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Romney i said absolutely not. Do not write a bailout check. But a bailout check was written by none other than ann romney. Cenk and then someone who richly deserved it. You know who im talking about. Its go time. [ music ] cenk there is only one g. O. P. Senate candidate that romney has backed in this election cycle. Its Richard Mourdock from indiana. Here is his ad supporting him. Romney this fall im supporting Richard Mourdock for senate. Richard worked with governor Mitch Daniels with the budget. Hell be the 51st vote to stop obama healthcare. And there is so much at stake, i hope youll join me in supporting Richard Mourdock for u. S. Senate. Im Richard Mourdock. I approve this message. Cenk shouldnt we support Richard Mourdock. He was in a debate last night. He said something interesting. Lets see if you support this. I realized that god is a gift from god. Even when life begins in a horrible situation of rape it is something that god intenned to happen. Cenk god intended to happen . Wow well, how about paul ryan, he doesnt support this radical guy, does he . You can see where this is goingof course he does. He said, quote please, pleads send us Richard Mourdock. We need this man in the United States senate. Now, he said that in in the september 17th fundraiser, of course. Also another man running for United States senatethese are not podunk guys in local communities. These are not bloggers. These are not tangential figures. Todd akin is also run running for United States senate in missouri. You remember this moment, of course. You know, those ads saying mitt romney would ban all abortions and contraceptions seem a bit extreme so i looked into it. Cenk sorry, guys i meant to give you the quote from todd akin. Todd akin said if its a legitimate rape, you all remember that, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But lets assume that maybe that didnt work or something i think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be of the rapist and not talking the child. I want to give you the last part of that for good reason. They always talk about oh, you know weve got difference of opinions. Romney says, i have got an exception for rape and incest. And akin and Richard Mourdock find ways to justify it. These are not slipups by todd akin and Richard Mourdock. This is what they actually mean. They can only contain the monster for some time. Then finally they just say it. Why do they say it . Its because their policy is hideous. My god if you get raped theyre going to have this rapistyou got to have his kid can you imagine . Just sit back for a second and imagine how hideous that is. Do you know in over half the states that that guy gets visitation rights . Then you have to see him for the rest of your life as that kid grows up. That is their policy. Wait a minute, thats not fair to mitt romney because mitt romney says there should be an exception for rape an incest. No, thats not how it works. Mitt romney is not going to to back legislation. Mitt romney is going to pick a Supreme Court nominee. Then the Supreme Court nominee will likely switch the vote to 54 against roe versus wade. Then the Supreme Court decides. If the Supreme Court says its okay to make it illegal, then they can make it illegal in all circumstances. Think about this too, what if its illegal to get an abortion after youve been raped . You got to have the rapists child. You have to see the dad for another 18 years and they might put you in jail if you try to get an abortion. How sick is that . But thats their guys. Thats what akin believes. Thats what murdoch believes. And romney says, i dont believe that. But thats exactly what he would do by nominating someone for the Supreme Court. This issue is almost as important as Everything Else combined. You can say that obama has not been great on wall street, drone strikes, etc. But he does pick progressive Supreme Court justices. Romney would definitely pick a right winger. 75 of the country wants abortion to be legal. These guys are not kidding. They would make it illegal. But heres romney with his fluffy nonsense, oh, me . Of courseabortion . Never heard of it. Here. You know, those ads say mitt romney would ban all abortions and contraceptions seemed a bit extreme. I looked into it. Turns out romney does not oppose contraception at all. In fact, he thinks abortion should be an option in case of rape, incest and to save the mothers life. These issues are concerned to me. But im concerned about the debt that our children will be left with. I voted for obama last time. We cant afford another four years. Cenk its not true that romney would pick an extreme Court Justice and that ad is misleading in that sense. She said my reproductive rights are a little important but economy is more important and ignore the reproductive rights part. I thought this guy was a true conservative. All of a sudden hes running in the general election ands not all that conservative any more. Remember this mitt romney. Romney i fought in a deep blue state but i was a conservative republican governor. Cenk back during the primaries he was severely conservative. Now in the general election, me, conservative prolife, i dont know what youre talking about. What an unbelievable fraud. The president called him out an on that today. Obama after running for a year in which he called himself severely conservative. Mitt romney is trying to convince you thats severely kidding. Cenk that sounds all right there. Lets go back to the ad o listen dont worry what theyre going to do with your reproductive rights. Michelle malkin said, in fact, here, we have it on tape. Listen to her. Vote with your ladies smarts and not your laid parts. Theres a bumper sticker. Cenk why does she not want you to vote with your laid lady parts. They want to take those rights away from you. They know it. Shes not the only one. You got to warn the kids. Rush limbaugh is about to say some vulgar things but hell hit that same exact theme. I want to tell you and everybody else how the Obama Campaign looks at women, every one of them. This is how they approach women. This is how they attempt to get their votes. You aredont interrupt meyou are a vagina. You use it multiple times a day and you want somebody else to pay for the contraceptions so you can use your vagina every day. Then when the contraception fails, you want an abortion, and you want somebody else to pay for that. Im your guy. Vote obama. Thats their appeal to women. Their appeal is that republicans dont like your vagina. They dont want you using your vagina except when they want to. And if you do get pregnant, by god, youre going to have this baby, then youre going to be put in jail. Right right right. Cenk yeah, but that is your stance. In fact, you say that is your stance. You say that and if they get pregnant and try to have an abortion you will put them in jail. This is what theyre so afraid of. That youre going to find out their actual policies and what theyre actually going to do. He has got a female caller on the line saying, beth, shut up. Let me tell but your vagina. Beth finally gets to speak. Its funny and sad at the same time. I wish could i use my vagina several times a day but unfortunately im working 15 hours a day. Its crazy. Its absolutely crazy. Thats why its insulting. [ chuckling ] cenk even the republicans callers are saying, i would like to use it. No unless of course youre in the dominican republic. Where did he go with all that viagra. Now hitch hitch back peddle, backpedal. So many people mistook misunderstood the points i was trying to make. If because of the clock of clairethe lack of clarity in my words they came away with an impression with what i said just a moment ago i apologize. Cenk im a much more humble person now that you found out what i actually think. They dont say these things by accident. They say this because they mean it. Mr. Richard mourdocks comments do not reflect governor romneys views. We disagree on the policy regarding exceptions for rape and incest but still support him. They will leave that ad up in indiana where mitt romney enthusiasticcally supports Richard Mourdock. Is that the kind of guy you want . Look at all these guys . Theyre all on the same team. What they are really afraid of is that youre going to find out what their real policy is. All right now when we come back we got some updates on the campaign for you including some swing state numbers. Are they positive . Are they negative . Should you worry . Should you be happy . Its nip and tuck. Well tell you when we return. Yes know what we know. They know what they know. And im confident that were going win this race. Well know who is bluffing and who isnt in two weeks. Cenk also that strategy, were going to win why do both sides do that . Then later in the Program Obama administration well, there is breaking news on bengahzi. Well bring in the tyt Supreme Court. Are they bluffing or are they telling the truth. Well get real, you know it. Another alert saying the embassy in tripoli reported the islamic military Group Claims Responsibility for the bengahzi attack on facebook and twitter and has called for an attack on the you know who is coming on to me now . You know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials . Those types are coming on to me all the time now. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. Absolutely. And so would mitt romney. vo shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . [ theme music ] cenk now with less than two weeks left before the elections of course, there is a lot going on in the campaigns. Im going to break down that news for you guys, and interpret it for you. For example both sides now have talking points about how theyre going to win. A little different from what they were saying before. Here is romney. Romney did you get a chance to watch the debates . [ cheering ] romney they have super charged our campaign. I got to tell you that. Cenk all right were going to win the campaign and the debatesby the way i watched the debates. You watched three out of four of them, you and ryan did. Sad day for you. Now heres obamas team saying the same thing. Watch. We know what we know, and they know what they know. Im confident that were going to win this race, and well know who is bluffing and who isnt in two weeks. Cenk before if you remember both sides were, look, i dont know if were going to win the polls dont look good. All of a sudden two weeks before the election, oh, were definitely going to win. Why do they do that . Before they need money. Thats why they send the panic emails to all their supporters, etc. Saying give us 3 because were about to lose. Oh, my god, its panic time. But now were close to the election theyve raised the money, they bought the ad. What is matters most is that you turn out the vote. They think if you think your side is going to win youll get excited and youre more likely to vote. Thats why these guys will change the way theyre talking. Politics is a fascinating game, full of lies and deceptions. So they knew they were not going to lose before, and all of a sudden they think theyre going to win. The same is true with romney. They thought they were going to win when hes down by ten in ohio and now he has switched his line on that. Of course switching positions romney . Here we go again. Paul and i have a few things in common. One is we both learned to reach across the aisle in our elected office to find ways to work with democrats, republicans independents, to get the job done. Cenk of course, of course, of course, paul ryan, paul ryan reached across the aisle . He only did that to slap democrats if he did that at all. I dont know who you think youre kidding mr. Severely conservative. But they are trying to get those independent voters who havent decided. There goes severely conservative, and here comes i love democrats. I reach out all the time to work with themnonsense there was one more aspect to what is happening in the campaigns, and Gloria Allred with an interesting announcement. Shes respecting Maureen Stenberg. She divorced tom stenberg. Why do we care about them . They own staples and mitt romney testified for him and now shes saying that mitt romney helped tom stenberg hide the money. Arriving in a massachusetts courtroom with client Maureen Stenberg in tow. Mar lean stenberg is the first wife of this man. Tom stenberg. Hes a close friend of mitt romney even giving a fiveminute speech at the convention testifying to the integrity of mitt romney. During the Divorce Proceedings mitt romney was called on to testify. The case has been under a gag order since that time. Cenk can they left that gag order and find out what mitt romney said and release it to the public . Mitt romney team said he didnt say anything bad. Thats fine. But if the issue is hiding money, that should be interesting news if it comes out before the election. Maureen stenberg says about the two of them, her exhusband and romney. I was married to his partner in crime, mr. Staples they believe they can rule our world. Theyre not healthy people. It goes beyond greed. Its power. To help me break down all this plus the swing state polls which is very, very important of course, who are we going to bring in . Obviously, epics politics man. [ music ] cenk all right michael. Yes. Cenk all this bragging im going to win. Im going to win. It reminded me of a guy from the primaries. Im going to be the nominee. Its hard to look at the recent polls, the odds are high that im going to be the nominee. Cenk it doesnt really matter. There is no down side bragging about how youre going win. The down side is sitting here and playing somebody elses tape just like we did to newt. An air of confidence does more than appear confident to your base but it gets other people on board and people want to follow a winner. Cenk thats the silliest thing in the world. I root for the steelers if it looks like the cowboys are going to win well, the cowboys im going to vote for the cowboys. But there are people out there. S theyre going to vote for the cowboy as soon as those are fairweather friends. The Obama Campaign does it in a different way, not necessarily a better way. But a more methoddal way. The Romney Campaign has done that since denver. Its been an Energy Behind why theyre doing it since they picked up in denver, and theyre moving forward in it. They should have a little bit of it because things have changed. Cenk now if they change after denver and they got a big bounce the republicans did. But since then they have lost pretty much every debate, right . So a little bit mix on the ryanbiden debate but most polls say biden won. No mix obama won the last two debates according to every poll. Has there been a bounce for that for obama. Cenk there was a bounce caught rising the wound stopping the plead bleeding, and making sure it didnt get better for romney. It hasnt gotten better. Since a couple of days ago he has gotten a boost but i think its too early to see if thats true or not. You dont expect the president to get a huge boost in the debate the way romney did. Romney had to change the dialogue completely, which he did do. And obama gets back to his bench mark. Cenk that was a pretty good bench mark because he was winning solidly. How are we doing in those states now. We have new polls and i would say that the president had a good day. Ohio theyre three polls and a fourth that shows him up by two points. The first, the Time Magazine poll has i am up by five. Survey usa has him up by three ands rasmussen poll. The romney people have camps to ohio, and theyve put all their resources there realizing they cant win without ohio. You look at the early voting and you can see why republicans want to fight early voting. The margin of 60 to 30 obama has the early voters. In 2008 a third of ohioans voted early. It showed great organization. They have three times as many on the ground in ohio than the romney people. This is all really good. What is another important piece out of ohio out of this poll, the Time Magazine poll where hes up five, 49 to 43 is the spread. Thats a higher percentage of white voters than obama is seeing in any other swing state right now. Cenk show me virginia really quick. Virginia is a great set of polls for the president here. Hes up seven points in Old Dominion University poll, and then up also in what i assume is a very republicanleaning poll if such a thing exists, Newsmax Newsmax zogby. This is not where romney wanted to be in virginia. Cenk if hes down this far in virginia with two weeks ago that is bad news for romney. The beliefs were so big now were back to a place where its pretty comfortable. Even rasmussen has you cant just pick the polls. You have to look at them in mass. This trend in virginia is not what romney wanted. When he announced paul ryan for his running mate in virginia. When he wanted to come out with the bayonets and the horses, they may be playing to that as well. Cenk no matter who it was if you told me 13 days before an election one of the guys is down 3 to 5 in virginia, i would say thats who is going to lose. Now romney is down 3 to 5 in virginia. That is very bad for him. Michael, thank you. We have more bad news for mitt romney. The auto bailout, it looks like he may have taken a little bit for himself. Here in detroit where we see vultures feasting on the corporation of another victim, the delco auto parts decision of general motors. Cenk later in the program an elbow on top of the head of a guy who totally utterly richly deserves it. Can you guess it . Guess at tytoncurrent the one time its okay for you to miss my show is if thats the only time you can get to a polling place. Make sure that voting is your highest priority on election day. Besides, you can always dvr my show. You really cant dvr the future of the country. To help you make informed decisions, watch current tvs politically direct lineup. Only on current tv. So vote and vote smart. Cenk now you know the romneys are incredibly wealthy and they have money in a lot of places. One of the places that ann romney has money in her blind trusti love blind trustsa group where she has 1 million. Thats the least they have to report. Eliot management has done interesting investments including on delfiwhats delfi . A parts manufacturer for g. M. They were in trouble at the same time that g. M. Was in trouble. Capitalists came in and swooped in on delphi. In fact, they all made a ton of money off of it, as you can see there. Third point made 390 million. Paulson made 2. 6 billion, and eliot management made 1. 29 million. They multiplied their money by 44 timesamazing, right . That sounds pretty good. How much did ann romney make off of it . She wont reveal it, thats why we keep asking her but it appears to be in the range based on the estimates of how much other people made off this same investment from 15. 3 million to 115 million. So far its a feelgood story. They invest in a company that looks like its going under and then it does well. Here is the questionable part. How did they recover and how did they make that money . First thing they did was they got rid of all their unionized workers. 25,200 Union Workers gone. They closed 25 of the 29 u. S. Plants. And most importantly they dumped the workers pensions. You can make more money if you dont have to pay the pensions, right . Who did they dump it on to . Of course, the american taxpayer. In fact, they got a combined 12. 9 billion from the american taxpayers. 2. 8 billion from tarp. 4. 5 billion from forgiven by g. M. Which eventually comes from us anyway, and then 5. 6 billion the government had to pay for delphi pensions. Now its a whole different matter if youre making the money by getting nearly 13 billion transferred to you from the american taxpayer. What happened, romney . I thought you were against bailouts and the taxpayer taxpayerapparently youre not against it when it goes into your pocket. When you thought things were bad enough it gets worse. The way they got that 13 billion was by holding g. M. And chrysler hostage saying if you dont give us that taxpayer money, were not going to do a deal with you and without the parts youll all go under. Quote, according to steve ratner said it would take years and tens of billions of dollars for g. M. To replace the delphi parts. So thats why delphi had them over a barrel, and the vulture capitalists knew it. Thats what they do to third world countries and it time theyre doing it to us. Quote fadelify laid siege to g. M. s parties supply the bailout would fail and g. M. Would have to be liquidated or sold off as would another delphi dependent chrysler. Get a load of what they said. They said, because if you dontgive us that taxpayer moneywell shut you down. The final piece of ironry, after they made all this money off of us, they turned around and spent 734 million supporters of mitt romney doing ads and 1,650 to democrats. Running ads saying, hey you know what, it was obama who took your pensions away. Look at this ad where they used delphi workerslook how unbelievably misleading it is. Watch. He said the protection of pensions in the bankruptcy process was a high priority for him. That certainly was not the case with the delphi salaries salaried employees. October of 2009 our pensions were terminated, and they were not protected. I lost over 30 of my pension. The Obama Administration decided to terminate my pension, and i took a 40 reduction in my pension. Cenk that was a group called led freedom ring. They put 7 million against obama. And they worked together on think tanks as well. So they take that money that they made off of us, and they use it to deceive us. Its grotesque. Now the guy who has been pointing this out is greg palace. His book is billionaires and bandits. Great to have you here. Talk to me how many times these guys have run these scams in Different Countries and how they can get away with running it here in the United States of america . They have to get away with it romneys number one donor has pulled this scam in the congo, in peru, and now against argentina. His activities are now illegal in most of europe and england. His funds actually some how figured out how to pocket the money that was to go to the congo, the poorest nation in the world, our aid money, during the cholera epidemic nice guy partner with romney. They pulled that scam all over the world but in the usa it is still legal. What romney and his syndicate did under paul singer said pay up and thats a quote, or we will shut you down. Now the Obama Administration in the car czar diary said this is extortion. But there was no choice. Were not bankrupting g. M. But liquidation. They got 13 billion the entire romneyrelateed syndicate. 13 billion, 12. 9 billion. They shut every one of the plants that remained under their control except one. Eliminateed all 25,000 uaw jobs but they did create jobs. They created 25 jobs in china. Every one of those jobs, uaw jobs every one was moved to china. Thats how they made their money. They are not happy with obama because now obama is coming after them has decided they pulled off this student once stunt against the u. S. Treasury. We had no choice, we were held hostage, but thats it. Theyre going after him. Cenk now i understand there is another part of this that you want to talk about now, which is allyallied financial who are they and how are they involved . Question, that we havent gotten to. It has not come out publicly yet. Romneys group through eliot management and the vulture ill give him the name the vulture. Hes a vulture. Paul the vulture singer decided to hold allied hostage. Thats the old g. M. Finance unit. Its pretty hard to sell cars. Now hes withholding the finance unit which he has control of. The u. S. Government has already dropped 17 billion into g. M. Ac now called allied. G. M. Needs allied back, but the Obama Administration is saying, you know what, were not writing another check for mr. Singer and his partner. Its not that hes going after romney, but hes saying we paid enough. We paid enough. Plus on top of that we have the Obama Administration who has gone into court to stop singers vulture fund with their silent partner mr. Romney from attacking the nation of argentina. And singer is lived, livid. The romneys have made 115 million. They confirmed they made the money. Theyre not saying how much, but theyre confirming that they made the profits. Cenk part of the reason why theyre not releasing their taxes they dont want you to know how much they made. Greg palast, thank you so much for joining us on the young turks. Thank you kemp. Cenk now when we come back well how are the senate races doing . You know that Richard Mourdock guy, is he winning . Is he losing . What is happening next . Youll find out in the next segment. I watched mazie do it. And that nancy pelosi i will not say anything else. Why is that republican supporting that democrat in hawaii, and how is she doing . Thats really interesting to see who is going to get control of the senate. And then later in the program the Obama Administration being honest about what happened in bengahzi . New details. Well Supreme Court it up. Among some two dozen individuals on a list of potential suspect who are linked to the intelligence traffic who are bragging to a close circle of friends. And now to my point. That is a whole bunch of bunk the powerful my steal an election but they cannot steal democracy. Tell them its like being nestled in an eightway, adjustable, heated and ventilated seat surrounded by a 500watt sound system while floating on a suspension made of billowy clouds. Or you could just hand them your keys. What we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. By 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough College Graduates to fill them. Thats why at Devry University were teaming up with Companies Like cisco to help make sure everyone is ready with the knowhow we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure americas ready. Make sure youre ready. At devry. Edu knowhow. Gleam[ theme music ] the u block is brought to you by elegance and performance and technology. Cenk you guys asked us to talk about the senate races more because thats incredibly important. Whether we can get anything done if president obama wins or if god for bid mitt romney wins, if he can get anything done, who controls the senate. Im glad you asked. Well bring in epic michael shure. How are they doing . Theyre giving a gift to the democrats. Going into this event before the debate happened. A poll released in indiana Global Strategy Group released it yesterday congressman joe donnelly up two points on Richard Mourdock before this happened. The reason why all of this is happening is not because they found Richard Mourdockties despicable. That did not figure in the poll. A lot of Richard Lugar voters who were disenfranchised after the election in the primary of Richard Mourdock, the lugar people have not come over to his side. Theyre going to donnelly or staying home. Cenk and donnelly is a fairly conservative democrat. Hes also prolife, obviously not as extreme as Richard Mourdock. And lugar has not come out to bat for Richard Mourdock either. Cenk so is it over . I would say its over. I really would. I dont see how he can recover fr last night, dd alreadydy was okokg d f f r rha mo modock. Cenk how bad are the republicans running this, that theyre going to lose indiana. Theyre going to lose indiana, missouri, and its a little bit of a disaster for them. Its not filibuster proof but it still makes democrats flirt with that a little bit. Its great. Cenk now hawaii has a former governor running. Former governor of maui. Thats a good, good. Shes facing mazie hirono. Shes the sitting congresswoman for the district of hawaii. And theyre going for the seat of retiring governor. Don young the atlarge representative from alaska endorsed her with thissed a. While mazie and i dont see eye to eye with everything. Weve done something that too many in washington across the aisle do we work together. Once we join together as republican and democrat, i had to battle our own part leadership to get our amendment passed. I washed mazie do it p and that nancy pelosi is one stubborn don, what did i tell you . I wont say anything else. Cenk its working for her. Its working for her. A lot of republicans were future russ with don young and then don young turns around and now endorses linda lingle. Cenk he endorses everyone. I only meant it for the primaries. Linda is down 55 to 39 . Cenk thats already over. Its over but thats an interesting race. That is going to stay as a democrat. Cenk weve been covering a lot of senate seats. We havent seen many advantages for the republicans in almost any of these close races. Well get to a few but its trending the other way cenk. Cenk its fascinating. I think a lot of people may be surprised how big the democrats win on the senate side in 13 days. Here i go again jinxing it, sorry guys. When we come back the right wing has a new conspiracy theoryof course this one is absurd. Its about the filmmaker who started the protest in the middle east. Well tell you about it when we return. The judge will decide whether he violated the terms of his probation from a 2010 bank fraud charges. [ music ] cenk all right. We have a serious tyt Supreme Court for you today. It turns out we got emmaybe. Turns out one of the guys involved in the attacks in bengahzi here is the report. Arrested in turkey and now being held by authorities in connection with the bengahzi attack on. Hes described as a suspected participant and not commander of the assault. Among two dozen individuals on the list of suspect who is are linked through intelligence traffic, who was bragging to a close circle of friends and in a video from the compound. Cenk are we buying it . Did they get a guy involved right before the election . The republicans are not buying it. Guys look a little convenient. Hes among two dozen suspects. Hes arrested in a very friendly country in turkey, are you buying it or not buying it. Lets go to the middle east correspondent first. They made it clear they didnt get any sort of leader. I thinkthe guy is not going to have a good time for the next few weeks. Im sure hell be detained until then, but this is not a political move. Theyve been investigating and searching these folks. One guy out of 12 not a victory. Cenk they were going to arrest somebody before the election. Of the things i wish i would have said out loud. Oh were going to hear about it i cant believe they gave this fake arrest. But you know what, if people are going to be influenced by Something Like this before the election, i would say let them get influenced by it. Either way it goes, i mean, i have very little patience with it. Cenk i dont think people will get that influenced. I totally disagree. Cenk heres the thing, michael. Im not saying that this guy isnt guilty of something. They probably had him on a list somewhere, and he, hes in in turkey. Thats close to libya. I dont buy it at all. First of all the president need an arrest in libya to make himself look tough on terrorism. He got osama bin laden. He has been tough on terror. He has been tough on alqaeda. He doesnt need to havehe doesnt even need to walk into the risk of having this look like it was trumped up. Youre right. There was no mission accomplished. Cenk he didnt do a press conference or anything like that. Fox news has a different theory. They said, my god weve got emails who said we knew about the attacks a couple of hours in. Here is the facebook message theyre referring to of someone claiming responsibility. Embassy tripoli reports the group claimed responsibility on facebook and twitter and has called for an attack on the embassy in tripoli. On facebook someone taking responsibility. They knewhere is fox news talking about it more. New evidence into fox news that the Obama Administration knew that the libya attack was an act of terror even as it happened. Obtaining internal state Department Emails showing that an alqaedalinked group claimed responsibility for the bengahzi attack as the assault was ongoing. The state department knew as this was going on that a terrorist group with links to alqaeda had claimed responsibility on facebook and twitter, yet they came out with that ridiculous story. Cenk im going the other way on this one. People claim responsibility all the time. It doesnt mean a goddamn thing does it michael . It doesnt mean a thing. Every time there is an incident, im sure this is the 47th person who claimed responsibility for libya. Absolutely. Im sure there are people falling all over each other in libya trying to take responsibility for this. Happily we dont have a president who rushes to make a statement based on facebook. Cenk the guy who produceed that innocence of muslims movie, it turned out he violated his probation, it appears. He has been arrested since september 28th, and hell have a hearing on november 9th. A couple of days after the election jayar are they hiding him because of something i cant figure out . No, theyre missing all the connections. I thought it was because of anybody with this movie. Theyre going to hide the guy who made the movie until after the election day. Then he had something to do with it. Cenk thats a great way to go with it. First it was a mixed bag on fox news. The other two totally wrong. Now Eliot Spitzer is totally right with whatever hes going to say on viewpoint next. What is it eliot. Eliot man, i like that introduction. Ill be nice to you some day too. Were going to be talking about that Richard Mourdock statement who is running for the senate in indiana, the crazy republican who is saying answer where someone has been raped and there is a pregnancy, there should not be a right to an abortion. Reopening the war on women. The republicans cannot stay away from this issue. Romney has endorsed the guy and has refused to pull his endorsement. Its going to be crazy. Cenk appreciate it eliot. When we come back an elbow on top of a head that youve been dying to deliver. Please me, youre going to enjoy this. You know who is coming on to me now . You know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials . Those types are coming on to me all the time now. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. Absolutely. And so would mitt romney. vo shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Build a groundbreaking car. Good. Now build a time machine. Go here, find someone who can build a futuristic dash board display. Bring future guy back. Watch him build a tft display like nothing youve ever seen. Get him to explain exactly what that is. The thin film transistor display. [ male announcer ] mmm, maybe not. Just show it. Customize the dash give it park assist. The fuel efficiency flower thing. Send future guy home his work here is done. 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