Transcripts For CURRENT Full Court Press 20130107 : comparem

CURRENT Full Court Press January 7, 2013

Good morning, everybody. Its a happy monday morning here in washington, d. C. I am Richard Fowler filling in for bill press. This is the full court press the bill press show. We have such a good show for you. I am pretty sure dc is in mourning aver the red skin horrible defeat since all of those redskins i feel your pain. Either way, we have such a good show even though bill press isnt here, i promise to bring you the same sort of excitement. We are going to have ben cardon u. S. Secretary of labor, hulkeda solis. We are talking about judge cagle, sandy relief. We are talking about gun control and we are also taking your calls. Give us a call at 186655press. Before we do that, we always got to hear what the news is tonight this morning. I am used to saying good night. We are going to go to our news update with lisa ferguson. It is still tonight in los angeles. That works out. Good morning everyone who is not in los angeles. President obama is back from hawaii. He should confirm form ter senator chuck hagel. He is drawing criticism for his policies with israel and iran. Senators Lindsey Graham and ted cruz had sharp words on the talk shows sunday. Mitch mcconnell spoke out, on abcs this week . Whoever is nominated for secretary of defense is going to have a full understanding of our close relationship with our israeli allies, the iranian threat and the importance of having a robust military. Mcconnell did not stand by some of his previous praise of hagle, but he did say the former senator will get a fair hearing. A couple of other things on the president s agenda coming up include immigration gun control and the debt ceiling. The treasury is slated to lose borrowing power by the end of february unless Congress Agrees to raise the limit. Spending cuts kick out on march 1st to every federal program. On the issue of gun control, the joe biden led tackle force has not reached any plans yesterday but according to the washington post, the group is considering requiring universal background checks for all gun biers and harsh penalties for carrying guns near schools or giving them to miners. They would track the movement and sales of weapons through the national database. More bill press show coming up after the break. We are live in our chat room. Join us there at current. Com billpress. See you there. Going to do the young turks. I think the number one thing that viewers like about the young turks is that were honest. They know that im not bsing them with some hidden agenda, actually supporting one party or the other. When the democrats are wrong, they know that im going to be the first one to call them out. They can question whether im right, but i think that the audience gets that this guy, to the best of his ability, is trying to look out for us. 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Get medical help right away if you have symptoms of a heart attack. Use caution when driving or operating machinery. Common side effects include nausea trouble sleeping and unusual dreams. With chantix and with the support system it worked. It worked for me. [ male announcer ] ask your doctor if chantix is right for you. Broadcasting across the nation, on your radio, and on current tv this is the bill press show. Good morning, america. Clearly, i am not bill press. What . Yeah. I was just calling you bill all morning. He has not called me bill all morning. Richard fowler filling in for bill press who is out sick with language ite laryngitis. Get cold ease . Its whiskey. Always solve the problem. Bill called me yesterday and said, we may have a problem. I go, oh, no. He had no voice. He had no voice. You know, you guys know. The team here, by the way, folks, for the record the team here is absolutely amazing. Come on. Well, best . Thank you. Nobody you are just as good as your weakest link. Thats what i believe. How was your weekend . It was good. It was a good weekend. I saw django unchanged. I saw that . I had a unique experience because i went to a Movie Theater that was mostly full. My wife and i. And so we found a seat and there was one seat on my side and one seat on her side. Sol a couple came in and a very large africanamerican gentleman sat down next to me. When the in the movie, they say the n word probably 200 times. I think 229 times. Really . Someone counted . 229 times, they say the n word and sometimes they use it to comedic effect. I have never felt more comfortable in my life laughing. He was this large africanamerican guy. I was, 0 crap. Is it okay to laugh at this . Well, first of all, i thought, you know, there has been a lot of critics to the movie for the whole django unchanged. I see art is art. There are parts of the movie that are hilarious but my django unchanged, it was fuvenny and leads into the topic of todays show. I was saying this last night to some friends i had over at the house the american psychology of the sense of security has completely gone out the window. So during my movie i went to, you know, a Movie Theater near my house. You know, it was packed. It was like there was no seats available, packed house. The first like 20 minutes of this movie, this person at the top andists at the bottom. The person at the top of the theatre makes this really weird like scream. Right . I am not sure what it was. And everybody started yelling, help, help, help. Turn on the lights. Turn on the lights. Turn on the lights. Right . And the whole entire theater starts stampedin g out. I was like, god, they are shooting. They are shooting. The guy next to me, his wife was pregnant. I kid you not. He picked up his pregnant wife and ran out. Not safe. Definitely not safe. And it happened to be somebody had al heart attack or medical emergency and the paramedics came and they got them out of there. I think your first thought is, oh, no, this is going to be another, you know, mass shooting again. I think everybody in the theater had that same thought and as i sort of sat back and let it all, you know, dealt with it all, you know, thinking about it retrospect actively, the psychology that we have as americans has completely gone out the window. Thats fascinating, dude. Isnt it . Its completely fascinating. I ran out. If you guys are leaving. Did you carry a pregnant woman over your shoulders . No. I left. At least you let them go by . He picked her up so fast, oh my. Literally people were stampeding out. It was completely dark. They were running at full speed. Thats terrifying. It sort of really sort of, you know, for me, it hit home. It was like we have really got a situation where we have let our American Security slip out the window and, you know, our friends to the right think that thats okay. I could have walked in. Its in village. I could have walked in with a concealed weapon. Sure. So could, you know, a crazy person who could have an Assault Rifle in that bad boy. Everything was safe. We got free movie tickets and they rewind the movie. Okay. It wasnt all that bad sglfrnthsz. I thought i had a weird experience. You win . I think i will probably blog being this will. You totally should. Gone. You totally shooed. Folks at home, go ahead and call in. We want to hear you. Give us a call at 1888hold on. Let me look to the number . 86655press. Thats why we keep peter around. The senator passed the subdued and watereddown no pun intended sandy relief bill which was, you know, see, i got to tell you. Its rarely i agree with Chris Christie. For the past five or six months i found myself agreeing with Chris Christie. Wild time to be. The interesting thing is, i think john boehner is what i would say speaker in name only simply because he has completely and totally no power over his caucus. Yeah, you know, i saw an interesting interview where john boehner said he wanted the speakership role like he wanted a hole in the head or Something Like that. I kind of believe him. What a josh to keep these lunatics in line. Before we do that now its time for the fullcourt press. This is the full court press. Good morning, everyone. Other headlines making news in sports, an epic collapse by the Washington Redskins losing to the seahawks 24 to 14 to and the nfc matchup Green Bay Packers beat the Minnesota Vikings and the houston, texas answers over the bangles and the Baltimore Ravens over the indianapolis colts. The division matchups, baltimore against denver green bay against san fran civiling 0 and seattle facing off against atlanta. Let it be said that i was perfect in my weekend playoff predictions. You were. I was perfect. I was the only one perfect. I was 2 for 4. I was for the redskins. I was rooting for them but i knew they wouldnt win. They are not winners. Hey, i wouldnt say that. Put that coffee down. Coffee is foreclosers. We will closers. We will . The ravens looked great. The republican senator who was stopped for drunk driving over the holidays pled guilty in court, mike crepo from ohio began an apology tour saying he has been Drinking Alcohol several times a week even though he is a mormon. He has lost his drivers license for a year. Really . Apology tore . Thats tour . Thats what they are calling. What stops is he making . The chilis bar and grill, ruby tuesdays. Tunein. All over. The National Society of film critics is out with its election for best picture of 2012, michael hanikys ammore. It won cann film festival. Best picture, zero dark 30 and the master. No django unchanged for best picture choice. Django was one the top three movies i have seen. It was funny . It was great. A love story action. Hiphop for you. Hiphop. There are so many great scenes. Its a western, and they just are blaring rick ross and in the middle of the movie. In the middle of the movie. Thanks, dan. That was great. You got it. You always need to know what the news is of the day. Get out of here dan. Esteemed news man with of the why the important stories i thought it was Peter Jennings on the other side of that window over there. We are laughing it up in the morning but in serious news n serious news, i really think that the republicans are wrong here when you talk about this whole sandy relief stuff. I mean its just ridiculous. They literally left it took peter king to say we are losing the party for them to make a decision to, you know, do something about it. Yeah. I mean its interesting that it took Chris Christie and peter king two guys that rub and advocate on Less Government and Less Government involvement to say we need some freakin help up here for people for john boehner to realize what a complete ass of himself he made and schedule this vote and it was a major, oh, yeah, pr nightmare for boehner. Pr nightmare and nonetheless and the bill they got wasnt even good enough. Chris christies speech, when he spoke, he went through all of the other times we have had hundreds in this country degree or tornados or National Disasters and congress always reacted during katrin a. It took them 20 days. All right in the during, you know, gustavo, 20 days. 61 days. And this is not the senate here usually, people blame it on the senator, slow, you know, anonymous holds, there are filibustering and all sorts of other scurfuffle. But when you think about the house, it should fly through. Not under John Boehners leadership. The republicans, you know, they i will give them this. They do stand behind their leadership. Lets take a listen to the crowd hammer on fox news kraut ham other this. This idea that somehow the person to blame for the suffering of the people today months after sandy, who arent getting help who are stuck, as we saw on that clip, with the bureaucracy which isnt helping them is john boehner because of the bill he didnt pass on january the 1st . Its preposterous. The press is playing along that line. I think bornyl postponing a vote until today was absolutely right. That was the treasury 60,000,000,000 including a ton of pork. A ton of pork. Really, rebuilding al sea wall making sure restaurants open making sure people have food water, fema trailers, thats so much pork. This is the problem with, i think, the whole argument of the Tea Party Politicians is, you know, when you actually get something that sure, it cost movie money but will go very far in helping this country, they call it will inflated government or take over or pork. Its garbage. To add to this because krauthammer is not the only one. This is a new freshman a new lee minted freshman congressman. He had choice words to say about sandy relief as well. I think this is a role for the federal government for right now to be able to release those funds, help those fem. Ultimately what we need to be doing at the federal level is weaning people off of the federal government and allow this to not just be left up to the states but ultimately private sector. Really . The funny thing about this, this gentleman whose name is trey riddle, a newlyminted member of congress. Guess what state he is from. The state of florida. The gulf, probably the hottest, you know, sea bed in the world, hot ocean, breeding ground for hurricanes and he was like, oh you know, i believe we should leave Disaster Relief for the private sector phase out fema and let corporations handle this. They are the best people to do it. Save the tape. Save that tape. If there is a disaster down there. I want to see how fast. By that same standard. How fast, you know, he says we need relief for the people of florida. I cant wait. I am waiting for it. Yeah. I am waiting for people in his district to be like really though . And somebody who is raised in florida who understands what fema does for folks. Sometimes people say, this is waste. This is just horrible. But think about it. You know, put it in perspective. You live in florida. You work in florida. Your whole life is in florida and your Office Building gets flooded or burned down or collapses during the hurricane offer after the hundred for an electrical fire. You cant go to work. Your house has no roof. And, you know, you have to get groceries, water and if you depend upon fema programs to provide you with the vouchers to provide you with, you know a fema trailer, tarp to put over your roof so its not leaking every night when it rains. These are really really tangible things not the to mention the fact that, you know, it allows you to get more insurance folks out there on the ground to do insurance in investments. There are a lot of intricacies to Disaster Relief. This boggles you arer mind. We know how the private sector would handle this. They have tried privatize Social Security and medicare. They will privatize anything. Anything. Yeah. Its sick. It is. Its absolutely sick. We want to take your foefrnlz give us a call at 186655pressphone calls give us a call at 186655press. We will be back at bill press show on current tv . This is the bill press show, live on your radio and current tv. Have the passion. Armed with the facts, and the arguments to feel confident in their positions. I want them to have the data and i want them to have the passion. You know who is coming on to me now . You know the kind of guys that do reverse mortgage commercials . Those types are coming on to me all the time now. vo she gets the comedians laughing and the thinkers thinking. Ok, so theres wiggle room in the ten commandments, thats what youre saying. You would rather deal with ahmadinejad than me. Absolutely. And so would mitt romney. vo shes joy behar. And the best part is that current will let me say anything. What the hell were they thinking . [ music ] on your radio and on current tv this is the bill press show. We are back on the bill press show. I am Richard Fowler filling in for bill press. Its about 625. I keep forgetting i am eastern time. We have a call in virginia from alexander, my town of residence. How are you, virginia . Thank you so much for taking my call. I love you guys so much. I hope everybody stays even when whennalswhen aljeerzera is taking over. When we find out, you will find out. We in the progressive land are starting to like Chris Christie because he has changed. He has become attacked by the reactionaries in his own party. He has aimed his ire and direction at the right direction. I have tried so hard not to like him because of the past. Now i am wanting to give him a big hug. He is huggable virginia. He is becoming more huggable. If he keeps on learning these important less options, he might be a much better person for all of our country. I just say keep on tenderizing him, god, because obviously he has been laying it hard on him. Virginia, i have a question. Do you ever see yourself possibly this is a question for progressives. Would there be a chance if you lived in new jersey that you would vote for him in the election box against another democrat . Well, you know, its been hard because of what he has done to organize labor and the teachers. Right now, we are watching him claw the fight for the lowest common denominator, but, you know, hes still got a huge track record of having hurt where he didnt need to have hurt. So its going to take awhile. No. I think you are right here. Thank you for calling. We appreciate it. You know, ive got to tell you peter. Virginia is right. He has turned into this like soft

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