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[ theme music ] michael welcome to the young turks. We have a fantastic show for you. We turn our attention to the vatican where tomorrow they begin selecting the pope. If batman had a bat cave, obviously it makes sense that the Catholic Church that the cardinals have a con a cliff. 115 cardinal electors will move to the conclave house santa marta where they will be isolated from the rest of the world. Michael from the college of cardinals with go to college of overland are races on campus have everyone confused and angry. Overland college prides itself on being progressive and inclusive but on campus students openly ask how bad does this have to get hate messages targeting blacks, jews and gays in recent weeks. Michael then well look into a documentary about girl power all over the world and how girls are rising. Well look at girl power. If my husband heard these words he might kill me, or my father, my brother or any one of thousands of my countrymen kill me because i want to learn. Michael its the young turks, and now its go time. [ music ] michael so tomorrow the all important work of the college of cardinals begins in vatican city as they go to select a replacement for Pope Benedict xvi. They will vote in secret, pray a whole lot. After every single vote they say a prayer. Thats why it takes forever to get a new pope. Listen to what abc says about a pregame report on the selection of the new pope. Reporter the day will begin with the electors moving into their private rooms. Their isolated home during the course of the conclave. Theyll celebrate mass at st. Peters basilica then take oaths of secretly take votes to. As each cardinals decides whose name they will write on the ballot vatican city is in st. Peters square where the new pope will emerge. Michael when we hear all this. The pop and circumstance i find fascinating although its a little crazy. I love how they say it solemnly. They seem to do everything solemnly at the vatican. But it is something that were focused on because of all the news the Catholic Church has been making for not just a few years now going back 10, 15 years that were hearing about the controversies in the Catholic Church, and the popes resignation is sudden surprising and virtually unprecedented. To discuss this i want to invite matthew fox into the young turks here. He is the author of over 30 books, including the popes war. Hes the founder of friends and creation spirituality. A Catholic Priest of 34 years and he joins us from san francisco. Thank you for being on the young turks. Hello michael ive been laughing, listening to your wind up here to the conclave, batman and all that. Michael good, im glad. It worked. How about that. Matthew, lets talk about the serious side of whats going to happen tomorrow just for a moment. There is a lot that goes into the selection of the pope mechanically, but what can the church do with their choice that would change the way theyre perceived around the world now . Well, i have two suggestions. One is to elect the dalai lama the new pope. That would clean things up overnight. It would change all the power struggles, and he wouldnt even have to show up very much, maybe three or four times a year give a talk from the balcony and then the whole thing can become the museum that it is. Sell extra paintings and give money to the poor. Who is looking to the van vatican today for spiritual or moral leadership . No one. Thats my first choice. The second choice would be the sister from eerie pennsylvania, who is in the spirit who was declared a saint this year. Overnight they would get a new impression because they would prove that its not just a boys club after all. They would recognize the intelligence spirituality of a woman. Sister joan chinister. Thats the only two ways that they could redo their image in a manner that really matters. I think dalai lama and sister joan represent authentic spiritual and moral values. Michael thank you fox, you seem like a decent, earnest kind man. Please dont bet on either of those two. Before we get no the prognostic prognosticcation of who in fact will be the pope for the past four years the Catholic Church has undergone a lot of struggle and it leaves us with a resigning pope under a cloud of question who is following an internationally revered pope as a person in terms of the kind of man that he was publicly. Tell us a little bit about the state of the papacy that it is right now. I think its the lowest state its been since the bo, rgois. You can go to showtime to see what thats is like. Michael dont turn the channel yet. These last few years has been skesmatic. They return back to the forms of vatican 2 of the 1960s who says the church is not the hierarchy but the people. The hierarchy have taken it all back. Thats why you have all this accrued power in the vatican in the kuria and as you know power corrupts. So all the cover up is not the pedophile priests that are the worst kind going on here because pedophilia happens, as we know from penn state. But look at what penn state did. In three years they fired everyone. Someone is in jail already and they took down the statue of the great icon of the football coach. In the vatican theyre trying to canonize the pope who was on duty all those years when all these horrible things came out and did he nothing. Look at the guy in scotland who just retired who was supposed to be there to vote for the pope. A complete homophobe and now it turns out he was having homosexual relationships. Thats why the moral legitimacy is broken. Michael homophobia is often the loudest form of hypocrisy actually. Weve seen it not just in the Catholic Church but all across the spectrum. But they are going to go in. They are going to select the pope and solve some of those problems. Unlikely said most of the cardinals who are going to be there beginning tomorrow are all cardinals appointed by john paul the second, and of course benedict xvi. Exactly. Michael but lets look at some of the possibilities for pope. Nagelo scola. Odilo schrerer, born in brazil to german parents. A mix between the old world and the new people. And Peter Turkson and the last african pope died in 496 a. D. Its been a big yawn since that. Who do you think will be out of this group. I think angelo scola he does theology in his life, and he knows the italian ways. He may be able to clean it up somewhat, or maybe its incurable. I think hes probably out front. Now remember the previous cardinal from milan died this year and in his last will and testament, he said the church is 200 years out of date. Michael thats for sure 37, but before we let you go lets throw three more cardinals. Lui ss p tagle, Timothy Dolan and sean omalley. What about their chances . Well, i think the boston omalley would be a sleeper and possibly be one of the best people to come too. Because he does not want the job. Hes a franciscan. He has not spent his life climbing the ladder to get to the top. There is a certain humility there. And he did deal with the fallout of the priestly pedophilia as well. Now the the other he put out a movie that is antiislamic so i think his credibility has slipped. The filipino is interesting. He would be my first choice. Hes young, so he has not been tainted with all these scandals and hypocrisy that so many of the candidates have been. I think he has kept his humanity. Michael thats something to point to. We will look for the filipino thats tagel well look for him him. Matthew fox from the friends of creation spiritual former member of the Catholic Church we thank you for being here with us today. When we come back on the young turks, were going going to go to ohio to Overland College to see why there is racism there and what theyre doing on that campus. The college suspended classes after a stunt reported seeing someone dressed like the kkk. Someone in what seemed to be kkk paraphernalia was walking the pathway that leads to south cause. Campus. Documentaries. On current tv. [ theme music ] michael over land college is a Small Liberal Arts College knownactually famous for being the First College to admit women, which is i would say an exciting and notable fact. Though, its in the news recently because of something very much the opposite of that spirit, which is the spirit of racism. There have been all sorts of events that overland review, the Student Newspaper printed a list of those events. It included swastikas, the n word and men only signs. Overland college prides itself on being inclusive but on campus students openly ask how bad does it have to get. It follows a series of hate messages targeting blacks, jews and gays. The college canceled classes after a student reported seeing someone dressed as a kk. Someone in what seemed to be kkk paraphernalia was walking the pathway that leads to south campus to have this sink in as Something Real that actually happens. Reporter its leaving students on edge after a dozen eight messages were found on campus. Michael yes, its amazing that wee here those things even today every time you hear a rash of racism on a college campus. Its discouraging and encouraging that were talking about it. Were going to be joined in that services by professor tricia rose, from brown university, and eliza job from Overland College. She is a student of African Studies and she lives in the African Heritage house there. I welcome both of you on to the young turks. I want to start with you tricia, when we hear these things and see these stories again, these stories happened a long time in our nations history. The fact that we talk about this remarkable now in that as a sign of progress . Well, no, its not that remarkable that we talk about them. I do think there has been progress. It would be insane to suggest there hasnt been but we actually spend a lot of time being self congratulatory on that progress. What weve done is tend tonot just the extreme hate crimes but the continuum of racialized discrimination that structures our entire country. Its unfortunate that this is happening at overland, it has a special place in my heart and it is a special organization and institution by the way michael taking women but taking blacks since 1833. Thats pretty powerful. An institution has to take care of its own legacy, and i hope overland is doing that now. Michael well, before we check on that, i want to they can with aliza, you heard professor rose talking about what life is like, appreciating the history. Do you realize in a daily way or general way the progressive history of your school . I think that depends day to today. This my third year here, but its not the first time that myself and my peer versus been in contacthave been incontact with these racial acts. It does have a progressive history. It was the first to accept women and africans. In arriving on campus that dream can be staterred by the actions who are not for that progressive history and do commit acts of racism, prejudice and vandalism and hate speech on campus. The contrast of this progressive dream that all of us africana students have, and then being met by an unprogressive reality can be a little disheartening to say the least. Michael thats for you are but sometimes as professor rose alluded to, it can be about the response which can be as reassuring as devastating the events have been. To take upon ourselves to leave alternative messages. Reporter gathering at the African Heritage house at Overland College monday afternoon. Instead of class students held a series of discussions where they addressed the fear and disbelief that has gripped in campus in recent weeks. Its a fear combined with a strength because we can find that strength in the community that were in. Its been going on for about a month. It started with some graffiti swastikas, statues being defaced. People are upset. Michael can you talk about the proper response if such a thing exists to what happens on a campus like this . It seems to me that theyre responding the way you would want them to. Well, you know, it depends on how many times it has happened. The little bit of research i did suggests there have been quite a number of incidents for quite a long time, and this is sort of a tipping point. I think when youre talking about not hate speech but things like swat tick swastikas and the kkk he is these are profound acts of violence and terrorism, and should be treated with a great deal of responsiveness. But i want to put this in a bigger context. Look, theres no question that most the people student and most of the people in ohio are not supportive of this extreme act but what are we doing to ensure that this is less likely in any way reasonable. That allows the university not to rest on its laurels but to address what would be the today equivalent of admitting people of african dis decent and women. That was radical in 1883. Its not radical today. Are we talking about serious inequality so we can not produce not just hate speech but the subtle form of insidious discrimination that people face. Michael aliza ill ask you again, do you feel on your campus you feel like youre getting that kind of education . Youre an Africana Studies. Do you feel safe. The Africana Studies and African Heritage house, these are places are safe for students. But i agree, there is a different between admitting students of color and retaining them and there has to be considerable effort put in to curriculum workshops for freshman and all students that really puts in and a concentrated effort on educating students on the importance of antiracism and the privilege and importance of how it works into our campus as a whole and how these issues are not just separate from overland because overland is this school with a great history, a progressive history. Its not an utopia. People who are let in to overland are created and made and in our American Society. Thats where a lot of these issues are found and oftentimes perpetuated. Thats where the issue has to be focused on. Within overland but also in the larger American Society and what that says where we are as a community of people as a state. Michael this conversation, unfortunately, has to end now but i hope and i believe that it will continue certainly at overland where aliza diop is a student and where professor rose is a proffer. Thank you for talking about this. We have another story to talk about, the tsa and their rules changes. What you can bring on a plane now. The things that people try to carry on a plane may boggle your mind. After a decade of confiscated tens of millions of pocketknives the tsa said its now time for a change. You can now carry a small knife on board. Lily tomlin want to join us and make it a three way . [ male announcer ] the next wave of italians has come to america, and the fiat 500 with beats audio is rockin the block. The italian designed fiat 500. No, save 300 bucks over here wait, save 400 bucks right here. With so many places offering so much bucksaving, where do you start . Well, esurance was born online raised by technology and majors in efficiency. So theyre actually built to save you money. And time. And whiplash. Esurance. Now backed by allstate. Click or call. [ theme music ] michael the transportation security administration, the tsa, decided theyre going to stick by their new policy of allowing people to carry on small knives on to planes, small scissors and things like that. Here is abc news telling us about that. After more than a decade of confiscating tens of millions of pocketknives the tsa said its time for a change. You can now carry a small knife on board. We know these small little items are unlikely to be useed to hijack an aircraft. Youll be able to carry on a knife if the played is less than 2. 36inch long. Its a horrible decision and were disappointed with the tsa for allowing it on board of the aircraft. Michael not only are knives allowed on to planes but hockey sticks golf clubs and, small pocketknives. All these things that could seemingly do damage and other things that the slight attendants would have to worry about are now allowed on to planes. I dont know what their logic is but the tsa said this is a part of overall riskbased security approach which allows tsa officers to better, and they take it further saying they ought to let everything on that is sharp and point. While you may be able to commit an act of violence you will not be able to take over the plane. Its just as simple as that. It seems a little extreme, but hes talking about machetes, battle axes. Here is chuck schumer. Listen to what hes talking about bringing on. Usually when a Government Agency makes some kind of ruling even if you disagree with it, at least you see the logic. I dont see any lodging here. I hear outcrisis from passengers about this. But almost no one has called my office and said why cant i take a sharp knife on the plane. Michael what is wrong with a bottle of shampoo. It could be something worse. Thats my layperson bringing a pocketknife on the plane. Stacey participant, president of Southwest Airlines tell us what your feeling when you hear people are allowed to bring on pocketknives. Were not in support of it at all. Its a wide subject and wideranging especially when you talk about where it started. Then you hear some of the comments and logic behind it. What is interesting is when they talk about logic, its just absence logic. It makes no sense at all. Michael tell me, what would be a compromise . The reasons theyre giving for doing this is that it would allow them to look at the explosives the Dangerous Things and speed up lines. They take in so many of these pocketknives it has become a burdensome thing for the tsa thing. That was what they were set up with. Thats the burden of their work. But what as a Flight Attendant or someone who represents Flight Attendants, what do you want to see . Do you want to see nothing else allowed on the planes . Well now, there are a couple of things. First of all i want them to continue to do their job. I want them to continue to look for explosives, liquid plastic whatever, i want to make sure that they do that. By relaxing what they have been doing this whole time, its crazy. You actually told the american public, come to the airport. This is what you need to bring or not bring, and most of them do not bring it. Yes, they do confiscate but its not going to speed the lines up. Youre going to go through and now youre going to have somebody checking these knife played, checking to see if they fit. It doesnt make sense at all. Then the other logic of telling someone that youre not going to be worried about something going on in the cab and the plane is still going to get there. It doesnt make any good sense to have the plane get there the pilots are doing just fine, but you had chaos in the cabin whether or not its one incident or at this point several people who take their plane and wreak havoc that way. Michael do you feel the precedent set on september 11th that people are more aware of their surroundings while on the airplane. While someone may have a pocketknife, 20 years ago it would be different than if they have them now, they would tackle people and its yesterdays news. Its easy to go that way. When you look at someone having a knife, you have to remember on 9 11 the boxcutter is not any larger in the blade than a knife. Yes, if we had a quiet period in the cabin and do you have passengers who are willing to look around and get involved, but it shouldnt come to that at this point. What were looking at at this rate we want the flying public to come on the airport we as Flight Attendants and crew members want to look around and be vigilant. Now we dont know where everything is coming from. To sit there and look at it this way, it just doesnt make sense. It makes sense with what weve been dealing with right now, a period of time that we became more aware. We wanted to make sure that the incidents in the cabin are down, and especially we dont want to have any knives. And things that can be used against us. Its that simple. I dont think its a problem the way it is now. Its very important to keep the status quo. Michael you know before i let you go, stacy, do you feel like your union and other unions will be able to make some head way in the way these rules are relaxed . I think we are. The first thing you have to do is you have to go to the tsa. Were going to go and talk to them and hopefully with the public and with us, by speaking first and talking to them, and applying that logic im hoping that theyll see it the way they need to. If they dont we will still be vigilant as a crew. We will adapt. Well do exactly as the rules say. Michael stacey martin. Thank you for being with us. Ironic that the mans name is mr. Pistol. Its very much so. Very much so. We hear hes a very reasonable man. I think hes very interested in doing the right thing and were really looking forward to meeting with him this week. Thats what were going to do. Michael we thank you for being on the young turks today. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me. Michael when we come back well look at an another astonishing story. This one having to do with mcdonalds and what the franchise is doing with Foreign Exchange students. Its ridiculous. [ protests ] vo brought to you by expedia. Expedia helps 30 million travellers a month find what they are looking for one traveller at a time. [ theme music ] michael the documentary that was released on march 7th talking about the impact of education on under privileged girls all over the world, actually. It was remained on march 7th last week. But the back story of why this is such an important documentary to see. It has to do with the 15yearold malaa usefi who was shot by the taliban october october 2012. She was treated and released from Birminghams Queen Elizabeth hospital. This is more on that story from cnn. She is the Pakistani School girl who took on the taliban. Theyre saying were islamic people, were muslim, and we want to sharia law. First i will show them quran, what the quran says. It does not say that girls are not allowed to go to school. The daughter of a principal malali has become a high profile campaigner for Girls Education. For that in october 2012 she was targeted by the taliban shot in the head on the way home from school with friends. Michael now its being reported that she is being considered for a nobel peace prize. An amazing story but so much like the stories profiled in girl rising, the documentary we talked about before. Inspiring in and of itself, lets take a look at the trailer of that film. [ music ] i will read. I will study. I will learn. If you try to stop me, i will just try harder. Michael i now sit across from an Academy Award nominated director Richard Robbins director of girl rising. Youre not exactly the person i would expect to be behind the firmfilm such as this. Tell me about that. I was researching global poverty issues, and i kept coming across dataered regarding Girls Education. He would go to a meeting at the world bank to talk about agriculture policy. And then someone would take me aside and say have you seen the stuff about Girls Education . Thats very exciting. When its clearly demonstrated in the data, and not widely known. Michael you want to run with it. You want to run with it, and thats what i did. Michael run with it, did you. This isits not just about education. Its also about how difficult it is for girls to pursue education in so many of these countries. I want to take another look at a clip from the film talking about that. Excellent. Here it is said that if a girl is married too young, she is in danger of being split by her husband. 13 is considered to be a safe age. So the law says 18 girls as young as 7 have been married. What does it mean to split a girl . Is it like tearing a photo down the middle while each half witnesses the making of a ghost . Michael wow, thats such powerful stuff. Tell me about splitting a girl and the meaning of that. You know, that piece is written by an amazing ethiopian writer and narrated by merle streep who does a fantastic job. Girls who get married stop going to school. Traditionalcally getting your daughter married early is considered a responsibility for a parent, a way of protecting her. Thats seen as an an imperative. But childbirth is still the cause of death on the planet. Michael amazing. Youre talking about sending girls to school. Are there places that exist to have girls educated. There are places where girls live too far away. We see trouble with girls who dont have gender specific bathrooms make it hard for them to stay in cool. But over all the impediments are more economic and cultural than they are about the facilities. Michael and the girls that you talked to, i mean, not that you have a particular favorite, but is there a story that you have followed . I mean, is there one that has sort of stuck with you and where youve seen all the girls in this film feel like family with me at this point. Ive been working on it for many years. But in some ways the one closest to my heart is laudi from haiti who is closest in age to my own daughter. She has an unbelievable spirit. The thing that i hope comes through in the film and when youre with these girls is that theyre not victims. They dont want our pity. They are eager for an education. They are desperate to go to school, and they understand that the future for them and for their families and for their communities depends on them getting an education. That spirit is reallyso often when we see films like this coming out of developing world it focuses on the problems there. We really wanted to focus on what the opportunity is, which is enormous. Michael is that cataliz. Joy d inizetdfor these girls. Absolutely. In this case offering support for these nine girls and their families and their larger communities. Just felt cruel to be going into these opportunities that have so much depravation and not offering more than, hey were going to put you in a movie. Michael no, i appreciate you being candid about that because its something that struck me as well. Tell me about having shown this film. Have you shown it in any of these countries, and what kind of perception has it gotten . Weve only shown it in limited circumstances. Were still in the process of getting it translated but were committed to showing it at least in the Nine Countries we filmed it. Showing it in the United States has been pretty exciting. I think when people see what these girls are really like and realize theyre no different than our girls. Theyre girls. So often we think of them as the other that is far away and must be very different from us, and theyre notment the so often we dont think about them, which is the more important part of it. Thank you for coming in. Girl rising will be seen in new york city, and you can see it in los angeles. If it you want to see the film in its entirety and you dont live in near any of those places go to www. Girlrising. Com. Thank you for coming in. Thank you for having me. Michael well take a look at mcmcdonalds and what is going on. [ protesting ] build a groundbreaking car. Good. Now build a time machine. Go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. Bring future guy back. Watch him build a tft display like nothing youve ever seen. Get him to explain exactly what that is. The thin film transistor display. [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. Just show it. Customize the dash give it park assist. The fuel efficiency flower thing. Send future guy home his work here is done. Destroy time machine. Win some awards, send in brady. Thats how you do it. Easy. Lobsterfest is the king of all promotions. Theres nothing like our grilled lobster and lobster tacos. The bar harbor bake is really worth trying. [ male announcer ] get more during red lobsters lobsterfest. With the years Largest Selection of mouthwatering lobster entrees. Like our delicious lobster lovers dream, featuring two kinds of lobster tails. Or our savory, new grilled Maine Lobster and lobster tacos. My favorite entree is the lobster lovers dream. Whats yours . Come celebrate lobsterfest and sea food differently. [ male announcer ] visit redlobster. Com now for an exclusive 10 coupon on two lobsterfest entrees. Uh, im in a timeout because apparently riding the dog like its a small horse is frowned upon in this establishment luckily though, ya know, i conceal this bad boy underneath my blanket just so i can get on etrade. Check my investment portfolio, research stocks. Wait, why are you taking. Oh, i see. Solitary. Just a man and his thoughts. And a smartphone. With an etrade app. Nobody knows. [ male announcer ] etrade. Investing unleashed. [clucking]. Everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny. Cause only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs, while others may keep trying. Nobunny knows easter better than cadbury [ theme music ] michael so last week the u. S. Department of state is investigating a case of violation of their j1 visa program. A j1 visa program is a Visa Exchange program where people will pay to come to the United States work here and get opportunity, etc. Its not all what it cracked up to be in hair hisberg, in harrisburg, pennsylvania, who were sponsored by a mcdonalds franchise. We are organizing. And making a demand that mcdonalds pay us back everything that they us. Were 18 students from latin america and asia. We came here tofor a cultural Exchange Program but instead we basically paid between 3,000 and 4,000 just to come here to make our employer richer. I told my parents about where i am living, and they were, like what . You guys dont have doors . You dont have rooms . What it something happens . And it really worries my parents, and they cannot guarantee my safety. Michael so, you know, there is precedence for this. This is not the first time this happened. The state department had a hard situation with a case in hershey, pennsylvania, with a company that handled hercshey companies. They were fined minimum wage, overtime and safety violations in that case. This has happened again with these j1 visas. The hershey lawsuit also said that the worker settlement was 213,000 in back wages and 140,000 in health and safety violations. The state Department Steps in because they are the ones who oversee this program. When you hear about violations like this, its probably not heard as loudly because its Foreign Exchange students. Its not an american infrastructure. A lot of these people feel as though they dont have a voice. Well josh idol son they do. He is a writer for salon. Com and we welcome josh in to talk about this, and jorge rios, who you saw in that piece from argentina, here to talk about the protest itself. I welcome both of you. Josh i want to ask you what brought your attention to this story and to cover something that we dont see a lot of coverage of . Thank you. So i have a feature that i was reporting for in the magazine next month about this frontier of organization among guest workers. You have hundreds of thousands of workers who come in and out of the country each year and their condition sometime extreme say a lot of about the state of u. S. Economy protecting workers, decline in job security. Thats through my contacts with the National Guest worker lines. Thats how i became aware of this oh story that i broke for the nation. This case with mcdonalds is just another case of where they work out a twotier workforce to drive down wages and make money. Thats what were seeing in the case of these 17 workers in latin america and asia who come here with j1, which is supposed to be an Educational Program and end up working sometimes up to 25hour straight and living in basements owned by their boss. Michael jorge, what were you expecting when you paid upwards of 3,000 to join the j1 visa program . Well of course i was expecting apart from work, to have time to socialize with people from the United States, to practice my english go to me museums, go to the library and a series of things that would allow me to actually get a real idea of what living in the United States is. But instead ever since we got here, we were expected to be on call for the restaurants that we were working with as we were in the basement all piled up without divisions and sleeping on bunk beds which are made for children obviously because they move and they squeak. Weve been having a hard time living together. Six in my case, and in another case eight People Living in even smaller basement than ours. And we have been charged for those basements around 2,000 a month all together. So we had two extreme cases. In my case i was getting too few hours to work, so i was basically working just to pay for that rent, for that basement. But in the case of other students living in another place in another location, they were working too much. They were being forced to workover time and double and triple shifts. They were having Health Problems emotionally they were also having a real hard time. The worse part of all is that we arei mean, our employer is our landlord. So that rent is automatically deducted from our paychecks. Michael thats just incredible. It could be a losing proposition. You cant make the money to survive here and do things here. Josh, what are the results of these protests. It sounds like in the hershey case it worked. When you hear about this, is there promise of a crackdown from the state department . Well, i can tell you that on wednesday these workers will be rallying with fast food workers some of the same ones who went on strike in new york city when these workers arrived in new york. What weve seen in the past, for example, at the walmart supplier cj where workers allege literally force labor. That their boss threatened to have their families beat in mexico if they spoke up. It was because of that case that workers went on strike, brought their case to the media brought the case to the public, walked off the job. So its been a series of partial victoryies where workers took industrial action. In truth the state department, which is supposed to overseen these programs, has clearly fallen down on the job in what are frankly extreme abuses. Michael joshish thank you for your story and bringing this to light. And jorge, i dont know about your english, its impeccable. Youve had time to work on it, good luck for all of you in fighting back for justice in a country that prides itself on justice. Well be back with more the young turks

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