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Pilots. Like a monster every man with us now the animal. Three german d. J. Superstars cant get any more bombastic movie come easy didnt exist we had no idea what we want to do here and how to do it ourselves on. The featuring backstage rooms so disciplined and a twenty four seven social media presence. Super star deejays starting november twenty fifth on d w o for. At that. There was a furious reaction in germany to the announcement of layoffs and plant closures that engineering giant siemens well because protested on the streets of bell enough that hearing the company would slash an unexpected. Eight hundred seventy jobs in the german capital alone. Ive worked for the company for nearly twenty seven years they cant do this to us just say ok its over they have to offer alternatives or restructuring their shares. Every year they present better results now Division Next profits like you wouldnt believe we can understand why theyd shut us down when were working to capacity so the mood is pretty grim. The plans that siemens announced a radical worldwide it wants to eliminate six thousand nine hundred jobs nearly half of them in germany with the countrys east hardest hit two plants that will shut down completely and a third hangs in the balance. And says its been hit by the switch to cleaner Energy Sources and that is Turbine Division cant keep up it makes the parts for fossil fuel power plants and orders a declining. Siemens is not only investing in plants in other countries it is posting record profits no wonder the employees feel theyre being taken for a ride. To top it all off theyve been working on these plants for twelve months but employee representatives and the union have not been involved. Management says cuts will secure the companys future the point is that the Energy Market is changing so dramatically and its a structural change so we need to react if you want to peace also responsible for our business and specially also for competitive business so we can say to our workers into the people that might be affected is that were going to trying to find actually other jobs for them in the company some of them might be requalified the. Trade Union Representatives say the massive layoffs and closures clearly violated agreements made with management and they intend to continue fighting the cuts in the upcoming days. Suddenly electric cars are all the rage folks flag and wants to put eighty new models on the market over the next five years it hopes to become world leader with the surge and the car makers allocating far more funding for the venture than industry observers had expected. The automobile is being reinvented were investing the required capital for that out of our own resources by the end of twenty twenty two well have put thirty four billion euros into developing electra mobility and developing autonomous driving. Going from the norm if on. The main focus will be on china by twenty nineteen china wants ten percent of all new registrations there to be ecards to cash in on that bonanza a company has to be able to deliver the w. Had previously announced that it would earmark ten billion euros for china alone. Folks morgans new strategy comes with risks though its still not yet clear if he cars really are the future of mass mobility besides the High Development costs traditional Combustion Engines also need upgrading. On top of that v. W. Faces billions of euros in penalties related to its diesel emissions scandal despite the new direction the w. Is still a work in progress. Is that as well or defaulting on not thats the question the continue to hang over the country this week after it failed to make two already late payments on bonds on wednesday caracas said russia had agreed to a debt restructuring deal worth three billion dollars still wont go far to relieve the countrys sixty billion in bond debt last sunday president Nicolas Maduro said his country would never default and his government knows who to blame. The financing for venezuelas foreign debt has begun in a coordinated manner we are clearly overcoming the siege that is being attempted by the administration of Donald Trump National Assembly President julio bogas. And other representatives of the right in venezuela in venice through the fabric of Venezuelan Society has been tearing for months on the streets protesters clashed with police and military the u. S. Has imposed sanctions the e. U. Has imposed a weapons embargo on travel restrictions desperation is mounting supplies are scarce Security Forces have to hold back hungry crowds at Food Distribution points medicine is becoming unaffordable venezuelan inflation is estimated at seven hundred percent. The stray dog company p. T. V. I say has also been unable to pay its debts a committee of credit is riddled with the company has defaulted potentially triggering payment of default insurance to investors. Venezuela a country practically swimming in oil is now drowning in debt. The start of the week had looked less than promising for airbus at the dubai airshow after an anticipated deal to sell a three eighty super jumbos collapsed production will have to be scaled back in two thousand and nineteen. But then on wednesday the deal of deals airbus landed the largest single order in the companys history namely four hundred thirty planes for u. S. Investor Indigo Partners mainly airbus is a three twenty and a three twenty one needs single aisle planes the deal amounts to forty two billion euros. Negotiating teams on both sides i think that if it passed that job for us and for the airlines involved the new airbus aircraft will go to four airlines including hungary and budget carrier wizard there but Emirates Airlines was not one of the airbus buyers after the anticipated deal collapsed in dubai emirates placed a big order with airbus rival boeing for forty seven eighty seven widebody planes were thirteen billion euros and some of the would be was to replace the old. Which we in the next two years and to keep our old was and with that but not only the big players were proving to be young and modern a sensation at the dubai airshow was the plan supersonic aircraft by boom the denver based startup wants to pick up where the concorde left off with twenty three hundred kilometers an hour it would be the fastest passenger plane ever i think supersonic can only come from a newcomer if your boys. Air bus your economic incentives are to iterate on the same product you are making for decades for superstar to come its going to have to come from a new company the supersonic aircraft would make the trip from london to new york in three hours boom has already received seventy six orders and if all goes to plan the first planes could take off in six years. The german Aviation Market has are the concerns right now of tons are announced will offer one thousand new domestic flights per month starting in january and lower its ticket prices by acquiring parts of bankrupt rival air berlin of towns and now has a monopoly on many routes but you competition regulators still have to approve the takeover the fall of tons of can offer the new flights. A leak in the controversial Keystone Pipeline spilled eight hundred thousand liters of oil and farmland in the u. S. State of south dakota the operator trans canada said it shut down the line in secure the area fifteen minutes after a drop in pressure was detected the reason for the leak is still unclear. Keystone transports crude oil from canada to refineries in the u. S. The spill comes days before regulators in nebraska are due to announce a decision on an expansion of the pipeline system. Germany has reported more employed people than ever before the federal office of statistics counted forty four and a half Million People in work in the Third Quarter of this year nearly seven hundred thousand more than the same period last year the figures include employees and freelancers. The trend could continue in twenty or eighteen when the German Economy is predicted to grow by two point two percent even faster than its grown this year. Theyre speedy and agile and a fixture on bangkoks floating markets but although the thai capitals iconic long tail boats are easy on the eyes theyre very hard on the ears. David hunter and his team from german engine maker tour quito want to change that theyre meeting with thai tourism officials to convince them that going electric might be the answer theyve brought along a test motor. When most peoples mind when they switch from a combustion to an electric is how long will my battery last. But i think for areas like this where. You dont go too fast an electric motor they can go all day without recharging. Before they can go for a spin the conventional motor needs to be removed. And the much lighter torpedo engine is mounted to the boat it takes just a few flicks of the wrist. At first mr chuan the local boatman doesnt seem to trust a three horsepower drive. At this now you have like ten kilometers right now you know what you want but not me all day i want to go anywhere they are traveling. The slim engine provides all the threats he needs. For a boat like mine this motor definitely has enough power and its so easy to use you just turn the handle. Thailands Tourism Authority is already on board with the new technology at two thousand euros the retail price for this model is about ten times as much as a comparable Combustion Engine but the peace and tranquility that could be gained is priceless. If size matters this building takes top prize even auction house christies doesnt come across many rocks with these dimensions. At one hundred sixty three carats this is the largest the flawless thats ever been offered for sale. For someone thats thinking about this outside of the Diamond World how do you comprehend the size well its the size of a matchbox now think about that a matchbox thats a diamond thats perfect in color white as can be called lately flawless hes never been seen before. On the giant gen latest stunning four hundred full carrots making it the twenty seventh largest diamond ever found an italian celebrity gillett took one thousand seven hundred hours to fashion it into creation one the sparkling artwork with emeralds and diamonds was auctioned on wednesday an anonymous bidder snapped it up for twenty nine Million Euros and that was our roundup of this weeks business stories. And turns on the lucent. And the innocent criminals. He calls his selfportrait. Hes no longer taking photos yet hes still showing pictures. Of the photographer who stages contradictions. And euro max next on d. W. Urban farming a new School Subject in ugandas capital come to your students more help vegetables can be planted in recycled containers in very small spaces but if im preparing my breakfast i pick if youre if youre leaves then ill cut putting my foot. Whats the one note. A go at africa in sixty minutes on d w. Ws program guide. Lights. The whole. Dot com highlights. They make a commitment they find solutions. They inspire. Africa on the minds. Stories about people making a difference shaping their nation. And their continent africa on the move stories about motivational change makers taking their destinies into their own hands. Multimedia series for. D w dot com africa on the move. Welcome to our latest edition once again im glad you could join us in heading into

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