Transcripts For CSPAN3 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160630 :

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160630

comment. the negotiator were not not able to reach supplement, not supplant. we'll continue to listen to the feedback. last month we issued our proposed rule making on accountability, state plans and data reporting. it was published in the federal register on may 31st and we'll continue to receive comments through august 1. we look forward to responding to that comment. consistent with the strong civil rights legacy of the law, the proposed regulations ensure a focus on all students, including historically underserved subgroups of students and accountability decisions. they ensure that meaningful action is taken to improve the lowest performing schools with families, educators and stakeholders playing an important role in the process. they also ensure that educators, students and families have an accurate picture of students' academic performance. we've committed to issue key guidance in several key areas based on the feedback we received. we issued guidance around foster youth. we will soon issue guidance related to homeless youth as well as english learners, and after that on title ii, title iv and early learning. we are guided by the many comments we have received looking for technical assistance and support, and we will continue to take comment from stakeholders on other areas where guidance may be helpful. in conclusion, esa is a bipartisan achievement that row advise the statutory foundation to close our remaining gaps and address our persistent inequities. i've appreciated hearing many of your thoughts on implementation of the law so far and look forward to hearing from you today. we take your feedback and all feedback we receive very seriously and look forward to continuing to work with you to ensure high quality implementation of this law supported by the department that guarantees a world class education for every child. thank you. i'm happy to take any questions you may have. >> thank you, mr. secretary. we'll begin a round of questions now. mr. secretary, my goal would be that the country feels the same way about this new law at the end of this year as it did attend of last year. i think there was a goodea

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