proven to ourselves 1st of all, and then to the World Community that we cannot only fight with the russian aggression. We can wish that this russian, or we can stop this russian aggression this country. But we can count on it to have counter advances and definitely well, well, well, well, well have all lower respects. So that is why it is important that we have this content. Bunch of numerous directions. We have very good ones or something, hockey area, almost all the origin of argue, oh bless, is liberated by Ukrainian Armed forces. Really, we have good advances, dont this camera. Remember, russia wanted to capture little guns kinetic region immediately from the beginning of the open the war because they were trying to capture it from 2014. Not any success is happening for them. On to dawn, its going to look on screen and the same youre right on to so i dont care. So, and its also a advantage. Its more slowly than the kind of give region, but its very important. So its really very important. Think for the armed force and really, right, you know, morally more of its important for our people for each and every ukrainian citizens living in ukraine. Were having to leave you a grain. Of course, you know, the time when the worst, but all of us treasures ukrainian people, ukrainian government, ah, you know, helping each, each of us in our own mentor to bring this victory and really what is doing, what is done by the office of ukraine is really at my thought of ukraine, but i think in all the world, mr. Jessica, whats brought about this stunning change in your fortunes on the battlefield . And can you maintain the momentum of 1st of all, once again is to strengthen mastery of food, green armed forces. But secondly, this is due to the equipment, ammunition and weapons, which is coming into more big quantities from our western partners up most of the countries or to which we apply to the world to bring us additional heavy weaponry, additional activity, additional our tanks and im with the it goes additional multi loans, rocket systems. Im now were starting to help us. And this is what really shows. And this is what really helps to our success. Because, you know, you cannot find only with a, with a, with him, with a gun. Youll fight the more than the war and who made the counter advances with a more than western equipment. Yes, weve got some equipment and heritage from the soviet union. But now we proved again to us and to all of the world that you bring in our forces could muster them order at western nature equipment and we can fight with it and we can win with it. So yes, i think well be able to get the momentum. It was very important for us to stop this company must be for the winter time because well get as much more easier to make a count of the inventors. Judy, the, the, the, the, the, the, the time was forced to do this in the winter time is its much easier to fortify, to defend. So thats why im forces mom might Everything Possible to, to game is momentum and to move forward. How do you expect the kremlin to react to your advances . Im assuming you dont expect who tend to accept these defeats shrugged his shoulders and walk away. Well, i think well, well well he hadnt, hadnt had an absence of success on the battlefield. Do you know if hes a armed forces . Definite, and not the 2nd Strongest Army to rule se portrayed . Hes armed forces . Probably he had the bad reports from his generals, about the strength to cross and armed forces. But as a reaction to these successful the printer forces, he probably, you know, i had to use this several instruments. One of them will know what those shambrika randoms, which he orchestrated on the part of the cranium territory which is now temporarily occupied. So hes trying to now to make an attempt to annexations and not attempt to make station the same way in 2014. Thats why, very important now not to get the mistakes of the 1014, when the World Community International Partners of ukraine, that be very honest overslept. These sections which put in was do it. So really, this is a very good tire when all International Community react negatively to lease some referenda. And these attempted annexations wasnt their position in different formats at different levels, and also helping ukraine to fight the russian aggressor isnt the danger that you push him into a corner and force him to react. He has, after all, weapon systems that you dont have. Im talking about Nuclear Weapons. How do you assess the chance of him using at least battlefield Nuclear Weapons, especially if you keep beating him on the battlefield. Hello, this is not the 1st time in doing this open war. When she black males, all of us, not only you great, all the world with it, with a Nuclear Weapon or early with chemical and biological weapons. Well, i mean, dont you think i seriously dont you take it seriously the take it seriously. We take it seriously and now because because luca he is you may not have any habit battlefield instruments to, to withstand the ukrainian or counter advances. So i think ukraine is taking the seriously and the International Community has to take it seriously. After all, we have several nuclear station, the one they have to react, they have to prevent him from doing these. They have to tell him about the diary consequences if he even dares to, to, to, to, to use it partially on the battlefield or on some are remote areas. The should look, you should not even think about these. So thats my by prison and talking to the world leaders. He asked them ukrainian on nuclear state. We dont have a nuclear are weapons. You remember we, we, we do give it a way to start in 1094 when our own good will. So thats why we need the protection of the rest of the Nuclear Powers to protect all the world, the ukraine on the euro, all the world from using the say, Nuclear Weapon. According to some newspapers, nato is said to have warned its members that russia maybe about to stage a nuclear test or some other Nuclear Demonstration as a warning to ukraine and the west. Do you give any credence to these reports or will deliver to all the credible information to reach our partners . Western partners are provided to us and definitely they inform you about this. Well, definitely, i think our Security Forces and indulgence forces have to be in contact with irrelevant, but doesnt have to have this information. A defense analyst in poland is reported that a train operated by Russia Nuclear division was bound for ukraine. Have you received such reports . Well again, i saw the news in the press, i dont necessarily, i have these official report and adopting that. Something which is leaking. The depress is a really information, but again, we also take it seriously. And if you had had such a report, would you tell me the, probably this is not the information i should sell to the press. All right, your president has promised you will liberate all the territory that russia has seized. Does that include crimea . And tell me how you can achieve that goal in at the same time. Minimize the risks to the civilian populations that are living under occupation at the moment. Luca cronies, ukraine, you remember the former my present invented, which is a cranium platform this year we had a 2nd summit of crimea bledsoe into online form on august. Ready 40 leaders participated not on the list of europe and your atlantic area, but our leaders of african counselors, asian, kansas, latin america conference and each and every of them said, great me as you grace and daniel green has all the right to deliberate to stagger. So answer your question. Yes, definitely. When my prism is thinking about liberating all the territories of ukraine, he means all the characters really, all the territories include the Korean Peninsula in the borders of 24th of august 1990. While the instruments might be different. So its, its, its, its, its too complicated now to tell how a liberated crimea, but definitely these, these, these go, hes on our radars. Will we be seeing more gorilla style attacks by the underground units that youve been training now for some time . They sort of home resistance. Theyve been a lot of reports in the press talking to these are members of your armed forces. Do you believe that these groups can make russia pay such a high cost over time . That sir, they will eventually relinquish the land that theyve taken from you. Well, if you want to make a specific about, give me a little note, this is something something not good for our choice to take place in the grey me or i dunno what is the origin of these, but definitely not something good for russia but, but, but generally speaking, looker, we have a rather strong armed forces. We should know what no one can doll. Historically, ukraine has also has an experience of having to greenland wars. I think many of the world has forgotten that ukraine has no out knows how to fight. Where fighting with russia, who fraud essentially, i mean for more than 400 years, russia wanted to capture your grade and try to get to grading different form must be the formats of u. S. A sorrows russian and by us. So you, graham . Yes. Having the a block, the knowledge, the, the, the experience, how to fight inclusion these days. This type of war which you called greenland were. But the once again look at what our campuses are doing. I think with the sample with the speed, with the support of International Community wayne join, ive seen a more than one year. Obviously, Russian Troops are your primary targets. Do you also regard rushes civilian administrators . Those whove been drafted into the so called an ext areas. You regard them as legitimate targets as well. Look away as to the last country. Were not, were not fight with civilians. Its russia fight. So when, when, when, when, when and failing to conquer the grain, young soldiers, they try to not only try, they are doing day and night, wont been civilian objects to the land, targets and civilian people. We are fighting with the enemies that are armed forces of russia. If you, um, if youre asking me about those, are those still ukrainian swap for instance, you know, cooperating with the patient of ours, who we have another instruments. We have another instrument for the 1st time someone have been sanctioned, by the way, thank you for the International Community. Was already prepared in the sense of what those were agonizing those chem referendums. But the 2nd option is after when the war each and every who was cooperating with the furthest was killing ukrainian sojourn students will be, will be punished, will have shes of her. Ready own way of responsibility, thats why my present is now arguing about Great International trade. You know. Ready for the, for the, for, for the, the russians were responsible for killing ukrainian soldier city as that is why we are bringing this issue to the United Nations happening in this district. Your, our International Partners. I think this will be the best possible way to punish and what about report to that theres been summary justice for some of your own civilians and New York Times report in august said your special part is our units were killing those ukrainians who were deemed to be collaborating with the russians, is that true . I cannot command a campus english, almost 2000 ukrainians now face charges of having complied with the demands of russian invaders. All your bias. They could get up to 15 years in jail. How certain can you be that theyll get a fair trial under current circumstances . Definitely, then we will have a fair trial. I mean, look, i will give you a very, very, very needed example. You know and really break the areas of northern ukraine, which is a duncan gastorm and we found an evidence of many atrocities made by Russian Armed forces, one kill and raping. And you know, children, the women and men. And we Brought International inspectors for International Criminal court for my partner countries. Forensic experts, detectives, and then you know, were thinking for each and every evidence of the collective cry. But the crime is collective. But the concrete persons responsible for the crime, the individuals and this is not only present the general or this is alicia, never general each and every major each and every soldier was responsible. So believe me will be very scrupulous again with the support and help our partners, and we will bring each and every person to the justice which he or she deserves. Collaboration is difficult to prove, isnt it mr. Job club . Because how do you distinguish between those who are forced at the point of a gotten to comply with orders or physically abused or whose relatives were threatened from people who wanted to help the russians . Hes a very tricky cases, arent they . Its a very tricky crisis, but i dont think we have the 1st ever historical example of collaboration. We will definitely use the historical yes. Believe me, everyone who is now collaborating on these are all in the will, will be punished Mister Jessica among oh, putins threats and denunciations last week was a, a direct call for you to end the hostilities and talk peace were ready for this. Mister putin said, how do you see that offer, you know, from the beginning of this open war, in my mind, my mind might, so theres numerous appeals and speeches and reports and whatever. And my president was ready for negotiations. My president , to even greater a team, was negotiating with our son team. And you remember there were several meetings, but we were ready for the negotiations for the, for the pool negotiations. Not for the negotiations or the russian condition conditions on your memo. Some point of time russians even started to listen to it, ring and delegation and even to, you know, the drop proposals will be great. Then out of a sudden, out of a saga, they return to the british position. You can only negotiate with rational and russian conditions. You can only negotiate one russian red lines. You can only negotiate, not ultimatum, so one. Now we have didnt that if you were here, the narrative or president , would you himself . Oh, hes a grown, he said rush, hes ready, you fresh. Were ready to a negotiations rush. I would not have december referendums because you might remember the words on my president back in march or april. If russia days to make this sham referendums, theres nothing to talk to russia. So tell me now what is to talk with bratia . Captures you legally trying to annex for additional areas for ukraine. What is the subject of negotiations . But hasnt your own president sent out his own piece formula that you know in advance . The russians arent going to accept and will never accept. Tommy, he laid out 5 points, didnt among them punishment for rushes, aggression, and restoration of security and territorial integrity. Im ruling out a settlement, he said that isnt based on the ukrainian piece formula. So its this way or no way is isnt that the position isnt your that your position. Wow, this was a piece formula, but look where it was, you know, out of it was, didnt really, you know, outspoken in the United National General Assembly attribute. I really, this is a piece formula, right. Who are these form of present ukraine . But at least formula for the whole world, we have our own experience. So we do share with International Community. Look what this company will be greater, oops, would not happen in each and every country anymore. Because when they aggressive feels he will not be panos later on, because there is no legal instrument because you end is not doing the punishment that hes no, you know, a world police can to this punishment. So you know that these 2 have not to happen. My president share, hes formula of peace, right . You are any war and with negotiations. So sooner or later, these on that kind of negotiations will have to happen and well be ready to settle down a the, the, the conditions of the 3rd grade. But in this case, negotiation would be result negotiations should bring together our partners together, probably are with ukraine, and thats when the president is telling about security guarantees after the war. You know that hes aggression not to happen anymore, because russia unfortunately been expect, will be always aggressive. So we together know to think how hes not going to end his aggression, to bring to work to an end. But how will make the suppression not happen in the future or us to have the legal guarantees of which johnson does what in order to secure peace in this part of the role, right, for the moment the, the door to piece talks is firmly shut. Isnt it . For the time being, the only talks would be on to better look. Lets talk about the issue if we may, of ukraine and nato, which has been there for many years and never goes away nato membership. In august, you criticize the alliance for not giving you any what you called solid prospect of membership. Despite you armies increasing compatibility with nato troops and systems. We know that natalie does a dodging the question in public of your membership. What are they telling you behind the scenes . Are they more optimistic about that in private . Well, you saw that on a friday, my president , someone an application for ford, ford f, one, nato membership, and not the, the, the nato members to, to be, to be thinking about these already. Now we do not have a reply, did he . He didnt get much of a reply. Well, why not . Why not over 2nd, we had to state one of night president or Central European countries that they absolutely welcome in the decision a book or stomach in 2008. I have to remind you the book or some it was on. It was very clear that ukraine should become a member of nato and the 1st instruments of the membership action play. What is happening now . We see that after russia open aggression media things change local to walk to. Stephanie was sweden and finland. They are almost entry, nato, several portables have to be rectified, but their entry 9 to without membership action plan. So youre going to study ok. We took notice of these. We are now fighting to work. We are enjoying the support and help our nato allies, all of them bring us referencing all of them, helping us with sanctions. Will them bring us to Financial Assistance . But look, its high time now to think what will happen after the award. Thats why my present study. Yes. Lets think about possible entering your brain to nato or now lets what do you think about security guarantees for your grade at this period of time . So we are suggestion watchful tim of choices and our partners. No one said no. I didnt say i didnt hear clear. No say, no, you great will never become a member of nato the same as no one. But you didnt hear a yes i did. You. You didnt hear a yes either. Definite, a native wilson, the consensus principal. No one says this consensus discontents. It will happen tomorrow, but wish rock on this now. You great. Whats the purpose is to nato allies, and i think all each and every member should think what to do next. As part of a peace settlement. Would you ever agree not to join nato . No, thats out of the question, is it . Yes, mr. Jessica, what is in the end of this war, you cant achieve outright to victory. And the best you can get is not to lose. Would you settle for that right now with the country settle for that . You know, i like the, the, the, the, the stance which is expressed almost by all leaders of the world was speaking to my president. Its only ukraine and only a grant who will define the scope or victory. What will mean victory for you . And when you hear the narrative that someone is, you know, in the line in your brain to these, or that, you know, conditions or whatever. Dont believe that billing is very hard, you know, to make friends landscape, to go to any you know, surrenders or to meet any conditions which im not going to sign with a National Interest of ukraine. We will fight will fight of the in the end as victory of ukraine. Unfortunately, no one will tell you now when will be to speak 3 and how many eliasis still to be sacrifice. But again, we deserve all the 7 muscles were this, but only ukrainians, ukrainian president graham, people you bring your non courses who will decide what is the scope of the premium degree . You talked about thinking ahead to the end of the war. Do you foresee, having to remain a heavy, militarized state for the foreseeable future with security, a constant priority always on your guard . Are you, are you ready for that kind of future . Yes, yes, yes, i think of which in, its rightly on the situation that will never be the same in ukraine and the wrong you know, may tell about that. They did the common this association with some other countries in the world. But look, you grand has its own destiny. Unfortunately, yes, and fortunately for us, but after this war, after this victory, Ukrainian Armed forces will be ever stronger. Even a mighty war experience, more skillful, knowing how to find with a modern equipment. Its healing to nato standards. By the way, you know, when, when what no one will tell you now will tell us now that you are not in trouble with nato antoinette, whatever we, im wasnt interoperable where finding out again, definitely to not was the 2nd strongest on in the world, but definitely not with the weakest army in the world, so yes, a dis experienced this experience. We are ready to share. We are ready to be this forefront of the whole european continent where destined to be here. We will not transfer a grant somewhere to another part of the world. So yes, probably it is. Ready be the case for great, very briefly, some experts in the west of suggested that what were witnessing with the conflict in ukraine is the start of the 3rd world war, 3rd world war between russia and the west. Is that how you see this conflict . No, this is hope williams is this conflict in his narrative. Hes already fighting, not only with the whole west, not only with ne gardener, but probably with the most part of the world, except some countries who support in, you know, this is false russian narratives and probably this, this would be a visual thinking of russia. We are fighting with russia. We are fighting russian aggressive not great, was started toward struggling with started the war to look in 2014. And it started the open face in 2022. We are fighting by our or we dont have boots on the ground. Our armed forces are fighting yes to the support of more than equipment, weapons, et cetera. But we are destined to fight along the way destined to bring. This is jessica. Its been a pleasure to have you on a comp exam. Thank you very much indeed for your time. Thank you. Oh, with who . Ah. How did she become an adult . Hitlers favorite director. And how did he become a forgotten filled pioneer . 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