Transcripts For CURRENT Full Court Press 20130723 : comparem

CURRENT Full Court Press July 23, 2013

Ought to go out and sell real estate instead. Baby cambridge. Back down to earth president obama getting is set to get the focus back on the economy with three big speeches this week. Starting in illinois and missouri yesterday and moving down to jacksonville, florida im sorry, illinois tomorrow and then down to jacksonville, florida, on thursday. And oh by the way did you know that terrorists stormed the infamous abu ghraib prison yesterday in iraq and freed 500 members of alqaeda. I wonder where theyre going to end up. All of that, well talk about right here on the full court press. You can join us by phone at 186655press. Join us on twitter at bpshow and we want you to become our friend of course on facebook at facebook. Com billpressshow. Well start out with something you probably dont know is on your new automobile on current tv. vo current tv gets the conversation started weekdays at 9 eastern. Im a slutty bob hope. The troops love me. Tv and radio talk show host Stephanie Miller rounds out currents morning news block. Youre welcome current tv audience for the visual candy. vo sharp tongue. Excuse me . vo quick wit. And yes, president obama does smell like cookies and freedom. vo and above all, opinion and attitude. Really . this is the kind of stuff they say about something they just pulled freshly from their [bleep]. You know what those people are like. What could possibly go wrong in eight years of george bush . My producer just coughed up a hairball. Sorry. Just be grateful current tv doesnt come in smellovision oh come on the sweatshirt is nice and all but i could use a golden lasso. vo only on current tv. Cenk off air alright in 15 minutes were going to do the young turks i think the number 1 thing than viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them for some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know im going to be the first one to call them out. Cenk on air whats unacceptable is how washington continues to screw the middle class over. Cenk off air i dont want the middle class taking the brunt of the spending cuts and all the different programs that wind up hurting the middle class. Cenk on air you got to go to the local level, the state level and we have to fight hard to make sure they cant buy our politics anymore. Cenk off air and they can question if im right about that. But i think the audience gets that, i actually mean it. Cenk on air 3 trillion dollars in spending cuts narrator uniquely progressive and always topical the Worlds Largest online news show is on current tv. Cenk off air and i think the audience gets, this guys to best of his abilities is trying to look out for us. Only on current tv announcer broadcasting across the nation on your radio and on current tv. This is the bill press show. Bill damn it, its a boy. Screw the fanfare. Bill we got that out of the way. Good morning everybody. What do you say . It is tuesday july 23rd, the day after the birth of baby cambridge. Every day is going to be a going to be the birth. We are still at it. Still covering whats going on. The important stuff here in our Nations Capital. In our country. On the planet. And letting you know whats going on early on this Tuesday Morning. You can get a good start to the day. And have a lot to talk about. A lot to think about and a lot youre going to want to comment on. You know how to do it. Join the conversation here on the full court press, our morning town hall coming to you live all the way across this country on your local progressive talk Radio Station and on current tv. So you listeners and watchers can join us by phone at 186655press. On twitter, well be there to seize and capture your repeat your comments at bpshow and the same for all of our friends on facebook. Facebook. Com billpressshow. Here they are. Peter ogborn and dan henning. Hey hey. Good morning. Bill team. We should have a team chant like a rah rah rah, full court press. Let me know how to works out for you. How about buzz off bill exercises every morning like a japanese work crew. Alichia cruz here on the phones. Calisthenics. Cyprian bowlding could lead it. On the video cam. Making us look good. On current tv. They did it up with all of the pomp last night. It looked like Michael Bloomberg dressed up as the town cryer. I wasnt sure who that was but i know this was supposed to be the way you get the announcement. Fortunately, they also put out a press release because i couldnt understand a bloody word this guy was saying. [ indiscernible ] the duke and duchess of cambridge. The next in line to the throne. To her majesty the queen. Bill there he is. Bfd. To show you how overboard they go, here is a woman that cnn had hired, right as their commentator, one of their legion of commentators because they had a lot of time to fill. Her name is victoria ar biter and her point is we told you kate was smart. The duchess of cambridge. She is so smart that she popped out a little boy the first time around. Your reaction, victoria . I was just thrilled. I cant believe that we finally after all this waiting know that we have a boy. So my first thought, i have to say was this is how brilliant a royal kate is. There are women throughout British Royal Family History that have panicked over not being able to deliver a boy and here we are kate did it the first time. Bill she knew which way to dial. She knew which way to dial. Bill you want to know what the pomp is all about . New york times, article about oped about it this morning. The brits, okay, are expected to spend 95 million on sparkling wine to toast the birth. 38 million on party food, 86 million on memorabilia from booties to cookies 117 million on dvds and books including a history of diapers that have clad the royal baby bottoms and 37 million on royal babythemed toys. Its embarrassing. So embarrassing. Bill you know whats even more embarrassing is that americans are so into this. Americans are so excited about it. Somebody else made the point yesterday which i thought was a good one the only royals that were expected about are the British Royals. Why . We fought a war to get away from that. The netherlands has a king and a queen and royals. Spain does. I dont know who else does. I lose track of them. There are a few other royal baby bottoms around right . It is 2014. Bill freakin brits. We shut down yesterday a lot of the news media shut down. This is the only story they would cover. Bill led all three newscasts last night. Im telling you john adams rolling in his grave. There were 370,000 babies born yesterday just to put it in perspective. This was just one of them. Bill i think the truth of it is that this baby will always have to share the birthday with oscar de la renta. Good luck filling those shoes. Bill no baby watchers this morning. Jamal simmons will be here as a friend of bill. Igor volsky here as he is every tuesday and then president lee saunders from afscme will be joining us and do you know what little gadget is on your brand new car . Ill bet you dont. But first. Announcer this is the full court press. On this tuesday other headlines making news, Major League Baseball has suspended Milwaukee Brewers player ryan braun for the rest of the season for violating the antidoping policy. The outfielder will miss 65 games without pay. Hell lose about 3. 75 million. He apologized in a statement yesterday saying hes not perfect and has made mistakes. Bill i thought the doping thing was behind us in Major League Baseball. Yeah, right. Cbs took a stand against the frenzy surrounding the royal baby birth yesterday. The Huffington Post reports it is the only Major Tv Network that did not break into its regular programming of talk shows and soap operas yesterday afternoon to announce the birth of will and kates baby boy. They waited until their evening newscast. Nbc, abc and fox all broke in with special reports around 3 30 eastern time as well as, of course, the cable network. Bill scott pelley did start the news with that last night. I was watching. And he also asked a question, now what if we could say that this baby by that was born today in the hospital in salsbury, maryland is the future president of the United States of america. Fortunately we cant say that. That shows the silliness of all of this. The man who played detective joe fontana on nbcs law order passed away yesterday. Dennis farino was known for starring in get shorty and saving private ryan. The actor was actually a real cop before he went to hollywood. He spent 18 years as a Chicago Police officer. Bill i know. He really fit into that role. He was good in get shorty, i thought. He was really good in a movie called snatch. Really really good role for him in that movie. I like him a lot. Bill now this little article yesterday in the New York Times really captured my attention. And the headline is a black fox caused four car crashes. This is interesting because i must admit i didnt know anything about this. I wonder if you did. And when we came in this morning, were kicking around ideas to start off the show this morning, not one of our team knew about this either. Peter didnt and you bought i just bought a car three weeks ago. I bought another car the family car. But i bought another car two years ago. Bill all right. Dan didnt know. Alicia didnt know. Cyprian didnt know. Now we know about the black box for car crashes is the headline. You know about the black box on the airplanes. Thank god theyre there. An airplane crash like the one in san francisco, whatever happened yesterday at la guardia with the southwest plane. The ntsb gets the black box and records everything thats happening, the voices in the cockpit. Everything thats happening with the mechanical part of the plane, the electrical part of the plane. They can find out what went wrong and fix it, hopefully does does so it doesnt happen again. Did you know there are little black boxes in every new just about every new car that rolls off the Assembly Line these days. The New York Times reports 96 of new cars have these little black boxes in them. Theyre hidden down they dont tell you this when you buy it. Apparently peter you didnt read your auto Owners Manual but who does . All of the new cars i bought, i never did. It is about that thick. Ill go to it if there is a problem and look it up and see what the little light on the dash means. Anyhow apparently, hidden deep inside the Owners Manual is some reference of this but they do not tell you when you buy the car, right . No. Bill hidden down in the Center Consul between the two seats is this black box which records all kinds of information on you and your driving. How fast youre going. Whether or not youre using your brakes or your brakes are on or your brakes are off. If its stick car if there are any left, if youre using the clutch. Whether or not youre wearing the seatbelt. This could be very interesting. Very troubling too maybe. Tells the story of the lieutenantgovernor of massachusetts is in a little car crash. Driving by himself. And he told Police Officers, you know, i dont know what happened. I was going just about the speed limit, a couple of miles over maybe and i had my seatbelt on. So gosh, what happened . Well, they looked at the black box and they found out he was going over 100 Miles Per Hour and he was not wearing his seatbelt and he ended up having to pay a 550 fine. Hes lucky he got off with that and wasnt injured. So these black boxes are in there. Now they originally were put in by Car Manufacturers for a very good reason. To test and to sort of to monitor the performance of their new cars. They think theyre fine. They think everything works. They think all systems are as good as they could be but they put this little box in there so when the cars are out there actually on the road and after a few years, and they come into a dealer, they can take a look and see, right. So it was to monitor the performance of the vehicle. Well then people realized there may be some information in them that could be helpful to law enforcement. So now theyre used more and more by police to determine what really caused that crash and then the question is what happens to this information . Right . In some states, you need a search warrant for the police to get into that little black box. In other states, uhhuh. They can get it right out of the car. They can read it. And heres the big thing. They can give it to your insurance company. See now you lost me. Bill so what this article in the times is all about is that more and more consumer agencies or consumer organizations representing us, you and me, drivers, who number one, didnt know these things are in the car. Number two didnt have a choice or werent given a choice, right . As to whether we want to activate it or not. And then have no control over where this information goes. You know what . This is just like nsa tapping our phones. Or monitoring every phone call we make. This black box is in there. Big brother is in your new car and big brother is reporting on what youre doing and reporting it right to the Insurance Agency now not quite but the information is in there and the Insurance Companies can get to it unless we raise hell. What do you think about this . Now, i could look, if i were on a debate team, i could make the argument that we should not be exceeding the speed limit. We should be wearing our seatbelt. Here we go again. If youre doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about. Right . At the same time this is this is big brother riding shotgun as peter says in your car. Did you know about it . And what do you think about it . Lets talk about it. 186655press on the full court press this Tuesday Morning. July 23rd. I swear i was wearing my seatbelt. No, you werent, you lying sack of you know what. Weve got the black box to prove it. Announcer this is the bill press show. On current tv. For true stories. With Award Winning documentaries that take you inside the headlines. Real, gripping, current. Documentaries. On current tv. Did anyone tell the pilgrims they should selfdeport . No, they said make us a turkey and make it fast. laughter . She gets the comedians laughing. Thats the best thats hilarious. And the thinkers thinking. Okay, so there is wiggle room in the Ten Commandments is what youre telling me. Shes joy behar. Ya, i consider you jewtalian. Okay, whatever you want. Who plays kafka . Who saw kafka . Who ever saw kafka . laughter . Asking the tough questions. Chris brown, i mean you wouldnt let one of your daughters go out with him. Absolutely not. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad then me . Absolutely singing i take lipitor, thats it. Are you improving your lips . laughter . When shes talking, you never know where the conversation is going to go. It looks like Anthony Wiener is throwing his hat in the ring. His what in the ring . His hat. Always outspoken, joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . Announcer heard around the country and seen on current tv, this is the bill press show. Bill you got it. It is 25 minutes after the hour here. Were Getting Started off with a bank on the full court press here. Talking about something that really got my attention. I had no idea about these black boxes on cars. Neither did anybody else here, around the team. Full court press team. But apparently a lot of you did. Peter . Were taking your comments on twitter at bpshow where maria says i have mixed feelings about this. Is the cost of that box included in the price and not shown on the sticker . Bill yes, i think the answer to that is yes. Karen says if your car has a black box then our Car Insurance should go down. Another good point. Bill excellent point but you know it wont. Absolutely not. John erickson says no black box in my van but i do have a crappy transmission. Bill tell you what, ill trade you my black box for a better transmission. 96 of new cars, according to the New York Times, have this black box already built in so chances are you got one if you got a car in the last few years. Johns out in ferndale, washington. Hey, john. Caller good morning, bill. Call me crazy but i think it is a fantastic idea. Not only that i wish every new car had a camera facing forward left, right and rear to catch the other drivers who make my life miserable because people drive like maniacs sometimes. Bill right. Caller and you know, ive lost a Family Member several to just people driving negligently. I think if youre driving on a public road, im all in favor of it. Bill so you mean a camera not that you could watch the video but that would capture video of passing cars or cars in front of you or alongside of you right . I would even put one on the driver to make sure he or she is awake and alert and not texting. Im all in favor of it. By the way a lot of other countries have that because their Insurance Laws are so screwy that they sort of have to prove that they were in the right so when you see these weird accidents of a car hitting a cow or weird things like that. Most drivers have cash dams. Bill i could see that it could really be helpful and it could make sure that somebody else is not able to charge you right, with being in the wrong when theyre the ones who were. Jessica up in caribou maine. I love it. Caller i got two things. One is if you own it, they should have it is an electronic thing, they should get a fisa warrant for it on one hand. On the other i can assure you in the land of fourwheel drive and mudding, we can all be kind of glad that the black box doesnt record the voice message because up there in the woods the last thing you would probably hear is hold my beer and watch this. Love it. [ laughter ]

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