Transcripts For CSPAN3 Rosenberg Library Museum Archives And

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Rosenberg Library Museum Archives And Collections 20150307

troops who today and even more so tomorrow will cause this state millions of dollars of federal funds from programs of education, agriculture highways, what have you, who have disparaged dozens of industries coming into the state and providing jobs for millions of black and white alabama and. how long, how long will you continue, white alabamians, to be the victims of this self-defeating folly? i say you cannot afford this luxury. as sure as we have an old flag flying behind me, as sure as we have here courageous people gathered, as sure as we have an absent governor, i say -- [applause] i say to white alabamians, that as sure as these things are true, you cannot keep the negro in third class citizen without you being second-class. finally, let me ask you three quick questions. people have said, why are we here? this march is to give a new carriage to the white citizens of the state of alabama who for too long have allowed the worst and the most ignorant elements of their population to speak for them. [applause] secondly we are here to give renewed courage and hope to negro alabamians that they walk not alone. you are not an island. where other people are a concern, you are part of america, and we are part of you. this march will be meaningful only if you march with the same enthusiasm after the leadership of the president of the united states will have given us a voting bill, will you march to the polls and vote? will you furthermore, since the national urban the has been engaged in the last two or three weeks and bringing poverty programs -- programs of retraining and education into this state -- we have had meetings in birmingham with leaders, when this programs come here, a public officials are not stupid enough to beat of them, if, when they come, will you march with your children to the libraries? will you march yourselves to adult education centers? will you march and continue to march and follow the great leadership of dr. martin luther king? thank you. [applause] >> it is my pleasure to present to you the director of the civil rights department of aflcio, mr. don slayman. >> to have hours ago, these marchers arrived at the state capital. the 20th person to arrive at this podium is now there. we are just about to reach the high point of today's occasion as far as the march is concerned, and that is the address by dr. martin luther king, who is scheduled to be the next speaker. a few moments ago, and alabama delegation was named from the speaker's platform to take a petition to governor wallace. governor wallace issued a statement which read, i have stated publicly before this nation that it is and has always been my policy to be -- when they present themselves in a proper and normal manner. i will receive a petition from any group of citizens of the state of alabama not to exceed 20 at any time after this demonstration and march has dispersed. i will not see any group of citizens whatsoever until after this demonstration has concluded and disperse. shortly after that, came from the governor's office, the delegation was named -- all of them from alabama. they were instructed to meet immediately following the benediction at this meeting. at a church one block away. they will confer with dr. martin luther king, and then proceed to the capital with a petition that was read and adopted unanimously by those in attendance. every major civil rights organization in this country -- its leaders are here today. each of them, with the exception of james thor, has spoken from the platform. it was pointed out that james former was ill and could not be here. every other major civil rights group has had a representative here including philip randolph, when wilson, john lewis, james forman, whitney young, and dr. martin luther king. he will begin in about two minutes. 30 minutes ago, the only times as the marchers arrived, there was some rainfall. at the moment, still just a rain -- gray overcast. the lee terry presence still prevails -- military presence still prevails here. the chief of the united states marshals was allowed to proceed to the opposite side of the street. for over two hours, members of the alabama conservation service have been at the lower steps at the capital. various members of the alabama legislator has been on the steps here witnessing the activities below. master of ceremonies is the reverend abernathy. he has served as master of ceremonies. most of the crowd has taken the opportunity to be seated. many are seated at this time. the majority are still standing. this out of necessity. there has been not one single incident from the time this march started -- >> will you please add their names to the list. the reverend mclean of montgomery, alabama. the reverend nelson smith of birmingham, alabama. attorney peter hall of birmingham, alabama. this is a committee of 20 persons who will meet in the church upstairs for final instructions from our leader dr. king. a gentleman from california -- make mrs. wants please come to the speaker stand. will the drivers of all the shuttle buses begin moving quietly to your buses. i want everybody here to keep your position. if you are seated or if you are standing until the benediction is pronounced. this is a nonviolent assembly. we came together and we will leave together. someone has just passed to me a wallet which was found. if you can identify, i will be happy to give it to you. this march is very costly. when you come up against the state, where your tax money is being used to keep you down, we must give liberally if we are to give up. please, if you have a contribution, at the close of the service, do not take it home, but give it to me. for i am the treasurer of the southern christian leadership conference. when you get home, make your checks to sclc and mail them to the southern christian leadership conference. or you may send them to the student nonviolent coordinating committee at 8 raymond street in atlanta, georgia. i have one other introduction. come here, mrs. rosa parks. [applause] the first lady of the movement, mrs. rosa parks, raise your hand. >> reverend abernathy and distinguish leaders and all of you wonderful freedom fighters, my brothers and sisters, you see before you. as a child, i had to hide from the clue clucks clan to get from -- to keep from getting killed. my family was driven off of our land. i did not have the opportunity to attend school.

Related Keywords

United States , California , Alabama , Georgia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Atlanta , America , Philip Randolph , Martin Luther King , James Thor , Lee Terry , Peter Hall , James Forman , Nelson Smith ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN3 Rosenberg Library Museum Archives And Collections 20150307 :

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Rosenberg Library Museum Archives And Collections 20150307

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troops who today and even more so tomorrow will cause this state millions of dollars of federal funds from programs of education, agriculture highways, what have you, who have disparaged dozens of industries coming into the state and providing jobs for millions of black and white alabama and. how long, how long will you continue, white alabamians, to be the victims of this self-defeating folly? i say you cannot afford this luxury. as sure as we have an old flag flying behind me, as sure as we have here courageous people gathered, as sure as we have an absent governor, i say -- [applause] i say to white alabamians, that as sure as these things are true, you cannot keep the negro in third class citizen without you being second-class. finally, let me ask you three quick questions. people have said, why are we here? this march is to give a new carriage to the white citizens of the state of alabama who for too long have allowed the worst and the most ignorant elements of their population to speak for them. [applause] secondly we are here to give renewed courage and hope to negro alabamians that they walk not alone. you are not an island. where other people are a concern, you are part of america, and we are part of you. this march will be meaningful only if you march with the same enthusiasm after the leadership of the president of the united states will have given us a voting bill, will you march to the polls and vote? will you furthermore, since the national urban the has been engaged in the last two or three weeks and bringing poverty programs -- programs of retraining and education into this state -- we have had meetings in birmingham with leaders, when this programs come here, a public officials are not stupid enough to beat of them, if, when they come, will you march with your children to the libraries? will you march yourselves to adult education centers? will you march and continue to march and follow the great leadership of dr. martin luther king? thank you. [applause] >> it is my pleasure to present to you the director of the civil rights department of aflcio, mr. don slayman. >> to have hours ago, these marchers arrived at the state capital. the 20th person to arrive at this podium is now there. we are just about to reach the high point of today's occasion as far as the march is concerned, and that is the address by dr. martin luther king, who is scheduled to be the next speaker. a few moments ago, and alabama delegation was named from the speaker's platform to take a petition to governor wallace. governor wallace issued a statement which read, i have stated publicly before this nation that it is and has always been my policy to be -- when they present themselves in a proper and normal manner. i will receive a petition from any group of citizens of the state of alabama not to exceed 20 at any time after this demonstration and march has dispersed. i will not see any group of citizens whatsoever until after this demonstration has concluded and disperse. shortly after that, came from the governor's office, the delegation was named -- all of them from alabama. they were instructed to meet immediately following the benediction at this meeting. at a church one block away. they will confer with dr. martin luther king, and then proceed to the capital with a petition that was read and adopted unanimously by those in attendance. every major civil rights organization in this country -- its leaders are here today. each of them, with the exception of james thor, has spoken from the platform. it was pointed out that james former was ill and could not be here. every other major civil rights group has had a representative here including philip randolph, when wilson, john lewis, james forman, whitney young, and dr. martin luther king. he will begin in about two minutes. 30 minutes ago, the only times as the marchers arrived, there was some rainfall. at the moment, still just a rain -- gray overcast. the lee terry presence still prevails -- military presence still prevails here. the chief of the united states marshals was allowed to proceed to the opposite side of the street. for over two hours, members of the alabama conservation service have been at the lower steps at the capital. various members of the alabama legislator has been on the steps here witnessing the activities below. master of ceremonies is the reverend abernathy. he has served as master of ceremonies. most of the crowd has taken the opportunity to be seated. many are seated at this time. the majority are still standing. this out of necessity. there has been not one single incident from the time this march started -- >> will you please add their names to the list. the reverend mclean of montgomery, alabama. the reverend nelson smith of birmingham, alabama. attorney peter hall of birmingham, alabama. this is a committee of 20 persons who will meet in the church upstairs for final instructions from our leader dr. king. a gentleman from california -- make mrs. wants please come to the speaker stand. will the drivers of all the shuttle buses begin moving quietly to your buses. i want everybody here to keep your position. if you are seated or if you are standing until the benediction is pronounced. this is a nonviolent assembly. we came together and we will leave together. someone has just passed to me a wallet which was found. if you can identify, i will be happy to give it to you. this march is very costly. when you come up against the state, where your tax money is being used to keep you down, we must give liberally if we are to give up. please, if you have a contribution, at the close of the service, do not take it home, but give it to me. for i am the treasurer of the southern christian leadership conference. when you get home, make your checks to sclc and mail them to the southern christian leadership conference. or you may send them to the student nonviolent coordinating committee at 8 raymond street in atlanta, georgia. i have one other introduction. come here, mrs. rosa parks. [applause] the first lady of the movement, mrs. rosa parks, raise your hand. >> reverend abernathy and distinguish leaders and all of you wonderful freedom fighters, my brothers and sisters, you see before you. as a child, i had to hide from the clue clucks clan to get from -- to keep from getting killed. my family was driven off of our land. i did not have the opportunity to attend school.

Related Keywords

United States , California , Alabama , Georgia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Atlanta , America , Philip Randolph , Martin Luther King , James Thor , Lee Terry , Peter Hall , James Forman , Nelson Smith ,

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