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So in his place they have decided to put a statue of the great inventor, Thomas Alva Edison, who was born in milan, ohio, in 1847. I want to congratulate the people of ohio for this most excellent choice and i thank all of you for coming today, especially those of you from ohio, for joining us in this celebration. Thank you, everybody. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please stand for the presentation of the colors by the United States armed forces color guard, the singing of our National Anthem and the retiring of the colors. [drums] o, say can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming and the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there oh, say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave [drums] ladies and gentlemen, please remaining standing as the chaplain of the United States house of representatives, father patrick conroy, gives the invocation. Let us pray. God of the universe, the light of the world, we give you thanks for the gift of life and for the Many Blessings that life brings. Today, we gather in this hallowed temple to human freedom to honor one of ohios and americas favorite sons. Few american figures have projected such a broad swath of influence on the worlds civilization, as Thomas Alva Edison. His inquisitive desire and inventive imagination inspired creativity in the spirit of our human family. Many advances in science, in technology, medicine and physics, which have bettered the lives of millions, were made possible by the presence of artificial light. We give you thanks for Thomas Edisons long career of invention and for the numerous contributions to the world, including sound recording, and Motion Pictures, which influenced most profoundly artistic expression in the modern world. Impel us with your spirit to change our world for the better and may our gathering redound to your greater honor and glory, amen. Please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, United States representative from the ninth district of ohio, the honorable marcy kaptur. Rep. Kaptur good afternoon. Father conroy, chaplain black, fellow members of the ohio delegation, senator brown, senator portman, majority leader mcconnell, leader pelosi, speaker ryan, and all assembled here today, what an honor it is to celebrate the legacy of Thomas Alva Edison, a native ohioan, as we unveil his statue in the United States capitol. Please let me extend a buckeye welcome to the ohioans joining us as well as profound things to all the many dear individuals from many walks of life whose efforts bring us to this moment. Considered one of americas greatest inventors, the life and legacy of Thomas Edison lives large among us today. Edison believed what you are will show in what you do. Thomas edison was the youngest of seven children. He was born in a small brick home with a white picket fence in 1847 in milan, ohio. A small town then, and still today, in Northern Ohio that i have had the privilege of representing during my early service. Edisons early life was not the story book character you might envision. Edison faced early hardships, many of them. His teacher said, and i quote, too stupid to learn anything. In fact, he had a hearing problem resulting from a bout with scarlet fever. Thus, he was largely home schooled by his mother, nancy. Later, he failed his First College Entrance Exam and became essentially selftaught. Later, edison was fired from his first two jobs for being nonproductive. Yet, this genius of a human being managed to achieve 1,093 patents to his name. 1,093. Edison once observed, opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. So he had a sense of humor. And work he did. He founded 14 Companies Including general electric, still one of the largest publicly traded companies worldwide. Americas greatest inventor introduced the world to, as was said earlier, the light bulb, but not just that. Power utilities, sound recording, Motion Pictures all of which established new industries worldwide. Other breakthroughs included the phonograph, the telegraph, and storage batteries. Still more inventions, including the stock ticker, a battery for an electric car, cement, the tattoo gun, the magnetic iron ore separator. This mans mind had full range. Thomas edison even invented the first version of the electronic vote counter for legislative bodies like congress. Edison declared, our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time. How inspiring those words and actions of Thomas Edisons remain today. America never succeeded by thinking small. America never thrived by giving up. Thomas alva edison always thought big, delivered big, and he always tried just one more time. His genius moved america forward. Now the oldest democratic republic on the face of the earth, despite being one of the youngest nations, and we are still the largest and most dynamic economy in the world. Thank you, Thomas Alva Edison, for leading america forward. Now let us follow his example. Congratulations to all. [applause] United States senator from ohio, the honorable robert portman. [applause] senator portman wonderful to be here. I love having all these distinguished buckeyes in town to celebrate Thomas Edison. Mr. Speaker, leader mcconnell, leader pelosi, speaker rosenberger, a surprise guest with us here today, came all the way from columbus for this occasion, and to my colleagues in the ohio delegation who i see here in the front row, my colleague in the senate, its great to have everyone together on a bipartisan effort here to hold up a great ohioan and great american. Pat teaberry was unable to be here today. He hoped to say a few words. To alan, pat passes along his congratulations and to all of you, his best wishes. The decision to hold up Thomas Edison as a symbol from ohio is, of course, something were all proud of today but it was said early, it was the ohio delegation. It really wasnt. It was the vote of the people. So the people of ohio made this decision. A couple of them are here today who helped organize it. Mark wagner, doug mcdonald, thank you for being here and your hard work over the years, talking to me about this process and getting us to this point. I know youre happy about it. I will say it was not an easy decision. We had a lot of remarkable ohioans to choose from. We happen to have quite a few ohioans distinguished enough to be in this great hall. We have Neil Armstrong and 23 other astronauts so that was tough competition right there. Weve had eight president s to choose from. We also have had a couple of guys named orville and wilbur who were in the running. So this was not easy. Were a state with a lot to be proud of. But i think we got it right. I think congressman kaptur said congresswoman kaptur said it well in terms of his background. Thomas edison was not a guy destined for greatness. He was near deaf. He was the son of a shingle maker and a school teacher. As was said earlier, he didnt do particularly well in school. As a result, he really had no formal schooling. He got bad grades. His teacher told his mom one day that he was addled, and too stupid to learn anything, because of his disability. Interesting lesson there, isnt it . But he had something that other kids didnt have. He had an amazing work ethic and he had this determination and perseverance and will to succeed so he left school but by age 14, he was already an entrepreneur, he was doing things, making things, selling newspapers and concessions on this new fangled Railroad System america had put in place. He was sort of ahead of his time. At age 22, he had his first real invention, it was an electronic vote recorder, which he tried unsuccessfully to sell to the United States congress. Dont you love that . Again, he was ahead of his time, wasnt he . He was a guy who just couldnt stop experimenting and inventing. He often slept in his lab. He said one time, quote, genius is 1 inspiration and 99 perspiration. It was about hard work for him and it paid off. By the time he was 31, that nearly deaf kid who struggled in school had invented the phonograph and was making some of the first sound recordings in history. Two years later, he invented the incandescent light bulb which we may see in a moment. But the light bulb is what hes most famous for. And we honor him today for all those successes. He truly changed the world and he truly represents ohio in terms of his invention and innovation but i think more important he represents ohio values of hard work, determination, perseverance. Im sure as folks think about Thomas Edison and walk by the statue, theyll think about the light bulb but i hope, also, the members of congress who go past here, the many visitors who come through this hall, the staff and others who stroll past, will also be inspired by those ohio values that propelled him to greatness. Thank you. [applause] United States senator from ohio, the honorable sherrod brown. [applause] senator brown speaker ryan, leader mcconnell, leader pelosi, speaker rosenberger, thank you, and to my friend, rob part man and all the delegation here and alan, congratulations on this wonderful statue. Thank you. It was on june 1, 1869, that a young inventor named Thomas Alva Edison was granted his first patent. Edison was born only 50 miles from where i grew up. His first patent was an electronic vote recorder. He came to washington where he presented his invention to a house committee. The earnest 22yearold inventor showed the committee how his electronic voting machine worked. He told them it would save time for them and for their colleagues. The Committee Chairman responded, young man, that is just what we do not want. Your invention would destroy the only hope that the minority would have of influencing legislation. As the ruling majority knows, leader, the ruling majority knows that at some day they may become a minority, they will be as much averse to change as their opponents. A dejected edison stomped out of the room, promised himself he would never invent anything else that did not have a commercial purpose. 104 years later, speaker ryan 104 years later, the house of representatives installed an electronic Voting System patterned on edisons invention of 1869, and it was installed by former Cleveland Browns quarterback frank ryan who was then a physicist at stanford university. Thats the history of the Voting System in the house of representatives. I thought i have been looking for like 20 years at a time to use that story. What better place than right now . [applause] senator brown Thomas Edison, as all of the speakers will say, is such a fitting choice to represent the spirit of ohio. Were a state of inventors, pioneers, dreamers and creators. Thomas edison lived the world. Lit the world. The Wright Brothers vaulted us into the skies, john glenn reached for the heavens, Neil Armstrong touched the stars. They inspired their state, their country and the world. So did our artists and writers. Gloria steinem from toledo was a pioneer. Jesse owens from cleveland sprinted into our imagination. In ohio, more than any state, no offense to wisconsin, california or kentucky ohio more than any state, makes things. Ohio, cleveland is about to install the first offshore wind turbine and fresh water in north america. Selfdriving vehicles are coming to columbus. We make solar panels in toledo. We have the most efficient steel mill in the world in cleveland, ohio, and my suit was made by Union Workers 10 miles from my house. Thomas edison, americas great inventor, is not frozen in bronze. He lives on in the soul of the people of this state, his legacy will continue. Thank you. [applause] Christine Schultz and sarah latham mccoy. [applause] what a thing, what a thing, what a thing to live for, mankind, to give for mankind, all the joys of living, all hes got hes giving, work away, work away, night and day, never play, if america needed a king on a throne, mr. Edison sits on a throne of his own, never quit, a real star of foil that no fame can spoil. Yankees all applaud him, other nations laud him, wears a smile, all the while, rank and file, there were edison, theres an edison o, say, can you see, by the light that he gives you and me, what a man he is, what a grand old wiz, groping, groping in the dark without him we would be, its a light so bright thats shining, for the land of the free and the land or the sea, oh, you like the way mr. Thomas a edison miracle man [applause] the democratic leader of the United States house of representatives, the honorable nancy pelosi. Rep. Pelosi im honored to join our speaker, paul ryan, senator mitch mcconnell, leader of the senate, and the distinguished senators and congressmen who are here to celebrate this new addition to our capitol. Today, 85 years after his death. We welcome to the capitol the statue of one of the greatest inventors who has ever lived, Thomas Alva Edison, the wizard of menlo park. Now, marcy gave inventory to many of his inventions, senator portman talked about the work ethic so essential to his success. Senator brown talked about the convention between that voting connection between that voting card and a Cleveland Browns Football Player named ryan who was a physicist at stanford who installed the voting card here many, many years later. So ill make another california connection. As a californian, i take special delight in the connection between menlo park, new jersey, and menlo park, california. The wizard of menlo park. How fitting that menlo park, california, named years before the new Jersey Development made famous by edisons labs, is now home to the wizardry of our own time, silicon valley. None of that would have happened, though, without Thomas Edison. Again and again, the world was transformed by edisons genius. The diligence that powered discovery. He was about two things. He was about invention and he was about discovery, discovery of what works and what doesnt, creativity, the heroic worth ethic that brought his ideas to fruition. Technology has marched on but edisons achievements still stir our imaginations, still touch our hearts with pride and wonder. In Thomas Edison, we behold the power of Applied Science and American Innovation to illuminate the world. 50 years after the invention of the incandescent bulb, at edisons congressional Gold Medal Ceremony here in the capitol, president Calvin Coolidge said, few men possess to such a striking degree the blending of the imagination of a dreamer with the practical driving force of the doer. Edison, coolidge proclaimed, represents the finest tradition of our citizenship. Indeed, edison embodies the creative essence of america, not only the invention of things but spirit of innovation at the soul of our national character, innovation, entrepreneurship, discovery, creativity. Here in congress, we have a special responsibility to help sustain and advance americas leadership in innovation. We must take inventory of the ingredients needed to foster a new generation of edisons. How could there be a whole generation of edisons, but in the spirit of edison, recognizing the importance of respect for science, patience for the time it takes, the investment in resources to produce breakthroughs, and remembering that, for most people, innovation begins in the classroom, in this case, the classroom of his mother, nancy. The statues that fill the capitol are more than commemoration, they are inspiration. Edison was never consent to rest content to rest on his laurels. He was always relentlessly perfecting, always hungry for a new idea. He thought entrepreneurially. Let edisons presence this these hallowed halls challenge us to embrace that same determination, dissatisfaction and daring and optimism. Let Thomas Edisons remind us of the invention innovation that keeps america number one. Thank you, ohio, for sending us Thomas Edison to the capitol. [applause] the majority leader of the United States senate, the honorable mitch mcconnell. [applause] senator mcconnell i believe it was pericles who once said famous men have the whole earth as their memorial. Im not sure about the entire planet but Thomas Edison has sure got a lot of admirers among our 50 states. New jersey claims them as their wizard of menlo park. Michigan has its own connection. And not only does ohio have a solid stake, but the buckeyes just seriously upped the ante with this largerthanlife bronze statue behind us. So im staying out of that. But let me also remind everyone of kentuckys own ties to Thomas Edison. Edison was only about 19 when he moved to louisville to work as a telegraph operator. He didnt last long. Edisons interest back then tended more towards the sophomoric than the historic. He spent his time pulling pranks, telling jokes. Focus onng off work to his experiments. They warned collies to pay no attention to edison and his inventions. When one of his experiments went wrong, that was the last straw. Edison was promptly fired. Thus the curtain dropped on his time in the bluegrass state, but opened to a world of new possibilities, and i would like to thank edisons experience in kentucky helped to shape that. Here is a guy who was clearly gifted. Here is a guy uninterested in playing by anybodys rules but his own. That never changed, but edisons focus did. He picked up the pieces and got back to the drawing board. In a few short years, he would earn his first patent. It was for a machine the recorded the yeas and nays here in congress. Many of edisons other inventions did catch on, the phonograph, the libel, the movie bulb, the movie camera, and so many others. As the New York Times declared, edison has stamped his pattern on our social fabric. How true that headline remains today. Just look around. All of this impacted by one inventors handiwork. Believed thee world owes nothing to any man. He transformed our way of life. He sparked revolution, and through the trying times, he took away lessons he would need to be the industry changing entrepreneur we know today. The inventor with more than 1000 patents, the talented son, the pride today of so many of our 50 states, including kentucky. [applause] the speaker of the United States house of representatives, the honorable paul d ryan. [applause] speaker ryan so when i heard that we were unveiling a statue of edison my first thought is we dont already have one here . When i heard which state is sponsoring the statue, my reaction was he was born in ohio , then i thought that makes absolute perfect sense. Ralph Waldo Emerson once argued that great men dont check their times so much as they reflect their times. They give voice to long simmering frustrations and desires. They also in a funny way take in all the quirks and contradictions of their folly fellow countrymen. Edison was absolutely no exception. Born in the middle of the 19th century in the middle of the country, he spent his life in the middle of all the action. In his heyday, america was on the rise. It seemed like we were inventing our way to prosperity. There was the railroad, telephone, the lightbulb, the phonograph, Motion Pictures. Any one of those inventions would have secured for a person an enduring place in history, yet he had so many of these. And yet for all of his success and fame, he maintained a distinctly american outlook. When the serbian engineer tesla applied for a job, he replied, i was thrilled to the marrow, and begin my education right then and there. Edison said, you will shine the shoes yourself and you will like it. That is exactly what tesla did. Edison had this uniquely american combination. He knew how to self promote and build a great team. He brought together the brightest minds from all over the world to work on him the greatest inventions of their time. The team he assembled and the famous menlo park in new jersey had many inventions before moving to a bigger laboratory. So edison with his lowkey brilliance and his leader driven teambuilding reflect that american contradiction that american tradition, that democratic excellent. Excellence. Just as the people of ohio do. Your state has a lot to be proud of, a lot. Cream of the crop right here today. It only makes sense that ohio should be the ones to add this statue in our Nations Capital. When edison died, henry ford urged people to try to capture his dying breath in a test tube. Unfortunately you cannot capture something so fleeting, but this does capture a hint of his character, a piece of his legacy, which will serve to inspire the thousands of americans to walk these holes these halls every year for many years to calm. To come. Thank you and congratulations. [applause] and now leader mcconnell, leader pelosi to join me for the unveiling. [applause] speaker of the ohio house of representatives clifford rosenberger. Speaker rosenberger good afternoon. [applause] ohio is truly the heart of it all, so it is great. It is a great honor to be here this afternoon. On behalf of the governor and the General Assembly, let me thanks he or ryan, leader pelosi, and leader mcconnell for this great honor. It is a great honor to be here to represent 11. 5 million citizens of ohio. And to be part of an event that recognizes a man who not only had Significant Impact on ohio, but also our nation and the entire world. Edison forged a legacy and set an example that every american can be proud of. As we observe the statue, i hope you will recognize that its brilliance and simplicity reflects the enduring nature of a man who inspired us to set lofty goals and never settle for failure and blanket our world with the knowledge of so much more. His inventions created and contributed to lights, movies, telephones, and records. Yet i believe his most important invention was his example of her perseverance, determination, and defining success and failure. He understood the inseparable connection between them. He defined them by never giving up, working hard, but most importantly believing in oneself that never allowed him to fail, edison is reflective of the traditions and guys that has values that has built this country and will continue to make the greatest nation on the face of this earth. Surrounded by statues of fellow pioneers, innovators, and trailblazers, edison will represent ohio probably and the proudly and the spirit that is so integral that makes ohio so great. This statue will inspire young people to follow their imaginations and live up to edisons example to never settle and success, chase it. It will allow visitors the opportunity to learn more about our unique history and one that stands firm. One never to be forgotten and one never to be overlooked. I want to commend the Ohio National Study Committee on statuory Study Committee on their Selection Process and the Ohio National Statuary Commission for the selection. Finally, allow me to give sincere thanks to my fellow legislators, the General Assembly, our governor, who approved the selection of the statute and cemented in the heart of our Nations Capital a true ohio hero. Thank you very much. [applause] chair of the Study Committee, mark wagner. [applause] legislative leaders and all distinguished guests, today marks the end of a decadelong journey celebrating ohio history. 10 years ago, the General Assembly decided to return the governor back home to ohio and select a new representative for our great state in statuary hall. It sounds easy enough, the first state to lay claim to eight president s, chief justices, military leaders, along with people who have changed the world through social movements, inventions, ideas, to those who broke the bounds of our earth gravity, and so many others. It was not an easy task to pick just one. To select a fitting representative for ohio, we engaged everyone, soliciting nominations from all of ohio, receiving more than 90 nominees. We used our discretion to eliminate one name from consideration, the famed wolverine head coach. Nice try, michigan. [laughter] after that, we visited oakwood, ohio stadium, traveled to washington courthouse. Weve been whittled it down to 10, and we had a vote of the people. The other finalists were james ashley, ulysses s. Grant, william mcculloch, Harriet Beecher stowe, jesse owens, judith resnick, albert sabin, Harriet Taylor upton, and oliver and wilbur wright. We did have an election, a debate. To vote, you had to visit and Ohio Historical site. We tabulated the result and, edison won a plurality of the vote. So, here the journey insends. The journey ends. Ohioans had the chance to see him, and now so will the rest of the country to remind us all of ohios ability to reinvent the world. Thank you. We have been through a lot. Welcome to your new home. Make ohio proud. [applause] chair of the ohio Statuary Commission, douglas mcdonald. [applause] mr. Speaker, leader mcconnell, leader pelosi, distinguished members of congress, fellow commissioners, and distinguished guests, today is the final act of a decadelong endeavor to succeed the statue which has resided in this hall for 139 years. Why . Why does it matter who enshrines the National Statuary hall in the United States capital . Why does it matter that we have such a whole . Why . Because inspiration matters. This hall is an institution of inspiration. Its mission, like museums and Historic Sites around the world endeavor to inspire us to do better, to aim higher, and to transform for good the National Trajectory of our civilization. In these halls, edison inspires us as an inventor and business person, and with his often repeated words, our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is to try just one more time. In the u. S. Capitol, there are over 100 statues of people who have altered the National Trajectory of our civilization. Across this room, one of my favorites, an iowa biologist, humanitarian, and Nobel Laureate whose save one billion lives from starvation. Each of them is an inspiration. Beyond these halls, the museums and history organizations seek to inspire by lifting up the stories of inspiring people who changed our world for the better. In an era of fascination with personalities and fixation on the dramatic, inspiration matters. Let us each be investors in inspiration, investing our energies to tell the Great Stories of achievement in our nation and invest our resources in institutions of inspiration. Like statuary hall, like the new National Museum of African American history and culture, like all the museums in history organizations across this great nation. Why . Because inspiration matters. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, please stand as dr. Black gives the benediction. Let us pray. Eternal god, creator of great lives, we praise you that inspiration does indeed matter. We thank you that lives of great people all remind us that we can live our lives sublime and departing leave behind us footprints on the sands of time. Lord, we praise you for the laudable laborers, who illuminated our world with numerous contributions and inventions. We are grateful that you brought him from humble beginnings, using him to leave the world better than he found it. Lord, thank you that you permitted edisons setbacks to provide him with the stepping stones to greater usefulness and service. As we dedicate this statue, give us the wisdom to permit our reach to exceed our grasp in courage, perseverance, and creativity. We pray in your great name, all men. Please remain in your seats for the departure of the official party. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] interested in American History tv . Visit our website. You can see our schedule or watch a recent program. American artifacts, wrote to the right house we want, lectures in history and more. At cspan. Org history [video clip] through 20 years of wandering, too hot and cold wars, through corruption and cynicism, the American People or leadership f founded on integrity and wisdom and courage. We have sought a leader of the people a man raised to leadership by the people. Lifeleader whose whole was for the people. The french love liberty and under hitler they face to slavery. This ally likes ike, too. Across the English Channel where theer could not cross people from london who never would yield to the blitz surrendered to ike. Everyent eisenhower to londoner who is taken one of my soldiers into his home, you will always have my profound gratitude. That home is america. The wife all the world calls mamie was the first to say, i like ike. Bursting with a pride and a who understands that washington belongs not to a president but to the people. President eisenhower i stand before the elected federal lawmakers o f our republic. The very core of our political symbol of those things we call the american heritage. A country boy can do to the biggest city in the world new york. [cheering] watch the women, watch the young people. Watch all the people who make up the independent voters a intory at the polls november. Watch them flock and cheer for mister american. She communist stir up riot that ripped through the cities of europe. This one in italy. The reds rile the people. Where is there a leader with the skill and tenacity to teach the enemy to call each other neighbor again. Who can end the violence abroad and at home, too . Who can unite instead of divide this nation . Where every american budget dollar goes in defense of our freedom, where is the man of experience who can get the most security for every military dollar . From every horizon from women and youth, farms and factories, even from democrats who place principle above party, for all the people of america a century has brought the threat of a new slavery but there is a new lincoln. Statesman, soldier, citizen, mister american dwight david eisenhower. After i came up with an idea of reproductive rights i went and research. Ed. With recent events i heard about in news, i heard i could find information on that and that would help me figure out what points i wanted to say about it. And how to form my outline. A i dont think i took methodical approach to this process. You could if you wanted but i think that really was a piece as dense as this, it is a process of reworking. As i was trying to come up with what my theme was, i was doing research at the same time. And i was coming up with more ideas for what i could film. I would come up with an idea, that would be a great shot. Id think about that and that would give me a new idea. Then id do research. The whole process was just about building on other things and scratching what does not work and keep going till you finally get the finished product. This years theme your message to washington, d. C. Tell us what is the most urgent issue for the new president and congress to address in 2017 . Our competition is open to all middle school or High School Students grades six through 12 100,000 awarded in cash prizes. Produce a 57 minute documentary on the issue, include cspan programming and explore opposing opinions. The cash prizes will be shared between 150 students and 53 teachers. And the grand prize, 5,000, will go to the student or team with the best overall entry. This years deadline is january 20, 2017. Mark your calendars and help us spread the word to student filmmakers. For more information, go to our website studentcam. Org. Tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on afterwards, talks about her life and experiences in the u. S. As an undocumented immigrant in her book. Shes interviewed by doris meisner, migration policy u. S. Immigration policy Program Senior director. As a child not having your parents with you and only seeing them every few months, first of all, you feel like they are a stranger to you, because when i was see my parents they would come bearing presents. When i came to visit them in the u. S. , it was summer vacation. It was a very different experience than having parents who are with you every single day. Tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on book tv. This weekend on american president we tour wilbur wilsons house in washington, d. C. , to see objects that provide a window into world war i as wilson experienced it. Here is a preview. [video clip] each week american artifacts takes you to museums and historic places. Woodrow wilsons house in washington, d. C. , where the 28th president retired in 1921 after leading the nation through world war i and its diplomatic aftermath. He died here three years later. Executive director robert leads us through the house and highlights objects that provide a window into world war ii i as wilson experienced it into world wari. The United States entered the war on april 6, 1917 as an ally. Many american soldier saw combat in france. In Woodrow Wilsons library, as you might expect in a 100 year old home, we have a range of artifacts. This cabinet is full of gifts and mementos of wilsons presidency, but may be the most amazing and the one that relates most clearly to world worare i i this pen stand. The pen is the pen Woodrow Wilson used to sign the declaration of war in april 1917. Wilson earlier that week had given a speech before a joint session of congress, the house and senate voted and they brought him the declaration of war at the residence in the white house. He and his wife edith were having a lunch, and wheres the pen . This is an an era before ballpoint pens. He said, use mine. It is a pearl handled pen that was a gift from president wilson to edith wilson. It sits on a stand that has a whole story of its own. If you look closely, it is a wall risk task ca a walrus tusk. It was a gift from the inuit tribes in alaska to president wilson, before alaska was a state. The entire tour at 6 00 p. M. And 10 00 p. M. Eastern time this sunday. American history tv, only cspan 3. The 2016 till election, road to the white house w rerun gives you coverage of president ial races. The second debate between massachusetts senator john f. Kennedy and incumbent Vice President richard nixon. The candidates to questions from a panel of journalists on u. S. Policy toward cuba, relations with the soviet union, combating the spread of communism and civil rights in america. Defeated vicey president nixon in a close general election with less than 1 of the popular vote separating the two. This frank mcgee this is frank mcgee, nbc news in washington. This is the second in a series of programs unmatched in history. Never have so many people seen the major candidates for president of the United States at the same time; and never until this series have americans seen the candidates in facetoface exchange. Tonight the candidates have agreed to devote the full hour to answering questions on any issue of the campaign. And here tonight are the republican candidate, Vice President richar n president richard m. Nixon, and the democratic candidate, senator john f. Kennedy. Now representatives of the candidates and of all the radio and Television Networks have agreed on these rules. Neither candidate will make an opening

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