Transcripts For CSPAN3 Politics And Public Policy Today 2015

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Politics And Public Policy Today 20151002

beginning to be better and better known. >> when my folks first purchased the ranch in the late '50s, they didn't know it at the time, but it was -- they saw quite a change in the ag industry happening just in our little valley here. it hasn't always been the quote unquote wine country. we have a wonderful storied agriculture history here in the valley and in sonoma valley. >> we visit the jack london state historic park, home to london, author of "the call of the wild" and "white fang." >> we're on jack london's beauty ranch, known as the ranch of good intentions. this is where jack london lived until his death in 1916. jack london probably would have been writing long hand when people came upon him in his office. he was very productive here. in fact, two-thirds of his writing was published after he moved here. books like "white fang" was p h published a year after he bought his ranch property. "valley of the moon" was published while he was living here. he claimed that he worked two hours a day writing, because he would write 1,000 words a day before breakfast. i think a lot of his time was spent because he was trying to build the beauty ranch, the ranch of good intentions, so that it could be a model. that took a lot of his time. >> see all of our programs from santa rosa saturday at noon eastern on c-span2's book tv and sunday afternoon at 2:00 on american history tv on c-span3. now more road to the white house coverage. donald trump holds a campaign rally earlier this week. he talked about his tax plan. and the refugee situation in syria. it's about an hour. this contains language some may find offensive. ♪ you're the best >> thank you. what a crowd. they still have lines of people outside, and they filled up the second auditorium already. it's amazing. they have closed circuit. but i will go and see the closed circuit folks, i will see them right after i'm finished. should i do that? i think so. we will definitely. a poll just came out. u usas suffolk, which is highly respected, and we are doing great. we're up by ten points over everybody else. it's just incredible. i think we might be better than that. but who knows? right? even if we win by one point that's okay. not so bad. let's win by a lot. we're way up. another one, morning consult, we're at 36. ben is at 12. carly is at 10. marco is at nine. ted cruz is at seven. that's pretty good, right? we're 36 to 12. reuters is 31-14 to eight for jeb. jeb got in there. good. and mike huckabee is at seven. we're doing great there. the funny one -- i say this, but it got finalized. i felt i did good in the debate even though i was being asked too many questions. right? the fun yiny thing is -- somebo said, 47% were either to me or about me. in other words, they ask somebody like one of the other candidates, donald trump is not a good person, what do you think? i'm standing there like this. and then in the final 45 minutes, they couldn't ask me any questions, because they asked me so many. it was embarrassing. i even apologized and i'm not the one not doing it. they said, donald trump decided to take off in the last part -- i'm saying -- they made it from two hours to three hours, which is ridiculous. but they say, donald trump took off. they didn't ask me any questions. i don't want to be rude. i don't want to interrupt other people, especially since i've done -- the polls came out on the debate. 680,000 votes, drudge -- he is an amazing guy. it's donald trump, 51%. he won. carly at 23%, who did a good job, by the way. ma marco and ted cruz. the time magazine poll -- i have no influence over "time" even though i was on the cover last week. right? "time" magazine has trump winning 55% for trump, 20% for carly, 7% for marco rubio. i'm saying to myself, i'm watching the shows and they say trump was okay, not great, maybe had an off night. i don't understand. i thought i did fine. they were just trying to beat me up. but i thought we did good. i think we're doing well. the most important poll, like the usa suffolk that came out a couple hours ago, that's fantastic. i want to thank everybody in the room and the other rooms that are filled up who we will see in a little while. [ applause ] new hampshire, i tell you what, it's an amazing place. it's a great, great state. it's a great state. a friend of mine from new york said, what do peopare people fr hampshire linke? they're an amazing people. they love the country. they love to work. like me, i love the country. i love to work. [ applause ] we're all in the same boat. we're going to straighten it out. we're going to make america great again. that i can tell you. we're going to make it great again. you know, a thing came out -- i was going to save it for later. we made that horrible iran deal. i just wrote this down. i was watching one of the networks, and they said, we should have had the prisoners released as part of the deal. in fact, we should have made a deal knocking the hell out of isis and syria. there are a hundred things we should have gotten. we're giving them $150 billion. we got nothing. except defeat, because we don't win anymore as a country. it's embarrassing. i actually tweeted this before. do you believe this? iran wants to trade our three prisoners -- by the way, we have four. they are talking about three. the fourth they're not even talking about. so they want to trade our three prisoners for 19 prisoners held by the united states and many other things. i mean, how stupid are we? how stupid are we? it's just going to change. it's going to change. it's just going to change. so embarrassing. bergdahl, we get bergdahl, they get five killers that they wanted so badly. you remember bergdahl. he left. he left. he deserted. and we had five and probably six people killed going after him. and the other day i read for the first time, well, he wasn't feeling well, he may not be psychologically -- who the hell cares? [ applause ] they think he might get off with nothing. six people died. six people. he was a deserter. in the old days when we were strong, what did we do with deserters? that's right. there was no deserting. you deserted, had yyou had prob. let him off. he's a nice person. i don't think so. so a lot of the press has been nice to us in the last few days because we gave a very detailed tax substantially reduced taxes. very substantial. i'm going to go over it. but we're going to create a lot of jobs. we're taking jobs back from china and these other countries that have been ripping us. mexico, china, japan. we're going to be taking them back. you know, they were so happy in a certain way they said, well, we want policy. so i gave policy on immigration. and they were sort of happy with that. they didn't necessarily agree with everything. a lot of people don't agree, build a wall. they say, you can't build a wall. it's too expensive. our trade deficit with mexico is $45 billion a year. don't forget, i said mexico. i love mexico. i love the mexican people. i have thousands and thousands of mexican people that have worked with me over the years. thousands. i have a great relationship. but their leaders are too smart for our leaders, too cunning, too sharp. they're ripping us. we have a deficit. nabisco is moving -- what's more united states than nabisco? they're moving to mexico from chicago. they're going to make oreos in mexico. think of it. then we have ford motor company, $2.5 billion plant. you heard the story. i'm not going to tell you. if i do, they will kill me. i have all these live television sets. every other candidate can go and make a speech, every other candidate, and they make the same speech for months. but they have 100 people -- jeb bush is down the road. they are expecting 125 people tonight. it's true. i'm going to tell you -- because we have been getting amazing crowds. we had 20,000 people on friday in oklahoma. 20,000 people. [ applause ] in oklahoma, a great place, that was an amazing event, we had 20,000 people. we filled up a stadium where the mavericks play. mark cuban, good guy. he has the mavericks. it's called american airlines center. that's in dallas. 20,000 people showed up. some were so far up, i said, can you see me? and we had three days to do it, because when we got it -- when they said, you know, you could have that arena if you want it, i said, when? monday night. this was like thursday. i said, how can we fill it up? the first day they did 12,000 people. then we went to mobile, alabama, just before that. we had 35,000 people. it has been amazing. tonight -- i want accurate counts, because these people, they don't count heads. they will say, yeah, the place was okay. the press, they are so -- by the way, pan out on these people, please. cnn and all of you live cameras, pan out. [ applause ] because you know what they do? they have the camera -- live television on my face the entire amount. my wife goes -- i go home, were there any people there tonight? they don't see. they never show the crowds. they never show -- they don't want to. they don't want to. this room we have another room just as big. cnn and all the people. it's so important. the fire marshal, the only reason -- we have a lot of people can't get in. 3,564, that's what we have, exactly. [ applause ] we love the fire marshals, but the fire marshal actually right over here, the fire marshal said you can't have them in the aisles. it's a one story building. if there's a problem -- i will be the first one out the door. they don't want it to happen. we have 3,564 people. we have closed circuit. it's amazing. it's always like this, by the way. it's always like this. we did have one event so beautiful in south carolina. i was called by a friend of mine who is african-american, a great guy. the south carolina african-american chamber of commerce. he wrote the most beautiful letter. i said i was going to read it to you. he put it in one of the papers. it was in one of the papers today. there was a last minute thing that said, would you speak? i liked it. i went and actually they didn't come from the back. they just formed in the front. it was beautiful. and they said it was the biggest crowd, best crowd they have had. it was a beautiful day. it was a lunch. and it was wonderful. and the cameras -- because they were up front, the cameras showed chairs in the back that were empty. trump has lost it. is trump losing? i just walked in and did them a favor. these people were so angry at the way they were -- african-american people that do such a great job and you have to see the letter. anybody wants it, we have them. it was such a beautiful letter. so unfair the way they were treated and the event was treated. that's why when i go to things like this i like to have the press see what's going on. there is a movement going on -- this is more than oh, gee, people show up. when bush has 125 people and when rubio comes in and you have 12 people -- it's true. and when all of the other ones -- i don't want to say about everybody because some of them i really like. but nobody has crowds like us. nobody. including bernie who does pretty well. [ applause ] nobody. the fact is, something is happening. something incredible is happening. so what's gone on is we put in policy on immigration. that's build a wall. people have to come into the country legally. have to do it. have to do it. have to do it. [ applause ] or we don't have a country. the anchor babies we're going to have do something there. by the way, when first brought that up -- people come in. they're in the other side -- they're on the other side of the border. they have a baby. they walk across the border. nobody stops anybody. it's like we're open territory. the woman has a baby on our land in the united states. now we have to take care of that baby for 85 years. that baby becomes a citizen. and i said, it can't be. everybody said, oh, no, that baby is a citizen, born in the united states, born on our land. turned out i'm right. because they're not coming in legally. if you read the language, other than some television scholars that said, no, no, the baby is ours, we have to take care of the baby forever, people are coming from china, they are coming from all over asia, they are coming from latin america, south america, they are coming from mexico, they walk across the border, it's ours. doesn't read that way. and i didn't think -- they said, you have to go through a whole big thing. every state has to go to referendums. it's the 14th amendment. so many different things. right? but it's not working that way. it's wrong. and i turned out to be right. because the real scholars said, he is right. maybe it's -- no, no. how can it be wrong? so this is something that's come up. we have to get rid of these sanctuary cities. it's disgraceful. it's disgraceful. [ applause ] because i've had so many friends that i've made. first of all, kate -- magnificent kate shot in the back and killed in san francisco. sang a sanctuary city. i just feel -- i feel when i hear san francisco -- i always felt so good. now you learn about sanctuary cities. the state of florida had sanctuary cities while jeb bush was governor. nobody said anything. you know, i've gotten very, very friendly with a lot of the people, because i've become -- it has become an important issue with me. it's far worse than anybody in this room understands. far worse. far worse. tremendous people come in. but you have some terrible, terrible problem. the other week, as you saw, a lot of press, a woman -- 66-year-old veteran, raped, sodomized and killed by an illegal immigrant. just came in, killed her. 66-year-old veteran, killed her. and that's happening all over. we're going to stop it. we're going to stop t. we're it. we're going to have a wall. [ applause ] and i'm really good at walls. believe me. i build. what i do better -- that's why with the infrastructure of the country, it's falling apart. we don't know where we're spending money. i was going to bring up today -- they have a list of some of the dumb things that the country does. one of them was a washer. you know what a washer is? that's where the screw, you have a washer, you get extra grip. it was a two cent washer. by the time it went from -- i think it was south carolina to texas, it was a -- it cost $988,000 to have it delivered over a long period of time. there's so many things like that. there are so many things. there are item and item -- hammers that you buy for $7, $8, selling for thousands that we bias a country for thousands of dollars. some people are getting really rich. who are these people that are making these deals? we want a part of these companies. i want a piece of it. where they are selling things that sell in a store for pennies, they are selling them for thousands of dollars. there's so much fat, so much fat. and i get a lot of credit for coming out with immigration. some people don't agree. they think it's harsh. some people think it's great. you know, dwight eisenhower was a wonderful general and a respected president. and he moved a million people out of the country. nobody said anything about it. when trump does it, it's like oh. eisenhower, he was allowed to do it. we can't do it. that was also in the '50s. remember that. different time. that's when we had a country. that's when we had a country. [ applause ] that's when we had borders. you know, without borders, you don't have a country, essentially. we don't have a country. without borders, you just don't have it. dwight eisenhower -- they used to take them out and put them on the other side of the border. you have to stay here. they would come back. they do it again and again. then they said, this doesn't work. they took them out and moved all the way south, all the way. and they never came back again. it was too far. amazing. i'm not saying this in a joking way. i'm saying this is what happened. it wasn't working. they were coming right back. and then they literally -- literally moved them all the way. i have to tell you, a lot of the politician -- they never came back because it's too far. they would put them on boats and all way down south. that was it. but then a lot of things happened. a lot of changes took place. now we have become so politically correct as a country that we can't even walk, we can't think properly, we can't do anything. every time you say something, that was not politically correct. it wasn't politically correct. nobody respects women more than i do. and i -- that's true. and i will do more -- thank you. it's true. my mother was the greatest person there was. nobody respects women more than i do. and two weeks ago i was making a speech i said i respect women, i cherish women. hillary said we don't want to be cherished, we want to be respected. i said, i said that. i think you want to be cherished too. it's better than respect. it's everything. you want to be respected, loved, cherished. you want to be everything. i think -- am i right women or wrong? and nobody cares more than i do. and i will tell you, women's health issues where jeb bush recently said that he is not going to fund them, then he said he misspoke. the word is misspoke. he misspoke. can't misspeak. beer we're going to take care of our vets. we're going to really take care of people. because i know how to do it. we're going to bring jobs back into the country. we're going to become a rich country again. we're a poor country. we're a poor country. we're a debtor nation. we are now 19 trillion. for a few months i said $18 trillion. now it's 19. think about it. they take our jocks. they take our base. they take our money. and we owe them $1.5 trillion. how does that happen? we owe japan the exact same amount. we owe them. they send millions of cars here. we pay for the cars. no tax, no nothing. try doing business in gentleman a pan. how many chevrolets do you think you will find in the middle of tokyo? there might be none. we sell them beef, and they don't want it. beef. and they don't want it. they send it back. the farmers don't want it. so we owe japan $1.5 trillion. think of it. they sell us all these cars. it's going to stop. it's so easy. we have to balance out. i went to my people this week. and i said i want to know something. i want to know how much do we, in terms of balance of trade, how much are we behind the eight ball, the u.s. trade deficit with china, japan and mexico? china, it's almost $400 billion a year. 400 billion! japan is is almost $70 billion a year. and mexico, $45 billion. they say, oh, you can't get mexico to pay for the wall. believe me, i will build bigger, stronger, better for half the price. much less than half the price. no, much less than half that price. because i know how to build. i watch it myself. it's going to be so beautiful. it's going to work so well. it's going to work so well. did you see the picture of the big magazine this weekend? i knew the magazine because i was on the cover. but they have a wall probably eight or nine feet. and they have a ramp going up and another ramp going down. they have cars and trucks going over taking drugs. so here's the deal. we get the drugs, they get the money. these drugs go right over the wall. you can't do that when the wall is higher than the ceiling. or it's a long way down when they miss that ramp, i'll tell you. it's a long way. i don't blame you. if people can get away with this stuff, let them get away with it. we will make your country so strong and so beautiful. so then i put in something on policy with regard to the second amendment. i'm a big second amendment person. [ applause ]. this is something we all care a lot about. we're going to take care of our vets. i will put in a policy paper on the veterans and the veteran administration. and i know what to do. we spent so much money. we have thieves, tremendous corruption. a few weeks ago on wednesday we had the longest wait in the history of the veteran's administration. they waited days to see a doctor. they're dying. you saw that. you saw the reports. hard to believe. so many people are dying while they're waiting. they're dying. things that can be taken care of with a pill, with a couple of visits. with maybe one visit. and they're dying. it's not going to happen anymore. it's not going to happen anymore. [ applause ]. so that's what i really look forward to. and that one is going to be -- i'll tell you just briefly, and it's common sense. when they are waiting too long, they will go to a private doctor, public hospital, private hospital, whatever the hell is in the city. we will pay the bill and we are going to take care of these people. we're going to take care of them. so -- and it's so important to me. because some of the greatest people. we call it a trail. can you believe i'm a politician? i'm so embarrassed. people say, you're a politician. i say i hope not. i guess in a way i am for a little while. hopefully it works out and it will be wonderful and you will be very happy. go ahead. >> [ applause ]. you know, it's funny. a few weeks ago i got a great story. they said he's a great speaker. wonderful public speaker. but he has one problem. he speaks through the applause. i realize they're right. people applause, i start speak. they immediately shuttup. you know why? i'm so excited to tell you. there's so many things we have to do. there's not enough time to wait for the applause. it's true. i speak through the applause. i think i'll keep doing it because it's exciting to me. the guy is is is is right. although i don't know. who knows. we came up with a really great tax a plan that has been really praised, in some cases not. they said it's too big. got to put our country back together. we have the highest taxes in the entire world. highest in the world. our corporations are leaving our country because the taxes are too high. i did a very sophisticated, very beautifully detailed policy paper. now a lot of the press would say prior to that especially and the second amendment and frankly immigration. they say, oh, he talks well but he doesn't talk -- i went to great schools. i'm like a smart person. oh, he doesn't talk details. so all of a sudden i'm speaking details and even if they don't like the details they appreciated that i gave them the details. i will tell you the tax plan is i think really something we're proud of. and i'm going to go over just quickly. because most of you have heard it. but it's going to help in a lot of ways. number one, it will help the jobs. it will put people to work. we're taking jobs back. we're going to have companies now come back into our country. we'll have a lower tax rate than china. a lower tax rate than many of these countries. you know what corporate inversion is is? it is a disaster. companies have billions, trillions, at least two and a half trillion total outside the country. even agrees the money should be allowed to come back in. republicans, democrats. this has been going on for years. they agree but they can't come to a conclusion. i'll tell you it's a bigger number than that. if it is, my plan is even better. but i'm letting it come in for a very reasonable price. right now the tax is is so high. if anybody was running one of those, they can't get it in. smart. they have the greatest lawyers. can't get the money. so i'm going to simplify it. i want the money to come in so these companies, number one, don't go. you know what they do, a lot of them leave, you know this, in order to get the money. they actually move their company to ireland, to other places in europe, to other places in the world in order to get the money. and you have some big, incredible companies, big name companies that are now thinking of leaving the united states to get the money and to get lower taxes. and there's really no way you can stop that. you can't say it's illegal because they will find a way around it. the only way that stops it is the marketplace. the marketplace is going to stop it. so we're going to take care of that. so we have. and i titled it tax reform that will make america great again. today they said it is is very reaganesque. i consider that a great compliment. one of the writers said that. [ applause ]. >> thank you. and i start off too few americans are working, too many jobs are being shipped overseas and too many middle income families cannot make ends meet. we all know it. if it's not you, you know people where that's the case. my plan directly meets these challenges and the challenges also of business. we're going to make our businesses strong again. we're going to make them competitive again. [ applause ]. and by the way, nothing to do with this, but we're going to get rid of the regulations that are mounting up on a daily basis. it's ridiculous. regulations are going to go the way side. there will be some, but they will be meaningful. they won't be the nonsense that every single day has happened. every single day. the plan will provide major tax relief for middle income and most other americans, major tax relief. it will totally simplify the tax code. we will grow the american economy and all of this will add up to a point where we're not going to be increasing our debt. if anything, if it really kicks in like i think it might when the economy grows, we will reduce our debt and reduce it big league, which i want to do. and, again, i know the people i'm running against. and i know democrats, republicans. they can't do this, folks. i'm really good at it. who is better at debt than i am? who's better? is there anybody? i have had borrowing so big. and i worked out perfectly to companies bigger, better, stronger than ever before. you need somebody with whatever the hell that craziness is up there. you need that. you need that. you can't just be a politician, all talk, no action. they talk. they wouldn't know what to do with china. carl icahn, great entrepreneur, he came out yesterday and said trump is is the only one he's talk building. and he's great. and i'll get involved. i'll say, carl, you handle china. and i'll walk away. we'll do very well. we'll come out great. we're not going to have a $400 billion deficit. that will go away very rapidly. and we'll get along. china doesn't even like us. you know these countries rip us off. they don't even like us. i'll stop the ripoff and they will like us. hard to believe, but that's what's going to happen. so in the plan we're going to cut the individual rates. and this is very important. number one, we're cutting down from seven brackets to four. and the rates are going from 25, 20, 10, and to zero. when somebody is is not making enough to live, what's the purpose of them doing lengthy returns, going to get help from h&r block, who we intend to put it of business because it's so ridiculous. so ridiculous. in order to pay us -- these people need help. they're not doing well. so what's the purpose? plus, the bookkeeping. it will be a tremendous percentage. and some is are not paying now anyway. but they have to go through this process. it's brutal. so we're going to simplify. but think of it. 25%, 20%, and 10%. and that's a major reduction. some people say it's too big a reduction. some of the big geniuses that did not created one job is, not a dollar. i think it's too much. the only dollars they get is from their mouth. then if you're single and earn less than $25,000 or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not pay any income tax. okay. you won't. that's the way it is. what's the purpose? what is the purpose? we eliminate the marriage penalty, which is a killer for so many people. a killer. what's the purpose of that? by the way, everyone agrees and they can't get it done. we eliminate the amt, which is the alternative minimum tax. we eliminate it. we end the death tax. it's a double taxation. it is a double taxation. i mean, a lot of you, as an example in new hampshire, you have a store, you have a little building. you leave it to your kids. the kids get a tax bill. they have to pay 35% and even 50% in estate taxes. now they mortgage up the business. the bank ends up taking it over because they have to pay the estate taxes. and you've been paying taxes all the while. it's double taxation, and it has to end. so many businesses have been destroyed by the death tax or the estate tax, as people like to call it. so many businesses. >> [ applause ]. >> so that's very important. our plan reduces and/or totally eliminates most of the deductions available to special interests, who by the way, are supporting bush and rubio and most of them and hillary. big league hillary. big league bush. bush is going to spend $100 million. that money comes from friends of mine. they're friends. some are enemies. some i don't like. actually, many of them i don't like. but when you see an ad from rubio or bush or hillary, remember that money is is coming from special interests and lobbyists. and when they want something done in a year from now, two years from now if they ever get in, you say wouldn't that be sad if trump doesn't make it? wouldn't it be a terrible thing? but when that money gets spent on millions, 25 million -- jeb today put in an order today. 25 million for ads. what do you do when you're weak in immigration, how do you solve that with ads? i don't think you do it. rubio is is very weak on immigration. member of the gang of eight. how do you solve a problem when you say people can just pour in. made a speech not long ago saying he wants to open up the borders, essentially. he didn't want you people hearing it because he made the speech in spanish. it's true. he's weak on illegal immigration. i'm mott sure, i may be wrong, but whether you're rubio or bush -- i have to tell you one story. do you mind? so bush is the mentor of rubio. and everybody said this is politics at its lowest and worst. i can't stand these politicians, right? so bush is the mentor. and he goes out and he says, yes. and he pushed. and everybody said rubio will never run because it would be disrespectful to his mentor. that's loyalty. that's nice. that's sort of nice, right? you know, you're loyal. i believe in that. so everybody said rubio will never run. the great genius pundits on fox, cnn, ms. they are all there. he runs. very disloyal. it was very disloyal. he runs. and they ask bush what do you think of rubio? rubio comes out. he's talking about bush. what do you think of rubio? >> he's my dear friend. he's so wonderful. i love him so much. then they ask is rubio. you're running against bush. the veterans know what i mean about loyalty, right? right? so they ask rubio, what do you think of bush? oh, he's my dear friend. wonderful. they hate each other. they hate. trust me, i know. they hate so much. they hate more than anybody in this room hates their neighbor. but it is political bullshut. do you understand? it's true. it's true. [ applause ]. so let's go. so reduce or elimination most of the deductions, loopholes available to special interests and the very rich. me. i don't like that. maybe i'll change my mind on that one. it's going to cost me a lot. while preserving charitable giving, which is important. and giving mortgage interest deductions. we want to leave the mortgage interest. you've got to have it. a lot of people were worried about real estate. try taking the mortgage interest deduction out. you'll see what's going to happen to real estate. you want to see a crash, try that one. so we end the current tax treatment of carried interest. it is a little complicated stuff. but the business folks know what that means. speculative partnerships that do not grow businesses or create jobs and are not risking their own capital. that's what happens. they get this big thing. they're not risking their own capital. some people said it's not so big. it is a big number. it's a big number up here. big number psychologically. so we have to do it. a lot of hedge fund guys are not happy with me right now. they didn't give me anything. they want to. it's amazing how many guys say i love you very much. i'd like to make a contribution. i don't want it. am i making a mistake? it's not natural to me. i'm turning down a lot of money. i hope it's appreciated some day. >> [ applause ]. >> no, honestly. because if i turn down tens of millions of dollars and i lose, i will feel so stupid. it didn't matter. so i hope it is appreciated. no business of any size from a fortune 500 company to a mom and pop shop. how many people own a shop? raise your hand. great business, right? okay. well, you're in the same category now because the taxes are too high. is that right? so no business of any size from a fortune 500 company to a mom and top shop to a freelancer. you have a lot of them in new hampshire. pretty of freelancers. living from gig to gig will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. we're not going to take all the money away anymore. and people aren't going to create jobs if you do that. so we're going to have -- this is a job creator. this is real. this will be really dynamic. this will be something special. now a lot of people that don't know, they don't get it. but many people that do really get it. a one-time deemed repatriation. that's what i was talking about all the money coming back in. of the corporate cash held overseas at a significantly discounted rate of 10%. in other words, they're bringing it over, we will tax them 10%, they will have the money in our country instead of having it overseas. tax rate of 10 percent. and corporate income earned a abroad. what you are going to do is you will have tremendous incentives for people even if they are doing business abroad. but you're going to bring money back into the united states. they are going to put the money back to work. because the people getting the difficultends will will spend the money. and you're talking about trillions of dollars are over there. trillions of dollars. believe me, mark my words, they say it's 2.5 trillion. i say it's much more than that. nobody even knows. so corporate inversion. and we're going to have companies not leave. in the old days people would leave new york and go to florida. or leave new jersey and go to texas. now they leave the united states and go to ireland or other countries where they have lower tax rates and other things. but with what i'm doing, they're not going to be leaving. we don't have to say, boom, you're staying. they're not going to leave anymore. so it really works. what we're going to do now is is reduce or eliminate many of the business loopholes. we are lowering the taxes so much we can get rid of these tremendously complicated loopholes. in the end business taxes will be lower than they were before substantially. but you're not going to have accountants with tax reforms that go to the ceiling where you have a business. it will be less taxes. so we're going to be in a position to do amazing things. i have so many people thrilled about taxes. i did this the other day a at trump tower. we had a great turnout. we had just an amazing response. so let's talk a little bit about isis and let's talk about our country. we spent so much money, so much money in the middle east. just spent trillions. just in iraq, $2 trillion. just in iraq. not to mention even more importantly the lives and the wounded warriors, who i love, who i love. these are the greatest of all. these are the greatest of them all, the wounded warriors. so we have a president who doesn't know what he is doing. remember it looked like he said they were the jv? well, he looked like the jv last night compared to the pope in new york. the jv. so now we have proof that i'm going into syria and i'll knock the hell out of isis he said. i said what's so bad with that? that's okay. that's all right. but i also say we want to be. we can't let him push us around. we have a president who is not respected by putin. he leaves new york, the united nations. a couple days later he has massive amounts of artillery, planes all quickly gone. we would never a act like that. i saw one of your generals. i won't mention his name. one of the top generals active. they said what do you do about isis? can we win? oh, i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. do you think general george patton would say i don't know? [ applause ]. >> do you think he would say that? the highest marks -- i'm a big person for academia. i believe in it. the highest marks, general mccarthy, can you imagine saying i don't know what to do about it. the good ones know. either they don't know or they are being so constrained by politics they have to say they don't know. we have bridges that are falling down. we have 60% of our bridges are in danger. 60%. we have roadways that are coming apart. we have airports that are third world. you go over to qatar, you go over to saudi a arab ya. some of these countries, china, you'll see airports the likes of which you have never, ever seen before. then you come back and you land at laguardia. it's true. potholes. you land at laguardia or newark or lax, and you walk into a filthy terminal that's falling apart with broken terrazo floors. when you want to take care of the vets. because i will build up the military so strong nobody is going to possess with us. nobody. nobody. now, with that being said, you have to know when to use it. you have to know when, right? so in 2004 and 2003, i said don't go into iraq iraq and iran are always fighting. they're equals. they go 10 feet this way, 10 feet this way. they use poison gas or saddam hussein. it's terrible. then they rest for a few years. weapons of mass destruction turned out to be false. but if they do they're going to use it on iran. that was iraq. but if you ruin one of those two powerful agents, the other will take over and it will be a disaster in the middle east. that was in reuters in 2004. big story. trump opposed to doing it. it is is like also, wait a minute, of all of these guys that blew up the world trade center, they sent their families back a day earlier to saudi arabia. but why are we going after iraq right now? the families went back to saudi arabia. they didn't go back to iraq. nobody knows. we know nothing. we know nothing. totally wiped out iraq. totally stabilized the middle east. gave people ideas that you can actually knock these things out. iran, as you sit here tonight, is taking over iraq, which by the way has one of the richest oil reserves in the world. it is unbelievable in iraq. underground. one of the biggest in the world. so they totally take over. and they're going to verien soon. all of these wounded warriors, all these lives, all this money. we get nothing. nothing. because we have stupid leadership. now, if you know anything about the soviet union, if you want the real truth, the soviet union broke up because they spent so much money in afghanistan. okay. they spent so much money a that they were going bust. that's the primary reason or certainly one of the primary reasons that the soviet union broke up. the afghanistan people, fighters. i have a friend a big war historian one of the best fighters, afghanistan. so now we have the soviet union wants to go to syria. and they want to knocked hell out of people. and we're fighting assad because assad is our enemy. we're fighting syria. put it together. they say, oh, that's not really nice. give me a break. so you have isis that wants to take on assad. we're fighting isis, but we want to fight assad. why not let those two fight for a little while and take over the remnants, right? i mean -- i guarantee you assad is sitting back saying that president is one of the dumbest human beings on earth. so you have isis that wants to fight assad is and isis can't because we're bombing them. we're not doing the job but we are certainly hurting them. so we're not going after assad. you have russia and iran. we gave them so much money. and they will have the nuclear, believe me. they have $150 billion. that's real money. with us, not the same. so now you have iran and russia on the side of assad. but russia does want isis out because they don't want them coming into russia. they don't want them crossing borders and coming into russia. you have the migration because syria is is such a disaster. and now i hear we want to take in 200,000 syrians, right? and they could be -- listen, they could be sighs euisis. i don't know. did you ever see a migration like that? there are so many men. there aren't that many women. and they are big, strong guys. why aren't they fighting to save syria? why are they migrating all over europe? serious. so now you have this guy, the secretary kerr. i think he will go down as a worst secretary of state than hillary clinton because of the deal. and she was terrible. but i think he will go down as worse because of this deal. now you have him saying we will take in maybe. the number i'm hearing is in conceivable. it started off with 10,000. the other day i heard 200,000. we're going to take in 200,000 or wherever they come from. we have no idea. there is no identification. there's no anything. and i'll tell you right now. and i'm putting everybody on notice. and hopefully this gets outside of this room. and i guess it will with all of these crazy cameras going on back there. i'm putting the people on notice that are coming here from syria a as part of this mass migration that if i win, if i win, they're going back. they're going back. i'm telling you. they're going back. because, you know, military tactics are very interesting. this could be one of the great tactical ploys of all time. a 200,000 man army maybe. or you said 50,000. or 80,000. or 100,000. we've got problems. and that could be possible. i don't know that it is is. but it could be possible. so they're going back. they're going back. so if they come, that's great. and if i lose, i guess they're staying. if i win, they're going back. a lot of people would say that's not nice. we can't afford to be nice. we're losing our shirts on everything we do. everything we do. so tonight i'm doing a show on cnn at 10:00. and the question was asked of me, why don't you give us policy, policy with respect. your attitudes on war in the middle east. why don't you tell us exactly what you're going to do in syria, what you're going to do in iraq. i said i don't want to tell you. it sounds terrible. i really know a lot about it. i think my biggest -- i think other than jobs. everybody says -- you know, cnn did a poll. i'm through the roof on jobs, leadership. almost everything, although people don't think i'm a nice person. i love people. i want to help people. thank you. you know. [ applause ]. actually, you know where i do my best favorables, new hampshire, iowa. i'm here so much. those are the places. so once i get out, i think people will find that. you know what, i just want to do the right thing. and i tell a story about a woman who said do you think you're nice enough? people are tired of being pushed around. they're tired of it. but i said to this person, nice person, don lemmon. i said an article long ago, a business article. and i beat some group -- i love winning. and i beat this group for something. i just beat them. and it turned out to be great. one of my opponents not in a bad way but a respectable way, trump is so damned hard. he is so unpredictable we don't know what to do. and i said i, i want to be unpredictable. so when they ask me, and so does patton, mcarthur and anybody who is smart. but i don't want to tell. i don't want them to say, oh, trump is going to do this and we'll do this. i want to be unpredictable. it's so important. so important. we have to do it. does everybody agree with me? >> [ applause ]. >> and maybe if you're unpredictable, the stupid people are going to say, oh, well, he doesn't know that much. hey, when obama said we're leaving iraq on a certain date. now, you understand these iraq soldiers that comprised isis. these were guys that formed isis. these are tough cookies. they didn't like us. they didn't want to fight for iraq because iraq is a corrupt government. i remember they were handing $50 million in cash, cash. they were going through afghanistan. i want to know who are the soldiers that are carrying cash of $50 million. cash. how stupid are we? i wouldn't be surprised if the cash didn't get there. i have to be honest. remember when obama was saying we will leave. we are leaving iraq as of a certain date. now, the opponent said, wow, that's great. what do we have to fight anymore? let's just wait a year and a half. that's what happened. and as soon as we left, they knocked the shut out of everybody. right? they just knocked the hell out of everybody. obama, this great president of ours, we will leave. remember he gave a certain date. a date certain we will be out. and these tough guys. these are tough fighters. especially when they have something they want to fight for. they didn't want to fight for a corrupt government. but he gave a certain date. so i want to be unpredictable. i would never have given a date. i might have said we will stay there for eternity. these other guys say, man, we give up. we just can't do that. honestly. we were doing fine. look, we shouldn't have been there. but we were doing okay toward the end. then we took everybody out. but instead, if you want to say, no, no we're going to be there forever. and i didn't want to go in. but i said, no, we're never leaving. we're never leaving. they would said have said, okay, this guy is is crazy. we want out of here. right? >> [ applause ]. >> so i love the people of new hampshire. i love you. i love the people of this country. and i didn't really want to do this. i did something. people actually thought i wouldn't run. they would say, what, why would he do this. the press is nasty. maybe not all of them. but horrible. it's hard. i do it because we have a chance to make this country graeter than it's ever been before. i really believe that. and if i didn't believe that, i wouldn't do it. i wouldn't do it. the one thing i will warn you about, i don't think we can go on like this much longer. i really don't. i think this election is so important, beyond important. because we cannot continue to go on like we're going on right now. we need a real leader. we want somebody that loves the country, truly loves the country, truly wants to make it work. [ applause ]. and i can promise you this. i can promise you this. if i get elected president, we will indeed make america great again. that i can tell you. that i can tell you. thank you. thank you, everybody. all campaign long, c-span takes you on the road to the white house. unfiltered access to the candidates at town hall meetings, news conferences, rallies, and speeches. we're taking your comments on twitter, facebook, and by phone. and always, every campaign event we cover is available on our website at after the federal election commission's third quarter deadline on wednesday, bloom berg reporting hillary clinton spent money nearly as fast as she raised it in the third quarter. while clinton spent $9 of every $10 that she raised in the latest quarter, she has built up a sizable war chest. the article continues to say clinton has more than $32 million cash on hand. much of that remaining from the total of $75 million the candidate has raised since entering the race in april. we'll have more from secretary clinton later today. she'll be addressing a crowd of grassroots organizers in davie, florida. coverage 2:30 p.m. eastern up on our companion network c-span. last month, a forum of foreign policy with the three major political party leaders in canada. conservative party leader stephen harper, thomas mokhair, and justin true dough debated the future of canada/u.s. relations, the keystone pipeline, syrian refugee crisis, and relations with russia. the leaders speak both french and english is is which is customary in canada. it runs 1:45. a note that due to technical issues, some portions of the event do not include english translation. >> russia's current leaders are not simply the political rulers of the nation. they are literally the country's owners. >> you don't know if your arguments will be totally destroyed. >> i'm not prepared to sacrifice the african continent for some eye dealing. >> you have to come back. you are rattled. shaken up. >> save the bleeding heart for someone else. it's time to change. >> i believe the 21st century will belong to china. because most centuries have begun with china. >> blaming barack obama for the state that the world is in right now is like blaming a caribbean >> you remain a third world dysfunctional country with a couple of crude devices. >> do it with your own sons and daughters, not with mine. >> it is my privilege to have the opportunity to host tonight's's historic proceedings. the first ever election debate devoted exclusively to foreign policy issues. [speaking foreign language] to the audience on chch television and across north america on sirius xm and c-span. a warm hello to our online audience. finally, hello to you. over 3,000 members of the munk debates that fill the hall to capacity for this. >> translator: let's start. ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to welcome mr. tom mulkair, new democratic leader of the democratic party of canada. [ applause ]. >> next up is mr. stephen harper, the leader of the conservative party of canada. [ applause ]. >> translator: welcome, mr. harper for the conservative party of canada. and finally, let me welcome mr. justin true dough, leader of the liberal party of canada. [ applause ]. >> well, gentlemen, we are glad to finally have the three of you here on stage. you've all agreed to the rules of this debate in advance. as a friendly reminder, the rules are leaders will respect each other's right to speak and not to be interrupted. . as the conflict in syria and northern iraq rages on. you have pledged as to pull forces out of the international coalition for fighting isis. the question is if the threat the islamic state represents doesn't justify a military response, when would an ndp government use military force? >> translator: you have 90 seconds to reply. let's go. >> we can help stop the flow of arms, help stop the flow of funds and help stop the flow of foreign fighters. there are more than 60 countries involved in coalition. it would remain a member with us. >> translator: it is important to remember we are in the same room where we had jack lleyton. and i will continue jack's work. and i will take the same quebec and canadian values, values of solidarity of sustainable economic development. we want to project into the world seem. we don't want a canada that pollutes and goes to war. it is a canada that respects values. >> this election is about change. there is no area canadians want change more. mr. harper has lost the respect of the white house. we have to make sure that we have a place on the world stage. we missed our turn on the security council. i'll defend your value, qaa a tphaeud yann values on the world stage. where mr. harper has failed, we'll get it done. >> let's bring mr. harper into the debate for a seven minute one on one on the topic of intervention. >> translator: mr. harper, what's your opinion on the subject? >> our response to this crisis in the region is a generous and balanced response. our response to the refugees are humanitarian aide. >> we are giving generous but responsible refugee policy. we are bringing additional  we're also participating in an effort against isis. why are we doing that? not simply because isis threatens to slaughter literally hundreds of thousands. but this is an organization that it wants to use, parts of syria in iraq as an international base for terrorist operations, not just in the region but also in this country. that's why we are there with our allies. there is broad international support which is necessary not only for the region but our own security interests. >> this is important to remember this is not a nato mission or united nations mission. in order to get back to your original question, when it was a question of going into libya under the united nations, they voted for air strikes because it was a u.n. mission. when it started to market completely different, we withdrew our support. we understand there will be teams under the nato charter or international obligations to use force. we won't shy away from that. but the real question here is the only thing we can do. mr. harper always takes the same approach. when your only tool is a hammer, all problems resemble nails. but this is a complex situation. it has deep roots and many years of divisive conflict in the region. and there is one area where canada is completely failing. and that is in dealing with the refugee crisis. my own family, the irish side at least came during the potato famines of the 1840s. in quebec city, people went to the docks and took in the most miserable in the world. that's canada. that's who we are. the jews who were expelled from spain were taken in the muslim countries that are today turkey. that is the opening world we can always aspire to. 2 million refugees in turkey. we're not doing enough to help. there are requests the from the united nations to take in 10,000 by christmas. mr. harper has not even gotten close to that. they want 46,000 between now examine 2019. the ndb deposit will get it done. >> if i can correct a couple of facts here. first of all, none of our nato allies, not all are involved in the coalition. they are all supportive of our mission against the islamic state, the united nations is not opposed. this is is having at the invitation of the government of iraq under criminal law. in terms of refugees, canada's response has been generous and responsible. we have had admitted so far 15% of all the world refugees in the region. even before it was in the headlines, i announced our intention to accept additional refugees. i have since announced a number of changes to our system to expedite that number. we are doing so well at the same time making sure we choose the refugees, choose those who are general wine refugees, and also maintain all standards of security and other screening. this is a generous and responsible approach. >> i want to step in to refocus the discussion. we will have ample opportunity to talk about the refugee crisis later in the debate phrfplt mulcair follow up on where you would intervene and why. what criteria are you looking for? >> we do talk, believe it or not. the prime minister spoke with me. i agree that's the thing canada could do. with regard to isis, there are things that we can be doing. canada is one of the only countries in the world. it is the only nato country not to have signed the arms trade treaty. now, we find ourselves in some particularly curious company here with countries like saudi arabia, iran, north korea, belarus. and those are not the types of countries we normally identify with. but there are countries like canada that refused to sign the treaty. we can get a lot more serious as the united nation's security council has asked in successive resolutions in 2170, 2199. both speak to stopping the flow of money. we can be involved in that. on the flow of foreign fighters, never forget that in mr. harper's failed bill c-51, there was nothing on deradicalization here at home. the ndp has a clear plan to bring in 2,500 more police officers across the country. we know that we have to work with faith groups of all descriptions. but mr. harper always has one group in mind and tends to finger point and object phi one particular group. he doesn't talk about houses of worship. he specifically refers to mosques. muslims across canada know how to interpret that for exactly what it is. >> let's be clear. the government of canada is pursuing all levels of response of this particular problem. not just refugees and humanitarian aid. anti-radicalization efforts in canada in terms of financing terrorist organizations. the world bank, g20 working on all of those issues. none of that explains why the other parties think we should not take direct military action with key allies against the islamic state. this is a group would slaughter literally millions of people in its way but has an intention, stated intention to launch terrorist attacks around the world, including against this country. as indicated, it has the capacity to engineer and inspire such attacks. we see that all around the world. there's no -- we have a very clear reason for being there supported widely by our allies in the international community. why we would abandon this mission is a question that goes begging. we have to do all of these things. humanitarian support is. also take on isis directly in the region. so we keep pressure on the organization so it cannot be using that as a base for terrorist organizations. stkphrt mr. true tkoerbgs thank you very much. >> first of all, there's the engagement in the middle east. we know it is going to be long term. >> what we have here is is three different perspectives on what we need to actually do. mr. mulcair said he doesn't think we should be in the fight at all. mr. harper hasn't seen a fight in the middle east and hasn't wanted the canadian troops start anything 2003 with george bush's iraq war. the liberal party, a we have in the past, knows canada has an important role to play on the world stage and should be a strong partner in this coalition. we disagree with mr. harper. the best way to do it in terms of dropping bombs. we believe the candidate, as we did successfully in afghanistan many years and many places around the globe, should be training up the local forces so they can defeat isis on the ground. because we know that sending in western troops isn't always the best policy outcome. and indeed often makes things worse. we need to ensure that we are prepping local people to bring the fight to isis. canada has a strong and real capacity to do that. and that actually ties to something president obama was talking about today, which is a call to once again reengage and revitalize the united nations peacekeeping. the fact that canada has nothing to contribute to that conversation today is disappointing. this is something that a canadian prime minister has started. right now there is a need to revitalize and refocus and support -- >> operations across the country. around the world. >> i would like to bring mr. mulcair back. >> after the tragic death on the front lines made us realize, this is not just a training mission. they have been painting for targets for our air strikes. we know that. they have been involved in live fire on the front line. we know that. the ndp has taken a clear position since day one. we have said we should not be involved in the combat mission. we have said that there are several things that canada can and should be doing. there are more than 60 countries involved in this effort. only 12 of them are involved in the combat mission. that's why we think we should be stopping the flow of arms, stopping the flow of funds, stopping the flow of foreign fighters. no. we don't think our proper place is in that combat mission. >> canada is still involved in peacekeeping. there is not a peacekeeping mission to be had right now in iraq and syria. we are not just involved in an aerial campaign. we are involved in fact, in training troops. we are working with peshmerga fighters, who have been protecting themselves and other minorities against the onslaught of isis. i visited there. they are extremely proud of the work we are doing. in much of iraq and syria, there is no fact no ground resistance to isis. the only way to hold them back, keep them in their positions and keep them from being able to sit back and plan attacks against us is to keep the military pressure on them. that's why president obama and other allies are involved in an aerial campaign. >> the challenge canada faces any time we engage in the world is to support our national interests in a constructive and positive way. there's no question it is absolutely in our national interest to help defeat isis to help our international partners on that. how canada can best help is by doing more of the kind of training of infantry troops on the ground that we helped capacities do in afghanistan and in other places. that is something that canada has an advantage and an ability to do on top of the necessary humanitarian and much morefugee support i know we will talk about later. canada is focused on the things we can do differently and often better than anyone else is what we have to get back to. that's why this opportunity to reengage with the 128,000 peacekeepers active around the world in 39 different locations is something that quite frankly that the president be asking, the president of the u.s., our closest friend and neighbor, is asking for countries to get involved in something that was at its origin a canadian initiative and that we not be engaged in a constructive way on saying, yes, let's renew peacekeeping. >> mr. true dough, since mr. mulcair had the first word, we will give him the last. >> president putin's statement is a cause for concern for all of us. our strong desire for peace. mr. harper just talked about peacekeeping. the last last time the liberals in power we went from number one in peacekeeping in the world to number 32. under mr. harper we're now at number 68. we know canadians want us to do a lot better and we will. >> gentlemen, we want to move on to the refugee crisis. needless to say, canadians have been deeply moved by the crisis, the toll it's having on women, children, and families. mr. harper, can you please explain to canadians how your latest change in policy reflects an adequate response given the enormity of this crisis? >> translator: let's proceed. you have 90 seconds to respond. thank you very much. i explained already that we have a very generous and balanced plan for refugees is and we are continuing with our military mission against, so to speak, the islamic state. >> we're accepting an additional 10,000 refugees on top of additional numbers that are coming and on top of the fact that we have already resettled 15% of the refugees in the international community. we've since announced our intention, and i've implemented changes to expedite the process so we can move those numbers in much more quickly. we're doing so in a way to make sure we pick the most vulnerable groups, genuine refugees, and that we maintain security screening. this is a responsible approach, certainly in line with what most other countries are doing. in addition to that, we've also announced the establishment of additional funds for humanitarian assistance. canada is one of the largest provider in absolute dollars of hue mmanitarian assistance. we've announced an additional fund, i know canadians have a desire to respond generously. we will match contributions. regardless, the vast number of people will remain in the region and will need our help for the foreseeable future. >> translator: one must understand the degree of crisis. there are 60 million displaced people, refugees, and as a country we must, having always welcomed people like that, and having seen that our economy is benefitted from it, we must welcome them, and we must know that in the next decades there will be more refugees because of climate changes and other issues. and we must take a spot of leadership and take multilateralism and show how all of the planet can react to the issue of refugees. for example, we have a commitment at three levels. first of all, here in canada, we must welcome these people. we propose 25,000 syrians six months ago, and we continue to say that that should be done at the beginning. for years already i've seen mr. harper saying in the house of commons, saying yes, we're going to do something, and we don't. second, we must work with the international community, with the countries around lebanon, be it iraq, to help the refugees, and also to help them in europe, with this wave of immigrants. we also must work with the countries of origin. we must stop the war. during the last decade, canada received a quarter million of refugees. the biggest settlement program in the planet. according to the numbers, there are 15 million displaced people in the world, maybe even more in the greater region. of course that is the reason for which we must have a balanced way of accepting of refugees. there are many that remain there. there is also military action against the islamic state that are determined to create more refugees and the murder of millions of people, literally. people are unanimous in the country. we must do more. canada always benefitted from being an open country and from being people in a crisis situation, be it the hungarians who were fleeing behind the soviet situation, be it the islamites who were fleeing to come to canada. we welcomed tends of thousands of people. mr. harper wants to talk about our security. our security was always our concern, even in situations that were extreme, and even with less resources than what we have now. so this idea that we must do more, people are saying that, the prime minister, the premieres are saying it all over the country. and this government does not want to do more. and really, when we look like people that say that we can accept 50,000 before christmas, we must understand that canada must be, again, the country we were before. we already announced -- it started already. >> canadians expect us to act in a way that is generous and responsible. some european countries just started letting everyone in, now they're trying to reverse those policies. i've asked officials what can we do to speed up the process, what kind of numbers we can get in and how quickly, while maintaining our security and not literally spending tens of millions of additional dollars. we're not chasing headlines. we're proceeding on a program that is by all standards generous. we've said 10,000 more. the united states has said 10,000 more. they're a country that is ten times larger than us. it's the responsibility of the government of canada, not to chase headlines, it's to make sure we act in a way we can actually fulfill. >> mr. harper, we stand here tonight just a five blocks from ireland park. ireland park was where in 1847, 38,000 irish men, women, and children fleeing the famine arrived on the shore of toronto. there were 20,000 citizens of toronto at that time. and they accepted 38,000 refugees who proceeded to build and contribute to this country, to this city, and to who we are today. canada has always done more. it's not about politics. it's about being the country that we have always been. >> translator: and it is at that level that not only your failing as canadians but also the entire world is looking at us to look at us, and what is going on with canada, you were a country that were a welcoming people, and the diversity that you are bringing, people that want to build a better future for their communities and for their children, we are giving them that opportunity. and now, mr. harper is saying, security where we have to do the minimum he was in no, it is not that. because mr. harper is talking about resisting tyrants and dictators. you know what we do with tyrants and dictators. the families who are escaping the local violence, what do they do? what will they do? what you are doing is removing their health benefit, mr. harper. this is what you are doing. palau [ applause ] >> translator: we have admitted -- >> on top of that an additional 10,000 that we sped up the process on. we're not living in a different era here. we're living in an era where people are fleeing a devastating war zone. we obviously must have security screening. on the policy of health support for refugees, let's be very clear. we have health support for our refugees and immigrants. where we stop those benefits is where we have cases of refugee claims that have been turned down because they're bogus. >> that's not true, mr. harper. you know that's not true. >> it's a responsible thing to do. >> translator: the time has passed. mr. mulcair? >> it's important for canadians to remember when we've gotten it wrong in the past and when we have to learn from our experiences. in vancouver, a lot of those people were killed. they weren't allowed in canada. more recently, a boat arrived in bc. one of our ministers said they were terrorists. >> translato [ speaking french ]

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Transcripts For CSPAN3 Politics And Public Policy Today 20151002 :

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Politics And Public Policy Today 20151002

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beginning to be better and better known. >> when my folks first purchased the ranch in the late '50s, they didn't know it at the time, but it was -- they saw quite a change in the ag industry happening just in our little valley here. it hasn't always been the quote unquote wine country. we have a wonderful storied agriculture history here in the valley and in sonoma valley. >> we visit the jack london state historic park, home to london, author of "the call of the wild" and "white fang." >> we're on jack london's beauty ranch, known as the ranch of good intentions. this is where jack london lived until his death in 1916. jack london probably would have been writing long hand when people came upon him in his office. he was very productive here. in fact, two-thirds of his writing was published after he moved here. books like "white fang" was p h published a year after he bought his ranch property. "valley of the moon" was published while he was living here. he claimed that he worked two hours a day writing, because he would write 1,000 words a day before breakfast. i think a lot of his time was spent because he was trying to build the beauty ranch, the ranch of good intentions, so that it could be a model. that took a lot of his time. >> see all of our programs from santa rosa saturday at noon eastern on c-span2's book tv and sunday afternoon at 2:00 on american history tv on c-span3. now more road to the white house coverage. donald trump holds a campaign rally earlier this week. he talked about his tax plan. and the refugee situation in syria. it's about an hour. this contains language some may find offensive. ♪ you're the best >> thank you. what a crowd. they still have lines of people outside, and they filled up the second auditorium already. it's amazing. they have closed circuit. but i will go and see the closed circuit folks, i will see them right after i'm finished. should i do that? i think so. we will definitely. a poll just came out. u usas suffolk, which is highly respected, and we are doing great. we're up by ten points over everybody else. it's just incredible. i think we might be better than that. but who knows? right? even if we win by one point that's okay. not so bad. let's win by a lot. we're way up. another one, morning consult, we're at 36. ben is at 12. carly is at 10. marco is at nine. ted cruz is at seven. that's pretty good, right? we're 36 to 12. reuters is 31-14 to eight for jeb. jeb got in there. good. and mike huckabee is at seven. we're doing great there. the funny one -- i say this, but it got finalized. i felt i did good in the debate even though i was being asked too many questions. right? the fun yiny thing is -- somebo said, 47% were either to me or about me. in other words, they ask somebody like one of the other candidates, donald trump is not a good person, what do you think? i'm standing there like this. and then in the final 45 minutes, they couldn't ask me any questions, because they asked me so many. it was embarrassing. i even apologized and i'm not the one not doing it. they said, donald trump decided to take off in the last part -- i'm saying -- they made it from two hours to three hours, which is ridiculous. but they say, donald trump took off. they didn't ask me any questions. i don't want to be rude. i don't want to interrupt other people, especially since i've done -- the polls came out on the debate. 680,000 votes, drudge -- he is an amazing guy. it's donald trump, 51%. he won. carly at 23%, who did a good job, by the way. ma marco and ted cruz. the time magazine poll -- i have no influence over "time" even though i was on the cover last week. right? "time" magazine has trump winning 55% for trump, 20% for carly, 7% for marco rubio. i'm saying to myself, i'm watching the shows and they say trump was okay, not great, maybe had an off night. i don't understand. i thought i did fine. they were just trying to beat me up. but i thought we did good. i think we're doing well. the most important poll, like the usa suffolk that came out a couple hours ago, that's fantastic. i want to thank everybody in the room and the other rooms that are filled up who we will see in a little while. [ applause ] new hampshire, i tell you what, it's an amazing place. it's a great, great state. it's a great state. a friend of mine from new york said, what do peopare people fr hampshire linke? they're an amazing people. they love the country. they love to work. like me, i love the country. i love to work. [ applause ] we're all in the same boat. we're going to straighten it out. we're going to make america great again. that i can tell you. we're going to make it great again. you know, a thing came out -- i was going to save it for later. we made that horrible iran deal. i just wrote this down. i was watching one of the networks, and they said, we should have had the prisoners released as part of the deal. in fact, we should have made a deal knocking the hell out of isis and syria. there are a hundred things we should have gotten. we're giving them $150 billion. we got nothing. except defeat, because we don't win anymore as a country. it's embarrassing. i actually tweeted this before. do you believe this? iran wants to trade our three prisoners -- by the way, we have four. they are talking about three. the fourth they're not even talking about. so they want to trade our three prisoners for 19 prisoners held by the united states and many other things. i mean, how stupid are we? how stupid are we? it's just going to change. it's going to change. it's just going to change. so embarrassing. bergdahl, we get bergdahl, they get five killers that they wanted so badly. you remember bergdahl. he left. he left. he deserted. and we had five and probably six people killed going after him. and the other day i read for the first time, well, he wasn't feeling well, he may not be psychologically -- who the hell cares? [ applause ] they think he might get off with nothing. six people died. six people. he was a deserter. in the old days when we were strong, what did we do with deserters? that's right. there was no deserting. you deserted, had yyou had prob. let him off. he's a nice person. i don't think so. so a lot of the press has been nice to us in the last few days because we gave a very detailed tax substantially reduced taxes. very substantial. i'm going to go over it. but we're going to create a lot of jobs. we're taking jobs back from china and these other countries that have been ripping us. mexico, china, japan. we're going to be taking them back. you know, they were so happy in a certain way they said, well, we want policy. so i gave policy on immigration. and they were sort of happy with that. they didn't necessarily agree with everything. a lot of people don't agree, build a wall. they say, you can't build a wall. it's too expensive. our trade deficit with mexico is $45 billion a year. don't forget, i said mexico. i love mexico. i love the mexican people. i have thousands and thousands of mexican people that have worked with me over the years. thousands. i have a great relationship. but their leaders are too smart for our leaders, too cunning, too sharp. they're ripping us. we have a deficit. nabisco is moving -- what's more united states than nabisco? they're moving to mexico from chicago. they're going to make oreos in mexico. think of it. then we have ford motor company, $2.5 billion plant. you heard the story. i'm not going to tell you. if i do, they will kill me. i have all these live television sets. every other candidate can go and make a speech, every other candidate, and they make the same speech for months. but they have 100 people -- jeb bush is down the road. they are expecting 125 people tonight. it's true. i'm going to tell you -- because we have been getting amazing crowds. we had 20,000 people on friday in oklahoma. 20,000 people. [ applause ] in oklahoma, a great place, that was an amazing event, we had 20,000 people. we filled up a stadium where the mavericks play. mark cuban, good guy. he has the mavericks. it's called american airlines center. that's in dallas. 20,000 people showed up. some were so far up, i said, can you see me? and we had three days to do it, because when we got it -- when they said, you know, you could have that arena if you want it, i said, when? monday night. this was like thursday. i said, how can we fill it up? the first day they did 12,000 people. then we went to mobile, alabama, just before that. we had 35,000 people. it has been amazing. tonight -- i want accurate counts, because these people, they don't count heads. they will say, yeah, the place was okay. the press, they are so -- by the way, pan out on these people, please. cnn and all of you live cameras, pan out. [ applause ] because you know what they do? they have the camera -- live television on my face the entire amount. my wife goes -- i go home, were there any people there tonight? they don't see. they never show the crowds. they never show -- they don't want to. they don't want to. this room we have another room just as big. cnn and all the people. it's so important. the fire marshal, the only reason -- we have a lot of people can't get in. 3,564, that's what we have, exactly. [ applause ] we love the fire marshals, but the fire marshal actually right over here, the fire marshal said you can't have them in the aisles. it's a one story building. if there's a problem -- i will be the first one out the door. they don't want it to happen. we have 3,564 people. we have closed circuit. it's amazing. it's always like this, by the way. it's always like this. we did have one event so beautiful in south carolina. i was called by a friend of mine who is african-american, a great guy. the south carolina african-american chamber of commerce. he wrote the most beautiful letter. i said i was going to read it to you. he put it in one of the papers. it was in one of the papers today. there was a last minute thing that said, would you speak? i liked it. i went and actually they didn't come from the back. they just formed in the front. it was beautiful. and they said it was the biggest crowd, best crowd they have had. it was a beautiful day. it was a lunch. and it was wonderful. and the cameras -- because they were up front, the cameras showed chairs in the back that were empty. trump has lost it. is trump losing? i just walked in and did them a favor. these people were so angry at the way they were -- african-american people that do such a great job and you have to see the letter. anybody wants it, we have them. it was such a beautiful letter. so unfair the way they were treated and the event was treated. that's why when i go to things like this i like to have the press see what's going on. there is a movement going on -- this is more than oh, gee, people show up. when bush has 125 people and when rubio comes in and you have 12 people -- it's true. and when all of the other ones -- i don't want to say about everybody because some of them i really like. but nobody has crowds like us. nobody. including bernie who does pretty well. [ applause ] nobody. the fact is, something is happening. something incredible is happening. so what's gone on is we put in policy on immigration. that's build a wall. people have to come into the country legally. have to do it. have to do it. have to do it. [ applause ] or we don't have a country. the anchor babies we're going to have do something there. by the way, when first brought that up -- people come in. they're in the other side -- they're on the other side of the border. they have a baby. they walk across the border. nobody stops anybody. it's like we're open territory. the woman has a baby on our land in the united states. now we have to take care of that baby for 85 years. that baby becomes a citizen. and i said, it can't be. everybody said, oh, no, that baby is a citizen, born in the united states, born on our land. turned out i'm right. because they're not coming in legally. if you read the language, other than some television scholars that said, no, no, the baby is ours, we have to take care of the baby forever, people are coming from china, they are coming from all over asia, they are coming from latin america, south america, they are coming from mexico, they walk across the border, it's ours. doesn't read that way. and i didn't think -- they said, you have to go through a whole big thing. every state has to go to referendums. it's the 14th amendment. so many different things. right? but it's not working that way. it's wrong. and i turned out to be right. because the real scholars said, he is right. maybe it's -- no, no. how can it be wrong? so this is something that's come up. we have to get rid of these sanctuary cities. it's disgraceful. it's disgraceful. [ applause ] because i've had so many friends that i've made. first of all, kate -- magnificent kate shot in the back and killed in san francisco. sang a sanctuary city. i just feel -- i feel when i hear san francisco -- i always felt so good. now you learn about sanctuary cities. the state of florida had sanctuary cities while jeb bush was governor. nobody said anything. you know, i've gotten very, very friendly with a lot of the people, because i've become -- it has become an important issue with me. it's far worse than anybody in this room understands. far worse. far worse. tremendous people come in. but you have some terrible, terrible problem. the other week, as you saw, a lot of press, a woman -- 66-year-old veteran, raped, sodomized and killed by an illegal immigrant. just came in, killed her. 66-year-old veteran, killed her. and that's happening all over. we're going to stop it. we're going to stop t. we're it. we're going to have a wall. [ applause ] and i'm really good at walls. believe me. i build. what i do better -- that's why with the infrastructure of the country, it's falling apart. we don't know where we're spending money. i was going to bring up today -- they have a list of some of the dumb things that the country does. one of them was a washer. you know what a washer is? that's where the screw, you have a washer, you get extra grip. it was a two cent washer. by the time it went from -- i think it was south carolina to texas, it was a -- it cost $988,000 to have it delivered over a long period of time. there's so many things like that. there are so many things. there are item and item -- hammers that you buy for $7, $8, selling for thousands that we bias a country for thousands of dollars. some people are getting really rich. who are these people that are making these deals? we want a part of these companies. i want a piece of it. where they are selling things that sell in a store for pennies, they are selling them for thousands of dollars. there's so much fat, so much fat. and i get a lot of credit for coming out with immigration. some people don't agree. they think it's harsh. some people think it's great. you know, dwight eisenhower was a wonderful general and a respected president. and he moved a million people out of the country. nobody said anything about it. when trump does it, it's like oh. eisenhower, he was allowed to do it. we can't do it. that was also in the '50s. remember that. different time. that's when we had a country. that's when we had a country. [ applause ] that's when we had borders. you know, without borders, you don't have a country, essentially. we don't have a country. without borders, you just don't have it. dwight eisenhower -- they used to take them out and put them on the other side of the border. you have to stay here. they would come back. they do it again and again. then they said, this doesn't work. they took them out and moved all the way south, all the way. and they never came back again. it was too far. amazing. i'm not saying this in a joking way. i'm saying this is what happened. it wasn't working. they were coming right back. and then they literally -- literally moved them all the way. i have to tell you, a lot of the politician -- they never came back because it's too far. they would put them on boats and all way down south. that was it. but then a lot of things happened. a lot of changes took place. now we have become so politically correct as a country that we can't even walk, we can't think properly, we can't do anything. every time you say something, that was not politically correct. it wasn't politically correct. nobody respects women more than i do. and i -- that's true. and i will do more -- thank you. it's true. my mother was the greatest person there was. nobody respects women more than i do. and two weeks ago i was making a speech i said i respect women, i cherish women. hillary said we don't want to be cherished, we want to be respected. i said, i said that. i think you want to be cherished too. it's better than respect. it's everything. you want to be respected, loved, cherished. you want to be everything. i think -- am i right women or wrong? and nobody cares more than i do. and i will tell you, women's health issues where jeb bush recently said that he is not going to fund them, then he said he misspoke. the word is misspoke. he misspoke. can't misspeak. beer we're going to take care of our vets. we're going to really take care of people. because i know how to do it. we're going to bring jobs back into the country. we're going to become a rich country again. we're a poor country. we're a poor country. we're a debtor nation. we are now 19 trillion. for a few months i said $18 trillion. now it's 19. think about it. they take our jocks. they take our base. they take our money. and we owe them $1.5 trillion. how does that happen? we owe japan the exact same amount. we owe them. they send millions of cars here. we pay for the cars. no tax, no nothing. try doing business in gentleman a pan. how many chevrolets do you think you will find in the middle of tokyo? there might be none. we sell them beef, and they don't want it. beef. and they don't want it. they send it back. the farmers don't want it. so we owe japan $1.5 trillion. think of it. they sell us all these cars. it's going to stop. it's so easy. we have to balance out. i went to my people this week. and i said i want to know something. i want to know how much do we, in terms of balance of trade, how much are we behind the eight ball, the u.s. trade deficit with china, japan and mexico? china, it's almost $400 billion a year. 400 billion! japan is is almost $70 billion a year. and mexico, $45 billion. they say, oh, you can't get mexico to pay for the wall. believe me, i will build bigger, stronger, better for half the price. much less than half the price. no, much less than half that price. because i know how to build. i watch it myself. it's going to be so beautiful. it's going to work so well. it's going to work so well. did you see the picture of the big magazine this weekend? i knew the magazine because i was on the cover. but they have a wall probably eight or nine feet. and they have a ramp going up and another ramp going down. they have cars and trucks going over taking drugs. so here's the deal. we get the drugs, they get the money. these drugs go right over the wall. you can't do that when the wall is higher than the ceiling. or it's a long way down when they miss that ramp, i'll tell you. it's a long way. i don't blame you. if people can get away with this stuff, let them get away with it. we will make your country so strong and so beautiful. so then i put in something on policy with regard to the second amendment. i'm a big second amendment person. [ applause ]. this is something we all care a lot about. we're going to take care of our vets. i will put in a policy paper on the veterans and the veteran administration. and i know what to do. we spent so much money. we have thieves, tremendous corruption. a few weeks ago on wednesday we had the longest wait in the history of the veteran's administration. they waited days to see a doctor. they're dying. you saw that. you saw the reports. hard to believe. so many people are dying while they're waiting. they're dying. things that can be taken care of with a pill, with a couple of visits. with maybe one visit. and they're dying. it's not going to happen anymore. it's not going to happen anymore. [ applause ]. so that's what i really look forward to. and that one is going to be -- i'll tell you just briefly, and it's common sense. when they are waiting too long, they will go to a private doctor, public hospital, private hospital, whatever the hell is in the city. we will pay the bill and we are going to take care of these people. we're going to take care of them. so -- and it's so important to me. because some of the greatest people. we call it a trail. can you believe i'm a politician? i'm so embarrassed. people say, you're a politician. i say i hope not. i guess in a way i am for a little while. hopefully it works out and it will be wonderful and you will be very happy. go ahead. >> [ applause ]. you know, it's funny. a few weeks ago i got a great story. they said he's a great speaker. wonderful public speaker. but he has one problem. he speaks through the applause. i realize they're right. people applause, i start speak. they immediately shuttup. you know why? i'm so excited to tell you. there's so many things we have to do. there's not enough time to wait for the applause. it's true. i speak through the applause. i think i'll keep doing it because it's exciting to me. the guy is is is is right. although i don't know. who knows. we came up with a really great tax a plan that has been really praised, in some cases not. they said it's too big. got to put our country back together. we have the highest taxes in the entire world. highest in the world. our corporations are leaving our country because the taxes are too high. i did a very sophisticated, very beautifully detailed policy paper. now a lot of the press would say prior to that especially and the second amendment and frankly immigration. they say, oh, he talks well but he doesn't talk -- i went to great schools. i'm like a smart person. oh, he doesn't talk details. so all of a sudden i'm speaking details and even if they don't like the details they appreciated that i gave them the details. i will tell you the tax plan is i think really something we're proud of. and i'm going to go over just quickly. because most of you have heard it. but it's going to help in a lot of ways. number one, it will help the jobs. it will put people to work. we're taking jobs back. we're going to have companies now come back into our country. we'll have a lower tax rate than china. a lower tax rate than many of these countries. you know what corporate inversion is is? it is a disaster. companies have billions, trillions, at least two and a half trillion total outside the country. even agrees the money should be allowed to come back in. republicans, democrats. this has been going on for years. they agree but they can't come to a conclusion. i'll tell you it's a bigger number than that. if it is, my plan is even better. but i'm letting it come in for a very reasonable price. right now the tax is is so high. if anybody was running one of those, they can't get it in. smart. they have the greatest lawyers. can't get the money. so i'm going to simplify it. i want the money to come in so these companies, number one, don't go. you know what they do, a lot of them leave, you know this, in order to get the money. they actually move their company to ireland, to other places in europe, to other places in the world in order to get the money. and you have some big, incredible companies, big name companies that are now thinking of leaving the united states to get the money and to get lower taxes. and there's really no way you can stop that. you can't say it's illegal because they will find a way around it. the only way that stops it is the marketplace. the marketplace is going to stop it. so we're going to take care of that. so we have. and i titled it tax reform that will make america great again. today they said it is is very reaganesque. i consider that a great compliment. one of the writers said that. [ applause ]. >> thank you. and i start off too few americans are working, too many jobs are being shipped overseas and too many middle income families cannot make ends meet. we all know it. if it's not you, you know people where that's the case. my plan directly meets these challenges and the challenges also of business. we're going to make our businesses strong again. we're going to make them competitive again. [ applause ]. and by the way, nothing to do with this, but we're going to get rid of the regulations that are mounting up on a daily basis. it's ridiculous. regulations are going to go the way side. there will be some, but they will be meaningful. they won't be the nonsense that every single day has happened. every single day. the plan will provide major tax relief for middle income and most other americans, major tax relief. it will totally simplify the tax code. we will grow the american economy and all of this will add up to a point where we're not going to be increasing our debt. if anything, if it really kicks in like i think it might when the economy grows, we will reduce our debt and reduce it big league, which i want to do. and, again, i know the people i'm running against. and i know democrats, republicans. they can't do this, folks. i'm really good at it. who is better at debt than i am? who's better? is there anybody? i have had borrowing so big. and i worked out perfectly to companies bigger, better, stronger than ever before. you need somebody with whatever the hell that craziness is up there. you need that. you need that. you can't just be a politician, all talk, no action. they talk. they wouldn't know what to do with china. carl icahn, great entrepreneur, he came out yesterday and said trump is is the only one he's talk building. and he's great. and i'll get involved. i'll say, carl, you handle china. and i'll walk away. we'll do very well. we'll come out great. we're not going to have a $400 billion deficit. that will go away very rapidly. and we'll get along. china doesn't even like us. you know these countries rip us off. they don't even like us. i'll stop the ripoff and they will like us. hard to believe, but that's what's going to happen. so in the plan we're going to cut the individual rates. and this is very important. number one, we're cutting down from seven brackets to four. and the rates are going from 25, 20, 10, and to zero. when somebody is is not making enough to live, what's the purpose of them doing lengthy returns, going to get help from h&r block, who we intend to put it of business because it's so ridiculous. so ridiculous. in order to pay us -- these people need help. they're not doing well. so what's the purpose? plus, the bookkeeping. it will be a tremendous percentage. and some is are not paying now anyway. but they have to go through this process. it's brutal. so we're going to simplify. but think of it. 25%, 20%, and 10%. and that's a major reduction. some people say it's too big a reduction. some of the big geniuses that did not created one job is, not a dollar. i think it's too much. the only dollars they get is from their mouth. then if you're single and earn less than $25,000 or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not pay any income tax. okay. you won't. that's the way it is. what's the purpose? what is the purpose? we eliminate the marriage penalty, which is a killer for so many people. a killer. what's the purpose of that? by the way, everyone agrees and they can't get it done. we eliminate the amt, which is the alternative minimum tax. we eliminate it. we end the death tax. it's a double taxation. it is a double taxation. i mean, a lot of you, as an example in new hampshire, you have a store, you have a little building. you leave it to your kids. the kids get a tax bill. they have to pay 35% and even 50% in estate taxes. now they mortgage up the business. the bank ends up taking it over because they have to pay the estate taxes. and you've been paying taxes all the while. it's double taxation, and it has to end. so many businesses have been destroyed by the death tax or the estate tax, as people like to call it. so many businesses. >> [ applause ]. >> so that's very important. our plan reduces and/or totally eliminates most of the deductions available to special interests, who by the way, are supporting bush and rubio and most of them and hillary. big league hillary. big league bush. bush is going to spend $100 million. that money comes from friends of mine. they're friends. some are enemies. some i don't like. actually, many of them i don't like. but when you see an ad from rubio or bush or hillary, remember that money is is coming from special interests and lobbyists. and when they want something done in a year from now, two years from now if they ever get in, you say wouldn't that be sad if trump doesn't make it? wouldn't it be a terrible thing? but when that money gets spent on millions, 25 million -- jeb today put in an order today. 25 million for ads. what do you do when you're weak in immigration, how do you solve that with ads? i don't think you do it. rubio is is very weak on immigration. member of the gang of eight. how do you solve a problem when you say people can just pour in. made a speech not long ago saying he wants to open up the borders, essentially. he didn't want you people hearing it because he made the speech in spanish. it's true. he's weak on illegal immigration. i'm mott sure, i may be wrong, but whether you're rubio or bush -- i have to tell you one story. do you mind? so bush is the mentor of rubio. and everybody said this is politics at its lowest and worst. i can't stand these politicians, right? so bush is the mentor. and he goes out and he says, yes. and he pushed. and everybody said rubio will never run because it would be disrespectful to his mentor. that's loyalty. that's nice. that's sort of nice, right? you know, you're loyal. i believe in that. so everybody said rubio will never run. the great genius pundits on fox, cnn, ms. they are all there. he runs. very disloyal. it was very disloyal. he runs. and they ask bush what do you think of rubio? rubio comes out. he's talking about bush. what do you think of rubio? >> he's my dear friend. he's so wonderful. i love him so much. then they ask is rubio. you're running against bush. the veterans know what i mean about loyalty, right? right? so they ask rubio, what do you think of bush? oh, he's my dear friend. wonderful. they hate each other. they hate. trust me, i know. they hate so much. they hate more than anybody in this room hates their neighbor. but it is political bullshut. do you understand? it's true. it's true. [ applause ]. so let's go. so reduce or elimination most of the deductions, loopholes available to special interests and the very rich. me. i don't like that. maybe i'll change my mind on that one. it's going to cost me a lot. while preserving charitable giving, which is important. and giving mortgage interest deductions. we want to leave the mortgage interest. you've got to have it. a lot of people were worried about real estate. try taking the mortgage interest deduction out. you'll see what's going to happen to real estate. you want to see a crash, try that one. so we end the current tax treatment of carried interest. it is a little complicated stuff. but the business folks know what that means. speculative partnerships that do not grow businesses or create jobs and are not risking their own capital. that's what happens. they get this big thing. they're not risking their own capital. some people said it's not so big. it is a big number. it's a big number up here. big number psychologically. so we have to do it. a lot of hedge fund guys are not happy with me right now. they didn't give me anything. they want to. it's amazing how many guys say i love you very much. i'd like to make a contribution. i don't want it. am i making a mistake? it's not natural to me. i'm turning down a lot of money. i hope it's appreciated some day. >> [ applause ]. >> no, honestly. because if i turn down tens of millions of dollars and i lose, i will feel so stupid. it didn't matter. so i hope it is appreciated. no business of any size from a fortune 500 company to a mom and pop shop. how many people own a shop? raise your hand. great business, right? okay. well, you're in the same category now because the taxes are too high. is that right? so no business of any size from a fortune 500 company to a mom and top shop to a freelancer. you have a lot of them in new hampshire. pretty of freelancers. living from gig to gig will pay more than 15% of their business income in taxes. we're not going to take all the money away anymore. and people aren't going to create jobs if you do that. so we're going to have -- this is a job creator. this is real. this will be really dynamic. this will be something special. now a lot of people that don't know, they don't get it. but many people that do really get it. a one-time deemed repatriation. that's what i was talking about all the money coming back in. of the corporate cash held overseas at a significantly discounted rate of 10%. in other words, they're bringing it over, we will tax them 10%, they will have the money in our country instead of having it overseas. tax rate of 10 percent. and corporate income earned a abroad. what you are going to do is you will have tremendous incentives for people even if they are doing business abroad. but you're going to bring money back into the united states. they are going to put the money back to work. because the people getting the difficultends will will spend the money. and you're talking about trillions of dollars are over there. trillions of dollars. believe me, mark my words, they say it's 2.5 trillion. i say it's much more than that. nobody even knows. so corporate inversion. and we're going to have companies not leave. in the old days people would leave new york and go to florida. or leave new jersey and go to texas. now they leave the united states and go to ireland or other countries where they have lower tax rates and other things. but with what i'm doing, they're not going to be leaving. we don't have to say, boom, you're staying. they're not going to leave anymore. so it really works. what we're going to do now is is reduce or eliminate many of the business loopholes. we are lowering the taxes so much we can get rid of these tremendously complicated loopholes. in the end business taxes will be lower than they were before substantially. but you're not going to have accountants with tax reforms that go to the ceiling where you have a business. it will be less taxes. so we're going to be in a position to do amazing things. i have so many people thrilled about taxes. i did this the other day a at trump tower. we had a great turnout. we had just an amazing response. so let's talk a little bit about isis and let's talk about our country. we spent so much money, so much money in the middle east. just spent trillions. just in iraq, $2 trillion. just in iraq. not to mention even more importantly the lives and the wounded warriors, who i love, who i love. these are the greatest of all. these are the greatest of them all, the wounded warriors. so we have a president who doesn't know what he is doing. remember it looked like he said they were the jv? well, he looked like the jv last night compared to the pope in new york. the jv. so now we have proof that i'm going into syria and i'll knock the hell out of isis he said. i said what's so bad with that? that's okay. that's all right. but i also say we want to be. we can't let him push us around. we have a president who is not respected by putin. he leaves new york, the united nations. a couple days later he has massive amounts of artillery, planes all quickly gone. we would never a act like that. i saw one of your generals. i won't mention his name. one of the top generals active. they said what do you do about isis? can we win? oh, i don't know. i don't know. i don't know. do you think general george patton would say i don't know? [ applause ]. >> do you think he would say that? the highest marks -- i'm a big person for academia. i believe in it. the highest marks, general mccarthy, can you imagine saying i don't know what to do about it. the good ones know. either they don't know or they are being so constrained by politics they have to say they don't know. we have bridges that are falling down. we have 60% of our bridges are in danger. 60%. we have roadways that are coming apart. we have airports that are third world. you go over to qatar, you go over to saudi a arab ya. some of these countries, china, you'll see airports the likes of which you have never, ever seen before. then you come back and you land at laguardia. it's true. potholes. you land at laguardia or newark or lax, and you walk into a filthy terminal that's falling apart with broken terrazo floors. when you want to take care of the vets. because i will build up the military so strong nobody is going to possess with us. nobody. nobody. now, with that being said, you have to know when to use it. you have to know when, right? so in 2004 and 2003, i said don't go into iraq iraq and iran are always fighting. they're equals. they go 10 feet this way, 10 feet this way. they use poison gas or saddam hussein. it's terrible. then they rest for a few years. weapons of mass destruction turned out to be false. but if they do they're going to use it on iran. that was iraq. but if you ruin one of those two powerful agents, the other will take over and it will be a disaster in the middle east. that was in reuters in 2004. big story. trump opposed to doing it. it is is like also, wait a minute, of all of these guys that blew up the world trade center, they sent their families back a day earlier to saudi arabia. but why are we going after iraq right now? the families went back to saudi arabia. they didn't go back to iraq. nobody knows. we know nothing. we know nothing. totally wiped out iraq. totally stabilized the middle east. gave people ideas that you can actually knock these things out. iran, as you sit here tonight, is taking over iraq, which by the way has one of the richest oil reserves in the world. it is unbelievable in iraq. underground. one of the biggest in the world. so they totally take over. and they're going to verien soon. all of these wounded warriors, all these lives, all this money. we get nothing. nothing. because we have stupid leadership. now, if you know anything about the soviet union, if you want the real truth, the soviet union broke up because they spent so much money in afghanistan. okay. they spent so much money a that they were going bust. that's the primary reason or certainly one of the primary reasons that the soviet union broke up. the afghanistan people, fighters. i have a friend a big war historian one of the best fighters, afghanistan. so now we have the soviet union wants to go to syria. and they want to knocked hell out of people. and we're fighting assad because assad is our enemy. we're fighting syria. put it together. they say, oh, that's not really nice. give me a break. so you have isis that wants to take on assad. we're fighting isis, but we want to fight assad. why not let those two fight for a little while and take over the remnants, right? i mean -- i guarantee you assad is sitting back saying that president is one of the dumbest human beings on earth. so you have isis that wants to fight assad is and isis can't because we're bombing them. we're not doing the job but we are certainly hurting them. so we're not going after assad. you have russia and iran. we gave them so much money. and they will have the nuclear, believe me. they have $150 billion. that's real money. with us, not the same. so now you have iran and russia on the side of assad. but russia does want isis out because they don't want them coming into russia. they don't want them crossing borders and coming into russia. you have the migration because syria is is such a disaster. and now i hear we want to take in 200,000 syrians, right? and they could be -- listen, they could be sighs euisis. i don't know. did you ever see a migration like that? there are so many men. there aren't that many women. and they are big, strong guys. why aren't they fighting to save syria? why are they migrating all over europe? serious. so now you have this guy, the secretary kerr. i think he will go down as a worst secretary of state than hillary clinton because of the deal. and she was terrible. but i think he will go down as worse because of this deal. now you have him saying we will take in maybe. the number i'm hearing is in conceivable. it started off with 10,000. the other day i heard 200,000. we're going to take in 200,000 or wherever they come from. we have no idea. there is no identification. there's no anything. and i'll tell you right now. and i'm putting everybody on notice. and hopefully this gets outside of this room. and i guess it will with all of these crazy cameras going on back there. i'm putting the people on notice that are coming here from syria a as part of this mass migration that if i win, if i win, they're going back. they're going back. i'm telling you. they're going back. because, you know, military tactics are very interesting. this could be one of the great tactical ploys of all time. a 200,000 man army maybe. or you said 50,000. or 80,000. or 100,000. we've got problems. and that could be possible. i don't know that it is is. but it could be possible. so they're going back. they're going back. so if they come, that's great. and if i lose, i guess they're staying. if i win, they're going back. a lot of people would say that's not nice. we can't afford to be nice. we're losing our shirts on everything we do. everything we do. so tonight i'm doing a show on cnn at 10:00. and the question was asked of me, why don't you give us policy, policy with respect. your attitudes on war in the middle east. why don't you tell us exactly what you're going to do in syria, what you're going to do in iraq. i said i don't want to tell you. it sounds terrible. i really know a lot about it. i think my biggest -- i think other than jobs. everybody says -- you know, cnn did a poll. i'm through the roof on jobs, leadership. almost everything, although people don't think i'm a nice person. i love people. i want to help people. thank you. you know. [ applause ]. actually, you know where i do my best favorables, new hampshire, iowa. i'm here so much. those are the places. so once i get out, i think people will find that. you know what, i just want to do the right thing. and i tell a story about a woman who said do you think you're nice enough? people are tired of being pushed around. they're tired of it. but i said to this person, nice person, don lemmon. i said an article long ago, a business article. and i beat some group -- i love winning. and i beat this group for something. i just beat them. and it turned out to be great. one of my opponents not in a bad way but a respectable way, trump is so damned hard. he is so unpredictable we don't know what to do. and i said i, i want to be unpredictable. so when they ask me, and so does patton, mcarthur and anybody who is smart. but i don't want to tell. i don't want them to say, oh, trump is going to do this and we'll do this. i want to be unpredictable. it's so important. so important. we have to do it. does everybody agree with me? >> [ applause ]. >> and maybe if you're unpredictable, the stupid people are going to say, oh, well, he doesn't know that much. hey, when obama said we're leaving iraq on a certain date. now, you understand these iraq soldiers that comprised isis. these were guys that formed isis. these are tough cookies. they didn't like us. they didn't want to fight for iraq because iraq is a corrupt government. i remember they were handing $50 million in cash, cash. they were going through afghanistan. i want to know who are the soldiers that are carrying cash of $50 million. cash. how stupid are we? i wouldn't be surprised if the cash didn't get there. i have to be honest. remember when obama was saying we will leave. we are leaving iraq as of a certain date. now, the opponent said, wow, that's great. what do we have to fight anymore? let's just wait a year and a half. that's what happened. and as soon as we left, they knocked the shut out of everybody. right? they just knocked the hell out of everybody. obama, this great president of ours, we will leave. remember he gave a certain date. a date certain we will be out. and these tough guys. these are tough fighters. especially when they have something they want to fight for. they didn't want to fight for a corrupt government. but he gave a certain date. so i want to be unpredictable. i would never have given a date. i might have said we will stay there for eternity. these other guys say, man, we give up. we just can't do that. honestly. we were doing fine. look, we shouldn't have been there. but we were doing okay toward the end. then we took everybody out. but instead, if you want to say, no, no we're going to be there forever. and i didn't want to go in. but i said, no, we're never leaving. we're never leaving. they would said have said, okay, this guy is is crazy. we want out of here. right? >> [ applause ]. >> so i love the people of new hampshire. i love you. i love the people of this country. and i didn't really want to do this. i did something. people actually thought i wouldn't run. they would say, what, why would he do this. the press is nasty. maybe not all of them. but horrible. it's hard. i do it because we have a chance to make this country graeter than it's ever been before. i really believe that. and if i didn't believe that, i wouldn't do it. i wouldn't do it. the one thing i will warn you about, i don't think we can go on like this much longer. i really don't. i think this election is so important, beyond important. because we cannot continue to go on like we're going on right now. we need a real leader. we want somebody that loves the country, truly loves the country, truly wants to make it work. [ applause ]. and i can promise you this. i can promise you this. if i get elected president, we will indeed make america great again. that i can tell you. that i can tell you. thank you. thank you, everybody. all campaign long, c-span takes you on the road to the white house. unfiltered access to the candidates at town hall meetings, news conferences, rallies, and speeches. we're taking your comments on twitter, facebook, and by phone. and always, every campaign event we cover is available on our website at after the federal election commission's third quarter deadline on wednesday, bloom berg reporting hillary clinton spent money nearly as fast as she raised it in the third quarter. while clinton spent $9 of every $10 that she raised in the latest quarter, she has built up a sizable war chest. the article continues to say clinton has more than $32 million cash on hand. much of that remaining from the total of $75 million the candidate has raised since entering the race in april. we'll have more from secretary clinton later today. she'll be addressing a crowd of grassroots organizers in davie, florida. coverage 2:30 p.m. eastern up on our companion network c-span. last month, a forum of foreign policy with the three major political party leaders in canada. conservative party leader stephen harper, thomas mokhair, and justin true dough debated the future of canada/u.s. relations, the keystone pipeline, syrian refugee crisis, and relations with russia. the leaders speak both french and english is is which is customary in canada. it runs 1:45. a note that due to technical issues, some portions of the event do not include english translation. >> russia's current leaders are not simply the political rulers of the nation. they are literally the country's owners. >> you don't know if your arguments will be totally destroyed. >> i'm not prepared to sacrifice the african continent for some eye dealing. >> you have to come back. you are rattled. shaken up. >> save the bleeding heart for someone else. it's time to change. >> i believe the 21st century will belong to china. because most centuries have begun with china. >> blaming barack obama for the state that the world is in right now is like blaming a caribbean >> you remain a third world dysfunctional country with a couple of crude devices. >> do it with your own sons and daughters, not with mine. >> it is my privilege to have the opportunity to host tonight's's historic proceedings. the first ever election debate devoted exclusively to foreign policy issues. [speaking foreign language] to the audience on chch television and across north america on sirius xm and c-span. a warm hello to our online audience. finally, hello to you. over 3,000 members of the munk debates that fill the hall to capacity for this. >> translator: let's start. ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to welcome mr. tom mulkair, new democratic leader of the democratic party of canada. [ applause ]. >> next up is mr. stephen harper, the leader of the conservative party of canada. [ applause ]. >> translator: welcome, mr. harper for the conservative party of canada. and finally, let me welcome mr. justin true dough, leader of the liberal party of canada. [ applause ]. >> well, gentlemen, we are glad to finally have the three of you here on stage. you've all agreed to the rules of this debate in advance. as a friendly reminder, the rules are leaders will respect each other's right to speak and not to be interrupted. . as the conflict in syria and northern iraq rages on. you have pledged as to pull forces out of the international coalition for fighting isis. the question is if the threat the islamic state represents doesn't justify a military response, when would an ndp government use military force? >> translator: you have 90 seconds to reply. let's go. >> we can help stop the flow of arms, help stop the flow of funds and help stop the flow of foreign fighters. there are more than 60 countries involved in coalition. it would remain a member with us. >> translator: it is important to remember we are in the same room where we had jack lleyton. and i will continue jack's work. and i will take the same quebec and canadian values, values of solidarity of sustainable economic development. we want to project into the world seem. we don't want a canada that pollutes and goes to war. it is a canada that respects values. >> this election is about change. there is no area canadians want change more. mr. harper has lost the respect of the white house. we have to make sure that we have a place on the world stage. we missed our turn on the security council. i'll defend your value, qaa a tphaeud yann values on the world stage. where mr. harper has failed, we'll get it done. >> let's bring mr. harper into the debate for a seven minute one on one on the topic of intervention. >> translator: mr. harper, what's your opinion on the subject? >> our response to this crisis in the region is a generous and balanced response. our response to the refugees are humanitarian aide. >> we are giving generous but responsible refugee policy. we are bringing additional  we're also participating in an effort against isis. why are we doing that? not simply because isis threatens to slaughter literally hundreds of thousands. but this is an organization that it wants to use, parts of syria in iraq as an international base for terrorist operations, not just in the region but also in this country. that's why we are there with our allies. there is broad international support which is necessary not only for the region but our own security interests. >> this is important to remember this is not a nato mission or united nations mission. in order to get back to your original question, when it was a question of going into libya under the united nations, they voted for air strikes because it was a u.n. mission. when it started to market completely different, we withdrew our support. we understand there will be teams under the nato charter or international obligations to use force. we won't shy away from that. but the real question here is the only thing we can do. mr. harper always takes the same approach. when your only tool is a hammer, all problems resemble nails. but this is a complex situation. it has deep roots and many years of divisive conflict in the region. and there is one area where canada is completely failing. and that is in dealing with the refugee crisis. my own family, the irish side at least came during the potato famines of the 1840s. in quebec city, people went to the docks and took in the most miserable in the world. that's canada. that's who we are. the jews who were expelled from spain were taken in the muslim countries that are today turkey. that is the opening world we can always aspire to. 2 million refugees in turkey. we're not doing enough to help. there are requests the from the united nations to take in 10,000 by christmas. mr. harper has not even gotten close to that. they want 46,000 between now examine 2019. the ndb deposit will get it done. >> if i can correct a couple of facts here. first of all, none of our nato allies, not all are involved in the coalition. they are all supportive of our mission against the islamic state, the united nations is not opposed. this is is having at the invitation of the government of iraq under criminal law. in terms of refugees, canada's response has been generous and responsible. we have had admitted so far 15% of all the world refugees in the region. even before it was in the headlines, i announced our intention to accept additional refugees. i have since announced a number of changes to our system to expedite that number. we are doing so well at the same time making sure we choose the refugees, choose those who are general wine refugees, and also maintain all standards of security and other screening. this is a generous and responsible approach. >> i want to step in to refocus the discussion. we will have ample opportunity to talk about the refugee crisis later in the debate phrfplt mulcair follow up on where you would intervene and why. what criteria are you looking for? >> we do talk, believe it or not. the prime minister spoke with me. i agree that's the thing canada could do. with regard to isis, there are things that we can be doing. canada is one of the only countries in the world. it is the only nato country not to have signed the arms trade treaty. now, we find ourselves in some particularly curious company here with countries like saudi arabia, iran, north korea, belarus. and those are not the types of countries we normally identify with. but there are countries like canada that refused to sign the treaty. we can get a lot more serious as the united nation's security council has asked in successive resolutions in 2170, 2199. both speak to stopping the flow of money. we can be involved in that. on the flow of foreign fighters, never forget that in mr. harper's failed bill c-51, there was nothing on deradicalization here at home. the ndp has a clear plan to bring in 2,500 more police officers across the country. we know that we have to work with faith groups of all descriptions. but mr. harper always has one group in mind and tends to finger point and object phi one particular group. he doesn't talk about houses of worship. he specifically refers to mosques. muslims across canada know how to interpret that for exactly what it is. >> let's be clear. the government of canada is pursuing all levels of response of this particular problem. not just refugees and humanitarian aid. anti-radicalization efforts in canada in terms of financing terrorist organizations. the world bank, g20 working on all of those issues. none of that explains why the other parties think we should not take direct military action with key allies against the islamic state. this is a group would slaughter literally millions of people in its way but has an intention, stated intention to launch terrorist attacks around the world, including against this country. as indicated, it has the capacity to engineer and inspire such attacks. we see that all around the world. there's no -- we have a very clear reason for being there supported widely by our allies in the international community. why we would abandon this mission is a question that goes begging. we have to do all of these things. humanitarian support is. also take on isis directly in the region. so we keep pressure on the organization so it cannot be using that as a base for terrorist organizations. stkphrt mr. true tkoerbgs thank you very much. >> first of all, there's the engagement in the middle east. we know it is going to be long term. >> what we have here is is three different perspectives on what we need to actually do. mr. mulcair said he doesn't think we should be in the fight at all. mr. harper hasn't seen a fight in the middle east and hasn't wanted the canadian troops start anything 2003 with george bush's iraq war. the liberal party, a we have in the past, knows canada has an important role to play on the world stage and should be a strong partner in this coalition. we disagree with mr. harper. the best way to do it in terms of dropping bombs. we believe the candidate, as we did successfully in afghanistan many years and many places around the globe, should be training up the local forces so they can defeat isis on the ground. because we know that sending in western troops isn't always the best policy outcome. and indeed often makes things worse. we need to ensure that we are prepping local people to bring the fight to isis. canada has a strong and real capacity to do that. and that actually ties to something president obama was talking about today, which is a call to once again reengage and revitalize the united nations peacekeeping. the fact that canada has nothing to contribute to that conversation today is disappointing. this is something that a canadian prime minister has started. right now there is a need to revitalize and refocus and support -- >> operations across the country. around the world. >> i would like to bring mr. mulcair back. >> after the tragic death on the front lines made us realize, this is not just a training mission. they have been painting for targets for our air strikes. we know that. they have been involved in live fire on the front line. we know that. the ndp has taken a clear position since day one. we have said we should not be involved in the combat mission. we have said that there are several things that canada can and should be doing. there are more than 60 countries involved in this effort. only 12 of them are involved in the combat mission. that's why we think we should be stopping the flow of arms, stopping the flow of funds, stopping the flow of foreign fighters. no. we don't think our proper place is in that combat mission. >> canada is still involved in peacekeeping. there is not a peacekeeping mission to be had right now in iraq and syria. we are not just involved in an aerial campaign. we are involved in fact, in training troops. we are working with peshmerga fighters, who have been protecting themselves and other minorities against the onslaught of isis. i visited there. they are extremely proud of the work we are doing. in much of iraq and syria, there is no fact no ground resistance to isis. the only way to hold them back, keep them in their positions and keep them from being able to sit back and plan attacks against us is to keep the military pressure on them. that's why president obama and other allies are involved in an aerial campaign. >> the challenge canada faces any time we engage in the world is to support our national interests in a constructive and positive way. there's no question it is absolutely in our national interest to help defeat isis to help our international partners on that. how canada can best help is by doing more of the kind of training of infantry troops on the ground that we helped capacities do in afghanistan and in other places. that is something that canada has an advantage and an ability to do on top of the necessary humanitarian and much morefugee support i know we will talk about later. canada is focused on the things we can do differently and often better than anyone else is what we have to get back to. that's why this opportunity to reengage with the 128,000 peacekeepers active around the world in 39 different locations is something that quite frankly that the president be asking, the president of the u.s., our closest friend and neighbor, is asking for countries to get involved in something that was at its origin a canadian initiative and that we not be engaged in a constructive way on saying, yes, let's renew peacekeeping. >> mr. true dough, since mr. mulcair had the first word, we will give him the last. >> president putin's statement is a cause for concern for all of us. our strong desire for peace. mr. harper just talked about peacekeeping. the last last time the liberals in power we went from number one in peacekeeping in the world to number 32. under mr. harper we're now at number 68. we know canadians want us to do a lot better and we will. >> gentlemen, we want to move on to the refugee crisis. needless to say, canadians have been deeply moved by the crisis, the toll it's having on women, children, and families. mr. harper, can you please explain to canadians how your latest change in policy reflects an adequate response given the enormity of this crisis? >> translator: let's proceed. you have 90 seconds to respond. thank you very much. i explained already that we have a very generous and balanced plan for refugees is and we are continuing with our military mission against, so to speak, the islamic state. >> we're accepting an additional 10,000 refugees on top of additional numbers that are coming and on top of the fact that we have already resettled 15% of the refugees in the international community. we've since announced our intention, and i've implemented changes to expedite the process so we can move those numbers in much more quickly. we're doing so in a way to make sure we pick the most vulnerable groups, genuine refugees, and that we maintain security screening. this is a responsible approach, certainly in line with what most other countries are doing. in addition to that, we've also announced the establishment of additional funds for humanitarian assistance. canada is one of the largest provider in absolute dollars of hue mmanitarian assistance. we've announced an additional fund, i know canadians have a desire to respond generously. we will match contributions. regardless, the vast number of people will remain in the region and will need our help for the foreseeable future. >> translator: one must understand the degree of crisis. there are 60 million displaced people, refugees, and as a country we must, having always welcomed people like that, and having seen that our economy is benefitted from it, we must welcome them, and we must know that in the next decades there will be more refugees because of climate changes and other issues. and we must take a spot of leadership and take multilateralism and show how all of the planet can react to the issue of refugees. for example, we have a commitment at three levels. first of all, here in canada, we must welcome these people. we propose 25,000 syrians six months ago, and we continue to say that that should be done at the beginning. for years already i've seen mr. harper saying in the house of commons, saying yes, we're going to do something, and we don't. second, we must work with the international community, with the countries around lebanon, be it iraq, to help the refugees, and also to help them in europe, with this wave of immigrants. we also must work with the countries of origin. we must stop the war. during the last decade, canada received a quarter million of refugees. the biggest settlement program in the planet. according to the numbers, there are 15 million displaced people in the world, maybe even more in the greater region. of course that is the reason for which we must have a balanced way of accepting of refugees. there are many that remain there. there is also military action against the islamic state that are determined to create more refugees and the murder of millions of people, literally. people are unanimous in the country. we must do more. canada always benefitted from being an open country and from being people in a crisis situation, be it the hungarians who were fleeing behind the soviet situation, be it the islamites who were fleeing to come to canada. we welcomed tends of thousands of people. mr. harper wants to talk about our security. our security was always our concern, even in situations that were extreme, and even with less resources than what we have now. so this idea that we must do more, people are saying that, the prime minister, the premieres are saying it all over the country. and this government does not want to do more. and really, when we look like people that say that we can accept 50,000 before christmas, we must understand that canada must be, again, the country we were before. we already announced -- it started already. >> canadians expect us to act in a way that is generous and responsible. some european countries just started letting everyone in, now they're trying to reverse those policies. i've asked officials what can we do to speed up the process, what kind of numbers we can get in and how quickly, while maintaining our security and not literally spending tens of millions of additional dollars. we're not chasing headlines. we're proceeding on a program that is by all standards generous. we've said 10,000 more. the united states has said 10,000 more. they're a country that is ten times larger than us. it's the responsibility of the government of canada, not to chase headlines, it's to make sure we act in a way we can actually fulfill. >> mr. harper, we stand here tonight just a five blocks from ireland park. ireland park was where in 1847, 38,000 irish men, women, and children fleeing the famine arrived on the shore of toronto. there were 20,000 citizens of toronto at that time. and they accepted 38,000 refugees who proceeded to build and contribute to this country, to this city, and to who we are today. canada has always done more. it's not about politics. it's about being the country that we have always been. >> translator: and it is at that level that not only your failing as canadians but also the entire world is looking at us to look at us, and what is going on with canada, you were a country that were a welcoming people, and the diversity that you are bringing, people that want to build a better future for their communities and for their children, we are giving them that opportunity. and now, mr. harper is saying, security where we have to do the minimum he was in no, it is not that. because mr. harper is talking about resisting tyrants and dictators. you know what we do with tyrants and dictators. the families who are escaping the local violence, what do they do? what will they do? what you are doing is removing their health benefit, mr. harper. this is what you are doing. palau [ applause ] >> translator: we have admitted -- >> on top of that an additional 10,000 that we sped up the process on. we're not living in a different era here. we're living in an era where people are fleeing a devastating war zone. we obviously must have security screening. on the policy of health support for refugees, let's be very clear. we have health support for our refugees and immigrants. where we stop those benefits is where we have cases of refugee claims that have been turned down because they're bogus. >> that's not true, mr. harper. you know that's not true. >> it's a responsible thing to do. >> translator: the time has passed. mr. mulcair? >> it's important for canadians to remember when we've gotten it wrong in the past and when we have to learn from our experiences. in vancouver, a lot of those people were killed. they weren't allowed in canada. more recently, a boat arrived in bc. one of our ministers said they were terrorists. >> translato [ speaking french ]

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