Transcripts For DW Business - News 20180803 13:15:00 : compa

Transcripts For DW Business - News 20180803 13:15:00

b. apartments as these officials in the local authority know only too well meaning homeowners and tenants need a permit to rent out their apartments for more than eight weeks a year. the investigators suspect a tenant here of illegally renting out properties all year round. suddenly from going up front as if sentiment is it started in twenty seventeen with this apartment he was a kind of big player if you rented lots of flats and then something that and then we'll be in be. on the biggest for me to. the investigators pay a visit to the apartment and speak to vacationers to gather evidence their landlord will receive a hefty fine potentially up to five hundred thousand euros. from it all you can rent the place per day four hundred to two hundred fifty euros or if you do the math on the monthly rent is covered up to just ten days of. finance yet
another that you start making a profit with in park but given all the idea behind a b. and b. is that tourists like to feel at home. since its founding the company has grown from one hundred thousand registered listings to four and a half million air b.n. b. rents out more rooms in munich than the five largest hotel chains combined. in northern germany some landlords have even kicked out long term tenants so that they can profit from the air b.n. b. boom money could have a vote suspected that's what's happened to her she lived in her apartment for thirty three years she raised her children there and knew all her neighbors when she got an addiction notice the land of claims you needed the flat for his own use . that in a limited. someone suggested i take a look at albion b. if they suspected it was being offered on their website and from italy at this is the out on air b.n. b. part of her kitchen are still in the apartment it now costs fifty nine years per
night that's eight hundred a month more than four times the original rent. to be able to now is to pay much higher rent elsewhere and is suing. and b. and b. for tourists a cheaper option behold days around the world but for residents looking for rentals it's a potential nightmare. so that's why the n.b.a. is celebrating in a sense and a very serious and european authorities are tightening the screws from berlin to madrid officials are limiting the number of days which of them may be rented and slapping fines on violate as perez is suing the company for failing to take down an registered listings and a few weeks ago in new york moved to require registration to stephen bids the from our business department is joining me now who seem you've looked into this story is the honeymoon with a b. and b. over your heart i think that members of the sharing economy like air b.n. b.
nuber have always faced scrutiny from years back and usually that was over things like security or the liability of the hosts or the driver in this case with air b.n. b. it's facing scrutiny about its effect on a more structural issue its effect on the housing markets and so what you're seeing is of course all these actions taken by cities claiming that air b.n. b. is raising rents that is taking housing from the market and we see that through stories like this one which we just saw someone who lost their apartment and then saw listen everybody and also my studies which really show us how air b.n. b. works for example in new york city there was a report issued by mcgill university in the city which showed that ten percent of all air b.n. b. rentals accounted for half or ten ten percent of hosts accounted for half the rentals and half the revenue in the city and that other big companies have grown out of this business model using it being right it's become more and more attractive for commercial enterprises do it and air b.n. b. will tell you and they've claimed throughout these arguments that you know these
are important for middle class homeowners who actually they need something to supplement their income and studies have shown well actually that's not necessarily case in places like new york and it's probably similar in places like paris berlin cetera. why is it so big and is the backlash so big in europe. i mean europe is always going to be a more regulatory market than the u.s. first of all but second of all international tourism is growing is growing fast as the middle class grows and europe is always the top destinations so you know when there are changes in tourism they're going to be felt here and especially when you start seeing tourists in neighborhoods where they traditionally haven't been you start hearing those rolling suitcases in smaller neighborhoods they're known for being hip trendy whatever are no longer relegated to the central hotel district but also in cities like this like berlin there's a housing crunch prices are going up construction is not filling that gap and investors need to park their money increasingly in real estate to get a return because they're not going to get it through other vehicles now when they do that and they're not living that property there's an incentive maybe to put it
on air b.n. b. and as we saw in that piece make more money that way instead of dealing with renters instead of making less money through renters so the incentive is there. thank you very much. i was unfounded jeff bezos is fully behind in the private sector space race there are signs that his firm's heavy rocket set to fall lift off in twenty twenty may slip behind schedule his company blue origin faces stiff competition from. space x. q one. just a month ago amazon founder jeff bezos is rocket company successfully pulled off its most important test to date. but reports are now saying the twenty twenty liftoff date may be moved back engineers are still finalizing details on the heavy launch rocket bases as frequently stressed that the timing depends on perfecting the vehicle safety. and tired stand on
this vehicle is going to carry humans we're going to make it is save his we can make it we're going to test it we're not going to take any short cuts so we'll put humans on this vehicle when we're ready and not a second sooner the reusable launch vehicle will be used to transport satellites it will also take tourists into space and bring them back to earth again. do you imagine. how alan shepard must have felt. all those years ago most of them pretty cool. that's thank you bob our.

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