Transcripts For DW Check-in 20190407 04:30:00 : comparemela.

Transcripts For DW Check-in 20190407 04:30:00

it flows faster to everyone and me too but. the lack of water is equally dangerous . there's junkie is evil move south so they can plant crops and trying to food. floods and droughts climate change become the main driver for mass migration you could write any apocalyptic snyders you want and probably most of them to come to. the carnifex abyss starts here for thirty years on d w.
an oasis of peace at the heart of the capital i'm in berlin visiting the bauhaus. one reason why it's so quiet right now is that the museum is closed for renovation . the bauhaus school was founded in one thousand nine hundred nineteen and next year will markets first centennial what better time to retrace its footsteps through berlin how did the bauhaus quite possibly history's most influential modernist school shaped germany's capital. bauhaus and what was that like and what still remains that's what i want to find out today through arts architecture and chocolate and. also on the show a locals recommendations for cork and ireland. our viewer video will take us on a tour through cambodia. and we'll explore
powerhouse unesco world heritage site. where limbs bauhaus is set to remain close for a few more years due to extensive renovations in the meantime fans can still get their fix at a small outpost in the contemporary bauhaus a heat in this landmark retail store in the district of charlotte and book here you'll not only find a carefully curated shop with iconic design products there's also plenty of information on the history of the bauhaus a heat. based klavan shows made plans for the new archive. a large glass tower by the front will certainly make it more visible. must know what makes the bauhaus so relevant even a hundred years later down the halls. as an artist powers as well house is
a fascinating topic because agreement is intimately linked to german history and how in light of the upcoming bauhaus anniversary we have the opportunity to shine a light on its role in impact of you for from take for example the last thirty years of research on the role of women or how about how students and masters fared in the third reich. we can now bring these topics into the open and talk about why we are so interested in the interview or period. we can talk about it's optimistic elements and where it might have failed in the exchange between society and creativity you've got all these topics are related to t.v. to us and i list the indian vice this powerhouse who on. before continuing to follow the footsteps of the bauhaus here in berlin i want to give you guys a brief overview of the legendary schools evolution and how it came to travel from
death south to finally end up here in berlin. the bell house school of design and architecture originated in the university town of weimar in the early twentieth century. here architect of. merged the academy of arts and the school of arts and crafts into one institution his aim was to join art with craftsmanship renowned artists like the painters vassili kandinsky and paul plaint soon joined together they pioneered a new language of colors and forms. the bauhaus design came to be known for its functional and elegant aesthetics it was meant to improve people's day to day lives . weimar's house on horn was the first building following the bauhaus design its cubic shape is distinctly minimalist in the. nine hundred twenty five weimar
stopped funding bauhaus the school relocated to the industrial city of to hear about house engineer who go you design things like gas heaters and aircrafts. at first i was happy to host the bauhaus school and even afforded it a brand new building. to feel odessa many people into so were a bit shocked they've never seen architecture like this before it was an entirely new approach. was. next door typical power house housing was built for the professors or masters as they were called their uniform exterior belies the varied interiors it ranges from bright and colorful to white minimalism depending on what the inhabitant preferred. even the furnishings were created by bauhaus designers. does so commissioned by house architect. to draw up plans for the city's new
unemployment agency. in one thousand nine hundred twenty eight he was succeeded by harness maya as powerhouse director he oversaw the construction of dust sounds five houses with balcony access for low income residents people's needs over luxury mansions but in one nine hundred thirty two the nazis drove the bow house out of debt sell its last director meese fund or oversaw the move to berlin there it was shut down by the nazis again bellhousing germany was gone but not forgotten. people had to wait until after world war two to see former bow house architects bring their ideas back to germany not far from the famous bottom up plant you'll find another bauhaus related construction site the no you're not. built in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight but ninety nine. by the last director new fund
in twenty eighteen this icon of classic modern architecture turned fifty the design definitely stood the test of time but updated safety and conservation all requirements for things to get a bit of a faith. there's lots to do repairing damages installing a modern ac this is the first overhaul the nine hundred sixty s. museum has ever undergone and it is much needed. the noir not sonali gallery it was designed at least fundable was architecture firm in chicago the former powerhouse director had emigrated to the united states in one nine hundred thirty eight but fond of always plans were originally drawn up for an entirely different project. freer coolbaugh field designed a building for the card company in cuba as an end of the glass hallway in the basement for the administration because they never followed through with the plans
because the cuban revolution happened occurred he had to leave the island. because he couldn't construct it the plan was basically shelved you come to them from the road got the berlin commission and adopted the plans to the new projects you have to in up on the whole for india. construction began soon after one thousand nine hundred sixty five. by now an old man traveled from the united states to berlin to celebrate the laying of the first stone the project was close to his heart. i dedicate this to the lights of the people. and service of the arts on the mines. installing the gigantic one thousand two hundred ton steel roof posed a major challenge it had to be lifted very slowly found a hole or watched carefully from his car. recalls the moment.
here's a grandson world the car they drove on the neat the roof. and truly relished watching this vast new space take shape it was a special moment for him it was a great it's. unfortunately he was unable to attend the museum's inauguration in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight misspend or passed away in one nine hundred sixty nine the noya not sonali gallantly soon became a major architectural landmark in berlin and a cultural hotspot. is a copy this combination of glass stone and steel is exemplary of bears testimony to and marks the culmination of a long process of designing open spaces to be dissolved. miss found always grandson inherited the rights to the building she now ensures that his grandfather's architectural legacy is preserved. stored that made him proud to be able to build a structure like this in his hometown. of to. the restoration of the
noir not sonali gallery is said to be completed by twenty twenty. work on the night he will still take a while in the meantime you can visit another free ation by means fundable or in the whole engine house district and nine hundred thirty three country house built for the owner of a print shop. in your view what makes this house so special. this is well i don't know about you but most people tend to feel it ease here at the large windows create a feeling of a vast open space of freedom and openness by. phone from. the inside is flooded with light it has beautiful proportions all of this creates a distinct feeling. that's why i ask you how you felt earlier when visitors come
they tend to just feel good i mean this was a master at creating well proportioned spaces. better what is the house used for today i see some pictures on the wall is it a gallery space. yes it's mainly used to exhibit modern art buildings like this by muse funder or are grand and create spaces where so much can happen here it can be transformed with each exhibition. the whole thing of the moment and also known for. and we deliberately look for people who fit the building and match muse unique style. but right now we have works by sebastien on display he's a photo and video artist. and as you can see his works take a humorous approach to furniture designed by me. you have to.
understand quite about this with this property is shaped like a square of means have this house built on the northeastern edge of the square in order to have a large garden. as well so you can see that neighboring houses were built in the middle of their respective property as part of. the flats is another example of his special talent for cleverly arranging buildings on a plot because i'm going to boyd of them construct. a country house with you. yard in the middle of berlin not bad. i don't know about you but i just can't get enough of this green that's why we're hopping on over to ireland the emerald isle and this week's nina local our viewer john kennedy is taking us on a tour of us hometown court. fights ago called kick welcome to cork as we say in the gaelic language i'm john kennedy i
want to welcome you to cork ireland's real capital city. cork it's going to mazing up with spirits and young city students city great pumps friendly people on the banks of the beautiful river the. so this is one of vikings from the city here the river leap now over a thousand years ago this eerily was a marsh containing many small islands and that's when the vikings from the city because from here they could trade and raid with the interior and cork the name comes from gaelic corkey meaning marsh or swamp. not a thing the special cork is called has got twenty nine bridges on the river the dr has only got twenty four so that makes all those the venice of part of.
the sentence church was built in the eighteenth century built on the site of a much older medieval church not only is it a beautiful church the visits but it's the active church sunday service is held here every week and the best thing about sentences. you get to ring the bells. you choose the song you will play it all the numbers and just listen to the song. here in st john's not only can we get to ring the famous bells we also have a terrific view of course city. so this is where we get to show your cards in this market famous for its locally
produced imported organic produce but it's much more than that i come here to buy my fresh fruit and vege however i also come here for the chance to catch up on the gossip. so that english market dates right back to the eighteenth century it's called the english market because back then the only ones in the stalls and there were the protestants were known as the english and the name that in this market. was you know if you're very busy here today every dark know it's a silver lining in every survey lining of your clothes. so what's the best thing about the english market it's the sights and sounds it's the smells you can smell you can sense where the food comes from it's like having the whole world right here in cork. somebody's finished in cork what else but in the pub this is where you meet genuine core
people. and i can assure you when you're in the public cork you always have a point to beamish and you're never alone so it's not your. bounce architects and contemporary innovators built a number of housing projects in berlin known as the berlin modernism housing estates these subsidized homes are unesco world heritage site one example is the who are horseshoe estate what is the essence of this estate it's got the motto back then was lights air and song for all of us. the idea was to get people out of their crimes tenements out of their dark backyards and build spacious the states close to nature that's what happened here. we are standing in front of the horseshoe estate includes like the realisation of part idea. because if new residents were welcomed with open arms welcome this is the home of the new man and
there is fresh air and social encounters are part of the package. going out of that link and there seem to be lots of parallels to the bauhaus movement here is that really the case you seem is well. under this is the sort of the one nine hundred twenty seven card was well connected enough to pursue the same idea is. strictly speaking it's not about a house architect you know they're taught or studied they're pretty pleased he wrote on housing board and little to gropius he was a main figure in the german association of craftsman and the architectural collective. but he also realized his own ideas here. because it's. can you give me an example. that was going to tell it's job to create housing for the masses so the idea was to build affordable worker homes so they created
standardized. on hot potato it was a master at using small variations in extravagant colors to break up any monotony and as extravagant top people. know to me of course. modern architecture helped chamberlain as we know it today if you want to see another original bauhaus construction you should consider a trip to neighboring brandon book and we're now about an hour's drive from here in the bowels second director one of my undesigned a trade union school alongside other powers buildings environment and death so it's considered a unesco world heritage site. in the late one nine hundred twenty s. meyer the second bounce house director and his colleague constant value set out to design
a trade union school that would provide an ideal setting for learning. today almost one hundred years after its completion the impressive building still fascinates visitors young and old. to fly with my hand like this group of students i have ever. interviewed working hard we're here today to gather inspiration for videos and familiarize ourselves with the bauhaus style hold more. one typical bauhaus aspect here is that this complex was focused on the role architecture could play in facilitating learning all rooms were built with the outdoors in mind. concerns with some tell us something about this boathouse more of this water. sponsor about what you did so i asked don't if i mean bus z.
i was built in one thousand twenty eight and its prime purpose was to convey education and that was done quite effectively because teachers and students alike felt a sense of freedom thanks to its beautiful natural surroundings and the space and nice rooms are provided as if cry of joy or. the building complex was meant to encourage communal learning and living. the school is full of incredible features that you often only notice at second glance. to the fitness card actually did to him and then next to the gym it has a really nice feature the windows slide open so in the summer they can be fully opened. that way the gym feels like it's outdoors even i was actually inside. yeah. when your baby gets when you look around you can see clear materials
you know paintings or ornaments just pure functionality so no food to annoy you to . understand the picture going to school here. on your. yes the memorial is situated nicely and i was nearby where you could go shopping at locations nice you have many options for spending your leisure time i could picture going to school here. today true to the bounce house spirit the chamber of crafts uses the building for vocational training. i'm still at the horseshoe estate in berlin just like me you're probably wondering what these houses look like on the inside and bush still shows me one of them. it's been restored to the original nineteen twenties designed today you can rent it
as a vacation home there. this is typical furnishing from the weimar republic era. about it has a few modern touches like the slump or some of the earliest chewable or steel furniture produced in death so. that's awkward. time now for one of your travel videos this week micanopy now that he shared his journey through combo deal with us he started in the capital phnom penh headed to the coast and then man as a way to cull tons are in the so-called rabbit island oddly enough you won't find any rahman there but you will catch and beautiful sunset.
down down down down down every day of so it's. not. like you. thank in berlin there's plenty of the bauhaus legacy to discover often it tends to hide in plain sight it h.r.
month chocolate factory isn't just a must for anyone with a sweet chick it's also a place where you can experience original bauhaus interior design your highness one of the first balanced masters designed in one thousand nine hundred twenty eight. how did mr iton come to design the stores interior. professor it's and my grandfather knew each other personally by the. boat sailed on lake fanzine and the future little boat because that's how they got to know each other. and mr holman just said hey i have a shot i want to design my interior or what happened to. my grandfather built this in one thousand twenty seven twenty eight miles far as i know professor it to not only designed the shop but also greatly contributed to the entire house with us by a good common often do people still come to look at the design or do they make.
mostly come for the chocolates only law. most come for the chocolate lord but some are also interested in the architecture and are listed in several architectural gods for them so people want to see that tonight with more on. its design isn't the only thing historical about your shop your chocolate is to what something i shouldn't miss as a recommender specialty chocolate. has only one of the manufacture in germany makes this kind of chocolate but it's produced industrially. i was made by hand you should try it.
the barrels only survived a couple of months and berlin but the architects. director is still man and plenty of traces throughout the german capital really excited to see what next year's anniversary brings us. thank.
you. the bauhaus turns one hundred. one hundred years of modern instructor temperature. one hundred years of functionalism n.p.r. isn't. what's behind the legend. we
ask the experts about the. coming up on d w. in good shape. cigarettes are the latest trend but the long term health effects are still on no. coming to school stores you could call it the biggest field study that's taking place in the health sector worldwide and. we asked the expert. on d w. it's time to take one step further. than face.
time you're just such the other no. and fight for the truth. is hard to overcome boundaries and connection. it's time for. a deed of it is coming up ahead. minds. a city in ruins. morrow a. symbol of a long come flicked in the philippines. between the muslims. and the christian population. when the finance fighters occupied the city center in two thousand and seventeen president to church's response was told. by a dinner it will never again book called game of. the rico inquest turned into a tragedy. that's not
a reason at all this is not the kind of freedom that we want. how did our become a gateway to islamist terror. until now the sorry country wasn't as a result. of an exclusive report from a destroyed city. philippines in the sights of bias starts april eleventh on d w. israeli prime minister binyamin netanyahu has promised to begin annexing jewish settlements in the occupied west bank every elected the policy u. turn is being seen as a last minute bid to rally right wing supporters ahead of next week's election under international law the settlements are viewed as illegal. in venezuela rival

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Institution , Aim , School Of Arts , Academy , Art , One , Colors , Language , Forms , Vassili Kandinsky , Paul Plaint , People , Building , Minimalist , Shape , Aesthetics , Weimar , House On Horn , Nine Hundred Twenty Five , City , Things , House Engineer , Gas Heaters , Funding Bauhaus , The School , Aircraft , Bit , Approach , Power House Housing , Professors , Interiors , Minimalism , Uniform Exterior , House Architect , Designers , Furnishings , Inhabitant Preferred , Construction , Houses , Powerhouse Director , Unemployment Agency , Income , Balcony Access , Dust , Harness Maya , One Thousand Nine Hundred Twenty Eight , Five , Move , Nazis , Bowhouse , Director Meese Fund , Mansions , Debt , Again Bellhousing , Nine Hundred Thirty Two , Bow House Architects , World War Two , Two , Twentys Meyer , Ideas , Fund , Construction Site , Ninety Nine , One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Eight , Twenty Eighteen This Icon Of Classic Modern Architecture , Conservation , Test , Safety , Requirements , Fifty , Eighteen , Twenty , Lots , Noir , Faith , Damages , Overhaul , Gallery , Nine Hundred Sixty , Architecture Firm , Chicago , Nine Hundred Thirty Eight , Project , Card Company , Hallway , Fond , Basement , End , Administration , Cuba , Freer Coolbaugh Field , He Couldn T , Plan , Island , Projects , Road , Commission , Cuban Revolution , Heart , Man , Stone , Laying , Whole , One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty Five , Lights , Service , Mines , Car , Roof , Hole , Challenge , One Thousand Two Hundred , Grandson World , Space , Inauguration , Its , Landmark , Hotspot , Sonali Gallantly , Hinoya , Miss , Spaces , Grandson , Steel , Combination , Copy , Testimony , Culmination , Bears , Process , Legacy , Grandfather , Structure , Hometown , Rights , Restoration , House , View , Print Shop , Country House , Engine House District , Owner , Ation , Nine Hundred Thirty Three , Feeling , Windows , Openness , Phone , Open Space Of Freedom , Inside , Visitors , Proportions , 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Projects , Essence , Motto , Innovators , Berlin Modernism Housing Estates , Unesco World Heritage Site , Idea , States , Tenements , Backyards , Crimes , All Of Us , Home , Nature , Arms , Standing , Residents , Realisation , Air , Package , Link , Parallels , Encounters , Sort , Card , Case , Nine Hundred Twenty Seven , Craftsman , Collective , Figure , Association , Housing Board , Gropius , Worker Homes , Housing , Masses , Job , Variations , Potato , Monotony , It , Drive , Original Bauhaus , Undesigneda Trade Union School , Trip , Chamberlain , Neighboring Brandon Book , Death , Powers Buildings Environment , Colleague , Bounce House , Value , Nine Hundred Twenty , Hand , Learning , Completion , Ideal Setting , One Hundred , Videos , Style , Group , Inspiration , Rooms , Role Architecture , Complex , Aspect , Mind , Outdoors , Water , Something , Boathouse , Don T , Concerns , Bus Z , Sponsor , Purpose , Education , Surroundings , Teachers , Sense Of Freedom , One Thousand Twenty Eight , Living , Cry Of Joy Or , Fitness Card , Features , School , Gym , Glance , Way , Windows Slide Open , Materials , Summer , Baby , Feature , Paintings , Functionality , Picture , Ornaments , Memorial , Options , Chamber , Training , House Spirit , Nineteen Twenties , On The Inside , Bush , Nineteen , Furnishing , Vacation , Weimar Republic Era , Some , Travel Videos , Touches , Slump , Micanopy , Journey , Coast , Combo Deal , Tons , Rabbit Island , Beautiful Sunset , Phnom Penh , Down , Interior Design , Chick , Place , Highness , Anyone , Must , Isn T , Month Chocolate Factory , Boat , Professor , It On , Stores , Lake Fanzine , Holman , Each Other , Shot , Common , Twenty Eight , One Thousand Twenty Seven , Law , Come , Chocolates , Lord , Gods , Recommender Specialty Chocolate , Manufacture , Kind , Industrially , Architects , Couple , Barrels , Anniversary , Traces , Instructor Temperature , Legend , Functionalism Npr Isn T , Experts , Dw In Good Shape , Field Study , 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