then, the tsa said that they were tracking pairterrorists. apparently they have moved past that and now they are profiling blacks and latinos. >> now more than 30 tsa officers cataloguean airport say the method is promoting racial profiling. >> blacks and latin 0s? what do they have to do with terrorism? we will tell that you terrible story later in the show. my god, nbc hits the bottom of the barrel. >> a big blank slate. i don't know what to expect. i don't know what's going to happen. this feels like the real damn deal. >> except it's not. expect crap. >> that's military propaganda mixed with a reality show. it's a horrible show. we will tell you all about it. it's go time! >> >> >> all right. paul ryan is a guy who pretends to be really principled. my god, he is in favor of free markets. he doesn't want anybody messing with that. in fact he was on '60 minutes" the other day and told us all about it. >> what i see is a new amount of croney capitalism and corporate welfare which both parties have been engaged in but the president has brought this to a whole new level, wherem president obama is picking winners and loses based upon connections, based upon fads like solyndra and basically giving hand outs to businesses giving preferences to the tax code. we want to get washington out of the business of picking winners and losers. >> are you kidding me? talking about croney capitalism let's talk about croney capitalism. you know the guy who has received the most amount of contributions in all of the congress, the number 1 guy in the house of representatives who takes money to do the bidding of crone e capitalists? you guessed it: paul ryan. he is, quote, the top house fund fundraiser fundraiser," and not only is he number 1. he blows away the competition. he got $5.4 million in contributions last time around. >> that's $2 million more than the guy who came in number 2. he is crushing the competition in who can pleasure contributors the most. so, who is he helping out? if you will. here are the people that have given him money, and he has done services for baker, 'tilly virchow krause, prior towater asks house, coopers, northwest earn mutual wells fargo and the list goes on and on. i can break down for you how every industry gets a favor in return. let me give you one example of many. let's talk about insurance. now, they -- the insurance industry gave him over all, $815,328. now, that's more than from any other industry among the different donors. they even beat the banks. so what did they get in return from paul ryan the sell-out the croney capitalist? well he has voted over and over again and most importantly when president bush president bush passed medicare part d that we cannot negotiate with drug companies. with why? >> a funny little thing. you take money from the health care industry and then you say the government cannot negotiate drug prices. we must accept whatever this health care industry tells us the prices are. hum. it seems like they got a good return on their investment. they pay you less than a million dollars. they get back billions because the government can't negotiate those prices for medicare. this is how somebody gets bought. this is the services that they deliver. all right. now, speaking of delivering boy, has he delivered for the koch brothers. oh, yeah. he has -- is definitely connected to them n 2006, ryan began speaking at american for prosperity events run by the koch brothers. the wisconsin chapter for that group actually gave him the defender of the american dream award. is he defending the american dream? no, the koch's. i have a blanket. you want it? i am in. what else? he has attended all of the koch annual donor sum missed. >> that's where they get the politicians and grease them to get what they want. here is how the "new york times" describes it. koch industries pac has donated more than $100,000 to mr. ryan's campaigns and his leadership pac more than has any other corporate pac. so what does he give the koch brothers in return? the koch brothers would love to pollute more because they do factories that put a lot of emissions in the air. so they don't want you to talk about global warming. they hate that. so here comes their bought man, paul ryan to do their bidding. here is what he has done. he has promoted unfounded con conspiracy these are about climate scientists. global warming, a conspiracy by scientists. for what reason no one can really quite tell, ironically, they claim that scientists are doing it for financial incentive when there is no 1 doing anything more for financial incentive than paul ryan. he argued snow invalue dazed global warming policy. what a joke this guy is. how easy it is to buy him. he voted today eliminate epa limits on greenhouse pollution, voted to e limit nature white house climate advisers. voted for keystone xl pipeline project and ryan's budget keeps enormous oil subsidies and slashes clean energy investment. that will last part gives you crystal clear what his intentions are. he says if you care about energy, for the country, hey we want to be independent of middle eastern oil. right? no. no. but i don't want it from new sources. they don't pay me. they don't bribe me. oil bribes me. the koch brothers bribe me. so their bidding. so this supposed deficit cutter the guy who cares about the budget? $43,000,000,000 in you willoil subsidies tiptoes give takes $43,000,000,000 of our money and gives it to the oil companies. remember david koch one of the koch brothers ran for vice president under the libertarian ticket. here is what he dreamed about. he ran against ronald reagan in 1980. here was his platform. abolish social security, welfare, the federal reserve board, minimum wage laws corporate taxes and the f.b.i. and ci. a and limits on campaign spending. paul ryan, the new david koch pushes for about 90% of that. you know he would gut the f.b.i.'s budget so that even goes. i don't think he has spoken out about the federal reserve board yet. all other checklist that david coke dreamt -- david koch dreamt about, at a hands-off my health care rally put together by the tea party, et cetera. listen in. >> i have got to tell you the ideology that treats our constitutional right like the revokable privilege from the government instead of inemtable rights by our creator, we are going to reject it in congress. we are going to reject it in the supreme court and this november, we will reject it here. i care so much the fourth amendment. let's do wiretapping all day long. where is my paycheck? where do i get paid? oil companies, koch brothers give it to me and do whatever the hell you like with the constitution. 'til tim phillips who rungs the koch group said this paul was one of the first guys that we looked at and said, hey, that young guy could be the guy. and when he put out the budget and defended it, that's when they said, "he could go all the way." god. they just admit it. >> that's the guy we picked to be our son of a bitch who is a bought man that we are going to put into the white house so david koch can get his dreams and have them come true which is a national might mayor for the rest of us. a billion air buying our government through a guy like paul ryan. all right. michael sure we sent him to vegas to track down paul ryan. what was he doing in vegas today? who was he pleasuring? >> you know cenk there is only one person and he is the one being pleasured because he was going to sheldon adelson's house, the venetian and he is going to be there for what they are say is not a fundraiser. they are defining a fundraiser as they will but they are presenting media from going to the ven he's. he could come out here to this swing state. nevada is a swing state, and talking to go voters. he is not talking to voters. it's talking to argueably the leveled union friendly casino worker in the world. 90% of the las vegas strip subpoena union. the rest is sheldon adelson. he is here getting money. >> of course he is. so did they let him talk to the press at all, or who cares about the people? who cares about the press? i am just here to get paid. >> you know, the romney people are not -- they are not worried about that: rom neckey says there are differing opinions about that. >> the fact that millions of dollars are going to him from the casino you just left? >> i think that's good for him because i am a full-blown cran and i think that he will be a great vice president. >> so it doesn't bother you that sheldon a little bitson is going to give all of this money to the political system? >> of course. it bothers you. you know, that's something that nobody likes you know. >> maybe you will win some money in there and none of this will be important? >> i won $1,500 by the way. >> beautiful. >> god bless his heart. >> vegas is still vegas. but the truth is he is going to this casino already having won. but we are not getting to see that. the press is bard from this event because the romney campaign doesn't want anybody near paul ryan it seems. >> all right, michael, one last thing, it's not just adelson. not just the koch brothers, not just the insurance industry. rupert murdoch said all of his minions like william crystal were talking about what a great choice he would be. it seems like what we have is the melga wealthy deciding we have a candidate we have already bought. we want t i ierer h h into t t vp sloloere and the rest of the media goes on just like, oh that's normal. okay. here are the guys. went to vegas to collect a bribe. bribe. >> that's hour our system works. >> you are right. to hear rupert murdoch say those things is the greatest irony because if there were one person in the world most responsible for having americans talk about issues less, it's ruperred murdoch murdoch. the fact he is saying those things. else appeasing the conservatives, to kiss sheldon a little bitson religious gold ring. >> michael shure in las vegas. i hope you took some money off of adelson. >> not yet. we will try to get in this there later. >> don't lose money to him. when we come back, you know, they have got a new lie out. they are running it all over the place about how president obama stole $700 million from medicare. what a crock of crap. i am going to show you exactly what's wrong with that when we come back. >> cut it by $700,000,000,000, stole $700,000,000,000. >> obama cut $700,000,000,000. >> i am so tired of their lying but i am going to show you exactly how that's wrong. later in the program, we are going to talk about fake heros or reality t.v. and real heros. >> wall small step for man. >>i jump out of my skin at people when i'm upset. they're doing this this corruption based on corruption based on corruption. >>that's an understatement, eliot. [ ♪ theme music ♪ ] >> so you know what paul ryan's proper problem is: he has proposed a plan that would turn medicare into non-medicare. it would be a voucher program, nothing like what we have now. so it would shred medicare in the long run. what will republicans do? they are going to pretend it's obama destroying medicare and they are the ones trying to protect it. get a load of this non-sense. here is the romney ad. >> the president's idea was to cut it by $700,000,000,000. >> the president took basically -- basically stole -- stole $700,000,000,000. >> obama gutted medicare by taking $717,000,000,000 out of it. >> obama cut $700,000,000,000 from medicare to pay for obamacare. >> that was actually, of course, all of the conservatives with that same talking point, over and over again. stole money, stole money. nice racial undertones. here is romney's ad. >> you paid into medicare for years. every paycheck. now when you need it, obama has cut $716,000,000,000 from medicare. why? to pay for obamacare. so now the money you paid for your guaranteed health care is going to a massive new government program that's not for you. the romney-ryan protects medicare benefits for today's seniors and strengthens the plan for the next generation. i am mitt romney and i approve this message. >>. >> that young man seems so swell. he is smiling at senior citizens. he wouldn't do anything wrong. let's bring in our current correspondent and actual total expert on health care here, jackie she can never with health care for america now. she was their national communications director. so if anyone knows this, it's jackie. help me break the news down on this one. talk to me about the ryan plan the obama plan. where are they lying about the obama plano. >> if we don't get in front of this this will be like death panels. the 716 billion dollarly. so president obama, as part of the affordable care act said we are going to save money over the longrun by making changes to medicare. and the congressional budget office said if we repealed the affordable care act, it would cost $716,000,000,000 over thene next 10 years. >> that's where that number is coming from. the republicans are turning that around and saying this is somehow a $716 billion cut. what it is, is $716,000,000,000 in savings. we are going to get rid of waste, fraud and abuse. we are going to slow the growth of payments to hospitals, insurance companies, other health care providers. we are going to stop overpaying private insurance companies for what we call medicare advantage. we pay about 14% more for private insurance coverage than we do for actual medicare. so those are the savings. here is where this lie comes into place. every single dollar that saves goes back into health care. right? this is what's closing the donult hole for seniors, giving seniors wellness visits giving them preventive care and cancer screening, helping to expand medicaid pour people who can't afford it. subsidies in the health insurance exchange. every dollar goes back into health care. no been faiths are seniors are cut whatsoever . >> that's the important part. they are taking over $700,000,000,000 out but not from senior citizens not from the beneficiaries. they are taking it out from the private corporations that have been taking that extra 14% and delivering no extra results. >> they slowing the rate of growth. we are not stopping anything with medicare. we are just slowing down the rate of growth in the money side of medicare so we can real indicate that money in a more efficient way to make health more efficient and affordable. >> if you took it from the people who are getting medicare they wouldn't care? right? >> what their plan does which you will explain to us in a second. >> yeah. >> if you take it from the insurance companies, they go whoa: that's our guys. op obama, why are you steal from our best friends, the private corporations that have been robbing you blind the whole time? the. >> when they take the money away from the private insurance companies to the ad vantage cut backs, they will put the money back into the private insurance companies through the exchanges. because we are subsidizing private insurance in the exchanges. they are not really going to lose that money. we are real indicating as far as the private insurance companies are concerned. >> tell moo about the ryan plan. >> we have to point out. it's a plan. it's aspirational, not a piece of legislation. it doesn't have to match up. i think as the news starts to progress and we start to learn more, we learn more and more, it's the ryan fantasy plan but he wants to replace medicare as we know it with a voucher program. seniors are going to end up paying for their own health care, get basically a coupon and that's not going to cover the cost of healthcare in its entirety. we were taking a look at the graphic. it would change from 65 to 67 would be the age that you would be able to get medicare. so again, you had cut the medicare benefits by two years. also reducing like stop this closing of the donut hole so seniors have to pay for drugs again. none of the money that paul ryan would safe in his plan would go back into health care. all of the money that he would save would go to tax cuts for the rich defense spending all sorts of other government cutbacks that ryan would want in his farnlt anti-plan. >> these guys are amaking. right? they twist the truth so much? >> and i wonder how the rest of the press will cover this. right? here is a program that does what the republicans claim they want to do all along, reduce waste and fraud and all of that stuff in medicare. i mean for 30 years, i have been hearing republicans say, let's reduce waste and fraley, et cetera. and they flip the truth on its head and say, can you believe he is taking out this money for medicare when in fact, it's their program that takes it out. i want to give the audience a sense of that 65s. i have not seen a good analysis of how much that would cost in medicare. but i have seen in associated security, when you move the retirement age up for every year, you lose over $10,000 okay? the retirement age, the benefits you would have gotten. when you move the retirement age up for medicare, too that's also thousands of dollars from every american that you are literally taking out of their pocket and, in paul ryan's budget plan to your point, jackie, he gives away $2 trillion in tax cuts for the rich. he is rob the poor again, in this case senior citizens to pay for the rich. if they love their plan so much why do they keep insisting if it's so good for senior citizens, why don't they say it wouldn't apply to senior citizens, you guys? >> because they know it's not very good and they also can't say that because ryan is part of the budget plan wants to repeal the entirety of the affordable care act. and if you do that it actually will affect senior citizens because it will take away everything that's been given to them so far. they will have to pay more for prescription drugs cancer screenings wellness benefits all of the benefits that have gone into place will be yanked away from senior citizens. for them to say it's not going to affect anybody over 55 is is aly. it will affect everybody who is getting benefits from the affordable care act in general. that money is being reallocated within the system. >> all right, jackie checkshe can never. >> i get fired up. >>chechner. >> i get fired up. >> >>. one last thing before we go. jackie and i we don't have time for it in this conversation. disagree on what president obama would do with medicare in his next term. right? so i am not giving obama a pass on that at all. i did it in the progressaggressive progressive last night. >> that's not what they are talking about. there is an outrightly. there are a lot of things you can criticize obama over. this is not one of them. the rest of the press have to call out the reality and the facts here jackie's expertise on this is inc. valuable. when we come back racial profiling, they were supposed to go after terrorists. instead, at the airport, they are pulling over blacks and latinos. >> passengers get pulled aside because of their skin color. that allegation made by more than 30 tsa officers cataloguean airport. >> we are going to tell you why they are doing that and how they are doing it later in the program. i am going to get agressive progress time on the ideological hero of the republicans in paul ryan ayn rand. what a lunatic she is. >> we are not moving forward. social socialism. we are moving that way there she is ! hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us you have hard water stains and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, you need something powerful. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must. admitted that that look, we were able to keep a lot of the folks because of the stimulus. >> bill: absolutely. again, do you great work, judd. thank you. all of your colleagues at think progress. we'll see you again next [ male announcer ] the inventors of twix had a falling out, so the production of twix was divided between two separate factories. left twix factory cascades caramel and chocolate onto cookie, while right twix factory flows caramel and chocolate onto cookie. today they share nothing but a wrapper and a driveway. try both and pick a side. hey joe? yeah? is this a bad time? no, i can talk. great -- it's the 9th inning and your hair still looks amazing. well, it starts with a healthy scalp. that's why i use head and shoulders for men. they're four shampoos for game-winning scalp protection and great looking hair... go on, please. with seven benefits in every bottle, head and shoulders for men washes out flakes, itch and dryness. and washes in... confidence. yeah it does. [ male announcer ] up to 100% flake free scalp and hair with head & shoulders for men. >> it's go time. (vo) at the only online forum with a direct line to cenk uygur. >>if you had to vote for a republican, which one would it be? (vo) join the debate now. >> since 2003 there have been behavioral officers at 161 different airports, checking out suspicious behavior to try to catch someone before they do something terrible on one of the planes. that makes sense. at the logan air port in boston they have taken it to another level. they are bringing in behavioral assessors. now, this is not such a bad thing if you try to figure out who is doing something wrong instead of what they look like. form, that's the direction they have gone anyway. of course. so here is a local necn report in boston about what's happening. >> it's called behavior deadex a way for tsa fears to check for behavior cue that could provide a security risk. officers are supposed to target sweating fidgeting and avoiding eye contact. now, more than 30 tsa officers cataloguean airport are saying the method is promoting racial profiling. >> gee. such a surprise. they went to racial profiling again. so who are they profiling? unsmyser unsurprising lee middle easterners but hispanics traveling to miami. such a joke. okay. blacks wearing baseball caps but specifically backward. if you are wearing forward you are okay. the good news is some of the tsa officers saw this and didn't like it and they turned in the guides who were doing this. not that anybody has gotten in trouble yet, but at least the "new york times" is reporting on it and one of the officers which in "the new york times" pointed out was white says quote, "they just pud aside anyone they don't like the wait they look. if they are black and have expensive clothes or geal jewelry or if they are hispanic." if you look shabby they are like that guy looks like a criminal. if you have expensive clothes, obviously criminal. i thought we were supposed to look for terrorists. this is ridiculous. here is another officer, quote, the behavior detection program is no longer a behavior-based program, but tas racial profiling program." way to get lazy and go back to stereotypes. one of the officers estimated 80% of the people pulled over were blacks and latinos. in boston that takes some doing to be able to get to that number. the tsa has put out a statement, quote, if any of these claims prove accurate we will take immediate and styesdecisive action to ensure there are consequences to such activity." to give you a sense of how bad it's gotten, remember peter king, the guy who did the elth nick profiling of muslims and the farthings congress said "if it's going on, it is wrong and can't be defended ". wow. you are doing racial profiling peter king can't defend it must be bad. we are going to bring in our expert, patricia rosen from brown university. so professor rose i understand you use this airport. >> as a matter of fact providence is close to boston. if i want a direct flight we go out of boston all the time. i have to say, it takes quite a lot to find a lot of black and hispanic and middle easterners. so the whistleblowers probably could target and count how many times they were coming through and easily pick 80% and say well, gee, i saw 10 black, brown, and, you know, middle easterners today and eight of them have been stopped. >> that's how few. so it's really kind of like fish in a barrel. >> isn't is so discouraging in some ways? because, look i think the behavioral stuff is not that far fetched. israelis do it and it's somewhat effective for them. i am middle eastern and i swelt. >> right. >> keep it real. okay? so i might be pulled over all though i am not nervous about anything. >> right. >> there is some logic behind that. right? but they seem to just get lazy and go to racial stereotypes almost every time we do a program like this. >> right. it is remarkable. three quick things. one, if you are black, brown or middle easterner, of course you sweat through any place there is going to be security because you are going to be racially profiled. my heart skips a beat. okay? it seems that's important. the second thing is that, you know this is depressing demoralizing demoralizing 30 workers, synthesis reported this. bed that kind of commitment to fairness throughout society and everyone played that role we could end all kind of discrimination really almost immediately. >> no. that is a really encouraging sign. i love that you brought up that part of it. and, obviously, you can tell from the article that a lot of these guys are white and said look. this is outrageous. we have to stop this program. why are they doing this in this first place? thought we were looking for terrorists. now, criminals? >> yeah. >> and looking for terrorists. it always expands. >> the terrorism, anxiety and fear is just a wider net to cash all undesirables and claim and make them criminals. so if you are white and you sweat and you have bad drugs or immigration problems you are not going to ever get caught. right? but if you are brown or black or middle eastern, you are much more likely. it fills prisons beds, connects the fear and issues of terrorism to a kind of criminalization policing consciousness and justifies itself and gee, we caught a lot. we need more money for more tsa, so we can fillmore beds. it's a vicious, vicious cycle. >> it gives a perverse incentive to drug dealers to get white and ay annul folks because they don't get checked as much. now, look. i want to ask you guys: there is a 68-year-old professor, african-american. he is wearing sweat pants, he is wearing a t-shirt and sweat pats but if you look good they pull you over. jr, do you think i have got to keep my baseball cap forward rather than backward? >> i think i have changed lately. it's more of a -- it was an at attitude at first. i am old now. not old, old but i am old enough where you feel like you come a certain way and there is a reading factor. they go, not what i assumed. once you found out they have a sense that you are not that kind, then you go ahead and lambast and let them know that what kind are you talking about? there needs to be an embarrassment put on fem becausedid did on people. >> you get caught in a bind they start -- >> you are aggressive. >> exactly. >> suspicious. you do that at the tsa, you are brave. i don't say anything but yes, sir because i am five minutes from being naked in the back and going to jail. >> i mean, you know, it's horrible. we laugh. what kels we do? >> what can you do? >> professor rose jr thank you. we appreciate it. now, when we come back we are going to talk to the guy who has run against paul ryan. is that the joe biden? or was it someone else? and and we will talk to him about what paul ryan's district has gone through because we hear it's like the most lovely district. he delivered for his district. really? let's find out when we come back. >> a lot of families four generations went through that auto manufacturing facility over the last 95 or 100 years. >>it's the place where democracy is supposed to be the great equalizer, where your vote is worth just as much as donald trump's. we must save the country. it starts with you. >> paul ryan's hometown of jenningsville is like it's pleasantville. this is terrific except for all of the places downloads down. here is a local report. >> two and a half years ago after general motors shut down their plant in janeville leaving thousands of people unemployed real estate broker andrew o'connell sees effects on the city. >> many people tried to sell their homes and couldn't get a fair price. many are out there as foreclosures or short sales today. >> people who stayed found little work and tough times. >> well, the gm plant there closed. so did the chrysler plant in kenosha. so manufacturing plants left in paul ryan's district. we are going to bring on the guy who is running against paul ryan. wait a minute. that doesn't look like joe biden. no. in fact, it's, of course rob zevon who running against paul ryan in the first district of wisconsin because he is running in two races. you know, rob, a lot of people don't know that that he is still running for congress. doesn't that show a lack of faith in his ability to win the national ticket? >> well, you know, i agree with you. it doesn't. and if you are running for two offices, i think you need to be in both places at the same time and that's quite impossible. so i am hoping he comes back to the district to debate me but i think joe biden is going to get first discs on that. >> any chance he debates you ever? >> you know, i don't know. i certainly thing that if he feels that he has the ability to run for two offices that he certainly should come back to the district and debate me. otherwise, the people in the first congressional district aren't, you know, being adequately represented which we have known all along. >> it's kind of a funny thing because he would have to be, say, in the debate in case i lose the national ticket here is what i would do in this district. you are obviously my second priority. but if i have to go back to congress and represent you i will debate rob on these issues. to be fair i know the manufacturing plants closed down. but didn't paul ryan fight to keep them? i mean he fought for the bail outs. he agreed to the car bail-outs, et cetera. so isn't it a little unfair to put that on him? no, you know what? he supported unfair trade practices and trade agreements that have moved or manufacturing base overseas. so no. it's not unfair at all. in fact, people need to understand that he hasn't been supporting, you know, fair trade deals but free trade deals which have hurt the workers of the first congressional district and have allowed these companies to export these jobs to t let's say, mexico. so, you know, these are completely the wrong priorities for a congressman and we have seen from his budget that he is completely an out-of-touch washington insider and has never doing anything to help the district. we have crumbling inat that from a structure. so we need investment there. >> rob you have to tell me. as you say, he has done the bad trade deals that led to the outsourcing of those deals. why does he keep winning? what are the democrats doing wrong in that district that allows paul ryan to keep winning? >> well, you know, i would never go back and criticize somebody else's efforts for running for congress, but, you know, we have never had a challenger like me for paul ryan. people like my story as a successful small businessman, somebody who came out of poverty and started two successful people, providing 45 people, providing good paying jobs and excellent benefits and knowing how to be a job creator as republicans like to talk about. i think it's my success story, where i came from my being able to live my version. american dream. >> rob, how are you going to beat him? i know you have $1.2 million. it's not bad running against a guy like this, et cetera. what's your plan? what do you pound as your message to make sure that people don't vote for paul ryan if that's what you want? >> well, you know from his budget, you know paul ryan auth authed the kill medicare budget and these are the kind of priorities that people in the first congressional district realize are wrong for their representative. >> that's why they are hungry for new rep presentation, somebody who will fight for them instead of destroying the social safety nets instead of relying on people to keep them out of poverty. his budget shifts the cost of medicare onto the backs of senior citizens to the tune of about $6,500 a year. so when they are deciding who they are going to vote for this november, they are going to sit around the kitchen table and decide do i want to -- do i want to throw my kids and grandkids to the wolves with the paul ryan budgeted or support somebody, you know, like rob who actually supports medicare for all. >> all right. finally, i know your secret we hope. i found him in one of your ads. this guy is a little questionable. i don't know if you could put him as a source in your ad. but nonetheless, here is rob zerban or at least part of it. >> it shouldn't be a surprise. someone has to pay for all of those tax breaks for the rich. >> $40,000,000,000 in taxpayer subsidies for the oil industry. >> $4.2 trillion in tax cuts. >> that's a huge gift to the rich. >> all right. i don't know if that's a winning strategy to use that guy in an ad but rob zerban thank you for joining us. we appreciate it. good luck because you seem to be the one guy who cares about winning that district. the other guy is off running another race. thank you for joining us. >> thanks cenk. >> all right. now, when we come back, thisere is this thing called stars and stripes on nbc, a reality show about how real it is to get celebrities in there fighting a war and they are not fighting a war. it is grotesque in a lot of ways. we will talk about it when we come back. >> i am so looking forward to taking on a real mission with real weapons and real ammunition. i am pumped. i am ready to go (applause) the best political insight leads to the best political foresight. first pick, i'm going to shock the world and pick, paul ryan. brillant. okay... with the number that just came out he's more inclined to throw long. in which case, i think the long one is paul ryan because the risks are higher. here in the obama war room... putting satire aside, i agree paul ryan would be great for democrats. for us it would fame the intellectual debate. see the future "live" weeknights starting at 7pm. uygur. spitzer. granholm. only on current tv. so, you guys grew up together. yes, since third grade... what are you lookin' at? not looking at i anything... we're not good enough for you. must be supermodels? what do you model gloves? brad, eat a snickers. why? 'cause you get a little angry when you're hungry. better? [ male announcer ] you're not you when you're hungry™. better. [ male announcer ] snickers satisfies. >> unfortunately nbc seems to have hit the bottom of the barely where they pair up washingtonout celebrity losers like todd palin considered a celebrity with four military guys they are calling bad-ass operators. general wesley clark has been a good friend and i wish he about not hosting this. this gorylorifies the military operations with no-risk whatsoever. it makes a farce out of our military while pretending to honor the troops. get a load of this non-sense here here is a piece of this show. >> going in on a helicopter is unreal. that made it sink in. we are doing this. i am psyched. >> i have been here for a few years. i am so looking forward to taking on a real mission with real weapons and real ammunition. if you could see what the sold life is really about. >> but wait a minute. none of that is real. it's not a real mission. nobody is going to fire back. you are not going to know what a real soldier feels at that like. you get shot through the gut, you might feel like what a real soldier feels like that happens in afghanistan all the time. there is nobody shooting back. second of all, what it does is sanitizing it for the audience like, oh, look at this. the military is fun games. boom-boom, boom. the bullets they have with cgi, you want to talk about the most fake reality show in the history of mankind? but it's an important issue because it makes, you know, all of these wars seem so glorious with so many of our soldiers getting killed and maimed come back with depression sometimes lead to go suicide. so nine noble peace lawyer yachts have come out, including mr. desmond tutu oscar arias sanchez saying you know what? we are against this and nbc has to cancel this program. so it's amazing. look. i know j.r. has a little different opinion on this. i want to see if i can bring him in here. you think it's more harmless fun, j r.? >> i agree it's kind of crazy. it's weird. it's fake, as all reality t.v. generally is but the thing. we do this all the time, you know, video games, movies. jokes, they are fun and games and we do it. yeah, we have this whole feeling oh, yeah, war is a game. there are so many ways we do this. it's another one of those things. >> ashley ban feeled had this great speech right after theram iraq start mission accomplished. it's like seen as one big t.v. show on cable news. it's real. in reality, when there is a war, there are people at the end of those bullets and at the end of those bombs. and the more fake we make it, the more it seems like, oh no. it's a helicopter. it will be so much fun. we will remember how much fun nicholas shay had in that fake war. >> i guess the bottom line is this doesn't get us in the war. politicians and their agendas get us to war. us bombing gets us to war. i get that. >> it desense tieses us but i hear you. all right, look one last thing on this. as we talk about the fake heros, let's talk about real heros. you remember of course neil armstrong and buzz aldren went to the moon. one of the most famous iconic moments in american history. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0. all engines. we have a liftoff. apollo 11. >> wall small step for man. someone vast leap for man kept. >> the reason i show you that is we have just found a william sapphire letter inside the nixon white house describing what they would have done under the circumstances where those two astronauts could not make it back. it makes their act seem so much more hero it because it was. here is what they have said the president should say if they didn't make it back quote, "fate has ordained that the men who went to the moon to explore in peace will stay on the moon to rest in peace. these brave men, neil armstrong and edwin ald written know there is no hope for their recovery. they also know that there is hope for mankind in their sacrifice. these two men are laying down their lives in mankind's most noble goal: the search for true and understanding. they will be mourned by their family and friends and the irtheir nation and the peel of the world and a mother earth that dared to send two of her sons into the unknown. in ancient days men looked at stars and saw their heros in the constellations. in modern times, we do much the same, but our heros are epic men of flesh and blood." now, those were the days of real heros, when astronauts would go to the moon not knowing if they were going to come back or die there. not some reality show with washed-out celebrities that don't have any idea what real sacrife andeallououge i i out. buzz aldren, a solid conservative. i disagree with him on all things if i ever see him again, all he gets is a salute from me. god bres his heart. let's bring in eliot spitzer. >> we are going to dig into paul ryan, the hypocrite. it's amazing. even republicans right now are terrified of having him on the ticket. they don't think he helps in any state that's a swing state. the more people look at his record, he was so far right on social issues. when it comes to the supply side of economics, he was pandering. nobody besides it anymore. republicans wondering: why did mitt romney pick him? we will talk about that with a bunch of smart guests. >> thank you eliot. >> thank you. >> when we come back the ideological god mother of paul ryan and the republican party. ayn rand. i wiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwiwi v