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And then Central Europe its a basement pretty much match those of the e. U. Beijings already announced a three billion dollar fund and ten billion in credit lines for the region now at the opening of it at you will todays summit between china and sixteen eastern and Central European nations chinese many of the sorts when lay concerns that his country seeks to weaken e. U. Unity a promise to respect european standards and fair trade the backdrop to all this chinas massive Global Infrastructure at a vestment program known as the belt Road Initiative. It might not look like much but this will soon be the site of a Four Hundred Twenty Million Euro Bridge Spanning the adriatic. Its fine in some part with chinese money. Projects like these are intended to build a bridge between beijing and states in eastern and southern europe. Asia in hopes of further cement its foothold in europe for its belt and Road Initiative it would see china secure Transit Corridor for its products from beijing to the heart of the continent. This is the plain sight of a new high speed Rail Connection between serbia and e. U. Member hungry. Once completed it would be a direct link for chinese goods from the built in roads he wrote into the e. U. And china isnt just focusing on trade its invested in this power plant in bosniaherzegovina as well. And is helping expand this one in Serbia Beijing is financing Infrastructure Projects throughout the region bypassing typical Contract Bidding by offering cheap loans. But European Union observers warn those loans could come at a high price and they warn china could use them as a socalled debt trap which would see china forcing partner countries to make painful political or financial concessions if they fail to repay their debts but despite the warnings theres no sign chinese invest in the region has become less welcome. To talk about this in frankfurt conrad is this welcome money or are european nations falling into a chinese debt trap because china is now just out of grace i should add to its Eastern European Business Initiative taking the sixteen to seventy. Well then of course many politicians here in europe many people who are interested in civil rights in a liberal society are anxious that the chinese mike use their money that they might use their influence to push their show their way of doing things and that they might force their ideas on the communities on the nations that borrow from them on the other hand we have to keep in mind that the whole idea of global trade is about exchange every year billions of euros worth of goods made in china a sold here in europe among them i phones sneakers made in china but with the brand added us for example if we want those goods we have to allow the chinese to invest some of the money of course also here in europe what about doing business there on a level Playing Field again weve heard the chinese welcoming two way openness but thats not what their offer. Thats true and you know china with its offer to all for retiree and centralized governments of course has an opportunity compared to opportunity and advantage compared to the European Union which is not even a nation very difficult to deal with multilateral body thats why the nations of the you have to make sure that they are not divided these are the the chinese is they where you are comrade i want to go about this next story has given us a look under the hood of its business as it prepares to go public growth is strong but the ride sharing app may never make a profit a different story for key shareholders softbank it stands to make a huge amount from hoovers initial Public Offering next month that it had soft bank c. E. O. Must yoshi sun even more cash to invest in mobility the japanese entrepreneur has already Sixty Billion Dollars into the sector hes one of the power plays influencing how people and goods move around the globe. Conrad one man so much. Very much power and a very Clever Investor thats why thats why many people in the financial world are quite optimistic about this i. P. O. A couple of reasons mr sawyer he became an investor in at a very late stage its likely that he would lose on this at this moment if he used this i. P. O. For an exit you know for an opportunity to make some cash and also the vision fund all for mr sun soft bank is known to be very interested in long Term Investments in the whole idea that it might turn out to become a platform for mobility with all different kinds of services and technologies and that makes many people on the market so that you know the share price of oil will not sink after the i. P. O. Thank you very much for her analysis contribution in frankfurt for us and talking about japan japans workforce is projected your strength by a fifth in the next two decades according to the World Economic forum a rapidly aging population is mostly to blame over a quarter of japanese or of a sixty five its basically the Oldest Country in the world its also a problem elsewhere especially in wealthier countries to japan the other top ten oldest nations can also be found all be found here in europe so what can be done well you can increase migration japan as a new law that allows low skilled workers from abroad to come for five years but thats proving controversial. The population of japan is aging the demographics are evident in retirement and Nursing Homes the number of residents is climbing the number of caretakers is falling one possible answer could be migration something japan has resisted. Mr moises Isnt Japanese so unusual. That. Hes very friendly and im very grateful to him. Moises martinez comes from venezuela only two percent of the People Living in japan are foreigners he was married to a japanese woman she died but he was allowed to stay to begin with he was given the Cold Shoulder by locals social contact with foreigners is rare in this Island Nation where even today few speak english and immigration is rare and usually called to the job its a good while the. Other time i go back home. Thats all. There was. At the heart of the language communication is the hardest or is better to ishtar. Before you enter just business but theres been strong resistance to migration it took pressure from the countries businesses to ensure that Three Hundred Fifty Thousand killed workers can now enter the country to work in different sectors. And for no more than five years migration activists say that its unfair. I think its an a phobia despite the realities the theory of an ethnically homogenous nation is still firmly rooted in japan but japan can only be preserved by japanese they only want to have to deal with themselves. As martinez feels at home in japan has lived here for almost thirty years but the new influx of migrants who will soon be taking on work on Construction Sites and farms in fishing or in hotels will soon discover that their presence here is not without controversy. And lets talk about this with michael president of the news agency in tokyo another Foreigner Michael why the Controversy Dont The Japanese see whats happening demographically to their way of life basically. Well certainly i mean the you know intellectually or theoretically japan has known for a long time that its an aging society and that its workforce is beginning to shrink in not just the workforce i mean actually every year now theres about Three Hundred Thousand less people in japan because the death rate is so much higher than the birth rate less than a Million People were born in japan last year so the fact that the demography is changing is very clear but on the other hand you know as your package mention theres also a great reluctance about you know immigration is especially on a larger scale there is immigration and there are more foreigners here but you know the japanese dont want that sort of small river to become a flood. For a lot of cultural reasons and because you know this is a nation that for you more than three centuries was was isolated from the entire world so theres a there there is a sense of community and a common culture in japan which they preserve for a long time they culture is so different and there is so so many misunderstandings that can that can happen a miscommunication between the japanese and foreigners i know walking in say restaurants that you often get first this sign which means i come in if youre far. Whats it like being a foreigner in japan so you. Well you know ive been here i guess a lot about twenty two years and you do see i have seen changes over that period of time you know what you speak about in terms of you know lets say twenty years ago you know there was a lot more japanese who you know if they saw foreigner they startle and get shocked and and a little bit afraid and they they they would you know i mean they were usually were nice and polite but you can see that they were feeling very tense you know when they saw a foreigner talking to them or addressing them even if you spoke japanese. In tokyo it in the major cities at least that kind of. Startled reaction is much less common now theyre much more used to seeing foreigners you walk down the street and youre going to see people from all nations in japan not only residents but also tourists so in some rural areas maybe there is still some adjustment to be made but japan is getting more used to foreigners here ok lets leave it there thank you very much for joining us Michael Pence president of the should get sue news agency in sofia thank you. From africa and the world. Your links to assumption stories and descriptions hello and welcome to Africa Program and from foreign agenda for more news of museums and while weve saved enough to call this much africa join us on facebook at g. W. Africa. To. Be our fighters want to start families to become farmers or engineers everyone of them as aplomb of you know who are your children. Learning is just the children who have always been the boy and those that will follow are part of a new. They could be the future of. Granting opportunities for global news that matters d. W. Made some minds. Here replaceable reaction of. Around six hundred years ago. In the renaissance the revolution unfortunately this mentions is that people became aware of their abilities and strengths in a new way there was an outpouring of selfconfidence and. Architects. Scientists. And artists. Who continued invented completely new things and toppled the ancient giants who had originally been its teacher to see them to. Teach out of the darkest bleachers into it. Starts in the twenty second d. W. Place at the for

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