Transcripts For CSPAN3 Washington Journal 20221116 : compare

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Washington Journal 20221116

these other pot television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> the palm beach post picking up the story before the presidents announcement from yesterday, doing that from mar-a-lago. the league says that donald trump is back in, and now it is decision time for florida's gop and maga universes. then it is the speech. it was reported that the president filed with the federal election commission. that is a key step to running for president, the announcement cap months of speculation punctuated by in the innuendo and potshots by political rivals. potentially gop nomination rival governor ron desantis. that is the palm beach right, up the full spectrum yesterday in the presidents announcement you can still find our website at c-span dot org and our app on c-span now. from his presidential announcement yesterday, here is former president donald trump. >> in order to make america great and glorious again i am tonight announcing my candidacy for the president of the united states. [applause] >> thank you, all of you. so many incredible friends and family here tonight, such a beautiful saying, people say how do you speak before us on people tonight? when there is lev in the room it is really easy, if you want to know the truth. you ought to try it sometime. together we will be taking on the most corrupt forces and entrenched and tests a manageable. a horrible state, we are in grave trouble, this is not a task for a politician or a conventional candidate. this is a task for a great movement that embodies the courage, confidence, and the spirit. this is not for anyone individual, this is a job for tens of millions of proud people working together, from all across the walks of life, young and old, brought together for the very first time. when you look at the numbers you look at what has happened with hispanic, with african american, with asian, just like what is happening. this is a party that has become much bigger, much stronger. much more powerful. can do much more good for our country. this is a job for grandmothers and construction workers, teachers, and doctors, and farmers who cannot stay quiet any longer. you can't stay quiet any longer. you are angry about what is happening to our country, our country is being destroyed before your very eyes each. it is a job for every aspiring young person and every hardworking parent. for every entrepreneur and underappreciated police officer who is ready to shout for safety and america, the police are being treated so badly. these are great people, they can straighten out the crime, they are the ones who know how to do it, we have to give back respect and dignity. this will not be my campaign, this will be our campaign. altogether. >> again, that full speech available online if you want to see it for yourself, also on our app at or at c-span now, on the new york times this morning. the biden administration reacting to the hours after mr. trump's announcement. mr. biden's political twitter account positive in you mocking the president's claims that he was doing something about the crumbling infrastructure. the video titled the difference between talking and delivering. mr. biden signing this infrastructure message into law, just with a compilation of clips of the former president using the word infrastructure. also, in the middle of mr. trump speech the twitter account posted another video showing scenes of january six 2021, the ride on capitol hill. so, we will get your reaction to the presidents announcement yesterday. also as leadership challenges take place on capitol hill particularly on the republican side you can respond to that as well. again, the numbers will be on the screen. you can text us at -- and you can also send us a tweet at c-span ewg independent line michael sites us off, good morning, go ahead. >> good morning, i tell you, i am going to vote democrat up and down the ticket come 2024 because trump is a joke. he lost the house, the senate, and the white house. he has lost the popular vote twice. i just don't see how these people. either they are brainwashed or i don't know. it is a disgrace and a complete disgrace to this country and the world. thank you so much for taking my call. >> let's hear from john, john in california, and santa paula, republican line. >> good morning, i watched the speech last night and i am so glad he is running because i think that we need donald trump back into the movement. a movement to stop president biden from destroying our wealth, destroying our freedom, putting mandates on us. and, we need to take back our country, and donald trump is the man to do it. so, god bless hand and you juxtapose some things, but i would like to juxtapose some -- that donated to the democrats, millions and millions of dollars, and then went bankrupt because of crypto, and missed spending, and his chief investment officer was a fool. that is where the democrats are doing to our country. >> okay, let's hear from eddie and lawrence ville, georgia, democrats line. >> yes, i am a democrat, we are going to have 100 million democrats if found trump is talking about running, we are going to have 100 million to take him down again, just like we did in his four years. and then when he left for six months, he did not do anything for the american people. i try to listen to that speech, the kkk speech you are trying to make up. he isn't going to do anything, he did not do anything in the four years he was there. and, it was all jacked, up last up with the things he was talking about taking things from us. and $59, that first. $149. dealing with him, he did not do anything for the people. but, him and his family were just talking the money. these super republicans don't even want to see, that they did not even say that. still giving him money to pay off these crazy, crazy firearms and fees. giving trouble all the time. >> okay, let's hear from eric in massachusetts, independent line. >> all right, good morning, it is tough to follow that tirade. big news, trump is running, i am an independent, i am not quite sure if trump is the right guy. he is much better than the current president, obviously. and, i do have a little issue with how you introduced the midterms saying it was disappointing. well, we aren't going to get the house, and, we can slow down the crazy train. so, i think that is a bright spot for america. hopefully in 2024, whether be trump or another candidate, i can't see biden running again based on his age and his mental status. but, it is going to be an interesting couple of years. just going back to the last caller, mentioning in his speech the kkk speech. where is this craziness coming from? i will never know. but, we are going to hear a lot more of that baseless claims in the next couple of years. >> as far as your support, it is early on in the process. but, could someone else emerge in the republican party that would gain your attention more than former president trump? >> i think definitely that could happen, i don't know why, i think earlier in 2024 i'm going to vote democrat up and down, and this guy said he was an independent. how do you say you are going to vote, that is the problem with america. if you're going to vote one party, no matter what the candidate is, i am going to vote democrat. so, then i think that is part of the issue with america. you know? how can you do that? we are two years away. how has everyone made the decisions already? >> okay. >> that is part of the problem. >> that is eric, in massachusetts, a couple of conservative publications putting out editorials after the president speech last night received. this is national review, their lead editorial, if you go to the website, just the capital use the word now with the period. that is what you will find if you go to the website of the national review. if you go to the editorial page of the washington examiner, what they're editorial from yesterday filed about 9:10 last evening, republicans must say no to trump. that is just some of the reaction utley from conservative publications from the presidents announcement yesterday. you can add yours to the mix as well, again, -- for democrats, -- for republicans. and independents -- erie pennsylvania, next, this is on a republican line, hi. >> yes, i was just happy to find out the trump is going to run again, i just can't wait for that man to get back in office and give everybody a fair share. because, he did a good job, an excellent job with that movement, back in 2016. i am just happy that he is throwing his father back in the cap. >> from wendy, wendy and maryland, democrats line. >> i, pedro, how are you? >> i'm fine, thank you. >> okay, nothing scares me more than just seeing trump running again. that really scares me. what if he gets all of these lawsuits? he is not going to be able to run. i would rather a democrat, i will stay that way. and, it just worries me one trump was on her last night, i could not even watch the speech because it just scared me. he is just the greatest thing since sliced bread. no, i don't want him to run either, i would rather see pants, or a good man. i mean, you really have to look and find a good candidate. not trump. i am sorry, i made a mistake once voting for him, i will never do it again. so, i am a democrat, all the way now. trump does not interest me in the least. >> that is wendy clinton township, michigan. by the way, there is reporting that one of the legislators detective david cicilline responded to the announcement yesterday by looking at legislature and trying to push legislation barring him from pursuing office. chastising the former president for leading an insurrection against the united states. sicilian contended that the president should be banned from office under the 14th amendment, and unveiled plans to craft a bill through that in a letter to house democrats on tuesday night. quote, tonight donald trump has decided to announce his whole bid for the united states even know he forfeited his right to ever hold federal office again for leading an insurrection against the united states. the impeachment proceedings against the president for january 6th, quote, the legislation details testimony and evidence demonstrating how donald trump engaged in insurrection, it goes off but there is reporting against the effort on capitol hill in reaction to the former president's announcement yesterday, again. you can see that full speech on c-span. and on our app at c-span, now. in california, independent line, this is, robert up next, hello >> hello, thanks for taking my call. trump still has a lot of stuff in the cookie jar, and, the trump people are still thinking he does. but, they had better look again before they vote for him. they're showing these hats, one was again good? when was again? >> okay, terry, up next. los angeles, california, republican lauren. >> yes, how are you? >> fine, thank you, go ahead. >> i am a black republican collar from la, california. donald trump is the greatest president we've ever had, bless him running. what people don't understand about democrats, good you have to have all of these people running across the borders, get coming like wild and crazy. joe biden and kamala harris don't need to run, they both need to be out of office. when donald trump was in there were more black people working. and it was easy to get jobs in all of that, buying houses. joe biden is a disaster, i am a republican, i would never vote for a democrat. all they do is trick you. i have been a republican for 20 years, living in the ghettos of l.a.. please get joe biden out of office. him and a black lady, kamala harris or whatever name is. >> vice president kamala harris, yeah, that is terry in los angeles, california, giving his thoughts. all of these domestic issues, particularly when it comes to politics, is what we will be talking about the next couple hours. just an update on the issue overseas concerning those missiles that landed in poland. there is reporting by axios saying it is the polish president saying today that the explosion that killed those two people near the country's border appears to be a, quote, unfortunate accident. not calling it an intentional attack. the projectile that caused the blast was most likely russian made, but, officials have no proof at the moment that it was a missile fired by the russian side. he added that it was, quote, very likely the explosion was caused by ukrainian air defenses, with the muscle unfortunately falling on polish territory. this story also adds that ukraine was previously denied it was to blame for the blast. russia also deny that responsibility. that is the reporting as it continues to come in concerning that incident in poland. if you are following that. again, we will be talking about either one of two tracks if you want to comment on at this point. yesterday's announcement, former president donald trump with his plans to take a third run for the white house. also, as leadership elections take place, on the republican side there is a battle going on. not only on the house side but the senate side. about 9:30 this morning on the senate side leadership elections will be placed. senator mitch mcconnell expected to, once again, receive the nomination to become minority leader. he will be challenged, he challenged formally yesterday by rick scott. a florida. we will see how that plays out, again, 9:30 is when those leadership elections are announced to be started. that is according to punchbowl news this morning. pennsylvania is next, democrats line. maria, hello. >> good morning, i am calling because i am really concerned that donald trump plans to run again. he is very, very scary. and, i feel that this country would really, really suffer claude and, if he were to have another shot of the presidency. i am a democrat, i have voted and cross party lines in the past, i have been voting since i was 18 and i am 71 now. so, it is not strictly a party thing for me. it is always who does the best job of this nation. and, donald trump, again, he is very frightening to me. i think that under his watch all of these autocratic leaders from korea, putin would probably be the happiest person in the world should donald trump become elected. i think that after or during his presidency they have become emboldened. i think, as such, they have been doing the things they have been doing. in korea, with the missiles flying over friendly territory. and, it is just frightening. he dismissed the covid, covid in this country. i am a retired medical professional. and, what he did to this country was just absolutely sickening, and i cannot look forward to his running again. i think joe biden, given what he was given day. >> okay, that is maria, let's hear from ronald in cincinnati, ohio. independent line. >> hey, pedro, good morning. >> good morning. >> i am a frequent viewer of the show. i was watching the show for six weeks leading up the election as i was working in a long time sub so, i watch you guys frequently. no better choice than a lot of the other programs that are available, we appreciate what you do. i just wanted to say, it is not really surprising to see donald trump running. even my students could see that politics is really just turning into a circus. i encouraged a lot of them to go back and watch the obama and mccain debates anti, the bush gore debates, and control compare them to now. we would always watch the senate debates that were going on, the governor debates going on. and, even the students it is a circus now. politics has not been taken seriously. and, they also see how important government is, and the role that it plays. so, they are concerned, i am concerned. but, we just have to sit back and watch the circus, now. >> okay, ronald, in ohio. let's hear from ed, and in akron, ohio. republican line. >> yes, thank you for taking my call. i think if people can see the state of the nation, how it is, they need to take the blame the blinders off. i mean, the crime, the border, the cost of living. i mean, if people cannot see that i do not understand how they can see that, and how they can't see the difference between the same person running the country and the course and running the country that thinks that we are on the eve of destruction. i mean, the carrier cannot be worse than the solution to fix the world coming to an end, it can't be worse than the world coming to an end. if we don't have fuel we can't live. you know? we can't pair bells, we can't live. i don't know, people hate trump so bad and they are going after him and they are completely against him. i can see the difference in how it was and how it is. he will stand up against critical race theory, he will say there is a problem with, it and with fentanyl. our current administration will not even acknowledge that there is a problem with drugs coming across the border. or, if they do they don't want to do anything about it or say anything about it. you know, january 6th was about whether our elections were fair or where they regular? and there was nothing regular, and there was nothing fair about our previous elections. you know? i think there might have been a little entrapment going on. come here, what do something different, let's look at something else instead of our elections. you know? so they did not do that procedure correctly, the way it was supposed to be done. >> okay, okay, that is chad in akron, ohio. a lot of reaction to the presidents announcement yesterday. one of those questions asked of governor ron desantis during a press conference yesterday was about president trump's announcement and his own personal reaction to it. here is governor desantis from yesterday. >> you know, one of the things i have learned in this job is when you are leading, when you are getting things done, you take incoming fire. that is just a nature of it. i roll out a bed in the morning and i have corporate media outlets that have a spasm at the fact that i'm getting up in the morning. it is constantly attacking, this is what has happened. i don't think any governor got attacked more, particularly by corporate media, let me over my four-year term. and yet, i think what you learn is, all of that is just noise. what really matters is, are you eating and getting in front of his shoes? are you delivering results for people? are you standing up for folks? if you do that then none of that stuff matters. and, that is what we have done. we have focused on results, and leadership. and, you know, at the end of the day i would just tell people to go check out the scoreboard from last tuesday night. >> this is carol from florida, texting us this morning saying that ryan twice impeached instigator of january 6th, he should never have been allowed to run. you should be in jail, adding the words lock him up. and then, this is from larry in illinois, saying that i think trump was the best president we have had. but, after january the 6th there is no way he could get reelected. so, other thoughts coming in from texas, you want to texas your thoughts at (202) 748-8003. bob is next, from florida, democrats line. >> good morning. >> you are on, go ahead. >> donald trump has to answer to this country. for what he is done. this is the united states of america, not the united states of donald trump, thank you, good day. >> from alabama, this is from joe, joe is on the republican line, we'll be. >> yes, i hope trump runs, i hope he runs and gets reelected, one of the reasons is apparently people that call and here don't pay taxes or go to work, because, when trump passed his tax plan i got a 60 dollar a week raise rent because of the withholding taxes that he lowered. and, the did went up from 26,000 to 36, 000, biden says he was not going to raise taxes but soft he made another 400, 000, but, when he came in he eliminated that tax cut. and, my taxes went up, i lost that money i was making each week, and the standard deduction went back down to 26,000. right there, that was a tax raise, right there. so, when trump was in everything was going smooth, we were making money. the economy was rolling along. there was plenty of diesel fuel at their. diesel fuel was $2.38. i am a truck driver. at 2:38 a gallon, now it, the reason that everything is so expensive is because diesel fuel is over $5 a gallon. and some places it is six or $7 a gallon. >> jonas is next, philadelphia, pennsylvania, democrats line. >> hello, i am calling to explain how i feel about trump running again, i am totally against it, and, seeing this, but they that sums me the most is people that voted for biden in 2020 who would go so far as to support trump in 2024. if they supported biden in 2020 because they could not stand trump's behavior, how can they just suddenly be okay with it, now? despite january 6th, the documents. you know? >> that is jonas on our line for democrats in the analysis of yesterday's speech from the washington post. they highlight that almost two years on the presidents divisiveness has remained a defining feature of american politics. reshaping the republican party in his image, as much as he mobilized democrats against him in checks and balances, every branch and level of government in the exit polls by the ap vocalists. 54% of voters said that they had an unfavorable view of the president. according to 44% who were very unfavorable. they also highlight the fact that despite his vulnerabilities, trump enters the presidential race with clear advantages. he has amassed roughly 69 million dollar war chest that he will be legally barred from using to fund his campaign, but could route to super pac to support his candidacy without direct coordination. he also benefits when a massive database of donors that is built up. who remains the party's best fund-raiser, frankly appearing insult stations for other candidates and committees. he is also the party's biggest draw for rallies. it goes on from there. if you want to read some of the analysis from yesterday. let's hear from heather. heather is in wisconsin. on our independent line. go ahead. >> good morning, pedro, power? you >> i am fine, thank you very much, go ahead. >> hi, so, i called in on the independent line. and, since i was 18, and i am now 51 years of age i have always voted democrat, however, the last three years, and i will say covid had a big impact on this and how not only are president trump and now our current president joe biden have, for lack of a better way of saying it, not really dealt with it. i just, i am kind of at my wits and. this past midterm election was the first election i did not vote him because i am so frustrated with everything. i am frustrated with the party, i don't see two parties, here. i don't see democrats, i don't see republicans. i just see, in some ways i see children fighting. but, i also see people not living up to these, quote unquote, promises that are being made and promises being kept. i don't think trump kept any promises, i don't think joe biden has kept in the promises, there is just too much going on in the world. dealing with this pettiness day-to-day. i said, you know what, i'm done. somebody who not only has voted but i have gone out to vote, i have been an election official, or a poll worker. i have done everything to support a voting rights. and, you know what? at this point, i don't think they support me, the government itself, so, i am done. i love my country, i love the united states of america. it is not the united states of trump. it is the united states of america. and, i am very proud of my country but i am very sad. at the same time, it literally brings me to tears to see how we have just evolved as a nation. and, if we stood up for each other a little bit more and stop judging each other as much as we do, and just be true patriots, be true americans, maybe this country would be a better place and if my vote mattered, after all the work i have done over the years. you know what? i will be an independent, i just want to say thank you for c-span, thank you pedro, i always think you do an amazing job. and, i really just wish everybody a good day and good things. thank you. >> that is heather in madison, was constant. joining us via phone. you can do the same during the course of our three hours or two and a half hours together. if you wish you can continue to call on the phone lines, you can post on our social media site. you can text us at (202) 748-8003. one of the storylines playing out from yesterday, the test vote for kevin mccarthy to become the speaker elect for the republicans gaining control of the house. that currently sitting at 2:17 according to the associated press. who did have a challenger in that race, that challenger joins us now. representative andy biggs, republican from florida. he is a freedom caucus number, also a member of the judiciary and oversight committees. represented a big, good morning. >> good morning, pedro. >> thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure, good to be with you. >> talk about your pets to repel republicans as far as a challenge for the speakership. >> i think the main thing is that way thank you need to change this out as quote. you need to turn the page. i think all americans would like to see any last caller listening to her. i think they all want to see a page turn in washington, d.c.. one of the things i think has been so problematic's members, rank and file members have been disenfranchised. everything goes through the leadership, where there it is nancy pelosi on the democrats line or whoever is on the republican. everything is centralized as far as power. you have a very, very restrictive amendment process. we have, in six years, not had an open amendment process on the floor of the house of representatives. how about the budget? we need to empower the appropriators. you really get rid of the appropriations committee and change it, which i am okay with doing that by having the authorizing committees combined with a subcommittee on appropriations. or, you give the appropriators time to get their job done before june 1st and let's actually do a budget. we have not done that in five years, we haven't even done a normal budget process. so, i talked a lot about process, that is my pitch, is process to be more inclusive of members of the constituency. and, then the other aspect to it, pedro, is on the republican side when we lost in 2020, we came close but we do not get over the hump. they said, well, we had such a good election, we made progress. so, we can't change our leadership. even though our leadership had been in place for six years, effectively. and then, and then this year they said, well, we are going to have 25 to 30 states, which did not materialize, that kind of majority. and, they were seeing since we are going to do so while we can't make a change. and now we did not do so well, it is really close, the race is within the margin. they said, well you can't make a change now, so, pedro, my question is are you ever going to make a status quo change? because, i think rank and file american citizens in this country want to see a change, here, in washington d.c.. and, i know i certainly did. >> you got 31 votes, if i see the numbers correctly. as far as your nomination, or at least you attempt to become speaker. what does that mean, going forward? particularly, should the house come over to republican hands come january when that full vote has to be taken? >> pedro, you have to get 218 votes. that is the magic number to become the speaker of the house. and, nobody has 219 votes as i said here, talking to you today, and that means that it is time for republicans to have an internal discussion, a family discussion, that is what mr. mccarthy always says, about which direction we are going to go. i don't think he is going to get 219 votes, it may not be me. it is probably not going to be me. but, we had a discussion to see who might be a consensus pick to get to 219 votes. >> which means, in theory, if it is going to mr. mccarthy he would have to reach out to fellow members of the freedom caucus and other factions within the party to gain that support, what kind of message could he deliver to someone? >> i think, pedro, a huge part of this is trust. it is just going to have to rebuild some trust in the next 45 days if he thinks he is going to be speaker. that is that you are going to have to have open dialogue and accountability. that is really how you build trust. trust is not a series of promises kept, mistrust is a series of promises broken. and, we need to have a real positive message, positive direction, and, i think that kevin is not some really -- i think he has backed away from some of the things that our base wants. our base wants to say, look, let's have a positive message. how are we going to reduce gas prices at the pump? and, it can't be performance art. it has to be really use of leverage that we have. it is going to be a split government, pedro. that means that republicans are going to have control of the house, most likely. looks like the democrats will maintain control of the senate. you have president biden who is going to maintain control of the executive branch. so, how do you then leverage when you are in the minority. or in the split, how do you leverage to get policy through that we think is important in order to reduce the gas prices? or, to provide more security or along the border. or to reduce federal government spending so that we reduce inflationary pressure. or, any myriad of policies. how do you use the leverage once we have, which are not very many but there are some there. and, i am not sure that mr. mccarthy has iterated how he believes he can do that. that is a huge problem, i think, more than 36 people who voted against kevin yesterday. so, more than 36 people who voted against him yesterday. i think there are even more people. because, i had a number of people come up to me yesterday, i think they felt compelled to vote for kevin. but, they appreciated my candidacy, and, they want to see a change. >> there was representative marjorie taylor greene on steve bannon's podcast, one of the things that she expressed was possibly an outsider like liz cheney, if you get the numbers a certain way and you get support for the democratic side to become the house speaker, she couldn't eventually come to the top of that ticket, do you think that is a real possibility? >> i love marjorie taylor greene, she is a friend, i disagree with her wholeheartedly on this. i don't think anybody is going to vote to facilitate liz cheney coming in. to be the speaker of the house. that is such a long shot. even the republican or two that said that they would be willing to work together with a moderate democrat to become speaker if kevin mccarthy is not speaker, they have actually walked that back. and, i actually have a great relationship with a number of my colleagues, i think a pretty good relationship with most of my colleagues. certainly with some of my colleagues that we would say on the other end of the spectrum from me. they are not interested in a democrat to be the speaker of the house. i think that is a fear tactic instead of it, a red herring instead of what talking about what really needs to happen in our conference. >> assuming that republicans do take power, one of the things that would be on pressing terms to take care of is the debt ceiling. what is the best approach in your mind? >> it is to not grant the debt ceiling. there is never any offsets in these budgets that are going. that is part of what i was raising what i was talking to you about starting to look at a real reform in the budgetary process. to make sure that we are going for the programs that need to be looked at. you cannot continue to have a 1.5 trillion dollar structural deficit every year and simply say, well, we are going to add to the credit card. that does not work in the short term or the long term. an example would be, take a look as the fed keeps dealing with inflation by raising rates, whether it is 50 basis points or 100 basis points. whatever they are going to do, that will have an impact on our need to provide federal government payments and services. because it is going to cause interest rates to be further at our spending. so, when you have a revenue in shortfall, every year 1.5 trillion dollars. then you want to keep raising it putting on a credit card. you're going to add to the inflationary pressure, number one, and number two it is the short term. the long term pub problem as you are going to actually put this country in long term foundational infrastructure early in from footing of going forward. that is what has happened, here, over the last it does not matter which party. republican or democrat. >> representative biggs, you are a republican from arizona, how did you feel about the result of the governor's race, there? >> i am not happy about that, obviously. i think that it is really interesting to see what happened on election day. i think we have a problem when you have the secretary of state overseeing elections and you have the kinds of problems like we did on election day. to me it is unfathomable we have the same problems in 2022 that we did in 2020. where 30% of the machines go down for 8 to 10 hours during the day. on election day, that is a lot, but, you know, we will see what happens, i understand that there is still some provisional ballots that have to be counted. i know that katie hobbs, who i work with on a state legislature has been declared the winner. but, it is my understanding that there are provisional ballots that are outstanding. >> you have a question about the legitimacy of that call? >> yes, the call, i mean let's count all the ballots and see what happens. see what happens, there. >> before we let you go, your thoughts on former president trump's announcement last night? >> well, i am actually very pleased, i thought he did a pretty good job, and, i think that his focus is what it needs to be on. what policies worked under the trump administration to bring economic prosperity to more people? to secure the border? i will tell, you pedro, in 2020 we had 9000 encounters with illegal border crossers. for the entire fiscal year last year under president biden we had under 340, 000, you have all of the problems at the border, we have crime, you have the woke agenda that is out there right now, and i think that president trump sounded a good message, and i believe it he is the leader of the republican party until he is displaced, i don't think you will be displaced anytime soon. >> representative, republican of arizona, member of the freedom caucus, also serves and judiciary. representative, thanks for your time today. >> thank you, pleasure, good to be with you. >> we will be joined as other legislators as the morning goes on, we will continue with your calls. again, (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans, and (202) 748-8002 for independence. you can also talk to us at (202) 748-8003. roxanne is from maine, democrats line, thank you for holding, on and waiting, go ahead. >> good morning, pedro, my comment is i do not want to come back an office. i do not want the violence, i want a resurrection from all people, not just a party. yes, there are things that biden really needs to emphasize, we are all feeling a crunch. i don't think trump would be able to do that. because we are so overwhelmed at this time. i don't want him in office. the leadership, the gop, the manipulation, the blackballing, and this is not just a republican country, this is all. we are all patriots, and, for him to -- the insurrection that was caused and to pardon all of these people that he is talking about. this is violence, i live in maine and i have people who hot in northern maine. they come across signs that say trump everywhere, no trespassing, trump, trump, trump flags everywhere. you cross this line, you will be shot. it is scary, it is really scary. and, it is everywhere. i don't want to see that anymore, i want to be able to walk at my door, go grocery shopping, and not worry about whether or not i am going to get shot. a lot of violence occurred when he was in office. we do need a peacemaker, i believe biden is a peacemaker. yet, he had a lot on his plate when he came into office, and he did wait two years to get these things done. he has to focus on ukraine, of course, the war in ukraine, we cut oil supplies from russia, but, it had a lot to do with it as well. everybody is angry. >> okay, that is roxanne in maine. let's hear from dan and virginia. look to your town. >> hi, good morning, pedro and everyone. listen, i mean, really? he is going to run again? he is going to be indicted. the bottom line is the gop has lost trust while the united states of america. and now they are imploding. the midterms should show you that, and, it is continuing to implode. joe biden is doing a tremendous job for all the people of america, as a veteran he is standing for veterans. he is standing for college students, he is standing for america. you know, we are not going to give this to the far right or the far-left wackos, back in the middle that is what they are telling you to do. and stop the narcissistic revenge on trump. we are done. thanks, pedro. >> that is jan, this is mark in california. in lancaster, california, republican, line i. >> hi, good morning. >> good morning. >> yes, liberals are the wackos. that is all i can say. are you kidding me? the violence when trump was in office, are you kidding me? i am so happy that trump is running again. i am so happy that adults can enter the room again. another election stolen, obviously, down there in arizona. democrats have turned over our election process into a mess. and, the heavy assistance of red chinese to send us a virus so that they could start all of this nonsense with the mail in voting when they get all the ballots they made? and to figure out what they need, and that will take a month. but once they figure out what they need missile. it is like a joke. we turned into a joke to three world countries, they look at us and they say what a joke. it is really pathetic. you know? i am just so disgusted with the democrats, so disgusted with the liberals. awe that is all i have to say. >> robert is next, massachusetts, democrats line. >> good morning, pedro, there is one thing we do now is that when donald trump first got into power, he went to helsinki. what happened with all of the reporters to find out what happened in helsinki and what happened with the records of that in helsinki? now, when he was in helsinki the reporters never found out what happened. but, you think you are also smart on tv, look at all you reporters, you i've got this wrong. now, when donald trump went to north korea, donald trump stopped our military exercises in north korea. for what? then we go down to helsinki, russia isn't the banks. donald trump did not get along anywhere in this country. the bank has all of donald trump's records. the new york state, they have his -- why is this man not -- he went and had it 1 million, i bet he is able to call the state. god bless our brothers and sisters. >> okay, let's see if look at indiana, independent line. >> good morning. >> good morning. >> how are you doing? >> i'm fine, thank, you you are on, go ahead. >> we'll, see, i am just a farmer, my opinion on who is in the white house, as long as they are doing a good job i'm okay with that. i think trump going back and there is all right, because he did a good job. i'm not saying joe biden did not, but, he definitely messed some stuff up. especially when i have to pay $6 for diesel fuel. >> that is luke, in indiana, we have shown you a lot about republican politics and last 15 minutes or so, let's hear from the democratic side. it was the house democratic caucus about his party's performance in the midterms yesterday, talked about the mood of the caucus. especially as the power balance of power still yet to be determined in the house. but, here is the house democratic caucus. >> was just a warm and triumphant space, seeing so many of our frontline members back in the congress, preparing to continue to serve after surviving incredibly well in tough elections, not stop about the fact that the other side of the aisle have been measuring the drapes for a so-called red tsunami. for the last two years. but they are back, and, to see so many of my dynamic colleagues ready to do the work. that is the difference. democrats get things done. we actually wants to make life better for everyday americans. we have done a pretty good job of doing it. the american rescue plan saved the economy. shots in arms, money in pockets, kids back in schools. the infrastructure investment and jobs act. millions. of good, paying jobs created. also to fix our crumbling bridges, roads, tunnels, airports, sewer and water system, mass transit system, high-speed internet access, in every single community, gun safety legislation for the first time in 30 years that will save lives, the chips and science act to bring domestic manufacturing jobs back home to the united states of america, as opposed to our jobs going in the other direction, which has been happening for 30 years, and, of course the inflation reduction act to strike a blow against the climate crisis, set of our climate honest retainable trajectory forward, lower energy cost, strengthen in the equinor affordable care act, lower health care costs and driving down the price of lifesaving prescription drugs, democrats deliver for everyday americans, we get stuff done, we put people over politics, and the other side of the aisle is extreme, they are out of control, they are off the hook, they don't believe in democracy, that was rejected, they don't believe in reproductive freedom, all across the country, that was rejected, and they want to detonate social security in five years, that was rejected. and so, battles were one that are extraordinary, but that does not mean that we are off the battlefield, we have to continue to fight for these priorities, for lower costs, better paying jobs, safer communities, defend freedom, social security, democracy, and we are excited that we are going to have the opportunity to continue to do that. >> more of that available at the website and in our app, let's go to alex in carolina, republican line. >> good morning. hello? >> you are on, go ahead,. >> okay, i want to talk about some of the callers on what trump has done, i will tell you what trump has done, trump, i remember when ford motor company was pray on giving a new plant over in mexico. trump stopped that, when he reached out to honda to bring hyundai to america, trump brought hyundai to america, trump also gave more money to historical black colleges and universities than barack obama did. so, if you want to talk about what trump has done, just look at his records. the speech that i heard yesterday was wonderful, and i am glad that he has decided to run again. i think he is the he is the only one that can, frankly, bring this country back to where it needs to be. and that is getting people working and bringing jobs back. he kept 99% of his spending to america, that is the type of person that we need in office right now, thanks. >> okay, john is next in maryland, democrats line. >> yes, hello? >> you are on, go ahead. >> how are you doing? my question is, we can have policies and work, i don't believe in none of trump's policies, that is just my opinion, but, after january six that man could have not be allowed to run for president ever, what he did almost cause a constitutional catastrophe, nobody should vote for that. everybody that was in the committee also the same thing. he was trying to overthrow our government. for all he did for the country and yada-yada, who cares? at the january six he should not be allowed anywhere near the white house. this man tried to overthrow our government, cost constitutional catastrophe, that being said, and i blame this on the violence of republicans and office who did not teach him the new speaker of the house going in, this is their fault, and if he did that now is turning against them. all the good jobs he bra and all of this type of stuff, the guy who just on the phone, i get that and that is your opinion, but, would you trade your freedom for those good jobs? ask your question, you can get a job anywhere, but, would you trade your freedom, you can never gain your freedom. you can never regain your freedom. >> okay, that is it from independent line. >> yes, good morning, thank you for taking my call, pedro. yes, i have to agree with everything that representative jeffrey is said, the biden administration is doing a great job, and, they will continue to do a great job for these next two years, trump can run if he wants to, but twice since he disgraced impeached president will lose again, like biden has said before he was going to beat him like a drum. now, i am not sure the biden should run again but we know we don't want trump, the voters just spoke, most of the people are in the middle, that is why i am an independent. most people voted, they do not want chaos, they want the administration to get things done, and i think they will continue to get things done, these people who are calling in and saying that trump accomplished everything he was going to do, well, he did not build the wall, and mexico did not pay for it. so, they need to look into facts, and see exactly what is going on, most people in this country are doing pretty well. when you go out and you see people taking care of their families, they are not thinking about putting some lapdog and office. that is my comment, thank you. >> okay, cathy is next in florida, republican line. >> i, yeah, i was listening to some of these colors and it is like, wow, anyway. biden talked about lowering drug prices, my prescription drugs, i was giving to free and then i was paying like 7:50 like every three months for one. so, drug prices have gone up, i am paying double what i used today, he is not lowering drug prices, that is a lie. under trump we were able to buy two vehicles, we bought our first house, thank god my cars were paid off by the four years that this election got, contract when biden took office everything has gone off under biden, do you think everybody is going out buy electric cars? who is voting for him? people who ride the bus line to the train? because, people live where they want to charge their car, they want their freedom. you need to vote trump back in office. because, biden is not getting it. this man, you what he wants everybody in electric cars, he wants windmills all over, killing all the birds. and, whatever else gets in the way, people up north are going to freeze to death because there is not going to be any fuel for them to heat their homes. to me this whole, i don't know where these people are getting their information from. it sounds they are from the northern states, i mean, life has been good under trump. it has been rough the last two years under biden. >> okay, let's hear from all a in maryland, democrats line. >> hi, good morning, pedro, i just want to say democrats are still doing the republicans job for them, cleaning the house for them, they need to stop it. if republicans cannot bring that kind of deal to the floor to stop him from running again, they will destroy the party. . number two, we senators should stop claiming the job of gop -- they should stop doing that job. he should learn how to read a speech on the floor. allow the republicans to do their job. leave them alone. talk about what you are going to do, on your own and, not doing their job the republicans for them on the senate floor, that is it, sell these people to stop, thank you, pedro. >> that is all a finishing off your first hour, we are taking your calls primarily for the next two hours, you can talk about the presidents announcement from last night but you can also talk about what you are seeing in congress, particularly as these fights take place in the house and senate oversight leadership. you can call us (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8002 for independents. we are going to be joined by legislatures throughout the course of the morning, joining us from capitol hill representative adam smith, democrat of washington, also chair of the armed services committee, representative smith thank you for giving us your time. >> thank you, good morning. >> can we start with polling? what more are you hearing about the source of the missiles that fell in poland? >> it has not been 100% confirmed but it seems that it was an anti missile, or missile defense system that ukraine fired at the russian rockets that are coming in, they are not sure, they know it was a russian-made rocket, but ukraine has a lot of russian-made rockets. the crucial point, here, is none of this would be happening if russia was not committing war crimes on a day in and day out basis in ukraine by launching cruise missiles at civilian targets. they launched over 100 missiles yesterday, all at civilian targets. which is the absolute definition of a war crime, ukraine is doing its best to defend itself in that situation. i want to really applaud the biden administration and nato for the calm response to this, making sure that we get the facts before we come to any conclusions, and trying to make sure that we don't escalate the situation between russia and ukraine. so, i think they have handled it well, facts are coming out and we will see, it does not appear that this was an intentional russian attack on poland. >> representative smith, one of the things regarding ukraine that will hopefully take place, at least from the biden administration's point of view is more funding for ukraine, tell us about the figure that is being floated by the white house and do you see that figure materializing? >> yes, they are asking for 37 billion dollars, a good chunk of that is humanitarian aid because as the russians are bombing that civilian infrastructure it is creating a humanitarian crisis in ukraine. and, some of the money also goes to help continue to help ukraine defend itself, there is also about ten billion dollars in a deal with covid and other health care related issues. the hope is that we get it passed during the lame duck session, i think it is really important that we do that. every day we see what russia is doing in ukraine and all ukraine wants is to be a sovereign democratic nation, so, you know we need to continue to support them in that effort. >> i support the biden administration's effort, and the over 50 countries that are working together to try and stop russia's invasion of ukraine, and end this war. >> generally what you said republicans would be on board with this new funding? >> yes, certainly on my committee, i know mike rogers is the ranking member on my committee, mike turner is about to come in as the chairman of the intel committee, also on the committee. i think there is a lot of republican support for supporting ukraine. i want to kyiv a couple months ago, mike waltz was one of the members who was on the trip, also a member of the committee, republican from florida. he strongly supports this, i think there is strong bipartisan support to continue to support ukraine in this effort. >> as far as the committee itself, should republicans be in power after the midterm elections do you see the focus of the arms to services committee changing? or, at least things that you have championed for going away? >> i think it will be different, every two years it is different, particularly if something shifts. you have the house, the senate, the white house. if one party or the other takes over in a given cycle there is always going to be a 6 to 8 month period where you are wondering how things are going to change, clearly republicans have different agenda items than democrats weathers the house, senate, or the white house and there is always a sorting out as different members try to figure out what is possible at that point, this will likely happen, here, but again i will emphasize mike rogers and i are really close on a lot of issues, the biggest thing we are close on is we will believe and bipartisanship and community getting worked on, passing it fanciful every year. we work bipartisan to get that done. >> house, senate, democrat, republican. we've done it for going on 63 straight years. i think that will continue to happen. >> speaking of that defense bill, what is the status of the nba? it is an acronym, you can explain what it, is one of the status? >> national defense authorizing act, it is the oversight bill for the pentagon that we pass every year, we are making progress, we have another meeting tomorrow, i'm pretty sure by the end of this week we will have a bill to the house and the senate, democrats and republicans agree upon it and the plan would be to pass it the first week of december, making good progress and we are confident we will get it done. >> what do the figures look like as far as the bill is concerned? >> you're talking about the budget aspect, the top line, first of all, the appropriators have to agree on that, so, we are also working with the appropriations committees as they try to get a top line agreement in the appropriations bill. at the end of the day the appropriators are the ones who decide how much money gets spent, we have something to say about the oversight and how that money gets spent. so, all different parts of that, appropriators and authorizes are working together to try and settle on what that final number is going to be. >> representative smith, what are your impressions so far going into the same possibility of becoming a member of the minority come next year? >> the biggest thing for me is how successful this election was, the overarching theme is this was a victory for democracy, i think that is cheney summed it up fast as this election was a victory for team normal. you have a lot of very competitive elections, you certainly have republicans and democrats giving alternative views in a robust, very competitive campaign, you had a lot of close elections. those elections were well run, clearly decided. and, just about everybody who lost has conceded, even some very close elections. and, after president trump and the far-right republicans efforts to denigrate our democracy, to try and tear down the election system and claim that every time they lose it is unfair, to see so many republicans and democrats come together and have what was a normal election was incredibly heartening, certainly i am pleased the democrats did better we were expecting to do, holding on to the senate. hard to say exactly where the final house numbers are going to be but is certainly going to be a lot more than people expected. more than i think this was a victory for democracy and that makes me very happy. >> as far as since their final numbers have not come in yet republicans we gained advantage. if they do, maybe not as much as they thought, do you think what do you think it does if kevin mccarthy becomes a leader, what will he champion and how do democrats plan to respond against that? >> yes, i'm not really worried about kevin mccarthy becoming the speaker, certainly there is going to be policy differences, but that is normal, that will happen. the undue and fluids of the remaining election deniers that are on the republican caucus, i am worried that in order to get the votes to become speaker, i am worried about what concessions will have to be made to some of the more extreme elements of the republican party, and the number one biggest thing i am worried about is funding the government, back in 2010 when the tea party took over, 2011 we almost did not raise the debt ceiling, we almost basically defrauded our creditors, we could not place the budget control act, we had a series of government shutdowns during that period. continuing resolutions that were short of funding the government for the appropriations process. i am most worried whether not will be able to do the normal functioning of government, ultimately whatever you think of the government, however much money you think the government should spend, what you think i should spend it on. we should have a robust debate about that. but, the government needs to function, you cannot shut it down, you cannot have continuing resolutions, certainly, speaking as the current chairman of the armed services committee. continuing resolutions and government shutdowns are devastating to our national security. devastating to the men and women who served in the military and their families. they don't have a budget than. it creates all kinds of chaos and all kinds of problems, so, that is my biggest concern. we'll see what happens the next couple of months as we get up to the vote for speaker, but, i am worried about that undue influence of extremist elements within the republican party. extremist elements which are very small, we're talking about a very small number of people, here, i just hope they do not have a disproportionate influence on the process. >> representative smith, is it time for a change in the democratic leadership, as far as the current leaders and those who should replace them? >> speaker pelosi will make that decision, let me just say i have worked with nancy for four years as chairman of a committee with her as speaker, i would be very happy if she continued to do that job. when i first got to congress in the 90s and the leadership team was coming up, you know, i was not blindly in support of leadership. and those who are there at the time will tell you that, i was concerned, but, as i watched nancy pelosi work, there is no better legislator in terms of making sure we get things done, everybody is included. in my mind she is still doing a great job, it is up to her whether or not she wants to run. if she does not we have a lot of talent in this caucus, i have no doubt whatsoever we will have very strong leadership, matter how this comes out. ultimately it will be her decision, that decision will then have a trickle down effect on who else runs for what. but, we have a lot of good choices, i am happy to have nancy pelosi where she is. if she wants to say there she will have my enthusiastic support. but, we will be fine either way. >> our guest serves as the chair of the armed services committee, representative adam smith, democrat from washington, representative smith, thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. >> we will continue on with your calls, this is susie in los angeles, california. republican line, thank you for waiting. go ahead. >> yes, i feel personally that the biden administration should not be applauded, it is chaotic. nancy pelosi does not include everybody, that is insane. as far as the current administration does we have a problem with inflation, we have a problem with crime in major u.s. cities, if you research those cities in terms of the increase in crime you will see that most of them, most of them are democratic held and have been democrat held four years if not decades, we have less status on the world stage, we never saw all of this global conflict under trump. we did not see that, we are giving away money to countries. i don't even know where that money is going. as it was, with the withdrawal from afghanistan wanted trump to? what did biden leave behind? 83 to 85 billion dollars. he left behind afghan allies, he left behind americans, trump would not have done that. putin saw biden was weak, now we are giving away money, a lot of money, billions and billions to ukraine. do we know where it is going because i do not think so. what about other countries contributing? if you add up all of these things in europe they are not even a third of what the united states is, we are protecting the ukraine border, but, we don't protect our own. what is that about? we do not protect our own border but we protect other nations borders. we give way money to indonesia for the green deal, we cannot afford to pay for the world. >> okay, okay, that is susie in california. let's hear from lee, in illinois. democrats line. >> good morning, pedro. thank you for taking my call. first of all, i respect hearing from representative smith and jeffries. i believe that the republicans are going to work with policies not there are an office. also, i'm surprised the people don't see that all the problems in this role, it is not just the united states. it is world problems, also i would like to know, i love my family. if some of my family had a business, was not paying the contractors, or most of them i would not agree with that. and if all of their friends around them were being indicted going to jail i would question that. i would also like to know would the republicans trust donald trump with their checkbook's, and, what they like her chihuahua her to be involved in politics. thank, you have a good morning. >> you know, south carolina, upended one. >> good morning, i was just calling to say one thing about everything. donald trump is running for president again, wow! chaos, that is chaos. insurrection. if you go to jail, this will be another insurrection because donald trump is not god. next time, next on the next insurrection happened a lot of people had better be prepared. prepared for some serious consequences from another insurrection behind their god, donald trump. no man is above the law in this country. in the world, god is good. he would never let it happen again. he worked with vladimir putin, but loves what's going on. he is trying to tear a country apart. donald trump is a part of it. i know you don't believe that, but, look, when you work like you guys are doing and the white house. donald trump, donald, trap donald trump. come on, guys. >> okay, let's go to irene, i read him some valley, california. republican line. >> yes, hi. i am variation of these democrats. i love the former democrats, they have seen the light and have woken up for god and country and family. democrats are destroying the children, our children, our schools. have been destroyed by crtc, by gender reassignment, by the books that are in these schools. these writers of these books, these illustrated pictures that are pornographic. and destroying the innocence of our youth. these people need to be imprisoned, that is child porn. i don't even want that for adults, this is disgusting millionaire schools. it is just hard to believe that the proof is there, democrats will protect that, how can you be proud to be a democrat and say that you are an american. no, that is not patriotic, that is against the law, against god and morality. we need to return to god and our children are at stake. we need to help our children, little girls have had their breasts removed and have been brainwashed. that you are a boy, and, these children are giving these drugs, these blockers. >> okay, how does all of that relate to either the president's announcement yesterday or the activity of the house and senate? >> well, listen coverage the democrats are basically the enemy. i love president trump got, he represents god and family -- these people that hate trump, you want to talk about hey, there are people that have been murdered. a black man but owned a business on the east coast, he loves trump and he was sympathetic to black lives matter. >> okay, okay, okay, we'll leave it there. carol, new mexico, democrats, one high. >> good morning. >> good morning, you are on. >> pedro, i have to tell you which i admire you for the ability to listen to all of this, it is a remarkable job you have. what i wanted to talk to you about was millennia trump. sident i did see all of our next president speech last night. i purposefully cut back on c-span just to listen to it. i have been concerned about melania for some reason, and i was really happy to hear her announced to be with him. but, when i did get a good view of her, when he called her up to be with him at the end she did not look like melania trump to me. even through the night, it returned to me the concern that i have for, i do not believe that was melania was him. >> who do you believe it was? >> looked like it could've been a family member, she just did not look like melania to me. melania is a striking looking woman. and she is very versed on how to walk, have to stand, and she is not smiley and happy. i just admire her ability to be with our ex president, mr. trump and i don't know but for some reason i have been concerned, i have not seen her in a long time. >> okay, that is carroll in new mexico. as far as family members of the former president, and the election campaign, the political porting of ivanka trump and his administration does not involve a -- she wrote on instagram while areas love and support my father going forward i will do so outside of the political arena. according to the statement saying and adding that this time around i am choosing to prioritize my young children. the private life we are creating as a family. i do not plan to be involved in politics. so, that is a statement from ivanka trump when it comes to republicans. we told you that kevin mccarthy you heard from representative andy break earlier about his challenge to leader mccarthy to become the house speaker or at least the speaker elect. he won that nomination yesterday and it was also yesterday that he talked about and made some remarks after his election. here are comments from kevin mccarthy. >> we know our job will not be easy. we have to work together. we want to work with anyone that wants to make america stronger. we want to work with anybody on both sides of the aisle, if they want to make america energy independent. give their parents say other kids education. or secure our borders, or stop defunding the police. we know there are challenges in this nation and around the world, who are listening to the american public. we are prepared to lead regardless of the size of the majority. one thing i have always learned, they do not hand gavels out and small, medium, and large. you get the right size gavel, and we will use it. let's open up for questions. yes? >> do you think you will have the votes by january to become speaker? >> yes, if you look at the last two speakers, paul wyatt had, at this time, 43, missing 43 votes. nancy pelosi had 32 votes and nobody was running against her at that time. we have our work cut out for us, we have to have a small majority, we need to listen everybody in the conference, if you have watched i thought it was very productive last night in our rules debate. whatever president was handle half of the rules, tomorrow keep those open through thanksgiving, we will work together and we will get there, the american people expect us to do it, expect us to govern, expect us to keep our word on the commitment to america. one thing i will say about the entire conference, i respect each and every one. i respect you equally, and will find a way to make that work. >> more of those comments available at c-span dot org, you can also follow along on our app at c-span now. in ohio, this is mike, independent line, hi. >> good morning pedro. i have been working on a lot of stuff this morning and everybody has an opinion. the two people from california, and one of those people from california still exercise. we have chaos going on in every state. all this election, problems they are supposed to fix the problems are never. data does that tell you anything? we are talking about a trillion dollar economy that everybody in washington is going, behind has their fingers in. the family members and foreign members working for corporations that have spun off. let's talk about oversight. we have an aircraft carrier you have to remember, biden or trump blew up. that is the -- cost we are. on he had to cancel the contract. what happened? you can't do that. sucking off our tax money to. people call washington a swamp. a swamp is -- what we need. plain and simple. marching ten is a septic tank. it is where everything goes and dies. what are you gonna do? with all the stuff as far as election goes? amazon is the perfect example of corruption. thank you. >> from missouri, democrats line, i. brandon from missouri? let me try one more time. >> yes, i am from missouri. i would like to understand how the people of america is going to reelect candidates. it will probably be in -- season. and they called itself -- were up for god and all this and that. that is our house, it is not. his -- papers what he. is it nothing he is with ally. that is all i can say. is that one day they wanted to do this, and do that, and none of them getting done. >> gloria is next. and she joins us from north carolina. hi. >> hello. i can't understand why all these people are bashing trump. anybody who sees biden in the. office i don't know if you've been to the grocery store, can't even fill up the car to now. halfway full. anybody who has been to the gas pump. it is impossible, almost. if anybody is on a fixed income, to fill up their gas tank. i don't understand why everybody is doing this. and then he sends all this money to other countries? and letting all these immigrants come into our country. i just don't understand. it evidently biden has never been to a grocery store. he is never had to fill up his car. with gas. >> that is gloria there in north carolina. anna from california. texting us say i just -- made a horrendous withdrawal in afghanistan. i can't wait for president biden to be gone, trauma he now spent about running for president makes me nervous because there are so many passionate folks foreign against him that i believe -- will throw the window and -- this is from joseph in pennsylvania saying that i'm frustrated that president trump, in an entirely narcissistic manner, wants to disrupt the conservative direction by running again. he needs to realize the message is more important than the man. move out of the, way and let the scientists, youngkin, rick scott or mick haley help save this country. this is ross in texas. saying that american voters are in a tough place for the next two years. leadership in both parties need placement. president biden and former president trump -- vote that the old guys, new ones will step up to the plate. if you do that, and text us if you want. those thoughts of yours. a 202, 748, 8003 is how you do. that scott in illinois. independent line. >> hi. i think we need to get rid of donald trump. and joe biden, he is the one that got us out of afghanistan. and that war was fought as -- i was on the special office team over there. that war was fought only for jeffrey epstein's sex slaves. >> okay, we will go to steve in florida. republican line. hi. >> hi, good morning. i'm just sitting here listening to everybody. cnn, fox news. msnbc. i am listening to people on c-span. it is amazing to me. democrats, mother or publicans. i'm a conservative. so i'm sitting here listening and getting a kick out of everybody. how their hatred and anger and -- and everybody. there is no -- in this. country it is amazing what the people are saying and feeling. if the man, austin ron latimer. and if you don't, like me don't vote for. him but i will tell you one thing. that the democratic party and these moderate so-called fake republicans, and the so-called great independents, are going to get him reelected. because for two more years, president biden is going to continue on this path with the environmentalist not do anything for resources in this country. continuing on high inflation and continuing on the path of that shooting and bashing and bashing. if this was the biggest joke in the. world if, reelected this man will get reelected. because america is slowing down. knowing to, see it is pitiful how everybody is doing their part. and they are not for the country. it is a shame what is going on. i can go into details. but we all know the same thing. medical, care it's the same nonsense. everybody is trying to bypass, that ignoring. that we are gonna -- security in. january where we're gonna get the money for it? everybody is worrying about bashing president trump were destroying this, country and going after one man. president, biden if you know so much, then why is he busy on the past? most presidents, when the elections in midterms come through, most presidents look at themselves. look at their staff, and do something about it. this guy said he. one he did not win. he did not win. >> steve and florida there. republican line. let's hear from florence in arizona. democrats line. >> thanks for taking my, call pedro. i have been sitting here in listening to all this -- talking about getting elected again for trump. i don't think he will be elected again. i think is going to be in jail because i believe that he has something up his sleeve trump thinking he is above the law but he is proud. he is not. but as far as -- talking about biden, putting out of office because of high gas prices in the food prices. like that stuff all over the world. inflation came behind that covid stuff which is what is causing inflation. its way here up to that. i gotta say the only reason why trump is running for president again is because he thinks he is going to die. and he wants to go with the orange face. so that's what coming. >> that is horse in arizona at one thing you might see in the lame duck session in congress is that according to the wall street journal there are possible tax breaks for those in retirement age. saying that members of both parties have shown interest in moving their retirement savings bill that passed the house in march and has drawn wide support in the senate. the legislation would raise the minimum age when people start taking distributions from tax to retirement accounts, to 75 from 72. increase contribution limits. or older workers and encourage smaller employees to create retirement type plans. all enroll employees and enhanced a savings tax credit for lower income workers. the wall street journal did that yesterday on the senate side where the senate majority leader chuck schumer talked about the future of what might happen as far as the house concern. the house is concerned. also in his own party particularly while working with republicans. here a portion of his comments on yesterday. >> for the republicans, some advice. if you embrace the maga, you're gonna keep losing. you will lose more. the embrace of maga in 2018 2020 and 22 did not work and we welcome you to work with us on a bipartisan basis. to get things done for the american people. we are not going to have to get everything we want. they are not gonna get everything they want. we will stay to our principles but we are willing to compromise to get things done and that has been our watch for it for two years. and we are gonna continue it. we hope the republicans will understand that. they are not gonna understand at this week. in the middle of all days he did elections for the leadership. but when we come back in january, hopefully after our production lame duck session, at least a number of the non maga republicans will do it so many of them did with us now, what they're doing with us in the respect for marriage act. and that is work with us. in a bipartisan way, and get things down. get things done. what happened last night with kari lake, that is proof positive that this maga stuff does not work. she was a great communicator and still lost. in a purple state. and the house app on your heatedly throughout this election. to follow the administrations of work scott. the guy who said cause medicare. the guy who said the taxi middle class. would be suicidal for the republicans. so i hope that, they for the good of the country, but also for the good of themselves because they want to pardon people we can work, with will understand that. >> and, alexandria, virginia independent line. this is charles. >> hey, good morning. i appreciate your professionalism. i'm ready, man. i just want to say it baffles me and really concerns me to hear women, white and black, it doesn't matter. if you support trump. a more passion that they. do i just want to ask this question. if donald trump touches, you your daughter, your mama, and in these parts and brags about it, and says you get away with, it will use to hold him? would you still love him with that type of passion? i just don't understand it. that is not right. it is not even moral. and then taking my black brothers on my block sisters who love donald trump. i think that having a business or gas prices being low -- do not believe the democracy is more important? if there is no democracy and no right to vote and you won't have a business. you won't have a job. that's all i want to. say thank you very much, pedro. >> jacqueline in tennessee. republican line. >> hello. >> hi, you are on. >> okay. i just want people to go and see what president donald trump did for america. all of these things that he could for america. for biden. he's pretty much stuck to everything he said he would do. and he was going through, and still keeping america great. i got mad at all the people who started surround against. him because republicans do not have a red wave. if they did. he didn't see what c-suite did blip. that is very important. like, three seats in new york that were always blue. we flipped one. and i just think that people shouldn't speak unless they research what is going on in this country. it goes way back to the 19 hundreds. >> okay. don is next in pennsylvania. democrats line. >> hello. >> you are, on go ahead. >> thanks for taking my call. i've been listening to all this talk and nonsense and the democrats are saying about republicans get wanting to take away social security. how about hundred billion dollars that bush took out for 9/11, and with the money they took out social security, nancy pelosi, four -- and trump. the state of the union address, when nancy pelosi was sitting papers, up that is treason. you do not have to like president trump, but you sure do respect him. i think america had to have common sense. in the democrats are draining this country. i've been a democrat my whole life -- >> i am now republican. colin the right line. i'm gonna stop you there. let's hear from weatherizing north carolina. >> hey. i appreciate all my brothers and sisters out there. i appreciate you all taking the time to talk with me. i'm not gonna take up too much time, because i know we have other people on the line. i'm actually a -- myself right. now but i want to say something. you can live in fear, or you can live for something more than that. language is important. we all speak the same language. i don't care what your base is. by language the speaks way more than any other type of language. think about, that is what children speak. that is what babies speak. i hear a lot of hurt. i hear a lot of pain. and i see that people are acting in the fear. people ask yourself, are you living to die. do you die -- because if you are not sure which dynamic you are -- for i don't say you can have a poll in the. eyes >> how do this relate to the announcement today from the president about current going current goings on in the senate? >> let's talk about president trump for just three seconds. he seems like anybody else. what that means is he a subject to all the fears and insecurities that anybody else does. i'm sure that he thinks that running is going to be something that might help. but you might also be aware it is something that you might recall of a pain. he's probably not sure what to do. i see people ought to students to reconcile. they started to go, we are 25 or 30 years of gridlock. that is held up as leaders. we are now to find a better way to go forward. because people like to think that america is no longer a position of leadership. we are all always in a position of leadership, we all have somebody let younger looking up to us. >> we will go to mark in los angeles, california. republican line. hi. >> how are you doing? >> thank. you go ahead. >> i wanted to say i am -- republican so some married. donald trump -- everybody wished to get impeachment. because he was degraded. in the world. and for joe biden, one thing about my democrat friends into now is that -- they have not done anything wrong. i mean anything right. nothing. gas, the green new deal, -- republicans mean this shady deals in the forest of one black collar, calling about donald trump. what about the diary of joe biden where he was taking showers with little kids? >> let's go to linda. in philadelphia. democrats line. >> hi. how are you today? >> fine, thank. you go ahead. >> i am listening to all these crazy people. it's really -- my life is no different with joe biden than it was with donald trump. of course they gases have a lot more money. it's ridiculous. for the choices that we have in this great country. and all the great man, that there are, we have these sources to make. trump and biden. biden is to hold around the gun. i think that we could do something about getting people who should not be able to be passed 60 to be president. nancy pelosi is -- i love her, i feel sorry for her husband. however, it is time to retire. you know? i am going to sit down in the 24 election, because i'm not voting for either of them. i would rather vote for somebody on death row, getting out of prison, for president. then donald trump. it is a disgrace what he did to our country. >> okay. let's go to tony in florida. independents line. >> good morning, granger. as a bit of a different take a hard. i heard liz cheney talking about -- i don't see how you can have going on 90 days after the election, you can't get a resolved as to a simple election. that is not normal. there's no place in the world that happens with the frequency that happens here. but more than, that i keep hearing about this threats to democracy. and schumer leaps about threat to democracy. and election deniers. but when you attack all institutions, like the integrity of the elections, and like all courts like schumer does repeatedly. and if you notice every time the loser court decision, you hold confidence in our system. and if people can't even trust the system, to operate properly, there is no hope for democracy. you can always tweak around your elections. you can do audits. you can prove elections or at least we'll run. but if you have no confidence in the system, nobody is going to obey the results of democracy. and we need to call this out, because these people threaten all courts. what are the true threats to our republic. have a great, one man. >> that -- is in. florida you heard from senator schumer about his perspective. in the senate. we will hear from senator mcconnell now. again, facing a challenge to his leadership from florida. senator rick scott. here are comments he made yesterday. >> one of the criticisms from senator scott and others who will agree with him is that your decision not to have an agenda to run on opened up candidates to attack, they cannot really stand for. anything. what is your response to the criticism that you are partially responsible? >> but every one of our candidates know what they were for. expressed quite clearly. but it is pretty obvious, and all of you have been writing about. it's what happened. we only perform among independents and moderates. because their impression of many of the people in our party and leadership roles is that they are gods and chaos. negativity. excessive attacks. and it frightens independents and moderate republican voters. and we saw that, which is why you will call it a predicted red wave. in the states that we were counting on to. win it wasn't a win. we have national issues set that are favorable. and the perception that many of them has that we were not dealing with issues in a responsible way. and we're spending too much time on negativity, and attacks and chaos. they were frightened. they pulled back, in two states, for example. excuse. me into states. that were just crushed by independent voters. arizona. and new hampshire. we'll learn some lessons about this and i think it is pretty. clear senate races are different. candidate quality we call and say -- is important. and in most of the states, we've met that desk in a few of them, we did not. >> that senator -- yesterday saying where the balance of power is in the haves. we've seen as a loss couple, days still holding as of this. morning 217 in the house side or the republican side of the house. 208 democrats holding states there. 218 needed for the majority. that's where they stayed for the last couple of days when it comes to the balance of power. you can talk about what you think about the future balance of power. should have republicans win the house and work with the senate. the presidents announcement from last night or all up for grabs. 202748 8000 for democrats. 202748 8000 for republicans. and to know to some of the thousand 82 for independence. text acids (202) 748-8003 if you want. you can post on social media to. let's go on to keith in indiana, republican line. >> good morning. my comment is that with nancy pelosi tearing up the state of the union address, trump is making it is because of all of the insurrection and you never want to let him be president. she said he will never be president. she tore up all this paperwork. and all of the people in the world. seeing that. so if you do not have your congress behind your -- and you can't take the loss, i had to stand back and -- and let me do their term. the tree is the one who started it all. and also, biden did not say one word about the fentanyl coming into our country. i'm telling you. i've a bunch of people that i know they have died from this stuff. he's not mentioned one word about. it it would be so easy to secure a, border stop the fentanyl from getting. in case all the people down that salads and get something the country. he wants something that lines it is putin's fault if we don't -- then he turns around and says, we are not ruling anything. well, i'm just telling you, people can vote for whoever they want to. donald trump has got my vote. >> next. mississippi democrats line. hi. >> i want to see -- in d.c.. in c-span woodstock. the main thing i want to say is this. you can vote for what you want to vote for. if that's joe biden. but the last couple of years, this man donald trump, has given so much to this country and just doesn't make any sense. everybody says he is gone will get up and say the january six was wrong. people died on january six. they will not want to mission, i think what january. six this is somewhere else. they think that was a good thing. they will not say nothing about january six. this man is on the way to disgrace to this country. when he was president i would never see -- the president do -- and talk about people so. much even talked about the pope. this place went running around, this many nothing but the devil. >> let's go to john in maryland. independent line. >> hi. thank you michael first and foremost. registered independent votes at my poll of what is going on in that society. it seems that we don't need to roll back to history. the society today, we're going to now, we'll need a new set of -- not for me. and not for trump. but what i am saying is that we need to take it deep down, and then what we really want. because if we continue this -- we are in trouble. -- isn't. trouble i was born in africa. but today, i'm a citizen of -- i worked my way. what i am saying is that, we should take it deep down. to what we really. eight i understand the economy, inflation, and everything. but we need to walk collectively. and let the -- who can think about what we really need. when you divide that has been happening in january six. we need a new set of leaders. somebody like desantis. that is independent. we want to look into it and vote for him. democrat. i just want to stay back. calling names and. now. not trump, like i said. it devalues too much. >> let's hear from sharon in. delaware republican line. >>, hello good. morning my blood boil when i heard joe biden. at the end of every speech that he makes. if you're lucky to hear from him at all. it is god bless our troops. he showed no respect whatsoever for the 13 that they basically set up to die in afghanistan last year. the state of the union address should have banned for the gold star family. that he created. he never mentions them. nancy pelosi makes a fool of herself by tearing a police speech. a spectacle. as far as a student, loans i think everybody is under the impression that biden is going to get rid of all their debts. and all this kind of stuff. i hope you love waking up to the lies that we're told them. and also the social security, not one republican that i listen to said anything about doing away with social security. the black communities, they are killing each other in the streets every single day. they do nothing about it. the woman up in new york would beat up. they let him out the next day and they told him that they had killed him. he shot her in front of her three kids. you're telling me that the democrat way is a better way to go? i don't believe so our quantities on the. take a live in delaware where a dear president in his and they use me to come home every weekend. that's more than at the white house. we want to debate. he is no respect for the black community. -- going to high school and he did not want his kids going to school in a racial jungle. you tell me what who the racist is. and kamala harris calls him a racist and a racist at her debate. so it -- is >> i don't think she went as far as that during the debate of our call correctly. but i got your point. let's hear from dave and the democrats long in florida. hello. >> that was a refreshing pause the fact that you actually fact check one of these lunatics that calls in on the mentally handicapped line. i mean really, you guys are kind of part of the problem. >> well first of all i will ask you not to insulted the viewers who call into our program either way that way. but go ahead. >> imagine what the reaction to these people would have been about their whining during world war ii what people had to make wheel sacrifices. now all you hear from these people's mimi. mimi. it is all about them and that is why they identify with trump. because trump puts himself first every time. all the time. they talk about how america was humming along when trump was president. it was humming along until it wasn't and half 1 million americans were dead. and they had refrigerator trucks lined up outside of the -- backing people up on top of each other like court wide. i don't know what kind of a delusion or unusual these people are suffering from, but it is very serious. and unless you start to fact-check these people, you are going to continue to live in their delusions. it is a very pathetic situation. next in jersey city new jersey, edward is next on the line. hi. >> hi, good morning. this is all interesting. to me real's are always interested i'm always interested in elections. the gop, the republicans are likely taking the majority in the house has any mattis heck. i am independent. i live in new jersey but i don't have many options so i vote democrat mostly. and democrats not having the majority in the house likely now. so like gay marriage likely has a chance with democrats, although the entire party is not progressive enough. raising the federal minimum wage may have a chance with the democratic party although the party is not progressive enough. defunding, so-called defunding the police i would vote for a democrat to go through that debate, like, you know, with the republican. because it is really not to defunding the police, it is really like about social services and it is about that community. so i wouldn't also support president trump with his new announcement for 2024. i did then,. as far as the gop leadership in the house, anyway, it is interesting. i just want to watch it all play out. i believe in it being a fair process. either way, it doesn't mount or who their leader is because it is a value thing but i just expect to see a fair process take place and just watch what happens. >> okay we will go to diana jacksonville florida. >> yes, good morning. i am calling to say i am a republican. and i would never vote for donald trump under any circumstances. i am very disturbed that he even made the announcement to run. i am a -- for full disclosure. i am praying that he runs because he definitely will have my vote. we have had enough of donald trump and i think you almost destroyed a republican party. anyone who worships this man has put him before they put god, and that you would praise a man over god. god is in control of everything. and until they realized that, donald trump cannot save this country anymore than joe biden can. let's pray that desantis gets the election and that he wins and brings america back to god. thank you. >> let's go to nathan in lincoln nebraska. the democrats. line >> hello. i don't want to say anything mean or derogatory towards the people who vote for the pulp politicians that represent us. because they're effectively making it about what they say and then we fight about what they say or what they believe or the actions that they take. and that is not necessarily smart because they don't represent every individuals ideals, or the way they think like me individually. i am curious as to why donald trump isn't in person. he has incited to riot, he is responsible for the. he stole private documents from the white house. i mean, if anyone else had committed these acts as a civilian they could be possibly tried for treason. especially if they were in the military. i also think that the tiki torch riot in itself should have just spoke volumes to the world. the man is a racist, that is plain to see. and he has basically shown the republican party into the racist party. so i guess if you want to be a part of that you can be. it is a free system. we have over who we want to. we just proved that with the terms. with the outcome of the midterm, that show you right there that if enough people get off their hands and go vote, then they can sway that vote very easily. >> from west virginia, independent line. this is brenda. >> hello. >> hey, you are. on >> what i was going to say is i am an independent now but i was an ex republican. i always felt like i was a moderate republican. but i have had to change my right to an independent. i am very sad and upset that people have called in for donald trump. i will never vote for him. >> why is that? . we >> because he is a crook. number one, he is a crook and these people don't understand that. they don't understand what he has done. in his lifetime. i watched a interview from him from years ago before he was ever in politics and he was a kirk fan and he is a crook now. and i wish someone else would run in his place, but i am not going to vote for him. >> that is brenda there in west virginia. finishing off our two of your calls this morning. we have talked about two things in general. one was that a presidents announcement from yesterday, which you can still see at our website at and that c-span now app. the other is what is happening with the house and the senate, particularly as leadership on tesco and challenges to both you can talk about that during the course of our last for 12 to 8000, democrats and to a 2748 8002 for independence. you can text us your thoughts at 202, 748 8003. it was yesterday that the president, former president donald trump announced that he was going to make a third bid for the white house. you can see that full speech on our website, on our app. but here's a push from yesterday. >> in order to make america great and glorious again, i am tonight announcing my candidacy for president of the united states. . [applause] one think. you thank. you so many incredible friends and family here tonight. it is such a beautiful thing. some people say, how do you speak for so many people all the time? when there is a lot in the room, it is really easy if you want to tell the truth. you ought to try it sometime. together we will be taking on the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable. our country is in a horrible state. we are in grave trouble. this is not a task for a politician or a conventional candidate. this is a task for a great movement that embodies the courage, confidence, and spirit of the american people. this is a movement, this is not for any one individual. this is a job for tens of millions of proud people working together from all across the land and from all walks of life, young and old, black and white, hispanic and asian. many of whom we have brought together for the very first time. if you look at the numbers, if you look at what happened with hispanic, african american, asian, and just look at what is happening. this is a party that has become much bigger, much stronger, much more powerful. can do much more good for our country. this is a job for grandmothers, construction workers, firefighters, builders, teachers, doctors and farmers who cannot stay quiet any longer. you can't stay quiet any longer. you are angry about what is happening to our country. our country is being destroyed before you bury our eyes. it is a job for every aspiring young person and every hardworking parent, for every entrepreneur and underappreciated a police officer who is ready to shout for safety in america. the police are being treated so badly. these are great people, they can straighten out the crime. they are the ones that know how to do it. we have to give them back their respect and their dignity. this will not be my campaign. this will be our campaign. altogether. >> that full speech available again at the website and our app if you want to see out there. in pennsylvania, joan on our republican line. go ahead. >> yes, i would like to say that president biden in the democratic party won because of young women who want abortions in this country. we have over 1 million abortions in this country a year and we also have the best for control. abortion is not birth control. we have the best for control in i would say the world. but yeah, abortions go on. you can't have a few more -- look over the guy in the morning and say, who the are you, and you can go out to any drugstore and get the morning after pill. they are so many things that they can do. and nancy pelosi has the audacity to have ashes, and president biden also ashes on their forehead on the hash wednesday. and they are for abortion. they should be ex communicated like the rest of the catholics would be. >> that is john impossible vein on that front. this is the press of reporting that a judge overturned george's abortion ban on abortion instead it six weeks. saying that it violated the u.s. constitution the supreme court president doesn't act three years ago and it was there for void. our mcbroom needs ruling to get back immediately statewide. the state attorney generals office that could file an appeal. the ban had been in effect since july. let's hear from rick in florida. democrats. len >> hey, pedro. thanks for taking my call. i am really concerned here. who are these people who are calling in, what are they watching on tv? i heard from one republican caller say that she didn't hear any republicans talking about getting rid of social security. well partly should doesn't listen to mike lee of utah. apparently she doesn't listen to rick scott of florida. apparently she spends too much time watching news max and fox. people, you better wake-up. i don't understand. i don't know what donald trump has got on merrick garland, but merrick garland should have prosecuted donald trump a long time ago. this guy stole national secrets. whether he's classified or unclassified it doesn't matter. they are still national secrets. pedro, it is not a coincidence that all of the sudden kim some jens, who trump had chemistry with, is all the sudden shooting off missile after missile. it is not a coincidence that the fbi contacted donald trump about these documents back in january of 2021. in january of 2022, he turns over 15 boxes. during that time, putin is surrounding ukraine with his troops and then a month after trump turns over these documents to the fbi, putin invades ukraine. you think that is coincidence? he has already dealt our secrets away. it is over. >> okay, brian is next in virginia. independent line. hi. >> hi. good morning. i was listening to the other segment about this and i thought, i hope trump does run. i hope he is the not a nominee if he's not in jail. and i'm not sure how that works out in the courts, but anyway. if he runs, democrats and independents like me will come out of the woodwork to make sure that this country does not have a dictator named donald trump, because that is what he wants. he wants to be putin, kim jong-un, that is what he wants. he comes from business where he was the and all. i mean, it is a dictatorship in business, and he wants to run the government that way. and it will be the death of all. you heard him last night telling people to be angry and all of that. and it is just terrible. he is an embarrassment to the word democracy. he is an embarrassment to the united states, and i wish people would wake up and listen to what he says because it is all about him and his money. that is what it is about. >> okay, lewis in florida. republican line. good morning. >> good morning, how are you? doing >> fine thank you. go ahead. >> i am just saying, it is a sad thing that nobody is talking about the real stuff that is going on like, how about diesel. everybody is worried about diesel. what are you going to do the farmers? tractors, all the equipment? everybody's gonna move to battery. they don't do too good. and biden sold us out to china. he's probably about a bunch of chinese hats, and what about pelosi? inside trading. that have done anything. >> so our theme this morning, hold on hold on. our theme this morning's are either what is going on and help leadership or the presidents announcement last night. what do you think of that? >> i didn't really listen to it because the sad thing is that everybody is down on him, but we were independent. look at us now. we are worried about getting fuel. so he is buying from other countries. he is letting the border run wild. and has no concern and doesn't bother with them. and it is all money. everybody wants money knew what are you going to do. we haven't done anything with hillary. we have done anything with pelosi. someone doing inside trading. martha winter went to jail but nobody seems to care. >> okay, let's go to trish and you. hamster democrats line. >> hi, good morning. well it is working. if hitler can hire -- to overturn the -- german people, then donald trump can hire roger stone to overturn the minds and campaign create campaign rhetoric and all of that. hitler didn't have the iphone and the internet back then. can you imagine if he had? that would have been even worse. we probably wouldn't be here. what scares me is fox news max. people on these propaganda rhetoric. new shows, they listen to -- tucker carlson. oh my goodness. how he is on the air is beyond me. my dad was a reporter and he taught me something. he said, don't believe everything you hear and read and watch. but watch in here and read everything. educate yourself. no how government is run, get to know your editorial, get to know the people who are writing the stuff. donald trump decided to go to the white house. it was all about winning and power and creating fear. like hitler did, creating fear in the country. . that is how hitler got empower. and yes i am comparing him to adolf hitler. that is the only. i just pray that people just wake up and turn off newsmax. turn off politico, get off the get on the guardian, get on c-span. watch the house of representatives. watch c-span, people. the washington journal. there's good programs out there that educate. educate yourself. >> okay, that is trash. there will be other things that happened yesterday or at least in the early morning hours aside from the world of politics when it comes to spaceflight, it was nasa. reporting to the olena, that they put on a light show. sending the mission on a record playing breaking launch. early wednesday morning, talk about its efforts. it was a sky journey from dark to light as the speech launch system blasted around 8.8 million pounds of dust. it became the most powerful rocket ever launch into space. they reported that tears wash across the space center but fell to a differential silence as the war of the engines cracked through the air in a deafening roar. this is part of efforts to go back to the moon and beyond, we have done segment on this program and nasa will tell you that that is the artemis 1 spacecraft they are launching early this morning. you can see more of that to get our website at c-span banned dot org. let's go to pat, pat is in connecticut. connecticut on an intimate line, high. >> good morning. i have been listening to most people's comments here and i am really amazed by how many people have said that they hate donald trump and would never vote for him. i am wondering, where do they get their news? they must be getting their news from our marxist media. because the woman who just talked before means that that her father was a reporter and he always said to access all things, find out all areas and read and listen to each side. and then her next statement was how just carlson be allowed to be on the air? which kind of makes me wonder if she didn't listen to her father evidently. my next point is about donald trump being responsible for the insurrection. i watched an fbi director, christopher wray, being interviewed by congress. he actually lied when they asked if the antifa or black lives matter was any of those people were involved in that so-called insurrection. and he said no. that was an outright lie. and i was sitting there watching television and thinking to myself, he is the director of the fbi. the most powerful intelligence department in our country, in the world perhaps. and i am just a lowly voter in connecticut and i have seen jim sullivan, the black activists bragging to his girlfriends during that time on television. there was a video about him, saying that they sometimes, blm people will push on trump shirts and where the maga hats just to make sure that people think that trump voters are responsible for that so-called insurrection. >> that is pat there in connecticut, and she brought up that hearing the take place in front of homeland security committee with the fbi director christopher wray. he was questioned by republican representative clay again's directly asking the director, the fbi director of the fbi had human sources disguised as supporters of president trump during the january 6th attack on the capitol. here are some of that exchange. >> director wray, does the fbi have confidential human sources? did the fbi have confidential human sources embedded within that january six protests on january 6th of 2021? >> well congressman, as i'm sure that you can appreciate, i had to be very careful about what i can say about. >> because that is what you told us. >> may i finish? about when we do and do not and what we have and have not used confidential human sources. but to the extent that there is a suggestion for example that the fbi's confidential human sources or fbi employees in some way instigated or orchestrated january six, that is categorically false. did you have trump supporters inside the caps reporter inside prior to the doors being open. >> again i have to be very careful. >> it should be a no. can you not tell the american people know, we did not of confidential human sources dressed as trump supporters positioned inside the capital. >> you should not read anything into my decision not to share information about confidential human sources. >> the gentleman's time has expired. >> thank you mister chairman. >> all of our witnesses are here today as gas. of the committee to discuss threats to the homeland. as our guest, we owe our witnesses respect. and the subject matter today's hearing deserves thoughtfulness. the chair encourages all members to be polite, and to take today's worldwide threats hearing seriously. >> mister chairman, can i just add briefly, just so i understand my colleagues on my side of the aisle. if the chairman speaks, he has the authority to speak at anytime he wants. if he speaks, we will make sure that you get your time back. so going for, we just understand that. thank you. >> more of that hearing is available on our website at let's go to thomas, republican line in pennsylvania. >> good morning. >> good morning, you are on. . okay, thank you. i just want to let you know, first of all that i am a retired serviceman. i was in the navy. i had the opportunity to travel around the world on three separate occasions and have seen what unemployment does to a country. when biden took over, the first thing he did was an employee from 10,000 workers on the keystone pipeline. and now i saw on going break this morning where verizon is planning on laying off 10,000 people. now we are talking about 20,000 people who will not have a very delightful christmas, and will probably cost retail sales companies two to $300,000. which will result in unemployment. these companies can not keep employees if they don't have sales. and i don't understand why the people in this country cannot see this and

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