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Course his model and muse and lived out this role at his side in the last years of picassos life jacqueline was really very close to her husband there are documents that also shows her clean was for a time a manager of picassos work. As. Shockley in was married to because so during the final creative phase of his life for a long time many of her portraits were only known through black and white photos of picasso studios because the works were in the familys possession jacquelines daughter whose childhood portrait is also in the exhibition granted rare permission for them to be shown. To the curators in potsdam its like having all their christmases come at once i dont believe in christmas but i do like hot chocolate so its like having the best hot chocolate and its lots of foreign and its fantastic and its also fantastic to do the Research Behind it the exhibition starts with the first portraits of shakin from one nine hundred fifty four shortly after the seventy two year old picasso met the twenty six year old and runs through to his final acts at the end of his life after painting his many female portraits picasso began painting men again it was a very prolific face and his life. Hes number one goal was always to create. As time was passing by and he was raiding his seventys and eightys and even ninetys and he knew it. The clock was ticking. Picasso the late work ends with a painting that was still in progress at the time of the artists death it seems to depict two figures and visitors are left to imagine how picasso might have completed it. Well it might be a tiny country with just over eight million inhabitants and yet israel is an absolute powerhouse of Television Production and most people have seen the emmy winning the us series homeland starring claire danes. Is adapted from the israeli original prisoners of war and meanwhile dozens of others who language series have sold worldwide to the likes of h. B. O. Amazon and netflix where their success borders on the phenomenal. So what is the secret to their edgy creativity when my colleague scott roxboro went to jerusalem to find out how the israelis make such high octane drama on a shoestring budget. Israeli t. V. Draws its inspiration from the frontline of political terror. And from the most personal of family drama. Do you see it. On the spectrum of taste. At the end while i on t. V. Conference in jerusalem writers from around the world come to learn how to make drama the israeli way partly its an attitude. Israelis just dont seem to have time for niceties we just cut to the chase we say it like it is and therefore were not afraid of really challenging subjects were not politically correct in the positive sense so were not offensive but were also ready to tackle issues head on. As one of the countrys top t. V. Producers donna stern focuses on uniquely israeli stories so well do less of cop procedurals shows no hospital shows you know americans do that better than we can but we can tell stories that regularly resonate from here so. Mattick stress disorder for example. Should sit down to the mission of a national movement. With dozens of city officials have been a significant. Hit israeli series when heroes flaw i took on the taboo subject of traumatized soldiers from the war in lebanon. We thought that no one will want to speak about the fact that we have a lot of strong mattick soldiers and its was like unspeakable about and. Loudness. Speaking about. This side of the story amazed us speaking the unspeakable and making it personal has become the secret to success in israeli t. V. The conflict in contradictions of Israeli Society our mind from the small screen. For writer karen ma girl eat it was her experience as a mother raising autistic boy in a society that doesnt mention the a word this means. Her series was an instant hit and the first foreign show to be remade by the b. B. C. The original aired just before the israeli masquerade celebrations of police. They went down to the street i found about twelve costumes of the boy of the artistic boy with this blaze yellow blazer he has in the headphones and i almost cried they said wow like every kid in israel not every but some kids in zurich think its really cool to be this it to stick boy and i think you can see a change in front of you and its very exciting and thats where you see the power of television. And the biggest myth in israeli t. V. Right now is a comedy about autistic adults amazon is remaking for the us. Facing taboos to make stories that matter is really t. V. Showing the world the way. And scott roxboro has joined me in the. Thanks for coming in scotts youre just back from jerusalem and the i n t v conference thats an incredible output of compelling series that weve been observing coming out of his relatives who are background as to why theyre so successful yeah i think israel is that theyve taken all the disadvantages they have being a small country not having very much money and theyve done it to their advantage so israel doesnt have any sound stages for example so all their shows they have to shoot on location and that gives the shows a real sense of of real is a real sort of gritty realism and then because they dont have the money to spend on special effects theyve got to focus on on character so Israeli Television writers but a lot of time developing characters going really really deep in the plots and i think that is reflected i mean you can see that in a series. Like like you know its got a sense of authenticity because it comes directly from the character who created it this is a show about israeli commandos who goes undercover in a Palestinian Terrorist group and the guy who created whos also the star of the show he was in one of those commando units so this is this is this is from the inside its credibly authentic i think thats one of the great strengths of israeli cities and it really lends so much more passion to what theyre doing doesnt it and theyre not afraid to tackle taboos about politics relations what about religion obviously topic yeah this may be the hot topic in israel and its interesting when i was there the biggest trend that everyone is talking about is orthodox series Series Television series set in the ultra Orthodox Community in jerusalem and theres a whole bunch of them perhaps the most. Successful is on netflix is shes a. Its a sort of romantic small little story its about a man whos trying to find a young man is trying to find a wife but he falls in love with a widow widower and she is viewed by the Orthodox Community as being damaged goods we have a small clip but we take a look. If you could be sure. Everybody knew someone should have. Some markers i dont know you i would one machine mushroom. Rather ghoulish in winter but i dont. Think you do any. More. Because you pursue. The crucial issue to its right. To live with either of you to move. With a live you. Know didnt ship and you know it is true but you know that a minority but that was. My question. Thats another example is really serious writing what you know because i mean that series and all the other orthodox set shows that israel are written and created by people from the Orthodox Community so its not a view from the outside its really from with inside this very sort of hidden hidden World Community that most israelis dont they are only as they see it and the next theyre the neighbors but they dont know theyve never seen inside their windows ok so now i have literally gobbled up some of these series but how are they being received in israel found out for instance yeah i mean these are often controversial thought it was a very controversial show but israelis really like controversy and i think thats part of their success and its a show like on the spectrum which shows mentioned in the piece is about autistic adults trying to reintegrate in society and it doesnt pull punches but it really finds the finds the funny in these very delicate situations with a small clip of one of the characters autistic character whos going to his first Job Interview lets take a hawk. I dont what do you. Want to. Get money for the want to move to for those of. You going to go to. The real impact is after it aired the number is really business is asking for autistic employees really skyrocketed sixty a real direct impact of a t. V. Show like this on a society its almost as if television in israel is one of their top exports what would your tip for the next one to watch because weve seen quite a selection here yeah i mean with us which is on netflix now is a great show but theres a new show coming up called just for today which is about a criminals at a Halfway House with trying to reintegrate society its by the guy who created the show called in treatment which was very very successful almost a decade ago psychiatrist exact it was attacked all over the world this shows going to debut next month and im really excited in the first two episodes looks fantastic so thats thats my tip just for today ok thank you very much protein be having an impact in israel definitely on social issues and and at the very very. Thanks for bringing us that backstory and that brings us to the end of this edition of arts and culture but we will be back to. More from Scott Ross Perot and myself from all of us here in berlin thanks for watching. The for. Such a claim the masters is counterattack made the difference greatly beats later cruising and keeps its your sleek osama and two red cards for her to play live and dortmund scores in injury time after a turbulent match in berlin dortmund past the last place. Kick off keep claiming its close to double. The floods have taken everything they own now despair gutless climate refugees from the to. Play seek shelter cutlet finish. First place explain the floods are coming. Starts much twenty. Sarno just couldnt get this song out of his head. Musicologist began searching for the source of these captivating sounds. And that deep in the rain forest in central africa. The bank of. England seen nothing else looks like the bullets leaving. My little. By their culture the state. Only a promise to. The jungle and return to the concrete and glass jungle. The result reverse culture. The tree from the forest starts first on w. Play. This is the w. s life from germanys five frequencies go up from. The fast mobile Data Networks and can it be done without hot breath may project chinese test shots. Also the program a book or something along for survivors of cycling to duck which through southeast africa last week the floodwaters are endangering thousands of people and rescue crews are struggling to be interim sent. This resupply looks for

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