Transcripts For CSPAN3 Representative Roger Williams Holds N

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Representative Roger Williams Holds News Conference On Injured Staffer 20170614

we just heard from congressman joe barton and mike doyle about the congressional baseball game, the managers say it is still on for tomorrow. they also refer to congressman roger williams who was injured, not shot, but injured at that incident in virginia earlier today. we expect to hear from congressman williams in just a few moments. a staff member of his was shot at that incident in alexandria this morning. and we expect to hear from congressman roger williams of texas in just a few moments. we'll have that live here on c-span36789 t c-spa c-span3. the statement released by the capital police, i want to commend crystal griner, david bailey and henry cabrera for here he oh,ic and appropriate response in protecting the members and others today during their practice for the baseball game. i'm grateful that special act griner is in good condition in the hospital having been shot in the ankle and special agent bailey was treated and released having sustained minor injury during the incident. again that, from the u.s. capitol police chief this afternoon. while we wait for congressman roger williams to appear here at the u.s. capitol, we'll show you reaction from members of the u.s. senate earlier today. >> majority leader? >> i know the entire senate will join in echoing sentiments by the president this morning. we're deeply saddened and concerned for those injured. we'll keep them in our prayers and we'll continue to send them every wish for quick and full recovery. we're grateful for all those who step in to help, those practicing on the field, the first responders and, of course, the capitol police officers on the scene. we're deeply indebted to their service. we again salute their continuing and unfailing bravery on behalf of the capitol community. the congressional baseball game is a bipartisan charity event. i know the senate will embrace that spirit today as we come together and expressing both our concern and our gratitude. >> i join with the majority leader in offering our prayers for those who were injured. i was absolutely shaken by the news of a shooting early this morning at the baseball field in alexandria where many of my friends and colleagues were practicing. it's been reported that representative scalise, the house whip was shot during at tack as were two brave members of the capitol police force and others including a staffer. this morning is the most sobering reminder of how thankful we should be for the service of the capitol police force. who put their lives on the line day in and day out for us to be safe. i could not be more grateful that capitol police were there at a time to prevent this attack from being any worse than it was. i was with senator paul in the gym who had been there. and he told me had these two capitol police officers who were part of congressman scalise's detail not been there it may have been a massacre. there would have been no one to respond. but their bravery is exemplary of all capitol police force and we thank them. the entire senate family sends its thoughts and prayers to those who were wounded and our gratitude to the police officers and first responders at the scene. i yield the floor. >> madam president, i have just been informed that alleged shooter at the republican baseball practice this morning is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. i am sickened by this despicable act and let me be as clear as i can be. violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and i condemn this action in the strange strongest possible terms. real change can only come about through nonviolent action and anything else runs counter to our most deeply held american values. i know i speak for the entire country in saying that my hopes and prayers are that representative scalise, congressional staff and the capitol police officers who were wounded make a quick and full recovery. i also want to thank the capitol police for their heroic actions to prevent further harm. >> there are some day that's are noisy in d.c. and in the nation. seems like the disagreements and the discourse calls for just a moment and we'll remember again that we're all americans then there are issues that we're facing as a nation. early this morning a group of baseball players that were also members of congress getting together to practice for a congressional baseball game happening tomorrow night. it's a friendly game. great competition for charity. and a few members from both republicans and democrats both the house and senate get together and practice and then play the game. this morning at the republican practice, a man walked on to the field and opened fire. just guys practicing baseball. steve scalise was hit, the majority whip. two members of his detail that were capitol hill police were injured and others were injured as well. capitol police saved many lives this morning. they were prepared and they returned fire and were able to stop the person who was shooting over and over and over again at everybody that he could see on that baseball field. what's been interesting is today since that came out this morning, as i walked through the hallways heading back and forth to different meetings, i've been interested to see many doors that i walked by and that door was open, i could hear people inside praying. i've been to three organized prayer meetings on the hill today specifically related to that and others just spontaneously occurring. and just for a moment we get the opportunity to be able to reflect and say to god, thank you so much for protecting the people on that field. thank you again to the capitol hill police that literally put their lives on the line to protect the guests and the members and the staff here every single day. and once again to remember that we're a nation that solves things by conversation. we disagree and that's okay. we said that for two centuries that we can disagree. we don't solve it this way. and we cannot. i would like to be able to join what is happening all over this hill for just a moment in this room. we can pray for a moment as well that are there and the naem are going through surgery right now and for their families. for every single staff member that is here, every single member that is here, every memb members of the capitol hill police, their families are calling and texting them saying are you okay? the families are scattered all over the country and they're worried. we can help lead. we can set a tone to tell the nation we should disagree on things. but we don't ever do this. so i'd like to ask for us just to take a moment of privilege and just be able to pray. they're bravery and their love of this institution and of country. elaine and i love each of the special agents deeply. we love their families, too. and these photos you can see one of the team lead aernz jasers a hard at work. jason hates this photo which is why i blew it up for national tv. the other photo sf a trip i took to all five of utah's national parks last year during this trip my security detail was with me every step of the way. these men and women never leave my side. and today i wish to thank them with all my heart for their service and their sacrifice. these are really great people. we enjoy being together. mr. president, members of congress, we stand united in the aftermath to have day's attack and thanks to our brave capitol police officers, we also stand protected from those who would do us harm. because of them, we can confidently carry on the work of the american people. mr. president, these are really great human beings, men and women, who literally sacrifice a lot to serve us and to back us up, to strengthen us and help us in times of need. they're people that i really, re

Related Keywords

United States , Virginia , Utah , Capitol Hill , Americans , American , Henry Cabrera , Roger Williams , Steve Scalise , Joe Barton ,

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Transcripts For CSPAN3 Representative Roger Williams Holds News Conference On Injured Staffer 20170614 :

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Representative Roger Williams Holds News Conference On Injured Staffer 20170614

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we just heard from congressman joe barton and mike doyle about the congressional baseball game, the managers say it is still on for tomorrow. they also refer to congressman roger williams who was injured, not shot, but injured at that incident in virginia earlier today. we expect to hear from congressman williams in just a few moments. a staff member of his was shot at that incident in alexandria this morning. and we expect to hear from congressman roger williams of texas in just a few moments. we'll have that live here on c-span36789 t c-spa c-span3. the statement released by the capital police, i want to commend crystal griner, david bailey and henry cabrera for here he oh,ic and appropriate response in protecting the members and others today during their practice for the baseball game. i'm grateful that special act griner is in good condition in the hospital having been shot in the ankle and special agent bailey was treated and released having sustained minor injury during the incident. again that, from the u.s. capitol police chief this afternoon. while we wait for congressman roger williams to appear here at the u.s. capitol, we'll show you reaction from members of the u.s. senate earlier today. >> majority leader? >> i know the entire senate will join in echoing sentiments by the president this morning. we're deeply saddened and concerned for those injured. we'll keep them in our prayers and we'll continue to send them every wish for quick and full recovery. we're grateful for all those who step in to help, those practicing on the field, the first responders and, of course, the capitol police officers on the scene. we're deeply indebted to their service. we again salute their continuing and unfailing bravery on behalf of the capitol community. the congressional baseball game is a bipartisan charity event. i know the senate will embrace that spirit today as we come together and expressing both our concern and our gratitude. >> i join with the majority leader in offering our prayers for those who were injured. i was absolutely shaken by the news of a shooting early this morning at the baseball field in alexandria where many of my friends and colleagues were practicing. it's been reported that representative scalise, the house whip was shot during at tack as were two brave members of the capitol police force and others including a staffer. this morning is the most sobering reminder of how thankful we should be for the service of the capitol police force. who put their lives on the line day in and day out for us to be safe. i could not be more grateful that capitol police were there at a time to prevent this attack from being any worse than it was. i was with senator paul in the gym who had been there. and he told me had these two capitol police officers who were part of congressman scalise's detail not been there it may have been a massacre. there would have been no one to respond. but their bravery is exemplary of all capitol police force and we thank them. the entire senate family sends its thoughts and prayers to those who were wounded and our gratitude to the police officers and first responders at the scene. i yield the floor. >> madam president, i have just been informed that alleged shooter at the republican baseball practice this morning is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign. i am sickened by this despicable act and let me be as clear as i can be. violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and i condemn this action in the strange strongest possible terms. real change can only come about through nonviolent action and anything else runs counter to our most deeply held american values. i know i speak for the entire country in saying that my hopes and prayers are that representative scalise, congressional staff and the capitol police officers who were wounded make a quick and full recovery. i also want to thank the capitol police for their heroic actions to prevent further harm. >> there are some day that's are noisy in d.c. and in the nation. seems like the disagreements and the discourse calls for just a moment and we'll remember again that we're all americans then there are issues that we're facing as a nation. early this morning a group of baseball players that were also members of congress getting together to practice for a congressional baseball game happening tomorrow night. it's a friendly game. great competition for charity. and a few members from both republicans and democrats both the house and senate get together and practice and then play the game. this morning at the republican practice, a man walked on to the field and opened fire. just guys practicing baseball. steve scalise was hit, the majority whip. two members of his detail that were capitol hill police were injured and others were injured as well. capitol police saved many lives this morning. they were prepared and they returned fire and were able to stop the person who was shooting over and over and over again at everybody that he could see on that baseball field. what's been interesting is today since that came out this morning, as i walked through the hallways heading back and forth to different meetings, i've been interested to see many doors that i walked by and that door was open, i could hear people inside praying. i've been to three organized prayer meetings on the hill today specifically related to that and others just spontaneously occurring. and just for a moment we get the opportunity to be able to reflect and say to god, thank you so much for protecting the people on that field. thank you again to the capitol hill police that literally put their lives on the line to protect the guests and the members and the staff here every single day. and once again to remember that we're a nation that solves things by conversation. we disagree and that's okay. we said that for two centuries that we can disagree. we don't solve it this way. and we cannot. i would like to be able to join what is happening all over this hill for just a moment in this room. we can pray for a moment as well that are there and the naem are going through surgery right now and for their families. for every single staff member that is here, every single member that is here, every memb members of the capitol hill police, their families are calling and texting them saying are you okay? the families are scattered all over the country and they're worried. we can help lead. we can set a tone to tell the nation we should disagree on things. but we don't ever do this. so i'd like to ask for us just to take a moment of privilege and just be able to pray. they're bravery and their love of this institution and of country. elaine and i love each of the special agents deeply. we love their families, too. and these photos you can see one of the team lead aernz jasers a hard at work. jason hates this photo which is why i blew it up for national tv. the other photo sf a trip i took to all five of utah's national parks last year during this trip my security detail was with me every step of the way. these men and women never leave my side. and today i wish to thank them with all my heart for their service and their sacrifice. these are really great people. we enjoy being together. mr. president, members of congress, we stand united in the aftermath to have day's attack and thanks to our brave capitol police officers, we also stand protected from those who would do us harm. because of them, we can confidently carry on the work of the american people. mr. president, these are really great human beings, men and women, who literally sacrifice a lot to serve us and to back us up, to strengthen us and help us in times of need. they're people that i really, re

Related Keywords

United States , Virginia , Utah , Capitol Hill , Americans , American , Henry Cabrera , Roger Williams , Steve Scalise , Joe Barton ,

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