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Rowland martin joins us. Roland, great to have you with us. Glad to be back. Cenk great john, tell us what is the latest. There is protests and counter protests around the country. Celebrities are weighing in and were hearing from the jurors finely. Were hearing from four of the six jurors who decided to acquit George Zimmerman in in a statement, the still anonymous jurors called their experience highly emotional and physically draining. They also distanced themselves from this woman. I think trayvon got mad and attacked him. Juror b 37 making waves after speaking to Anderson Cooper about her decision and 17yearold Trayvon Martin. Do you think Trayvon Martin made a role in his own death. I believe he played a huge role in his death. The jurors saying that her opinions were hers alone. Others speaking out, eric holder. Trayvon martins death last spring caused me to sit down, have a conversation with my own 15yearold son. To hillary clinton. No mother, no father should ever have to fear for their child walking down a street in the United States of america. So some great points, but how ridiculous the news, four outlines of jurors and thats the one. An outline. Now juror b 37 receiving justified criticism. He said, my prayers are with all those who have the influence and power to modify the laws that left me with no verdict option other than into the guilty in order to remain within the instructions. No other family should be forced to endure what the Martin Family has endured. I believe you all agree with her on that count, at least. Cenk i view that as a backpedal. I didnt mean to say all those terrible things. Not terrible, okay, terrible, jayar said. Roland im securous what you think. Yesterday we asked you a controversial question on the show. Is juror b 37 racist . I dont consider her to be racist. Part of the problem we have in the discussion of racism. People take two ends of the spectrum. Either a person is a racist or not a racist, as opposed to all those things in the middle when you talk about stereotypes assumptions, and things along those lines. What really jumps out at me as it relates to this particular juror, youre right this second statement really should have been the first statement. What she really should have said is we wanted to find him guilty, but the problem is the way is set up we simply could not have done that. Weve seen that in other cases as well, and thats what really bothers me. What gets me on these people who say, well, we shouldnt be protesting. We shouldnt change the law. Check this out, which is even worse. Because the prosecution allowed stand your ground to be included in the jury instructions, that means that potentially zimmerman may have immunity, and the Trayvon Martin family may not be able to sue him in civil court. Thats how crazy these laws are. Cenk now look, the laws are definitely crazy. If you even put aside the race issue, which is gigantic. My first reactions gun owners versus nongun owners. Im not a gun owner and i go to florida all the time. I go to miami all the time. I used to live clown. I love it down there. But i got to fear for my life. If someone picks a fight with me apparently im supposed to grovel if i pitch him off of me, he can kill me. Thats the weird part of this case where the self defense law can switch mid fight. Cenk isnt that incredible . Trayvon was fearful for his life until he pulled that piece of concrete out of his pocket, hit him in the head with it, and then the self defense switched to zimmerman. Now hes afraid of his life. The guy with the gunits obvious that zimmerman was afraid of Trayvon Martin. Thats why he followed him with a gun. Cenk and look, you know, you see trayvons picturewe have shown it on the young turks because we think its an important part of the 1906 evidence. Hes lying on the grass. I dont know where the concrete is. There are huge holes in this story. If youre going to have your head slammed into the concrete, youre going to have a bump, not a cut. He had scratches. Youve had a lump on your head. Thats what happens when you slam your head against concrete. Cenk ive been punched in the state multiple times and in the state of florida. Isnt that amazing . I talked about this on the online show many times. In my life as a kid, a lot fights as a kid, a couple of fights as an adult. You shouldnt do it. The last time i got in a fight was in miami, i got my ass kicked. My nose was rearranged, i had stitches under my eye, but the guy started that fight. I was defending myself. If either one of us had a gun we could have killed one another and gotten away with it. That kid could be dead, i could be dead. What if you got the better of him and you got on top of him he could kill you. Thats what is funny about this law. Cenk its an old story on the the young turks. Ive told it so many times because its funny how i got my ass kicked. He punched me a bunch of times. At one point i got him in a head lock and he said why are you grabbing me . Hum because youre punching me in the head . His friends were in, and they separated us. If his friends werent mr. There, if he had a gun he could have executed me. Do you think this self righteous murder of an unarmed black kid will spark a National Debate and change laws. Riling up race issues in the country. Juror b 37, shes talking about how this boy this is how they act. I couldnt understand his friend. I dont know what is going on. It seemed very personal to george. After all the condemnation came towards her from society about how ridiculous she sounds. She was comfortable at that moment. Now she feels uncomfortable. Now the thousand and the way she thinks her prejudice thousand were highlighted. Wow, these things arent good to say . So when you have society actually respond to things that many things that our society thinks he they have to change their mind because theyre shamed now. For people to say stop talking about it, they want to keep it in the dark. Cenk there is no question we should continue to talk about it because thats what leads to more enlightenment. Apparently b 37 was enlighted that people found what she said to be offensive. If only that could have happened a week ago. Cenk yes. But here is something that is happening. You talked about moving this conversation forward. What is also happen something that you have significant action that is bubbling up and that is building. For instance, saturday night when the decision came down, i was in a Conference Call until 5 30 with folks calling all around the world who were saying im ready to do something. The second night. Conference call, 2,000 people on the call. This death of Trayvon Martin i believe could potentially serve as the emmett till of in generation. Emmet till was killed in 1955. That is what spurred and kicked off the civil rights movement. This generation of young people, theyre saying, enough is enough. When a kid is coming home from a store, and a guy says, suspect they always get away, im telling you right now there are thousands of young people who are ready to mobilize and organize not just when it comes to voting, not when it comes just to elections but also when it comes to peer on peer counseling, anger management when it comes to really creating this movement and turning it into a movement. We have a strategist meeting happening. I think there is a movement here where we could have a 21st century social Justice Movement as a result of this case. Cenk to point of those guys who want to stop the conversation. We have the opportunity where some of the most influential are africanamerican leaders are standing up. Allen west who is now in the media, lets look auto where he wants to take it. Do you believe this is an opportunity for us in america to talk about race, this George Zimmerman verdict . It depends on what you want to talk about . Do you want to talk about the focus leaders and these race baiters out there promoting. Thats what we have to start looking at. If we want to have these media you know, frenzycreated crises or someone like an al sharpton running around the country like the charleston that he is, then were not having the conversation that we need about race. Thats why folks like allen west get jobs at fox news. When you have a possible teaching moment, theyre there to defuse the situation an make sure that no progress ever happens. Cenk whenever its a gun control issue too soon, too soon. Or racial situation, doesnt exist. But heres what is interesting, when you listen to former congressman alan west talking about the issues facing the black community im sitting there going, where have you been . Its a joke when i listen to Newt Gringrich talking about the prison system and what is happening to young black boys. Im sorry where have you been . Reverend bryant who pops up every six months to trash reverend sharpton and jackson and talking about what is going on in chicago when he didnt bring his behind to chicago. There are individuals who do not want to see this movement. They do not want to see young people, young africanamericans getting in with young whites and young hispanics and asians saying wait a minute. This is not right this is not fair. Let me say this to you alan west, stop the black boogeyman crap. Stop saying this is about al sharpton. 2,000 people were on a Conference Call with me, that is more than one person. Stop making it sound like its all about him. Reverend sharp ton were not the only won asking for justice for Martin Family. Is that all because of reverend sharpton . Thats the black boogie key who used to play with reverend jackson, and now theyre playing with reverend sharpton. Cenk we have more controversy. This time its about he ward snowden. Are they going to cancel the olympics . We m. I. T. Boycott. There is a republican congressman weighing in saying the nsa spying has gotten out of hand. Well share that with you when we come back. How is having every phone call that i make to my wife, to my daughter relevant to any terror. He is i dont know that any phone call that you make to your wife. You got them. But still support the drug war you must be high. Viewpoint digs deep into the issues of the day. Do you think there is any chance well ever hear the president even say the word carbon tax . With an opened mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter of todays top stories. This is the savior of the Republican Party . I mean really . With a unique perspective. Teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. laughter . And lots of fancy buz words. Family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hardworking moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. If Wayne Lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense. Hey, so can i. Once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. Watch the show. Only on current tv. Did anyone tell the pilgrims they should selfdeport . No, they said make us a turkey and make it fast. laughter . She gets the comedians laughing. Thats the best thats hilarious. And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so there is wiggle room in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. Shes joy behar. Ya, i consider you jewtalian. Okay, whatever you want. Who plays kafka . Who saw kafka . Who ever saw kafka . laughter . Asking the tough questions. Chris brown, i mean you wouldnt let one of your daughters go out with him. Absolutely not. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me . Absolutely singing i take lipitor, thats it. Are you improving your lips . laughter . When shes talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. It looks like Anthony Wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. His what in the ring . His hat. Always outspoken, joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Only on current tv. Cenk all right, were back on the young turks. Were going to talk about Edward Snowden and the nsa spying. Im encouraged by the strike backs by the republicans on the nsa spying. But first well go to olympics. The world is waiting to find out if Edward Snowden is going to get his temporary asylum in russia, which he is currently applying for. But putin said if snowden did anything to harm russianu. S. Relationship that would be too harmful. But some in america believe the damage has already been done. And one u. S. Senator is calling for the u. S. Boycott of the 2014 olympics. We have Lindsey Graham. Lets go to that. I love the olympics, but i hate what the russian government is doing around the world. I dont know if putting the olympics on the table is the right answer, but i do know this, what were doing is not working. It has turned into a cat fight on the republican side. John boehner will throw Lindsey Graham under the bus. Lets hear him. I think hes dead wrong. Why would we want to punish u. S. Athletes who have been training for three years to compete in the olympics over a traitor who cant find a place to call home . That orange man makes a good point. Why would we want to damage the reputation oh of these athletes. They have been training for three years and they had nothing to do with the leaking of the nsa information. Cenk or did they. Exactly. Cenk there is a story about how bush started to tap the underwater cables that back in 2005, that is actually a bigger spying program that go under the water and they tap and get all the internet, all the phone of all the international communications. Amazing. They sent the uss jimmy carter on that. Thats just funny. Lets talk about the olympics thing. Its a nice big dig that he gave him. Olympics, its so stupid because it would an giant pr move for snowden. Everybody would be talking about snowden, guess what, its the opposite of what we want to happen but its not the first time a republican came up with a bad idea. Boehner called him a traitor. But they did a poll on it, 55 of americans say hes a whistle blower. Only 54 hes a traitor. So you would cancel our participation in the olympics over what the majority of americans believe is a whistle blower. There are these hearings go og about the nas right now. And theyre having to strike this weird balance, and demonizing snowden attacking putin for allowing him to stay there. Chuck schumer has been talking about the damage has been done. Practicewhat is infuriating is putin of russia aiding and abetting snowdens escape. The bottom line is simple. Allies are supposed to treat each other in decent ways and putin almost always seems eagle for put a finger in the eye of the United States. Cenk theyre russia. Theyre supposed to put their finger in our eye. If its our eye were probably lucky. Didnt they see rocky v . But yeah, no, if he really wanted to stick a finger in the eye he already would have given asylum or given a flight to latin america. Putin is trying strike a balance where he doesnt want to poke us in the eye too harshly and i dont know how theyre going to finish this. Edward snowden does not have asylum. Theyre saying that he can leave the airport in a week, but even putin said he doesnt know what is going to happen. The olympic threat is empty. Theres no way thats going to happen. But that is to put false pressure on him. We first heard putin say well, if hes stopped leaking secrets of our friends i dont want to look so weak to the people im in front of. Im going to make sure that i still have this power, this seeming power over you guys. But were still friends. Thats why snowden is bouncing around like this. I have a question. Cenk go ahead roland. Is this the summer olympics or Winter Olympics. Cenk Winter Olympics. The Winter Olympics ironically could be snowed in. Oh, oh, into Winter Olympics. Let me skip ahead because i got to get to this portion. John conyers the democratic congressman, he was asking the folks at nsa hey what are you doing with all thisto paraphrase. Lets watch in. I feel very uncomfortable about using aggregated aggregated metadata on hundreds of millions of americans, everybody, including every member of congress and every citizen who has a phone in the United States of america. This is unsustainable. Its outrageous. And must be stopped immediately. Cenk now i love that john conyers is speaking out here, and i talked to him a long time ago. We ended up randomly having dinner, it really was random, but he had this building frustration for the lack of policies in the obama administration. Why are we ignoring the Fourth Amendment, and why are we wiretapping everybody. Everybody you go to blake rare raholt. This is fascinating when they agree. Usually theyre not going to agree. How is having every phone call that i make to my wife, to my daughter relevant to any terror investigation . I dont know that every call you make to your wife but you got them. I dont know that they would be relevant, and we would probably not seek to query them because we wouldnt have the information that we would need to make that query. Did you hear that . We probably couldnt look into your calls with your wife or your daughter unless, of course, we didnt like you. But then which means all bets are off. Probably . And he admits it. We have your information. Yeah, your calls to your wife and your daughter, we got it. We probably wont look into it. What does the criminality inside our government end . For me it started a long time ago, and nobody is prosecuteor torcherrers, it starts with that. At the tippy top of our government. We let that go. Now theyre just shredding the Fourth Amendment and everybody thinks its cool, its all right, and everybody who says that Edward Snowden should come back and face justice that that would be the right thing to do. Did they not see what happened to Bradley Manning . They torcherred him before a trial. And theyre going to torcher this guy before they give him a trial. The things were doing is what i was taught that made russia a bad country and made us good because we didnt do these things. Cenk not only are we doing them, but russia is protecting someone who is getting tortured by us, or could. And Chuck Schumer is infuriateed at russia hes not infuriated that theyre designatingdecimating the Fourth Amendment. The idea that Blake Farenholdt and others arent so eagle for have this power when and if a republican prophet president comes into power and the republicans are only talking about this because they think it will hurt obama. If dick cheney was exercising this wiretapping we wouldnt be hearing this. Are they going to actually pass legislation making it more illegal than it already is . Are they going to do anything . I doubt it. Cenk i hear you thats indisputably true, based on the evidence that weve seen. But the flip side is we have a democratic president and a lot of democrats are saying that its aokay. I dont know if we have a different opinion on this spying and snowden information. What are your thoughts on it. What jumps out to me, first of all the extent that were using technology to spy on americans should be trouble to go anyone. But what has happened is we have allowed this notion of our job is to keep you safe. What we have done is weve said, hey, take everything. Do whatever. Our government has used fear in order to get this kind of leverage. You know, im bothered by Supreme Court Justice John Roberts being able to appoint a fisa court when he, frankly was only put on Supreme Court. And so why isnt the Supreme Court reviewing these particular cases . Why are you setting up this separate secret court. We all should be demanding a level of transparency, and no democrat and no republican should be satisfied with what is happening right now. And no democrat should be providing cover to president obama because he is the president. And no republican should be sitting hear saying lets attack because of that. What were doing is extremely bothersome and its precedent setting, and what we have to understand is when you grab mortar tore, your inclination is to grab more down the line, not pull it back. That is a scary proposition where what are we going to look like in 10, 20 years. Cenk that is a great point. If this is the beginning, i dont want to see the end because it could get really ugly. We have to take a break. When we come back how easy is it to get around background checks in america and buy incredible weaponry . Weve got an expert who will come in and talk to us, someone who you might be familiar with when we return. [ theme music ] cenk were back on the young turks. Out of the corner of your eye you might have seen someone youre familiar with here on current television. Shes part of National Geographic show called inside secret america. This one they went on undercover, and tried to find different ways you can purchase guns without background checks among different things. This disastrous and dangerous situation were all in. Let me introduce her. Great to have you here, and great to have you as part of our panel. Great to be back here. Cenk has anyone been on current tv more than you . Its my first home. Cenk let me introduce the clip here. Youre trying to find an ak47. Well explain it after. Youre not a criminal are ya . Whats that . I said youre not a criminal, are ya . You got a drivers license on you . I dont. I left everything in the car. Are ill have to trust. You are these transactions safe gym. They have become less safe. Some peel have gotten ripped off while making the transaction either for the weapon or the money. Even for 650 or 700 people will kill you for that. Heres an ar15. Oh, thats a fullsize one. Thats the one. As i told you we could have had three rifles in less than an hour which is are militarystyle weapons. There will be another showing tonight on wednesday at 10 00 on the National Geographic channel. Whats happening there. We decided to go oh arizona and try to see how many weapons we could buy how easily it would be to buy these guns in the unregulated market, which are private sales. The first gun we tried to buy was the ak47. Its seen all over in wars. Theyre poplar in mexico where theyre ending up. It took five minutes online. I contacted a person who was selling ak47. It was 900. I was able to bring the price down to 750. 45 minutes which most of it was driving time, i was at a parking lot taco bell parking lot buying an ak47. He had two others ar15s in his trunk that he was willing to sell me. No questions asked. No background checks nothing. Cenk thats interesting. A lot of gun rights advocates will say look, there is no sense in passing laws because the criminals will get them any way. But it seems like the criminals can get them under the current laws. It seemslike if you were a criminal, could you have just walked away with a bunch of ak47s . Absolutely. They had no idea if i was a criminal. A few days after that we went to a gun show, and i bought a handgun. He asked me if i had my i. D. With you. I said i left it in the car. He said, how can i make sure that youre not a criminal. I just laughed and said, im not a criminal. And he handed me the handgun and i bought it. In a lot of states a permit is necessary to buy a gun. With that permit you have to go through certain education of how to use that gun. Offer, eventhis is not the case in arizona where i bought these weapons. But even in every state of the United States it was required to have a permit. 40 of gun sales are done in this loophole where you can buy the guns at gun shows or online. Can i ask a question . This right here peeks to the problem where you have gun advocates who say why cant i be able to sell my gun to my son . You are online for five minutes and you were able to connect with a gun dealer. Im just curious why cant our authorities have the same sort of basic googling to be able to figure out whose doing it . Thats what jumps out at me. Five minutes . And none of what i did was illegal. Thats the scary part. Remember that. If you buy a car for your son you have to do the paperwork and go through the state. Right after we bought the ak47 to celebrate our, we went in to buy a beer, and because i left my i. D. In the car they didnt sell us a beer. In my hometown of new jersey, we deciding to fishing. You need to have a permit before you can fish but you dont need a permit or background check to get an ak47 to hunt humans rather than animals. There is a dog park that i cant go in because im not a resident of that area, but i can walk around with an ak47 apparently. Cenk lets say that you putt that ak47 and then used it in a crime. Can they trace it back to you . Is there a record . Like would they be able to go back to that guy and say, you sold it to that person in the taco bell parking lot . There is a record. The law is you are not supposed to sell to someone who you believe committed a felony. But its impossible to know that if back rebound checks are not required. Thats the problem. Cenk so since they didnt do a background check on you. If you used that ak47 in a crime, they could never find you. It would be tough. There wouldnt be a paper trail that would lead to me. Right after i bought the ak47. We thought we would go one step higher we bought a 50 caliber. The one used by military. You were able to buy a. 50 caliber . Yes, i was. It took me five minute Search Online and ten minute drive. Cenk we have a clip that have. Lets show you buying this weapon without much hassle. We are going to try to buy a sniper rifle. A weapon so powerful that the u. S. Military uses it to penetrate through concrete walls and pierce steel. How are you guys doing . Thank you so much for meeting me. Im mike. In iraq they told the snipers dont waste one round on one person. Even if hes standing behind a brick wall. Usually they have two or three guys lined up, then they shoot. If would go through a brick wall and all three of them. So you have a lot of firepower to start your own war. What did you say . You have enough to start your own war. That you got a background check. No background check. So if youre using that rifle to shoot through a brick wall and three guys at the same time, sad day well never find you. You have to understand that is another dig deer that you need a very large caliber weapon to bring it down. Cenk the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a. 50 caliber is three bad guys, a brick wall. Is why cant people in cities and states get together. I see why on the National Level it cant happen, but on the state level is there any chance . Its really unfair for the licensed dealers. We went to gun shops and tried to buy guns there without being arizona residents. Immediately they said we cant provide these guns. We tried to pretend that it wasnt for me, it was for a third person. They said we cant do that. They were playing by the rules. There is this onous that they have to perform the the background checks. But i can go to the corner without a back ground check. Its unfair for the dialers. The other 6 are probably those dealers but we couldnt get it passed. The universal background check it was nonuniversal background check and we couldnt get that passed. Thank you for joining us. We appreciate it. Thank you very much. Cenk they can it out at 10 00 on National Geographic. When we come back well talk to someone who is joining two of the top Progressive Groups into one. Find out what they can do with this right after the break. [ theme music ] were back on the young turks. Now demand progress is a group that is one of the most Progressive Groups in the country. They led a fight against sis and they won. They care about Civil Liberties Citizen Rights and government reform. They started a petition that got 598,000 citizens to sign. They write quote cenk so they do a great work and are effective in Getting Congress attention and putting the spotlight on issues that are very important. Now root strike is a different Progressive Group that cares about the more important issue i think, which is getting money out of politics. And it was led by larry weve had him on the show before. At the cost of Campaign Finance has gone through the roof, as members of congress spend 30 to 60 of their time raising money its fairly obvious how the lobbyist become the essential component to a candidates life. Which is by channeling and contributing campaign funds. Its the ability of the lobbyists to play the money game. To essentially promise to secure funding coming from whatever interests that lobbyist is representing, not explicitly nothing violating any law, but in a delicate dance that is the dance of washington. Cenk all right, now joining us david seagull from demand progress to tell us how demand progress and root strikers are joining forces in an an awesome collaboration to get money out of politics. Thats how i see it. Is that right david . Thats the plan. There is a lot of work in front of us, and well be enolasing many allyies including yourself to join forces. Cenk i thought it was going to be easy. I signed up because i thought it would get done in six months or so. What is the impetus for demand progress and root process working together. We think well have a more powerful Efficient Organization because of the merger. Larry was a longtime friend, mentor, mentee of Aaron Schwartz who as many in your audience passed in tragic fashion. Aaron was a friend of mine. He was a founding board member of roots strikers back when it was called change congress. Larry and i had separately been looking on different reform issues while i was in the road road legislature as a member of the house. And so with aarons passing we thought that one way to move Forward Together that would honor aarons legacy while making us more effective is to formerly merge the organizations. Cenk so what is the battle plan here . Youve been enormously successful in starting petition getting attention of congress how can we do that on the issue of money in politics . I think its more of the same, but it just needs to happen in an order of magnitude hire. And right now the most important thing we need to be doing is expanding the coalition of people who are invested in this issue and willing to take action around it. The few different axis on which well be moving, there is a lot of interest in this issue in silicon valley, and larry comes from that background. He was a professor at stanford. They worked on freedom issues including sispa sopa. And we part of a group of more than 80 or 90 organizations that are party the site that moved the signatures in. Were glad to be part of that effort. There is a real base among conservatives who understand the ways in which money corrupts motorcycles ofcorruptspolitics in our country. They talk about crony capitalism, and they know this is the undue influence that private money has on our political system. Cenk if there is one issue that unites republicans and democrats, not policies necessarily, but voters and citizens, we think our politicians are influenced by funders, donors, lobbyists far far too much. If we could reach to the other side in an effective manner, and hopefully you can do that, i think that would make a difference. Cenk go ahead, go ahead. I think thats exactly the problem. Any polling on this issue Something Like 70 of selfidentifying conservatives or republicans basically agree with us. But the problem is on that side especially, it happens on the left, but especially on the right there are constitutional gatekeepers, we need to figure out how to hack around them and find rank and file conservatives who agree with us. Cenk i like the idea of hacking around the politicians. Im in favor of an amendment on this issue. You done need washington politicians at all. You just call it on the state level, and then you can get the amendment passed at the state level as well. Yes exactly. Cenk maybe thats a good way to hack around it. David segal from demand progress. Thank you for joining us. Great as always. Thank you for having me. Cenk when we come back, Rolling Stones is in trouble with this cover. Its already been banned from three different stories and is it outrageous and unacceptable . Well weigh in. Magazine causing a big store. The cover of Rolling Stone magazine drawing outrage. Usually resolved for rock stars, but this time its the boston bomber. Controversial decision has trigger a firestorm from readers. A lot of people in botch outraged. Cenk all right everybody is outraged. Are they right to be outraged . Well discuss it right now. Roland participant is joining us. We have john, jimmy dore, jayar jackson, the whole the young turks crew. Everybody is in the house. John, what is happening with this story . As you saw in the montage the country has gone crazy over this cover but its not the first time that there has been a controversial magazine cover. If go back to 1966 on Rolling Stone you had the controversial cover. Theyve long history of these covers. Like you show there. You have Jimmy Morrison in a similar shot. Thats why people have a problem with it. They feel like theyre glamorize glamorizing the bomber. This is not the first criminal on the cover. You have Charles Manson back in 1970. You had him on the cover. Dick cheney. Dick cheney one time. In a speedo but thats the choice they made. Cenk lets stop here for a second and discuss. Im curious what you all think. I actually think that theyre right to be pissed. The people are right to be pissed, and i know cbsvs and walgreens have already pulled it. Was it unsolicited without anyone saying anything, i totally remembered the Jimmy Morrison cover and i thought man, that looks like Jimmy Morrison. And the title is called the bomber which almost sounds cool in some weird way. Exactly, and i tried to make sure that during all that coverage that i didnt call him the boston bomber because it sounded like a baseball player. I didnt want to give that impression. With the newtown shooting, i never say the guys name because i dont want to make these guys famous. Charles mason became enormously famous and it feeds into it. I dont like this cover. Im a First Amendment guy. They got all the right in the world to make the cover but im not buying it. Im confused. Im utterly confused. If you strip away Rolling Stone and if that cover was on Time Magazine, whats the difference . No, im not sure that there isnt any difference. I wouldnt like it on Time Magazine. What image do we want of him . Scratches, blood him with a terror look. Im just trying to understand what is it that we want . Are should the picture have been darkened . Should he have been menacing . Ive seen similar photos like that of him after they were caught. So i dont understand really what the outrage is. I think part of the problem is the actual picture that is on the cover. Thats what well focus on first. But if you look at the tag line, also if you read the article just the fact that were focusing on the person who did this to such an extent, i think that holds him up to some sort of role model. No it doesnt. I dont think that were trying to do it. Its called a profile. The reality is, i can go back and find Osama Bin Laden on the covers, and profiles of him and who he was. Thats what it is. Im stillim still not quite understanding what is it that we want. If youre going to put him on the cover, what put him in a hoody . Why is on the cover in the first place . Let me try to understand rolands question. I understand what youre saying. Youre partly alludeing to Time Magazine darkened o. J. Simpson. Its one of the controversial magazine covers, etc. I dont need them to doctor the picture. John makes a point. They dont need to have him on the cover. Theyre profiling him and it seems like he could have been one of you and he seems like a normal Young American that might have read rolling Rolling Stone, and then he did this terrible thing. I understand all of that. I just dont want to glorify him. But with the Jimmy Morrison type of pose, kind of glorifying way of portraying him. Im utterly confused. Its not like that was a photo shoot. This was not in a studio, and there was a photo shoot. Cenk one day of a hundred pictures they could have chosen from, and they chose the best picture he probably has ever taken. But look, you have Michele Bachmann picture they could have taken a lot of pictures of her, they took the crazyeyed one. You know, i think roland has a point and you have a point. Cenk jimmys point is coming up next. Go cenk the young turks. A final point from jimmy. Whenever there is a mass shooting or a terror attack there is a tweet from a psychologist please dont show the shooters face on tv. Please dont say his name because it encourages copy cats, and it makes people want to do it, yet the news people cant help themselves. Cenk thats exactly right. Were done. Look we dont show the guys who are streaking in the baseball games, but we show these guys on the cover of Rolling Stone. The young turks. Com well see you there tonight. Byebye. [ theme music ] john thank you, turks. Good evening friends. Richard cohen wrote a column on profiling in the Washington Post that was so racially incentive that paula dean just invited him to her next gone with the wind party. Geraldo said Trayvon Martin in his hoodie dressed like a thug. Which means like a white kid on track team. And the Rolling Stone cover cause Dzhokhar Tsarnaev a monste

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