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You need to stretch and kill time. You still have two more minutes to do. Stephanie how are we doing on time paul . Paul, how are we doing on time . Stephanie karl frisch right out of the box at the top of the show. Michael tomasky of the daily beast who i want to date and kiss and marry. He wrote a great piece that we dont need to repeal laws we need to repeal john boehner. [ applause ] stephanie i say send him back to the tavern. I used to work in a tavern stephanie thats his pavlovian dog word. Tavern. It makes him cry, and oh dear, carlos danger. Apparently there is going to be more. Yeah. Were going to find out who the first woman is today. Stephanie oh, dear. What is my name . Stephanie my name is rolonda something. Stephanie i cant remember now, rolonda something. Rolonda watts . Stephanie no, she is not in danger or trouble. She is delightful. We just had her on. So lots of weiner news to get to. He should change his name to schnitzel. The royal baby is named george after George Zimmerman. After he flew over and had to deliver the baby breech. Hes just that kind of guy. He is. Stephanie all right. Well be right back with the real show. The young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know im going to be the first one to call them out. Cenk on air whats unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. Cenk off air i dont want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. Cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they cant buy our politics anymore. Cenk off air and they can question if im right about that. But i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. Cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the Worlds Largest online news show is on current tv. Cenk off air and i think the audience gets, this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us. Only on current tv this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. Are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night . Is this personal, or is it political . A lot of my work happens by doing the things that im given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. In reality its not like they actually care. This is purely about political grandstanding. Always kept this going. Ive been doing politics now for a dozen years. vo hes been called the epic politics man. Hes Michael Shure and his arena is the war room. These republicans in congress that think the world ends at the Atlantic Ocean border and Pacific Ocean border. The bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. I do a lot of looking at those people as well. Not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. But we do care about them right . Its a Beautiful Day dont let it get away stephanie a rousing could not find her makeup mirror. Stephanie yeah, dropped my makeup mirror. It could be a dire dire morning. Travis couldnt find one. He cant find a makeup mirror for you. Youre fired stephanie all right. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. I told you i was distracted by the news that the royal baby has been named george after George Zimmerman who delivered the baby he delivered the baby and saved he saved the monarchy. Stephanie and then apparently the baby fell down a well, and he rescued the baby from the well with lassies help after he pulled the people from the car. Hes so awesome. Stephanie mark omara how awesome is he . The awesomest ever in the history of awesome. Did you see the family canceled their press conference yesterday. Stephanie yeah, i was like huh, that are not feeling so chatty today. Maybe because they are fictional [ dramatic music ] were not saying they are fictional Stephanie Georges imaginary friends. Were glad that they are okay. The imaginary people in the imaginary van. Stephanie right. Its not like he picked the car up off of them 911, we have a situation. Stephanie mark omara said this morning its awesome. He flew in with a cape and reversed stephanie after delivering the royal baby. Reversed the spin of the earth to go back in time stephanie he had both martial arts and midwife training as it turns out. Right. [ magic wand ] stephanie he is magic. All right. They are going to have more on carlos danger they are going to reveal the first woman today. Stephanie awesome. I thought i already had a name for the first woman. Oh, you did . Stephanie yes. [ breaking news theme ] stephanie sydney elaine leathers. Sydney elaine leathers. That your stripper name at the itchy kitty. Stephanie i know. Is that not weird . I know. Stephanie that was my name generator in the carlos danger thing. It just gets worser and worser for him. Oy vey. Lets start with our good friend karl. Stephanie karl frisch bullfightstrategies. Com. So exciting to me stephanie its actually mario scorge. Good morning mario. Good morning. How are you . [ laughter ] stephanie you sound dangerous. Good morning. Yes, car carlos danger is my friend. When i first heard about this i wasnt shocked that there was another woman, but then when i heard about carlos danger, i thought, this is crazy. Stephanie you thought, oh thats clever. Well, and the dirty the website thats doing all of this, i remembered right away that, like, back when ben quayle, dan quayles son was running for congress his primary opponent accused him of being involved in this scandalous website called the dirty, so maybe ben quayle is behind this. [ dramatic music ] stephanie oh. Thats entirely possible. Stephanie yeah. What do you think obviously the New York Times a lot of places are calling for him to get out of the race. Is he going to . I dont think so. Because what does he get from getting out of the race other than his pride back. I think he should be forced to sit on the subway and be exposed to every homeless person that has ever exposed themselves on the subway. If we all have to see his junk on the internet thats the least he could do. Stephanie yeah, you said perhaps photography classes would be more his speed. Yeah, i have not been a big Anthony Weiner fan. Folks that know me know i have had friends that have worked for him, and he was a viciously cruel boss wow. Stephanie its so funny i think i only passed him once in a green room or something, and he just seemed like a jerk. He justing didnt he did not seem friendly. Not the warmest person. He was an undistinguished legislator who never really did much in terms of writing bills. He did good on tv. He had no friends in congress and he was an ass to his staff. Stephanie people keep bringing up clinton, and i think theres a big difference here. Those of us on the left he loved his fire, his positions on things, but you are right he didnt accomplish much as a legislator, so when you go oh he was a great congressman, i think you are right. And i dont think the new York Mayors Office is there to rehabilitate ones self. I think chris quinn is going to be a great mayor, and i would rather make history with the first woman and first lesbian mayor of the nations largest city than the first mayor of new york whos penis i have seen. At least we havent seen ed kochs penis. How am i doing . [ laughter ] a lot better if you put that away. Stephanie i could have done would Rudy Giulianis moralizing on this, however. Yeah, at least he waited until he was in there to start screwing around. Stephanie right. Yeah, Anthony Weiner he he had to run for mayor, because, a, if he won, oh hes mayor, but b, if he came in second, he came in second. If he has run for controller like Eliot Spitzer, and then lost controller, he would never get to run for anything again. This is all of the calculus that i was doing before. He was still doing this stuff before he resigned from congress. He is like hey, did you see the pictures that caused me to resign from congress . Which one was your favorite . Stephanie i know. He really needs some help. And the nerve. I have the same bathroom carpet as the guy. Im going to get that replaced. Stephanie yeah, you tweeted its time to go shopping. A was the most horrifying thing about the photo. Yeah. Stephanie you alsolate as to how many writein votes carlos danger gets. Oh fingers crossed that he comes in second. In the primaries there in new york, if you dont if somebody doesnt get 40 , then they have a run off. So hopefully chris quinn can pass that 40 mark because if not, i think the ads that carlos dangers team is putting together, they are going to look a little bit like bond commercials, and i think he will be a tough challenger. Stephanie yeah. Chris uttered something, you said poor huma. What do you think . Stephanie i like huma. First of all whenever these things happen, i try not to inject myself into the marriages, because who knows what they are actually talking about behind closed doors. When gary hart and his wife has their issues i think i read somewhere years later that they had an open marriage. Of course he couldnt say that back in 1984. But its none of my business. So why she is sticking around, i dont know. But i will say once you have been embarrassed once by a behavior, unless she has a embarrassment fetish stephanie yeah jacki said yesterday, it drives her crazy that people call her brave. Yeah, i think you can forgive somebody for bad behavior but when you find out it continued for months afterwards, thats and that you are basically risking to embarrass that person the same way again, i think thats a bridge too far. Stephanie yeah, fox news viewers have a median age of 65 plus. We cant bust heads like we used to. And they lean very heavily on the plus side. Stephanie yeah interesting. Another airplane landing mishap. Remember your underpaid flight attendants are also First Responders. Thats right. They work their tails off, and are not compensated like they should be and remember when sully landed the plane on the hudson the first thing he said is thank you very much by the way the union needs more support and pilots are not paid enough. And its true. The air lines dont pay these people enough. They cut his salary in half and took away his pension. Stephanie yeah they make a nickel nickel and have four hours or sleep or whatever. Yeah. Stephanie although as it turns out, it was actually George Zimmerman that landed that plane. [ breaking news theme ] mark omara announced that. Actually it was George Zimmermans body that he landed on. Stephanie right. By the way, this is also helpful, for people confused like i was the royal baby hashtag refers to speaker boner. He is a rotten baby which is different. Stephanie karl frisch, i love you madly. Awesome. I love you too. Stephanie well see you next week. All righty then. Stephanie byebye. [ applause ] Stephanie Michael tomasky will be on next hour with his repeal spoker boner piece i dont think you are in any danger of dating or marrying karl frisch. Stephanie really why . Eighteen minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. That is great radio. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. Ah yeah look what we got announcer Stephanie Miller. We got it, we got it, love we got it we got it, love stephanie oh, god, there is an app for that. You are right. You are right. Stephanie there is a mirror app. It could have had a little softer lighting or something. Well you do have hd cameras on there. Stephanie isnt there like an agefriendly one. There might be. Like the Cybill Sheperd app . Yeah. Give me the vaseline app. Stephanie yeah. Which defeats the purpose, because you cant see anything but thats okay. George zimmerman just invented that mirror app. Thats just the kind of guy he is, he is awesome. He comes up with awesome stuff. Stephanie thanks mark omara. Every day is a new adventure of zimmerman. Faster than a speeding bullet, able to leap buildings in a single bound, its zimmerman. Zimmerman who came to this planet from a strange place and settled in florida. Where he fought for truth, justice, and the american way. His american way. Help me George Zimmerman. You are my only hope. The adventured of zimmerman. [ applause ] stephanie wow, exciting. Thank you Rocky Mountain mike. Twentyfour minutes after the hour. Lets go to alan in texas on the weiner. Not technically. Caller one comment and five quick questions. Stephanie oh my. Caller all right. The comment is think his name should have been don kahoty and first question do you think his wife has access to a stone now . Number two would you change your personal dress code around mr. Weiner . Number three, would you apply for an internship in his administration. Five, how would you respond to leave me your number ill contact you later. And would you ever have a one on one meeting behind closed doors with him . Stephanie no. We get your point. [ applause ] stephanie the New York Times says the racy online conversations began with an angry facebook message. Oh, how many magical things dont. [ magic wand ] stephanie i remember this now. This is a pattern, not long after mr. Weiner resigned from congress, the 22 year old woman reached out to express her disappointment in him. And within a week the conversation went from politics to sex. The account suggested that mr. Weiners interactions with the women, fit his longstanding pattern in rapid and reckless fashion he sought to bring up sexual exchanges. So this is the online profile. The first women they are saying Sidney Elaine leathers oh, boy. Stephanie the guy that runs the dirty. Dirty, dirty. Stephanie said that his website would publish new and embarrassing information. He told her he loved her and discussed a possibility of securing a place for them to meet in chicago. Stephanie it seems like this is about to get real physical in terms of yeah. Stephanie yeah. She said he would demand pictures almost every day. He always wanted pictures with heels in them. Oh. Stephanie well as he described them [ censor bleep ] heels. Seemed to be kind of a theme. Mr. Richie said he first heard from the woman in april, about a week ago she said she kept screen shots and asked how she could submit them to be riccis website. He said that she had no desire to hurt mr. Weiner who she referred to during the interview as carlos danger. He said i am not trying to bring this guy down. He said she actually still likes the guy. The whole thing is he lied. He said he is a changed man, but he is not. Which seems to be the theme of most people saying step down. He lied to everybody by saying im past this and im really sorry. All right. Lets go to stephanie in pensacola, florida. Hey, steph. Caller hello. Stephanie hello. Caller the level okay. The level of hypocrisy here is justs and justs and astounding to me. You guys should have watched Lawrence Odonnells show last night, because he was talking about yall too. Yall are just apologizing for bill clinton who sat on television and lied, which prompted the flowers woman to come out i think. And then we get Monica Lewinsky. Stephanie but what is the double standard caller wait a minute. For you to say that your problem with this is the fact that he lied in such a big way. Oh the big interview that bill clinton gave with little miss hilary sitting next to him is the same thing. We took bill clinton to task in the 90s for doing this. You wouldntnt believe how many months we spent taking him to task for that. Caller but on this day, you guys are excusing what he has done and ready to put his wife in the white house. His wife had nothing to do with what bill clinton. Caller oh, she was an enabler. Stephanie she is not qualified to be president because shes okay. That doesnt seem. All right. Actually Eleanor Cliff has a piece wrong stephanie no, she is right on this. Wrong stephanie no, she is right. Comparing the two on the Stephanie Miller show. kaj jack, how old are you . Nine. adam this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. vo with Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Way inside. christoff were patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies. adam were going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. Lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. This crop to me is my livelihood. Im being violated by the health care system. christoff we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. vo from the underworld to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. Occupy we will have class warfare. vo true stories, current perspective. Documentaries. On current tv. Cenk off air alright in 15 minutes were going to do the young turks i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know im going to be the first one to call them out. Cenk on air whats unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. Cenk off air i dont want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. Cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they cant buy our politics anymore. Cenk off air and they can question if im right about that. But i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. Cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts narrator uniquely progressive and always topical show is on current tv. Cenk off air and i think the audience gets, this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us. Only on current tv announcer Stephanie Miller. Did anyone ever tell you that you were very very sexy . Eleanor cliff did. Stephanie no. All right. Well get to that in just a moment. Thirtyfour minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Lets switch to it italian music. This is delicious, its a recipe from my friend guido. And the moon hits your eye stephanie this is delicious. Saute a little garlic with white wine. Weirdly i had some laying around the house. Garlic and white wine check. Stephanie and some kind of olive oil, something. Ah. What . And then boil a little its broccoli and carrots boil it separately, and then chop up anchovies and put it all in there, and then put pasta in. Its in there. [ applause ] all right. Stephanie oh, and a little chile. Chile . Chile powder or chile flakes . Stephanie well, i dont know. I used powder maybe i should have used flakes. Chilly flakes thats italian. Chilly powder thats mexican. Stephanie oh all right. Screwed that up. We have the weiner i believe. Oh, yeah. Anthony weiner yesterday. Im im fine. I have an amazing wife and child upstairs and comfortable life. This is not about me. It kind of is. Computer says yes. Stephanie our last caller was talking about you can talk about sex scandals all day long. If you want to make it partisan they throw weaner and spitter at us, and we throw david bitter and and who is worse morally sword schwarzenegger of edwards. Any way eleanor wrong stephanie she probably wakes up, screaming, no im right. [ laughter ] stephanie she wrote a peace called huma channels hilary. She spoke on her husbands behalf, and it was clear she was operating from the hilary play book. This is this is like a pop psychology extrordanaire around the country. But she and she talked the strategy worked for the clintons but after this latest press Conference Im pretty sure she has been stretched past the breaking point. Back in 90s the countrys stability along with the future of the Democratic Party hung in the balance. She writes weaner by contrast is running for mayor of new york city, not president of the United States. And she just writes for now its painful to watch and probably politically futile too. And karl said the same thing it looks like he should drop out. I dont think he should. Its up to new york city whether they want him in there or not. Stephanie yeah. Lets go to hack in wyoming wait, i didnt do that right. Hack you are on the Stephanie Miller show, welcome. Caller hi, steph my seductive siren, how are you . Stephanie oh hello. Caller well if this whole thing falls through he still has a back up with [ inaudible ]. [ circus music ] stephanie see what you did there. Its not about me its about my smikle. Stephanie margaret in new jersey. Caller good morning. That man is running in new york. I understand you are making fun of it. I think its great too. But they are the one that has got to put up with him. And it as far as hilary and bill is concerned thats over and done with. So why does everybody keep dragging that up. And im going to vote for hilary anyway. Stephanie good for you. Rock on. It should be solely up to the people of new york. Stephanie stephanie in pensacola go ahead. I missed Lawrence Odonnell last night. What was his point . Caller his point . His point was he was pointing out the hypocrisy of those who ignored what clinton did and stood behind him, especially the newspapers and media, but now all of a sudden this whole moral horse that they have gotten on and your last caller im not voting for hilary. And it was a moral high horse that all of a sudden democrats have gotten on in terms of dogging going after Anthony Weiner, when number one look look at their mirrors what was his name mr. Usa mayor who left giuliani. Caller yeah look at his first marriage. Stephanie yeah, we talked about that. There is enough to go around. You can go on all day with this. Caller but why it is that what Anthony Weiner did which im no fan of Anthony Weiner but i feel the same way, im just taken aback by the moral high ground the democrats have suddenly taken. We just turn into what the republicans say they are. We always acted out with our own people. Stephanie yeah, i take your point to some degree. Sometimes maybe this ties in with our own issues. It seems like particularly sort of reckless behavior and bad judgment, and he did this Big Press Conference and this big piece in People Magazine about what a great reformed family man he is [overlapping speakers] caller same thing . Stephanie what is the . Caller didnt bill clinton do the exact same thing . Because when he said he had not had a relationship with the flowers woman stephanie steph, you are right. But i think as chris said its not like democrats didnt criticize his behavior at the time, and its hard to explain why i felt like it was different. I think part of it was because the whole republican establishment was behind spending taxpayer money to do one ridiculous investigation after another that ended up in an investigation in his private life. It was a witch hunt. And at the time i felt some sympathy, because i felt like most of us wouldnt want to answer really personal questions about our private life, and might lie about it honestly i think most americans thought that way that he should not be impeached caller the only thing im saying is we should give Anthony Weiner the same benefit as we gave bill clinton. Stephanie and were saying that too. Its up to the people in new york. And we gave all of the same jokes about clinton, sex scandals can be funny to some degree, but there are issues you know i i have found with this, steph, and i dont know if you have either. We said this yesterday, it isnt as much partisan as gender based. Most of our male callers are like, whatever. And all of the women are pretty pissed about it. Caller yeah, im stunned about it. Even when i talk to my friends. Im absolutely stunned by it because these are the same women stephanie right. And im caller who backed bill Clinton Stephanie yeah, and you take any of these guys right . Sanford and whats his name vitter caller and the reason im harder on bill clinton is because he was running for president of the United States. To me he is running for mayor of new york, so i looked at clinton as a bigger deal to me. Stephanie right. Caller because he was representing all of us. Anthony weiner is representing new york. Stephanie right. Right. Caller thats why i think it is different. Stephanie the whole monica thing when that happened, he was already president , and i think people felt like he was a good president. I voted him for president , not as a husband. I dont think anyone was trying to defend what his behavior was. Caller true. True. Im just saying give Anthony Weiner i dont know Anthony Weiner, you know, but i know he was just loud in congress but wasnt productive. But sometimes he would be loud. Stephanie yeah. Yeah. Caller because right now we have too many meek and stephanie no, i agree. I loved him politically. I said that yesterday. I loved him politically. I think the other thing is this is bad timing. He resigned from congress for this thing. I went on tv and defended him and said look redemption second chances, and then this happened. And then it turns out, he is doing the same thing and has been doing the same thing, and i think thats part of the problem. Now hes asking for another chance and saying thats thats what i mean. It was a bigger lie, you know . Caller i hear ya steph. And im not going to stop listening to your show. But i disagree with you on this issue. Stephanie god bless you. Big old hug. Stephanie you are my namesake sister, you cant leave me. And if you leave me can i come with you . All right. Fortyfive minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer call the Political Party line now, 1800steph12. Are sort of compiling the best of the day. I do a lot of looking at those people as well. Not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. But we do care about them right . John fugelsang if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Cenk uygur i think the number young turks is that were honest. I think the audience gets that i actually mean it. Michael shure this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. Joy behar you can say anything here. Jerry springer i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar your mistake was writing a check Jerry Springer she never cashed it vo the days events. Four very unique points of view. Tonight starting at 6 eastern. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Lets groove tonight. Share the spice of life announcer Stephanie Miller. Is going to groove tonight stephanie uhhuh. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. Fifty minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Oh, look its more pop psychology, decoding Anthony Weiners sex. Same old weaner right . This time it has disturbing sub texts of self loathing. Well, not surprising. Stephanie lets pause to pour of the content of carlos dangers sex. Shall we . Do we have to . Stephanie yes. [ porn music ] stephanie the new york city mayoral candidate, what is new this time around arguably more cringe inducing than that infamous pick from two years ago is self loathing whether he is divulging his fantasies, staring at picks of you, or puffing him up, sadly my picks are out there, have you ever . He proclaims his self hatred while climaxing on a womens [ censor bleep ] oooooooooh stephanie actually he he did ask. Some levels of politeness may i [ censor bleep ] on your [ censor bleep ]. Wow. Stephanie and that was the thing that bothered me the most she said you can [ censor bleep ] anywhere. Im like anywhere . Really . Probably not. Bus stop . No, thank you. Wendys . No, thank you. Especially at the drive through at wendys. Stephanie he tells his online [ inaudible ] he is deeply flawed and wonders if i met you in a bar and tried to talk to you, would i have a chance. How can rereconcile the outwardly [ inaudible ] weiner [ inaudible ]. Whatever carlos danger Stephanie Carlos danger. [ speaking spanish ] [ laughter ] Stephanie Nick in new york. You are on the Stephanie Miller show. Hello, nick. Caller good morning, steph, good morning, mooks. Stephanie good morning. Caller i just want to say that i know there is a lot of comedy in this whole story, but for a serious moment if we held all of our politicians to this high moral standard that we seem to want to hold Anthony Weiner too, we wouldnt have had a president kennedy or fdr stephanie yeah, i just had this conversation with a friend yesterday. This is an interesting part of this. Not only was the press different then. They didnt report on politicians private lives. They knew what was happening with kennedy et cetera. But you are absolutely right. Is it technology . It seems like these politicians are doing it to themselves now. Caller yeah. Stephanie i dont know what part is what. Do you . Caller i think politics come with ego and power, and a sense that you can get away with anything, and i think thats part of the job, a we see it over and over and over again with this people. You said you voted for clinton as president. As a new yorker i would vote for weiner because he is a strong liberal progressive and if his wife can forgive him, then i can. Stephanie yeah and it is up to voters like you in new york. You are right. The only thing that holds me back from thinking like that is the potential for being blackmailed. If he is desperate to keep a secret like that, then theres the potential for blackmail there. Caller yeah, and we knew that back same thing with kennedy, and hoover. Stephanie and maybe the other thing people in new york have a pretty low bar in my opinion morally with Rudy Giuliani. You go which is worse . His wife had to hear about the divorce from his press conference. He didnt tell her. So you look at huma and go well for whatever reasons her choices are her choices and she is there with them. I lived in new york then nick, and i remember donna appearing on television a couple of hours later in tears because she didnt know. Caller exactly. By the way were getting a divorce. Stephanie yeah seriously, and trying to bring his mystery into the mansion. It was just gross. The whole thing, right . Caller and i also think theres an addictive piece to this. And i do believe him when he says its a process to stop that behavior. I dont think most people can just turn it off, so it doesnt really surprise me that it continued after he got thrown out of congress and i feel bad for that, but stephanie honestly nick on a human level too i hope he is getting real help now for his wifes sake and his baby caller exactly. You see that picture of the family and they look so beautiful and happy, and, you know i mean come on we all have our Little Things in closets that we are not proud of, and if were lucky we never get found out. Stephanie nick you sound like a man with a secret. Would you like to purge . [ laughter ] caller yeah, but after the show, steph. Stephanie what you got rattling around in there . Tell momma. Clackty, clackty, clackty. He is cracking himself up. It must be good. Lets go to harriet in jacksonville. Caller you just stole all of my thunder because i called to tell you the point last night was about Rudy Giuliani not bill clinton. And now the New York Times gave him an absolute pass on it. And now they are jumping all over this guy. And this guy hasnt touched number, and he is not the mayor, and if you dont like him, dont vote for him. Stephanie and his best friend, that goes to judgment right . He literally let him use the taxpayer funded apartment that was supposed to be for 9 11 workers for him to cheat on his mystery with the other mystery or whatever. Caller uhhuh. Thats what Lawrence Odonnell said. Its just ridiculous how they are jumping on weiner. If people dont want to vote for them. People in new york shouldnt vote for them but they probably will. Stephanie you said jump on weiner. Caller yeah, right. Stephanie theres nowhere we can go with this story. Stop jumping on weiner. [ giggling ] stephanie he he. All right. So yeah New York Times editorial, weiner must drop out i think weaner has dropped out several times. [ buzzer ] stephanie at some point all of his behaviors will be told in the meantime he should take his problems out of the public eye and out of the race for new york city, and obviously some people beg to differ. Yep. Stephanie fiftyeight minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. [ theme music ] stephanie all right current tv land, hour number two. Yes. Thank you very much. Jacki is gone missing as we mentioned last hour. She is off today and tomorrow, so we have to do this and fill these whole segments at the top of the hour. Maybe she got a visit from carlos danger. Stephanie yes, she is off with carlos danger no shes not. Normally we just have these head phones on so we can hear jacki, and now were just talking to each other. In fact we cant really hear each other because we have our headphones on what . What . What . Stephanie were having a rousing weiner discussion and theres nowhere you can step in this story without saying something that will stop us giggle. Stop jumping on weiner. Stephanie weiner poll is up. Weiner poll is up. [ giggling ] Stephanie Michael tomasky of the daily beast has a great piece about why we need to repeal the boner. Stop jumping on the boner. Stephanie were going to go back and forth, boner, weaner boner weaner for the entire show. Boner leaps on weaner. Stephanie right. The president gave his big speech on the economy yesterday. So this is why. Mike tomasky piece is actually its a little depressing, how were not going to get anything done unless we repeal the boner and his caucus. Stephanie but he is not going to be repealed because he comes from a very conservative district in ohio and its up to the people there so dont jump on the weaner the boner, or the caucus. Stephanie exactly. You would think they would be sick of the weepy orange boner as well. No. Stephanie there is no penicillin Strong Enough to get rid of him electorally. They are probably going to think better of this whole stretching thing without jacki. Yeah they might want to run the sham wow guy. Or the wax vac. Stephanie lets do that wax vac guy auditions again. Ow stephanie thats a little much. Our. Stephanie dial it up. Oh. Stephanie no i think it got caught on the cutting room floor. No, we need an actual ow. Ow. Stephanie back to you. Well see you in a minute. Do you think there is any chance well ever hear the president even say the word with an opened mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter cutting throught the clutter of todays top stories. This is the savior of the Republican Party . I mean really . With a unique perspective. Teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. laughter . And lots of fancy buzz words. Family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hardworking moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. If Wayne Lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense. Hey, so can i. Once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. Watch the show. Only on current tv. vo current tv is the place for compelling true stories. kaj jack, how old are you . Nine. adam this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. vo with Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Way inside. christoff were patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies. adam were going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. Lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. This crop to me is my livelihood. Im being violated by the health care system. christoff we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. vo from the underworld to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. Occupy we will have class warfare. vo true stories, current perspective. Documentaries. On current tv. Its a Beautiful Day dont let it get away stephanie huh oh weiners campaign accusing looms. Sexting partner is 23. Look at how handsome and romantic the pomeranian is. Six minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. That might have been his pickup line, nice pomeranian. Hey. Stephanie speaking of handsome and romantic dogs, remember the dog i rescued out here that was running in traffic, and you guys accused me of giving him to serial killers. Right. Because you give him to the first person that called. Stephanie i did a house check and they are lovely. He went to harvard so did jamie gum. Stephanie indy i rescued indy in traffic. Yes, and so they were listeners. They heard it on the air, and thats how i found them. And they are not serial killers, and they are take very good care of indy to prove it. Hi stephanie. In april we became foster parents to a beautiful baby girl, a human one. We were worried about how indy would react around the baby given that she is part dingo. I am attaching a few photos for you to enjoy. [ applause ] stephanie thats indy. Keeping the senators daughter stephanie there is no senators daughter there. Hey senator, love your suit. Put the lotion on the skin stephanie all right. So Michael Tomasky coming up at the bottom of the hour great piece about repealing the boner. Were going to jump from weaner to boner all show. Oh boy. You wont have dix nixon to kick around anymore. Grace in louisiana, hi grace. Caller hi, i hear all of yalls comments on radio and tv about Anthony Weiner and im just wondering with everybody what did jesus mean when he said let he that is without sin cast the first stone . Stephanie you know i dont know has anyone tried to put jesus in the carlos danger name generator to see what happens . Oh my god stephanie i understand what she means. The New York Times saying mr. Weiner who resigned from congress two years ago i put jesus christ in the name generator. Manuel troubled. Stephanie you should not have done that. [ buzzer ] oh, god. Now were going to have hell fire rained down on us. Joshua elevation revelation. Or elevation in weaners case. Stephanie lets go to nick. Hello, nick. Caller hey, steph. How are you doing . Okay. Go ahead. Caller i was calling because people are saying his decision to text with this young lady over the internet shows that he may have baddecisionmaking capabilities, and i think that is only true if he was targeting the Rick Santorum mitt romney demographic. New yorkers are a little more morally bankrupt than some people, and i think they really dont care. So i think since he is doing in this demographic, i think its not really bad decision making. If he was running in iowa or texas, i could see the point Stephanie Nick people have said he is not one of those religious right guys. Caller and one thing i also want to say too, because i understand there is a big divide between guys reaction and ladies reaction to this. I can understand women not wanting their husbands acting like douche nozzles, and making them look bad. Stephanie and thats the other part its the baby and the People Magazine piece caller true. And one thing that people havent discussed is what if his wife is into this . And she cant say, i actually sit there while he is writing these texts. Stephanie i somehow i somehow doubt that nick but, you know. [ laughter ] stephanie look at him giggling. Caller you know what im saying thats just your family. Stephanie yeah that your wife wants to sext 22 year olds. Eric you are on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller we have a range of democrats, the liberals to the blue dogs and you really look at the scale, i feel like what weiner was doing he is from a liberal state and liberal people stephanie and he should apologize to you new york, not all of you are morally bankrupt. Caller bill clinton was a blue dog, and i feel like Newt Gingrich, he was a weakling in the end. Stephanie bill clinton was a weakling. Caller yeah. He was a blue dog president. Stephanie thats true. Caller and you people seem like you get offended whenever anyone says anything bad about bill clinton. Doma stephanie yeah, we have talked about all of that. Caller these are republican policies. Tea Party Policies stephanie but what is your point with regards to the weiner scandal . Caller [ inaudible ] bill clinton. Stephanie oh i see. Right. I got it because he is more of a liberal. Okay. All right. Okay. Stephanie okay. Marvin in milwaukee, you are on the Stephanie Miller show. Hello, marvin. Caller hey thanks for taking my call. I cant accept that there is not a better progressive voice in new york city than Anthony Weiner. I really us get tired of apologizing for these guys. I dont care about giuliani and sanford, they are their guys. Jesse jackson, jr. , that thing should have been over a year and a half ago and its an arrangement it isnt a forgiveness situation stephanie but you dont know that about every political marriage my parents were a political family and it wasnt an arrangement. Caller yeah, but was your mother apologizing for your fathers behavior . Stephanie no, because my father didnt behave that way. Caller exactly. We dont need to apologize i mean, when theres a bad apple, get rid of it. We have better progressive voices out there who arent in it just for the freebees. Its like an athlete who cant retire when its time to retire. Its over man. Do Something Else with your life. Its sad, and we have to get beyond these guys and the worst thing is to act like republicans every time republicans at least its not as bad as what so and so did. They are always crying about the media. Were doing the same thing now. Stephanie you are right. Hes like an athlete with too many balls. [ circus music ] really . Stephanie too big, too something i think somebody somebody in new york who keeps his pants on and is a liberal. Stephanie yeah, i was talking to my friend, maybe im being a daddys girl again, but i cant imagine my father i dont know whether this is part of social media or just a different moral climate you know some politicians do, some dont. Your dad didnt stephanie my dad was a catholic family man. Lyndon johnson played grab ass with your mom. And lots of other people apparently. In his day it was difficult to send pictures of your willie over a rotary phone. Stephanie there were modems stephanie it didnt look the same on the big curlily shiny paper. Yeah and if you left it in the sun it returned black. Stephanie exactly. Kevin how are you doing . Did you ever try to fax pictures of your smikle on curling fax paper . Caller no, i didnt. My dad just turned 90 and he lives pretty close to your mom. Stephanie oh, my god, lets set them up. Caller they elected brown up there, and when he talks about more or better progressives you just cant find all of these people. In Anthony Weiners case you know, just think about this. Michele bachmann allen west rand paul, steve king on and on and on and those people are really hurting people. Stephanie thats true. Caller and, you know, so i mean the guy i stephanie you are right. Its people [overlapping speakers] stephanie and somebody that you are right. Caller right. So i mean i just dont want to throw this guy down the tubes, because he is a progressive, and a very good progressive, and he was run out of congress basically because all of the democrats to a point were saying, hey, you cant have this. Well, like i said think of those people i just named. And you want more of those people in there . Stephanie actually it goes to my point about is this partisan or male female because nancy pelosi was very much behind wanting him to step down, because i think a lot of women, including nancy pelosi were offended by his behavior. But you are right, whether that is right or wrong, and we should stand up for people thats up for debate. But should we have to expect it . Stephanie yeah. I dont think so. Stephanie eighteen minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Oh, my god, this is so amazing. Its all anybody in my class is talk about. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. Mooiz mooiz vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. One night in bane cox, cant be too careful with your company, i can feel the devil walking next to announcer Stephanie Miller. I get my kicks above the waistline sunshine stephanie unlike carlos danger. Oh, in other unimportant news that does not involve Anthony Weiners [ censor bleep ]. The north poll is a lake now. Yeah. [ somber music ] stephanie north carolina, lawmakers have approved a bill greatly expanding where concealed handguns are allowed. Bars. Stephanie allowed permit holders to take firearms into bars and other areas where alcohol is served. Nicely done. [ applause ] stephanie i was reading from the New York Times editorial, urging Anthony Weiner to pull out. [ circus music ] stephanie there is nowhere you can go, im telling you in this story. You know how the polling is [ giggling ] stephanie i think its softening i think he should get a stiff fine. Stephanie they have been saying this sexual behavior is not the publics business well it isnt until he plunges into a mayoral race. New york times with one point of view, urging him to drop out. All right. The president meanwhile, hey, you know what theres important things like the economy and jobs and stuff. Obama today five years after the start of that Great Recession, america has fought its way back. Stephanie he outlines his priorities for the remainder of his second term. Michael tomasky will talk about at the bottom of the hour, the relative chances of any of that getting done because of [ crickets chirping ] stephanie republicans. Obama even though our businesses are creating new jobs and broken record profits, nearly all of the income gains have continued to flow to the top 1 . Stephanie yeah, he dubbed the speech he called his talk a Better Bargain for the middle class. He said thanks to the grit and resilience of the American People we have cleared away the rubble. And here is the but, im here today to tell you what we already know that were not there yet. Yeah. Stephanie and in a short floor speech yesterday, he described it as a hollow shell, an easter egg with no candy in it. I used to serve at the tavern. Its a hollow shell. Its an easter egg with no candy in it. Stephanie my favorite was when he did the wrungs on the ladder bit. And he seemed completely drunk, and he got lost in it. Did he go any further on the easter egg analogy. No thats it. Stephanie he did say the americans are asking where are the jobs . Well they were in several jobs bills that you didnt pass. Right. Americas arent asking the questions where are the speeches . They are asking where are the jobs. Hah hah got ya. Stephanie dusting off that old nugget again. Stephanie i thought this part was great, the president challenged republicans to offer their own ideas. He said what are your ideas . If you think you have a better plan, stop taking meaningless repeal votes and share your concrete ideas with the country. Where are the jobs [ mumbling ] and where are the easter eggs candy stephanie he said we have a hundred thousand bridges that are old enough to qualify for medicare. [ applause ] stephanie and he said if you think education is expensive, wait until you see how much ignorance costs in the 21st century. [ applause ] stephanie thank you. Stephanie to which republicans replied herp derp Stephanie Danet on the weaner, not technically. Caller i love you guys. Im a catholic schoolgirl but fine now. Stephanie okay. Caller love obama, love that speech, but on the weiner thing, i really believe we need to vote for women. They dont seem to make the same stupid decisions men make. And maybe some of them have affairs, but they are smart enough not to tweet their stuff, not to get involved stephanie i have said this, i dont i dont think hilary was at the state department saying who wants to see a picture of my soggy bottom . Caller absolutely. I say hilary for president. And just go women. Stephanie yep, go women. Caller because they care about people. They dont like war well, not michele bachmann. Stephanie yeah, not you michelle. Other women. Not you caribou barbie. Yay stephanie we tom in pennsylvania. Hello, tom. Caller hi, stephanie. I have a comment to make about the Anthony Weiner. Stephanie right. Caller its not just about him, its about all of the other politicians that sit up there high and mighty and cant control their own sexual indiscretions that they want to dictate to you me everybody else, you cant spoke pot, you are a woman, its not your body to decide what you can and cant do with it. I think we have had enough of these politicians that say one thing and tell us we cant do the same thing. Stephanie yeah. Someone said the Republican Party should be cooled the vagina dem goings. [ laughter ] stephanie wee all right, Michael Tomasky next on the Stephanie Miller show. To the fire. Are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night . Is this personal, or is it political . A lot of my work happens by doing the things that im given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. In reality its not like they actually care. This is purely about political grandstanding. Ive worn lots of hats, but ive always kept this going. Ive been doing politics now for a dozen years. vo hes been called the epic politics man. Hes Michael Shure and his arena is the war room. These republicans in congress that think the world ends at the Atlantic Ocean border and Pacific Ocean border. The bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. I do a lot of looking at those people as well. Not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. But we do care about them right . If you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Viewpoint digs deep into the issues of the day. Do you think there is any chance well ever hear the president even say the word carbon tax . With an opened mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter cutting throught the clutter of todays top stories. This is the savior of the Republican Party . I mean really . With a unique perspective. Teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. laughter . And lots of fancy buzz words. Family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hardworking moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. If Wayne Lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense. Hey, so can i. Once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. Watch the show. Only on current tv. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Unhand me inebriated temptress. [ laughter ] stephanie 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Do i say it every day that you want to marry kiss and date Michael Tomasky. Stephanie yes. He joins us now. Hi, michael. Hello. Stephanie i said twirling my hair. [ laughter ] lets not you know dont tweet me any pictures. Okay . Stephanie all right. Chris just stopped me. [ laughter ] stephanie during the commercial break. You know, i love you because you are a happy clappy liberal like me normally but i have to say were facing some pretty stark realities. Play that again for michael. This is the kind of thing we get from john boehner. Its a hallow shell. Its an easter egg with no candy in it. No candy or bourbon in it. Stephanie all right. So theres that. The speaker says republicans should be judged on how many laws they repeal. This is irresponsible and terrifying. It really is, right . That has become their governing principle is not to govern. And as if to confirm what i had written, that wednesday i looked at my New York Times and lo and behold there was an article about by one of their congressional correspondents that said the strategy is to block everything. Everything obama wants is dead on arrival, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera and the deepest cuts they seek the deepest cuts to domestic programs ever. So on and so on. So yes, we have reached the point now, where it is not simply a case and i know you know this, and your listeners know this but somehow americans need to know this. Its not just a case of two parties being far apart ideologically. We have reached the point now where one party actively sees dysfunction as its job and mission. Stephanie yeah. Yeah. It really is you always put it in such great historical context. You said this year this week, new entrants arrive constantly and the competition is sterile. You say its not an outrageous statement, but in a way its more disturbing. Now it sees dysfunction as its mission. And you further go on to talk about this gerrymandering and all of that, that this is the new normal basically, right . Yeah. And were probably stuck with this situation for a long time unfortunately, and its very depressing, but you know, i write there that i given the way they gerrymandered after 2010 and the way districts are set up its they might well hold the imagine jorty in the house of representatives until the direct redistricting which is eight years away. They might not. The democrats need to pick up fewer than 20 seats to regain and thats not that many. But boy when anybody listening should go google up a list of republicanheld house seats that are really vulnerable. Its a short short list. Stephanie uhhuh. And you put it in recent historical context. You say a president s Top Priorities were always given a hearing, and you talk about tip oneill, Ronald Reagan Newt Gingrich with bill clinton. Here is the most terrifying thing in your piece. You say, you know, they didnt come to pass legislation, you know, and boner is handing them his trusty bic lighter. Yeah. And i have this fact in there that is pretty mind boggling to me, anyway. Fully half of the Republican Caucus in the house has only been there since 2010 or 2012. Half of them. So these are Tea Party People who were elected as i said to burn it down, not to do anything constructive, and and it just reduces, stephanie, the sort of institutional memory and the and the, you know, deference that they pay to certain traditions. And not all of these traditions are good, and i dont want to say there was some great golden age. There were always problems and so on, but when you have people who are just so cut off from their there did used to be a history of some bipartisan cooperation so even into the 80s and sort of into the 90s. And when you have people totally cut off from that history, and dont care about it, and dont want anything to do with it you just have a new situation. Stephanie and you quote Jonathan Shea as saying their new negotiating point is well raise the debt ceiling for the rest of your term all you have to do a [ inaudible ] into law and privatize medicare. Then we get speaker cantor or Speaker Paul Ryan but most certainly it would get worse under either of those two. Theres no question. Boehner is you know a reasonable person, i suppose, compared to them. So, you know, this could and probably will get worse, and if we have president hillary clinton, which i fully suspect we may and hopefully may, you know, its not like they are going to lighten up on hillary clinton. Stephanie right. You do make a point at the end. You say we need leaders from other walks of life. The most important thing you say is this is not a partisan crisis its an historic crisis for america. And we need people to stand up and say to republicans that dysfunction cannot be your mission. Govern conservatively, but govern. And we need big dollar organizations to replace these people. Would that that could happen right . Yeah. Stephanie its tough politically but not impossible. I have written many times so many times that i have bored myself writing [ laughter ] but i think its really important. You have all of these organizations. They pop up in president ial election years, like that want to elect somebody from the center, and say the parties are too polarized, and what was the one called americans united stephanie right. Right. And there was one in 2008. These things are a complete waste of time. Nobody who is not from one of the two major parties is going to be elected president. And president is not where you start this kind of reform anyway. What i wish those people would do instead of spending millions and millions of dollars on a stupid pipe dream that is not going to happen, i wish they would try to create a moderate Pressure Group inside the Republican Party to find moderate republican candidates so when these republicans in office are thinking about the next election they are not just worried about being primaried from the right. They are worried about being primaried from the center. Stephanie that is really smart. And im sure you saw the latest poll, disapproval for congress is literally in the high 80 or something. If the american of error went into negative stephanie yeah maybe we are at a tipping point. Anthony weiner in or out, so to speak of the may oral race. It doesnt seem like we can rely on his conscious to get him out of the race. It will have to be the polls or important prominent new yorkers, his money people. I think enough is enough, and he is out of his mind and im not feeling much better about huma these days either and if they want to Stay Together thats their business. Its not my business. But they should not force themselves on us like this. Stephanie yep, i hear ya. Michael always great stuff. Thanks for taking time with us. Enjoyed it. Thank you. [ applause ] stephanie he is just so cute. He is not thinking too highly of highuma either. Stephanie i do. Maybe thats where jacki is shes talking to huma. Robin in north carolina, hello, robin. Caller good morning, i just wanted to say, you guys mock on. People all pay consequences for what they do. Weiner showed himself to be a perv, dude if they vote you in you got it but in the meantime were going to laugh our asses off, and the last time i was so upset i called about zimmerman and dropped the f bomb. I apologize. Stephanie oh thank you. Caller but i hope he has a retched life. And i love hearing you guys mock him. Mock on. Stephanie the royal baby is named george after George Zimmerman. Who believed the baby he is a midwife, which we didnt know and right after he rescued those people from the car he saved the baby and and stephanie all hail king george. Gregg palace says that Trayvon Martins dad needs to drag zimmerman into civil court. Stephanie yeah, on the stand. I hope he does. Stephanie i do too. Fortyfive minutes after the hour. We continue on the Stephanie Miller show. What in the name of holy hell is going on here . Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. adam were going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. Lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. This crop to me is my livelihood. Im being violated by the health care system. christoff we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. vo from the underworld to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. Occupy we will have class warfare. vo true stories, current perspective. Documentaries. On current tv. John fugelsang if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Cenk uygur i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. I think the audience gets that i actually mean it. Michael shure this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. Joy behar you can say anything here. Jerry springer i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar your mistake was writing a check Jerry Springer she never cashed it vo the days events. Four very unique points of view. Tonight starting at 6 eastern. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. Announcer Stephanie Miller. Let the good times roll stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. This hour brought to you by carbonite. When you create all of those valuable files in your computer you know what you have in there, music, photos maybe you are working on a book music financial documents stuff in there. The expectation is they will always be there, what happened when something goes [ explosion ]. Dog eats your computer. Stephanie accidental deletion. Dont take that chance. Backing up all of the essential files, its safe. Its easy. You set it up once and then forget about it. Its just there with that smoothing green dot. So affordable, only 59. 99 for the entire year. Thats a bargoon. Stephanie uhhuh. It has plans to back up all of your computers at your Small Business like we do. Do it now before you spill chardonnay on your laptop. What . Type in my offer code stephanie, carbonite. Com, the offer code is stephanie. At least it wasnt red wine. Stephanie right. Thats when you show text support asks you, was there sugar on whatever you spilled why is there sugar in mountain dew. Stephanie all right. Jay in montgomery alabama. Caller good morning. I think were getting distracted here. Probably somebody maybe im the only one in this conversation who has experienced this probably somebody at that table had a parent that cheated on the other parent not virtually, not through the internet, but the actual thing. You should go to your mom and say which would you rather a guy who talks about cheating or a guy that actually does it. Stephanie a lot of women actually dont make that distinction caller you are right. They dont talk about it. I love your show. But you guys [ inaudible ] you tell fart jokes [ farting sounds ] caller you talk about a lot of things involving gays. So you guys are on [ inaudible ] you guys arent that high on a totem poll either . Because we support gays . Stephanie are you saying fart jokes are immoral. [ farting sounds ] are you comparing being gay to what Anthony Weiner did to his wife . Im talking people judge people gay people black people stephanie theres majority support for Marriage Equality i think you are yelling at the wrong people here too. Caller when you talk about doma, dont ask dont tell. That was a compromise he took him to task for that. Caller they wanted gays out of the military all together. And i dont know anything that barack has ever fought for that is liberal. When they say obamacare that should be called heritage care. Stephanie i get it. All right. So i guess basically his point is the guy point that he didnt really do anything because its only on the internet whatever stephanie did you read those texts . Thats cheating. Its emotional cheating. Which to me is just as bad. Stephanie its just weird. Dudes a super freak. I dont know if it is unusual in this day and age. Stephanie all right. Well, im a little bit of a prude. No, you are just technologically challenged. Stephanie i just sit at home in which shall with my glass figurines of Michael Tomasky and karl frisch. Christine welcome. Caller good morning, everyone. I loved having Michael Tomasky in my ear. That was really hot. Stephanie i know right. Go ahead. Caller you had a couple of callers that were talking about the Lawrence Odonnell show, and i would like to kiss and mary him too, but he was not referring to shows like yours. He specifically targeted the new york media with their hypocrisy. So it wasnt shows like yours or those other ones out there it was specifically targeted to the new york media. So take no offense, stephanie. Stephanie all right. Then i wont. I know lawrence loves me. Because i love him too. Hum . See that was my porn. Remember that promo they used to run for him about the bullets yes. Stephanie that was my porn. Something about a magazine [ porn music ] stephanie just when he gets mad and that vain draws, and his eyes get bluer oh my god [ screaming ] stephanie squee. We get such a peak into your sexual psyche stephanie its weird. You should have been as careful getting in through the outdoor from the thing when stuff happens stephanie that would have been good advice for Anthony Weiner if i would have gotten it right. Maybe he would have listened to you. Stephanie lets go to paul in michigan. Caller how you guys doing . Im a big fan of the show and im an economy, and i want to point out to john boner boehner where the jobs are. The republicans have killed over [ inaudible ] jobs in the years in cuts to the government stephanie what would the unemployment level be and now they want to get rid of the post office. Stephanie what would the unemployment number be . If the republicans werent a boat anchor around job creation we would be creating probably 400,000 jobs a month right now. We would have a clintonstyle recovery. Now they want to cut another 2 million jobs with the sequester. Stephanie i know its ridiculous. And i thought this was good the president yesterday. Obama if you think you have a better plan for making sure that every american has the security of quality Affordable Health care, then stop taking meaningless repeal votes and share your concrete ideas with the country. Hell to the ya. Stephanie uhhuh. Nole in los angeles. Hi, nole. Caller hey, steph, good morning. Hold on a second. There is a Police Officer passing me and i dont want him to see me with my phone. Got it . Got it. Caller let me pull over. Steph if were going to you fidelity and marriage for our Public Officials lesbian [ inaudible ]. And one more thing as far as Eliot Spitzer goes, leave this man alone, because he is the enemy of my enemies. This man is going after wall street and these are the bastards that took the homes of my friends and colleagues stephanie right, they screwed all of us. Caller thats right. And i dont care what he does with his penis. As far as im personed he can take that penis of his and beat it over the heads of all of those wall street bastards. But that may not be received as punishment. Oh, my god stephanie thats a visual im going to have lets not dwell on that, please. Stephanie lets not. [ laughter ] stephanie all right. I was i dont know why i was going to blurt out carlos danger. Fiftyeight minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Stephanie oh hello, current tv land hour number three stretch. Stretch. Stephanie just remind me to send Jacki Schechner a gift basket for taking today off and tomorrow. Stephanie okay. We have to stretch for three minutes. Where jacki would be doing news and we would be chatting here. All right. Pardon me. We just talked to Michael Tomasky about the boner and then we will be back on weaner again this hour. And apparently theres more dirty coming out on dirty. Com. Dirty dirty. Stephanie that was our lynde trip impression back in the 90s. That would be funny if she were involved somehow in the dirty. Com. The last thing i need to see is people dumping on linda trip. Stephanie ewe. And the funny thing is we were doing all of these impressions before the tapes came out, and linda trip turns out sounded exactly like it we finally found what bridge she was under and your impression of Monica Lewinsky was great too. Stephanie god linda, that was not my dress. I did not have all right. You got me. [ breaking news theme ] stephanie gawker brings us the story excuse me im coughing up a lung on national television. Stephanie okay. 3 million in gold allegedly smuggled in peoples butt holes. What . You can say that on television. Stephanie too late. That will teach them. [ laughter ] ass. Stephanie ass. Yes, people smuggling things in their is nothing new. [ censor bleep ] holes have seen this kind of action for years. But alleged criminals got away with almost 3 million in gold in south korea. 134 pounds of gold was smuggled up their [ farting sounds ] holy crap literally. Stephanie yeah. Hey wait i got to take a oh, no clong clong clong clong, flush. Stephanie i think the good news is this is probably the last time well have to do this. Bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know im going to be the first one to call them out. Cenk on air whats unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. Cenk off air i dont want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. Cenk on air you level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they cant buy our politics anymore. Cenk off air and they can question if im right about that. But i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. Cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the Worlds Largest online news show is on current tv. Cenk off air and i think the audience gets, this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us. Only on current tv this show is about analyzing criticizing, and holding policy to the fire. Are you encouraged by what you heard the president say the other night . Is this personal, or is it political . A lot of my work happens by doing the things that im given to doing anyway, by staying in touch with everything that is going on politically and putting my own nuance on it. In reality its not like they actually care. This is purely about political grandstanding. Ive worn lots of hats, but ive always kept this going. Ive been doing politics now for a dozen years. vo hes been called the epic politics man. Hes Michael Shure and his arena is the war room. These republicans in congress that think the world ends at the Atlantic Ocean border and Pacific Ocean border. The bloggers and the people that are sort of compiling the best of the day. I do a lot of looking at those people as well. Not only does senator rubio just care about rich people, but somehow he thinks raising the minimum wage is a bad idea for the middle class. But we do care about them right . Its a Beautiful Day dont let it get away stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome it to. Six minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Stephaniemiller. Com the website, check out. You can email us all there, executive producer chris lavoie, voice deity jim ward, or me, Stephanie Miller. Have you seen this Pennsylvania Police chief guy . This is awesome. Mark kessler of gill berton pennsylvania, up loaded a there you go a video with a onenote message, [ censor bleep ] all you libtarreds. In the video he says [ censor bleep ] nine times. Refuses to apologize, and fires various automatic weapons into the air. He has a whole Youtube Channel fired with these firearm expletive bundles. He made a gun demonstration video in which he fired at a photo of a clown we says represents nancy pelosi. And once he shot himself in a hand with his own gun at a tavern in 2011. [ applause ] but he stood his ground. Against his hand. Stephanie and he [ censor bleep ] shot himself. Yes, he did. In that guy. I just fing shot myself. Stephanie right. The royal baby is named george after George Zimmerman. It was a breech birth, and he flew over and delivered the baby after rescuing the people from the car, and he found and revived the lindbergh baby as well. Because he is so awesome. He is just so awesome. He is incredible. Faster than a speeding bullet i just [ censor bleep ] shot myself more powerful than a locomotive able to leap Tall Buildings in a single bound, its a bird, its a plane its Zimmerman Zimmerman who came to this planet from a strange place and settled in florida, where he fought for truth, justice and the american way, his american way. Help me George Zimmerman. You are my only hope. The adventures of zimmerman [ applause ] stephanie oddly that press conference from the fictional family excuse me the family rescued from the car, they went poof. [ crickets chirping ] oh, the family um, they had a thing with a guy and they and oh look over there its [ mysterious music ] oh, black kid stephanie maybe mark omara had a thing with the dentists. Could be. He needed bigger teeth. Stephanie he needed a bigger set of clackety comedy teeth. His chicklets fell out. Stephanie yeah weirdly, everybody was waiting for the big conference including you. Stephanie yes, i was called to cnn to react to the Big Press Conference from the later adventure of the zimmerman speaking of other heros, Edward Snowden has not been given russian travel documents. He is still in the airport. Da. Stephanie they just said nyet to him. Russian president putin has refused to hand him to american authorities and said he could stay in russian only if he stopped leaking secrets how many times can you eat at applebees no, all they have is dortch. Stephanie exactly. And they also like anchovies with sour cream. Stephanie can you get wadca . You can get it out of the tap there. Stephanie the president s carney. We believe mr. Snowden ought to be returns to the United States where he faces felony charges. Nyet. Stephanie speaking of which, snowedens russian lawyer oh, boy. You have to take our bureaucracy into account. Therefore his papers are still being considered. Stephanie oh i see its red tape. Of course its red stephanie the reds doing red tape. It takes a long time. Mentor john mccain. Tell vlad that well be more flexible. This is another slap in the face to the United States of america. Stephanie did he just call him vlad. Vlad. Stephanie oh grampy. All right. Lets go to shelley oh Shelley Shelley are you really in shebogan . Caller i am. Stephanie you know i love saying that more than anything. Caller we spell it with a c, you know instead of an h because were in michigan. Stephanie oh, okay. Caller probably the last time im going to get a chance to speak to you as well because you are going to be off the air in a few weeks just the tv part. Stephanie and there will be other us in on the tv part. Caller okay. My point is number 1, maybe if rick snyder would have been zimmerman [ inaudible ]. Stephanie exactly. Caller but my other point is i think he tried probably like a microcosm of what the republicans are trying to do to this country. Because they are going to try to privatize everything and sell it off to the lowest bidder or highest bidder whichever. And it is just disgusting. That they are trying to take away the post office, which, by the way is part of the constitution. Stephanie yeah. Thank you honey appreciate. Lets go to peggy in l. A. Welcome. Caller hi, i kind of differentiate between spitzer and weiner in that okay jwhat weiner did was really not that bad when you look at people going to nude beaches, and people are now playing all of these Computer Games and so forth. Stephanie right. Caller and what spitzer did is less socially acceptable by young people and Everything Else in that he went to a hooker although i know tons of people who have been to European Countries that allow it and have gone legally to hookers, and it has been around since greece. I differentiate between the two of them which both of them i think do great things. They have great ideas. The things they support. Weiner doesnt seem to have himself under control. Stephanie no. Caller and spitzer seems like, oh, yeah was doing kind of a male thing, and its not acceptable, and now i have put it behind me. And thats where i differentiate between the two. I dont think spitzer has it to deal with anymore. And it seems like weiner has it to deal with. And its a little bit like our new jersey governor where i always said his weight has got to be a problem, and he needs to deal with that. And i dont like them having their time split between a strong personal problem. Stephanie right. Right. Caller and doing their job. Stephanie and i have to say, i have a personal take on that because i know Eliot Spitzer obviously i have worked with him here at current, and i could be wrong, but i got the same sense. When i talked to him personally, he seemed to have a sense of humor and humility about it and talked about his wife in a way that i found authentic. And i think you are right. I think it is different that he is past it. I think you are right, i think he is in the middle of a pretty serious problem that he needs help with. Caller yeah, and what he did in and of itself is not too different than going to a nude beach. It freaks me out, but stephanie i think it was more than that. Caller but i think he doesnt have control of it. Thats the point. Stephanie all right. Honey. I think you get her point, you cant have a spitzer without a weiner. Spitzer . I just met her. Stephanie anthony in cleveland. Caller not to rain on your parade here, the parade of the previous hours caller indicating a a clintonstyle revival of jobs stephanie clunk. Okay. Caller but clinton actually cut spending to a great degree. So if that is something that you guys are interested in doing creating jobs, should probably follow clintons stephanie right. Were at the lowest level of spending than we have been in many, many years. Caller he is not cutting spending though stephanie yes jhe is. Caller incorrect. Stephanie yes, no. Clear [ buzzer ] stop listening to Rush Limbaugh because he doesnt give you facts. Stephanie sponge forcepts okay. Well continue on the Stephanie Miller show. Announcer i got her number off of the mens room stall, 1800steph12. Carbon tax . With an opened mind. Has the time finally come for real Immigration Reform . And a distinctly satirical point of view. But you mentioned great leadership so i want to talk about donald rumsfeld. laughter cutting throught the clutter of todays top stories. This is the savior of the Republican Party . I mean really . With a unique perspective. Teddy rosevelt was a weak asmatic kid who never played sports until he was a grown up. laughter . And lots of fancy buzz words. Family values, speding, liberty, economic freedom, hardworking moms, crushing debt, cute little puppies. If Wayne Lapierre can make up stuff that sounds logical while making no sense. Hey, so can i. Once again friends, this is live tv and sometimes these things happen. Watch the show. Only on current tv. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. Ill keep announcer Stephanie Miller. Your dirty little secret dirty little secret or youll be just another regret, my dirty little secret who has to know everybody apparently. Stephanie shhhh. It is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. Twentyone minutes after the hour. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Mark in chicago, you are on the Stephanie Miller show. Caller good morning, stephanie. Two quick points. From what im hearing this morning, it sounds like there is a bit of a puretancall moralizing about carlos danger and i think we kind of heard the same thing 40 years ago about other orientations. Stephanie oh, are you going to bring up the gay. Caller im just hearing the same moralizing and need to disguard somebody because of their stephanie i feel like this is a little simpler. I think its about a guy being jerky to his wife and humiliating her in public, and people are entitled to however they feel about that, i guess. Caller yeah, if thats the case, though, i certainly agree. Im not sure if they are in an open situation or not. Stephanie it doesnt seem like it. I want to know more about peepy guy in the cubicle. Oh that guy. Oh yeah. Stephanie at the press conference stephanie anybody need consoling. He was looking at humas ass. Stephanie i think they did that on purpose so weiner didnt look like the biggest perv in the picture. Oh, bend over. I think you dropped something. Um. Ewe. Stephanie richard in chicago. Might i call you dick this morning. Caller good morning, i just stumbled on to you no just kidding. Stephanie see what you did there. Caller i care about yall deeply. I just dont understand why we we care about these things. Anthony weiner is obviously from the opposite political spectrum than i am but does he do his job for his sits constituents . It is between he and his wife. The only people humiliating Anthony Weiners wife is the press. Stephanie but he put this out here himself publicly on twitter, on facebook i think there are different elements in this. Its not that everybody doesnt get the clinton analogy, but he just resigned over this. Said he has redeemed asked for a second chance, and thats all im saying. Now he is trying to get back in office. It wasnt like clinton who was president and as you said most people felt was doing a great job. This is just different. I think Anthony Weiner did this to himself, dont you . Caller i was going to go with when it came to the fact that he said im sorry i did this, resigned and then continued it. Now thats a liar. There is difference between a liar and a person who said i would love to be in that situation stephanie right. I think he is in a difficult situation when he is asking the public, not just his wife he is asking the public to forgive him and give him another chance and then he lied to the public. Now he has been caught lying about a lot of stuff you are right. As we have said many times, chris, it is up to the people of new york whether that is relevant to his job or not. Thats right. We can make suggestions stephanie yes, were helpers. I suggest you stop tweeting pictures of your penis to people. You dont have to listen to me. Hello, bill in albany. Caller hi, steph, i dont have that problem, the Hubble Telescope is running. [ laughter ] caller Michael Tomasky he is a wonderful writer. And we have that problem with the republicans right now, because we enable them. In 2006 when we took over the congress, by not impeaching bush and cheney going after them tooth and nail we let them have their way, and they just figured, if we can get 4,000 kids killed, and not get impeached for lying us into that war, we can do anything we want. Stephanie yeah, i hear ya. Thank you for not saying anything about Michael Tomasky because i would stand by my man no matter what. Unlike hillary clinton. Im not this woman standing by her man. Stephanie you did not do the black woman thing with your neck. Stephanie but she did. Stephanie that was disturbing with your big god like tree trunk neck. I have no neck. Stephanie you have absolutely no neck at all. You look like a Rockem Sockem robot. [ laughter ] obama we have seen a sizable group of republican lawmakers suggest that they wouldnt vote to pay the very bills that congress rang up. And that harmed the country in 2011, and we cant afford to repeat that. Yes, that was our plan and it worked spectacularly. Stephanie okay. Diane in new york. Hi diane. Caller hi hi guys. Stephanie hi. Caller yeah as far as Anthony Weiner, no matter what happens, i will always thank him for standing up for the First Responders in new york city and getting them money. That was a terrific moment. When he did that. Stephanie yeah. Caller and you brought up mayor koch before, i actually was on the Lower East Side and he actually came down the block. I was a teacher at the time, and said how am i doing . And i told him not so well, because he was laying off teachers at that point. Oh, boy. Caller but he was an interesting dude. And George Zimmerman, i just he is like an evil george costanza, he just does evil things like that. Stephanie right. Caller he is just in my head as an evil costanza. Significant shrinkage. Stephanie and i think he would try to steal a rybak from a woman that was dead. And we only mentioned ed koch because we were just glad we didnt see his penis. Stephanie oooooooooh yeah. Twentynine minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. Compelling true stories. kaj jack, how old are you . Nine. adam this is what 27 tons of marijuana looks like. vo with Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. christoff were patrolling the area looking for guns, drugs bodies. adam were going to places where few others are going. [lady] you have to get out now. Lots of terrible things happen to people growing marijuana. This crop to me is my livelihood. Im being violated by the health care system. christoff we go and spend a considerable amount of time getting to know the people and the characters that are actually living these stories. vo from the underworld to the world of privilege. Everyone in Michael Jacksons life was out to use him. vo no one brings you more documentaries that are real, gripping, current. Occupy we will have class warfare. vo true stories, current perspective. Documentaries. On current tv. Cenk off air alright in 15 minutes were going to do the young turks i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know im going to be the first one to cenk on air whats unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. Cenk off air i dont want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. Cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they cant buy our politics anymore. Cenk off air and they can question if im right about that. But i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. Cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the Worlds Largest online news show is on current tv. Cenk off air and i think the audience gets, this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us. Only on current tv i knew there was something about this day. September 1st, 1939. This was the german invasion of poland. Its also the exact day and year that announcer Stephanie Miller. Was born. [ laughter ] stephanie how we talk to each other during the commercial breaks. I mean really. I know. Insulting my lack of neck. Stephanie whatever noneck. 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Interesting tweet from frank rich who i previously wanted to kiss and date and mary before i dumped him. Said [ inaudible ]. Thats a very good point. President obama yesterday. Obama good job. Good education for your kids home of your own, secure retirement. Im going to keep focusing on health care. Stephanie okay. Talking about if we just obama if we just stand by and do nothing in the face of immense change understand that the part of our character will be lost. Stephanie and then he talked he mentioned phony scandals in congress. Caller with this endless parade of distractions and political posturing, and phony scandals, washington has taken its eye off of the ball. And im here to say this needs to top. Stephanie the House Republicans do have a strategy. A really, really bad one. Yeah. [ bell chimes ] [ applause ] stephanie the central premise is sold by budget munster, paul ryan wipe out deficits in ten years, and embracing the lower cap, four months later is proving to be a bridge too far, only three of the annual spending bills have even been debated. Republicans on the House Appropriations committee have been required to cut important investments in science, community develop, and aid. Time is running short. Now they are thinking about doing another stopgap continuing resolution thing. Whatever stephanie it begs the question is this just another ramp down the road to sequestration. Their job has become not to govern, just to burn the place down. Uhhuh. Stephanie the president yesterday. Obama the only thing i care about is using the remainder of my term to make this country work for working americans again [ cheers and applause ] its not going to happen stephanie the president. Obama i will not allow gridlock or inaction or willful indifference to get in our way. Willful is what i do when im no the tavern. [ glugging sound ] Stephanie Jean in new york. Hi gene. Caller thank you very much for taking my call. Stephanie yes. Caller i think there is one thing that joins spitzer and weiner, and it has nothing to do with the question of private sexual pack dill lows and moralizing. Its this. When people needed these folks to be in Political Office to help them because they were progressive people, they abandoned the people. They left the field. Thats the problem. And in no way should they be [ inaudible ] for personal rehabilitation. Stephanie yeah, i have heard that argument [overlapping speakers] caller progressive people who dont have that baggage and havent abandoned people. Stephanie a lot of people say that david diaper [ baby crying ] stephanie thats the thing. Mic mark sanford back in. A lot of people have said that. That they didnt think they should have quit in the first place. What vitter did was illegal. Hiring a prostitute in a diaper. Stephanie the prostitute was not in a diaper. Senator vitter allegedly was. They could have both been. [ baby crying ] we found out who cubicle guy is. He was a reporter covering the press conference. He didnt want to be in the shot, so by looking like he didnt want to be in the shot he became very conspicuous. Stephanie dont block the shot. What is going on over there . Oh, yeah. Dont block the shot dont block the shot. Got it . We have a right to be here. Shoot the shot [ censor bleep ]. Stephanie bill oreilly. Okay. Dezsy in jacksonville. Caller hi, how are you . Stephanie hi. Caller i just wanted to say, i do love your show and i careless what these guys do with their personal life as long as they are not doing it with children. The bottom line here is politics. What are they doing for us as a people . I think when you guys joke about it, it must be in relationship to hypocrisy, what they are saying that they are not doing versus what they are doing. Thats what is wrong with america. Were concerned about what these people are doing in their personal lives and we shouldnt be. Stephanie well, again it he made it public. When you start putting stuff on social media that was what killed me about the press conference, when he said we had this very public thing happen to us. Oh, really . Lets go to joan in new york. Caller hi, stephanie, aka, sister sleaze. Stephanie see, your past always haunts you and peeks over a cubicle when you least expect it. [ laughter ] caller i question the intelligence and judgment of guys like weiner. They are supposed to be smart and dont they know they put something out on the airwaves it is going to be found out. Stephanie the big head is very smart on some of these guys, little one, not so much. Caller i guess. Thanks, honey, appreciate it. Stephanie billy in georgia. Caller hey originally i wanted to speak with you on Zimmerman Stephanie all right. Caller but i know you think that we southern or redneck people are ignorant stephanie no. Caller but i watch yalls stations and why it that you liberals are so onesided. Oh, god. Stephanie i do watch both sides. Im guessing that you watch both sides and you just strumabled stumbled on our show . Caller i do watch your show i like the guy with the funny teeth. Do you have funnylooking teeth. Caller we dont have teeth. Stephanie see, thats funny. Caller but, i just find that you are always very onesided we have a point of view. Stephanie yes, we do have a point of view. Thats right. Make sure you call Rush Limbaugh today and tell him that too. Caller i will. I will. You have a good day. Stephanie all right. You too billy. [ applause ] stephanie see he had a little sense of humor there. [ laughter ] he likes the guy with the teeth. I i dont know who he is talking about . My teeth . I have never been told that before. Stephanie can i say, okay this is only for the tv audience, but when you used to do really immature stuff in high school, thats what mike omeara reminds me of when you dry your mouth. Stephanie yeah. See that was only funny if you were watching on tv. Camille in chicago. Caller hi, stephanie and the mooks. I just have to call and give you my opinion on the difference between weiner and spitzer. I think Anthony Weiner has a serious problem, thats exhibitionism combined with mar schism nars schism, i think this is a serious problem that needs to be huma said they have had lots of therapy stephanie i think you are right, though. It does clearly need more tending, like a little garden of pervness pervness. Caller yeah. But when Eliot Spitzer got caught with the prostitute i was furious with him. He was the sheriff of wall street. He was on to these guys and i believe if he hadnt have gotten caught, this Great Recession never would have hand. Stephanie yeah. Caller he would have busted these guys big time stephanie its another instant of a really smart guy, that you are like what are you writing a personal check . Caller you know when they were looking at him the republicans were looking at him because they tried to get him for spending government money on hookers, and he didnt. And he was brought down because he was so close to busting up this wall street gang that they were scared shitless stephanie oh, did you get that current . She did start with a good point people need to learn to self edit. Stephanie yes. People unacquainted with the fcc, just like i may become unacquainted with my fcc license shortly. Really . Stephanie no. I have done entirely too much stretching today. I would like to take a little short break. What do you think . Can you stretch a little bit more . One more call. That would be good. Stephanie please stop swearing on the air karla in illinois. Caller hi. Stephanie hi. Caller how are you today . Stephanie you brighten up my day. Stephanie good go ahead. Caller if um ma is going to take a page out of Hillary Clintons play book. Why not take a better page out of the play book and run herself. Stephanie yeah, she is gorgeous, she is smart, she is well connected caller there is nothing negative to say about her stephanie she would be the next mayor of new york. Get out of the way you perv. Right . I think she would win just on that platform. Stephanie vote for huma, not the perv. Right. Stephanie fortysix minutes after the hour. Right back on the Stephanie Miller show. That was strangely arousing. Announcer its the Stephanie Miller show. John fugelsang if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Cenk uygur i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. I think the audience gets that i actually mean it. Michael shure this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. Joy behar you can say anything here. Jerry springer i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar your mistake was vo the days events. Four very unique points of view. Tonight starting at 6 eastern. John fugelsang if you believe in states rights but still support the drug war you must be high. Cenk uygur i think the number one thing viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. I think the audience gets that i actually mean it. Michael shure this show is about being up to date so a lot of my work happens by doing the things that i am given to doing anyway. Joy behar you can say anything here. Jerry springer i spent a couple of hours with a hooker joy behar your mistake was writing a check Jerry Springer she never cashed it vo the days events. Four very unique points of view. Tonight starting at 6 eastern. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. vo shes joy behar. Current will let me say anything. Hi my name is my name is announcer Stephanie Miller. Hi, my name is, my name is announcer Stephanie Miller. Stephanie it is the Stephanie Miller show. Welcome to it. Fifty minutes after the hour. What is your name . Stephanie 1800steph12 the phone number toll free from anywhere. Oh [ breaking news theme ] stephanie the Pennsylvania Police chief that i mentioned earlier, more fun facts. He is blah blah blah. Oh he is gilbertton pennsylvania. In a video that has received wided a wide attention, he tells people to go [ censor bleep ] themselves as the fires off automatic weapons. In one video he berates libtards and warns of a resolution against the government. He says [ censor bleep ] libtards. You know he is standing in a union state wearing a Confederate Flag thats treason. That is kind of treasony. Stephanie yikes. So that guy happened. [ applause ] and we all let it stephanie we all let it happen apparently. And in a completely unrelated story, ted nugent rips stevie wonders attempts to defend dopesmoking trayvon. He is complaining about dope smokers . Stephanie right. He said 700 black people were slaughtered in chicago last year by black people and not a peep out of stevie wonder. Are you kidding me . How brain dead do you have to be . The army of investigative specialists in florida uhhuh sure. [ applause ] stephanie isnt that awesome. He said how do you go from being one of the most soulful people in america to being one of the soulless. Well, he puts out better music than ted nugent. Stephanie yeah. In a completely unrelated story also not about crazy people, Amanda Amanda bynes exhibits schizophrenia. To which she said yes, i do no i dont. Thats different. Stephanie i just cybill has been stuck in my head since the 70s and i remember the green kitchen and hold your water missy. Stephanie thats a different crazy mother movie thats not carey. Stephanie no . No. Stephanie you are right. Hey, Kim Kardashian and kanye west have spent 769,000 on goldplated toilets. Stephanie what is the point. It would be gold if you sat down on it in the middle of the night . Stephanie just to be douches. Lets go to peggy in illinois. Caller hello, stephanie, im road flair peggy from the democratic side here. Stephanie okay. Caller and im going to try to stay calm. That dude that called from the south, hey, we love listening to your view. Were not all agreeing with that dude. First of all, i just want to point out about where they said this story with zimmerman is not about race. I live in an allwhite community, and i have three biracial grandsons, and since that verdict they have been harassed. The holdest one was riding his bike, and had a gun pointed at his head and was told to get off of his blankety blank property. I am 55 years old and never had a gun pointed at me. And my 16yearold had to look at this man and scared for his life, and look at him and said yes, sir. He could have easily been a trayvon. Stephanie right. Caller and the people that say this isnt about race they are dilutional. Stephanie exactly. Lets go to marsha in maine. Caller hey, there. Stephanie hi there. Caller every time i hear about one of the politicians who did these outrageous things, it reminds me years ago i used to know this psychiatrist who had a practice in washington, d. C. And he had primarily politicians and show business people. And over a bottle of scotch he confessed that they had exactly the same personality profiles which is to say the supersized teflon ego. Stephanie yeah. Caller and they think they are somehow dont operate by the same rules that the rest of us do. Stephanie yeah, i think yeah, i think thats actually a valid diagnosis. Mike in st. Louis. Caller hi thanks for taking my call, love your show. Stephanie blah blah blah. Caller 0. 02 about the bubba caller. I listen to the rightwing radio a little bit too. The simple difference is they dont base what they say on facts. And you do. Stephanie thank you. Sasha baren cohen has quit the queen movie. He highly anticipated Freddy Mercury pick has lost its star. He has quit the film. The band wanted to make more of a pg movie about queen. Really . How is that possible . And coen was counting on a gritty it has been downgraded now. [ queen song sped up ] let him go we will not let you go let me go will not let you go no no no [ applause ] stephanie all right. See what i did. I went all that way for that. Yeah, you did. Stephanie close out the show on a ridiculous note. Thats it for us. Well see you tomorrow on the Stephanie Miller show. vo there are few more terrifying sights than a vast wall of water rushing towards the shore at hundreds of miles an hour. This is the stuff of nightmares and for the hapless victims its the last thing they will ever see. Theyre about to be overwhelmed by one of the deadliest weapons in natures armoury a tsunami. Triggered by great earthquakes deep beneath the seabed, billions of tons of water are displaced and sent hurtling to the surface where they begin forming giant waves. Sea with unstoppable fury, steadily increasing in height and power the further they travel. Tsunamis

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