Graduatean and Harvard School of architecture. We always like to ask everyone off cell phones and beepers and now lets give barry lewis a warm welcome. You. Dont need wis i that. You know me. Im all over the stage. Interesting i had people talking to me about the lecture. About theally talking whreuBrooklyn Bridge ands as brooklyn. New york would never admit it needed rooklyn but it it. Again, just in case people were series of three lectures i did the first one bout a month ago and in recouping that remember new york and Staten Island becomes a by the 1820s and 180s. In phafrpblt and 1875 one Manhattan Island. That is called growth. 1860s upper left is an print of the built up part of manhattan and new york. Those days new york city feels Manhattan Island and when river you ross the were in the independent city of brooklyn. By the time you get to the 1860s the bridge will begin in 1869. Reason it was needed by the ime you get to the late 1860s downtown new york is the Central Business district of new york 180 waste. Ica by by 1900s it is the c. B. D. Of world. That means new york is growing. But unfortunately mantoman is skinny island and the only way to grow is uptown and y the time you get to the 1860s the time the bridge will peoplet the middle class are forced to live as far as 50s and central park. They have to commute to walt and wall street and women commute to the Madison Square and all that commute is done with horse cars. It is great in disney world but f you have been to depend on them they were horrible. An idea of the traffic. That is Madison Square on the fifth avenue and broadway and look at that backup of horse cars. Headed to wall street that is another three miles. You think commutation today is awful. It was awful then. When you got downtown on the a cartoon of what was the busiest intersection in america and one of the busiest world. That is broadway and fulton st. Church which is still there. There is the u. S. Post office today. Is not there the preservationists saw over noon t that stood until park road that is toward the Brooklyn Bridge. Chicago on the right. That was the middle of the loop and nobody is going anywhere fast. The problem was the street systems could not take all the people. Everybody is piled on to the street and you had to get people off the street. One way or another. Mentioned last week what we call Brooklyn Today is kings county. Originally that was six separate towns. They were founded by the dump and recognized by the english them. Rooklyn was one of it was the closest to new york and new york was the economic beginning in ica 183 to r 0s. Brooklyn ld live in you were across from the Central Business district. This is important to remember wall street ink of as the financial district but it is c. B. D. And all you had to do cross that river and you would have a wonderful neighborhood to live in. If you know brooklyn you can realize if you think about there across from the c. B. D. Central Business District were middle class row neighborhoods of the 19th begins most rooklyn heights and expensive. As you fan out from brooklyn harold gardens, couple hill. Slope. Top of Prospect Heights and these were fine middle class the borhoods to serve people who worked in the c. B. D. Around wall street. 1850s brooklyn annexed williamsburg and rest of old town of bushwick. Across from . Area it wound up being the cross from anhattan from the Lower East Side which was becoming the main immigrant district of the city. Immigrants Lower East Side urban district in the world and you have immigrants in new york and they in tenementsgether looking across the river and the g why arent we on other side . That included my grandparents 1910 and wound up in williamsburg which is where my father was born. Immigrants basically came to williamsburg. Ed n brooklyn annex e williamsburg and bushwick they addition. The aoereastern i never understood why. I thought it was on the north side but they called it the addition and that eastern addition, because of its the Lower East Side the immigrant section of new got that eastern addition the spillover from the other east side from williamsburg and green point. Is a map of the neighborhoods. From williamsburg and green into bushwicklled which is what is going on now with the young people. And they spilled sorry. Into pilled over williamsburg and green point and bushwick, east new york, cypress into an over the board queens where i grew up in woodhaven. The lled the brooklyn line city line and it is still called that today. City line. N the this area the eastern addition was the tennellment packed immigrant area which brooklyn. City of but across from the c. B. D. You fine neighborhoods from fort green, to the Prospect Heights. Middle class housing for the headed to s people wall street to their corporate job. What i went over the first lecture, remember the fulton street and brooklyn starts in the 17th 1814 it goes high tech. Now you know you are going to that is whenyn and brooklyn takes off and where the ferry landed. This is the road to jamaica. We called it fulton street today. Brooklyn heights is to the left ridge. The moment you come off the piers you go up to a height. Brooklyn height. To the right, no the north it is land. Tty flat it is an Industrial Area that is fast gentry phiing. Brookland ferry is where Brooklyn Bridge park is. Fulton t ferry was to street. 1830s. Ime to the he south is to the right and ferry fulton street is to the left. There it is. 1830s this is at the river and starts another ferry. Pierponts s the property develop their and put in a ferry from montague to wall street. So you have three ferries within each other and by the time you get to the 860s they are overrun with people. There was really no place to put another one. Century 19th photograph of the montague street dock. Property. E pierpont it took you from her to wall street. There is montague on the down slope to bring down from the heights of Brooklyn Heights to waterfront and here is another view looking at montague quiet and ooks so people. Think how love layer lovely 8 30 on the morning 6r789 the river and give it another thought because that a weekday 0 on morning was like. It was awful. The cartoons tell you the truth it seems like noahs ark. You had to deal with it. It is what you had to deal with 8 30. Morning at we have it a hard but i think they had it harder. Sometimes even the east river would freeze. Get out of work 5 30, tired, want to go home you have to walk across the east river and you hope the ice doesnt break and in. Fall you notice a brooklyn ferry thaw comes. The it was 1867 when this freeze took place. The city at the time and seeing the freeze, seeing going acrossd from the east river except by foot and he knew that he had a better it visiting new york was this fellow. Invited him to dinner to tell jokes. Brilliant man, jeffers he said where do you think the said the new hagel world. Go to the new world. E did and wound up in northeastern pennsylvania and a machine that created wire rope. Little thin strands of wire out of steel and you bundle got wire rope. With wire rope and then the undles were bundled together and you had a steel cable. Could e steel cables you suspend roadways but also canals that needed to cross the landscape. And saw as in new york the east river freeze he knew that the suspension bridge used for the t he canal aqueducts he could adapt bridge. Brooklyn except it would be far longer than anything ever bit and im about the central span which is what it has to hold up here is a print of what the future bridge would look like. Hey called it the bridge to long island and others called it the new york Brooklyn Bridge and east and eventually got the name Brooklyn Bridge. See the per left you Delaware Aqueduct that he delaware o bring the and hudson canal over the delaware river. That is a river underneath it. The canal is over it and the uspension Bridge Technology allowed the widest clearance for boats on the delaware river. That was the reason Suspension Technology was used. Roadway. Is a i was there many years ago and it may be only a pedestrian i dont know. But the technology it is a eautiful structure north of port jervis and north of interstate 84 and connects rightlvania with new york above port jervis. That bridge is only 500 plus long. The Brooklyn Bridge will be a long but the central span will be 1,600 feet. That is very important. That is why the Suspension Technology was used. It gave you the widest span. The east river was a very busy commercial river and it couldnt by a pier to hold up the bridge. You uspension technology nor ,600 feet of space pass. For ships to his wire was used in the bridge. It wasnt but that was the scandal. If you want to know about the bridge you read book. Mcculloughs at the time the bridge was 100 years old. Is going to be in operation independently until the 1950s. Used in the George Washington bridge opened in 1931. Bridge has a central span that is twice the length of Brooklyn Bridge but g. W. Is shorter because it goes from cliff to cliff. Palisades cliffs in jersey to those in new york haoeutseights. Brooklyn bridge is taking you to fulton and that is flat be a longer bridge. You notice it comes down to this is the City Hall Park. It takes you from the center of of Central Business district new york to the heart of the Business District of the city of brooklyn. Why it was placed where it was placed. Stpraurveying for the bridge he nd his son are on the dock surveying and a brooklyn ferry came in and the operator missed dock he was supposed to the ferry and it rammed into in and crushed his leg and 10 days he died of lock jaw, very horrible dealt. 1869 before it is done he is out of the picture. Really built the bridge is this guy. He knew if the name remained in be ory it would always associated with john. He knew that nobody really around. He was he was the guy who actually in the bridge but 1900s and he was interviewed most id to a reporter people think i died in 1869. That is when his father was accident. The but he did an amazing job of bridge. The within a year of its construction he takes it over rom his father he comes down with the benz, the construction inside see in a moment the caissons which become the was done under very High Pressure air. A ou go in High Pressure airtosurface pressure air it is quite a difference and causes fast lem if you go too nitrogen bubbles in the blood. Feels was fatal. From the work on the bridge. Fellow in 1870 basic li asically a semi invalid and oversees it from a house that no longer exists. In the 1950s. Ed that timealid for all binoculars or maybe but he would do all f the drawings as you saw the bridge progressing but they had to be taken to the bridge and he couldnt and whoever took it to know what rs will to the drawings were about. Who did he choose to do that . His wife emily. What a fascinating lady she was. Basically learned basic engineering from her husband so that she could take the drawings engineers on the bridge. Theyed a first being they men were not happy taking orders from a woman. But she was so confident and so well what she was doing and she was so ever and had the they plan about her that came to respect her that when 1883bridge opened in may of she got the honor of driving the first carriage over the Brooklyn Bridge. After it was built she went back housewife. 1900s of the early cancer and her husband who was nvalid during the time got better after it opened and i could imagine why he was invalid. Bridges kept on collapsing back then. Roguely. In the back of his mind he could have seen the scenario it it opens and it falls into the river. After it was built his nerves settled down and he got over of the medical problems he about outlived his wife 25 years and ran the wire 1900s until the early out of trenton. Still be y might there. Itre is a roguely museum and is dedicated to the wire company bridge. Klyn he basically winds up running the company even if his 70s. The way his e grandson was running it and came it. Of retirement and ran he lives until the 1920s. The last major person involved americconstruction. Last of them to survive. Person involved boss tweed. The s representative of corrupt politics of the day. There is a story of how he tried way into the funding of the bridge. Of his t the height power at the beginning of the construction but fell from power in the 1870s. Today we have a tpnew view of tweed. Lot of people say the reformers who hated him wanted he immigrants to be nice White Angelo Saxon yankees. He didnt care what language they were or where from. He understood they needed coal to heat their apartments and to put foot on the table and he got both of them they gave igrants so him their vote. The 1876, 100 years after revolution and you could imagine considering the corruption that all the way to the white house you wonder maybe the europeans were right that always know ont what they are doing. But we survived tweed and hayes and all theseouse people. We managed. He Brooklyn Bridge very dangerous. Out of an illustration David Mcculloughs book. This is one of the caissons that will be the foundation. It was basically a huge out of wood ade turned up side down and pushed to the bottom of the river by top and inside the hollow caisson and they pumped pressure air to keep the water out and men are working with High Pressure air and at of the job eight hours, 12 hours they would go to a and spend on tube five minutes and be on the surface. Ot a good idea they wanted to get home to their families. Tired. Re the interior of the cason on the left or right are two different scenes. On the left you see one of the guys climbing into a chamber. Ssion he wont be spend enough time guys and by the way these working class probably the got rants that boss tweed his votes from. They were lucky because in 1873 and we k market crashed had a depression and they had jobs. In the middle of the depression the 1930s thean best thing is to have a job on a or project like a dam Railroad System or the Brooklyn Bridge. Is workingt this guy lamp. E light of a gas very bad combination. There was a horrible fire in one of the caissons. Washingtont is where came down with the bens. Began until 1883 during that period we invented and telepho ight telephone. Edison was working on moving and within three years of the bridge being opened we first steel frame sky scraper. Not that we trusted it but we it. Lt so the world is changing. Bridge began eubrooklyn pwreupbg we had barely completed the continentcontinental railroad. That was the end of the plains great and thats not a chapter in America History but it was the industrial over theion of america continent. Where did the profit and power go . It came back to new york. Because we much the city of we were the city of the country moneyybody who was making wanted an office in new york. They wanted to live in brooklyn. Why this bridge is being built. This is 1877. It is like the pyramids and rising above a low britaink up this is the tower to the we are looking across to the hudson river and palisades. Jersey by the way, in the heart of downtown new york we begin to buildings because of the coming of the elevator. He elevator was first introduced in the 1850s and everybody wanted to see one. Nobody would ride it. Afraid of it. Began to 0s people get used to it and developers began to develop highrise buildings with a height of 10 stories. City. Oomed above the you had to get in an elevator to get to the top offices and for in history the offices at the top which used to hottest, cheapest, now you got there with an developer would offer you an office with a view. Nd they would charge you top dollar and you thought you were so lucky you had a view from the saw thehe buildings and entire manhattan area. Those towers they say they are feet high. Im not sure from where because river and it goes up nd down and the buildings probably didnt go higher than 230 feet and that is higher than buildings. E so it really was of a scale that you cannot imagine. It is being built on the new york side and when it down, that is me the tphornew york anchorage bei came down in the middle of this fivestory city and the city came up to the bridge. Young kid and would run around Lower Manhattan it was before they had ripped down of the buildings around the Brooklyn Bridge and was so part of the city and today it is separated from the city the traffic ave interchanges and ramps connected it on the brooklyn and new york side. It was not part of the city any more. You cant really go up to it and it. Ch it doesnt have the impact to me it rose out of the walk up city. Look at the scale of it and we are looking from the will you 1878. Be river 1877, they are beginning to string the cableless. When you look cables. There are a few elevator uildings but otherwise a walk up city and look how the towers rose above there city. Was impressive. It still is. Sacred one of the most structures in new york. People come here just to walk up to it. Here is a view of the cables being strung. Probably 1878 or 1879. They are wire bundled together go over the top and we look toward manhattan and there are buildings. R office here is brooklyn on the left you mansa