All become an inside game. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer the powerful take more power, wall street rocks and rolls. And even when theyre caught lying and cheating and stealing and running our entire economy with a ponzi scheme thats so big even Bernie Madoff wouldnt have the spine to try it, nobody goes to jail. Everybody gets a pass, nothing changes, and the business of politics as usual goes on. They give speeches. They know arent true. They sign bills they dont read. And when the law blows up in their faces they give themselves another pass. And the media, theyre in on the con, the gravy train. Today, you ask americans, theyll tell you they dont trust the media. Where can you find anyone who Still Believes the media . Folks, Brian Williams isnt the exception. Hes exactly what theyve taught us to expect from them. Its not journalism anymore, its entertainment. Its celebrity, its agendas and its money. And all too often now, a lie is an acceptable way of communicating. We cant trust government to tell us the truth. Theyve already shown us that. The government evidently doesnt trust us. Their surveillance and their oppression through a weaponized irs proves that. Yeah. And people they dont look at this town for answers anymore. Our leaders lie to us. Media swear to it as if their freedoms werent under attack, as well. But ive got news for the media your First Amendment right is not a license to kill the Second Amendment with lies. Your freedom is just as endangered and your lives endanger us all. Every day the media tells us we just need one more law just one more gun ban just one more restriction on the rights of lawabiding gun owners to prevent Violent Crime. The story they should be telling is how few of the laws already on the books are enforced against people who actually do us harm. Armed violent, dangerous criminals. Instead, politicians waste their time and your tax dollars pushing state social schemes and gun laws that only disarm good people. In other words not only do they refuse to protect us, but they also want to deny us the ability to protect ourselves. And every day, of every year, innocent, good defenseless people are beaten, bloodied robbed raped and murdered as a direct result. Folks, when a criminal attacks politicians arent there to protect ya. Laws cant protect ya, and the media lies, they cant protect ya either. Youre on your own. But you know what can protect ya, when no one else can when no one else will . The ironclad absolute safeguard of the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. You know, we live in a time when increasingly the most Vulnerable Group among us is american women. We fear for our moms. We fear for our wives, our sisters and our daughters. Because we know how exposed they are. They could be spied upon stalked online, set up for attack through social media or through a kicked down door. How about empowering women to protect themselves by making them stronger. Yeah. The nra has refused to be a Victim Program teaches women how to protect themselves with our without a gun. What if the New York Times or hollywood celebrities or the antigun lobby, what have they done to empower women . All they have done is make women weaker by scaring them, shaming them. The option of owning a gun for their own protection. You dont empower women by leaving them defenseless. And you dont strengthen a nation by taking away its freedoms. We live in a nation where our freedoms are increasingly vulnerable. From terrorists that are crossing our borders or embedded already in our communities to the mentally ill who roam our streets. To a criminal class unleashed upon us by those who refuse to protect us. The failure and false heartedness of those in charge of our safety is going to get more and more of us killed. Lets face the truth right now. We individually are in charge of our own security. Were in charge of our own familys security. And along with law enforcement, were in charge of our neighborhoods, our schools, our towns, our cities wherever we live. Over the past 25 years, while dozens of states have restored the right to carry a gun, Violent Crime has fallen to the lowest level in decades. You dont hear that in the media, do you . Nope, youre not going to turn on evening news and hear that. But too many states refuse to recognize right to carry permits that are issued by other states. And honest, good, peaceful people often go to jail as a result. Lawabiding right to carry permit holders dont pose a threat to anybody except the bad guys. Good guys shouldnt be forced to break the law to exercise their god given constitutional right to protect themselves and their families. Its time for congress to act, Pass National right to carry reciprocity for the entire United States and pass it today even if you dont own a gun or dont care about the right to do so if you care about your freedoms in any of its forms, you belong in the National Rifle association. Why . Just look at history. Over the past decades, by every measure, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms has gotten stronger than ever. Even as our other freedoms have been slowly, progressively diminished. The credit for rescuing firearm freedoms goes to the 5 million members of a National Rifle association. Those those, those 5 million members share something really important in common. We share determination of standout, speak out, throw the liars out of office shield the innocent from the lawless and defend all the freedoms that we hold dear. So i challenge you. Tell me where you find people like that. Who are absolutely determined to turn this country in a different, freer and better direction. We talk hard truth. We stand on principle. We never waver. We fight and you know we win. We are Charlton Heston vowing from my cold dead hands. I hear people say to me all the time, wayne, what the First Amendment needs is its own National Rifle association. I hear them say, what the economy needs is its own nra. And what our nations military and police deserve is their own nra. Theyre all saying, heres what theyre saying. Theyre saying we need someone to stand up for the things we care about and consider most valuable in our lives. For the nra that always includes our firearms and our freedom to own them. But to defend firearm freedom, we need more than just firearms freedom. One right depends on another. Theyre all cut from the same cloth of what it means to be free people. So the nra fights for freedom of speech freedom of assembly and the right to privacy, too. We fight for the entire bill of rights because its all connected. Where do you think americas safest place is . In the news media . The New York Times . Msnbc . One of the Political Parties . The safest place for American Freedom is the National Rifle association, the safest place for American Freedom is in the hearts of our members. So take back our country from the liars, the cheats the press and the political elites who want to take away our ability to define our own destiny. Join us, join the nra. We truly are freedoms safest place. Thank you very much thank you ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage governor jeb bush and shawn hannity. Weve got a packed house. How yall doing . Were going to have a q a with governor bush. And by the way as a lot of ive got to start with are you mad at your mom because she did say, i dont know if we need another bush in the white house i saw that, actually on the today show when my brother was opening up his president ial library and my mom unleashed this on me on National Television instead of telling me directly. That was a little difficult. But since that time, shes had a change of heart. Yeah. And thats all right by me. Well, weve had your dad and your brother as president of the United States. Yep. You made a statement the other day and said, wait a minute, i am my own man. If i go beyond the consideration of the possibility of running which is the legal terminology that many of the people here are coming to cpac are probably using to not trigger a campaign, if i get beyond that and i run for president , i have to show whats in my heart. I have to show that i care about people about their future. It cant be about the past, cant be about my mom or dad or brother. It has to be about the ideas that i believe in to move our country forward so that we can have high, sustained Economic Growth where more people have a chance at earned success. Because more and more people dont think that system works for them anymore. And for conservatives to win, we need to give them hope that if we create the field of dreams that people can rise up again. Let me ask you, the last time you were at cpac this was picked up i think in the Washington Post today. All too often were, i think you were talking about conservatives, we are labeled and associated with being antieverything. Way too many people believe republicans are antiwomen, antiscience, antigay and the list goes on. I want you to expand on that. Sure. Look. I think the conservatives in washington have been principled on opposing the overreach. And theyve done a pretty good job. The president jammed down the throat obamacare the Affordable Care act and dodd frank and the stimulus. But we have fought in a principled way, increased overreach. Hes now using his executive power to try to carry out his agenda. But over time, we have to start being for things again. And i think what we need to be for is a Strong National defense. Where we are committed each and every day to protect the homeland with these new asymmetric threats that exist that are real. Its not a joke. This is these are threats that not just have an impact in the neighborhood in the middle east or certainly have an impact on israel. It impacts us, as well. We need to stand for a Strong National defense and defense of the homeland. And we need to give people a sense if we started growing our economy again, the middle would start having rising income again. And what you would do to do that is offer compelling alternatives to the failed tax policies the failed regulation policies, a broken Education System, and making sure that people know that were on their side to rise up. So its good to oppose the bad things. But we need to start being for things. Yeah. Heres the deal. Heres the deal. There are a lot of obviously, a lot of committed conservatives in this room. And this is why its a spectacular gathering. There are a lot of other conservatives that havent been asked. They dont know theyre conservative. If we share our enthusiasm and love for our country and belief in our philosophy, we will be able to get latinos and young people and other people that you need to win to get 50. This was governor every article i have read talks about you and a divide with the conservative movement over two issues. Ive read about it. Saw it once in a while . And it has to do with immigration and common course. Lets directly deal with this. Yeah. Now you said yeah they broke the law. Its not a felony, its an act of love. You also said that you support a pathway to citizenship. And when you were governor two other things. When you were governor, you supported drivers licenses for Illegal Immigrants and instate tuition prices for children that werent citizens. Hang on. I want i want to give you an opportunity to address that. Sure. So, on immigration, i wrote a book about this. Instead of people opining about what i believe they might want to read the book. You can get it on amazon for probably 1. 99. And in that book i talk about first and foremost the need to enforce the borders. A great country needs to enforce borders for National Security purposes, Public Health purposes, and the rule of law. Secondly, we need a narrow family petitioning so its the same of every country. Spouse and minor children. Not this broad definition of spouse minor children, adult siblings and parents that crowds out what we need, which are economic driven immigrants. Those that want to come here to work, to invest in their dreams in this country, to create opportunities for all of us. And thats what we need to get to. And so look, i feel your pain. I was in miami this morning it was 70 degrees. The simple fact is there is no plan to deport 11 million people. We should give the path to legal status where they work where they dont receive government benefits. Where they dont break the law. Where they learn english, and where they make a contribution to our society. Thats what we need to be focused on. Let me do a followup. We had we had senator rubio and i asked him the same question. We always hear about spending cuts and tax increases. We always end up getting the tax increase, we never get the spending cut. The congress has tried comprehensive Immigration Reform and it has failed. We have a crisis going on with the department of Homeland Security. My question is why not secure the borders first once its verified secured. Lets do it. Lets do it, man. Then talk about. So instead of having a political argument about this the president did use authority he doesnt have. The courts are going to overrule that. Ive been consistent about that. Thats what a great nation has to do. Theres nothing that holds back the republicans to put a comprehensive plan in place to do that. This nation needs to start growing at a far faster rate than we are today. We have to be young and dynamic for all the young people in this crowd to be able to get a job, purpose and meaning. We need to change the subject to high sustained Economic Growth. Let me ask, i dont want to spend all of our time on immigration, but i want to go through yes or no scenarios with you. Number one, for example, do you agree with conservatives that, say, congress should not pass a Homeland Security funding bill that would fund the president s illegal and unconstitutional amnesty . I think the president i think the congress ought to pass a bill that does not allow him to use that authority. And they should stand their ground. Look, i dont know, im not an expert on the ways washington. It makes no sense to me that were not funding control of our border, which is the whole argument. Im missing something. Do you agree im not an expert on that. The simple fact is that the president has gone way beyond his constitutional powers to do this. And the congress has every right to reinstate their responsibility for what law is about. Yes or no 100,000 people came from Central America. We all watched over last summer, should they be sent home . I thought they should be sent home at the border, to be honest with you. It would have created. Heres the deal the humanitarian thing to do would have been to consistently say from the beginning, dont risk your lives crossing as young people. Dont pay the gangsters in Central America money to get into the country and be processed and now with our broken system it may take threer o four years to process them. It would have stopped the flow. We did that as it relates to in miami and florida. That was exactly what bush 41 did as it related to haitians. And it stopped the flow of people. And people didnt lose their lives trying to come to this country. Let me ask you this i mention this earlier when i had an opportunity to speak to this great crowd here. And that is right now at this point in the country, at this moment in history, we have 50 million americans, nearly 50 in poverty. Nearly 50 million on food stamps. The lowest Labor Participation rate since the 1970s. I want you to connect it to immigration. Shouldnt americans have the opportunity for those jobs first . You say go to the back of the line. But if they go to the back of the line they still stay here and compete for those jobs that are available. Heres the deal. Yeah. You either believe the pie is static. Thats the lefts point of view. And many on the right dont agree with that. But they by their policies, they imply it. And therefore were splitting it up. Someones benefit is someone elses detriment. I believe what we ought to be focused on is growing the economic pie. And growing it at a rate that looks more like the 80s in america. Growing it closer to 4 , not 2 . If we stay in this anemic economic rate, then your argument becomes valid. If we grow at 4 , theres going to be opportunities for all. Its not a zero sum game. Yeah. Thats not how republicans and conservatives think. We dont think that its just all about the government divvying it up for us to get our crumbs. We believe we should pursue our dreams as we see fit. And the more people doing it with the capacity to achieve earned success, the more Economic Growth will take place for all of us. My last question on immigration is going to be, as governor, do you standby the decision drivers licenses . Didnt happen. Didnt happen. You tried. And the other decision about instate tuition rates for children . I do. I do. In fact, that was the instate tuition was passed this year by one of the most conservative state legislatures, i might add, and a conservative governor signed into law this last year. Let me ask you the second big issue. Not by me. That always comes up by when you read about governor jeb bush is the issue of common core. It was interesting. I didnt know until i was researching you that you were the first governor to institute vouchers in the country, was eventua