Transcripts For DW Business 20190405 03:02:00 : comparemela.

Transcripts For DW Business 20190405 03:02:00

they system all the rules pilots with catastrophic consequence a plumeria report on the crash of the if you know if you're being analyzed seventy three max says boeing must reexamined the jets automated flight control system putting the blame for the accident squarely on the manufacturer also coming direct ferry services to the european mainland are emerging as a plan b. for avoiding the border between ireland which remains in the u.s. northern ireland which will exit together with the rest of britain and south korea is the first country in the world to activate a ultra high speed five g. mobile network nationwide. just good to have you with us the preliminary preliminary report on the doomed if you open it the open air line seven
thirty seven shows its pilots followed the correct safety procedures and wrestled with a faulty automated system before the plane nose dived despite their best efforts the pilots were not able to control the aircraft which crashed killing all one hundred fifty seven people on board the appears minister of transport said on thursday boeing should review its aircraft control system the seven thirty seven max family of aircraft was grounded following the crash a move affecting more than three hundred planes. now let's get the reaction of financial markets to this report with our man on wall street scored against the preliminary findings point the finger at boeing and its automated flight control system what does this mean for the company. well a lot of stake. types seven three seven so those models are the most
successful and the most important for boeing the well we have to consider that the investigations are still at an early stage but let's say it should turn out to there are actually design flaws so that really could mean trouble for boeing so yes a lot of said steak wall street in general did not react that much to the news here on thursday but the stock has dropped quite a bit in the past couple of weeks and speaking of trouble for boeing the company also potentially has a lot of legal trouble coming its way over these crashes certainly and you have to look at it from two sides i mean on one side you have the families of the victims so we will see lawsuits from this and then on the other side we have the customers so the airlines themselves we already heard from some lines that at least they're considering to cancel orders and then they also might be looking for
compensation for grounded flights i mean still all of those seven three seven eight machines are not flying at the moment and it is open when those machines will be operating again so there could be some cause then also we have legal issues not even to talk about reputation this case is far from over and what we have heard so far from the investigation some from from indonesia it will take many more months before those investigations will come to an end and scored in new york thank you. german chancellor angela merkel was in ireland on thursday to discuss the fallout of a possible no deal brags that with prime minister leo eyharts rex it could potentially lead to a hard border between our land which remains in the european union and northern ireland which would exit together with the rest of britain the question of how to retain seamless trade across that border has been
a major hurdle in efforts to ensure the u.k. quits the bloc in an orderly fashion but residents all warming to other plants. necessity is the mother of invention and there are many examples of that in these uncertain times johnny lynch used to produce cheddar cheese here in ireland exports to britain were mainstay of his business but unsure of developments he sold his cattle and he decided to settle up for the future with a telly in buffalo. he now has a herd of three hundred and it's growing fees calves were just born overnight. lynch is happy he made the switch he's irish mozzarella has already picked the italian competition to several international prizes if it's a heartbreak that as people are saying there's a big possibility nobody's talking about talk to five percent. cheese milk going
into the country going into the english country and that could mean a collapse in the market for milk and cheddar lynch's prospects though are rosy. we're growing twenty to twenty five percent each year. every year we're coming to the end of the year we're saying we have to look as exporting to germany screen wherever put it in the new we are poems january all seasons are joining in forty years and it's really what the old. if he does decide to move into the spanish market one factor could help the economy f. area out of cork harbor just half an hour from his farm last summer it began a direct service to santander in spain it proved highly successful even though the most direct route for exports goes through britain. if breaks it continues to go
south as it is at the moment and hard borders are put in place and we see customs checks a more importantly agricultural checks the delays that would be brought about by the us in the orisha british ports. and indeed the french ports are belgian or parts of the saw it from the bridge day would render the direct routes between art and europe if they'd rendered far more profitable. truck drivers welcome the service. and i'm really worried there could be waits of hours or even days at the british borders that would be a huge problem so direct ferry service to our own does a good paying i'm happy. we're going to do this and tend to cork as opposed to before posing the u.k. or france or whatever it still be a story good for like it's great it's great for them to just bypass england direct it's fantastic fantastic and here are some of the other business stories making the
news movement in merger talks between germany's two biggest lenders deutsche bank of amounts bank as italy's uni credit says it would be interested in buying commerce bank as well italian bank has already to make a multi-billion euro offer in case talks between the two german lenders fail banks declined to comment on the matter i was in founder and c.e.o. jeff bezos and wife mackenzie have finalize their divorce she is giving up all her interest in the washington post newspaper which bezos bought in two thousand and thirteen and blue origin the space exploration company he founded she's also relinquishing most of her albums of stake leaving her with four percent worth thirty five billion dollars a new york judge told the securities and exchange commission and the long mosque to settle a dispute over how much the tesla c.e.o. can tell in his twitter feed the f.c.c. says mr musk violated a deal when he tweeted about production without a long as approval the judge told both sides to meet in the next two weeks if they can't resolve their differences. it will make
a ruling wheels question. well last december south korea's telecoms companies began broadcasting superfast five g. signals for commercial use now the nationwide ultra high speed network has been opened up to smartphone users and on friday samsung rolls out its first five g. capable smartphone to an eager public. south korea's telecom providers are the first to unveil a new us internet technology for s.k. telecom c.e.o. . it was clear like landing on the moon five g. will be a giant step for mankind. the new mobile internet will be one hundred times faster than the previous four g. systems s.k. telecom's network covers eighty five cities and towns using thirty four thousand base stations it hopes to sign up one million subscribers this year a consortium of the s k l g u plus in korea telecom launched a five g. service similar eleven pm on april third two days ahead of share deal.
when we prepared for five g. we really wanted to make a difference for example with our service a real three sixty with a necklace three hundred sixty camera you can see the world like you've not seen it before. for now however those services are nothing more than futuristic gimmicks the technology is only reached a fraction of its potential. it has potential to transform a range of trees from autos to factory production to war to agriculture to health care yes eventually is transforming to potential will become apparent to everyone next five years or so the biggest impacts will most likely be industrial autonomous driving for example requires massive amounts of data and five g. technology could help bring it into the mainstream south korea's early launch of
five it's also a symbolic step for the country to maintain its lead as a high tech nation for the newest generation of mobile internet to reach its full capacity experts expected to take several more years whether five g. is indeed a technological revolution or more often evolution is still to be seen there are global competitors two hours after south korea's launch verizon communications rolled out their five g. service in chicago and minneapolis with china close behind. and finally here is a little something to look forward to for all of us that are stressed out by their daily commute. after air bus showed its latest development last week on thursday another flying personal transport gizmo from a road in vienna this electronic drone taxi could soon shuttle two passengers and their luggage around the city without a pilot and of course without the stress of traffic it's an austrian chinese co-production and if you can spare about three hundred thousand euros
a pop maker's promise promise it could be yours in to us. so maybe you want to start putting some money away that wraps up this edition of business. thanks for watching and see you back in.
how about taking a few friends you could even take a chance on. don't expect happy ending. hijacking the news. we're arguing from the news it was being hijacked journalism itself has become a screw reality show it's not just good first as evil us versus the white one. in countries like russia or china churchy people are told lives there and if you're a journalist here and you try to get beyond it you are facing scare tactics intimidation

Related Keywords

South Korea , Country , World , Mobile Network Nationwide , Us , Airline , Seven , Five , System , Efforts , Pilots , Safety Procedures , Plane Nose , Thirty Seven , People , Crash , Aircraft , Thursday Boeing , Aircraft Control System , Family , Minister Of Transport , One Hundred Fifty Seven , Report , Boeing , Finger , Planes , Reaction , Markets , Move , Findings , Man , Wall Street , Three Hundred , Flight Control System , Lot , Company , Stake , Mean , Models , Three , Trouble , Investigations , Stage , Flaws , News , General , Stock , Bit , Side , Crashes , Sides , Families , Way , One , Two , Customers , Lines , Lawsuits , Victims , Orders , Machines , Compensation , Flights , Eight , It , Case , Cause , Reputation , Issues , Investigation , Indonesia , Northern Ireland , Angela Merkel , New York , German , End , Fallout , Border , Brest , Britain , Land , Leo Eyharts , No Deal , Trade , Question , European Union , Plants , Invention , Mother , Examples , Necessity , Hurdle , Residents , Warming , Fashion , Bloc , Exports , Johnny Lynch , Business , Cheddar Cheese , Mainstay , Developments , Times , Cattle , Irish Mozzarella , Switch , Herd , Telly , Fees Calves , Buffalo , Competition , Talk , Italian , Nobody , Possibility , Prizes , Heartbreak , Cheese Milk , Market , Milk , Collapse , Prospects , Cheddar Lynch , English , Seasons , The End , Twenty Five , Forty , Twenty , Factor , Farm , Area , Spanish , Cork Harbor , Economyf , Service , Route , Breaks , Spain , Santander , Ports , Delays , South , Borders , Place , Sorisha , Put , Checks , French , Routes , Truck Drivers , Art , Parts , Bridge , Europe , Saw , Ferry Service , Cork , Problem , England , France , Some , Business Stories , Story , Deutsche Bank , Buying Commerce Bank , Talks , Banks , Amounts , News Movement , Euro , Unicredit , Offer , Italy , Jeff Bezos , Wife , Space Exploration Company , Newspaper , Interest , Founder , Matter , Divorce , Blue Origin , Washington Post , Two Thousand And Thirteen , Judge , Most , Album , Dispute , Mosque , Tesla , Securities And Exchange Commission , Thirty Five Billion Dollars , Thirty Five Billion , Four , Fcc , Deal , Mr , Musk , Twitter , Production , Differences , Approval , Network , Friday Samsung , Wheels , Broadcasting , Smartphone Users , Use , Telecoms Companies , Well Last December South Korea , Internet Technology , Ceo , Smartphone , First , Korea Telecom , Public , Telecom Providers , G Systems Sk , Internet , Landing , Mankind , Towns , Cities , Giant Step , One Hundred , Eighty Five , Thirty Four Thousand , Share Deal , Base Stations , Consortium , Sklgu Plus , One Million , Eleven , Example , Necklace , Camera , Difference , Three Hundred Sixty , Sixty , Technology , Potential , Fraction , Services , Gimmicks , Nothing , Autos , Impacts , Factory Production , War , Health Care , Trees , Range , Agriculture , Everyone , Launch , Driving , Data , Industrial Autonomous , Experts , High Tech Nation , Generation , Step , Lead , Capacity , Evolution , Revolution , Verizon Communications , China , Chicago , Minneapolis , Al L , Passengers , Airbus , Daily Commute , Something , Drone Taxi , Development , Flying , Road , Stress , Pilot , City , Traffic , Luggage , Eco Production , Course , Chinese , Three Hundred Thousand Euros , Three Hundred Thousand , Promise , Pop Maker , Mo Ney , Edition , Thanks , Friends , Ending , Don T , Journalism , Screw Reality Show , Versus , Journalist , Countries , Scare Tactics Intimidation , Lives , Russia ,

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