Transcripts For DW Check-in - Between Bamberg And Bayreuth 2

Transcripts For DW Check-in - Between Bamberg And Bayreuth 20180702

fish. also called the friends. a short climb up to the top and franconia mice at my feet. below me is. the bunch nabby conference center and. the fourteen holy hell purse. overflowing is known as a region given to pleasure per capita they are more butchers pastry shops and breweries here than anywhere else in the world that's why for. the beer are all my agenda today i'll also be visiting by a boy back and book and here's what's also on today's show. music and celebrities we show you why the buy you boys fist of all is so special. our viewer video takes us to mexico. and we follow musician jason weaves to his favorite places in austin texas. schoolbook is one of its largest cities more than forty one thousand people live here first will take a short stroll through the city to the market square one of the most beautiful squares in the various. services. on top of the historic town hall you can see st refuse the patron saint of cool book. the people here call the saint off their god was the man because the length of a thick innocence should be the same as the famous who was forced but if i take a look at it i don't see any similarities to you. we continue on to even book for a long time cool book was one of the capitals of the duchy of sex a cool book and cool to the city was a meeting place of the european aristocracy the british royal family also has its roots here. you don't go pelisse was the city residents of the us and on top of this hill you'll find there castle fortress one of the largest and best preserved fortifications in germany. co book fortress it's majestically almost two hundred meters above the town defensive walls can. and i endorse made a fortified castle impregnable. it survived all sorts of attacks and fires and still evokes the atmosphere of the light traffic and renee sound serious. the beginnings of today's complex date back to the thirteenth century the council's heyday came three hundred years later. in the nineteenth century the jukes of coworkers established an important art connection in the castle. it includes a large armory. and a collection of carriages and sleighs. the nearly two thousand historical glasses are especially impressive. you can also view the rooms where the dukes and their staff lived for instance the private tutors room and the smoking lounge. the hunting room with its inlaid wooden panels is spectacular. on the auto you'll find traces of two important men one was a gifted painter court artist lucas khanna the elder because the house is more than thirty of his paintings. the other man had a masterly way with words protestant reform martin luther king fifteen thirty he spent five months in the council. cowpoke fortress is popularly. the crown of franconia its nickname is no co-incidence visible from afar it dominates the region so a visit to the castle is worthwhile not only because of its many art treasures but also for the view that come out. of. a big topic is that beer the region has the highest brewery density in the world the one million inhabitants have about two hundred breweries and more than one thousand different beers to choose from many circular walks leap from beer chapel superior to anything else it's the franconian switzerland the breweries are especially close to each other the community is even mentioned in the guinness book of world records the circular road here is fourteen kilometers long takes about four hours and connects four breweries. and. the first stage leads to the start up brewery. they have dark beer. but. in general i prefer light but this dark one is really delicious. breweries hiker's pass you get a stamp in it for every brewery you visit and when you have all four stamps you get a certificate as a franconia an honorary beer drinker here's our stamp to start with. with the hiking pass i continue to the county boy. and the guy choice breweries spirit tastes different from sweet to smoky to tart they've got everything a lot. in the brewery restaurant i meet beer creme christina i have a few questions but first of all we order a beer and something to eat. thank you. and i'd like an off the sit down and rest put together with it. all have the two. while we wait for a meal you can take a look at the surroundings this is located in what's known as franconian switzerland and there you'll find case castle ruins and bizarre rock formations. franconian switzerland picturesque river violence alternates with woodlands and limestone cracks. going to villages national in the country science like this one. in the portlock valley. the bizarre rock formations are especially popular with climbers. there are also lots of trials for hikers you go up and down hill through sinkholes and past council rooms. there's a mysterious place hidden in the forest here possibly of pre-christian cult site. regularly gives guided tours of the natural wonders in franconian switzerland. i thought that though we had a high in the druids grove these are basically a labyrinth of rocks. it was probably originally a cave system. in closing for you now there's no roof to the cave anymore so you can see all the rocks and it's definitely quite a rarity. office with a gun safe in itself fun. just. as they have almost this was a cia during the late jurassic period and that's where the name franconian giora comes from this feeling that there was many million years ago and these layers of limestone were deposited in the sea. to discuss how the rocks originated. and it's just those rocks that break the region its name because it reminded people of a swiss alpine landscape crabs violet caves and small hamlets bit of switzerland in germany but franconian in character. but of. another beer. and there are certain the more you can think of what is this beer the opening grab and don't wind up drinking. from the alphabet of ringing out which is a six generation family run business one i love this. one this is a light. color in the glass glass and it's lovely delicate creamy head because it's really a treatment we should try it out so absolutely i'm all for that so more. like . i'm sure people who would agree that if i could. how would you describe recording in cuisine so it would have good question franconian cuisine is hearty as a does it go is includes me then dumplings are served to accompany it. often it's actually cooked in a beer source because like this one sport this is. what we often find a partner. pork roast is also a hearty dish that lines your stomach for the next beer sure the beer cream what's your actual job day in day out that's pretty good as it's been missed i'm not a big twenty four hours a day actually i'm a full time teacher absolution after school is over and at weekends and during school holidays when i travel through my realm is be a queen. and now throughout germany to raise the region's profile and spread the word about its high quality beer and. indeed it and also. already had a bureau to aid you as an expert might have a tip on how to not get too confused if you know what i mean. you know what's on your mind. as a risk assessment it is important to line your stomach eyes with a dish like sauerkraut. there's a saying that you shouldn't drink beer before four pm but that doesn't apply it with frank and often we're going to. have people often drink beer that morning get togethers. but you don't want to drink on an empty stomach. if i know l.d.s. an event where i have to drink several beers would have been off and i think water in between to thin out the alcohol. now works well. for two men or undone tapazole conclude thanks and before i forget if i've got my hiking pass and there's still a stamp missing. then can you get that for me. you know it's us and i you know connected to list them what's missing in a certificate is this right you know you know certificate a friend sent me an honorary. congratulations for what an ordered the i got my pleasure this certificate makes a great mental but even better is a vacation video and that's what moved me from konstanz has sent us he's been to mexico thank you vish here's your video. well again that's. back in front i go to bomb barrack i have booked a city to a. production yard was god has a hello welcome to bung them into our guided tour bumbag is a town with more than one thousand years of history and it became a unesco world heritage site twenty five years ago school when the stuff we see please come into the cathedral with me now so good. so visit we're now in bumbag cathedral the first cathedral here was commissioned in one thousand four by the emperor haile and his wife who were later canonized. what's here now is the third cathedral from the thirteenth century it was billed as a pilgrimage church rather than a parish church so the focus is on the tomb of the saints. so of us what you see here is the only marble piece in the church on the lid are the recumbent figures of the two saints. on its side are legends so when sit down here from here you have a lovely view of the back horseman what was so unusual about it and well first it was the first life size statues since antiquity if the writer were standing up he'd be about my size one meter sixty five and about the average height for his times as i'm outside. whom he represents remains a mystery. bombeck was billed as a center of ecclesiastical power built like rome on seven hills the city is therefore also called for. the cathedral square was the political heart of comeback to this day there are magnificent buildings such as the idaho and the noir is the dense. down in the valley the citizens settled in today city center so mission it's here and now we're at the own town hall we've just come from the cathedral and episcopal town district and when we cross the river we'll be in the middle class island distractions the town hall was meant to link both parts of the town and that's why they built it in the middle of the river. and then first of all just giving bum back another landmark. as you know you can send us your travel videos but we also love to visit you and this time we met the musician jason wins in texas he shows us his favorite places in his hometown austin . go go go you're lonely star you shine go go go don't look back now we got this go go go you're lonely star you. hey all welcome to austin texas i'm jason weems a singer songwriter in town and i can't wait to show you around. welcome to zilker park three hundred forty acres of fun right in the heart of austin and one of my very favorite places to spend a day. this is dirty six three right in the heart of downtown austin when you're a college kid a local or tourist you're going to come here there's more bars in the stretch that anywhere else in america and live music day and night. you don't have to go to a bar to find the great music it is right here on the street but you gotta come to austin it's the only place that is. this is the texas state capitol the seat of all our government and texas it's as big as a country you got to have this kind of room more than three million visitors a year come just to check the place out. austin is the home of the creative class of texas and nothing shows that off better than the hope outdoor gallery this place is different every. day from my music i draw inspiration from all over the city and nothing does that for me like the whole bad or gallery some of the best in the world paint here and then that i'm really gets covered up and graffiti. for the end of our day together in austin i thought we'd come some place you can only see here this is the congress street bridge the home of the mexican free tell that in just a minute one point five million of them are going to sweep across the town. well this is my day in austin i hope you had a great time and i hope you come down soon. my last stop in the oval fucking fist by a boy. the city's best known for one person. barking up the composer moved here in eight hundred seventy two and built the mansion you build up on feet for himself and his family today it's a museum and you can even visit fatness great. in by zero point five i was able to realize his long cherished plans for his own festival at first he was interested in the murky opera house. it's one of the most the. util full garage theaters in the world and is a unesco world heritage site. it's recently been renovated and hispanic to its former glory. wagner want to more so he had his own opera house built every here from the end of july to the end of august wagner offense from all over the world come to the famous by a wide festival. loudness fest in the house pool festival theater in by white. every year celebrities and v.i.p.'s grace its red carpet. it's as much a part of the festival as richard wagner's music. does is probably mainly because of this there's his acoustic sound because it's a unique all frantic venue and this theater was built by and for richard wagner well over one hundred years ago now and it still standing in the same place and basically functions just as it did in the nineteenth century view. that must be a major part of its fascination and that's when i was among. the pirate festival is a media event the british era parents prince charles queen sylvia of sweden and german chancellor angela merkel have all been hand. celebrities and journalists batna would have loved it. the festival keeps up with the times. from two thousand and eight to twenty eleven one production a year was publicly screened on festival square. since two thousand and nine there have been children's versions of the wagner's operas. and since twenty twelve one production a year has been streamed live to cinemas. but the many thousand i love as there is nothing better than being right there in by right. this december whole package is fabulous the atmosphere and of course the theater itself it comes in what if i can't put it into words it's just a feeling. that's what's wonderful about music and art that they grip you emotionally. fast you don't want to miss it and you have to learn wagner and that's that you have no options you know you have to you have to do it. by rights and pealed remains unbroken some people accept years of waiting for a ticket just to be part of the glamour swelled and richard wagner. my visit has come to an end in the center of by a void here at the new palace with its romantic or just garden. on the back from with its thousand types of beers historic cities and beautiful landscapes very important for the region are also the people themselves they are considered hospitable and visitors like me feel comfortable here see you next time. you'll move. on. to the. the. law. allows germany sixty eight. long years like no other. young people would bellow against their parents and establish. these opposing forces. last christmas. sixty of them up to. fifteen minutes. org board or. a news analyst ok so if she gets a little on subject to new sounds well it's a call to shake hands out the british confidence boost side box office. place that people have put big dreams on the big story in. movie magazine on d w. a clash of cultures in india. a clash between those who believe in arranged marriage and those who want to marry for love. to accomplish that shaking families and society to the causes. that my father will be angry sometimes i think i'm always good to. go to school starts john eight g.w. . mother is a child of a positive a me the most common. cause infected a bus. she probably won't live to the age of five. the program dream aims to prevent a mother to child transmission of the virus. hiv positive women give birth to a child negatives baby's. mother project is a hugely effective strategy in the battle against. more than ninety eight percent of these children up and healthy. the german aids foundation is supporting dream in mozambique. you can do something to. give a baby a future without aids. make a donation safe and life. germany's interior minister and leader of the christian social union party has offered his resignation from both posts following a major rift with chancellor america over migration policy but horse a ho fer says i'll meet again with merkel's conservative c.d.u. party later today in an effort to find common ground before making a decision about his future marco opposes say how first demand to introduce unilateral controls at germany's borders to reduce migrant arrivals she prefers a car.

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United Kingdom , Idaho , United States , Franconia , Germany General , Germany , Switzerland , Mexico , Sweden , India , Rome , Lazio , Italy , Town Well , Texas , Texas State Capitol , America , German , British , Swiss , Mexican , Martin Luther King , Richard Wagner , August Wagner , Bea Queen , Angela Merkel , Lucas Khanna , Charles Queen Sylvia ,

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