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Relevance today. As they hold a little half a century on. It all began in the early sixtys in the usa berkeley california students are fed up to a. Civil rights free speech the war in vietnam social topics that culminated in massive protests with National Implications and sparked demonstrations around the globe the rebellion has a soundtrack. The goal for change and freedom spreads to germany to west berlin june one thousand nine hundred eighty seven the shah of iran makes an official visit students demonstrate against his authoritarian regime and terrible human rights Record Police crackdown violently and bent onus on his shot his death fuels the outrage of the students. Movement. The process though how and the demonstrators specifically playing as newspaper. Death in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight becomes a catalyst for the students revolt. Their leader. The revolutionary his comrades and the authoritarians. Is one of the spearheads of the movement that formed in the postwar era as a reaction to boys German Society the charismatic head of the socialist Students Union demands a do not sophistication of the police and other branches of government and criticises legal reforms as undemocratic. In april one thousand nine hundred sixty eight an attempt is made on route because life he survives seriously wounded but never fully recovers. The mood escalates the willingness to use violence grows in left wing circles the fear of germany becoming fascist strong the movement is radicalized. This contributes to the founding of the notorious Terror Group Red army faction. Nine hundred sixty eight a turning point in the postwar era of germany politically charged volatile controversial even today. His pictures are part of the collective memory of an entire generation. Is one of the greatest photographers of the postwar era what are his images from one nine hundred sixty eight not what you might think. Students were protesting and being clubbed by police and more straw money robert maybrick was elsewhere. Like of the documentary exhibition in casa. Of the student. Liberty. Profiled others making history like yours of course. Vanished into these of a he wasnt in paris or west berlin or tokyo anywhere where students were demonstrating. But he was on the road in other places and captured the essence of that year of violence that year of media to zation and his photo series such as this is so you can learn much about contemporary history from this exhibition and its a list of. Almost two hundred of labor explore those are being shown in. Just nineteen of them are published inch down the magazine he worked for at the time. Next widow called ago was just six years old in one nine hundred sixty eight. Provided i manage his estate. And ive been dealing with his photos ever since i met him i put together a list of his books of photos of my. Banks images are Historical Documents were told some surprises sometimes he visited places just before history was written before the graft in prague in early april nine hundred sixty eight at the all christian Peace Assembly just a week later the student leader was shot and critically wounded in berlin. The photos show what was to become known as the prague spring and none of the pictures appeared in shutdown back then. My cock is even nish that theyre not the images of the prague spring that are burned in our collective memories the soviet tanks rolling down the streets rather there of the real prague spring a few of the things that made the Spring Blossom alexander dubcek the reformer shake the press freedoms people reading newspapers on the street the mention of. Robert lay back took twenty four trips to produce repertory engines in one nine hundred sixty eight three of them took him to watch blog which was celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of its founding. That was reason enough for shutdown to devote several illustrated stories to the city at the heart of the. An auto industry. Fifty years on its also the reason this exhibition is being presented here i photojournalism from the year nine hundred sixty eight. Robert lay back wasnt interested in ideologies or Political Parties he was interested in people and capturing them at just the right moment. The funeral of Robert Kennedy assassinated less than five years after his brother john f. Kennedy. Theres never been such a concentrated focus on a single year and i have to say that list i was a little skeptical since. Heidi would these kaleidoscopes like photograph or charges that really stand up in the museum stand. On its life with. These photos werent originally taken to be displayed in a museum but the unusually large format prints made of them or. Theyre destined to become part of the collection at the const museum bourse book playbacks glossy photos were shot almost entirely in black and white but the photographer who was born in berlin in one nine hundred twenty nine turned down assignments to cover wars. Because youre biased. I know that robot never sought out war situations htat out of this but was he consciously avoided fala tile events even see once said i dont need to photograph those horas i experienced enough of them during my youth hobbesian one i didnt leave it. At the end of one nine hundred sixty eight conflict was brewing in Northern Ireland the violence between protestants and catholics known as the troubles threatened to break out into civil war earlier that year shut down and sent robert lee back to belfast the capital of Northern Ireland was plagued by. High unemployment and leverage pictures show the precariously nature of the situation that. These are the exhibitions only color photos displayed run of the end in the era of color photography and such but also exemplify nine hundred sixty four year of protest problems and problems. The lead. Player in the world is an uproar everything is up for grabs artists are protesting too with subversive radical performances and happenings an exhibition at the looted form an arson looks back at art in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight. Oh this is new in itself then can grab away with impunity groping womens breasts as well coming to be a nice entree is funny expo created the piece assertive bold provocative characteristic as nine hundred sixty s. Artists and also off there are lots. Of education is what matters whether on the streets the gallery or at University Towns revolution everything comes together in nineteen sixty eight games and thats what were interested in showing in this exhibition is how early the world picked up on issues which society hadnt yet contemplated and. Paul was in denial at such as the nazi history in west germany six drastic means of expression for an equally drastic reality. Vietnam the Great American trauma. Images of war penetrate the angel of home. And. It shows how revolutionary stick together. On the reality of china the mighty model. Of. The battle on german streets against war emergency legislation and the detested state machinery is being forced on the painters canvas. The nazi const of the new federal republic should be washed away nazi public prosecutors judges whose hands were probably clean ski jumps. German trauma we see a premonition of the terrorism of the nineteen seventies in this painting. The fight against representatives of the oppressive capitalist operator this. Theyre going to have the goods thought basically artists were the trailblazers that used art as a medium of change for people to change their way of thinking. Alternately the idea was that artists become activists that art is just a thoroughfare a way of changing things in society or done thats needed for and stop painting demands the painter. Breaking with tradition is theme hand life is not and everyone is an artist is how joseph boyce saw it and so he set off sweeping the streets of berlin. Following a philosophy an artist a politician and a conservationist he was the guru of a holistic field of ott in this event a provocative collective hit to salute has hefty consequences bowies is punched in the face and of course turns it into a not. The liberated body free sexuality. And female amounts of patients. As in the legendary performance of. Unpaid have viable in vienna the subservient publication which writes out history in parts of the subservient woman as an object fetish slave american artist brutally bring reality to the center of attention. The show in aspen is exhibiting the album god of the revolution flashes of the future in the last week for him rehabilitate the art of nine hundred sixty eight as a submissive force. Artists didnt just react to political uproar they were active participants and their works helped to change society. For women nine hundred sixty eight was a pivotal year they came out of the kitchens and found their voice sisters started doing it for themselves short shorter. Barely there the micromini was a shocker the fashion statement was designed for such as a provocation of the boardwalk an attack on the establishment a symbol of liberated sexuality and the newfound confidence of a young female revolutionary. Climate in intolerance became you know who wants him to be people be going to make him feel good in your book making doesnt mind believed not surprising that if you know people we can run wild times and what memories we needed many you could see our backsides. Couldnt of course we got into lots of trouble at home do you think unbelievable that everyone got so upset how can you wear such a short skirt. Its indecent or none she did it as long as it provoked the prudish moral ideas of their parents it was all right. But the real obstacles to emancipation were and still are deeply rooted in the social role of women even the sixty eight generation realised that the female revolution needed to come a day and literally the women of one nine hundred sixty eight left the action to the smart poster boys of the movement. The phones and it was a long time women werent just seen as the chicks of the revolutionaries i think right at the beginning women needed to break free from that they started off typing all the leaflets and making the coffee before they realized that something was wrong. This is in all fairness the stuff wasnt. They willingly joined in with sexual liberation too like with the north koreans german commune im not i guess there was a saying sleep with the same person twice and youre part of the establishment the flagrant antithesis of marriage and convention. Six Relevant Service at first the sexual revolution of the sixtys just lift men. It was about enabling men to live promiscuously and many women was sold out to the new left in the name of the revolution get involved otherwise youll bushwa is going to build temple and that was one thing women didnt want to be that was their image from the fifties tied to the kitchen sink. And a plow had tried leaving talkin bucks on the im feeling owned by. The women of one nine hundred sixty eight revolted against all that as well as the social pressure to be sexually available for the cause with patriarchal men taking charge historian christina from holding back is even firmly convinced that the changes of nine hundred sixty eight were chiefly driven by women for her book does under the act im sexy show the other sixty eight she listened to long forgotten audio recordings from the one nine hundred sixty s. Stored in the archives of the university of bonn thirty six hundred hours of material in which men and women from all. Walks of life talk about their experiences which made clear how much the societal changes of the late sixtys impacted womens daily lives. And money revolutionizing the relationship between couples well the way we raise children anything that affects peoples private lives also exhibits a great cultural influence in the long run and. While their male counterparts could attend university and protest many young women had to abandon their studies as soon as they became mothers. By school because there was no childcare available and because men didnt pitch in so the idea was ok then well help each other well create structures as well take turns watching the kids and it became a dont have this right from the very start life. Trying to do. Childcare and access to the pill helped women in their quest for emancipation finally they could decide for themselves whether they wanted to become pregnant or not another milestone on the road to selfdetermination came later in germany the campaign to abolish paragraph two hundred eighteen which made abortion a punishable offense women took to the streets demanding the right to choose but the fight for equal rights continues a woman has governed germany for the last thirteen years progress is being made towards creating gender equality today women are assuming their rightful place in government ministries parliament and in the boardroom but their success owes much to the women who paved the way in the one nine hundred sixty s. And let. Them know. It was a decade of sex and drugs and rock n roll but in west germany an entirely unique sonic universe was developing. This is crossed back at the start of their career with the sound. Also on the same can from cologne broke free from traditional song structures with their psychedelic sounds. And noise from the rhineland region also helped forge the new sound of krautrock. Where you just let rip we develop the music we played it we waited to see what would happen next. And composer. Began exploring new musical horizons at the age of eighteen he was a member of craft pack and went on to form two of the most influential crowd rock bands ever. Noyo in one nine hundred seventy one. And harmonia in one nine hundred seventy three. His bands rebelled against musical conventions. In the late sixtys and early seventys we were all influenced by the spirit of the establishment. Political and cultural. Legendary british radio d. J. John peel is said to have coined the term kraut rock in one thousand nine hundred sixty eight. The pieces were epic full of improvisation and experimental sounds krautrock became a synonym for this new music coming out of germany. But one band style varied greatly from the next google for example were from the free jazz scene and played psychedelic rock. From p. From hamburg combined ethereal sound with rocking guitar riffs government provided the vocal accompaniment. Then there was ten geremi dream founded in one nine hundred sixty seven and berlin they sought to create cosmic music. And it was a sheer cliff. In those into the music audition. By the midnight hundred seventy s. Problem rockhead pretty much sunk into oblivion then in the ninetys International Bands like oasis. Kasabian. And radiohead came out as fans and integrated krautrock elements into their music. Then when you travel the world these days you realize the term has become a sign of quality. Its no longer tarnished with memories of german First World War soldiers the krauts. The crowds today program is considered one of germanys most important contributions to pop culture history. To be. From flower power to psychedelia and pop art nine hundred sixty eight was the year the world went from black and white to color technicolor in fact. While important events were taking place in space and a small step for man became a giant leap for mankind people on earth had other things on their minds. The world around them had previously been muted monotone and conservative but then. Suddenly. The late one nine hundred sixty saw an explosion of colors and shapes and one color in particular shone brighter than all the others. Arent. It was the ice popping color of a decade synonymous with flower power hippies and l. S. D. And. The bathrooms and living rooms now displayed a dizzying array of patterns used culture made its presence felt like never before and gave holmes a warm and sunny feeling hair grew every which way and fashion became far more colorful. But how did this happen. Heres one possible explanation. Totty krishnas were on the search for new divo teams their quest for enlightenment in the color of their robes also caught on in central europe. Fascinated by eastern spirituality the beatles soon embarked on their hari krishna trip. And in the musical hair and acid trip inevitably leads to people singing are a christian that there is no escaping them. By the one nine hundred seventy s. Orange was everywhere on face cream tubs in dishwashing liquid and soda pop. Even eating at the cafeteria like here at the german Publishing House spiegel was almost a psychedelic experience. Change today its hard to imagine enjoying your lunch with Something Like this hanging overhead. Though its decor by ground up on top and like these plastic chairs are now a design classic. Then in one nine hundred seventy one the release of the film a clockwork orange pushed the limits even further and not just in terms of design. Rights right. By the late one nine hundred seventy s. Orange had been transformed into dog westerners seeking the meaning of life flocks by the thousands to the point to us from india their guru rajneesh attracted followed. So too does the era of orange and bell bottoms love and peace had gone mainstream and become a commodity there was just one thing left to do. No toughness and darkness ruled supreme the early one nine hundred eighty s. Were a bleak time in germany black was the new orange the harsh realities of life had caught up to us so it wasnt so sad and. Thats. About the banks. That was sixty eight special and want to prove a trip it was the be joining us next week when we return to the twenty First Century the be. The be. The be the be. The be. The be the be. The be. The be. The be. Small farmers are becoming smarter. Weather extremes in india are threatening crops. This worsening problem that men still live in hoods of many at. The start of katie is helping out the Company Builds inexpensive modular greenhouses provides valuable tips for cultivation go at africa in thirty minutes on a d. W. I. Scars cover dont forget women in russia have to live with violence sexism and oppression. Violence is no my brush up. Where putins petri arky rooms today womens rights were already gaining traction a hundred years ago. People here dont have a clue that feminism but there are women who want to instigate change in everyday life for justice and equality. Under the skin of russias women starts nov thirteenth on g. W. You can tell a lot about a society by its garbage. The first see its results for the rich but for many people it offers their full chance of survival africa is among the most unequal regions in the world. I could be launched today just like that. Our reporters travel to nairobi and new york and meet people who know the true value of garbage. It has created a thriving parallel economy thats been completely ignored by the Financial Markets but what does all this mean for economic inequality around the world you guys are starting class was the response to that state mr b. Yes. We are starting to as we walk here because were tying. The destruction you could have led the bridge. Into trouble and exclusive report starts nov seventeenth t. W. Plane. This is the w. News live from berlin a message of defiance from iran as were new the u. S. Sanctions come into force the countrys president says tehran will bypass the measures and calls on the country to persist but what will the fallout be for ordinary iranians well get the latest from our correspondent in tehran. Also coming up everything is still up for grabs that campaigning ahead of the u. S. Midterm elections enters its final hours many stay the stakes have never been

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