I got you an enumerated list of everything that governor granholm used to buy me every day so you know know what things are like around here, continuity and everything. Use nonwax saler sealer on my car. Michael what things were like brett. We will back. Well see you tuesday night. Welcome to the young turks. Weve got a wild show for you today. I think were going to have some fun. Weve got hagel on lockdown, the republicans filibustering chuck hagel. Im going to hit you and keep hitting you absolutely. Youre fought going to get away without answering basic questions. Like how much do you love israel, do you love it as much as i do. Im in a republican primary in South Carolina, thats why i keep hitting you. I know, i though. Theyre saying this is not techy a filibuster. Really . Weve got a conservative journalist in favor of of fracking on the show he tonight. These people are campaigning against fracking for natural gas. Im a journalist and wanted to find out if they were telling the truth. What could possibly go wrong . Excuse me, excuse me. Do you think its appropriate . Were watching him up against the the sierra club. Come on. Top of the morning to you. Then bill ny the science guy talking about whether an asteroid is going to wipe us out. Bill nye the science guy. The end of the earth . Hows that for fun . Dont worry were not all going to die but, it is, what is that is this go time theme cenk welcome to the young turks. A little while back, they had a deal on whether they were going to kill fill buster or not or at least reform it. Harry reid said i made a deal with mcconnell its going to be ok. The republicans arent going to filibuster. Dick durbin said at the time cenk positive environment, the republicans arent going to filibuster anymore. They got a deal, so we didnt have to take it away. What happened today when senator hagel, a republican up for secretary of defense . The republicans filibustered. On this vote, the aye58 the nays 40, one senator announced present. 50 of the senators not having voted in the affirmative, the motion is not agreed to. Cenk even though 58 senators say yes lets end the debate and confirm him nope, not going to end the debate, because the republicans filibustering. Now harry reid is shocked to find out that the republicans were not true to their word the republicans have made an unfortunate choice to up the level here in washington. Just when you thought things couldnt get worse, it gets worse. We need this vote today. Why . Times like this, its nice to have a secretary of defense. Cenk man, harry reid, oh, youre killing em youre killing em take it easy, brother. This is the guy who gave it away earlier, allowing them to filibuster in the first place. This is not any attempt to kill this nomination. This is not a filibuster. Cenk i got news for you, thats exactly what it is. Its literally a filibuster. Ok. So, all right thats exactly what it is. Now, theres one guy who loves grandstanding on this issue licensedry gram. He did it during the hearings and now here he is again. Know that the debate on chuck hagel is not over. It has not been serious. We dont have the information we need and i am going to fight the idea of jamming somebody through. Im going to hit you and keep hitting you. Youre not going to get away with not answering the basic questions. Cenk well its funny that he said the debate is not serious because hes the one that made it unserious. In fact, saturday night live had a whole ask it devoted to his questions about how much he loves israel and how hagel doesnt love it enough. Hagel is drinking the water and the guy being mocked is Lindsey Graham. You said, i quote the United States will always have an extremely close relationship with the state of israel. Thats not to say that in every single instance, our interests and those of israel will be identical. Now, i look you senator. I do. Your a good man but when i read that statement i thought to myself, is this a typo . Are my eyes deceiving me . Does he really think that our interests and those of israel could ever be different . Cenk all right these guys are hilarious. All right were going to bring in somebody who was there reporter for tribune l. A. Times Washington Bureau reporter, michael memole. Why do the republicans claim this is not a fill buster. They were at pains today to say that theyre being the reasonable ones, that this is not a fill buster. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its a filibuster. As they said, this is only the third time a cabinet nominee has ever been filibustered, but first time that faced a vote and failed. This is the first time after the socalled filibuster reforms. What the republicans are saying is that theyre trying to sound reasonable, this is just a standard delay. We dont want this vote to be rushed. We just had this nomination reported out of the Senate Armed ServicesCommittee Tuesday just two days. Give us 10 days, give us the entire recess coming up and when we come back, you know, all the questions that we have that are outstanding, theyll potentially be answered. The other senators are not on the Armed Services committee. Theyll have time to digest hagels resume, the piece of disclosure that theyre looking for. Senator gram and senator mccain voted no today for closure but they promised barring some short of bombshell announcement, teal continue on the 20ation after the break. If youre the white house youre probably understandably nervous, because their argument has been that republicans are trying to needlessly string this out in the hopes of coming up with what Lindsey Graham says he doesnt have, a bombshell were facing a situation where leon panetta who flew to california today, he thought advertise tenure was over and might ever to fly to brussels next week to attended this defense ministers meeting on the very serious subject of afghanistan because the president cant get his pick confirmed. Cenk they say its not a fill buster. If thats the case, you only need 50 votes to confirm him so lets call him confirmed. I know it was a vote on closing the debate, but its absurd, because its quite literally what it is you. Made a really interesting point. First time that its a successful fill buster of a cabinet nominee in history of the United States of america so lets talk about the real reasons the republicans are doing this. I mean come on. I mean, how many cases have there been that people get confirmed within two days, a million, right . What are they trying to do here . As you pointed out, is it to try to find some sort of secret bombshell, theres this goofy thing about how he had gotten support from friends of hamas and it turns out there is no such group. What are they waiting for no what do they think theyre going to get. Thats a very good question. The senator republicans had a closed door session today. When members started coming out we would ask them sort of the standard questions, are you going to vote yes or no on culture and where do things stand in the room. The standard response from most of these senators, i still have questions, there are still things that some of my colleagues are looking for some elements of disclosure on his finances, speech they say say are just coming to light which they may be able to look at how to. In some cases you would ask what are those questions. In one case, a senator couldnt quite think of what he was waiting for. Really, this was an effort the Republican Leadership told senator harry reids office last night that were withholding the vote you need to invoke, because were in tent on pushing this until after the recess. Its really sort of a strange situation. You have senator Lindsey Graham, first he said i wont allow you a vote until leon panetta testifies about what happened in benghazi. Panetta testified. Then it was we want to hear from secretary clinton. Senator clinton did testify. Then it was a request put out to the white house tuesday asking for specific information about where the president was and was doing on september 11, 2012 after the raid in benghazi. Now, the white house pointed out that all this information is public record, that as this was happening in realtime, we were learning about secretary clinton at the secretarys request was speaking to labor yes. The following day the president himself called the president of libya. Senators were still insisting that the white house put to them in writing this very same question. They got that this morning. They said their concerns are satisfied. As we know, there are other senators looking for more information. Cenk one last thing here. Look, you know first of all hagel has nothing to do with benghazi. He wasnt in the government. Its abstored begin with on that note. Again, i look for whats their real motivation, now, one thing which is what they say then theres a second thing, what theyre waiting for some sort of problem for hagel. Why do they not like hagel in the first place. Is there main complaint we are not sure this guy is going to push the button and go to war with iran . Is that the issue. Senator mccain did an interview with Fox News Channel after the vote and pointed out that senator hagel in 2008, when barack obama was facing him in the nomination gave him cover in a sense, that he was out on this foreign trip with him sort of passively supporting his candidacy. Mccain didnt go so far as to say this, but he pointed out thatten obsign iraq and that campaign, that he wasnt on our side. The other point is senator graham was right quite frank on this, we know hagel has nothing to do with benghazi, but this is the only leverage we have, this is the way the game is played. Were trying to leverage this situation to get more questions acknowledged about benghazi from the white house as the white house pointed out they already answered. Cenk Lindsey Graham is grandstanding because he that a primary coming up in South Carolina and wants to seem tough on the president. Senator reid made that point is this really where were at that you need that sort of badge on your resume to fend off a tea party challenge. I raised that quote to senator graham. He said if this was a nominee from a republican president , he would be doing exactly the same thing. He said i was part of that gang of 14 on previous nomination battles and he said that, you know, this is im actually thinking this is a reasonable position just to have the 10 day delay, but we cant rush this thing. Cenk by the way we know for a fact reid wouldnt have done the same thing because no one has ever done a successful fill buster of a nominee ever before in history. Michael, great reporting from the capitol, we really appreciate it. All right thanks. Cenk all right. So when we come back, an asteroid might hit the earth and we might all die. Its the size of texas. [ crashing ] its not quite armageddon, but it is massive brightening and getting closer by the hour. Guys that do reverse mortgage commercials . Those types are coming on to me all the time now. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. Absolutely. And so would mitt romney. vo shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . For true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. Welcome back to the young turks. Df14 is an asteroid weighing 130,000 metric tons, and its headed in our direction. Watch out its the size of texas. Pie god its not quite armageddon, but it is massive frightening and getting closer by the hour. Its named d. A. 14 and weighed 130,000 metric tons, more than a cruise ship. If that doesnt impress you its half the side of a football field and whizzing through space eight times faster than a bullet fired from a gun. This animation made by scientists tracking it shows it will come within 17,000 miles of the earth tomorrow, an astro momically close shave worthy of star wars. Cenk so, which organization discovered this asteroid and how scary it is . Its the organization of this guy. How are you doing . Theres no place a man would rather be . Than rebel headquarters, you got that right, my friend. Also c. E. O. Of the Planetary Society. Bill are we all going to die . No. Well yes as far as anybody knows, were all going to die. Its troubling but that seems to be the case. With that said, an asteroid like this could kill a lot of people. This one flew as 45 meters what did you say 130 tons. Cenk 130,000 metric tons. This one is one of many, many about 100,000 objects like this. We track about 1 of they will. Theres 99 more out there. Did you ever hear of the tunduska event. Cenk 1908, siberia. Tell me more. A lot of people dont know about it. This rock comes into the earths atmosphere, blows down trees, 2,000 square kill meters, bang blows them all down like that, in a flash. Did you ever hear this expression, dont jump off the golden gate bridge, when you hit the water, it will kill you just like concrete. When youre an asteroid going 25,000 kill low meters an hour, 15 per second, you hit the earths atmosphere, it stops you dead, and you exemployed if youre an asteroid, and blow down everything, but the shock wave. This thing was about 20 hiroshimas. People would look at as strayeds different had it hit a populated area. Cenk like paris. It would have been one of the greatest events in human history. It would of been like pompeii, the whole town buried by a volcano. It would be a catastrophe. We are the first generation of humans that can do something about it. How cool is that . Cenk that is seriously cool. How would we do something about it . Lasers . We at the Planetary Society we fund these kookie projects, 30,000 people around the world think its cool, please join us, planetary. Org, a little plug. What we would do, one of our other projects at the planetary site, what we would do is maybe send out a flotilla of spacecraft. Cenk no with solar panels, soak up the sunlight, make laser beams. [ buzzing ] and cause the surface of the asteroid to evaporate. Its kind of a cool thing we are messing with. Cenk excuse me pie sophisticated question. Really . We dont have that capability now, do we . Well, in a sense we do. In other words, if people went to the moon in 10 years, we could certainly do this kind of thing in 10 years, but the trick, the big idea to get, when you go to deflect an asteroid, if you ever decide to go in this business. Yeah, of course. All you want to do is change its speed ever so slightly. This asteroid, 2012d. A. 14 is missing us by about 15 minutes. 15 minutes, and paris tokyo new york, los angeles would be oklahoma city. Let me stop you there. I want to know what you mean by 15 minutes if it was what, 15 minutes quicker slower. If it had gotten here 15 minutes earlier it would have hit us. Cenk because everythings moving in space because everybody thinks of like the earth is right here. The earth is orbiting the sun, this thing is orbiting the sun out of the plane of the earths orbit by a little bit. Tomorrow friday, happy valentines day, by the way. Cenk you too. This asteroid will come up from the south pass indonesia. The earth will turn and the gulf stone observatory will point at it. 15 minutes earlier and it would hit us. Cenk thats amazing. Theres this oh 1 of these objects that we know about and these are city killers. There are other bigger objects that are how to say civillation killers. Cenk in a sense theyre almost like loose nooks. Here were scared to death of loose nooks but these are loose nooks times 20. A cosmic shooting gallery. Cenk how do we find out about the other 99 funding . Funding would be great. The Planetary Society has gotten people that are in a niche theyve gotten really good as looking for these socalled fast moving objects. The trouble with these things is, theyre not very big and theyre dark as charcoal and theyre zipping theyre going really fast. To find them is quite difficult. We are working with the foundation, we hope to partner with them. Theyre trying to build a spacecraft that would look on you from about the orbit of venus, 70 of the distance from the sun to here, and they would be tuned to look for the in from infrared. They look reflective. Cenk you are talking about civillation. Its alarming enough, go ahead it not just destroy the entire planet . Oh, yeah, welcome to my world, and these things hit every one goes by about every 40 years estimated but one hits three times that, 120 1200. Cenk we had a huge one hit in 1908 about 120 years. There was one over the amazon. Theres nobody around. The documentation is pretty good. In this instance, these things disintegrate in midair, but thats only when theyre this, if i can use the term, small. As big as this building. The last few times we got lucky, because the middle of the siberia and jungle in amazon, the third time, are we going to get lucky again. The ancient dinosaurs did nothing about this problem. You know, ive always had a beef with the dinosaurs, and thats it . Ive never had dinosaur. It tastes like chicken. The thing of it is, that rock understands the dinosaur or the cluster of rocks or the commentary, the comet like material, whatever it was, hit the earth shot stuff halfway to the moon. The explosion the ejecta, the stuff tossed, ejected the time at her was bigger than the diameter of the earth, so the stuff by gavety got pulled around by earth and set the whole place on fire. This is a serious thing right . People say why doesnt nasa do something about it, and there are cool old political reasons. First of all, it wasnt part of nasas charter it wasnt human space flight or science its just cataloging objects that are scientifically understood, blah blah blah blah. We work hard to raise awareness of this, and so oh, we are maybe getting there. Cenk how much money do you think is needed to catalog it . Its a great question. Theres two things we do wrong as c. E. O. Of a nonprofit. We dont ask for money and then we dont ask for enough. Cenk so fix it right now. Dont be like a down sore, fix it. We can approach the problem in two ways, first to get the sentinel spacecraft flying, thats about 450 million. Then between now and when that could possibly happen, its about that much money and then after that, to go deflect one its about that much money. Cenk were talking about a billion. 1. 5 billion. Its what the curious city rover cost. We might find something on mars that might dare i say it, change the world. Cenk bush said lets go drill on mars, its because Hall Halle Halliburton was ready to dril