Moving forward. Cenk oh, we got to hell of a show for you tonight. Do you know who carlos danger is . If you dont look up on twitter. He might be coming for you. Were going to explain how Anthony Wiener has a double permanent name carlos danger in just a minute. Later on the program you think anthony weeper is bad, wait until you get a load of the democratic mayor in san diego. He literally puts women in a head lock. Unbelievable speaking of unbelievable, Anthony Wiener, despite a whole new scandal is going to stay in the race for mayor of new york. Now, if you havent heard yet he apparently sent texts and tweets and phone calls and many other things, including his junk to women after he resigned from office. In fact, a year after he resigned from office. So today he had to do a press conference at 5 00 east he were. This is part of what he said. Im prepared not to dispute anything that is out there but suffice it to say that people are out there saying things that are that are not true, but thats not the point. Thats not the point. I accept the responsibility for having these conversations with these people who i never met with exchanging inappropriate things in the context of our marriage, and that was a mistake, and i bear responsibility for that. That is behind me, and were trying to move forward, and we are raising its not going to be easy. We knew at the moment that we got into this race it was not going to be easy, but i believe this is an important thing to do. Cenk wow all right. Let me bring in the panel. Host of the war room, michael shure, joining us from San Francisco. Michael, great to see you. You got a shot of the studio. Lauren brown jarvis, l. B. J. Is in the house Jayar Jackson senior producer of the young turks. All right. Michael, let me start with you. One, is Anthony Wiener mental . Well, i mean, you know, yes he is, because he decided to run for mayor of new york, so i think thats why. These are things that we knew about Anthony Wiener, the public knew. He predicted that more things would come out. The fact that he did it. Christine pelosi was on our show today. She said that relaps is part of rehab. I dont know that, but i dont know that we need to accept that from our mayoral candidate but theres nothing different really, about Anthony Wiener today than yesterday, in my estimation other than we find it out that a year after he resigned from congress or more than a year, he was still doing these things. Cenk i want to give a time line to everybody but i like what michael said. You know how people who are struggling with alcohol say i was sober for 18 months like Anthony Wiener saying ive been off twitter for 11 days now and wish me luck. Heres the time line. He resigned on june 16, 2011 but then he apparently started a relationship with this woman on july 12, 2012, so thats almost exactly a year afterwards. On july 19, they had this conversation about finding each other on formspring. I dont know that formspring is but apparently things spring forward from there. Here comes my favorite quote from the dirty. Apparently its confirmed because Anthony Wiener said i did things afterwards, too which ill get to in a second. Cenk carlos danger . I guess his middle name is danger. Insanity, come on, l. B. J. You think its not crazy . Of course it is. Theres some aspect of insanity here, but as far as stepping down or losing, obviously hell lose. Is it worse than losing, getting your ass kicked or step down and be embarrassed . Cenk thats a good point. Hes got some real problems. I mean, i think i felt worse for his wife. I mean, he was standing over her shoulder during this press conference like you better Read Everything i put on that paper. I, you know. Cenk oh, yeah. I can almost, you know, am surprised more with how he stepped away, took time to deal with his family and fallout but came back. Hes obviously running because he thinks he has something to contribute to the city of new york and the voters will ultimately decide if hes right. Cenk number one when you just speak about politics, if he resigns now pulls out of this race hes done in politician, hes over. Ok . I agree with you. If youre just talking about all you care about is his career, et cetera, steady as we go, tried it, and hes in the lead kind of, its really tight right now try to fight through this thing and get to the end because this is his last chance, last stand as it were. Now, with you l. B. J. , my god his wife i felt terrible that she was out there. I just felt like no, dont do that to her but he needed to, right . If she wasnt out there hes in a world of trouble. I question how that will play with women voters. If they will be like yes the wife has put this behind him and so should we or why would you do this to this beautiful woman. She looks tired. Yeah. Full tired of doing that. Cenk first, let me give you a sense of when this whole thing kind of ended. She mentions that the relationship fizzled out in november of 2012. She said we only spoke once in december of 2012, and then i didnt hear from him again until april 11, 2013 when a New York Times article about him was released. He reactivated his facebook and asked me what i thought of it. He might have been doing that to get her to delete some of the stuff he sent earlier because he decided to run more mayor he patched things up with his wife. All that is possible, but its also possible that as late of april of this year, hes like hey, how you doing . [ laughter ] go ahead michael. We know enough that we dont need to presume anything else with this. Everything we know that Anthony Wiener is enough and he still decided to run for mayor. If hes stupid enough to do that with all of this baggage, this nt going to change the equation. Hes going to stay in the race and run because he doesnt feel anything new is coming here. I dont know that whom his motivation was. It may have been that she wanted to. They have said over and over that we are prepared for Something Like this to happen, then it happened on National Hotdog day i think is interesting. Cenk i didnt know that. Not the wiener we thought we would be talking about. He ruined it for a lot of people. Cenk his brilliant code name should have been oscar mayor. For mayor. Cenk very good. If use the picture its definitely enough. Cenk one more from his wife, shes at the press conference. Lets hear one more time from her. It was not an easy choice in any way. But i made the decision that it was worth staying in this marriage. That was the decision i made for me for our son and for our family. I didnt know how it would work out, but i did know that i wanted to give it a try. Cenk all right jayar did he have to have her out there . I think its worse, i really do especially since its the second time in two years. To do it again man again i saw headlines running on news channels, stands by her man. I dont think it makes other woman go thats awesome, i would do the same thing. Its that poor woman look how she has to keep saying these things and other apologies in other scandals, if you have three or four sentences to speak, if you have to keep looking down in the middle of those three or four sentences at every pause it looks bad. It just does. How can you not look in the camera and say remember, im standing back. I made the decision its worth staying in this marriage. Cenk jayar you just forgot. It seems prerehearsed. I thought it was brilliant political imagery it helped. Its reading too far into it. His wife there is, standing by him. Everything that we were so shocked and appalled to know, his wife said i know that, too and we worked through it, still are working through it, anthony was bad and i want him to be mayor i understand want to be with him. I think its ok for her to stand by wanting him to still be mayor and still be in the relationship. Nobodys going to get on her. Just say it. I dont think its that hard. Endorse him say this is behind us, hes going to be a good mayor here is why you should vote for him. It came oh off as a funeral. Cenk i got to ask you guys this. Now that ive seen he did it again in this context and very significantly, one of the things is he apparently promised her if you believe her and wiener says some things are true, some arent true, thats helpful, he promised to get her on a Political Panel if she hard deleted all of his pictures. All right, michael im done with him. Im done with him. Ok . Right. Cenk would you support wiener for mayor or anything else . I mean, none of these reasons that happened today disqualify anymore anymore than before. What disqualifies him to me are the one piece of legislation in congress a ceremony yell piece. He was an ineffective communist Congress Grass man. Cenk what a slip i love that i did that. The whole idea that he did what he did we know. I dont see why this changes the equation at all. Cenk its judgment. I dont care what pictures he september on twitter. Ive never cared but to have the incredibly bad judgment after you get caught to do it again and then to run for mayor knowing that youre going to be outed again and have it be as late as three months ago no, i cant do it. Thats terrible judgment. Dont you think . Do you believe he learned his lesson that after the first time, whenever that goes, you think hes not going to do this again, its too embarrassing. You think he got over this little hurdle. We dont know hes over it now, is this person trustworthy enough to be our mayor. We are not talking about bumble, mississippi, were talking about the largest city on the east coast. That requires somebody with a level of responsibility and wont be distracted by, you know, the woman walking down the hall or somebody on the internet. Cenk i dont even mind the distraction, i just captain have this poor judgment. I just cant have it. Its not about the sex at all for me. By wait, he never even had sex. Talking about sex condos and stuff like that. Just condos. School poor judgment is as old as every president congressman mayor, and alderman that we know. If you think its bad judgment, thats fine. Is he going to be a good mayor . There hasnt been anything to show me. Cenk its a level im not comfortable with. Will that affect his decision owe making . It might. Im the last person in the world to care about sex scandals, but i cant have this guy going is he going to send his pictures when hes mayor . He might. Is he going to be i dont know. I get a sense he does full control over himself and thats a bad situation to be in. Now, we got to take a break. When we come back, president obama says the jobs are going up, i should get a little bit of credit for that. Boehner says oh, no, we have an awesome political catfight when we return. 21 days in the great state of kentucky. He got a primary opponent today he tried to make love to the tea party and they didnt like it. If you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Viewpoint digs deep into the issues of the day. Do you think there is any chance well ever hear the president even say the word carbon tax . With an opened mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter cutting throught the clutter of todays top stories. This is the savior of the Republican Party . I mean really . With a unique perspective. Teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. laughter . And lots of fancy buz words. Family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hardworking moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. If Wayne Lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense. Hey, so can i. Once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. Watch the show. Only on current tv. Did anyone tell the pilgrims they should selfdeport . No, they said make us a turkey and make it fast. laughter . She gets the comedians laughing. Thats the best thats hilarious. And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so there is wiggle room in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. Shes joy behar. Ya, i consider you jewtalian. Okay, whatever you want. Who plays kafka . Who saw kafka . Who ever saw kafka . laughter . Asking the tough questions. Chris brown, i mean you wouldnt let one of your daughters go out with him. Absolutely not. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me . Absolutely singing i take lipitor, thats it. Are you improving your lips . laughter . When shes talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. It looks like Anthony Wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. His what in the ring . His hat. Always outspoken, joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Only on current tv. Cenk were back on the young turks. P. s had enough of people not giving him credit for the economy he doing a little bit better. People think it is doing a little bit better, but not showing any love to the president on that count. The president has some budget battles coming up that he said im going to do a barn storming tour here, going across the country. Wednesday im going back to galesburg, illinois to talk about where we need to go from here, how we need toe put behind us the distractions and the phony debates and nonsense that somehow passes for politics these days and get back to base. Its going to be the kick off to what is essentially several months of us trying to get washington and the press to refocus on the economy. It will be a pretty good speech. But, as weve learned ive given some pretty good speeches before and then things still get stuck here in washington, which is why im going to need your help. Cenk hes very right about that. Well see how this round of speeches go and whether it has any effect. The reality is actually four in 10 people think that the economy is looking up, and theyre positive about the future. Thats actually better than its been for a long time, but president obamas numbers arent showing it. When you look at the latest poll, 37 approve of his economic proposals and policies, and only 56 and 56 disapprove so thats really bad. Thats almost a 20point difference. When you look at strongly approval, thats only 22 and 35 strongly disapprove. Weve got the panel here. Michael shure is the host of the war room, hes in San FranciscoLauren Brown Jarvis here. Should he get more credit for the economy . Of course he should, but weve learned that this credit is not going to get credit for very much during his administration. Im surprised that hes even going on the road. Cenk is it a good idea to go on the road. So he doesnt look like hes just sitting at the white house with his feet on his desk, yes. I wonder how effective its going to be, whether he does the city by city tour, directly lobbies members of congress. Its just washingtons at a totally stalemate. Cenk is he going specific places to pressure significant congressmen and senators or is this just a big blitz here, because he knows the republicans arent going to bend on anything. I think its some the latter and some of the former. I think he said going from tate to state florida to the midwest, manufacturing areas to where the economy is picking up a little bit right now. You talk 56 22 i bet 2 of the people know exactly what his economic proposals are going to what lauren was saying that once the economy starts picking up, in retrospect, this president s going to get credit. I dont think he cares if he gets credit right now except personally, i dont think that it matters. The places he goes, the message hes putting oh out there is contrary and very specifically contrary to the playbook that the republicans are giving their members of congress to go home and play by, which is to talk about how bad obamacare is and how bad the economy is. We dont know about that, but we do see the president out there. Cenk jayar said it, too michael, let me follow up with you real quick. If its not to i am prove his image, because he doesnt care about that, then i dont get it, and its not to specifically pressure congressmen or senators, whats it for . Well, because its to help his agenda and thats what his presidency will be based on. What happens is important to the country. Cenk he has a defeatist attitude. I dont want him to have that attitude. He is able to in still in the summer of, 13, optimism in the americans of the midwest especially than going toward the 2014 elections is what i meant, implicitly is going to help piece people. That message is going to help the people who want to unseat the congress. As unpopular as his numbers are coming down a little naturally and state by state hes so much more popular than congress. If the president is behind something thats working theyre going to vote for what he has. Cenk jayar. Understood, but in the senate theyre pushing although of the talking points, what people think of the president. When you have different economic pull and you see the bad numbers, people have as you mentioned, michael people want to know what his economic policies are. All they think is what about the i. R. S. Scandal benghazi, obamacare. They think problems, problems, problems, the republicans putting it in the minds of americans, problems, problems. Jab boehner always says were focusing on jobs. Cenk its a total lie. People will see a poll or participate in a poll and say im not down with his Economic Policy because benghazi. They have no idea of any connection new my s is he should go on a bash storming tour, aborne burning tour. If you go middle of the road, its going to be the same muddled stuff at that if he doesnt burn their house down, he wont have a chance to get anything passed. You have to tell the americans these son of witches holding back your jobs. They wont do anything. They wont do a jobs bill, theyre ruining this economy on purpose. If you dont throw these sons of bi this. Ches out of here, were going to be stuck in this same mess. The only response is look at him in campaign mode. Go on, go into campaign mode. Cenk exactly. If it was me, id say hell, yeah, im in campaign mode, kick your ass mode. Hell come off looking at if hes fighting for the average american citizen. People dont feel hes waging that war in their behalf. He came into office with the feeling the president is on our side and fighting for us. People have been waiting for that moment. Cenk waiting and w