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He states in the pantheon of great tennis certainly hes one for the ages. Of. 10 or 15 years starts july 10th on t. W. The European Central bank is in for its 1st female president president is that any. Economic policy experience function. 3 german Industry Groups flash their production forecasts pointing the finger at the globe straight wall. And good sunny days of portugals Tourism Bureau calls to see cuts all right. I think its all a business shes got big shoes to fill mario druggies is time as both of the European Central bank is pretty much up e. U. Leaders nominating i am managing director Christian God to take over the position still he confirms analysts say it will be difficult for her to emulate the eye catching policy steps of the current president the euro slipped on the news shes a ready one of the most well known figures in International Finance bringing with her a wealth of experience and a reputation as a trailblazer for women in 2007 Christine Legarde became the 1st female Finance Minister of france an experience that french president Emmanuel Mccall says could benefit her as e. C. V. Head. She was the Finance Minister at a time when it was particularly complicated as she faced the biggest financial and sovereign debt crises of the last decade. Having earned credentials for shaping the french response to the financial crash she went on in 2011 to become the 1st woman to head the International Monetary fund her biggest challenge in that job handling the greek debt crisis. But her career has not been without controversy in 2016 a french court convicted her of allowing the misuse of Public Funds Legard was neither sentence nor find the i. M. F. Stood by its director. On twitter legard said she was honored by the nomination to head europes most Important Financial Institution during the nomination period it will fall on her Deputy David Lipton to take over the reins at the i. M. F. Responding to news of his bosss likely departure he said his institutions loss would be the e. C. B. Ease again. German Economist Peter joins us to talk about god what do you think about the pick well i think its a very good choice maybe not an excellent choice shes a very qualified Chief Minister of the i. M. F. Shes done a great job one could say well the. Column is as the head prosecutor from bank shes a lawyer. And of course the e. C. B. Build the challenge very difficult topics in the next few months and years so Interest Rates are extremely low its very difficult to get lower developments like the cryptocurrency said very complicated. So maybe an economist would have been better but on the other hand has served at the i. M. F. She is deeply involved with. Issues. Like financial stability. And im sure she will do a very good job she already clashed with germany on things like the greek debt crisis so bad has already been tension there between her and some Member States how do you think that will play out with germany being such and playing such a huge role as as the e. U. s finance here really well this is true i think she is need to do more to have deficits to stimulate the economy to to try to reduce in some places and i think shes right on that and to if she insists on this will be ok because as i said the roof on maneuver for my policy is extremely limited but theres a lot of room for maneuver and fiscal policy and if you need to do more shes right what about misuse of public funds during her time as french Finance Minister while this is a legal question i can kind of answer this i think all of french politicians some legal problems but i think if shes a qualified person and is she will do a got a good job of europe and for the euro i think that is really what matters you mention shes not an economist she doesnt have to rank active Monetary Policy experience but were also talking about someone whos not a technocrat usually a technocrat is chosen for a job like this and known by a nonpartisan technocrat she does have the backing of trump she knows a way around big organizations like you said but but what do you think about. Playing a role where she cant take favorites she cant favor france for example. Well i think it is it is policy is a policy for the euro area as a whole and i think this is what mario draghi has done and if the euro area prosper its good for all Member States and so i think its not good idea to do favor to specific economies but overall its the euro area is an entity and i think doing something thats good for the euro is before them. The euro area is also extremely factitious at the moment just just laugh lastly how do you think shell do at pulling together these very different economies well i think this is really a difficult job if you look at whats going on italy and i think this is where you need some some genius like mario draghi with his board very takes thing and could she emulate him i think she could i think its very difficult because my drug is a genius and he has done a much better job than his predecessors but i think she has a quality to do the same thing i thank you very much for coming in today refute it. Now to some other business stories making headlines inequality and exploitation the Nonprofit Group oxfam says the conditions of many supermarkets in germany the u. K. And the u. S. A dismal he says the global chains dominate the Market Reports those they dictate prices with suppliers are making huge margins off and says these practices in the Food Industry are unsustainable and socially irresponsible. Tesla has broken its Quarterly Sales record to find focuses and sending stocks up Electric Comicon delivered 95000 vehicles to the in 3 months june because of a relief for investors up the week 1st Quarterly Results the us firm is still under pressure to show we can turn a profit. In austria is the 1st e. U. Country to ban the controversial we collect life to save the home side is marketed by by as one son ho and his face the flood of lawsuits in the us of allegations it causes cancer the move could set austria on a Collision Course with the European Union brussels has approved the use of lifesaving to 20. 1 in 3 german jobs depend on exports and the International Tariff dispute is increasingly putting those jobs are based chambers of industry and commerce as association and germanys Engineering Group have all lowered their production for costs blaming the us president. For the 1st time in the history of the chamber of industry and commerce is the number of German Companies with a pessimistic outlook exceeded the number of optimists the d. I h. K. Says uncertainty caused by Donald Trumps Trade With China and the European Union is contributing to a cooling global economy. Investment plannings are on the retreat right now. Are shy of. Capacities so weve never seen such a slump in Investment Planning in our survey before. Germanys exporters of had 9 successive years of growth but dependence on exports has made the country vulnerable to prolong trade conflicts d. I its forecast for growth in german exports over the course of 2019 to just one percent against the 2 and a half percent forecast thats way below the average annual export growth of recent years. Germany will have to look for new markets in less industrialized nations for example in Latin America there are always opportunities. Could be explored not to speak about africa. Explored. By businesses but german exporters will have stiff competition from the chinese whove been developing african markets for years. In portugal tourism now accounts for 14 percent of economic output its an especially popular destination for brits keen to Soak Up The Sun but forecasters fears storm clouds are gathering on the horizon as breaks it and competition from other destinations keep people away. Portugals is dealing gulf coast at the beginning of july high season is just getting underway but hoteliers here are wondering just how many britons will come last year their numbers fell 5110000 the british are the regions tourist mainstay. They were always about 30 percent or more of the total overnight stays now were down to 292 to 3 percent less thats clearly a break that effect. Besides brags that competition from other Vacation Destinations is also hurting the Algarve Hotels here have responded with special offers. And the countrys tourist Marketing Board has geared its efforts more towards the british market the message is clear. Whatever happens braggs it or no breaks it even during breaks it. Will always welcome the british as partners but just like weve been doing for hundreds of years. Still portugal wants to protect its Tourism Center by reducing its dependence on british tourists theres also a shift away from the algarve. Seeing the best grows in regions which are less Tourism Centered it means were projecting an image of portugal which is very diverse which can be visited the whole year round the. Growth outside of the traditional tourist hot spots is decisive for portugals future the boom of recent years has often brought the algarve and the capital lisbon to the limits of what they can handle. 3 or 4 fabulous years behind us with 12 to 15 percent growth thats over now and that we have neither the infrastructure the know how nor the qualified staff to keep growing as strongly as that it wouldnt be good. But theres no letup in sight for the algarve yet latest figures show advance british bookings picking up again raising hopes the states Advertising Campaign could be paying off and millions of new visitors are now surging in from brazil and the us alone little portugal is no longer the well kept secret it once was. And finally the chutes triggered a 1000000. 00 backlash sportswear giant nike has lost a grant to build a factory in arizona after the state governor objected to a decision to pull a trainer from the market came off the Brand Ambassador and sports column capn it complained that the flag the sneakers featured is associated with white nationalists gov doug do you see accuse the company of bowing to political correctness. I was doing business with it if. The be. Mocked. Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah. I am. 50 years since the. Jeep was the 1st man to. Die. As a small boy dreams of the stars. But. No matter how. Theyre going to. Miss an astronaut he took part in the greatest adventure in history. Armstrong was his destiny starts july 20th on t. W. Above. Hello and a warm welcome to news from the world of arts and culture im Robin Merrill lets have a look at whats coming up today with featuring the roaring twentys the jazz age theres live music in the studio with the Rufus Temple Orchestra and well be looking behind the scenes of the Mokka The Orchestra who featured in the famous t. V. Series bob and on lead. And speaking of which. Is the

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