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There we go, there is the netherlands. And the pointer is now pointing to the city of amsterdam, the capital of the netherlands. This is where louises family went into hiding until the very end of the war. This is my favorite one. This is a picture of louise and she was one years old. She was cute then, she is still to now. Now. Ill cute this is louise with her favorite dog, her brother and one of the chairs she had as a gift for her second birthday. That chair is now in the possession of the United States Holocaust Memorial museum. It is occasionally uneasy out exhibits on exhibit a to louise. Her parents celebrated her birthday during their time in hiding thanks to some of their friends and reserve officers from the outside. So this is louises apartment building, you can see the arrow pointing to the attica apartment where her family hid during the war years. Following louises birthday, that picture we just saw, that Little Family would spend an additional year in hiding almost until the liberation by Canadian Forces in 1945. , louise sorry lawrenceisraels story is one of the most poignant stories. She will share that story with us. Please join me in welcoming louise lawrenceisraels. [applause] louise. Thank you for being with us today, louise. Maybe we can start by talking , kindwhat your family did of family experiences you had before the war started. You were not born yet, but what did your family do, how do they live before that german invasion of the netherlands . Louise my parents not married before the nazis got married before the nazis invaded, and so i have a brother born in 1940. My father was in business with his dad. They had a textile firm with a manufactured clothing, and they had a store with it sold the clothing. They are jewish, the whole family is jewish, but they were very religious. That was the most important thing in their it wasnt the most important thing in their daily life. Sorry, notland these invaded poland. The dutch nazis invaded poland. The dutch army conscripted young men to serve. The dutch army was really in shambles. We had not participated in the first world war, so my dad was a reserve officer, but uniforms were hard boiled wool that he could not even move his arms. But in the meantime, they trained for a possible invasion. They never expected. The germans were our friends. We gave homage to the german kaiser. After the first world war, why would you invade a friendly country . Louise right patricia right. Louise probably they wanted the city, easier to have ships in the harbor and invade the rest of the world. , 1940, myhey came in fathers Engineering Battalion was ready in the southern part of holland, and they were ready to build build blow up the bridges over the river. My father was taken prisoner of war. Patricia when he is taken prisoner of war, was this the fact that he was drafted him of the fact that he served in the army listed not save him from the threat of deportation. What happened to him when he was captured . Louise he was with his whole group, they were prisoners of war. After holland capitulated because they only fought for four days, a couple weeks after, they let all the dutch officers go back to holland. We became part of germany of the third reich. Mike aarons settled in the town of harlem my parents settled in the town of harlem with my little brother. And the threat against jews was not there yet. My father just lived there. Patricia right. But very early on, there came some antijewish legislation. The German Occupation put on essentially the laws that had been already in force in the third reich, so there was persecution shortly afterwards. Louise that is correct. All the things that everybody will see when you go to the children,ke jewish were not allowed to be educated in a regular school. If you are sick, you could only go to a jewish hospital, treated by jewish doctors, cannot go to the doc the park. So my family, our business was confiscated because it was a jewish business. Patricia very early on, if i remember your story correctly, your family had a dramatic experience. That had to do with the resident of the Jewish Community and neighbors. 1922, everyone organized in that time. The occupying nazis already had jewsain, prepare to stuff into death camps in poland. But also our resistance, but a lot of those, some of those soldiers had been taken prisoner of war, had joined the resistance. That is why my father knew them. They got very organized. I have to backtrack because our neighbors across the street are very religious jews. It was a very large family. There was the president of the germans of the Jewish Society in harlem. They all had kids. Some of the kids were engaged but no one married. Twoset of grandparents, unmarried ants, everybody lived in that house. In 1942, after the order that everyone above the age of six had to wear a star, we got orders to move to amsterdam, and the resistance grew up. Egistration officers to make it harder for nazis to find more jews later. As a punishment for blowing up Registration Office in the town of harlem, they took the 10 most , marched jewish men them onto the square and shot them in front of the population. With them was our neighbor across the street, the president and two rabbis and two other men. Patricia so what happened then with that family . Louise none of them were able to work anymore to give they one of them, a daughter was my moms age, her name was selma. She became friends with my mom. She helped my mom take care of my brother and myself. I was by that time almost six months old. Selmas of days after dad was shot, selma was in our house. From my bedroom window across the street, she was looking at her house, she saw a large truck pull up in front of her house, and people jumped off with a lot of screaming, kicked in the door and rounded up everybody at that time. , except forove away one brother who later escaped. She never saw the rest of her family again. So that was so scary, such a same night, we moved to amsterdam. We had no place to really live yet, so we moved in and rarely with one of my temporarily with one of my fathers friends that was also in the resistance, and we went out to look for a hiding place. Patricia so he continued he could not continue his business and answer dam. What was he doing there . Louise in harlem, the business was confiscated early on. That was in amsterdam. Thearlem, he found a job at pants press or in a small jewish drycleaning place. No basement. So i tell you the comparison. My father was a spoiled man. He had a doctorate in economics. He came to the United States to do an internship here for two years. He got a Corner Office of his father, and he ran the business. Really smart man. And he became a pants press her. Questions not ask him for many, many years because the resulting to talk about the war. There was nothing to talk about but the war. So i said, how did that make you feel, because that hurt when i found out he had been doing that. He said, actually i went to work singing. He had to walk five miles because his bicycle was confiscated and jews could not use public transportation. I came back singing. I was happy, everything is relative. You have to feed your family, and i made some money. Not much, but it made him happy. Patricia but all this time, he was making elaborate arrangements to bring you and your brother and mother and his parents louise my fathers parents, yes. Patricia can you talk about that . The elaboratee plans after he moved to amsterdam. It is the silly thing to talk about. I was wondering why didnt they do it before . They did not how long this would last. It will be over tomorrow. But it wasnt over tomorrow. Place. Found this hiding walkup. Fourstory it had a storage attic. Nothing much in it except a table and chairs and a cover and , but iter dusty boxes was across the street from the main park in amsterdam. He figured he would have to go out and night, make contact with the resistance, try to get food he would have neighbors across the street that could see the strange man coming out of the house in the dark. He had also asked people he worked with, he had a textile firm, but they worked with bolts and bolts of fabric. He asked people if they could take as many bolts out as possible. He figured that would be something that he could barter with. When there was no more income, he could trade a couple of yards of fabric for a couple of slices of bread. And he also used fabric when we got into the attic to make makeshift rooms, walls, actually, so everybody had a little bit of privacy. Patricia and he paid a lot of rent for the apartment. Louise he paid rent for 10 years, so he did not have to go out when the rent would be too dangerous. He did not know how long it would last. Patricia so when he went into hiding, what time was that . What timeframe was that, and how many people went into hiding with you . Louise it was my father and my mother, my brother and myself, becauseparents, selma, her parents were gone and she did not know or they were. Where they were. My fathers parents temporarily. I always said he can move into hiding with a moving truck, so they really thought about the parents. Y talk about mattresses they took mattresses, a crib for me. A camping stove, oil lamps, everything burned on oil, pots and pans and utensils. We only had a small toilet that was already there and a small sink with cold running water. That was it. Patricia and you were very young at the time. What did your parents tell you about do you or member things that happened when you were in hiding . Louise there were two things. My parents were amazing, thinking about that now and a couple of years ago. When you are in the middle of it, you take everything for granted. My. Did everything they could to shield us, shield us. They never talked about the outside world. They never told us what was going on, and they never told us how scared they were. My fathers parents only stayed with us a short time. When the resistance pick them up, they found another hiding place for them. But they had no idea where anybody was. But they did not share that with us. They thought if we didnt know, then we wouldnt miss it. Also, they never talked about the outside world. If my mom set on a nice sunny day, and we had a tiny window, if you had said it is a beautiful day, and i wish you could take children out and play, we would have missed it. So by not talking about it, every day was normal for us. Not for them, but for us. They had to keep us busy. What we did talk about that . Patricia yeah, did your parents what did they do to keep you busy, to keep you engaged . Louise my brother had been allowed to take with him one toy, his favorite, and my father took in a lot of scrap paper and color pencils. Crawling around willie just went into hiding, i heard my father and my mother and selma sitting on the table. Mom and selma were always sewing , but they were talking to my brother. It looked like they were having a lot of fun. So i was an early talker and a late walker. As soon as i could talk, i said, can i sit with you . I was talking so much might my mother finally said you have to listen, dont talk anymore. At least i can sit there. What were they doing with my brother . They were doing color and games with colors. They were teaching him numbers, very simple arithmetic, and then letters and words. It was a form of homeschooling. I loved it. I wanted to participate. It was funny, because if you say a word is brown, then what is a bird . Ht mom to draw very world my mom could drop very well. She would not draw birds and trees because that would make us wonder about outside and what are trees, but we would know what a bird was. We would know what a flower was, it was always color and explain. They homeschooled us for from Early Morning to women went to bed. That is how they kept us busy. So when we were liberated i was almost three and i could read. ,eople are much smarter than me but it is reputation it is reputation. Repetition. No radio, nothing. You, so it isdid clear, how did you survive that . Me sometimes your father went out . Louise food was scarce, and we were often hungry. Even for the dutch. The occupying nazis and the collaborators took all the stuff. The nokia to send it to germany for their families. Germany fort it to their families. We did not have ration cards will we went into hiding. So i would not be sitting there today without that. If there was nothing in the morning, my mom on her camping stove would boil water and we would get a bowl of warm water. It settles your stomach and takes hunger pangs away to start with. We us children got something every day, just before we went to bed so we did not have to go to bed hungry. Sometimes it wasnt more than sharing have a cracker. My parents always had some emergency food. It was always for the children first. They went hungry. For many days. Patricia can you tell us about that half vacation, your birthday . Louise we did not know. We thought this was perfectly normal, whatever they look like. Ton my father went out again make contact with somebody from the resistance. It was very important besides food and medicine, to bring home news. We had no newspapers, there was no way to get any news. News would give you hope. So he came home and looked differently. My brother picked up on that and said, what happened . Human outside, and you look you went outside, and you look different . My father looked happier. My brother saw it, i didnt. He said the allied army has landed in normandy. Maybe it will be over soon. Patricia you were born in july. Was june. My father wanted to make a special day. My second birthday to do that. If you forget your best friends birthday, you can still plan on ice party at night. A nice party at night. Corner bakery. Not when you are in hiding. It is a lot of planning and help people in the resistance that helped us. Patricia they made a cake . Louise my father made a cake and baked it on top of the camping stove does he did not have an oven. My mother cut up cloth and made address. Selma added old rags and made a doll, and my brother wrapped his only toy for me. I had been watching that for years, but i had never been able to touch it. I could just look at it, but it was his toy. He was going to give it for me for my birthday. Patricia for one day. Louise he said it was just for today. I wanted that tonight. I want it back tonight. [laughter] patricia he knew about the plans louise can you about the plans because he had given ingredients for the cake. She got this doll and this wicker chair, but it was already an antique. I got it, i was so happy i sat in it. I was a little that i sat in the chair and held the dull in my arms. Ll in my arms. That picture is a tribute to my parents. What you saw is a perfectly happy 2yearold, not any different on any other siblings there to use all. My parents wanted us to be happy children. Since we did not know the difference with any outside or inside, we were happy children. Patricia it is beautiful. , and a your parents did very scary situation. A potentially deadly situation. Many people when they think of it in children, they think of anne frank, who lived not far from you, five blocks from where you were hiding, in a very different context. For one thing, you were alive and with us today. Secondly, you werent hiding in the sacred annex. You are sort of hiding in lane site. What did your neighbors think . Did they suspect you were there . Louise we were lucky we had our own walkup. It is a different set up in that row of houses that every floor has its own front door and its own set of stairs. So we never, my father going downstairs, never met anybody, and that probably saved him. We had neighbors below us that must have heard us walk, flush the toilet. They never said anything. So people can say, well, they heard people up there, but maybe they were interested. For us, it was a lucky thing. Helpinguch better than from afar. If they had known us, befriended us are helped us, if a not see or collaborator had rung the zi or collaborator had rung the bell and asked if anyone was living upstairs, they wouldve had to live. Or they would have seen it, that since they lie and did not have to lie at all, they could say, we dont know. It is just a storage attic. But afterwards, i would say they were good dutch people. They knew people were inside. And they never said a word. Patricia never said a word, right. Toward the end of your time in hiding, there was a round up of jewish officers, and your father did not show up. Headcountere was a for all officers. My father could not go out without a star. After the invasion of the allied army, i guess the nazis got jittery, especially the army. So they suggest we have a headcount. My father was told by some of his army buddies that there was a headcount, and it was close to the central station, the hit train station. I will not go, i have a star i have to wear even though we had fake identity papers. Still, he said i will never make it. So he didnt go. Nd he was right there was a headcount, and everybody was pushed onto a train and sent back to germany for the duration of the next eight months of liberation. To my knowledge, not one jewish officer came back. So he didnt go. It was a good thing for the dutch army after liberation, because when we were liberated, forather was picked up conduct unbecoming an officer, thrown in jail by the dutch army. His only lasted three days and then reinstated him, but it took a lot of explaining. Patricia there was a time when your father was arrested. He had a time getting away from the nokia authorities. Authorities. Louise we all had fake identities. My name was maria. I did not know my name was louisa. Dutch collaborator with a lot of screaming. My brother hit in the corner. We were holding onto each other or dear life, scared. We never heard anybody scream at us. What our reals names, and we didnt know them, so we set our faith identities. Fake identities. But they did not like my fathers papers. It was not always perfect, and they took cam. Of the war,the end of occupation, there was no more trains going east. The Railroad Tracks had been bombed. Makeshiftthrown in a prison in the middle of amsterdam, a school. And one night, he tried his door and the door was open. And then he walked in the hallway and walked all the way to the front door, and that was open, and he walked home. They were organized anymore. If the people had picked them up cold kill the people in the jail, there and there, they would have come looking for him. But he came home. A couple of times Something Like that happened, so we were very lucky. Patricia you had bombings in answer them knew the end of the amsterdamthem at the end of the war. Louise they were flying over holland. Tellingir raid alarms you a bomber was approaching, and my dad knew the strongest staircase, so we had a routine. The air raid alarm sounded, my brother and i would hold onto each other, my father would check the stairwell, motion to us, and we would sit on the stairs. My mom would have emergency basket. Some blankets like in case something happened. Then the all clear alarm with sound and we would go back into the attic. Sometimes there was 15, 20 times, and we did it because we never talked back to our parents. Whenever they told us, that was fine with us. Whatever they told us, that was fine with us. Patricia do you remember the liberation . Louise yes. We had a strange thing happened. The Liberating Army liberated on holland and could not cross the river because we had an early winter. We were closed off. We eight months off, what we call [dutch] happened, myre it father traded a lot of stuff for butter, sugar, and flour. He baked cookies. Emergency food, very nutritious with so much butter. Patricia and tasty. Louise i guess so. As will be lived off. On may 5, 1945, there was so much noise on the street that my father took a chair and climbed on it and looked out of the window patricia something he never did. Louise he leaned out and said to us, i think it is over. I think we are free. Because people are waiving dutch flags. He was so hungry at that time that he ran to the covert, and we had miraculously left a warm tin of cookies. He stuck his face and put the rest of the tin on that table and said you can take as much as you want. He knew as soon as liberation came, food would get through. Trickling, not very much, but it would be evenly distributed. So my first meal was oatmeal. I did not like it. I dont like the consistency of oatmeal, but family given to us, and we never said no, so i ate it. Years, weupbringing had a lot of oatmeal. I never liked it, but i ate it but i never say it i dont like it. Just before my mother passed away, i said i have to tell you one thing. I dislike that oatmeal. She said, why didnt you tell me . I never make oatmeal for my children or grandchildren. Patricia but this is a moving time about when you went outside to the first time. Can you tell us a little bit about canadian soldiers . [indiscernible] louise we are so grateful to them. So i ask them, my brother said when he was eating cookies, when we were allowed to take a cold cookie, he said [indiscernible] being freemasons eating cookies. Meansents being free eating cookies. My parents told us our real names. And there waited a couple of days because they wanted to make sure everything was ok. They said we are going to the park, play outside. We did not know what that was. So you have to imagine these two ,ids interact without shoes like booties at the moment. We are walking down for flights of stairs, holding my dad, holding on for dear life, and then my father opened the front door. Sudden, we only had, we had this window that did not give much light. But the front door opens, and there is all this light. O trees, trees are topdown chopped down. But all this light streams in. No more walls. We are scared to death. He takes us to the heart, open field and says you are free now, go play. So i mimicked everything my brother did. Hes not a crying so i started crying. Started crying, so i started crying. So my parents took us back upstairs. My mom was crying by that time. She had no idea what happened to any of her relatives or friends. No news came yet. But the children were free, and they didnt like to be free. Select the best upstairs, explained more, have some more oatmeal patricia [laughter] louise a couple days later, they say we will go for a walk. Foras a beautiful spring dutch people, everybody in red. Everybody had gone through five years of occupation. Everybody is walking around. Families, able by themselves, great to be outside. All the canadian soldiers that love to look at amsterdam because it was so beautiful, because it is a good city. And the people liberated, especially children. They started talking to us, we did not speak english, but they did something better. They hershey bars out of their pockets. They gave us each a hershey bar and we were allowed to eat it. Two mouthfuls, we were full because our stomachs are so little. Which of the rest of the hershey bar home. Next morning, something strange happened. My brother jumps off the mattress and screens through the attic, can we go outside again . My parents are like, yes. He was crying before, now he wants to go inside. He wants the hershey bar. Children are resilient. Patricia what was your lifelike in the immediate postwar . Everything seemed to think when the holocaust was over it was a smooth and easy road. What was it like . Louise it was difficult. We had nothing. There was nothing in the stores. Absolutely nothing. So, we had to rebuild. My parents decided a couple of things. They were not going to talk about the years of occupation and what happened to our family, because only my dads parents survived. We did not talk about the other relatives, they were already in hiding or gone, when we were growing up in the attic. They did not want to talk about it. It was hard, because i wanted to ask questions. My friend, i was able to ask her the questions. No religion. And they thought being jewish was dangerous. They thought that all their lives, that that would happen again, and said they wanted nothing to do with it. Israel. Was louise so it was strange. I miss that too. On my own, when i was 15, i contacted a rabbi. I wanted to know about it. When i was nine years old, i went to a Birthday Party and there were four grandparents. When i came home, i said, did they pick up two of them from the street . I thought it was normal to have only two of them. She explained. That was the first time i realized that there were relatives. My mom said they had to come back they had not come back. Not that they were murdered. They had not come back. Patricia you really do not know that the holocaust occurred. Louise nobody told me. The other thing, my brother and i walked to the post office. It is around christmas time. Somebody asked if we had a Christmas Tree in the house. We did not know what that was. And that person said, good. You should not have one, you are jewish. Ask,e would come home, and what is jewish . She waited for my dad to come home and they had to explain that. Patricia you went to denmark for a time louise sweden. They were no jobs for my dad. Then we came back to holland. Patricia how is it that you came to the United States . That is a nice story. Louise it is not holocaust related. I did my schooling in holland and i became a physical therapist and my husband was an american. We met and fell in love and got married. He finished his studies my health studies, and i helped put him through school. The day he did his last exam, our daughter was born. Then we came here in 1967. Patricia you were a physical therapist and he were in the states. Louise yes. Patricia you want to tell us about your family . Louise yes, we have three wonderful daughters and six grandchildren. Terrible things can happen to you, but you can get lucky like also, very lucky with finding a wonderful husband and starting a wonderful family. Patricia is there anything you want to talk about, in terms of how you your experience shaped the way that you thought for a long time . It is an interesting story. Louise right. It is a time of my life i am not very proud of. I am sharing it because i am repeatthat you do not what i did. My parents brought us up with a lot of hatred toward anything german. It was not just my parents, it was all the dutch people. I heard people say that the dutch hated the germans more than the germans hated jews, that is a big statement. Really unbelievable. Hated everything german. My parents decided that even more. And that is how i grew up and how i lived. If a german tourist would ask me where something was, the anne frank house, and it was there i would tell them to go that way. I thought it was funny. And when we got married and had children, i continued. With this terrible hatred. You wonder, why didnt your husband stop you . If he had said anything against my parents, we would not have been married 51 years. But there came a time, my husband was in the american military, and we were stationed in nato headquarters in belgium. , rang thene year old doorbell of the german, we lived in a duplex. In one part was the Jewish Community and we brought up our children with religion, contrary to what my parents did. She rang the doorbell and there was a German Family living next door, they hate jews and one day they will kill you. So when i was told that, i was in my 30s and i cannot imagine that i kept this going for so long. Patricia so the 1950s, or the 1960s . In 1969. He was born it was already the patricia the 1970s. Louise so i realized it was not her fault to say these things, it was my fault. We got some help and we were able to turn it around. So my thing is, hatred gets you nowhere. It gets you a holocaust. We stopped. Two of our children are married to american servicemen stationed in germany and they speak german now and french, and today i think the month much Younger Generation can keep on haiti, but it only gets you 18, but it only gets you patricia that is a good place to stop. You will see on both sides of the podium you have microphones. I will put on my glasses so i do not call one of you sir when you are maam. Did somebody want to come and ask a question for louise . Yes . What was your reaction when your parents told you your real name . Patricia she said, what was your reaction when you learned your real name . Louise it is a good question, us,whatever my parents told if you can compare it to the law, we had never learned to say anything against what mother told us. We took everything for granted. And i lived like that through my married life. I never went against them. So when they told me my name was louisa, ok. Patricia that is why i called you maria, instead of louise. I knew that. Louise that is ok. Patricia yes, can you run that perfect. There you go. Thank you. Thank you very much. We appreciate you sharing today. Maybe some details about your brother and where he is now. Louise my brother lives in amsterdam. And he does not talk about what happened. His family is not jewish. And when we are together, we talk. But that is about all he wants to talk about. He just, maybe he does a similar thing as my parents, he does not use the words for german. He does not want to talk about it. He was a very successful oncologist. He is a very nice person, but this is something he does not want to talk about. For many years, he blames my parents blamed my parents for his first years of life. He saw his children grow up and he said, look at all of this freedom. I never had that. But then my reaction is look at all of the love we have. I do not think that we missed out on a lot. Patricia and you had siblings born after. Louise so many relatives. My mother, my parents decided they wanted a table full of people. And thats what it was. I am one of five. My brother and myself, then a sister and two brothers. Patricia were they all interested in what happened to your parents . Louise very little. Occasionally, i get questions. And they ask me what i do, because i volunteer at this wonderful museum. They ask what i do. And my oldest brother always says, why rehash this stuff . I think it is important that you know what happened. I am only a tiny piece of the puzzle. You hear other people talk and you can put it together, get a full idea of what happened. Patricia other questions . Yes, if you could step over here. To the microphone. There you go. And at the end lady behind you come after you. Behind you, after you. I want to thank you for sharing your story. I would like to ask the question, you said that you had learned hatred because of the things you heard your parents say. But you said as he got older, your husband realized that you need a professional help. Can you tell me the one thing through your counseling that you got to help you start healing from that atrocity that had happened to you . Louise ok. I do not think there is ever a healing, but i needed to make live freeour children without hatred. That is why we got the help. And i saw that that worked and we were really a very happy family together, the five of us, my husband and myself and the three children. I saw that it worked. I started realizing the other side, like how lovable my parents were. Then i realized when i moved to this area in 1993, the museum had just opened. Maybe i needed to do something more. So people ask, is it difficult to talk . No, it is important that people know. You can go home and if you meet somebody that is it never happened. You can say, well, we went to the Holocaust Museum in washington and we met somebody that would through it. So you say it did not happen, you are a liar. It did happen. For me, that is important. When we are not here anymore to talk, then you can go to the museum and they have all of our stories. They have everything and they will continue. It is important that people know it really happened. That is the only way that you learn. Thank you. Patricia the young lady behind you. Yes, come down to the microphone. Liberated andre he went to the parks, did you see any other families there, and if so what were they doing . Louise when we went to the park , we were not looking for anybody else. We were scared. The second time, we saw that every street was full. Everybody was walking outside. So, i told you in the beginning that i could read at the end, when we were liberated. But i did not know how to socialize. It was hard in the beginning. I only knew my brother and selma and my parents. So seeing other people was very strange. But children are resilient. My mother went to this place in the country because she wanted a place, a room with a kitchen and a bathroom. And because she wanted us to be outside. As soon as she could, she puts us in school. It was a learning curve to be with other children, but it was wonderful when i finally got used to that. Patricia yes . Yes, i was thinking about president jackson signing the indian removal act of 1830 where indians were literally rounded up and put onto reservations. Then the slave trade, the american slave trade. And the japanese internment in world war ii. And today, muslims and mexicans are being persecuted. Why do you think persecution of an entire culture is so readily accepted here . Patricia that is a hard question. Louise patricia i think it is a part of human nature to take on minorities, take on the unknown other. To combat that, that is what louise is doing, and other museums here on the mall are doing, educating. Especially young people. Educating them on how especially prejudice it is. I am proud of our survivor volunteers, all of them have that kind of message. I am sure we will hear something about that in a second. But i think it keeps happening, right . They say never again with the holocaust, yet genocide is part of the human condition. It is continuing in the present. Genocide today in syria, according to the prevention center, we have a center on genocide because it is still happening. And it is our job to work on that. Not just to remember the holocaust. To prevent the genocide from happening. And i think with that, i want to thank all of you for coming. I want to remind you that we have a First Person Program every wednesday and thursday for august. Please check for our webcasts for past shows and shows coming on. And i will turn the floor over to louise for a moment on the first i want to talk about an audience participation we are planning for the end of the program today. We will ask, after louise has her last say, some closure for the program, we will ask all of you to stand and our wonderful photographer joe will take a picture of all of you with louise, stating behind standing behind her and we will all have a moment for a photo op. The tradition here is to turn over the last floor to our part someuest and in last impart some last words of wisdom. Louise during the holocaust, approximately 12 Million People were brutally murdered. Adam the 12 million out of the 12 million, where 6 million jews, including 1. 5 million children from about birth to 15 years old. They were innocent children that had never done anything wrong, but they were persecuted and murdered because they were jewish. Genocideslocaust, the and never stops it never stops, like the world did not learn. In the 1970s, cambodia. In 1994, rwanda. And look today at the middle east. People are murdered. Not because they are criminals, but because they might delete might believe different. They might have a different religion or skin color, that is why they are murdered. It and ii am aware of am sure you are, but my message will be that Everybody Knows about a bully in their neighborhood, in their school. A bully as you know, he or she wants to get away with terrible things. In my opinion, hitler was the worst bully that ever walked the earth. People are afraid of a bully. My advice is, do not be afraid of a bully. It takes a lot of courage. Never approach a bully on your own. Ask for help, a teacher, sensible, parents, grandparents. If nobody can help you, use your phone or borrow a phone and call the police and tell them what is going on. Alcohol,hink, drugs, beatings, think anything. People that you ask for help, one person that starts it, you figure out how many people are afraid and they will be happy to help you. Stand up to a bully and do not let he or she get away with it. Because, if you do not stop it it will continue forever. It is simple, you can look in your own neighborhood. And if you have a custom of doing that, you will always think about it. You cannot stay silent when you know that something is wrong. That is what happened, 1. 5 million children were brutally murdered because people let it happen. They did not do anything. They were in different and they let it happen. They let the bully get away with it. Do not let it continue, please. Patricia thank you. [applause] patricia i want to thank you for joining us today. Louise thank you. You are watching American History tv, all weekend, every weekend on cspan3. To join the conversation, like us on facebook at cspan history. Touringr cspan is cities across the country, exploring American History. Visita look at our recent to provo, utah. You are watching cspan3. Lyn clayton we are in the l. Tom perry special collections on Brigham Young campus. We collect different parts of it history from idaho, arizona, utah. The first item i wanted to show was how the park came to be. There was a man by the name of who prevaileden on the government to give money. In 1871, he took a government expedition. He came in with an artist and came in with a photographer. And these men were able to put on paper and film what they saw. And so between his paintings and jacksons photographs, which was one of the driving forces that enabled the legislation in 1872

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