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This beautiful place is called the one valley off the blossoms its only a thirty minute drive south of life. The river flows into the solid here and you have a good view of that from the ferry. Result on the left on the right. Business area in central germany is still not that well known but with everything it has to offer that might soon change. You can find castles monasteries churches and chapels and of course plenty of vineyards this region is kind of an insiders tip so its exactly right for me to discover it. Course we are visiting the heart of the region. With its famous cathedral. This week female comes from ireland from the small island of Skellig Michael. And our viewers of yellow shows us her hometown something ill go to chile. Im exploring the river landscape by canoe with someone who knows it like the back of his hand he and spend money accompanies me on to the Institute River i think were ready to go right yeah yeah except for the life jacket but what does that mean itll be dangerous not at all but better safe than sorry for. The wing suit is a great river for canoeing no barges no pleasure boats just the river and a few sites along the way. The opening up to the left of us thats chaplets monastery and its church a lovely view. Always on the water somewhere. Because of all the storms weve had recently large amounts of surface water have carried in lots of sediment and clouds up the water on to think if this was a if. You can also canoe on this other river at about four hundred kilometers its twice as long as the on stuart. So it wasnt that small house. Its a vineyard cottage we call it the castle of tuscany because it looks tuscan you toscana. But i thought so we have a touch of italy on our left exactly. Im enjoying this can you write its definitely one for nature lovers but the middle ages have also left their mark on this region so there is plenty to discover. The southernmost tip of sex in the un how it is known as the land of consuls. There are about thirty casals and palaces. In the good fathers and years old. As fortresses they provided protection to fans later they were remodeled as palaces. Even knew how to recycle like that. Into old cathedral is the main landmark of nonbook its been put forward for us to World Heritage status. For to abby has been a boarding school for centuries the german philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche attended here in the Nineteenth Century. And it was once a monastery founded in the twelfth century by cistercian monks. But monks did more than just build addys and churches along the sala and always taught they also laid out the first terraces and planted vineyards honesty forever guides the followers of years ago. Nowadays the wine growing regional massada and the institute is the northernmost in germany. But excellent when the sun is shining you can understand why the region is called the tuscany of the north. We go on into the spot on of but who isnt its main site is a technical monument a water wheel the power is a one hundred meter long system of pipes that brings bing to the graduation tower a structure used for salt production. The salt springs give the place a c. F. Feel at a length of three hundred twenty five metres this is the longest graduation tower in europe. This museum is near the town of misrata its a reminder of a sensational archaeological find that made headlines in two thousand and two. This small bronze disk is one of the worlds oldest depictions of the cosmos the sky disc of neighbor is some three thousand six hundred years old. The sona observatory and goes as even more enchant about seven thousand years old nearly seven hundred tree trunks make up the circular enclosure with this newly thick humans could determine the date of the summer solstice it was celebrated then and still is. Every year on june the twenty first sun worshippers flock to cause a landfill closer than ever before to the ancient people of assata and on stuart. Lives now arrived in the wine growing town off i book there are grape vines at the market place. Vines on the buildings. Even vines around the tellme walls. And of course theres a costly here. Unfortunately i dont have time for a visit today and the climb up there looks really exhausting. Our viewer david will only have to climb some stairs too because hes been to the small island of Skellig Michael in ireland and its pretty steep over there well take a look for yourself and enjoy davids vimeo. The hills around five a steep winemaker bound up obviously takes me with him up schweigen back here right now the vines are growing ten centimeters a day and have to be tied up sounds easy if only i didnt have to stand on this steep slope. You may have to go in here could i get a hold of the ball. But i first i need a firm grip. When youre bored so i just i didnt come here she dont go i guess the ones that are hanging out have to be stuck between the wires could be destabilized and i think at swindon. Myself am i doing it right. Yes in the south the sun is more intense so the leaves of the crowded and the new shoots on so long. Are your special shoes i keep sliding down. It just takes getting used to. There are no machines everythings done by hand respect. Why does a vineyard have to be so steep you know your style is the steeper it is the more sun it gets pushed. Its warm in the south but here in the north slope not as many grapes grow here but theyre very aromatic. In the cold as your wine compared to an italian wine. Its no better or worse just different this is a cool wine region so the alcohol content is lower that makes the wine palatable and the acidity more refreshing and in the south its crisp and goes well with food especially now in spring on your balcony or in the garden in the. Southern regions the wine contains more alcohol and has less acidity so its less refreshing. Luckily we all swear by our own wine diversity is what makes it interesting. You can taste the wines from the. Right where there are meat including this winery its said to be one of the best in the region and its a successful family run business casti power is in charge of accounting and sales their son takes care of the events wine tasting sessions Wine Festivals family celebrations and weddings they cant all be held on the estate which is a former monastery. Takes me into the well house its called bath for a very good reason. This is our well ninety meters deep. Ninety meters and. I can show you how it sounds when you pour water ninety meters down. To fifty. Thank you. I was going to say is that its but then came the sound. The way that its impressive every time one does not use and its a highlight for our visitors for me too but ive had enough im stepping on. Outside moccasins already prepared for the next wedding reception celebrations and parties are a key part of the Family Business. Comes in how did you end up working at your fathers winery. Grew up with wine making because of my family. So i liked organizing events while i was still at school. And played in a band and i found combining wine and events exciting and going to happen i never study wine so i studied event engineering and management at these and combining wine and events is now my specialty so i just assume i know of couple and thats with my end if youre honest did your father push you a little bit like son you have to take over the winery. New im just gonna not at all of course in a Family Business you feel an obligation but i was free to do what i thought was right for me. And ultimately im doing what interests me and i contribute that to the estate so theres never been a problem of language that im putting on to speaking up so you. Know one thing you contribute as the generation. You know event formats in two thousand and nine i formed an association called wind rock. Some but we held a festival with a few bands and tried to link it to viniculture with event which was a foot in the festival where we dont always have to have a traditional brass band at a Wine Festival going on a blast capello and. You can have a cool band or a d. J. From the infrastructure that those are the challenges to be a bit more modern. In the fight to get younger people interested. Yeah and it works really well. My generation in particular thirty somethings are discovering the region and its one thats really nice and now that you thanks a lot and good luck. Right next to the winery theres the former Monastery Church in communist east german times it was completely derelict some dedicated citizens got together formed a society called the friars and safe the building. I can imagine that reconstructing this church was a lot of work now its a beautiful gym but ruins also can be fascinating at the zala river you can find to castle ruins almost next to each other. His book castle is the first to come into view high above the xylo. Its in better shape than it sister the neighboring castle solich they both rank among the most beautiful castles on the xylo in the Nineteenth Century poets artists and students may become a byword for the romance of the middle ages. As Alec Casillas the older of the two duties and taxes used to be exacted here. Nearby evidence was discovered that there had been wild horse hunters in the solid valley fifteen thousand years ago those fines for old people so much that in eight hundred nineteen the first German Historical Association was founded at solich distinguished members include a q one vosh gun from good and the home bought and grimm brothers. Next door it is a borders book castle it too looks back on a long history first it was a fortress and residence of various noble families then a safe haven for robber barons. Later in the Nineteenth Century University Students made pilgrimages to the castle for them it was said to be a place to dream and to drink students from light to color and gathered here annually at pentecost. Now the holders book castle ruins are a popular day trip destination and one thing is as beautiful as ever the expansive view of the countryside from high above the zaga. Ive made my way to known book people here always knew how to spend their money you will you can see there by the lever sleep on him and the townhouses. And right now im in front of most famous building. The real eye catcher is now cathedral its one thousand years old and considered a singular masterpiece inside youre supposed to see the most beautiful woman of the many of a period well lets take a look. Now. Its full of our treasures and its a candidate for unesco World Heritage status. Its a wonderful mixture of the romanesque and gothic. The thirteenth century sculptures by an anonymous nonbook master are famous they seem so lifelike in natural but i dont yet see the most beautiful mediaval woman. I joined a guided tour the rich donors who funded the cathedral are depicted in the west choir. Could this smiling woman be the one im looking for no im told. The greatest men eva beauty is here. Her name is. Holmes three wise would assume revved up with the blanket around her the scarf and crown like can you believe will see her face. As a stick light on one of those little comments of a thirteenth century woman light on an arm are those of a margaret in us we often ask what the first glance looks like a blanket is actually a cloak and c i know hired the star and shes a married woman but id say shes wearing a wimple with an ornamental had dress cops shmuck that identifies her clearly as a married woman and of a higher hearted of our involvement why is she considered the most beautiful mediaval woman to lie he would not bark a good be the aloofness we sam is that is to go maybe thats the reason we find something unreachable embodied in her an ideal powers and he are perhaps the upturned color of her cleric the grace we see in the statue of hearts here the wall and finn. From the picturesque town of nome book we take a big leap to the lively metropolis of something i would be chilly our viewer marielle everything you are is an architect she shows us the sights of her city lets go to south america. All that same i met a yellow from santiago the capital of chile here with the day ill show you a few of my Favorite Places they usually have something to do with a whole lot more. Amount of. Italian is several so i want some to see a hill. Was found in tehran fifteen for take a look at the hill is right in the center and from here you have a panoramic view of the city. To several of the most were built to secure the hill on the terraces between them Service Pathways to walk on the falls that i cant believe are coming up. Welcome d. L. Now were going from green rats the up and seeing in the body oh italia. Immigrants from italy settled here in the eighteenth century and the name yassin on but it. It took us was a flip this house is a reflection of what the italians built back then. Many of them were wealthy and they built lovely houses. Yes that im from now the buildings are used mainly as all to studios think a while get a to see. Them pick up you know there are hardly any call homes here its not as loud as many other latin american countries very pleasant but. If this were this is all somehow to skyscrapers welton architecture and comma all that much. Then i will say. Yes there is that even this is the tallest building in the city and all of latin america. Accost another center is three hundred meters high and it is still in the middle that is if they know that and heres where i say goodbye i hope youve enjoyed my short tour through some tiago the capital of chile see you soon. Would you like to show us around your home town. And become our travel guide. Find our checking on our website at g. W. Dot com. Was these vignette called the just are typical of the region they were first built to shelter workers and store equipment now theyre a little pieces of history and you can spend the night in some of them ive chosen this tower in the style of my stuff. From up here they used to watch over the grapevines defs didnt stand a chance. You can stay in normal everywhere but staying and it is something very special i can calmly review my day here in the region of the reverse. Next time by wire. The be. The be. The big. The be. The be. The be. The be. The big. The be. The be. The be. Every second counts. The bus down traffic to hospitals in frank thinking about using the body blood supplies from the body to come same time the body motion i saw be. Earth the ball to millions of species the bomb worth saving the flu tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world by the protect the climate boost to Clean Energy Solutions and. Reforestation. Losing interactive content to inspire people to take action global audience the series of global three thousand on t. W. And online play. Book club for the white childless round is shaking up but beyond the top of your favorite player limitless battling to bring the muslim jokey a good holiday to the entire country the champion of free interference for the last sixty years douglas for mines her. How the germans came together in one nation from shall the money to chancellor also from bismarck claiming the history of the germans has been shaped by great rulers. I swell always to bring my Royal College of thats to protect christendom and spread this line truth. Making even as we learn to focus. On leaps of color back of people the enemy. To claim and stand by courageous decisions the bulbs cozier masterless we have received the crown of our realm from god not from his presumptuous servant to the realm of his whole sucker sockless place we must forge peace. Play. The germans every week douglas play. Play. This is newsnight from the white for a new Prime Minister just towards an end the countrys populist coalition has nominated for something i mean in a new government could be sworn in as early as space we will bring you the latest from russia. Plus washington lays out its tough and you line on iraq. Know what gratian for a new kleptocrats no more acceptance of missiles landing in riyadh in the Golan Heights no more cause for expansion a reunion power

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