Transcripts For CSPAN3 Rudy Giuliani Speaks At Florida Deleg

CSPAN3 Rudy Giuliani Speaks At Florida Delegation Breakfast In Cleveland July 20, 2016

Again, live this morning as we await remarks from former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani and consultant and trump adviser dick morris speaking this morning at a breakfast for Florida Republican Convention President ial delegates. Cspans Convention Coverage will get under way live tonight at 7 30 eastern on the docket of speakers tonight, wisconsin Governor Scott walker, senators marco rubio and ted cruz. Newt gingrich will speak with Vice President ial candidate and current indiana governor mike pence. Making America First again is tonights convention theme. Again, coverage starting at 7 30 eastern on our companion network cspan. I hope this is broll. It is . All right. Good. Hey, guys, i need everybody to start taking their seats. Were going to start promptly. Everybody please start taking your seats. Okay, everybody, please start taking your seats. Were going to start the breakfast program. Good morning. What a night last night, right . Briefly i was having a discussion with a couple of my peers this morning in this room and every convention there always seems to be that one speech, whether it is on the democrat side during their convention, or the republican side on their on our convention, that always seems to set the tone and people remember. And i think we saw that speech last night with mr. Donald j. Trump. What do you guys think . So at this time i would like to call, if everybody can please rise and remain standing, id like to recognize the National Committee man of for the rnc and the state committeeman who Palm Beach County mr. Famen to come up here and give us the invocation. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Please bow your heads. Heavenly father, we come before you this morning with humble hearts, and ask for your blessing on this food, and on this gathering this morning. We give thanks for the blessing of living in florida and the blessing of the great leadership of those who are our elected officials. Most importantly, father, we invoke your words from mark 3 24 and matthew 12 22 for a house divided against itself cannot stand. We therefore pray for unity as we go forth from this convention. And we pray all this in the name of the god of abraham, isaac, jacob, moses and jesus, amen. At this time id like to recognize a gentleman who is doing a fantastic job up in washington, d. C. , shining the light on the problems with the va, and making sure that they are all held accountable to our veterans who we all cherish. At this time, id like to recognize congressman jeff miller to lead us in the pledge. If you would join me in the pledge to the flag of the great United States of america. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. [ applause ] everybody please be seated. No, im not going to sing the national anthem. You do not want that. Come on, john. Come on, isnt it enough i called out cleveland during the speech last night . You guys see that . Before we start breakfast this morning, i want to recognize people that are here at this breakfast and i want to make sure we give them a heart felt thank you for everything they do. I would like to take this moment to recognize the staff of the Republican Party of florida. They have been doing an outstanding job. [ applause ] most notably the executive director george riley, who is a rock. Do we know how to put on a show or what . You know in florida comes to town. It has been an amazing lineup of speakers. Were continuing that trend today. Id like to thank the staff of this hotel and the people serving us here this morning. Give them a big round of applause. [ applause ] and at the breakfast on monday, i asked everybody in this room to take time out of their day and thank all the Police Officers and the security who are keeping us safe. Lets give them a big round of applause. [ applause ] so on monday i asked everybody in this room to thank them, so were going to go a little step further this morning. When you see security, armed security, police officer, members of the secret service, take a picture of them with you, post them on social media, and lets thank them in front of the world for everything that theyre doing to keep us all safe. [ applause ] at this time, i would like to recognize and call up to the stage the person who has been hosting the breakfast on monday, tuesday monday, wednesday, and thursday, a gentleman to me who needs no introduction, just an outstanding friend, cracks the worst jokes ive ever heard in my life. I think im going to pay for that, in session. Everybody give a warm welcome to speaker designate richard corcoran. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you. Welcome to what we call heavy hitter wednesday. Youre about to hear from two people who are the most eloquent, make the greatest intellectual arguments on why Hillary Clinton should never be president of the United States. Our first speaker is a commentator, an author, a political consultant, hes done more than 30 Winning Senate and governor campaigns, he makes over 400 appearances a year, hes been called one of the most influential private citizens by time magazine, and i got to talk about the elephant in the room. Hes also credited for turning around bill clintons career. [ inaudible ] dick morris said this, not me. He said thats not an elephant in the room, thats an ass in the room. But i will say the good news about that, though, if it wasnt for dick morris, who created the career of bill clinton, who created the career of Hillary Clinton, the democrats might actually have somebody likable on the ticket. But with that i want to welcome to the stage and as you can see, he says there is no better way to prepare for battle than to know your enemy and the man that is about to speak to you knows our enemy and hes written this book, hes given you 12 reasons why Hillary Clinton shouldnt be president. Reason one is because she is a compulsive, serial liar. And so what we have done is taken the liberty of purchasing a book for each one of you because we believe that we would like you to read it and it will inspire you to go out and walk every day in your districts, your neighborhoods, to make sure that Hillary Clinton is not president. But, please give a warm round of applause for author, commentator, consultant, dick morris. [ applause ] youve all heard of penance, havent you . Good act to compensate for a bad act. Thats why im here. Many of you may understand easily what i think about hillary. If you think about someone who you know who might be about her age, 60, 70, who you knew when they were 30, and when they were 30 they were very different people. But you could see in their personality at the age of 30 all of the defects that were to metastasize into dominant characteristics by the time they it was 40 or 50 years later. Im sure Everybody Knows Something Like that. Their noses were big, but not that big. The ears were big, but not that big. And when i worked with hillary 40 years ago, there was a little bit of deceit going on. She would not tell the truth easily. She cut some corners. The futures market which was basically a bribe from tyson foods to not enforce environmental regs against chickens. And they paid her 100,000 bribe, but the way they could dress it up was to give her a thousand and let her parlay that into the futures market. And in fact what they did was get 10 or 20 investors and the winning bets were all putti in hillarys account so she would get 100,000, when she reached the 100, the amount of the agreed bribe, she stopped there was that. There was also a certain sense of entitlement back then. She would always have this myth that she believed that she was ticketed for a top wall street career, out of yale law school, great deal of money and great big firm, but she threw it over for Public Service to come to arkansas, little back woods state, and help out the guy who wanted to be the governor to turn the state around. That narrative omits the fact that she flunked the dc bar and that she couldnt have been hired by anybody and then after she did that, she was fired by the Watergate Committee for stealing documents, like billing records. She the Watergate Committee wanted to find out if nixon was entitled to counsel. And they looked back at the precedence and they saw that william o. Douglas, the Supreme Court judge, who the republicans wanted to impeach, got counsel. So the republicans were saying that this was saying that the that both parties agreed that they should be counseled. And hillary took those documents home with her and lost them. And they never surfaced. And she was fired for that. So never would have gotten a job anyplace. She joined the Rose Law Firm after several years of trying, when her husband became attorney general. She made partner when her husband became governor. She got in charge of health care when her husband was elected president. She got a senate seat when she defended him against lewinsky, in what i say got a senate seat, bill clinton cleared the field so there were no democrat primary rivals worthy of the name to oppose her. And we all put our hopes in Rudy Giuliani, who was taken ill, and thank god recovered and is with us now but is not running for the senate. [ applause ] so her accomplishments are totally derivative of her husband. That is not an authentic model of feminism. And at the same time you see these traits growing and metastasizing to a point where they take over her personality. Secrecy and paranoia, pathological lying, and an entitlement, greed based entitlement, a sense that after having lived a decade in the Governors Mansion and eight years in the white house and five years in the state department, without having to drive a car, never having to fly even first class, much less commercial, never having to buy food or laundry or worry about babysitting or anything like that, shes grown addicted to a royal level of privilege. And she sought to continue that when she left the white house. Dead broke in her words with only 14 million book advance to keep her company. And she immediately set up a new arrangement with bill. This marriage that began as a romance in the 70s and 80s and then became a Business Partnership in the 90s has become a racketeering organization, a rico. [ applause ] where she sends bill around the world passing the bag and people give him speaking fees and in return the state Department Takes official action and now that shes out of the state department, she might be president , and the process continues. If shes elected president , clinton bill will go around getting millions for each speech and theyll be directly traceable back to stuff that she does for those people as president. Now, why did she have an email server that was secret . Because she needed to hide that paper trail. She couldnt let those emails out there proving this process. For example, one of the big swindles was the Vladimir Putin wanted to take over a Canadian Mining Company that owned 20 of our uranium reserves. And that required state department approval. So in june of 2009, putin invited bill to moscow to give two speeches for half a Million Dollars each with banks that were essentially state owned in russia. He took the cool million in cash, deposited it into the bill and hillary personal bank account. And four months later, hillary ruled in favor of the deal. Now, there are 44 mentions of that deal in state Department Cables over that fourmonth period. It was a real hot topic of controversy within the state department. But there is not a single mention of it in any of hillarys emails that were released during that period. Obviously those emails were deleted. And the whole purpose of the email server was even if it put our secrets at risk from the chinese and the russians, her secrets would not be at risk from the american people. And ultimately it is that paranoia and secrecy driven by the sense of greed and entitlement that led and leads to hillarys ongoing scandals. And you meet this person at the age of 68, who you knew at the age of 30, and you say, oh, my god, i could see where all of this came from, but didnt used to be like that. But you can see how these traits metastasized and took over her personality. Now, lets talk a little bit about how trump is going to beat hillary. [ applause ] i think one thing you should do is should say the clintons hate me, the bushes hate me, and the romneys hate me, so what could i be doing wrong . [ applause ] but that points to a larger message. I did some work for the leave campaign in britain. And ive been working with them for 12 years. And we see the world in a horizontal dichotomy of continuum of left and right. Youre at various points along the spectrum, ideologically. That is not how the alienated, apathetic, no show voter sees politics. He sees politics as an inner circle, a tiny little circle of privilege and power and unspeakable wealth that rigs the system for themselves. Another circle of their acolytes and lawyers and pr person, people and investment advisers, who live off them if theyre good people like sim bottoms, if theyre bad people like parasites but they still live off the host. And then a third concentric circle of everybody else who gets screwed by the global economy. And they see donald trump just like they saw Bernie Sanders, and just like in britain they saw leaving the eu, as the cause for the outer concentric circle. And the circle has no left and has no right. So in brexit, we won the same percentage of the vote from conservatives, torres, as from labor party members. There was no left and right in that any more than there is in any circle. There was a sense of alienation, a sense of being left out, a sense of being an outsider. And donald trump needs not to run against hillary only as a republican, or as a democrat or as a liberal or even as a thief. She he needs to run against her as an insider. As the ultimate insider in our politics. And there is no more insider than the clintons. And by running that kind of a campaign, and speaking for the people in the outer most circle, he can mobilize the voters that have not come out to vote in the past to come out and vote for him. The demographics are daunting. In 2004, karl rove and george bush brought out 10 million new white voters. In 2008, obama brought out 10 million new africanamerican latino and female and young voters. And they each won their elections because of that. But in 2012, 10 million white voters stayed home because they couldnt handle romney, because he was typical of that insider circle. And they saw the Republican Party in its worst possible light, of wall street, and vulture capitalism as they called it, and it made no difference that some of the companies romney tried to help he did turn around, he did save jobs. They understood that the motivation there was making money, they saw him as capitalizing on the global economy, on outsourcing and all of that stuff, and they saw this process as fundamentally causing their own impoverishment. And they voted against him. They stayed home. And that was truly obamas margin of victory. So the first thing trump needs to do and the thing that only donald trump among our potential candidates could possibly do is to bring those people out to vote, to rekindle their faith in the process, to believe there is a fellow outsider running, who scorns the inside, just as valuably and as irritably and crankily as they do and mirrors their frustrations and their views. Trump has ignited those people, mobilized them and theyre coming out to vote. And they are how trump is going to beat hillary. [ applause ] but he need not stop there. It is one of the supreme challenges of our lives that obama care may fall apart before we can repeal it. [ applause ] it is like you make sure everybody on death row is really healthy. But the fact that obamacare is dying, because the premiums are going higher and higher, the risk pool is getting sicker and older, and poorer, and that in turn drives people out, and as of now, about 7 Million People have chosen to pay the fine rather than enter the system. And the total number of people who are covered newly because of obamacare is only 4 million. He says 16. But eight of that is medicaid, which is welfare and has been there forever. He just raised the ceilings. And of the remaining eight, half are people who had insurance, they were happy with, but couldnt continue it because it didnt meet the administrations regulations. So the number of new people covered by obamacare is only 4 million. And the number of people who are uninsured, who choose to pay the fine is 50 larger than that. And the process is continuing. Doctors are opting out, patients are opting out. That is deliberate. That is not a failure of barack obama. That is his goal. That is hillarys goal. Because they will come back at some point soon and hillarys doing it now, and saying, oh, you see how the Insurance Companies are ripping everybody off by raising the premiums . We made them cover people until 26 on their familys policies, forget we said you cant exclude presifting conditions, forget we said you have to cover everything from psychotherapy to drug therapy to drug addiction therapy to sex change operations to mammograms for men, you have to cover everything and that drove the premiums up. Now some of those are good. We want to cover preexisting, we want kids to be covered by their family policies. But it all drove up the premiums. Then when the companies raised the premiums, hey, get rid of the

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