With david marcus and kira davis encourage schlichter and earlier this week with chris de gall or our book Club Interviews that were doing tonight with the great julio rosa about his book fiery, but mostly peaceful and weve done a couple of other book interviews already. Oh next week. I want to actually is it next week . Hold on no in 10 days, june 1st, were gonna have a very special exclusive live stream Book Club Interview with the great jack carr. Former navy seal now with his fifth thriller out this week and i by the time we talked to him on june 1st. It will be a New York Times number one bestseller and in july the premiere of the brand new streaming series of this series of books, jack carters books, which will a star chris pratt. The guy is big time and hes awesome and hes great and he loves his country and i just dropped the book and hes an hes gonna be with us june 1st. So mark that down. Heres the deal guys all of this stuff right now is live eventually. Its all gonna go within the paywall at locals. I say paywall because theres a minor subscription for the live content that we offer to you all week long multiple times, but you can join for free if youre not already part of our local community the oc, please do so sign up free. Its just like joining any other social media platform and we get live content free content up there every day including my daily rundown of our morning show with all the stories that we talk about all of the backup content that we use for show prep to be able to talk about all those topics and you can join that for free and then our exclusive content that is just for our our paid members at locals. You can participate in that as well. Theres some things that we keep just for our special friends at locals and if you join us today, you can use a code to get in for free if youre watching on youtube use code larry yt if youre watching on Facebook Larry fb if youre watching through twitter use larry t w and if you found us some other way use larry f you i dont know why i just makes me happy. Larry f you all right. Now that that is all said and done if you want to participate by the way go ahead and leave some comments here best place right now is through youtube because that integrates directly with our live stream. You can talk to me you can oh, is it may 25th . Im sorry. Its not june 1st. Its may 25th. Cmr already, im making mistakes. This is why i need sarah and jeffrey to help me and correct me. All right, youre right. Yeah, i was right it is next week for christs sake. Its next week. Its may 25th. Next wednesday is when weve got jack carter, thats why i dropped the book. Ha. Thank you, sarah and jeffrey. For fixing that. I appreciate it if you want to interact you can ask questions of me, but you already know me you can ask questions of our great guest julio rosas. You can ask him about his journalism at town hall. You can ask him about specifically the book and his coverage of the riots blm and tifa. Is there a difference well get into that in a moment. You can also ask him about his time in the marine corps. Were gonna get into all of that with rio sauce if i see your question if you are a member of our locals community, your question will be prominent and first up and the rest of you free youll have to wait. All right, so that anything else i got to do. Ive got a list of things im supposed to do. I want credit for unmuting my mic before i went on, you know when i do big time show business radio, i have people who unmute my mic. I just there are people i got no people here. By the way, if anyone wants to be one of my people, you know, send me a dm. Well, well talk about it. I need people. All right. Lets bring them on now. Hes the man of the hour. Hes the toast of the town. Hes americas sweetheart. Hes a United States marine corps member. Yeah, theres no such thing as a former marine, you know, and now hes my colleague over at the mighty town hall media empire. He is julio. Russia serious. I did that like youre playing second base for the mets or something. Whats wrong . Well, i mean anything new york is obviously not not up to par. Thats true. I know. Yeah, actually, where where are you from originally, julia . So im originally from illinois about 45 minutes outside chicago town called wheaton. Thats where Wheaton College is base that if youre jokingly jokingly referred to as the Harvard Harvard for christian colleges. Ah, yes. I i assure you are our book club grand puba. He actually has a fez jeffrey ball stayed along. Hes a huge chicago guy. Im sure he knows. What youre talking about and where youre from, thats very so are you a white sox fan cubs fan bears fan even worse. No, not really. Aishka again like new york anything, illinois chicago related and not generally a big fan. Its bad. I remember i grew up in the detroit area and when my brother lived moved to chicago it was one thing then when he started his family, i remember when his front son was born i remember, you know going to celebrate with me. Congratulations. You have a son. Heres my curse for you. Hes gonna grow up a bears fan. And its true it came true. Yeah, maybe i mean they were good at one time, but that was before i was born. So oh, yeah, exactly typical bears fans. Just wait till last decade. Yeah, exactly. All right, im gonna put what are you drinking tonight . By the way, i got a little red wine going here. I dont have anything with me right now. And actually thats what i was mistake. I should grab water beforehand, but thats okay. Dont get water. I can tell what will power through this will power through this because i dont listen this is i i this is a check in the box for me larry. This is just something i got to do that. Im willingly its true people need to know this, you know when i walk into the town hall offices there. You can hear everybody just sort of hold their breath. Theres an inhale i i swing by every couple of weeks and theres just its so obvious that theyre in the presence of a legend that i die. Theres this or around me. Im not that you would know because you show up around four the afternoon usually and that i consider that a good day if i can switch you invest but you invite what what is better not do all morning. I i have no idea. Honestly, i i he just come he just comes in. Im not his boss. So he just comes in whatever you but i think storms the only person who can claim that there hes vestibus boss although even yeah. All right. Yeah, so were gonna get into the book. I want to talk about what what led up to the book first. Um, because i doubt when you were on the streets covering these riots in the back of your mind you were thinking yeah, im gonna write a book about this. Yeah. No that that was definitely so the the kind of joke that when i tell you because sometimes thats how long and work on the book. Its well in practice about a year, but in actuality a year and a half essentially because i was i was working on the book without knowing that i was working on the book right because i mean the mean when it comes when it came to you know working on this i didnt think i when this all started out back in may which actually two Year Anniversary is coming up. Yeah. The the the idea that i had was oh because you know, the main thing was covid right . That was the main thing that everyone was concerned about and so when minneapolis popped off i thought oh, ill go cover this and then ill come back and things are just gonna return to normal. Lets say well return to normal in the cover there. Yeah, which is not all of the Trump Presidency in Election Year and actually okay in covid19. And so so i just thought okay, im gonna go cover this and then ill be that and then right after that i covered chaz that first week up in seattle, and then i went to atlanta and the day that i got back from atlanta washington dc. Thats when writers tried to tear down the statue of Andrew Jackson outside the white house, and so i went covered that. Really as soon as i landed right . Im checked my phone. I was like, oh shoot. Okay, i guess i got it. I went home change and headed right back out the door right to cover that so so it kind of so around like late july early august i was thinking about it. I was saying along like well, ive been at a lot of these places already and ive been at the front lines of all this and we always in a way you attracted his media coverage. You didnt have to keep a journal of it because you were sending dispatches through social media and through town hall media and also through live hits on fox news covering this so you already had kind of an an outline and you didnt have to go back and remember everything that happened because you were documenting it as you went. Kind of yeah, and and i obviously didnt give every my new detail like i kind of doing the book and even then it doesnt go over every single step. I took just because there was kind of a sameness to to all that in terms of yes, i go and then i leave but as time went on and i was really thinking like so that it my mindset changed from okay. This is gonna be a one and done or two and done to okay, are these things ever gonna stop . Yeah, and then again and and so in the book i write that the idea to actually write the darn thing was i was meeting with the what meeting up with the source up that capital hill for the first time in a while because again because the covid i hadnt seen in basically all year in person. And he really just was just write the book like just do it like you just do it. You wont regret it. And so that was kind of the first so that it was after that meeting and early august where i thought okay. Im gonna actually do this and my main concern was that i was gonna have enough to write a book because and at that time it was true because i knew that there was gonna be theyre gonna have to be more analysis. Theres gonna have to be kind of a followup to so i knew it was gonna be kind of a big undertaking while also maintaining well well, so continue doing my job at town hall because its not like i could take it two three months sabbatical just to work on technically i could if i really wanted to but i feel like i dont know. I just i wasnt could just because i had never written a book before so i didnt even know if i was gonna get a book deal in the first place right was that was that wasnt a risk i was willing to take and thats fair why . Yeah, so thats why i continued to thats why i didnt take time off. Its a really work on it and there there are pros there were pros and cons of that. All right, you know, heres the thing. I i just realized that i hate my lighting. Its gonna take me 30 seconds to fix it. And while i do that, i want you to tell everybody about when you joined the marine corps how old you were how long you were in the marines and and how that decision came about . All right. Ill be ill be back 20 seconds answers and so i enlisted into the marine corps, officially late september 2014. But i didnt leave for boot camp until may of 2015 that was in 20 seconds you liar. It was even better. Its and and i i was growing up. I was very interested in military history American History in general but specifically military history, and i that that really sparked my interest and actually joining military branch, but then then it was okay. So which one specifically and initially i wanted to go, Illinois National guard because if you join the guard you can basically attend any state school for free, which was very appealing but then my family on my stepdad side was very much and steeped into the marine corps and i grew up the later ladder half of my greatgrandfathers life. He was a World War Two veteran father open noah and i mean he enlisted right after high school. So he enlisted in 17 years old. Wow, and and then he actually did actually after. World war two he was discharged for a little while, but then he was able to join the marine corps reserve. Had during that time and he actually got out of the not the draft, but he got out of a deployment to korea. Okay, because he had more he had more than two kids my my grandmother. She was just recently born. So it was three and i guess at that time if you had more than three kids you were exempt from going to korea and unfortunately a lot of the guys in his unit. That didnt end up going. Were actually killed. Yeah. So so this is your great grandpa joined the marines in World War Two and now and and youre obviously the fourth generation down for they are what were there either members of the service or specifically the marines in each of those generations leading down to julio or so his his two sons went on to join the marines one of them did deploy the vietnam. He did see some things over there. I did skip the next generation and then then i come along and so i kind of so, i was really fascinated with the how the marine corps culture what is and how its very against tradition and history and theres very warm mentality even if you are just admin which i was not what was your was your great grandpa alive when you when you joined up. Yeah. Yes. So he was you got pictures of of yourself in the uniform with him. Oh, yeah. Yeah, we were able to do that. Actually. I got it. I got a post pictures because he actually died. Uh in 2018 last week like or last week in 2018 on the 15th. But so yeah, so he was able to because i would graduate boot camp in 2015 july of 2013 and i was able to right. So my job in the record was logistics and so the reason why i went into the marine corps reserves was because at the time my parents were very very pressing the idea to go to college. And so i said, well i could do both. I didnt want to do active duty wait four years and then do college as i said, well, i can do the marine corps right now while also going to college. All right, and then the funny story with that is just that. It was all for not because i ended up dropping out of college in 2017 to become a journalist in dc. Which you know, i think i think was the was the good decision to do but at the time obviously was a bit of a risk. Well, and and i think thats when we first met because we were both associated with the examiner at the time actually and 2018. Yeah. Yeah, and you were coming covering some protests them, but i mean it wasnt anything like what were seeing now, but there was a series of protests that you got into the middle of and ill be honest with you. I mean because i used to where i was kind of in sort of editorial position at examiner. I dont think they knew what to do with you julio. Honestly, i dont think they i dont think they understood how to harness your talent. So its great that you ended up at town hall. So with the so with the examiner and im not obviously in the habit of like bad mouthing. No, were not knocking anybody but publicly but the way that the examiner was structured was just that you were either a beat reporter. Or you were breaking news report, which is very much how a lot of Media Companies were structured for a very long time. But i realized that but for me i didnt want to be dedicated that just one thing, but i didnt want to be just on breaking news. And so thats why when there was opportunities to cover some protests that i went out and did it and combining social media while covering a live event like that. I knew that could gain traction with um getting the story out yep, and so yeah, because of how the examinerary structured and you know companies constructure their things over they want. Yeah, i just didnt fit into it to what i wanted to do and you know, we partnered ways absolutely same here and amicably you and me. Okay. I was nothing but the best for the people the examiner they have their way of doing things. But thank god we both ended up at town hall where i think i think the Creative Vision as well as the Business Vision a town hall recognizes the best way to utilize both of us and very different ways. But all right and boy, did you flourish and and heres whats very interesting. Its a very important that everybody understand this about the book and i want to keep reminding you the book is fiery, but mostly peaceful the 2020 riots and the gaslighting of america because i think people will make the mistake that this is a journal of your and or a chronicle of your experience on the street covering these these riots. But this is actually this book is in the purest. Sense of the word a in evisceration of the legacy corporate media. This is this book so that and this is the problem with how other journalistic endeavors might operate where oh, okay, julios good at go in and getting footage and reporting on the riots and thats it. And thats the beginning and end of your participation and then other people will use that footage for analysis. No, no your power julio is that you were there you saw what was happening and you were able to blow away all of the myths that the media were telling us. Youre really a media critic. You just happen to be in the middle of the story covering the truth and then you use that truth to criticize the media. Am i am i far off base from what youre trying to do here . No. No, youre exactly right and and it was funny because when the book was first coming about thats not how it was structured because really im of the belief that if youre going to be a reporter beer reporter and in terms of you dont spend. You dont do analysis. You dont youre not partisan with what you covered like sure what you might be covering is true. But if youre gonna want to put your spin on it, they should like you shouldnt be reporter. You shouldnt be called a journalist because in my head in my view, thats what the term should be. Not obviously, you know that that term has been bastardized by the legacy media by mainstream media. So, you know, the term reporter and journalist doesnt really mean that like it used to and so and thats why i very specifically when i was joining town hall and they said well, what do you want your title to be . Thats why i said senior writer. I want, you know writers more encompassing and so thats why i like to do now is analysis and opinions when when its appropriate and when im actually knowledgeable on talking about and so when i was structuring the book, it was just set up to be heres my experience. Heres the experiences of others. Heres some basic analysis on like the damage and the destruction and kind of all the stuff. It wasnt really meant to be at first wasnt meant to be argumented in the sense of you know, presenting an argument about okay. Heres heres what happened. Heres what happened, which is yeah, which is which is what how i did the right coverage its reported. But but my my agent at eighthos who are great people cant cant thank them enough. He he had a call with them actually when i was headed down to the border one time last year when were in the beginni