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Watched operation abolition at screenings hosted by political and civic organizations. Is a sample oft communist propaganda published by organization known as the calmness front. It is at this instant being distributed throughout the United States by dead dedicated, hard core communist agents. Its pamphlet and others like play major role as artillery in one phase of the communist war phasetroy our nation a called by the communists, operation abolition. This is abolition. Gentlemen, francis walker. Mr. Walker operation abolition. This is what the communist call their current discredit its director, j edgar hoover. Has givenist party top priority to operation abolition and has assigned agents trained in propaganda and education to this project. The scenes which you will be by newsreel taken photographers during hearings of the committee on unamerican activities in San Francisco, 12, 13, andon may 14, 1960. During the next few minutes, you will see revealed, the longtime, classic communist tactic in which a relatively few welltrained, hardcore communist agents are able to incite and use noncommunist sympathizers perform the dirty work of the communist party. You will see archie brown, the second in command of the communist party in california. Harry bridges, an International Communist agent, and leader of the International Longshoremens union, who recently returned from conferences held with other leaders of communistled longshoremens groups. Ralph, one of the top communist s, who was a welcome guest of the red Chinese Government while american soldiers were giving their lives in the korean war. You will see douglas, an agent trained to specialize in these activities. William mandel, another communist propagandist, who served his conspiracy in the fields of radio and television. One of the elite corps of timing lawyers. Frank wilkinson, recently convicted of contempt of congress, in charge of the committee. The west coast headquarters of the operation abolition. You will see these and others in action, and the shocking technique which they used to incite others to violence. With thel too familiar pattern of communistled revolution and rising in venezuela, cuba, and, more recently, in japan. Can it happen here on american soil . This film, showing communism in action, will answer that question. X this is city hall in San Francisco, the site of hearings held by the House Committee on unamerican activities in 1960. This is the chosen that a field of the communist partys most organized and violent attack on the committee since the launching of the operation on septemberpaign 20, 1957. Congress and walter designated asgressman Edward E Willis chairman of the subcommittee charged with the investigation communist Party Activities in the Northern California area. Other members of the subcommittee are congressman morgan molder of missouri, congressman johansson of michigan, and congressman share of ohio. In an interview with the press, congressman willis explains more fully the reason for the hearings. Hereessman willis we are to gather information, as we are ordered to do by an act of congress with respect to the general operation of the communist concern, wherever it may lead. It is a mandate. The law has been on the book for a little over 20 years. We received our appropriations and our audit every year to make maintain the general surveillance of economist operations with the view of amending, improving, correcting laws having to do with our. Nternal security the internal security act of 1950, the foreign agents registration act, the smith act, and so on. This is part and parcel of our general studies of the machinations of the communist conspiracy. The communist apparatus activated its trained educators agitators months before the scheduled hearings were said to begin. The protests were published in the Student Newspaper the daily californian, and reads as follows the aclu plans to begin today. It plans for students to come to the rallies and hearings and suggests people laugh out loud when things get ridiculous. Among the time is leaders that had a part in the demonstrations were harry bridges, who you see here being escorted out of city hall by Police Officials moments before the rioting broke out. Archie brown, another longshoreman, played a major role when inciting demonstrations against the committee. He is identified as the number two man in the California Communist Party, and admittedly has been a party member for some 20 years. In the course for three days of the hearings, archie brown had to be ejected from the hearing room on three separate occasions. Archie brown was active industry in propaganda pamphlets outside of the city hall building. He had been subpoenaed by the committee as a witness. Another top communist agitator subpoenaed as a witness was merle brodsky, who you see here participating in the chanting and singing demonstrations immediately outside of the hearing room. Ejected from was the hearing room on two separate occasions for leading demonstrations while the committee was hearing testimony. Young douglas walker, another communist member, played an important role. A sophomore at the university of california, douglas watt more lochner was a delegate at the communist party in december of 1959. The opening day of the hearing finds city hall almost completely surrounded by picketers protesting the committees appearance. Thecommittee has reserved largest hearing room in the city with a Seating Capacity of over 402 accommodate anticipated crowd. Upon request, the committee has issued over 100 passes to individuals representing various patriotic and religious groups. The remainder of the chamber is filled with students, longshoremen, and the wives and relatives of subpoenaed witnesses. Officials admit spectators to the rooms capacity while others are expected to wait until bearings occur. Others lead in chants and songs while the committee attempts to conduct hearings. Morning, they succeeded in disrupting Committee Hearings time and time again. Shortly after 11 00 a. M. , chairman willis is forced to ask police to reject numeral brodsky, and several students from the hearing room. [indiscernible] why is he being put out, mr. Chairman . You wanted him here . This is part of this whole vicious witchhunt. He is asked about his participation in college life. Question on same ground. American of an Activities Committee of Activities Committee holds no ground. It punishes individuals you are reading from a prepared statement. [applause] you are reading from a prepared statement. That is all right. Let him answer the question. It punishes individuals and groups for the political ideas and associations. Allowing combination. Combination. I have objected to the question. It punishes individuals and groups for their political ideas and association through public exposure and condemnation, often resulting in economic sanctions. I cannot cooperate with the. Theres committee in answering such questions. I feel i have an obligation as a city of this country to preserve the constitution and i do not feel i can do so in good conscience by allowing the house unamerican Activities Committee to inquire about my belief or associations. Mr. Walker has not evoked the provisions against self recommendation of the fifth amendment. He is ordered and directed to answer a question concerning his communist Party Membership. Walker i decline to answer that question, and i respectfully refuse to answer it on the constitutional grounds that i cannot be forced to bear witness against myself. During the new lunch and recess, a protest rally in union square attracts nearly 1000 students and spectators. They listened intently as two San Francisco assembly men and a prominent clergyman unleash bitter attacks against the House Committee on unamerican activities. Incitely is designed to further resentment against the committee, and recruit more volunteers for action. The rally a couple shares its major objectives, for during the afternoon sessions, hundreds of additional students crowded to the corridors of city hall, attempting to gain entry into the already overcrowded hearing room. Students left outside of the room step up their chanting and singing, turning the hallways of city hall into complete chaos. Officials are unable to maintain order. Meanwhile, a group of subpoenaed communist witnesses have already begun a demonstration inside of the hearing room as the committee prepares to hear the first testimony of the afternoon. Chairman willis calls for her, but to order, but to no avail. Especially Trained Police squadron is called to the scene to attempt to restore order. From left to right, you see communist Party Members ralph is art, archie brown, saul lautner, all especially trained in education and incitement to riot. [indiscernible] the next witness has completed. [applause] open the doors. Open the doors. What are you hiding . We have nothing to hide. Let the people in. What are you afraid of . [applause] [indiscernible] open the doors. Open the doors. [indiscernible] that is what you should do pack up and get out. [applause] [indiscernible] [chanting] open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. And the circuit get out of town. That is what you want. What a show you put on. Open the doors and get out of town. I you afraid that these people i would like to know what are you afraid of . Join in. Nighthrough the perilous perilous fight for the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there starspangledhat waver yet land of the free the brave f [applause] [chanting] open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the doors. Open the door open the door what are you afraid of . This is americanism. This is americanism. This is americanism in action. Watch this is americanism in action. Watch this is americanism in action. Upon request to chairman willis, policeman remote the existing numbers from the hearing room. Then ralphie brown, is art, saul lochner, maurice brodsky, when edith wheeler, and finally, salutary and sweet. Chairman edwin willis issues another call for law and order in the hearing of. Chairman willis conducted in a dignified faction. The only reason why the doors in not open is this courtroom in america are people around the sidelines unless they are orderly. In no picture show or not public picture show our people allowed without being orderly. That is the reason. We were very patient this morning. We will continue to be patient. Now, this thing was brought about by the conduct. On the second day of the hearing loudspeakers are set up , friday, may 13, across the street from city hall in an attempt to alleviate the crowd trying to gain entrance to the hearing room. Nonetheless, students, longshoremen, crowd into the building, as picketers continue to demonstrate outside of the building. Thecials admit over 200 of crowd into the hearing room until it is once again filled to capacity. On the left, you can see the Progressive Party candidate for the United States of 1952. He served a prison term from 1954 until 1956, and an attorney for several of the witnesses communist witnesses called to testify at the hearings. As was the case on thursday, several professional communist agitators and student leaders directing the activity of those waiting in the hallways. Songs get louder and defined to police attempts to maintain order becomes more universal. Students enthusiastically join to the songfrain abolish the committee, we shall not be moved, lyrics lifted from the old peoples communist songbook. Hearing become so loud judges are unable to continue court procedures. During the morning, the judges give orders to sheriffs and Police Officials to remove the demonstrators from city hall immediately. As pamphlets continue to be situated among the demonstrators, Police Officials once again warned the students and educators involved that they must be quiet or the orders of the judges will be enforced. The Police Warnings are met with cheers, blues, renewed chanting, and renewed his singing. Finally during the noon lunch and recess, the judges in their chambers give official orders now to remove the demonstrators from city hall. When an attempt is made to carry out the order, the crowd response by throwing shoes and jostling the Police Officers. When one officer warns that fire hoses will have to be used the crowd is not disperse, the demonstrators become more and more unruly. One student provides the spark that touches off the violence when he leaps over a barricade, grabs a Police Officers nightstick, and begins beating the officer over the head. As the mob surges forward, a Police Inspector orders that the fire hoses be turned on. At this point, leaders of the group gave orders to resist police enforcement. The crowd now in open defiance of law and order begins singing once again we shall not be moved. Riot squad Police Reinforcement arrive on the scene and they are and jeers. S and orders to give new put their hands behind their back, in what is described as nonviolence resistance. The police take the defined students one by one and slide them down a marble stairs of city hall. On several occasions, the pattern of socalled nonviolent resistance, is broken openly by defined students. Those that have the five the law are taken to Police Wagons and rate off to police headquarters, where they are booked on counts of disturbing the police, inciting a riot, and resisting arrest. Procommunist and press, of course, charge police brutality. Press accounts describe repeated incidents of police cruelly beating innocent students. Students,nt, peaceful stated in these press accounts, were hurled over two flights of stairs, toppling head over heal, landing unconscious at the bottom, where they were take up and thrown into the paddy wagon. These films taken by news men on the scene and edited only to the point of removing repetition, show a clear example of a disrespect for truth, common practice in the communist press. Emerges from party the riots with only a handful of its Party Members arrested, and none injured. Four students suffered minor injuries. A policeman are injured to the point where they require hospitalization. Five officers were seriously hurt, two suffering heart attacks, and three are treated for deep cuts. Here you see a patrolman, aged 61, who suffered a stroke when he was knocked down by student agitators. One of the communists professional agitators arrested was vernon brown, who was, in 1964, among the notorious louisville seven, charged at that time with sedition, destruction of property conspiring to destroy property to achieve a political end, and contempt of court. Douglas walker, the 19yearold student leader, was another communist party member who was arrested. Police station, the rebellious students appear to have lost a little of their blatant enthusiasm and defiance, for without the psychological stimulus of mass chanting and singing, the individual students seemed somewhat conscious and ashamed of what they have done. No longer is there the arab defiance. The organized resistance has been changed into individual confusion. These young people have been duped into openly resisting and dupedg law enforcement, by a handful of communist agitators. Assigned toressman the subcommittee conducting hearings in San Francisco is caps on august the joint congressman august the johansson of michigan. Congressman johansson the activities, that you have just witnessed, whether are realize them or not, toying with treason. They have been handpicked by the communists to do the dirty work on the communist. Perhaps this is the greatest danger of all the pattern of communist revolution and insurrection throughout the world has been to indoctrinate carry thedupes to Party Directives into the field while the communists themselves remain in the shadows through a careful propaganda and smear campaign. The communists are able to inject a few with the virus. The disease spreads rapidly among their friends and associates, and the socalled Spontaneous Movement suddenly takes form. From this point on, the communist are relatively free to sit on the sidelines, issue occasional directives, and watch as their desires and projects are fulfilled to the perfection of their wildest dreams. Among those arrested in the city hall in San Francisco, were a few trained communist agents. The others were the unwitting who had, in party the heat of chanting and singing, performed like puppets with the communist in control of the strings, even to the point of willfully and deliberately defying law and order. The communist had admittedly chosen the minds of our youth as the number one area for their city is attack. You have seen the evidence of their success. My fellow citizens, what you have just seen and heard is a challenge not only to the patriotic youth of our nation, but to every citizen who is determined that we shall maintain our freedom. Seen two types of communistinspired violence. One taking the form of mass challenge of authority and defiance of law and order inside of a congressional hearing room. The other coming in the form of open writing and resistance to law enforcement. Type of tactic is defiance by individual witnesses and their attorneys to the committee itself. Archie brown, already ejected from the hearing room on two occasions, is called to the stand and sworn in. He asks the chairman to shift the lights. Brown mr. Chairman, can we shift the lights a bit . Archie brown, second in command in the California Communist Party is a top westpost agitator. Appearing in ais hearing room in a board of supervisors only six months after he himself received some 35,000 votes as a candidate for the same board. He is asked by staff director Richard Ahrens to identify himself. Mr. Brown my name is archie brown. Street,t 1027 russell San Francisco. I am a longshoreman. Ant to state, mr. Chairman well mr. Brown i have something to tell the committee. Any response to the subpoena which was served upon you by this committee . The witness is ordered and directed to answer the question. I direct you to answer the question. Are you in response to the subpoena . Was served by, it this committee. Are you represented by counsel. I am. Own yes, counsel, would you present yourself. Anderson mr. George anderson. I have directed you to answer the question. Mr. Brown well, i was subpoenaed here. Was subpoenaed here, and my family if you would please, sir. Mr. Brown i was born in sioux , asked totness is answer the question. Mr. Brown what is the question question where were you born . Brown i already said it. He is repeatedly admonished that he must answer the questions of the committee and conduct himself in an orderly manner or he will be removed from the hearing him for the third time. Under the rule of the committee you may file that paper with our director at this time if you wish to. Mr. Brown i wish to read this statement. I want to read this statement. How come you are bridal in me . I want to explain my position. X you may file a statement. You may not read it. Mr. Brown i want to read my statement. I direct you to escort the witness outside of the courtroom. Brown amendment 14 another defiant witness is William Mandel, and identified agent of the commonest party, who is employed as a radio and Television News commentator in the San Francisco bay area. William mandel is the top pop communist topic and, serving the party propagandist, serving the party in an underground training school, and operating for the party in the book circles, posing as a respected news man. He displays his bitter defiance of the committee in answers to questions concerning his communistmember communistParty Membership and activities. Mr. Mandel do you think i am going to cooperate with this collection of judas is, men who sit there in violation of the United States constitution . If you think i will cooperate with you in any way, you are insane. [applause] when asked about his role as a communist in lecturing before the commonestconceived California Labor school in San Francisco, William Mandel replies Esther Mandel this question has mr. Mandel this question has no purpose. Let me say that i am honored when people come up to me on the street. Perhaps i do not deserve this honor. They say you are the man that killed joe mccarthy, because i happen to appear on the first day of the book burning hearing, and i did my best to conduct itself in a manner in which im conducted myself today. If there were any such evidence against me under any law, the proper authorities could move against me. This body is improperly constituted. It is a kangaroo court. It does not have my respect. Content, and it am not going to answer that question, sir. Pattern then, is the employed by the communists, ande the dupes sympathizes in operation abolition. Another congressman assigned to the subcommittee is congressman Gordon H Scherer from ohio. Congressman scherer one of the top communist agents assigned to operation abolition is frank wilkinson, recently convicted of contempt of congress for refusing to answer questions concerning his communist party mothership and activities. Frank wilkinsons job for the communist party consists of one prime duty to incite resistance and trouble for the House Committee on unamerican locations in any given where the committee is to conduct hearings. Frank wilkinson was in San Francisco during the may hearings. He arrived in the city prior to the committee to organize the socalled spontaneous public demonstrations against the committee and the hearings. Moreover, he was actually in the corridors, issuing instructions and inciting hostile actions against the committee during the hearings. Frank wilkinson was interviewed by news men shortly after he had been agitating among the student demonstrators. Listen to this interview closely, because in it, you will hear frank wilkinson, a communist agent, explain his communist jargon, his function, for operation abolition. Crexendo had anything to do with demonstrations in front of city hall today . Mr. Wilkinson no, i have just been an observer of those. I understand you have said you organizing protests against the committee. Mr. Wilkinson yes, one of the things that our committee does and that i do for our committee is to come to each community when the Committee Issues its subpoena, to assist the subpoenaed persons and others in the community that are not familiar with the kind of unconstitutional behavior that this committee carries on to assist that community and those subpoenas in their own self offense. In the Committee Hearings, you are called an International Communist agent. Mr. Wilkinson that is a flattering remark. I have been frequently called a hardcore communist, a local communist, by mr. Aarons, but never an International Communist. As far as the basic question is concerned, until the Supreme Court, until a Supreme Court has answered the fundamental constitutional question pending in my case, which is one of the 36th, First Amendment test cases of the committee, until they have resolved this matter and have been cleared, this kind of question under compulsion to be illegal and come unconstitutional, i have refused to answer the questions away from the committee, just as i have refused to answer them to the Community Committee when i have been called. Wilkinson, thenk top communist coordinator of operation abolition. During the past 45 minutes, you have been witnessing only the surface manifestation of an extensive operation by the communists, which in many way is subtle, taking the form of letterwriting campaigns and a wide range of smear activities, not for the purpose of improving of improving investigative techniques, defending civil liberties, as they would have you believe, but for the about objective of destroying the committee on unamerican activities, and our nations entire security program. You have seen communism in action. The same communism which has devour theting to world through subversion, revolution, deceit, sabotage, and vicious propaganda. You have, through these films, seen communism with its mask ripped off, with its sweet far,e uncover, and its bitter, and determined core revealed. The 1960 house unamerican Activities Committee film operation abolition, was seen by an estimated 15 Million People at screenings hosted by political and civic organizations. It documented a series of events at Controversial Committee field hearings in San Francisco that resulted in the arrest of student protesters, and in some cases, the use of fire hoses. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] next, a committee that challenges the film, replacing film. F the they say they make numerous factual errors in the telling of the story. I am the executive director of the American Civil Liberties union of Northern California. On behalf of that organization, i we are going to show you a film you may have already seen. It was called operation abolition, a film spliced together from Television News real footage subpoenaed from the House Committee on unamerican activities following their visit to San Francisco in may, 1960. The final film, produced and sold by washington, d c, film company, has been made part of its official record by the committee. Report the committees on the date of october 7, 1960, entitled the communistled riots against the House Committee on unamerican activities in san 14, 1960. , may 12 to now, the American Civil Liberties union, a large number of reliable witnesses, including ministers, educators, attorneys, attorneys newspaper men and broadcasters disagree with the title communistled riots

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