Transcripts For CSPAN3 Theresa May Fields Questions From Par

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Theresa May Fields Questions From Parliament 20170427

further investments in wales and the uk. questions for the prime minister. mister michael fabricant. prime minister. >> thank you. the economy in the west midlands is performing well, businesses are continuing to invest >> that is because conservatives and government have safeguarded the economy and as a result my honorable friend asked about public services, as a result there are more doctors and more nurses in his hospitals because you can only have strong public services when you have the strong and stable leadership that delivers a strong economy. >> i think what this nation needs is a strong and stable government. isn't it the case that thanks to delovution. i in the midland strong and stable leadership if the right choice is made -- >> my friend makes a very powerful point, people in the west midlands have the opportunity to elect a strong local leader who will oversee 8 million pounds of investment. i think they have -- commander has the local knowledge, he has the business experience and he has the commitment to the west midlands to deliver to the whole of the west midlands. then, of course, people in the west midlands had the opportunity to select the strong and stable leadership of conservative government working together, strong conservative leadership and strong conservative leadership in government will deliver for the west midlands. >> number two. >> prime minister. >> this morning i have meetings, i shall have such meetings later today. >> in 2015 a group hold a socialist campaign for labor victory. they drew up a man to disban ni 5 and scrap our nuclear, would my friend to allow anyone to endure such a plan or indeed serve in her cabinet. >> this is a resounding, no, i would not. and can i commend my little friend who has a prior record of defending our country, but he's raised one important point because across the major opposition has chosen just such a person. her plan to disban ni 5 and to disarm our police and scrap nuclear deter rent was endorsed by the policy chief and even by his shadow chancellor. and we saw the right of the gentleman refusing say he would strike against terrorism, refusing to commit to the nuclear deter rent and refusing to keep control of the boarders. keeping the country safe is first duty of the prime minister. he's simply not up to the job. >> thank you. thank you, mr. speaker. this is the last time and i think it would be appropriate, mr. speaker, if we all paid tribute to those colleagues who decided to leave the house at the end of this parliament. thank them for their service, thank them for their service to democracy in this country and to thank you, mr. speaker, for the way you've presided over this house and the way in which you sought to reach out to the communities in this country. mr. speaker, when i became lead opposition 18 months ago, i said -- it's -- i'm trying to explain what i'm about to say, i said i wanted people's voices to be heard in parliament. so, mr. speaker, instead of just speaking to hand picked audiences who can't ask questions, i hope the prime minister won't mind if she answers some questions today from the public. >> i start, mr. speaker, with christopher who wrote to me this week. he says in the last five years, my husband has had only 1% increase in his wages. the cost of living has risen each year. we now have, at least, 15% less buying power than them. so where is christopher and his husband's share in the stronger economy? >> thank you. thank you mr. speaker, can i first of all join the right of the gentlemen, in commending those -- you are leaving the house for the service to serve the constituents and to parliament over the years, can i also say huge thank you to the staff of the house of commons and parliament who support us in the work that we do here in this chamber and elsewhere. i will -- i note, by the way, the that the right honorable gentleman didn't take the opportunity to show how he would stand up for the defense of our country, once again, through his opportunity. i note that the right honorable gentleman is saying about wage increasing. i see today that he's talking about paying for extra wage increases in the national health service. i think we should first of all, recognize, actually, but for people working in the national health service around half of those staff, because of progression and basic pay increases, we'll see pay increase on 4%. what we know -- what we know -- what we know and what i can say to christopher, is that he will have a choice at the next election, a choice between the strong and stable leadership of the conservatives, which will secure our economies in the future and delay the party which would crash our department, which will mean less money and the families would pay the price. >> mr. speaker, isn't the truth that many people have been held back by this government for the slash taxes for the rich and held back or cut the pay of dedicated public servants? mr. speaker, andy a parent is concerned about how his children are being held back. he said, why, despite the fact they've worked consistently since leaving school, all three of my children who are now in their mid 20s, cannot afford to move out of the family home. isn't this a crisis that many people are facing all over the country? don't we need a housing strategy that deals with it? >> first of all, let's look and see what happened under our labor government. under the last -- under the last labor government, house building starts fell by 45%. under the last labor purchase, housing fell by 40%. the number per spent aj homes fell by 420,000. and of the conservatives we've seen more than twice as much counsel housing being built under the last labor government. that's a record of a conservative government delivering for ordinary working families. >> mr. speaker, the last labor government delivered a decent home standard for every in all of the country. and it's something that we're very proud of, very proud of, indeed, of that achievement. and her government, house building is falling to the lowest level since the 1920s. more people homeless, more people on waiting lists, more people over crowded, more people unable to pay the rent. that is the record of the government. and mr. speaker, our children are being held back by conservative cuts. laura, a young primary schoolteacher wrote to me this week saying, i'm seeing a decrease each year in available cash to provide the quality education to the children in my class and an increase in on the association. so is the prime minister still denying the fact that funding for each people is still being cut? >> what i would say, we said we would protect school budgets and we have. we have seen record levels of funding going into schools in this country. but at this -- at this election on the eighth of june, at the election on the eighth of june, people are going to have a very clear choice. they will have a choice between a conservative government that has delivered 1.8 million school places for these children across the country, conservative government that believes in parents having choice in a range of schools providing the education that is right for every child and good school place for every child, a labor party, the right honorable gentleman who believes in a one size fits all, take every body down to the lowest common denomina denominator. we belief in encouraging aspiration and helping people to get on with their lives. >> labor isn't putting money into pet projects, we want every child, every child to have a decent chance in a decent school. we don't want an education system that relies on letters from the school in order to maintain employment in books in the classroom. maureen wrote to me this week, if i was here, i'll listen to what moore routine has to say, i really would. i really would, because she writes and she writes with a heavy heart, we have been treated this -- disgustingly. most of us women will no be receiving our pension until we're 66. with no notification of this drastic change. we've worked for 45 years and accrued more than enough to be paid our pension. people want what is rightfully theirs. she asked what can be done to help. >> but you only get that with a strong economy and what do we know about labor, only yesterday we saw that we had finally emerged from labor's economic crash. what we now see is a labor party that would do it again, crash the economy, more debt, more waste, higher taxes, fewer jobs, that does nothing for ordinary working families or for pensioners. >> mr. speaker, millions would have heard that answer, i simply say this, labor will guarantee the triple lock, labor will treat pensioners with respect and we won't move the goal post to people looking forward to retirement. mr. speaker, who witnessed the labor founding of the national health service, which made health care available for the many, not just a few, wrote to me this week. and she says this, i'm 88. i've had a wonderful service for national health service, but nowadays i'm scared of the thought of going into the hospital. with more people waiting more than four hours in the a and e, more people waiting on in corridors, more charges, mr. speaker, thank you isn't civil right to be frightened about a future, so long as this government remaining -- >> can i just say on the national health service, our national health service is treating more patients than it ever has before, we're seeing more people with operations, we're seeing more doctors, more nurses, more midwives, more gps and record levels of funding into our national health service. but it's only possible with a strong economy and that's only possible with a strong and stable government. and, of course, over the coming weeks, we are all going to be out there campaigning across the country as i will be taking our record in the national health service. i did note this week that the shadow home secretary has been campaigning in her own personal way. she has corrected her supporters, her followers to a web site. [ laughter ] it says, how will he pay for all of this? but i heard he wants to increase taxes, but i've heard he's a terrorist sympathier, but his attitudes about this worry me. they are right to be worried, determined to raise tax on ordinary workers, no plan to manage the economy. even his own supporters know he's not fit to run this country -- >> mr. speaker, my question was about the national health service and cybill's concerns. the nhs's -- all right. it's all right. the nhs is not got the money it needs, the prime minister knows that. she knows waiting times and waiting lists are up. she knows there is a crisis in almost every a & e department. maybe she could go the hospital and ask staff to allow her a few questions. mr. speaker, wrong leadership is about standing up for the many, not few. when it comes to the prime minister and the conservatives, they only look after the richest, not the rest. they are strong against the weak and weak against the strong. far from building a strong economy, schools under nhs are being cut. people can't afford homes, millions can't make ends meet. that doesn't add up to a stronger economy for anyone. mr. speaker, the election on the 8th of june is a choice between -- yeah. -- between a conservative government for the few and a labor government that will stand up for all of our people. >> prime minister! >> if the right honorable gentlemen wants to talk about the nhs, perhaps he should talk about labor's custodianship in wales. there is somewhere where the nhs has been cut, it's in wales under the labor party. but the right honorable gentleman is right. in something over six weeks we will be back at these dispatch boxes again and the only question where will we be standing? who will be prime minister of this great country. and he says the choice is clear and the choice is clear. every vote for him is a vote for a chaotic brexit. every vote for me is a vote to strength strengthen our hand in negotiating the best deal for britain. every vote for him is a vote to weaken our economy. every vote for me is a vote for a strong economy with the benefits felt by everyone across the country. and every vote for him is a vote for a coalition of chaos. a weak leader propped up by the liberal democrats and the scottish nationalists. every vote for me is a vote for strong and stable leadership in the national interests building a stronger and more secure future for this country. [ cheers and applause ] >> order! exchanges between the prime minister and the leader of the opposition have been unprecedently comprehensive. we do wish to hear questions from backbenches. >> thank you, mr. speaker, the rest of england have seen billions of pounds of investment. on frequent visits, the transport secretary in the prime minister, congestion and air pollution and a feasibility link road to the east of bath. will the prime minister agree with me that the only way to secure this vital infrastructure project is to give me a renewed mandate on june the 8th. >> i know he has been campaigning tirelessly on behalf of his constituents on this issue. i understand the highways england is considering a number of options to divert traffic away from bath as my honorable friend suggests. under the conservative government we have increased government infrastructure investments but that is only possible with a strong economy and that is only possible with strong conservative leadership and a vote for any other party is a vote for wrecking our economy for a coalition of chaos and that will do nothing for my honorable friend's constituents for whom i hope he will continue to be able to work tirelessly. >> robertson! >> will the prime minister give a clear an unambiguous commitment to maintaining the triple lock on the state pension? >> prime minister! >> i've been very clear that under this conservative government we have seen pensioners benefit as a result of what we have done to -- to the tune of 1,250 pounds a year. and i'm clear that under a conservative government pension on incomes would continue to increase. >> i ask the prime minister a simple question, a yes or a no and the prime minister failed to answer. so pensioners right across this land are right to conclude that this torry prime minister plans to ditch the triple lock on pensions? mr. speaker, too many women already face pensions inequality and the torry now won't even guarantee the pensions triple lock and the only reason they will not guarantee it is because they want to cut pensions. is not the message to pensioners you cannot trust this prime minister. you cannot trust the torrys on your pension? >> i say to everybody, as i just said if you want to know the party in government that has improved the lot of pensioners across this country is it the conservative party. and under a conservative government, those pensioner incomes would continue to increase. he talks about inequality for women, it is a change in the pension introduced by big government to improve a lot of female pensioners in the future and it will be better for them but one thing that pensioners in scotland will know as other voters in scotland will now is if they believe in the union there's only one way to vote and that is to vote conservative. >> thank you, mr. speaker. my local cdg is planning to downgrade a&e for the infirmary and moving to halifax. this has been dictated by disastrous pfi deal. i have been fighting these appalling plans alongside the community cam bane gropaign gro off hri. will the prime minister join me in praising the community campaign is led by carl. that she agree with me the patients should not be suffering as a result of these catastrophic pfi deals signed by the last labor government and will she ensure that communities like mine have their voices listened to properly? >> what can i say to my honorable friend? it is an issue he has raised with me previously. he has been a tireless campaigner on this issue, and a strong voice for his local constituencies and put the case persuasively to ministers. but he is absolutely right. these disastrous pfi deals are costing the nhs more than 1 billion pounds every year. the choice will be clear. do you want a strong voice with the ear of a strong conservative government continuing to keep the economy strong and investing in our national health service? or do they want the leader of the opposition and his coalition of chaos for public services, less money for national health, service, fewer doctors, fewer nurses and worse health care for our constituents? >> mr. speaker, my honorable friends are all proven local champions for their local steel communities. does the prime minister agree their ongoing presence in this place is vital for our steel industry? >> can i just say to the honorable gentleman that i know he i believe he is standing down at the election. having said that is due to his significant irreconcilable difference with the leadership of his party. what is important. what is important -- what is important for the steel industry in this country -- >> i am trying to help backbenchers be heard. please help the chair to help backbench members. the prime minister? >> what is important, the industry is that this government has taken action to help the steel industry. i was very pleased when i was visiting wales yesterday to visit a company that works with the steel industry galvanizing products. steel products and they were talking about actually the greater work they are seeing and improvement in the student industry. this conservative government has taken steps for the steel industry and will continue to do so. >> robinson! >> with the consultation on the spatial framework now closed i would like to thank the residents who signed my petition. it calls for the green belt to be protected and much needed homes to be built on brownfield instead. with my right honorable friend the prime minister agreed to me that for the site to be identified and redeveloped, protection for our precious green spaces can only be maintained under a strong conservative government?. >> my honorable friend is absolutely right on this issue and i know she has been a strong campaigner and champion for her constituents in cheadle. and i can assure her that we are very clear that the green belt must be protected. what we set out in the white papers is the boundary should only be alters when they fully examine all of the reasonable options such as making use of the brownfield sites that were suggested. the greater manchester framework, i commend my honorable friend, gathering views of her constituents, for the response of that. >> thank you, mr. speaker. over the last six months it's been announced that 2,000 jobs will be lost to york. yesterday, 156 of them in my constituency. devastating for workers, their families and the community. jobs, not products being exported to the eu and as ever your skilled jobs replaced by low-wage insecure work. in the light of the special deal at nissan in sunderland will the prime minister meet with me and the company to strike a special deal to save he's jobs, avert these losses both now in the future? >> well, first of all, i think it's the honorable lady's right to raise this issue that has arisen yesterday. they have been clear decisions affected, respect of that this is a worrying time for workers and their families. and in both york and new castle. and i can assure her we are in contact with the company to understand their next steps. the business secretary will speak with company representatives later today. the rapid response service. redundant by helping back into employment on various ways to help and once they ensure supporters will be speaking to representatives later today. >> baron davis! >> record employment, the national living wage, strong national defenses and keeping our promises in europe. these are just some of the things we can be proud of. does my right honorable friend agree it's only with conservative leadership on june 8th that will continue to deliver on europe that to continue to thrive by re-electing a conservative mp for the second time? >> well, i will say to my honorable friend, can i think him for his question and he has, of course, since that fantastic, historical election of him in -- he has been a really powerful voice for his constituents. but also indeed for needs of wales more generally as well. and i refer to the fact i was in wales yesterday. i had the opportunity to speak to people in business and meet voters and hear of their concerns. but my honorable friend goes to the heart of the matter when he says what is necessary is a good brexit deal and it's only achievable by a strong and stable government and every vote for me and conservative candidates at local level will strengthen our hands in those negotiations. >> the scottish tories shameful defense, deporting in place is not true. can the prime minister confirmed the organization in scotland has not filled out an eight page -- is the prime minister going into this election with this unworkable and immoral quality? >> well, this is an incredibly sensitive issue. and that is why we have looked at it very carefully. we consulted very carefully on it and we have put in place a series of sensitive measures when such cases arise. but i think it's important that we look at what lies behind this. because underpinning this policy is a principle of fairness. and we know what the snp want to do is to scrap the policy in its entirety. we believe that people who are in work have to make the same decisions as people who are out of work. so people on benefits should have to decide whether they can afford more children. >> york is a fantastic place to live, work, and start a business but transport infrastructure is key to fill the economic potential. the railway station upgrading a 64 will all help secure york's future. will the prime minister continue to improve infrastructure, and deliver for regions like yorkshire? >> my honorable friend has raised a very important point. we raised 1.6 million for transport improvements, 2.2 million for highway maintenance and 1.3 million to travel york initiative. if you have a strong and stable leadership to secure the strong economy. and that's what the choice in june is going to be. it's very clear, strong economy guaranteeing a strong economy in parts of the country or bankruptcy and chaos with labor. >> as the prime minister knows, the terminals, taking office, you authorized a review of maximum stakes and all of the evidence for that was collected by the end of last year. why do we still not have a result and will she today show some leadership and reduce the maximum stake on these appalling machines to 2 pounds? >> i recognize this is an issue that has been raised by a number of members of this house and who have raised concerns about it. we did indeed have that consultation and there will be a government respondent to that. and of course -- get on with it. -- we are now in a situation where these things will be published after the period and after the general election. so the right honorable gentleman will have to wait for that response but we recognized the concern on this issue and will be responding in due course. should the prime minister find herself in the vicinity of mills and kings over the next few weeks may i suggest a visit to the hospital where she will find rising clinical standards and new wards, a new medical school and new cancer treatment center? >> i think i will be visiting communities around the country in the next few weeks but i want to congratulate the staff at the hospital for achieving that rating. as my honorable friend has said it was backed up by considerable investment and we know over half a trillion pounds has been spent on the nhs in england and it's only possible because we have safeguarded the economy over the last seven years. that's only possible in the future if we secure the strong and stable leadership that our country leads. and in wales labor have been cutting the health budget. >> visiting me in southhampton. and do a tour of southampton schools. and if she does she will find those schools are in despair about the cutting pupil funding 10% in southampton, 470 pounds per pupil, she would find also one school that is inviting parents to clean the school toilets. >> order! with considerable force. >> prime minister. >> it's perfectly possible i might find myself in southampton over the coming weeks. as i've said before, there is a agreement that the current funding is not fair and labor did nothing to address it in 13 years. it's important to get it right. we will be responding to the consultation in due course. but what is good news for schools is we see 7,000 more children in good or outstanding schools in his constituency and under proposed reforms overall funding for schools in his constituency would rise. >> after he steps down after 44 years of service in the house i call on sir allen hazelhurs. >> can my right honorable friend assure me her second government will have high regard for masses of great concern for the constituency. namely, improved railways with extra track capacity as in line with the great eastern task force reports. the spread of broadband to rural communities and an airspace regime which prioritizes noise reduction. >> prime minister! >> can i first of all pay tribute to my right honorable friend for his service not just to his constituent over the years but for his service to this house when he took the chair as deputy speaker of this house. he has been a stalwart and a champion of the people over the years for 40 years as the speaker has said. he's right to raise the issues of infrastructure spending. we -- in the budget included 40 million pounds for the east of england. but as my right honorable friend implied in his question it's only possible to do that with the strong economy that comes from a strong and stable government and that will mean a conservative government elected on the 8th of june. >> thank you, mr. speaker. >> esther buchanan acquires extensive care, the assessment for that appointment, benefits were stopped. why has this government welfare regime punishing vulnerable people like my constituent? >> what we want to ensure is that we have a system in place that does properly assess people who are applying for benefits. as he has referred to and other members will know, there have been issues around the way that system has operated and that's why the dwp is look very careful at it to ensure that it delivers the right results for people. >> mr. peter lily! >> does my right honorable friend realize i'm standing down after 34 years because of her? because i have confidence that the country will be safe after the election under her strong and stable leadership? does she realize -- does she agree that seizing the opportunities from regaining control over our laws, our moneys, our borders, and our trade will be more important than the terms of any exit deal? and does she recognize that to get a reasonable deal, we must accept that no deal is indeed better than a bad deal and to deny this signals that no price is too high, no concession too groveling to accept. a recipe for the worst possible deal. so i wish my right honorable friend and all honorable members in this house i love, godspeed. >> prime minister! >> can i thank my right ho honorable friend for the tremendous contribution he has made through his years as a member of this house. not only for his constituents but the time he spent in government as a valued minister in a conservative government. he had rightly highlighted the importance of the decision taken last year through the people of the united kingdom, he played a role in the referendum campaign. it is right that we get on with that job of delivering brexit, of making a success of it. that does mean a strong hand in negotiations and the only way to ensure that that is the case, the only way to ensure that the people and the whole of the uk is to ensure a conservative government is elected on the 8th of june. >> jeffrey donaldson! >> thank you, mr. speaker we need a strong prime minister to lead this nation but we need the countries of the nation to have a strong voice too. does the prime minister agree with me that those who abstain from taking their seats in this house, those who are denying the people of northern ireland the government, formation of our government, are denying their constituents a say in the future of this country and we will not allow that to happen. >> the honorable gentlemen is absolutely right. of course, it is important that the constituents who elect members of parliament feel that those members of parliament are able to do their job, are able to bring their concerns here to this house and play a full part in this chamber and he's also right that we want to ensure that every part of the united kingdom has a strong voice. that's why it's important that we continue to work for the restoration of the devolved administrations in northern ireland. >> the prime minister is showing considerable leadership in adopting the definition of anti-semitism. does she believe it is the duty of all party leaders in this house not just to pay lip service to it but do something about it? does she share my -- does she share my disgust that a former member of this house criticized by the select committee for anti-semitic utterances is now the official candidate in bradford east for the liberal democrats?. >> can i first of all pay tribute to my right honorable friend. my chum in this house, for all the service that he has given and not just for his service in this house but he had a considerable record in local government before he came into this house. and he is also in his time and the work that he has done on anti-semitism performed a very important role. he has had a relentless drive to stamp out anti-semitism and indeed intolerance in all its forms in our community. he should be proud of the record he has and the work i know he will be continuing to do as a champion on this issue. he is right to highlight bradford but my honorable friend has a particular knowledge of that city and people will be, i think, rightly disappointed to see the liberal democrats readopt a candidate with a questionable record on anti-semitism. it is important that all parties maintain the strongest possible censure on all forms of intolerance. and send that message to our communities. >> tim farron! >> thank you, mr. speaker. in the nine months the prime minister has held her office she has closed the door on desperate child refugees. she has ignored those suffering under the crisis in health and social care and is responsible for the shameful rape clause. 20 years ago she berated the conservative party for being the nasty party. but the party has never been nastier. for the legacy of this parliament -- >> order! whatever the strength of feeling the right honorable gentleman must be heard! >> the legacy of this parliament is the utter abject failure of her majesty's official option to effectively hold her government to account for any of it. is it not time that britain had a new strong and decent opposition. >> let me pick up the point he made on child refugees. this government has a proud record of supporting refugees, we have be the second biggest bilateral donor to the region in order to support millions of refugees to educate children as i saw when i visited jordan recently and we also supported some of the most vulnerable refugees, including children and bringing them here to make a new life in the united kingdom. he talked about a decent opposition. i find it difficult to hear those words coming from his mouth when we just heard that his party has elected a candidate with questionable views on anti-semitism. >> general howard. >> mister speaker, it has been an immense privilege to serve the people for the past 34 years. i arrived in 1983, a determined female conservative prime minister was transforming the country's economic fortunes and i depart as another determined to restore to this country the status of a sovereign nation state embracing the rest of the world. the prime minister, godspeed for resounding victory on 8 june. may all the shots just make one final plea in these troubled times, please will she ensure that her majesty's armed forces are properly funded, manned, equipped and housed to defend and protect the people of this glorious united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland? >> once again, can i pay tribute to the work my honorable friend has done representing 34 years two different constituencies. but of course one of the underlying themes of his time in this house has been his passionate championing of the armed forces and his consideration for our armed forces. and i can assure him that of course on the 8th of june people will have a very clear choice wean the right honorable gentleman who refuses to defend our country and a conservative government that will continue to support our armed forces. >> graham morris! >> can i ask the prime minister, why is she running scared of the televised ladyship debates? may i suggest she hold such a televised debate where she can see the consequences of seven years of her policies on housing on policing, 500 people losing their jobs and explain to the people, if that is possible, that she has any mandate to seek their support in the re-election. >> i have been in televised debates week in and week out. i will be taking across all parts of this country a fine record for a conservative government. he talks about housing. twice the number of counsel housing were built under conservatives than other labor. record funding of our housing and record funding on our schools. conservatives built under labor through the national health service, record funding, pensioners on the basic pension 1250 pounds a year better off. and the record that we will continue after 8 june. >> mike wood! >> thank you, mr. speaker. it is good to be back, it is good to be anywhere. doctors and nurses saved my life in january but each year in the uk, 44,000 people are less lucky. will my right honorable friend look at how we can take -- the measures we can take to reduce deaths from accept sis including awareness raising, including a national registry to properly record the burden of accept sis and effective commissioning to incentivize best practice. the uk sector estimates measures like these will save 50,000 lives over the next parliament? >> can i say to my honorable friend it is fantastic to have you back but i hope he noticed the welcome he got across the house for being back in his place. but he is right to bring a focus on this issue, this devastating condition and every death is a tragedy but we know something like 10,000 deaths a year could be avoided through prevention early diagnosis and treatment. we do need to get better spotting sepsis and we are beginning work on a new action plan, a new public awareness campaign with quality standards to be published later this year and with the passion that my honorable friend now brings to this campaign i'm sure he will continue to make his voice heard on this important issue. >> george howarth! >> yesterday, mister speaker, my right honorable friend will be much missed in this house had a debate on contaminated blood in which he called for an independent panel to get at the truth. the prime minister has praised the independent panel approach as a way of opening up the door to justice. will she join with labor and the snp in committing to setting up such a process in her party's manifesto? >> last july we committed $125 million in extra funding to those affected by contaminated blood tragedy of the '70s and '80s. that is more than any previous government has provided. we published the proposed reforms last year. we are consulting on a new measure to allow people affected to benefit from higher annual payments. but i can assure everybody that everyone will receive at a minimum what they receive now as a result of the proposed changes and the department of health will respond to the consultation in due course. >> angela watkinson! >> it was a privilege to win back the state for the conservatives. will my right honorable friend tell house while good people appointment continue to vote conservative at the coming election? >> well, can i -- can i first of all -- can i first of all pay tribute to my honorable friend for the contribution that she has made not just for her constituents but in the time she served in the wips office in this house. and i'm very happy to tell the constituents that eh vote for me and the local conservative candidate will strengthen our hand in the brexit negotiations to get the best deal for this country. and every vote for me and the local conservative candidate is a vote for a stronger economy and every vote for me and a local conservative candidate will be a vote for a strong and stable leadership in the national interest compared to the coalition of chaos we would see under the labor party. >> what assurance can the prime minister give the 3.8 million people in the last election that if she is prime minister on june 8th the united kingdom will be a sovereign country again living under our own parliament, making our own laws? >> i will give an assurance to all those people who voted for the united kingdom to leave the european union and all people across the country regardless of how they voted, who now want to see this government getting on with the job of brexit and making a success of it that we want to see control of our borders, control of our laws, control of our money and that's what we will deliver. >> and wishing the right honorable friend all the best for the future i call sir simon burn! >> mr. speaker, my i thank you for that? my i tell my right honorable friend the prime minister, that for 30 years, i've had the privilege and the honor to represent the great people of chumsford and may i also tell her that the great people have always wanted a government that provides strong defenses, strong economy, and strong leadership? and may i tell my right honorable friend the conservative party under her strong leadership that will deliver for this country for the next five years? >> can i thank -- can i thank my honorable friend for significant contribution that he has made for his constituents in chumsford and in this house and in government over his period of time? and can i say to him that he is absolutely right? his constituents will be looking for strong defenses, strong leadership that will build a more secure future for this country and it is only a conservative government that can provide that. >> alex hammond! >> in this brexit world, the prime minister is desperate to have trade deals of any normity so the national trade secretary went to the philippines and appeared with the president and wanted a strong relationship based on shared values. can the prime minister identify for the house what shared values that she has in common with president rodrigo duterte? >> the right honorable gentleman is right that as we leave the european union that we are a truly global britain and we have trade deals around the rest of the world and the reason we want those trade deals as well as a deep partnership with the european union on trade is so we can assure prosperity across the whole of this country and jobs for ordinary working families. >> various points of order. come to points of order but the honorable gentlemen deserves an attentive audience. if inexplicably some right honorable members are leaving the chamber, perhaps they can do so quickly and quietly. sunday on q & a, the house of truth, we talk with author brad snyder on his book about a group of intellectuals. who met regularly in the early 1980s to debait politics and the future of the country. >> i think everybody associated with this house, race wasn't a salient issue for them. they cared about the rights of workers and it took oliver wendell holmes jr. in some of his opinions including a 1923 case known as moore v dempsey which found for the first time that the mob dominated criminal trials of southern blacks violated the due process clause. that was a huge moment in putting fair criminal trials in the criminal agenda and linking it with race. >> sunday night at 8:00 eastern on c-span's q & a. check out our c-span classroom website at it is full of teaching resources. the improved layout gives teachers resources for the classroom including short current events videos that highlight important events in washington, d.c. constitution clips, social studies lesson plans as well as on this day in histo histo history resources. you can filter by date, keyword, topic and grade level. the bell ringers are short videos paired with vocabulary and discussion questions. >> i love the bell ringers, a lot of times i don't use them as bell ringers but i'll use them in conjunction with an activity that day as a wrap up. >> the new website is something that is fabulous. my students used regularly and it's so easy, in fact that they are right now working on clipping videos and making questions that they can turn into their own bell ringers. >> it's just a perfectly set up ready to go classroom discussion on just a variety of topics that are current and relevant today. >> if you are a middle school or high school teacher, join thousands of your fellow teachers across the nation as a member of c-span classroom. it's free and easy to register. if you register now, request a free classroom size american presidents time line poster. find out more about it at the prousupreme court recen heard oral argument on a case involving the separation of church and state. trinity lutheran church in missouri is suing the state after it was denied funding for a program that rebuilds school playgrounds. th

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