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They were summoned and they came in german car industry titans called to the white house to make the case against higher tariffs on european made cars they werent initially expecting to meet the president but in the end he too came heres how diamond c. E. O. Dieter zetsche had described the encounter. The meeting with the president is very interesting and he clearly said that we have come in this country. Of course his objective is to see more jobs there and more activity here which is in accordance with our plans a sentiment echoed by the automotive leaders in washington vokes wagon is even considering a plan that would see It Build Cars in fords u. S. Factories and produce electric vehicles in the u. S. For corporation to really build up a Global Alliance which also would strengthen the American Automotive industry but the specter of trans promised tariffs is still a cause for concern for germanys association of automotive manufacturers according to them additional tariffs would bring additional costs and therefore be a threat to germanys competitiveness on the u. S. Market thats why they want the competition open to the people with the best product when. Whether President Trump will be persuaded to drop the twenty five percent levy hes threatened may depend entirely on the kind of impression the german c. E. O. s left on him. Gen smog hangs over the Conference Center in qatar beats the reason is coal coal is still being mined here today the industry employs around one hundred thousand people its one of the most Important Industries in the polish region of sylvies. And you want to go and coal is our treasure if we didnt have it no one would have a job if the mine closes everyone would go out of business all the companies and shops. Most of polands electricity comes from climate damaging coal energy and according to the government it will stay that way until twenty fifty. We have coal to thank for achieving our full potential in Upper Silesia its been the basis the product weve produced so feelings run high but we know exactly whats going on in the world and in which direction we should be going. And it is supposed government representatives and other organizations from almost two hundred countries are currently discussing how to reduce c o two emissions at the Cop Twenty Four Climate Conference in qatar. Poland still relies on coal the government doesnt have any plans to completely remove coal from its energy mix anytime soon but for polands government represents their efforts at going green. Theres a Research Center here for Renewable Energies theyve built a Shopping Center on top of a former coal mine and even the un Climate Conference is taking place on top of another mine and yet cut to reach to and coal remain dependent on each other even today. The Tiny Gulf State Of Qatar has decided to stop its Oil Production especially now with the gulf emirate leading the organization of Petroleum Producing States but qatari Officials Say the decision is not political. We dont have the potential. Guest. Experts down however that contest is taking this step purely out of economic interest. And i think it has been a great pressure from some of its neighbors in the gulf for some time now so it is slightly surprising that is pulling out and then claiming its not a political issue strikes me it could only be that. Saudi arabia accuses qatar of having to close a relationship with its arch enemy iran saudi arabia the main opec Member Country and other arab countries also accuse katar of supporting radical Islamist Groups last year the political crisis in the gulf region had become so acute that several neighboring countries imposed a traffic and trade blockade on kotter so cutter wants to invest in its Gas Production instead. The South Pars Gas Field off its coast which is also used by iran looks like the Emirates Future now they want to increase Gas Production from Seventy Seven to One Hundred Ten Billion tons by twenty twenty four. Meanwhile the organization of Petroleum Exporting countries and non opec countries have agreed to reduce Oil Production. The oil cartel has agreed on a reduction of about Eight Hundred Thousand Barrels Per Day according to reports from vienna. The decision was preceded by two days of intense negotiations. The mcallen government has made further concessions to the yellow vests protesters the planned increase of an eco tax on gasoline and diesel will be suspended for the entire coming year according to reports from paris but the pressure on french president amount to in the cong seems to be increasing its not only the yellow vests who are protesting more and more students and farmers in france are also taking to the streets there have been serious clashes with police the c. F. O. Of the Chinese Technology group while way has been arrested in canada and will be extradited to the u. S. According to media reports shes accused of having violated sanctions imposed by the u. S. On iran. While way is also being accused of supplying American Products to iran. At their meeting in brussels Euro Finance Ministers agreed on measures to reform the Monetary Union this should make Member States better prepared for crises in the future most importantly the e s m euro rescue parachute is to be strengthened. Chancellor Angela Merkel said after meeting with local authorities in berlin that the federal government is increasing its clean air promotion program. The program now has a budget of one point Five Billion Euros in addition the government will spend an additional four hundred thirty Million Euros to carry out a Hardware Retrofitting of municipal vehicles most german cities and municipalities want to avoid any Diesel Driving bans many people are still dependent on diesel. Like this vehicle its indispensable for a bricklayer down the oha to him he drives to the Construction Site with the Company Truck every day. The transporter with a euro five Emission Standard is only three years old now diesel is being threatened by a ban on driving in the city of s. And. There is one simple game you know its a big problem for us how are we supposed to get to the Construction Sites to work we have to go to the site with our own vehicle and not all of us drive cars that Run On Petrol thats the problem that. Theres the threat of Diesel Driving downs in eighteen districts of the city of s. And the motorway a forty is also affected its one of the most important traffic hubs in the rural area and leads directly through as sin City Center Construction contractor functional to her about and his coworkers right the a forty several times a day. If they really do close the a forty in the rural area theres going to be chaos. The stricter environmental regulations are going to get expensive for german craftsman. Diesel particularly cost us two new vehicles three or four years ago we had made an investment of about Eighty Thousand Euros and if all our vehicles were to be taken out of service now or if we had to buy new ones it would probably cost us a quarter of a million. Room for a Mike Stand Up but a small van with electric drive for around Forty Thousand euros in this way he hoped to circumvent the Diesel Driving bands but the Electric Transporter has not yet proven itself in daily use his employees hardly use it they prefer driving the diesel. And a lot of thought so and there arent enough Charging Stations around its way too much effort to get to the Construction Sites and we often dont even get there or cant get back from the site live our employees have a hard time with it and of course our customers dont have Charging Stations at the site there are so many problems we never thought about any. Contractor showed to her about hopes that the announced Diesel Driving bans will be struck down by the courts he doesnt think that the government should impose driving bans on a large part of the rural area. This German Family business electro star is back in production on german soil the company manufactures One Hundred Thirty Thousand devices in this factory each year Soon Electra Star Hand in hair dryers will be manufactured here to. Managing director roman google voice is banking on the value of products made in germany thank you years ago when going to conquer this experience was positive we have been producing high quantities at reasonable price and quality but the time has changed to be on now course to produce smaller batches. Individual products. Most of electras stars customers are in europe it can take up to eight weeks for deliveries to arrive from china but from here it only takes a few days. The Model Train Maker man clean brought manufacturing back from china to here in germany its easier for them to produce smaller quantities in higher quality. If the opposition i mean i think its very important that the trains our engineers develop and design can also be built directly here at the same place. And we are now able to optimize the process through automation and create ideal conditions for producing our trains. But. Automation is enabling the return of domestic manufacturing robots do the hard work at makin replacing much of what the workers in china did. They drill mill and file away the irregularities. And the company saves on labor costs then the detailed work can be done by the Company Skilled workers in a few weeks a letter a star plans to move its Vacuum Cleaner Production into a new building the Company Needs more space since theyve left china here to technology and automation are expected to ease the Manufacturing Process for every German Company that moves its operation abroad there are now two coming back a trend that is set to continue and that was your Business Week in review. Louise at full speed. But always on the move. Mostly today and in the future. Drive it on w. And on demand. Pass language courses. Video and audio. Anytime anywhere. W. Media center. Im not nothing to look at

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