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Saudi arabia is set to walk a tightrope over oil prices in vienna as opec ministers gather for a summit in the austrian capital riyadh will have to work out how to cut production and keep the u. S. President on side also coming up welcome to the city in china where big brother is watching you thanks to weak Data Protection laws and unfettered Artificial Intelligence at trouble in uganda the army is called in to protect chinese businesses who say theyre being targeted by local criminals. This is your Business Update on having a home for him but any glad you could join me ministers from opec member nations are gathering in vienna or ahead of a key meeting on the oil cartel on thursday most produces a that they agree on the need for a cut in Oil Production without explaining how theyll turn that desire into a reality then theres the question of saudi arabia taking to twitter donald trump urged saudi arabia to refrain from output cuts in order to keep Gasoline Prices low for u. S. Consumers saudi Policy Makers may be reluctant to go against him all for the murder of. It unleashed a fuse a lot of criticism from american lawmakers leaving the president as one of prince mohammeds few remaining allies in washington that might throw drivers but countries relying on oil exports to finance their economies toppy about current price levels for the last three months all has been heading steadily downhill at the start of october a barrel of north sea brant crude stood at a respectable eighty six dollars. By the end of november it was struggling at Fifty Seven Dollars though it stabilized for now at sixty thats causing oil produces a lot of financial problems so much so that the organization of petroleum exporting countries has put Production Cuts high on the agenda of its latest vienna meeting. If. You. Want to see where you. Should be taken. To see. Economics one zero one if output and supply falls prices rise. The u. S. Is by far the Worlds Largest oil producer at fourteen percent of output russia is the second largest canadas way behind all three are not opec members uniting fifteen countries opec is responsible for forty two percent of global Oil Production giving it the main sway over pricing the organization is most important Single Member is saudi arabia which alone pumps thirteen percent of the worlds crude supply but not everybody is happy about the idea of falling supply and rising prices least of all us President Donald Trump he appealed to opec on twitter not to cut output at the same time though none opec member russia said its ready to implement output cuts as has opec heavyweights saudi arabia the talk in vienna is of a one percent production cut. Germanys likely to lose more than One Hundred Thousand jobs as the Car Industry Shifts to Electric Mobility that is the sobering him of a massive study looking at how the adoption of electric cars could affect germanys job market the lost positions would likely ration factory jobs to highly paid Design Engineering visitations but the experts from the institute for Employment Research say that the german car industry could avoid the losses if it redoubles it at its to embrace Electric Mobility. Of the hamburg port has joined forces with hyperloop Transportation Technologies to companies aim to develop and build the futuristic Transportation Technology not for people but for cargo of germanys largest cargo hop sends and receives over Eight Million containers a year most of which reach the port by truck the hyperloop plans offer a network of low pressure chips that allow the containers to travel at high speed without Clogging Up Streets leading to higher efficiency and a smaller Carbon Footprint the Joint Venture calls the installation of a test tube and development of a standardized carrier. When it comes to the use of Artificial Intelligence or a. I. China is surging ahead investment in the sector growing from one hundred seventy Million Dollars to hit over one point Three Billion Dollars within the next two years now it promises to make the country easier to run safer help doctors and patients and control traffic an entire City Administrations some see it as big brother with a Credit System penalizing over awarding citizens based on their behavior sometimes its pretty tricky to draw a line between the benefits all the threats of artificially intelligent systems. The in for Vision Start Up In Beijing is at the forefront of a medical revolution its employees use for artificially intelligent algorithms to help doctors identify illnesses like lung cancer more accurately and faster. After studying in the u. S. In for Visions Founder Chen Kwan Made A point of returning to china. I think the lack of good doctors is actually more severe in china i can see there are so many patients in china and we have. A larger and larger demand for medical services beyond medicine china is investing massively an Artificial Intelligence district in high tech Metropolis Gens then has become the first to install a socalled brain its huge monitor portrays Data Collected from local authority sensors and all public closed Circuit Cameras the administration hopes ai will help it analyze the flood of data to make the city safer and run more efficiently Parliament Well done woman thats really where the brain health is to see whats happening in every corner of our district it helps us to judge situations quickly and to react to them its to make peoples lives and work more pleasant than that and. At the touch of a screen the monitors display information about all the districts building such as how many people live there and how accessible they are intelligent cameras Sound The Alarm in the event of any emergencies of course theres only a very thin line between running a smart city and wielding totalitarian control Two Hundred Million cameras are said to be monitoring chinas citizens with more being mounted every day and theyre becoming increasingly smart one companys video shows whats already reality the smart cameras keep tabs on vehicles numberplates models and colors while tracking them through the city and compiling Movement Profiles citizens can be checked against data banks within seconds suspects identified behind windshields traffic offenses like not wearing seat belts or using a phone whilst driving are increasingly penalized swiftly and automatically via text message to mobile phone medical companies also profit from a deluge of Health Related data from gigantic hospitals something which companies in many other countries can. Only dream of chen kwon says in for vision takes Data Protection seriously but the rules in china are more relaxed. I think theres actually an advantage for any Ai Development to have easy access to anonymize data i think that will be a very critical factor in the future development of a i think china aims to be the world leader in Artificial Intelligence by Twenty Thirty and many analysts think thats a likely outcome as well. To uganda now where tensions have been growing between slowly gand and traders and chinese businesses that are operating in the country now the growing competition has stoked local resentment including protests in recent years and now ugandan soldiers have been deployed to Security Guards at chinese businesses in the wake of a spate of robberies. Chinese hotel yeah youve been has lived in uganda for fifteen years been says ugandas government has assured himself to for his business all the time. He acts and i must i wouldnt promise. You youre gonna win the factory and the good or for your kind of people. A lot of your kind of people come back at the top and that this is being. Develop saw in free to dont really. Buy the fact. But not all the chinese nationals in uganda i like being. The police see that cases of fifty chinese owned businesses of late mean creased. This is forced ugandas president youre working with saving to order for Military Intervention there have been some threats by criminals or no or no investors this is an acceptable under steps being taken to ensure that. Order investors be local or international are protected. Or chinese friends have raised concerns and. Weve responded to them. With seventy sees the chinese of created many jobs for ugandans and he cannot risk frustrating them im going to have to train them. He should not be the case. For uganda who really wanted to put them. Over fifty thousand chinese live in uganda many are engaged in construction mostly funded by their government others are in trade and manufacturing but have often clashed with low chords especially in running small scale businesses in the Military Deployment is primarily to crack down on robotics but might as well see if the chinese against hostile locals. Facebook has lost its place at the top of a list of the best companies to work for the Social Media Giant fell down to play seven on an annual ranking of jobs website last or the rankings based on several factors including Work Life Balance management pay report comes as facebook continues to face criticism for the way it handles uses stater and deals with the spread of Info Misinformation rather other Tech Companies including google have also fallen down the list since last since this year. Thats it you are today with the latest from the world of business im going to home free in bondage thanks for joining me remember this was plenty more on our website of course that is d w Dot Com Slash Business and before you go hes an account the World Markets they sound so you smart. Im not laughing at them well i guess sometimes i am but based on nothing which is that the gentleman thinks even for Jemma Culture of looking at stereotypes the question is think the future of the country that i not. Yet muted seems to take for this drama day out to me its all about. Noontime rachel join me for me at the gym sunday w. Post climate change. Isnt it time for good. Eco and africa people and projects that are changing no one is our mentor the best so up to us to make a difference and let some small child. Hes going to work on

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