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The game. And returned the sewing machine sewing i suppose was more appropriate for girls than writing a. Novel. And. My name is the amount of the who and thats. Going to be. A Real Recovery in the eurozone Economic Growth has them being this good in a decade experts say the blog has broken free of its sticker prices. As folks fucking deals with the deepening Diesel Scandal single poll puts the brakes on traffic to clear congestion and capping Cash Payments how china is trying to gain the upper hand over a fast moving internet company. Bid fizzling lets do business the eurozone is out of the woods a source of uncertainty for so long but clear evidence today a common currency area has managed to shake off the shackles of the dick crisis the eurozone has enjoyed its best year in a decade Economic Growth of two and a half percent thats despite the effects of braggs it on the block and is thanks to a resurgent france and spain. Its a colorful optimistic as madrid fashion week the message saying is that. To me only. The economy is growing last year by three point one percent despite the catalonia crisis but looks can be deceiving unemployment is still high many jobs are limited and poorly paid especially in tourism. Overall the economy in the eurozone grew by two point five percent in two thousand and seventeen the strongest increase in a decade it even outpaced the u. S. Where estimates point to growth of two point three percent. Frances economy expanded by one point nine percent twice as much as in the Previous Year but even in the second largest economy in the eurozone off to germany all that is not gold is held back by the Biggest National debt in the eurozone. Fox fucking has fined the executive who admitted responsibility for diesel emissions tests on human beings and monkeys a comic has announced stake who was in charge of Public Relations and sustainability has been relieved of his duties firing a video use chief lobbyist has been termed the first consequences of the scandal which was revealed on friday the New York Times reported the research has forced ten monkeys to inhale diesel exhaust in twenty fourteen. And b. M. W. Funded Research Group that study twenty five human volunteers inhaling nitrogen dioxide. Says it wont conduct any more tests on animals hopefully not on humans either this comes as europes car industry fights for a future for the diesel is no dispute that nitrogen oxide pollution is a problem levels are too high in places like dusseldorf munich hamburg. Berlin a total of twenty eight german cities exceed limits in some cases dramatically and its not just germany france has nineteen affected areas including paris and its suburbs britain has sixteen including london in total twenty three of the twenty eight e. U. Countries exceed equality norms germanys Environmental Agency says two thirds of nitrogen oxide is produced by diesel engines even the cleanest diesels produce this toxic gas even mission has summoned nine environment ministers including germanys baba hendricks to brussels for an equality summit today giving them a final chance to comply with quality standards. Singapore is putting the brakes on traffic if you want to buy a car for the first time and drive it youll have to wait till another vehicle is taken off the roads its part of measures to ease congestion on singapores streets the government wants to cap the number of vehicles at five hundred seventy five thousand once they get the go ahead aspiring drivers can then purchase a certificate allowing them to buy a new car in the city if it gets cheap the equivalent of around thirty three thousand euros they can be more expensive than a car lets bring in linda hong our correspondent in singapore linda what what singapore ian spend on cars i believe is made their island state one of the most expensive cities in the world how do you afford to even live and breathe in that place. Well ben actually sample itself is one of the wealthiest nations i mean some of we we have one of the highest be on one of the highest earners around in Southeast Asia at least and in the recent Credit Suisse report we are the ninth wealthiest people posting a par in our valuation of around two hundred thousand u. S. Dollars and we like behind switzerland that has got the you ations of about half a million australians about four hundred thousand u. S. Dollars so actually thats not really hot to see to be to afford to have a car but actually we already have a lot of policies that have caught singapore in snow not not too many cars are going colitis but of people fine with the restrictions that come into effect next month well then we have actually been making a lot of plants to reduce the number of cars because singapore is so small its not just the pollution its also the amount of space. For rort as well as the pollution so in essence we are actually looking at reducing cost and singapore is really small way we build infrastructure its quite easy to get around anywhere even if you drive maybe its about half an hour from one end of the island to the other so its really quite easy to get around in this island. Linda thank you very much for filling us in on the picture there in singapore china is fast becoming a Cashless Society payments five smartphones are threatening to undermine the governments efforts to control the money supply and regulate prices beijing now sitting in up would limit for each smartphone transaction in the hopes of gaining the upper hand of fast moving Internet Companies. She only pays in cash when requested. Here i found a coin but thats it. She hasnt paid with cash for a year when she goes shopping the cashier just scans a barcode on her cell phone to dock the amount automatically. Chinese Internet Companies have made this possible we chat is the most popular social media app and a Market Leader in mobile payment. Says it up with innovations worldwide are making the internet faster but on mobile payments were leading the way thats something were really proud of. With its payment function we chat is trying to position itself as an app for every situation but the company is facing a setback Chinas Central Bank is wary of mobile phone payments and has announced plans to limit smartphone transactions to seventy euros. How and when that will go into effect is still unclear. If there are problems well be able to protect our customers weve all gotten used to paying on the go when were shopping eating out or singing car ok. Thatll continue to be available for our customers. Whether with online retailers in supermarkets or at the corner greengrocer china saw transactions of an estimated seven point five trillion euros last year. Thats twice the amount of germanys economic output. So. Eighty percent of my customers pay with their smartphones. We chad and competitor ali pay likely have more Customer Data than any other company in the world. Group there you are then of course there are also disadvantages. I think a lot of people are worried about their personal information being collected and analyzed. How come. You could still for most people its become their way of life here in the new book. Shes a bit worried about the Central Banks plans but in the worst Case Scenario shell just use her bank card. And returning to our top story the eurozone has managed to shake off the shackles of the day crisis growth figures out today for twenty seventeen a promising lets bring in daniel cope our financial correspondent in frankfurt daniel so the debt crisis is over according to these figures at least but the debt hasnt disappeared has it. Yes certainly has not disappeared ben but we also have to remember during the financial crisis when countries such as cyprus ireland portugal they were pretty much bankrupt by that time and they were only rescued with major banks and credits for example in germany the good news today is that also all those countries are recovering thats also what this report is showing and also that in those countries we now see also the unemployment over eight also going down but here from the market perspective the market not to impress today maybe we are some spoiled brats here a little bit a little bit used to record numbers here of the economy but i guess big company all that much celebrating going on because i mean weve got to look ahead and now would be an opportune time for the eurozone to get its house in order. Yeah thats certainly one of the big question marks and the other question mark ban is really when you talk again about the Monetary Policy of the European Central bank. Because many people here again questioning what mario draghi just a few blocks from here is doing with this very Strong Economy we just heard from him last week that he doesnt see any reason at the moment to change his Monetary Policy speaking about Interest Rates and also speaking about the Bond Purchasing Program yes so lots of question marks also reports today about a leaked a paper there was a release. Kind of creating a scenario how breaks it could be for the u. K. Economy and those figures dont look very promising at all british Prime Minister trees are may now saying that this was only initial work and was never supposed to be released so yeah very interesting what is also going to be said about this issue thank you very much for your interesting analysis there you go person. And i was doing business with you ill see you again very soon here on the telco and. Clinton. Going to. Come. To. The true and. The a. Preview. And see a trip. Then come come the stakes with something. This Mountain Village can sign and for just a week. The outfits the outdoor sports. And the dom says just as they were. Twenty. Year romance next. Coach a video can be sure links to news from africa and the world for link to exceptional stories and discussion for more news and views each i want would say to debbie to coast musharrafs joining us on facebook g w a africa. Up to speed on the latest technology. Know when it may be time for an upgrade this. Become part of the future. Become a cyborg to me like im a cyborg so i have dreams of the new sounds and the new organ and design my perception of reality implants that make every day life easier. I use my camps on a daily basis that optimize the human body and connect people more effectively. I hope that this would make us more ethical persons what would life be like as a cyborg. At the end of the day these technologies can be used against us and what effect will it happen society does this human race need to upgrade i think its only the beginning of this cyborgs human machines starting february first on t w. Hard want to welcome to another week of your romance im your host meghan lee it is great to have you along heres a look at whats coming up. Cultural capital of the dutch city of les ovata

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