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Joy it is now available. Thank you very much for coming on and thanks to all of my guests. Well see you tomorrow. [ theme music ] michael 40 years ago today reproductive rights won a historying victory with the courts roe v. Wade decision but the battle is only beginning. Im Michael Shure filling in for jennifer granholm. This is the war room. [ theme music ] the Supreme Court today ruled that abortion is completely a private matter to be decided by mother and doctor in the first three months of pregnancy. The 72 ruling will likely lead to drastic overhall of laws on abortion. Michael it was 40 years ago that they legalized abortion in this country. The harris poll taken at that time found 52 of americans supported the decision. A wall street journal nbc poll found that 54 of americans believe women should be able to have an abortion. Despite the widespread public support many lawmakers are doing whatever they can to take away a womans right to choose. Coming away from washington, d. C. Is kay shepherd with mother jones magazine, kate, thank you for coming inside the war room. Thanks for having me. Michael kate, we read so much about mississippi. Mississippi used to have 14 abortion clinics. Now it just has one. How in 2013 does Something Like that happen . Well, you know, its a cumulative effect. Its in the early 80s that it had 14, but now the state has put on restriction after restriction. They have rules that you cant have an abortion after 16 weeks you have to have permission if youre a minor. It forced clinics to close. Now you have just one clinic and that is under threat of being closed for the next few weeks. Michael that clinic is staffed by a doctor who flies in to work there. It just seems that its so arcane, the laws that they have there. It doesnt mean that abortion is going to go away. It means that women will leave that state and have an abortion in another state. You spoke with a woman who wanted an abortion. I want to listen to what she had to say. So what brings you today . Well, really its not a good thing. I have two 11yearolds who are nine months apart. I have a 7monthold. My oldest are having to go without. Its really unfair to them, to be honest. Michael you know, her story is one, a common story and not just in mississippi, but of course all over the country. How difficult is it for a woman like that to get the care she needs, specifically in mississippi . Well, thats the thing. Women will go to other states if the last clinic closes in mississippi. But the reality is a lot of women who need this care cant just pick up and go to another state. They have children, he have jobs, they have limited access to transportation or Financial Resources to go to another state. The story of one patient is like a lot of stories i heard there. Women who are struggling to make their lives work and take care of the kids they already have or who are going through school and arent ready to have kids yet this is a huge burden to get to the one clinic from the other part of the state and if this clinic closes, to go to other states. And other states nearby are closeing their options as well. Michael so the access to transportation, the access just to get to jackson really very difficult to so many of the people who would need clinics like this. You know, we think and talk so much about the women whose lives are affected by these rules and these restrictions, but what about the women who work in these clinics . What is their life like . Its dangerous. They have to have a doctor come in from out of state. That doctor has to go in surreptitiously sometimes. What is life like for people who have to staff these places. Youre right. It can be dangerous. Some doctors are nervous to identify their identity. Some air whacks so they cant put them on the internet. Dr. Parker from washington, d. C. Travels to mississippi once a month to provide abortions there. He doesnt want to be afraid. He wants to make a public face of a doctor who cares. Thats important. The thing about the mississippi clinic the people who work there arent afraid. Most of them live in jackson. Theyre proud of the work they do there and theyre involved in their community. The clinic is staffed by a bunch of women who really care about this issue and who care about jackson and making sure that they can provide the care there. I think its a much more positive outlook on things in a in jackson than ive seen in other places. Michael you wouldnt think that there is a positive outlook when that clinic itself could be closed. We have a video, where we have antiabortion protesters were announcing the anniversary of roe v. Wade. Nationwide, women are finding it harder to get access abortion care. Weve seen more than 100 new laws there that restrict access to care in one way or another. Sonogram laws or waiting periods or requiring doctors to give a script that discourages you to have an abortion. Mississippi, south dakota and north dakota are down to one clinic, and one doctor who provides the care. But its not just places like mississippi. Any more. Were seeing this roll out in virginia michigan. A lot of new laws are coming from states that you wouldnt expect them to come from. Michael thats absolutely right. One question that i have for you, the idea, you know, social change happens and people come to a progress over time the arc of progress long, all that, but we see the poll from 40 years ago, 52 support it. And now this week, 54 support it. What do you think it is about abortion that makes it not change with things like civil rights, things like gay rights. What is it about this issue . Reporter well, one of the hard things since its legalized, most people especially younger women have come to expect this is their right, they have the right to this care. Were not out there demanding something new but were encouraging to keep the right we already have. So its not quite the same for a struggle in guy rights or something new. For this generation its maintain what we already have so youre not going to see as much enthusiasm. Now people are seeing what can happen if you take for grants the right to have access to an abortion care and people are starting to push back. Im optimistic about how we feel about this Going Forward. Michael thats a great answer to the question. Thats exactly right. Its keeping it right rather than trying to get a new right. That makes a difference. Its also a big difference to keep News Coverage of this alive all the time. Thank you Kate Sheppard from mother jones magazine for coming on the war room. We have a progressive from a red state. Hell guide us how president obamas agenda can actually become law. Plus dick cheney opens up just in time for the sundance film festival. Youll want to hear him answer with what he thinks his biggest flflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflflfl i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ music ] michael when it comes to explaining what jerrymandering is, a picture is worth a thousand words. Or put it another way a carefully drawn map is worth congressional seats. Essentially ensuring the g. O. P. Retained control of the house. Take a look, even in states like ohio and pennsylvania which went for president obama the republicans overwhelmingly retained their house seats. Sick and tired of the congressional gridlock steve cohen of memphis introduced a bill this week which would require states to use independent redistricting commissions in drawing those maps. Here we in to talk about his bill and what he expects during president obamas second term, is congressman steve cohen. Welcome to the war room. Thank you good to be with you. Michael do you think they would or could pass this bill. Whether they would is doubtful but its an important bill because we have gridlock and the reason for that is too many districts are concerned about the primary and the far right and far left and they dont have to work with the whole community or the center, because of the partisan redistricting which we have in most states are drawn up just to suit their people or make them overwhelmingly ohio. Ohio went for the president. Ohio went to Sherrod Brown but yet 12 of the 16 districts drawn up by the Ohio Legislature were republican. Thats not right. It does not reflect the will of the people. It reflects the lines theyve drawn. It makes it that those the republicans dont have to work with the center or with president obama at all. The agenda he set out which is an encouraging agenda concerning Climate Change and women having fair bay and gays having civil rights and other issues that he brought up the other day are not issues that have any home in the republican party. So people in those districts dont even have to think about it. California has a law drawn on independent commission. Over all the districts are more independent, and california will get better representation. I put the bill forward thinking there is gridlock in washington, one of the reasons is because of the redistricting and how its so tilted. And the other is lack of Public Financing and too many concerned with pac contributions or independent expenditures by the wealthy. Thats another issue we need to deal with. Michael they seeming to hand in hand to a degree, but isnt this kind of like the issue in the filibustering reform. It will always work in their best interest to keep the districting the way it is. Listen, you were a state center. You know allyou were a senator, and this all happens at the state level an its so important for them to control the legislatures like that. Thats so obvious dont you see a parallel . Well, there is a parallel. 2010 was a perfect storm and the republicans came in and they took a lot of legislatures andrew the lines lines that will be there for the next ten years. When you introduce ideas and you have to keep a focus on what will make the system better and show up their weak points with such a bill. They wont consider it because they do control it. What theyre doing in some states that voted blue for president but are redcontrolled legislatures theyre looking at how they district their electric toreelectoral vote. So instead of democrats getting all of ohio, which they did this time or all of pennsylvania, they would get 60 of the electoral votes. Theyre looking to find ways to get the presidency by changing the game. The game should not be changed by politicians. It should be fair. Michael if you dont like the results change the rules. Thats what theyre basically saying. Lets shift gears a little bit to the some of the issues of the day. Today, the 40th anniversary of the death of president johnson lbj fought for the passage of the Voting Rights act in 1965. This is what he had to say the day he signed the act into law. Today is a sound of freedom as huge as any victory thats ever been won on any battlefield. Michael and even as he spoke then you know, that long ago the Supreme Court has agreed to hear a constitutional challenge to the act this year. President obamas inaugural address yesterday though, he recognizes the battle for Voting Rights isnt over. Heres the president. Obama our journey is not complete a citizen is not forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote. Michael now that he has been inaugurated, do you think voters going to the ballot is at risk. I think it is. The republicans are a minority party. They got the minority in the president ial and senate and over all house races theyre not working with the demographic roots that are growing in this country, which are largely latinos. And it will make it impossible for them to break into that voting block. The only way they can win is by changing the rules. I know i can cite some great philosophers but gary trudeau has been citing the politics that well just change the election by changes the votes and you can see it in dunes bury. There was no photo i. D. That was the way to diminish the vote of young people and africanamericans and other minorities. What it did was so enrage the Africanamerican Community they got out and voted. They said were not going to take this and they came out and the vote was good. Its the only way they can win. They are not the Majority Party in this country. Michael theyre going to keep doing it. The problem will be if that rage continues. They have to keep the rage against this going. I want to turn your attention to another issue of the house that theyll be facing. As a minority member of the house youre probably pessimistic. But another day another shooting. This time a Community College in houston, three people were wounded. Do you think congress with a meaningful Gun Legislation has a chance of passing in the house that you sit in right now . I really dont. I hate to say that, but ive said it before. The nra is in the dna of the g. O. P. Theyre not going to let it out. They might have a hearing. I dont think theyll let a bill come out. The senate will come out and i dont know if theyll be able to deal with it. They like the nra and the nra likes to sell guns and they like to sell high capacity magazines. Im not against the nra per se. Im not against the second amendment. But i am against the high capacity magazines and the assault rifles, and i think the reasonable restrictions we can have in this country to protect the public and background checks loopholes at gun shows needs to be stopped but i dont think the government will let it happen. Michael its december pressing when you see the news, all this gunfire and the republicans will not move because theyre in the hands of the nra. Its really pathetic. They are a bunch of clowns sometimes. We are a better country because of people like you. Thank you. Thank you. Reporter its been 39 days since the tragedy at sandy hook. At least 1131 has died from gun violence. Thats about 43 towns like newtowns. Lydia was shot and her mother were shot while they were preparing for a Birthday Party for lydias little brother. Sheher mother survived but she the trucks are going farther. The 2013 ram 1500 with bestinclass fuel economy. Engineered to move heaven and earth. Guts. Glory. Ram. The new ram 1500. Motor trends 2013 truck of the year. Obama and each day brings further evidence that the way we harness the sun the wind and the soil to fuel our cars and run our factories. Michael that was the only shout out the environment got during president obamas 2009 inaugural address. Now with hurricane sandy, a recordbreaking drought it sound like the president may be moved from reaction to action. Obama we will respond to the threat of Climate Change knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some may still deny the overwhelming judgment of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging firesser and crippling drought and more powerful storms. Michael but will policy follow words this time . Will mitigating the effects of Climate Change be a hallmark of president obamas second term . He did say Climate Change. Joining me now to discuss the progressives reaction to president obamas speech is donny fowler, uea graduate. He runs his own Political Firm here. Donny as always great to have you back inside the war room. Before we get into the nittygritty, what did you think of the president s speech. It was great. President obama has learned a lot of lessons about being in washington, d. C. You have to stand up say what you want and fight hard for it. You cant sit back and wait for them to come to you. Michael i hear and i agree. I thought it was fantastic speech. It wasnt a liberal speech. Well tax any estates over 1 million. Were going to put a carbon tax on any carbon. Were going to l lalaled drugs ririanfor recreational use. Were going to cut the defense in half and send all those dollars to fund schools. Thats a liberal speech. We didnt hear that. Michael well, hes not going to say all those things. Hes not going to decriminalize heroin. Good point. It would make things funner there. Michael it might. Some seem to be on it, actually. The idea, though, that he was going to say those. This is where he said we and cited great victories in the civil rights movement, not just civil rights but stone wall, womens rights and gay rights. The right to vote. Michael it was a very clever speech. He we have in Martin Luther king jr. s speech. From the left and the right. From folks news to the nation claim this was a liberals coming out speech. It just wasnt. If this was a liberal speech yesterday then the conservatives really have won the debate. They have taken mainstream ideas ideas, and titled them liberal. Their view of liberal is anything that is not right wing tea party. Michael lets go to what they think is a crazy liberal theme. They are awful. Michael yes, they are awful but they thing think the Climate Change does not exist. It was a recognition that science matters. 98 of scientists, every environmental Climate Change all over the world including china and russia say Climate Change is real and man is the significant contributor to Climate Change. No ones lives are saved if we make hards harder to get but this is 99 of scientists. Michael 9the benchmark piece of recommendation will have something to do with the keystone xl pipeline. Is this just a spoon full of sugar to let that medicine go town. I said this, but were going to vote for it. There is a lot of answers to that but the Keystone Pipeline is just one little mouse in a jungle of climate and Clean Energy Policies that the president can enact and congress can enact. The president can do a lot of things. The Environmental Protection can do a lot of things. The department of energy and agriculture can do a lot of things that dont need congress. Congress itself, we dont know what is going to happen. We tried three years ago to pass the Climate Clean Energy bill. That was defeated. Anything that ambitious to pass is unlikely this time. Michael listen, he said the governor of nebraska Dave Heineman completed an evaluation of that same Keystone Pipeline. John boehner had this to say about it. He said nebraskas approval of the new keystone xl Pipeline Route means there is no bureaucratic excuse, hurdle or catch president obama can use to delay this project any further. He and he alone stands in the way of tens of thousands of new jobs and energy security. I mean, thats putting it right on the president. Here is the reality about the Keystone Pipeline that comes from canada to the United States to deliver oil. That oil is going to somewhere no matter what. This is becoming an ideological touchstone in washington but it doesnt mean a whole lot. That oil will find its way to china, the United States, to europe wherever its needed whether the pipeline comes to the United States or it goes across canada and off the coast of vancouver british columbia. This dc fight has very little meaning in the larger picture. Michael but those dc fights change the way we talk about it. They do. Michael it will be the centerpiece for however long for a moment or months of conversation. That benefits the status quo. It benefits Big Oil Big Coal and the lobbyists who represent those interests. If youre talking about what is relevant then youre not talking about policies and changes that are very important. Michael how does it change the president s accusation. Facts, in washington they have a problem with. Its not tens of thousands of jobs but hundreds of jobs at the end of the day. Michael Donnie Fowler thanks for being here. Tomorrow, Hillary Clinton goes to the hill to talk about bengahzi. We view the challenges for her and president obamas second Foreign Policy. Plus the bush years could have been known the world according to dick i think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. [ rosa ] im rosa and i quit smoking with chantix. When the doctor told me that i could smoke for the first week. Im like. Yeah, ok. Little did i know that one week later i wasnt smoking. [ male announcer ] along with support chantix is proven to help people quit smoking. It reduces the urge to smoke. Some people had changes in behavior, thinking or mood hostility, agitation depressed mood and suicidal thoughts or actions while taking or after stopping chantix. If you notice any of these stop taking chantix and call your doctor right away. 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Obama we, the people still believe that endureing security and lasting peace do not require perpetual war. Well renew institutions that extend our capacity to manage crisis abroad. For no one has a greater stake in a Peaceful World than the most powerful nation. Michael what clues can we glean of how president obama will conduct Foreign Policy in his second term. We go go to jeanine a visiting professor, we welcome you back inside the war room, jeannine. Thanks, michael. Michael is it fair to say that the bush era of Foreign Policy one where the United States went into war without provocation is over. Its clear from president obamas address that we wont be searching for new conflicts to take the end of. He stressed the need for alliances and to resolve differences peacefully. That may be a key line that is not receiving much attention domestically but in Irans Nuclear program i think hes looking to step back and take an auxiliary role on the worlds stage and world conflict. Michael bushs policies was dukhrianal and and saying that what are the differences going to be with Hillary Clinton gone and john kerry stepping in. We dont know what kind diplomat. Hillary clinton is a rock star, i dont know if president obama used her to the fullest extent. She covered more countries over 100. And what we may see from john kerry is perhaps more focused diplomacy. Certainly he has a lot of experience on the syria front. In the past he has worked, and ive written about this, as an informal envoy for the United States in afghanistan and elsewhere. And hell be hankering for that kind of role where he can make a difference in some of these conflicts. There is a sense my sense from talking to people in washington is that president obama would like to pivot to asia but there is no doubt that hell remain bogged down in one way or another in the middle east and north africa as weve seen in the past few days has become a major problem. Thats where well see senator kerry head pretty soon. Michael lets talk about north africa, at least 35 people were killed when the islamists took hostage at the bp facility. Is this another area we have to worry about alqaeda. We talk about it with mali and somalia as well. Is this a concern. The alqaeda affiliate in north africa is wellknown to mideast watchers and analysts. It has not gotten the attention of the American Public because the American Public doesnt give much attention to north africa but give what happened in algeria and mali, and the United States is beginning to airlift french troops in so theyre playing an auxiliary role. Certainly algeria needs to get more u. S. Focused since we had three americans killed there. Michael and you know, skipping around the region, what do you make of the poor showing thatthat Benjamin Netanyahu received. He has a little bit of coalition support. He and the party they got 31 seats. You need a majority of 61 to really governor. There are one or two parties that he can join with. I think the big picture here is as in his first term now i mean his first term most recently. He served in the 90s as prime minister, there will be Little Movement on the Peace Process and thats the issue that the United States and the other allies want to see movement on. There will be, depending on the parties that he joins with, there is a new party there is a future. They campaigned not on the palestinian issue but domestic issues, like things that have to do with the split between secular and ultra orthodox jews. There will be an internal focus and in terms of Foreign Policy, hes all about iran no matter who his Coalition Partners are. Thats the main issue on the u. S. Israel agenda. Michael it seems like hes not someone to weaken, and he doesnt seem like hes going to change just because he lost a few seats. Before we say goodbye jeannine, were on the eve of Hillary Clinton testifying on bengahzi tomorrow. What do we expect from that, and do we expect any kind of tarnish to the image that Hillary Clinton, especially Going Forward because we know what the next step probably will be for her. Given that democrats are already beginning to raise money for her for 2016 its hard for me to imagine a scenario where shell fumble that badly tomorrow. Shes going to be grilled about what she knew when and the unfolding of the attacks on the u. S. Mission in libya on september 11th, and the remarks by our u. S. Ambassador susan rice and whether it was a terrorist attack or not a terrorist attack, but i expect the tone to be different than we would imagine it being if she had testified before she fell ill. She only has a couple of days before senator kerry is expected to take over. I can see republicans going a little bitier but still being tough, but have some sense of the key issue answered how were going to protect our diplomats in these dangerous areas abroad. Michael im less optimistic. I think 2016 will begin tomorrow when shes testifying before those republicans. Jeannine zacharias, thank you for joining us in the war room. Looking ahead to president obamas inauguration, brett erlich was watching movies she gets the comedians laughing. Thats hilarious . And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so theres wiggleroom in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. Shes joy behar. And current will let me say anything. Only on current tv. Desmond tutu said a quote that is one of my favorite quotes. We are tied together in a web of humanity. I am a person only through you. I can only be a person only through you. That really resonates me and drives my work. The world is becoming an incredibly connected place. Mobile phones are really driving that connection. At kiva, we run an internet marketplace. People can lend to other people for the purpose of starting a small business, going to school or a variety of other good causes. You can go to kiva. Org and you can see pictures and profiles of people from over sixty countries all across the world. You can lend them as little as 25. If they are successful, they will pay you back. Dear rixi, youre a honduran immagrant. Youre coming to the us, you have an idea to start, you know, a womens cosmetics store or a clothing store. Youre going to need a lot of things, ya know, to pay the rent, permits inventory, advertising, marketing so that adds up quite a bit. Youre going to need tens of thousands of dollars to start a small busines. There is ten millionplus people completely left out of the formal finical system. Banks dont lend to people like that at all. There is a lot of opportunity to decrease unemployment, provide employment, provide Economic Opportunity and raise our standard of living by investing in small business. Our hearts are an incredibly powerful thing. Good technology can help amplify this power and create an incredibly powerful force that can spread to every country in the world. Michael some disappointing news. To golf fans the world over Phil Mickelson is simply known as lefty. He have a spoiler alert for you. This is because of his golf swing not his politics. This became clear over thehe weekend when mickelson sounded off on new tax code. He warned everyone that financial drastic changes were in store for himself and the game of golf, but particularly for himself. In short multimillionaires find themselves in a time of crisis. He did not kill anyone. He is is generally thought of as having a warm and inviting personality. Hes a family man and is very popular with golf fans and players alike. The antitiger woods if you would, but his is the latest of a string of comments by prominent millionaires and billionaires complaining that u. S. Policies have reduced them to stinking rich as opposed to filthy rich. He makes over 40 million a year playing golf. There is a designated place to to whine about it, but its in the club not here. Cenk tell me what you have planned for tonights show. It will be hard for you top. We have barack obama, bill clinton, Nelson Mandela coming up after this. Who do you have . Cenk just can i say first that i loved what you just said about Phil Mickelson. 40 million, youre not going to make another 40 million because your tax rate went up by a tiny percentage. Michael a time of crisis. Cenk crisis, man, all right. Who we got on the show . Were going to talk about gun control. Unfortunately, the news out it looks like theyre going to get nothing in the house. The republicans are going block every single thing. We had another school shooting. You know thats number five in 2013 alone. Its insanity. And then speaking of insanity. The hostage crisis in algeria ended disastrously. Lindsay moran the former c. I. A. Agent is coming on the show to tell whats they should have done. They blew it big time. Michael yes, when you delve into it, it was a disaster. They acted unilaterally which they will generally will do. That seems not to work in algeria. Switching gears, have you had a chance to mellow on the inauguration remain are you still skeptical . Cenk if you see the latest details, the deal where its a complicated story but where the white house working with republicans and democrats gave a drug country an extra 5 million for no reason in the fiscal cliff. When i see that, no, my blood does not get any cooler, if anything it boils. But michael you swung me on the inauguration in the opposite direction because you point out the deal on Climate Change, yeah. The fact that theyre doing cosmetic changes so they can improve the Keystone Pipeline, i think your analysis on that is exactly right. What am i thinking . Its all cosmetic. Michael its a longterm plan. Its a longterm plan. You know what they give me here . They give me a San Francisco 49ers tea cup. Thats the kind of treatment i get in the war room. Cenk you know what i get . A plastic cup. Michael i know those well. Im sorry not to be there. Ill be back with the turks tomorrow. Im holding the fort here at the war room for the rest of the evening. Everybody should watch cenk uygur and the young turks tonight. Cenk thank you michael. Michael up next here he was not invited to any parties at the sundance film festival, and at least three park city bars had taped his bad checks up by the cash register. We can only be talking about brett erlich. He squeezed in a years worth of movies over the weekend. The best and worth of what he found coming up right after the break. I think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. Destined to take them over. The sirius Xm Satellite Radio in the 2013 ram 1500. Engineered to move heaven and earth. Guts. Glory. Ram. The new ram 1500. Motor trends 2013 truck of the year. Summer may be the time for blockbuster movies, but with the sun dance film festival, winter is the time for doubtries. Were keeping our eyes on show times the world according to dick cheney. Whats your favorite food . Spaghetti. What do you consider your main fault . My main fault. Well, i dont spend a lot of time thinking about my faults, i guess would be the answer. Unfortunately the rest of the country has four years to think about that question. Our own brett just got back from sun dance and will break down some of the political films. How are you brett good to be with you. Did this cheney film change your impression of our beloved Vice President . What it did was make me think about him for the first time in a while and what the film does is it does a great job directed by one of the producers of the war room, which the documentary this show is named after that followed the clinton 1992 campaign. What he does so well is he identifies exactly where we as a nation of still tender in thinking about our faults over the Bush Administration and identifies just how dick cheney really was at the heart of ever roar made by the presidency, and how he jockeyed into power starting all the way back from the ford administration. He really comes off in hollywood like a totally different guy, doesnt he, bubbly and exciting. Everybody loves him. A different guy. You wouldnt want to go hunting with him stand behind him, various things like that. He will be mr. Patter in the wonderful life remake. Is the film getting a good reception in sun dance and around the Movie Community . The film is getting a good buzz. By and large the Hollywood Community is a friendly audience to hear reasons why dick cheney is terrible. It delved deeply into how he got this way. He was arrested for drunk driving twice and his wife almost left him after he failed out of yale two times. He just went to washington, wrote one amazing memo to Donald Rumsfeld and that ends rome. It was two times in one year. Yeah. Im sure the movie takes a good long look at his war record too as a soldier and serviceman. He was a graduate student trying to make his way around having any responsibility for what happened in war but rather just planning to make sure that other people go to it. Right. Theres another film that you saw, looks back at anita hills Sexual Harassment claim that is nearly derailed the nomination of Supreme Court Justice Clarence thomas. Whats the word on that project . The word on that project is pretty positive. Anita hills actually at sun dance right now. She showed up and went to a big dinner. Basically, the story behind this is its 20 years later and there was one documentary maker who called her up and said 20 years later, do you think youd be amenable to making some documentary and anita hill said sure. The reason why is she thinks that people now who are becoming adults were just born when this started to happen, and to have an example of something at this high a level is good for the nation. It will be great if there had been a movie about uganda with you that never would happen at sun dance. There was god loves uganda. Current covered something similar a while ago. There is that one minister from uganda who talks about what happens in homosexual sex where he says some very gusting and completely false things. This film delves into how that came to be, and how there are evan gelliccal names in america that cant make a name for themselves, but can going to uganda and dictating what policy should be. That is the store of the book of mormon, too. When can we sigh any of these films . The dick cheney documentary is a s

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