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We are safer today than when barack Obama Took Office . No. Unfortunately, i dont either. Sadly, the obvious answer is no. In fact, the lack of American Leadership under this president has made the world more dangerous. And you just have to take look around the world. In the middle east, isis has seized territory in iraq and syria. To establish an islamic cal fate. Nothing is too brutal or barbaric for this terrorist group. Weve seen how they have tormented, tortured, raped, killed, christians for what they believe in. Were also seeing the resurgence offal quooid and affiliated groups in yemen libya and other areas around the world. You might recall that last fall, just this past fall, the president cited yemen as an example of success in terms of the administrations counterterrorism strategy. Can you imagine . Yemen a success model. Id hate to see what failure looks like. I introduced an amendment in the Defense Authorization to make sure we would not transfer any of the dangerous terrorists held at began tanguantanamo to yemen and i got that amendment passed in the Defense Authorization. But at the last minute in the committee of congress, the administration did not wantd it in there because they hoped they could transfer terrorists from guantanamo to yemen, they got it stripped out. Could you imagine transferring dangerous terrorists from guantanamo to yemen . But thats exactly the types of moves this administration is making. Trying to empty guantanamo with what we have left there with some of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. And if you look at where we are with a country like yemen right now, most recently, the United States closed its embassy, withdrew its personnel and guess who we can thank for that . Iran. The very country that we are negotiating with right now over their Nuclear Program because theyve actually funded some of the groups on the ground that caused our people to have to evacuate from yemen and are causing some of the chaos in yemen that is further em boldeningbolden ing alqaeda in the peninsula, the most dangerous part of alqaeda that has its designed to attack the United States of america. This week, alqaeda in the Arabian Peninsula seized a civilian airport there. Earlier, they overran and looted a military base in western yemen and it goes on and on and on. And if you need any further evidence of how detached this administration is, from the reality of what were facing around the world look at what the president said just a few months ago in its state of the union address. Were not talking about last year, were talking about a few months ago when he declared the shadow of crisis has passed. How can anyone, much less the leader of the free world, believe that the Global Security situation that were facing today, that the shadow of kras has passed. As i said earlier, as i look around the world, our allies feel ban donned and adversaries feel imboldened. Thats no many apparent than when it comes to what is happening right now with these negotiations with iran. Look at our closest ally in the middle east. Israel. Israel at this moment the administration has spent more time criticizing the leader of israel and israels legitimate concerns about iran than it has being critical of the things that the Iranian Regime has done to sponsor terrorism around the world. Now, that truly is a disconnect. We should stand strong with our strong friend, israel, in the middle east. One of the most important issues coming up in the United States senate and i believe it could be the most Important National security issue that i will work on in my time in the senate. Is is this issue of the agreement with iran. This would represent the most Important International arms control agreement since the end of the cold war and thats the administration trying to do with it tell the American People their elected representatives, people like me who are elected by the people of New Hampshire, that we should butt out. Butt out on this agreement. That we should not have any say in what happens on your behalf with this agreement. What we know about the deal, the more we know, we understand exactly why the administration is try inging to prevent congress from weighing in on this agreement. Frankly, the deal stinks. We started out these negotiations rightly so to make sure that iran the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world rngs to make sure that iran, a country has said it wants to wipe israel off the map, that has called us the great satan, would not have a Nuclear Weapon but where we have end up when the framework announced by this administration is in a totally different place. Weve gone from ending their program as the starting point to now were managing it and allowing iran the capability to a nuclear bomb. That is unacceptable when it comes to the security of the United States of america and of the world and thats why as real estate return to the United States senate, i believe this is one of the more important Security Issues that i will work on on your behalf because without security we cannot have prosperity. Without security we cannot have freedom and it is the number one responsibility of our government to ensure our freedom and prosperity. Its not just that we are unfortunately in a position where we can negotiate over the scope of their capability rather than ending their capability but its also whats been left off the table in this agreement. Iran is sponsoring terrorism around the world. Yemen, theyre sponsoring groups like hezbollah that terrorize individuals. They are sponsoring the murderous assad regime. And yet, none of that is being discussed in these negotiations. Iran is building an intercontinental ballistic missing or icbm. Do you know why . So they could hit the east coast of this country, yet that is not on the table in these discussions. Their Missile Program is not being discussed in these discussions. Iran, what they want is more money. We have strong economic sanctions in place right now. We have them in a position where oil prices are low and we have them in a position where frankly, they need sanctions relief and what do we do . Give them concession after concession after concession. Well, i say this. If the president of the United States is not going to negotiate an agreement that ends their program, and by the way, one, that ensures that iran can never have a nuclear bomb and it is up to the United States senate it is up to the congress to make sure that we get a voice in this agreement and that we make sure that the country is protected and that iran does not get a Nuclear Weapon. That is why ive been proud to lead the effort to ensure that we pass legislation to give congress a say on whether the toughest economic sanctions are lifted against iran before any agreement is agreed to and gets in place for this country and thats what this fight is about as we return to the United States senate and i plan to fight with all my game to ensure that our constitutional role is fulfilled. That as your elected representative that we have a voice to make sure that this administration does not continue to enter a bad deal. A good deal with iran would be a blessing, but where we are right now from what i have heard, would be a nightmare to this country. So, i want to thank all of you for what youre doing. Because this iran situation is not the only challenge that were facing. Because as i look at other countries around the world just look what russia did this week. Russia this week over our objections, lifted its ban on the sale of surface to air missiles to iran. How does what does this signal . That iran is going to continue to get support from countries like russia and china. And so ensuring that they are not able to get a nuclear bomb, that they are not able to have the money that sanctions relief would give them what do you think theyre going to do with this money . Theyre going to support more unfortunately, is so so critical. And this president ial election when it comes to our leadership in the world, could not be more important. We need a president who is clear eyed about the role of the commander in chief. That americas role in the world is one that our adversaries not to want to mess with the United States of america and causes our friends to understand this tha we will stand with them. We need a president who is going ensure that america remains safe. As we look at whats happening, where does secretary clinton stand when it comes to russia . She was the one who pressed the reset button. When i look at whats happening when it comes to this iran deal, she was one of the architects of the president s Foreign Policy. So, the distinctions in this election between our candidate whoever we pick, and if their candidate is going to be secretary clinton, could not be more clear or more important. Because if america is not safe and we do not have a commander in chief who stands strong to protect this country, then we cant have anything else. So, i ask you to work as hard as you can in this election to make sure that we elect a republican president in 2016. Weve got to make that happen. I will work alongside you in those efforts, i will work hand in hand with you because this is not one that we can leave anything behind. I know now were going through our nominating process i hope you will ask each of our candidates what their view is of what it means to be commander in chief. I hope that you will ask each of our candidates what their vision is for how we can ensure more stronger, more prosperous america. I hope you will ask each candidate how are they going to ensure that america doesnt get swallowed by its own and finally, i hope youll ask most importantly, each of our candidates how do you plan to beat Hillary Clinton and make sure that we win this election . So, i thank you for having me here today and lets go out and win this election in 2016. Thank you peter. Peters not just a broadcaster, hes New Hampshire broadcaster of the year, so congratulations to you for that. Mother of our four children, libby, thank you for being here with me this morning. And thank you all for being here. You are the activists who are going to make sure you reclaim the white house in 2016. For the people of america. So, thank you all for being here. As hillary runs across the country in her converted van, hiding from people, running from the perez press only answering staged questions from people across america we are going to take questions from normal citizens from across New Hampshire, so we opened it up on twitter and facebook and youtube and said send us a question and well try to get to it this morning. I guess you have a lot of those questions. Lets go. Questions from New Hampshire, there they are legit. First question, ted dawson of New Hampshire said what are you thoughts on turn limits at all levels of government starting at the top and working down . Let me tell you, i think term limits are critical. When this country was created, we didnt vaa the concept of a separate class of politicians who are different from the American People. Who belongs to washington, spend 45 years in Public Office and when theyre done, sick around as a lobiest. The politicians are supposed to be us, theyre supposed to reflect the people of america and term limits, making sure people dont go there for their entire career is a part of this but peter, its not just that reform alone. What happens in washington today is its an insiders game and to be honest, it doesnt matter which part is in control. We need to change a number of things to change how washington does business. Yes, term limits, but also, if Congress Passes a lou law lake obamacare and says its a good law, its going apply to every american and Community Across this country, it should apply to them as well. Under harry reed and the democrats for six years the senate never passed a budget. What happens if you dont do your job in you dont get paid. They should pass a law saying when there is no budget adopted by congress they dont get paid until its passed as well, but by far to me the most important reform is to break the strangle hold lobbyists get in washington. When you get elected, you play the game and you know within six months, you dont ever go back home. Youre elected from New Hampshire, nevada, new york, new mexico f. You dont run again or win, you dont go home. You stay in washington and become a lobbyist. Today, there are over 400 former members of congress who are reg registered lobbiests in washington, d. C. The first law i will propose, you serve one day in congress the house of senate there is a lifetime ban on ever being a lobbiest in washington, d. C. Go home. Go back to the people who sent you there. And represent them. So peter couple of reforms, all right . Second question. From andrew hemming way of manchester. Sure youve heard this one before. How you know the name. What did you learn from september 11th . Id say theres two important lessons from september 11th. The first is that islamic terror is real. And we should call it by its name. And we should also recognize that the fact there are bases and Training Camps are thousands of mis overseas dont mean were safe in new york or New Hampshire and we have to be proactive and aggressive in going after them over there before they have the chance to attack us here again. Thats lesson number one. But theres another lesson as well and for all the sadness and sorrow i feel when i go to Lower Manhattan or think of september 11th there was an outpouring of american strength ive never seen in my lifetime. There was a sense we had been attacked as americans. We werent republicans or democrat black or white, young or old, we were americans and issa the stroechbt america come together and i saw people from every corn erer of this country coming to help us rebuild, reclaim and swore to soar to Higher Heights and that to me is the lesson of september 11th. When we put aside the superficial differences that seem so important, there is nothing we cannot accomplish and we have got to sense again the belief were all in this together, we have a common destiny, future, seize it and make the 21st century americas greatest century. Are you running for president . Theres a lot of cameras here. I have to be careful what i say. No, just between you and me. All right. In that case. You know, i kid when i go around New Hampshire. This is my eighth trip since september. Every four years, theres the olympics. The world cup and pat aki shows up thinking about running for president and that seems to be true, but in all seriousness, peter, this time, things are different. I look at whats happening in the world and i have never seep the world in my lifetime as in flames as it is today. Ive never seen the overseized threat. Leading from behind does not work. They are smarter than we are. They have to tell us how to live our lives. And to me the need to change the direction the need to take back washington reduce its size, its cost has never been greater. So i can tell you im much more inclined to run this time than ever before. Oi i get a little emotional. During the course of the week introduced a new commercial from we the people not washington. Dont know if everybodys seen it. Right now, were going to show you the commercial. Defeating islamic terrorists. Growing the economy. These are the issues that matter most. Instead, were debating social issues like abortion and gay rights. Theyre a distraction and will only help elect hillary. After eight years of obama style socialism, we need to shrink government not let Big Government tell us how to live our lives. Logon. Learn more. Very nice. Thank you, peter. I get to play richard dawson. What youre people have put together, its called the lightning round. Short answers very brief. Let me sit down for this one. I dont know whats coming up here. Youre playing tight on this one. Favorite president. I love reagan. Abraham lincoln because he brought the promise of American Freedom to everyone and thats what our party has always stood for. Last book you read . The trade traders wife. Its obscure but it was written by our daughter, hit number five on New York Times best sellers list and if i said any other book, i could probably not go home next week. Heres what youre going to alienate some people. Im good with that. Zpl iphone blackberry or android. Iphone. And i dont have a serve err in the basement. Game of thrown house of cards or orange is the new black. Our kids love game of thrones thrones. I go with house of cards. Anything that makes washington look worse than it is is something im in favor of. Wine or beer . Both. During the day, beer, at night, wine. Taco bell or is this chipotle . Actually libby and i went to chipotle yesterday. She didnt wear sun dplasz glasses. I wasnt in disguise. We said hello to everybody and i left a tip. Wow. My mother was a waitress and she is still going strong. That leads us to the next one. Home server or Office Server . Whatever its connected to, i dont know, but im sure nsa does. Favorite New Hampshire talk show host. Who snuck that in . Its got to be peter. You know, theres no question about it. So far. Create a lot of wiggle room here, kevin. Cats or dogs. Dogs. Gl good. We have two. Worst moment in your public life. I could talk about poll but thats, in all seriousness, i will never forget this moment. It was three days after september 11th. And president bush come to ground zero and given an inspirational talk and afterwards, we went up to meet with the families of those who at that point, were still missing. Thousands of them. And the tears in those family members, the mothers and the fathers and the husbands and the wives, and the saddest part though was they still had hope. And i remember a woman showing me pictures of her daughter and saying, she knew every tunnel down there because she worked there and i know shes alive somewhere below ground and in my heart, i knew that she had died, but i just, none of us could bring ourselves to dash that little remnant of hope they still had in their hearts, so there were a lot of tears, it was a terrible day. It was a very sad day. One i will never forget and one where i hope americans never forget forget the sadness of when we do not do everything in our power to protect our safety. Lets go 180. Your best moment. In public life. I could say being right on behind first base when the yankees beat the red sox, but that would get, that would get everybody, that would get everybody, i, i would never, ever say anything like that. What was i possibly thinking . I do have to tell you. Wow. One moment i will never forget. One great moment. While i was governor, Pope John Paul ii came to america and came to new york and i met him at ground zero. The next morning, he had a sunrise mass in central park. And i remember so well sit ng the front and libby and i were there. Our kids were there. Our youngest child was sitting in our lap and it was a misty morning and you could bare lyly see and the entire park was covered in mist and Pope John Paul comes out to do the mass and the sun comes up and the midst parts and it was just the most magical moment and one that i know we will always cherish and one that i will just never forget having a smile and a good feeling in my heart. Ready to go back to work . More questions from people. Sure. Thats why were here. Keith karlsson of chesh eyre county. Said obamacare just keeps getting worse. We know that the cadillac tax problem is is coming. Have you considered the Health Care Compact as the solution as nine states have said . You know i dont think there is one solution. First of all you start by repealing obamacare and it is the worst law, it is the worst law of my lifetime. And i think though even if the democrats had read it before they passed it, they still would have rammed it through because thats how they believe. It is the worst law of my lifetime and part of the problem is its one size fits all. Washington is going to dictate to every community, family, state, how they run their health care system. Thats not america. When i was governor, we put in place very Good Health Care policies using the market and patient centric proposals and we created programs for low income adults working to get Quality Health care. We put in place programs for entrepreneurs and Small Business people who couldnt pool together to get quality Affordable Health care, but supported by the state. And when i left, we had millions more who had been uninsured covered in a market based system. So, states can do that. We should allow consumers state lines. We should get rid of the junk lawsuits that drive up the cost of medicine. And strict lyly the only reason that hasnt happened is because the democratic politicians are in the pockets of the trial lawyers. We have to put that aside and do whats right for the people and not the politicians, so there are solutions. Market based solutions that states under our institution should have the right to decide themselves what they choose to do. All right. If youre watching the screen, we have a video question now. Hi, mark from New Hampshire. I served our country for the last 12 years. Im a veteran and unfortunately, it seems like were slipping backward. How would you handle iran, isis, and the threats in the middle east . You know first of all, as i said earlier you have to recognize that it is not just random acts of violence. It is islamic terror that we are being challenged by in the 21st century. The first thing i would do is rebuild our military. We should not have a military a military smaller than it was before World War Two when the world is as dangerous as it is today. We should make it more powerful so that we dont have to use it and it is clear what works. Reagan had an expression, peace through strength. We need to stand with them whether its israel or egypt that has our partner. And our enemies must be afraid of us. By the way, thaupg for your service. There are no finer people than the men and women who put on the uniform to defend our country and our freedom. Trz libby and i have two sons and both after college went into the service. One was a marine lieutenant in anbar for a year. The other got back with a tenth Mountain Division that afghanistan in september. Were proud of them. Of everything who has put the uniform on. Im going to take 30 seconds. Any people who have served in the military here, please raise your hands and let us give you a round of applause for what you have done to protect our freedom. God bless you. Our government is so big, we talk about companies being too big to fail, ours is too big to succeed. It cant do its two most important things, provide for our security and a safety net to those who have risked their lives. If we have the opportunity, we are going to make sure veterans get the health care and support they zefr in this country. Continuing our multimedia presentation, we have an audio question now from Ann Marie Banfield banfield. Governor, parents around the country are mobilizing against common core in their school districts. However, the obama agenda to redesign Public Education goes beyond standards to reshaping Public Education from a liberal arts model to a Workforce Development model. Parents in New Hampshire never asked for this and as its being implemented in our schools, we are starting to see real problems. As president , how would you work to return local control back to the parents, Board Members and educators . I think thats a very important question to every parent and every american. First of all, i think common core is a horrible idea. It is something that, it is it is exactly like obamacare. You have a bunch of people sitting in a far away place in washington who think they are smarter than we are who are going to dictate to every community in this country how they educate their child. Thats not america. Common core should go and the more important thing, we have to scale back the department of education dramatically. It is too big. Like the rest of the government. Too big, too powerful and too intrusive intrusive. Education has always been a state controlled issue. I am a believer that the best government is the government closest to the people. So leave education to the local schools, the district schools the states and let the Education Department get information on best practices that they can distribute, but not try to tell our schools and our parents how our children are educated in america. Period. Another video question. Hey, its me, steven. I have a question. How can we beat hillary . We need superhero. Love those young republicans. Thats our grandson steven, that lives outside austin texas. His father is the one who was the marine lieutenant in anbar and to be honest, i dont think steven thought of that question by himself. I think his parents kind of put him up to that. But we dont need bat man or spiderman to beat hillary. All we have to do are two things. First of all, ask her what shes a accomplish accomplished. Whether its benghazi, libya, the reis set with russia. Or pulling out of iraq, her record of achievement is zero. You can understand why she stroi ed destroyed those emails. Id be embarrassed, too, but more importantly, we have to have a positive agenda as to how we can grow americas economy, strengthen defenses take control of our borders so we know people come here legally. And for the right reasons. And have an agenda that the American People can look look at and say yes, that will make this country better. She doesnt have a growth agenda. A positive agenda. Shes going to try to frighten people. Were against the middle class, against women, gays, immigrants, were against workers. They frighten people. Our job is quite simply to inspire people. Thats what republicans have always done. Thats what we will continue to seek to do and we will beat hillary and more importantly, win the future for america. Hi, im reve from extor New Hampshire. Governor, do you think theres hope for the future . Its said that a young person is asking that. This is america. We may be horribly disappointed in washington and our government, but were still america and i have to tell her being born at this time in this century, country, is something where you should look to the future with unlimited optimism. This is america and were americans and the best has always been ahead of us. If people doubt that today, ive heard that. What are we going to do . Is tomorrow going to be okay . All we have to do is fix washington. Our country isnt broken. Washington is. Get it out of our lives. Reduce its size. Reduce the tax burden. Repeal things like obamacare. Make the politicians understand theyre not our masters, theyre our servants. They should have to do what we tell them. We get them back to where america is. We reclaim the tenth amendment. Powers not specifically granted to washington are left to the states and people. Empower the people and the answer is we are going to see the 21st century as americas next century, the greatest century and steven, youre an american. Be proud u you are going to have a better life than you could have possibly dreamed of because of this great country. Thank you. God bless you, its been terrific being with you this morning. I enjoyed it very much and i hope to see you again and again. Thank you. Good afternoon, everybody. Wonderful to see everybody here. Im glad that were on time. I was afraid i was going to be late because i was frantically upstairs going through emails. I got it all done oond so here i am. Im delighted to be here and i want to thank the New Hampshire party for putting this on. And making it available as a forum for all of us. Ladies and gentlemen, im here to talk to you about the challenges that face the United States and what we need to do about it. Thats why ive come down to see you today. And im going to tell you what those are. Number one i do not axwree grooe that the economy is in good shape and i believe it must come our mission to restore the economy to get people working again, to get jobs going again in this country. Thats the main thing we have to do right now. And then second, i want to address the challenge that were seeing of International Relations. Now, the president says that the economy is just fine. Everythings okay. Unemployments done, but i dont accept this. This is not true. It is not true that the economy is going well. The Labor Participation rate is is is lower than it has been in history. We have 27 almost 28 Million People in this country working part time who want to work full time. Weve got six and a half Million People that want to get a job and cant. 48 of studies showed 48 of the College Graduates coming out right now are working at jobs dont even require a bachelors degree because we dont have a robust recovery in this country. Everybody agrees. Republican, democrat liberal, conservative, we all agree that wages are stag nat in this country. And were not seeing the kind of quality of life growth that america deserves. This is the fundamental problem we have to face in America Today. We have to address it and it must be our mission to restoerre the economy and come back out of this recession. Now, that means we have to have a return ladies and gentlemen, to that tried and true Free Enterprise system in the United States of america. Thats what we have to have. And that means that we have to have investment in this country. We have to begin to grow this country. And create more growth and more revenue and more excitement and more opportunities. But ladies and gentlemen, were going to have a pretty tough time doing that and heres why. President obama does not believe in america. He doesnt believe in the america i believe. To take capital gain as and raise the taxes on capital gains. As a matter of fact, its been raised from a 16 15 rate to a 26 rate. Thats a 75 increase in capital gains. Why do we care . Were all rich people, why do we care . Is that what they say . Its because the higher you increase those kinds of taxes, the less investment you can get, so were running a policy right now to not have investment this this country. Dividends, the same thing. Increases on taxes on dividends, which makes sure the people are not going to invest their money because they dont get as much out of dividends. We see right now that businesses that want to put something into their businesses, be able to hire people. You dont hire people to stand around. You hire people to have computers and work on them and be protective. And right now, the recapturing that money has been extended and made longer and finally o pamcare. Obamacare is a problem, ladies and gentlemen. Because it is its forcing people to buy something they dont want. Frsz and puts a governmentowned system in place. Thats true. But the other problem with it is its antigrowth and its intended to be antigrowth. You know there is a penlalty on people today that buy Good Health Care, they charge a penalty on that. Do you know that right now, that obamacare doesnt even apply to a Company Unless you go over 49 employees, which means now companies all across the country are making sure theyre not going to go above 49 employees. It means that growth is being stifled with obama cls care and obamacare must be ended and we have to replace it with a real Good Health Care system in this country. Ive got a plan. Thought it through carefully working with this nonprofit im working on. We know how to do it. I know how to do it. The plan i have is this. Were going to change the tax code and create a three level system with 3, 15 and 25 . Thats the first thing were going to do. I have done this in virginia. In my four years as governor we did. We rebused that car tax by 70 and that put more money back into the pockets of working men and women so, im not talking out of my hat here, i know what we need to do. Secondly, we need to get rid of all the crony capitalism and get the rate down for charging on corporate activity, small and large business, to 15 . Thats what we need to do. You hear people tell you that we are in a Global Economy . I can assure you its true. The only difference is hire people who are commercial activity in the United States are paying 35 tax rates. The highest in the world. And so then we have to compete with companies from england or germany or china or other places a a across the world. That is that has to change and finally, in order to preserve the ability for people who Small Businesses and farms to pass their labor of work down to their children, we need to eliminate the death tax in America Today once and for all. This is a plan that if put together, our economists tell us, it will grow the economy. Instead of 2 growth well have 5 growth. Well have hundreds of thousands and millions of new jobs for people to have an tount really move their way forward. Why is it that nobodys really talking about tax cuts . Yop i just dont understand it. This is what works. In 1961, john f. Kennedy reduced taxes across the board and the economy grew. In 1981, reagan reduced the taxes and the economy grew. This is got to be the mission that we have to do. Secondly, the world crisis. Ladies and gentlemen, weve got a problem today. And that is that were being challenged by russia my old friends, the russians as you may or may not know. Im a United States army veteran. I was in the Intelligence Community in europe during the cold war and now, the russians are back. And theyre pushing against us because they perceive american weakness and uncertainty. The iranian. Determined to get a Nuclear Weapon. If they get that it will upset all of the balances and everything thats going on in the middle east. I dont know whether this agreement is going to do the job. I sure would not like to see us in a war with iran, but this is a serious challenge that were seeing. And then now, the challenge of the new terrorism. Ladies and gentlemen, i chaireded the National Commission on Homeland Security for the United States. For five years. Three years, we did our reports and warned of the danger and the next thing we know the 9 11 attack happened. I was the governor of va ra during the 9 11 attack. I actually became a war governor at that point. And we need a new Foreign Policy that will project american strength, not american uncertainty. Not a policy that says that were going to invade first and use American Power and try to remake countries around the World Without being able to foresee the consequences, but also not a policy like were seeing with barack obama today that says pull back, pull back. Pull back. And sending that kind of message of uncertainty and disengagement from the world today. It is an ice laigsist poll policy. There must be a new Foreign Policy in this country. But president obama doesnt believe in america. He doesnt believe in the america that i believe in and i dont think he believes the america you believe in. A country that is a force for good in the world. A country that can really make a difference in a positive way in the world. He just dont believe that we can be a force for good in the word. The president gave a speech in cairo when he first became president. You remember that speech . Went to cairo and apologized for the United States and sent a message of uncertainty from the beginning that we are now going to be a different kind of country. Went to west point and spoke to those wonderful graduates getting ready to take their degrees and their commissions and go ut and stand up for us as necessary across the world and told them they werent going to have any kind of difficulties because of americas policy of pullback. As an army veteran i was embarrassed by that speech and then finally, goes to the Prayer Breakfast a few weeks ago and says that the Prayer Breakfast that isis is are bad people, but we have to remember that during the crusades the christians were bad people, too. Now, ladies and gentlemen, when he gave those remarks i went into the press and said that that was the worst statement ive ever heard a president make in think lifetime. And heres why. It isnt just standing up for faith. Its a matter of sending a message into the world with the bad people who are to recruit their people and our president goes into the community and says oh no, the crusades were bad christians were bad, and we americans, you know, were sorry for these things. Ladies and gentlemen, this is very bad. Its time for a new Foreign Policy for this country, but we have a president that wont do that because he doesnt believe in america. I believe in america. And i believe we have to have a Foreign Policy that believes in engagement in the world one that shapes the world to make sure that the American People are safe to make sure that we use all of our elements of power diplomatic cultural, the ability of the strength of the American People, our economy. The first thing i told you about is, i said to you is about the economy, economy and National Security are the same thing. American power in the 20th century made a difference, and it will again, and i believe our policy, ladies and gentlemen, must be based on the premise of peace through strength in the United States of america. [ applause ] and finally we have to have an International Policy and a place in the world that understands what were trying to do. And what were trying to do in my view is, in addition to the safety and security of the American People, we have to be willing to say that we are going to project our values into the 21st century. We are not going to let other cultures and other countries dominate the 21st century with their thinking. The western values that america and its allies and particularly america stand for are vital and what are those values . Democracy and freedom . The rule of law . The Free Enterprise system. The value of family. The freedom and tolerance of religion. And the advancement of women. These are the values that america stands for. This is why together security we conduct our Foreign Policy. This gives us the mission for the 21st century that we must have. Now, were going to do a little q a in a few minutes, im looking forward to that but before i stop i want to say one more thing to you. As governor of virginia you stand in some great shoes. Its a great responsibility. As governor of virginia, i think about some of mycessors like governor thomas jefferson, for example. Before he became governor of virginia, he wrote the declaration of independence, and he said in there, he said in there that we hold these truths to be selfevident that all men are created equal theyre endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. When he wrote those things he spoke for all of humanity and remains so until today. Thomas jefferson became governor, by the way and the british tried to arrest him and hang him as governor of virginia. He was a war governor too. Patrick henry was another governor of virginia. In 1775 the war was already going on in boston, and the virginians met in st. Johns church in richmond and at that time there was a discussion which way, virginia . What are we going to do . Some voices said we need to combine, and reconcile back up with king george iii and Patrick Henry stood up and said no, i know not what course others may take but as for me, give me liberty or give me death. That ought to resonate real well in New Hampshire it seems to me. So friends, the story of Patrick Henry means this. Patrick henry believed in america. Patrick henry believed in america before there was an america. I believe in america. You believe in america and now its time that we had a president that believes in america. Thank you very much for the chance to be with you. [ applause ] we have a microphone for questions so raise your hands. Warren . I dont really need a mike, so ill just ask the question. You need the mike. Yes, you do. All right thank you very much. How, as president , would you incentivize the congress to have the courage and the fortitude to actually lower the business taxes, which we all know would increase our opportunities and stimulate our economy . How do you do that . Yes, you know i think weve got to talk to the people of the United States about whats real here. Were all getting this information that everything is just fine, but you know people out there, and i do too, that are not having the opportunities that theyre having, that they need to have. We know that people are working parttime. Do you know them, people that want full time jobs, cant find them and are having to work parttime. We have to do that. What do you do with the congress . What you do with the congress is make it clear the American People want better and ill tell you another story too. Another thing s congressional people really love to spend money. I dont know if you noticed that or not but they do. I stood up in front of a group of republicans and democrats who just recently, and i said many of you would like to spend every dime, wouldnt you . And they nodded said yeah, and i said fine lets get more dimes. And well argue about whether were going to use them on the dead or give them back to the American People or whether you want to spend it but you cant have a stagnant economy. Its not good for your constituents. You need somebody who is going to stand up on a National Basis and explain the truth to people, explain to the American People that theyre deliberately, deliberately being kept in a slow growth economy that is depriving them of opportunities. I know what im talking about. When you increase the taxes on investment, you get less investment. People know that, and members of Congress Know that, too. And the time has come to take it over their heads to the people, someone who can talk to the people about the opportunities theyre missing. I think it is a tragedy what is going on with young people. 48 of young people are working in had jobs that dont even require a college degree. I said that to you. Do you know what a tragedy that is . Every year america renews itself when people come out of college. We cant continue to stunt and stultiify young people who are not getting a fair start in life. This is the kind of discussion we have to have with the people and theyll take it otheir congresspeople but you got to hold congress feet to the fire and make it clear growth must be the mission of the United States. Its in the National Security interests, too. [ applause ] yes, maam . Ladies first, go ahead. Go right ahead. Is this on . Yes. Its on. Thank you, paul. Question, you were with Homeland Security and certainly our infrastructure is becoming aged and especially our electrical grid, was attacked in california just a rogue attack. Weve got drones somebody could certainly go over a system and bring it down. What are your suggestions for improving our infrastructure, from a National Security perspective . Well, very good. I chaired the National Commission on Homeland Security at the United States. I was actually approached when i was governor interestingly enough by the clinton administration. They came to me, i was the governor of virginia, they knew i had a background in terrorism issues and asked me to chair what is a very official commission. Youll find it on the Rand Corporation web page, they staffed it. Put in Gilmore Commission on rand in the rand web page and the reports will come up and you can see that. What we need to do is to be willing to advance our infrastructure and make sure that its safe and secure thats what we have to do and all of those reports explain exactly the kind of processes we have to go through to make our infrastructure safe and secure, but i think that the real issue here is a real deep understanding of the potential attack on us. They can spend a couple of thousand dollars and attack us and then because of the modern Information Systems that we see we can spend 1 trillion trying to respond to that kind of thing. Osama bin laden said the goal was the destruction of the American Economy, and that will certainly do it. We have to have an explanation with the American People of these kinds of danger keep ourselves as secure as possible but have a frank discussion with the American People that we are not going to surrender our freedoms or libertyies because of these kinds of attacks. Well be steadfast and strong and were going to stay americans. Youll find, in one of the letters that i wrote, that i basically said that if the enemy can make us give up our civil freedom thats the entire game and im certainly not going to be one that will ever pro pose that, and the official reports put an emphasis on the preservation of liberties at the same time were trying to protect our infrastructure. I also might say by the way mike matt, if i could say no, no, the am bass tobassador article one, section eight of the constitution talks about internal improvements and infrastrinfra infrastructure and its a legitimate thing for the United States to do. Mr. Ambassador . Thank you very much. Thank you for your service to your country. Thank you for coming up here and your very wellspoken notes. I would ask you two short questions. Everyone in this room whomever they decide to vote for, we have one goal and thats to take back the white house. What is the most important thing that you believe, sir, that we need to do in order to take back the white house and number two, to avoid losing the white house. We republicans are more diverse than the democratic party. Democratic party knows exact will i what theyre trying to do. They dont, theyll argue who is going to run in front and put the flag up and be their leader but their agenda is set and its understood and they dont argue with each other. We do. We republicans are so diverse that theres a tendency to get at crosspurposes with each other. Now i believe if you look at all the elements of the Republican Party and were reflective of the people of the United States that we can bring people together behind a common message, and that message must be growth of the American Economy and peace through strength. We republicans ought to be able to agree with that and i believe that that is in concord ambassador, with the peoples thinking across the United States. Theres been a lot of discussion about how the potential candidate in 16 is probably either a governor or a past governor because they want to see somebody who has actually run something, but i believe that what im bringing to the table is a long history of thinking about the International Relations in this country. Degree in Foreign Policy from uva, experience overseas, trained as an intelligence agent, trained in the german language, living among the german people, study of international law, visited 18 countries on three continents as governor, in addition to that, ive been to afghanistan, pakistan israel, croatia, chaired the National Commission for five years on Homeland Security after the three years in the 9 11 attack i was the governor of virginia during the 9 11 attack and had to protect my state and to reawaken the economy of my state which took a terrible blow when they closed the airports in virginia around the washington, d. C. , area. This is the kind of experience that i think we take to the people of the United States. Listen, were not going to win the presidency because we look pretty or because weve got some radical, weird thing that one of our candidates decides to say or something thats out of step with the American People. We will win if we are persuasive, that we care about regular people out there who cant get a job and cant work, and dont have decent wages and people out there who are recognizing the weakness that the United States message is sending. I talked to you, ambassador a few moments ago about the president s weakness in the statements that hes projecting and the dangers that thats creating as the russians then conquer the crimea, push against the ukraine fly planes against the baltic states. The terrorist people who continue to bubble up out there and threaten our country, isis which represents a barbaric way of life that is completely out of sync with what we as americans and our friends stand for in the 21st century those values that arei laid out to you. Dont you remember the strength, the strength of purpose that Ronald Reagan said when he said, mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall . If we have the strength to back it up, if we rebuild our economy, which was the beacon of liberty in the 20th century, and can be again in the 21st, if we do these things we can preserve the peace and more importantly preserve our values and our liberties in the 21st century. [ applause ] next question. Yes . Governor, do you believe that we can pass a constitutional balanced Budget Amendment and what effect do you think passing that budget would have would we actually be able to shrink federal government . You know, in virginia we have a balanced Budget Amendment. We have to balance the budget. Every governor has to every year submit a budget thats in balance. You can balance a budget by borrowing. You can balance a budget by doing bonding. You could do that. And we did do that. People do that. When you buy a house you balance your budget by borrowing money from a bank as well. Im skeptical frankly, of a balanced Budget Amendment. I this i that we probably ought to be in a position where we can get our legislators to begin to make some decisions about whats vital and whats not vital if we have a sense of direction, and you know what id rather do . Id rather grow this economy. Id rather create some real excitement and wealth in this country, and above all things, we have to stop this notion that were seeing an America Today that the opportunity to rise and to acquire wealth and to succeed is bad. Thats what the Opposition Party is saying. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen if you destroy either the incentives, the opportunity or the will to become successful in this country, you destroy this country. And that is what the Opposition Party preaches every day. Success is evil. Well tax it. Well penalize it. Thats what theyre saying every day. I say no. I say that we have to give young people an opportunity to be educated, to succeed, to have a chance to grow and have some excitement. All of us ought to be able to do that. We should see our wages go up. We have to pay some more taxes so be it. Frankly thats probably the better way to do this instead of restraining the government but some Budget Amendment which can be worked around by governmental officials. Lets grow the economy and create more wealth and then demand the people that we send to the house and the senate do something meaningful about cutting the spending and controlling the spending in this country. I believe that the country can work. With proper president ial leadership i believe the country can work. We have i say we have a president who doesnt believe in america and i mean it because the america he believes in is not the america i believe in or you believe in and we could restore that country again through leadership at the National Level and in cooperation with our members in the house and the senate like kelly ayotte, who does such a good job for you here. We can do this. [ applause ] maybe its not the answer you wanted but its the answer you got. This is the last question we have about two minutes left. Ill do it without the microphone. Sir, how do you feel no you have two minutes. Thank you, its on. Sir, how do you feel well, congress has the power to levy taxes, we all agree on that but how do you feel about unelected, unnamed epa bureaucrats having the power to levy taxes on the American Public and businesses via fossil fuel regulatory taxes . Yes well thats a softball question obviously. In this we all concur. The epa is out of control. They have no concept of what theyre doing to the extremeness of their ideas and they should not have the power to levy regulations on people that cause businesses to have to spend that kind of money, because the message that we have to give, ladies and gentlemen, from now on, is that we are determined to grow the economy back again. The epa doesnt care about that. As a matter of fact, many people in the Environmental Protection agency dont want to see a growing economy. They think it creates dirt. Right . [ laughter ] we must grow the economy, and if the epa puts an unreasonable regulations, that is wrong and i fault the congress very much. Where are they . How come theyre not passing the election to draw these people back into line . You know . Well, if you have a president that believes in america and understands the opportunities that this precious country has brought for generations and generations, then we could build the support among the American People that says were not going to dirty the air or dirty the water, but were not going to allow crazy bureaucrats unaccountable to the people to raise costs on American Opportunity in business which creates less of it. That is the reality of what we must do. So i guess theyre going to jerk me around now. Id really like to be here for another hour with you. I think youd be great fun. Hey, matt, can i get one more in here . Maybe. I can get one more in, yes, sir . Where . Dont tell him im doing this, okay . [ laughter ] you said this is the last one this is the last one. Hi, my name is sadan koju from New England College and as a College Student who is aware that college debt makes up 1. 2 trillion of the national debt, i would like to know as president of the United States what you would do to lower that debt and keep it low. I appreciate that. As the governor of the state of virginia, i appointed the boards of visitors of all 15 of our major public universities, our public universities in virginia. When i came in, i was alarmed by the amount of debt that our young people, both in and out of state and our College Students were having to load on and i tried to understand what this problem was, and i tried to deal with the problem this way. I passed in my budget and passed a law that said that we were going to lower tuition for our universities 20 , and we did. [ applause ] oh lord, the College Administrators hated that. They hated it. So we built into the budget a priority for Higher Education. We said fine, if its going to cost you 5 million to lower the tuition 20 well give you the 5 million. And if you go and we put that in the budget because we made a commitment to Higher Education, but the passage of the cut was sent on to the mothers and fathers whose children were in the colleges. The cut was, the benefit was to them. So thats what i believe we need to do. I think we have got let me say this. I think that Higher Education in america is an impending crisis. Because nobody is controlling the expenses and the expenditures that are going on in the campus. [ applause ] when i was the governor i cared so much about this, i interviewed every person i appointed to the board of visitors personally in my office and i said to them i want you to remember something. When you go to the college as a board member, do you not represent the college. You represent the shareholders and you are a director of that organization. You represent the shareholders and the shareholders are the people are virginia. Likewise likewise i believe that at the National Level we could make a commitment to Higher Education, not usurp the states. We can use that bully pulpit to make it clear this is a crisis and must be addressed this high expenditure without any type of oversight or accountability, the increase of administrators and not teachers, the expenses that are being loaded on to students, they increase debt is a National Crisis and i believe it can be addressed from washington somewhat by leadership and working with the governors in order to address this problem nationwide. Ladies and gentlemen, matt is going to jerk me off now for sure so ill leave you now this. What am i telling you . There are serious fundamental problems that must be faced in this country. Theyre not being faced. In fact we are misleading people. It is time to grow this economy and create genuine excitement and opportunity for the people of america, and you can do it with a specific plan like the one that ive created and the International Challenge is most serious, and must be required for a new Foreign Policy and im telling you, it can be done. It doesnt have to be radical and it certainly shouldnt be isolationist. And we can put together a plan that preserves americas position, once again makes it a force for good in the world and preserves our values for the 21st century. Thank you very much for the chance to be here with you today. Thank you, jennifer. Very nice, awesome, thank you so much. The New York Times is reporting that the Justice Department has opened an investigation into the death of a man who died while in the custody of the Baltimore Police. The investigation will look at possible civil Rights Violations in the treatment of freddy gray who was arrested on april 12th and suffered severe spinal injury while in police custody. In january, we talked to Baltimore Police commissioner Anthony Batts about Excessive Force issues. What im striving for in baltimore now and i just had last, yesterday i was at two meetings celebrating Martin Luther kings birthday and i had two of the most exciting meetings that ive had in the two years that ive been at baltimore, where we had very honest, open conversation. Meeting number two was police Excessive Force so thats how it started out and as the conversation progressed it went away from training of Police Officers and conduct of Police Officers to poverty, schools, what the responsibility of the community is as a whole, and for the first time it was a little change, different for me, in Southern California we talked about race openly. It was something that there was enough trust and because there was so much diversity that you had to talk about it wasnt so much race, diversity was the conversation. Northern california oakland area the very Progressive Community so it had moved the discussion moved beyond rice it moved to diversity as a whole. When i came to baltimore it was like going back a little bit in time. Its about black and white racism in that city. Its all the things that you dealt with in the 1960s, communities, although baltimore you may have a black community here you may have Caucasian Community next to it Italian Community there greek Community Next to it. You have a lot of People Living in a very short range. What i want to get the community to working with my mayor at her direction is to have those authentic conversations to bring people to the table, where we start having conversations about race and we Start Building a new city that is working together, to break down those barriers, those neighborhoods, those communities. You can watch the rest of this q a interview with baltimores Police Commissioner on our website cspan. Org. In 2003 New York Times reporter Judith Miller wrote several stories on the lead up to the invasion of iraq and weapons of mass destruction. In an effort to reveal her source, Vice President cheneys chief of staff scooter libby, she was found in contempt of court and imprisoned in a federal jail for 85 days. Sunday on q a she talks about her time in jail as well as her new book the story a reporters journey. I was in jail because i refused to reveal the identity of a source whom i thought did not want his identity revealed. In our business, as you know brian, protecting sources is the lifeblood of independent journalism, and i really felt that, unless the people that i routinely spoke to who had access to classified information, unless they could trust me to protect them, my sources would dry up, and eventually id just be writing what the government wanted you to write, and so i felt this was a question of principle, that i didnt really have much choice. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern and pacific, on cspans q amp a. At the Atlantic Council on moroccan diplomat talked about how her country is combating recruitment by violent extremist groups and preventing its citizens from joining groups abroad. After the remarks a panel talks about the recruitment efforts. This is about an hour and 45 minutes. Good morning. My name is peter pham, and im the director of the Africa Center here at the Atlantic Council. On behalf of the Atlantic Councils chairman, governor jon huntsman and its president , fred kemp, as well as my colleague, ambassador frank richardone, director of the Atlantic Council rafik harii center for the middle east its my pleasure to welcome all of you to this discussion moroccos contribution to countering violent extremism in the middle east and africa. I especially want to acknowledge the presence of the ambassador of his majesty the king of morocco to the United States, his excellentcyexcellency, rashad bulal a good friend and like his predecessor member of the Atlantic Council and also welcome all the distinguished guests we have amongst us and thank you for making time to join us on this morning. This event takes place on the eve of the u. S. morocco Strategic Dialogue. Of course we at the Atlantic Council are very gratified that this important institutional framework for strengthening bilateral relations between our two countries is not only up and running, but now in its third year appears to be prospering. Little over a year and a half ago, on the eve of the summit between president owe hama and King Mohammad vi they noted in northwest africas security and development, having improved domestic and regional challenges of recent years the kingdom was now poised to play an even greater role in leading Regional Security and Development Progress and is thus also playing an integral role in achieving u. S. Goals on the african continent. Subsequently on the eve of theis torque u. S. Africa Leader summit my colleague and i reported on the gateway to business in africa and more recently in a report on moroccos gradual political and economic transition authored by my good friend kari meseron and moisen kan, they highlighted the unique opportunity morocco has to carry out political and economic reforms. With so much of north africa and the middle east still unsettled in the wake of the socalled arab spring, the security and cultural educational tracts of this weeks Strategic Dialogue will be of particular importance. The former will examine strength and cooperation on the antidaishe and the arab newly formed joint force and moroccos multicounter efforts on encountering extremism. We originally planned to have his excellentcy the minister of Foreign Affairs in cooperation kickoff the discussion today but the minister has been impeded by having to deal with other regional challenges and will be arriving just for the Strategic Dialogue. Were fortunate and honored to have his deputy, Mbarka Bouaida. Mbarka is a member of the Political Bureau of the National Rally of Independence Party in more morocco and was elected as the youngest member of house of representatives in 2007. During the 2009 and 2010 parliamentary session when i first had the pleasure of making her acquaintance mbarka was chair of the committee on Foreign Affairs National Defense and religious affairs having served two years previously as the vice chair of the finance and Economic Affairs committee of parliament. Shes also represented morocco in the euro Mediterranean Parliamentary Assembly and in june 2009, she was also elected to the city council of grand casablanca. On the interNational Level, shes been a young global leader, the World Economic forum and since 2011 has served as Vice President of the interparliamentary reform for democracy, among other distinctions. So please join me in giving a very warm welcome to her excellently, Mbarka Bouaida, ministry of delegate affairs and cooperation. [ applause ] thank you, dr. Pham for giving me this opportunity to speak today on me and myself and my friend dr. Abbadi, on such an important topic as you said before. In fact, i think, ladies and gentlemen, that today we should be very careful and humble when it comes to speak about counter extremism or violent extremism all over the world. I think about acts of violence are taking place everywhere in the world, in this moment. In fact, atrocities which we witness leave us powerless by standard position, this barbaric act like the ones most recently seen in kenya or just before in tunisia, affect a majority of innocent civilians and inflict entire populations into chaos and factions amongst people. For these reasons alone we cannot let the atrocities be carried out in silence and even less go unpunished. It is our responsibility to fight as much as we can against ideology and sectarian based violence extremism. The word and he weight my words has to be conscious that responsibility is globally shared, but is this enough to be conscious . Unfortunately, i dont think so. This phenomenon cannot be combated in a repressive way or through legislation alone or through state measures that do not take into account neither the regional more the international environment. What is needed and required of us is to provide consolidated solutions and avoid that helpless and indoctrinated young adults, believe that violent extremism is the solution to their grieves an option that only benefits minority groups through modus operandi is based on violence. Morocco, of course reiterates its absolute and total condemnation of all forms of terrorism and violent extremism and also, religious ethnic stigmatization no mal. The commitment of my country is continuously being put forward by our going support for cooperation and by the solicitation for our expertise in helping to find a collective response through strategies aimed at preventing this exact crimes. It is by attacking the root causes of this phenomenon that we will be able to contain an acceptable magnitude it has reached. Morocco has initiated an unprecedented action plan called rabbat plan of action in october 2012, and that prevents the advocacy of National Racial or religious hatred and discipline that calls for the collective engagement for the promotion of tolerance. Within the framework of this action plan, first and dr. Abbadi will probably speak about it, will host on the 23rd and 24th of this month the first ever religious Leaders Summit kamd at the prevention of incitement to discrimination hostility or violence. And the leadership of his majesty King Mohammad vi was also the commander of the faithful. The highest religious and Spiritual Authority in morocco, religious field underwent reforms in response to the terrorist attacks that morocco, that hits morocco in 2003 and 2007. This reform envelopes the moderation of the entire religious field through the Supreme Council of the only entity with the legal right to enact religious decrees on various issues including social issues. Mosques on the other hand remain a place of worship and fall under the supervision of the ministry of religious affairs or ministry of habbus. In full respect of the role of women in combating extremism, a female group of religious figures was put in place in 2005 called morshidet, who carried the mission of promoting moderate and tolerant islam. To help in the transmission of this message of peace and to attend the largest number of people religious radio and also tv have been created to promote religious education and different programs, actually, media programs. The objective of such reforms is to fight against radicalization and extremism in the whole country. As a result of a successful reforms, several african and European Countries expressed their desire to benefit from this singular and unique imam Training Program that we have been offering for the last few years. In fact, in 2014, the mohammad vi institute for imam training officially integrated last week, commenced the Training Program for 500 imams. This threeyear Training Program has been extended to partner countries such as mali, ivory coast, gabon, guinea, france maldives tunisia and others. It is also in this way that my country is able to contribute to the fight against violent extremism. In order to deal with the rising instability faced by africa and the middle east. However as i mentioned before t is necessary to compliment this strategy with the Global Vision that includes Economic Growth and Human Development one that is careful to preserve the cultural identity and specificity of each country. We cannot neglect the pompbs of Cooperation Amongst african countries and the importance for the youth to benefit in positive opportunities. Opportunities. His majesty mohammad vi gave impulse between the relations between morocco and subsaharan african countries to exchange solidarity and economic cooperation, health, education and religious cooperation. The situation nonetheless remains preoccupying and on various fronts as you know, boko haram and others incite as to inus kro increase our cooperation. Morocco recently relaunched a call for the forces in mali to come together and find a compromise that will respect the territorial sovereignty of the country with no external interference in other, of other countries or from other countries. In the same spirit of reconciliation and compromise, my country hosts the interlibyan dialogue and under the auspices of the you nations special envoy with the objective of encouraging the different parties to the union. More rk costands ready to host new rounds of negotiation if its deemed necessary. Is of course to restore peace, stability and development, not only in libya, but in the maghreb region as a whole. Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to highlight that all this efforts will be vain if the human dimension is not put at the center of every strategy and public policy. Democratic transitions that are taking place they must continue their transition by including and evolving human rights principles as more rkocco has done and continues to do. They are an element that replies the responsibility of all of us and respect of rule of law. It is for the respect of the rule of law that several laws have been voted and implemented to fight against terrorism. The adaption is necessary as the authorities were able to dismantle over a 12 years period more than 130 terrorist cells ready to carry out attacks or to requit for other cells abroad. It is the threat that pushed us to maintain permanent vigilance and with the mounting menace of isil in the middle east and which continues to run ground. It is also for this reason like many other partners that morocco is part of the International Coalition against isil, and contributes to fighting against the barbaric act of this group by halting the flow of foreign fighters. It is in this sense that rabat hosted a working group on this topic last december, in addition, and under the global counterterrorism forum, my country cohost with the dutch partner, an initiative on foreign fighters. We reaffirm our total commitment to implement and respect the security resolution in this topic, the Arab League Resolution and of course all other relevant resolution to counter violent extremism. Without going into further detail on the multiple actions that morocco undertakes i would like to conclude by underlining the importance of carrying out combat against all between religion and violent extremism resulting in the total rejection and incomprehension of vie let extremism. Thank you very much. Thank you very much for your comments and setting the stage for not only our discussion today but our following of the Strategic Dialogue between the United States and morocco over the coming days. Its now a great pleasure for me to introduce another very good and dear friend, dr. Ahmed abbadi, the secretarygeneral of the rabita mohammad league of scholars which is the Senior Council of religious scholars established by his majesty King Mohammad vi. He also heads the working group within the Strategic Dialogue on education cultural issues. He previously served as a director of Islamic Affairs in the ministry of Islamic Affairs in morocco and successful academic career after his doctorate in teaching at the university in marakesh. He studied also and taught at two universities as a fulbright scholar and resident at Depaul University and my alma mater, the university of chicago. Regret flee for me many years after i passed through those doors so i didnt have the pleasure of having him in class but its a great pleasure to introduce a figure who really has done a great deal not only for countering violent extremism on the religious field in morocco but really throughout africa and increasingly those though modest about it in the greater middle east. Dr. Ahmed abbadi, please. [ applause ] thank you. Its such an honor to be here today to tackle this intricate subject. Given the spreading of any given discourse, have tremendously changed over the last years. So the dynamics are not any more what they used to be. The most rapid spread of violence and hatred we witness the one happening in the middle east through daesh. This is what id like to you call them. This movement trying to hijacket four major things. The most important matter was rigidity itself and the second matter was the of unity and the third matter was the treem of dignity and fifth was the dream of purity. It was led to the adoption of the new state in the region the saoudi, which is also aligned with mohammad at the time, and the dream that was brandished at the time is purity which gave the impression that things would be directed towards some venues of scholarship that would save the muslim world from the issue and this was adopted by everybody and this became a dream, the dream that was then translated and also adopted by movements in the region such as the suna in egypt and all the movements in the region. This dream of purity was not sunni specifically. It was also a shia claim, because they also were claiming, bringing back of the religious practice to purity which is the knowledge of the descendants of the prophet. So then there was a new arena of fight. Everybody was claiming that they are the ones who would realize this purity. In 194 the Ottoman Empire collapsed, and many countries in the region found themselves as orphans and since decisions were taken in asitna, istanbul asitana at the time, every decision was made there and it was sent to like circulars received by the pasha in the region and then implemented. This dynamic disappeared all of a sudden, and people in the region found themselves in a situation of orphans. So the dynamic that was triggered is looking for a father again, rebuild the hilafa without thinking about the i would ways to build and rebuild more precise live this hilafa. This was a dream of unity. This dream also was adopted by some other movements. The Muslim Brotherhood in egypt 1929, 26 and then 29 more poe officially claimed that they will build up the unity in the region by rebuilding the hilafa. And this became also a dream in the region. The third dream was the dream of dignity. People were witnessing the wasting of the resources in the region without having any part, any share of that. This was what triggered many movements in the region and the dream of unity was not a specificity of islamists. It was also paraarabism, because it was given a new alternative of unit why i to rebuild in the larger arab states in the region, and this dream was then spent, tackled in many other ways. I say all this to say that daesh is trying to recollect all those energies, all those dreams and brandish them as being theirs because people in the region were left with many disappointments. Those who branded the slogans of unity did not recognize it. Those who brandished the slogans of dignity did not realize it. Those who brandished the slogans of purity conducted the region to some very rigid comprehension of the text and the context and this was an evidence for everybody in the region. Daesh transcended this by claiming that it is dealing with individuals. It is not selling out dreams anymore. You are married, come to me. Ill marry you to the most pious and beautiful lady in the world. You are without a job, come to me ill give you head of intelligence in daesh. You are not educated ill make out of you a scholar, a true one, a pure one. So dreams of purity dignity and also unity where they are offered and daesh is here to stay and to expand. This is how they would say it. They joined and made the junction with all this by approaching the communication matter by a very high proficiency, and now the true war is going on, on the fibers of internets, on the psyches if we do not get this, this would mean simply that we did not get it, we are not fighting in the true arena, we are not rising through issues and this starts from deconstructing the discourse of daesh to understand why this discourse has all this impact on the receivers, recipients of this discourse. Theyve developed some repetitive items which they use as a rifle, that they use to shoot the brains in the psyches and its very rapid and very efficient at the same time. One they would rise the issue of the conspiracy, accidental conspiracy to scatter the muslim world and we are here to overcome, we are here to realize the unity of the muslim world. While the accidents is gathering, america, the european union, and our governors are not doing anything to fix it. So we will do it ourselves. Come and help us doing so. Two, colonism, three israel four, double standard, five the iraqian, afghani, burmese Central African cocktail name it. Six, the humiliation on the movies and medias and so on. Seven the draining of wealth. Eight, the value system infiltrations. We need to do something about that. And this is why when you witness their ways of recruiting and especially when this recruitment is directed to some frustrated, angry high testosterone young males in the region, with all those disappointments with all those angers that are internalized in themselves very prone to respond to the appeal and especially given the fact that there is some tangible state that pretends realizing the dreams of dignity, unity and purity. If we do not tackle the content and deconstruct it if we do not train people to build up that will allow them to deconstruct this discourse then the war, the battle is lost in advance, and to do so, we need people who will not be just functionaries. We need people to be hosting in them some passion to realize all the ugliness of the facts that are going on there and this is why it needs some very specific engineering to build up curriculas and program that will train efficient people to give you just some very rapid statistics. In egypt, you have 280,000 officials that are in the payroll, and receive public in the region but if we do measure the efficiency, how high is this efficiency . In saudi arabia you have 300,000. In the region you would have armies of those officials. It is such a waste to not reconverse and to not rebuild capacities among those people but to do so, we need to be anchored both in the text knowledges and context knowledges. If we just limit ourselves in the text, this will not do. If we limit ourselves in the context, this definitely will not do. And we need the shaping of some very appealing alternative discourse that would definitely be there present on the net to counter this narrative. This definitely cannot be done in an official manner only. It needs to go and dig for the roots, and this is why there is a crucial need to tackle the children i mentioned. Im talking about video games. Im talking about cartoons. Im talking about some wonderful, colorful joyful heroes such as spiderman batman, you name it and the one who said with great power comes great responsibility. So we need him and others who are having the knowhow to come and help with those issues. Im talking about colorful video games, not just with violent content in them. Im talking also about the peers education i mentioned. Youth need to appropriate, to own the initiatives, not just to be dictated what to do. Youth are really bored with this very ancient style that we do suggest to them put in every time a novel face on the discourse, they dont buy it anymore, so we need to have some very empowered icons youth people who would definitely own the initiatives and trigger some peers education and peers initiative to be there and influence and efficient on the region. Also the curriculas in the trainings, im talking about trainings of imams, im talking about the trainings of academics in sharia knowledges, im talking about the training in the sufi orders and the trainings in the other arenas that would consume a religious discourse but this religious discourse need to be dosed, need to be definitely oriented to fix and solve the problems not create problems, which means that the religious discourse also needs coordination effort. For this, we need champions, definitely we need dollars to do so, but dollars without proficiency will not definitely do. And this is why morocco went realizing that the problem is multidimensional, and definitely looks like a puzzle and each piece of the puzzle has its own characteristics, and we do not restrict ourselves from going as deep as we can to tackle each link of the chain of this large problem to give proposals and solutions for each piece of the problem. So the moroccan experience in this regard, as my predecessor and friend Mbarka Bouaida said, was very humble in its approach but also very realistic, so we needed to take each piece on its own, and then reengineer it and start an initiative with the concern to bring together all those pieces, to free at the end the global image of the puzzle, and this was done under the leadership of his majesty who happens to be the commander of the faithful. It does not include muslims only in morocco because morocco has also jewish citizens that are there. We are having a christian presence and we are dealing with it in an open way. We are trying to be as inclusive as we can because the wisdom of religiosity in the end is not the specificity of one religion, because this approach of mutual recognition is very crucial to respect and to consider. The commending the faithful ensures the coherence between all those links of the chain the pieces of the puzzle, so we have choices, and those choices are three choices, major ones. The choice of the ritual, its joins and makes a junction between text and context. The and spirituality makes junction between text and spirituality. Those choices were very successful at the time because they influenced the region, also the middle east region. Because so few were raised in morocco spread out in the region and this is what conserves the very vibrant relationship of morocco with africa because they share those three choices and then institutionswise, we have five dimensions. Along with the commending the faithful. We have the high council of scholars which ensures proximity with citizens and ensures a permanent training. We do gather the officials 50,000 of them twice a month to talk with them discuss with them definitely dollars. But i do embrace the opinion that says its worth it. Then its tackle and in morocco we didnt do ones the prayers, fasting. This is in the books and youre bringing it up again but its something new and required and if it is not governed in that manner, this could generate some. This is the first dimension. The second dimension is reflection reflection. We have 15 centers of research and five special units that do research in specific domains such as addiction and extremism and so on and producing cartoons. Were not just claiming were trying to do some tangible and factual deliverables. The third dimension would be the training of scholars. Im talking about the new center of training and im talking about building capacities in those domains. The Fourth Dimension would be the orders because there is a risk in morocco and in the region of some infiltrations that would have a political nature but would use proximity in the respect of the property that they issue some more dimensions in the region which would definitely disturb the equilibrium in the region. There should be Mutual Respect between those branches of islam and some mutual recognition between those branches of islam but with the total respect of the specificities of each one of them. The last but not least dimension would be the dimension of trying to ensure this coherence between those components. This is the major role of commanding this faithful. We are not in the status that we could declare that we cross yet. But what we can claim is we are tackling it and we are aware as my friend deputy minister said, that this is quite intricate and we are confident that we shall overcome. Thank you for your attention. [ applause ]. Id like to skip to our Panel Discussion following this presentation invite dr. Steve brand to join us. Were delighted to have these two, in particular join us. Ask all of the middle east program at the center just comes and heads the religion working group within the task force of middle east strategy here at the Atlantic Council. Was the First American journalist in iran since the time of the islamic revolution. The author of three books on religion islam and politics. Especially one that was probably prophetic a decade before the arab spring on egypt hes the executive director on the task force of middle east strategy here at the Atlantic Council and comes from a distinguished career from other think tanks as well and brings us his particular expertise as well. So welcome to both of you and just turn it over. Thank you so much. Thanks to both of you for such wonderful comments and great insight into what the Success Story is and i think this event is particularly important because we often hear about the failures of countries to counter extremism and today were hearing a Success Story in all its great detail and before i ask a few questions i just wanted to highlight some of the points that i think were very important that we mentioned by our two prestigious speakers. One of which is the value of training local scholars and the whole sort of academic approach to religious interpretation. Thats important because here we are sort of 30 yeefrs the evolution of what we know to be modern political islam and many countries have tried this. We have egypt as the most primary example where a state has tried to have association with an institution of religious scholars so theres some interpretation of islam and what people understand on the street and as he mentioned the book that i wrote about egypt was actually how this street interpretation of popular islam became more prevalent than actually the states official interpretation but official orthodoxy of egypt. Thats why there was a disconnect between what was the official more moderate interpretation of islam practiced in egypt over 25 years and what was interpreted in the street. So i think this point is very important in the value of trying to not control the message but manage the message. Here in the United States actually, 10 years ago a group of religious scholars in california began our own seminary in the United States which is now affiliated with the university of california at berkeley. It began by a scholar thats an convert to islam. He was not born in islam. So this notion of training and educating religious scholars is a very important one and morocco is a great Success Story. The other point i think is worth highlighting as was pointed out is morocco is successful in reducing the number of foreign fighters in iraq and syria. This is another Success Story. We hear about countries that are quite surprising. Tunisia has a high number of fighters that have gone to fight there but morocco has been able to reduce the number of foreign fighters and i just wanted to briefly note a few points that he made and generally speaking its very important as he in great detail explained to us isis did not develop out of a vacuum. Theres a long history. The media has tried to persuade us that this movement developed overnight. That it developed out of a vacuum and as the doctor very eloquently explained it has a long history. And many others developed out of these points as mentioned. A desire for unity. What happened over the last 30 years is as these movements have evolved they have become more violent and they have not only become more violent but as he pointed out, they have tried to return to an originalist sort of school of thought in islam thats been combined with the use of modern technology. So it seems a bit of a contradiction but actually, weve seen the evolution of these movements tried to return to this originalist school of islamic thought as he mentioned that refers to the first three generations of muslims after islam was founded. Yet they are using modern technology and this very combustible combination of these two things

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