Transcripts For DW Business - News 20180531 17:15:00 : compa

Transcripts For DW Business - News 20180531 17:15:00

a disastrous spiral of brutality measures and trump is a bully just some of the reaction from officials over the latest terrace from the united states washington will enforce punitive import levies on steel and al a million from europe canada and mexico european commission president john crow younkers says the bloc will impose countermeasures canada says it will defend canadian industry and jobs mexico is also retaliating president donald trump has been threatening for weeks to impose the tariffs of twenty five percent on imported steel and ten percent on our minium citing national security concerns which canada today said is absurd well that it be an exemption or there was an exemption in place until june first and there were hopes that deadline would be extended but for midnight tonight e.u. metal exports to the u.s. will most likely become uncompetitive under the new tariffs the block has drawn up a list of u.s.
products like harley davidson motorbikes levi's jeans and bourbon whiskey which is set to face penalty tariffs here. so fisherman ski joins us now from wall street to give us the reaction as i mentioned this is already hurting u.s. companies what about if we take a look at the stocks what are some of the hardest hit there so if it. i mean one of the factor that have been repeatedly benefiting from all of these cameras from the announce announcements that have been made in the past is the field producer sectors so they are benefiting here right now you can see that in the stock price but a bit more that you can really see that the broader market is reacting a little bit because investors of course fear the possibility of the chance of a serious trade war not only with the european union but also with canada with mexico with china because secretary of commerce wilbur ross is headed to china and
he's going to talk with china about their trade policy this weekend fell on top of that they're more concerned that this situation might escalate as well we've heard talk of again a trade war would cut all sides does this trump think he can. stop things from spiraling will prevent things from spiraling out of control at the same time as getting what he wants. gather exactly how it looks right now and to be honest if you look at the entire if you ation there are a lot of people who have been repeatedly pledging not to go there and not to impose these terrorists or to stop them and i should say for example republican lawmakers who people in champ's own party have been saying we shouldn't do that the lobby is a group here business party nationwide are fearing the risk that my follow as a consequence to these terrorists so there are a lot of people right now
a lot of players who are really fearing the trade war that might occur after the terrorists being imposed but i think it's trying to set a price his voters in the rough belt and keeping i've been living up to his campaign promises so there's my play a big role here. it's a very interesting strategy thank you very much sophie with the latest from new york. the business ties across the atlantic are at a new low those hit by the tariffs of the mediately reacted with retaliatory measures so that spiral is already spiraling but u.s. commerce secretary wilbur ross makes it sound like european leaders are just blowing the whole situation out of proportion have a listen to what he had to say a short while ago terrorists are for auction one for us own products the beer soft during. it's all a fraction of
a penny each of those sermons are going automobile it's also a fraction of one percent. the reaction from financial markets was livelier conrad i saw that dax dip below. dip down quite dramatically it was basically a vertical line just as that use came out tell me more about the reaction i guess traders think this is going to go on for some time. of course and of course this is not the stuff that traders like you know that's not something to inspire any demand obviously the shares of the steel makers today were hit significantly here in france for two thousand krupa and both in the trading in the red. slapping twenty five percent price increase on european steel products in america that makes a large part of those products uncompetitive in the u.s.
but that's not the only problem a steel makers here in europe fear a cascade they think that much of the chinese steel which cannot be sold in america anymore because of the terrorists will eventually end up on the open european markets and of course for very very low prices will tell me cut europe do something about that cut europe put tariffs on chinese steel imports well that's what some of the lobby groups or the steel makers have in mind they have demanded. measures safeguard measures they call them against this expected glop of chinese steel coming to europe but safeguard measures that sounds like protectionism from the european side and this of course would not be according to the rules of the w t o the world trade organization conrad thank you. hamburg is heaping pressure on the german government to force carmakers to retrofit dirty diesels otherwise city
officials say a driving ban on all the diesel vehicles will stay in place the port city is the first here to make the controversial move in the wake of the emissions cheating scandal but not everyone's convinced of its merits in reducing air pollution. starting today it's the law plays a mansion are say is one of hamburg's busiest roads and from now on only diesels meeting the strict euro six exhaust emissions standards are allowed here. but so far little has changed even older diesel trucks are still out and about it's not an easy band to implement with no windscreen badges police can't readily see if a vehicle meets the required standards or not. meanwhile at a press conference in hamburg environmentalist's local shop owners and residents and their anger. but for some the band doesn't go far enough for others it's
half baked. somebody they're just doing things for the sake of doing something they're not thinking coherently. it's a rush job i went there had a listen but it was all just stock answers made me feel sick and. we're told the band is about protecting people but all it means in fact is that other people will suffer more pollution i think that's terrible especially as i also live along one of the diversion rates. the second band is here on the six hundred meter long max brower away home to two hundred seventy two people the aim is to drastically reduce the area's high nitric oxide levels yet thousands of people those living along the bypass routes could be worse off as a result. how bugs in barmouth minister however rejects such claims.
hope it's a false assumption made without attention to the facts these measures will reduce the pollution on affected streets and we've done careful calculations to ensure that the limits will be exceeded on on the roads as a result. as yet there are no penalties in place initially police will just inform drivers of the new rules and after a transition period. will be fined twenty five euros and truck drivers three times as much. the job of the day we sent to one of those restricted roadways in hamburg where i'm hoping the air pollution levels are a little lower today you know tell me what chances does have burke have both convincing. through its little band of forcing ca makers into retrofitting vehicle . well it's hard to imagine that would really get anywhere now most of the locals that we've talked to here who are angry at the band are they reacting their anger at the local government of hamburg as opposed to the federal government so from
a public pressure point of view that already doesn't work and many of them are also highlighting the lack of imagination must have taken to only create solutions around the offending cars as opposed to using it as an opportunity to zoom out and rethink the solutions in general like incentivizing car sharing for example or improve mass transit now looking so far has also convinced the federal government that it should compel the auto industry to do these retrofit and for the auto industries part it insists that it needs the money in order to be able to invest in new technologies it's hard to imagine that this little band in hamburg would break that cycle and could the little band become a big bet. well first of all this little that has to work i've been here all day and let me tell you i've seen a total of one truck make a u. turn in order to avoid entering the banned zone i'm still seeing trucks i'm still seeing cars which probably have older diesel engines and it's hard to tell just by seeing which tells you a bit how big of an enforcement problem this is so in any case this bad still has
to grow a little bit in credibility and if it can see before it can become a big. book has a lot more to prove i can see quite a lot of people on their bikes so that's nice to see you know don't stay out on that street too long breathing in the. ice doing business with you. cut. cut cut cut cut cut. cut cut cut. cut. cut cut cut cut cut cut. cut. cut cut. cut cut cut.
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