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I would like to call the hearing to order. I would like to welcome our witness today, david glowy, president trumps nominee to be the next undersecretary for intelligence and analysis of the department of Homeland Security. David, congratulations on your nomination. I would also like to take a moment to recognize the sizable family contingent you have behind you today. And thank your husband perry, for his unwavering support. I think its also important to pay tribute and thank your family for its honorable government service. Perry is a supervisory agent, special agent at the fbi. Your father, jim, served in the korean war. Your brotherinlaw served in desert storm and your sister works at the v. A. I thnk all of you for your service to your country. Our goal in conducting this hearing is to enable the committee to consider mr. Glowys qualifications. Hes already provided substantive written responses to more than 80 questions presented by the committee. Today, members will be able to ask additional questions of the nominee. David, let me just warn you. When you see nobody beside mark and i, this is a good thing for a nominee. David comes to us with more than 24 years of National Security and Law Enforcement experience. He began his career as a Houston Police officer before serving as a federal agent with the u. S. Postal Inspection Service and as a special agent with the fbi. In 2012, he was named the Deputy National intelligence manager for threat and finance and transnational organized crime before serving as the chief Intelligence Officer for the United States custom Border Protection office of intelligence. He is currently supporting the National Security council as a special assistant to the president and senior director for Homeland Security. David, you have been asked to lead the department of Homeland Securitys intelligence and an list component at a time when we are facing complex, evolving, and continuous threats to the homeland. The Intelligence Community is tracing threats from state and nonstate actors to our cyber and Critical Infrastructure, and we continue to debate the scope and scale of our u. S. Intelligence collection and legal authorities. I expect youll be a forceful advocate for the Intelligence Community in those discussions while maintaining a steadfast respect for the rule of law. As i mentioned to prior nominees before this committee, i can assure you that the Senate Intelligence committee will continue to faithfully follow its charter and conduct vigorous and realtime oversight over every Intelligence Community entity. Its operations and its activities. Well ask difficult and probing questions of you and your staff and expect honest, complete, and timely responses. Your Law Enforcement and intelligence experience prepare you well to support dhs, and im hopeful that you will look at the department with a fresh set of eyes and a new perspective as you chart its course moving forward. I look forward to supporting your nomination. And insuring a consideration without delay. I want to thank you again for being here, for your years of service to your country, and i look forward to your testimony, and now i recognize the vice chairman for any comments he made have. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Welcome, mr. Glowy, let me say i think this is the earliest Intelligence Committee meeting i have ever attended. It shows my commitment to your appearance and the questions i have for you, because unlike chairman who only lives close, i actually live back in my home state of virginia, and you know, i can assure you, when i was governor, there was a lot less traffic. So congratulations on your nomination as the head of the office of intelligence and analysis. This position sits at a critical juncture between the analytic work of the Intelligence Community and the sniefr sharing world of the department of Homeland Security. If confirmed, your job will be to insure that pieces of information are delivered immediately throughout the department as well as to your partners at federal, state, local, and Tribal Department agencies if needed. I believe that you have an understanding of this need given your background in Law Enforcement and the Intelligence Community. I also appreciate the support you have received from my friend, jim clapper, and from Law Enforcement organizations representing the nations chiefs of police, county sheriffs, and narcotics officers. Lets be clear, dhs, ina requires a strong leader. While the Organizations Mission is defined, it continues to evolve and mature since the creation of dhs over a decade ago. I remain concerned about the level of sharing with Law Enforcement. The large contractors who work for us, and the whole fusion concept, a Fusion Center in virginia, conceptualy, it makes sense. Im not sure its been implemented in the right way and would love to have your fresh set of eyes look at this. The truth is, this job has never been easy and its not going to be easy going forward. If youre confirmed, i will also expect your full cooperation with this citys bipartisan investigation into russias cyberattacks and interference in our 2016 president ial election and concerns about future meddling with our election and voting systems. I have asked dhs to share with this committee, even if we cannot reveal them publicly, the names of the 21 states that the department testified last week were attacked by russian hackers. I have written to and spoken with secretary kelly about this matter. And as the Oversight Committee for all intelligence issues, this committee is entitled to have that information. I want to thank the chairman because this week, the chairman and i sent a letter to all relevant state Election Officials asking that this information be made public. As i said last week, i dont see how americans are made favor when they do not know which state election systems the russians potentially attacks. I particularly feel this way since my home state of virginia has major state elections this year. Again, thank you for appearing before the committee. I look forward to your testimony. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you. I can attest to the fact this is the earlier he has ever been here. I would like to now recognize the chairman of the Senate Judiciary committee to introduce our nominee, senator chuck grassley. Senator grassley, the floor is yours. Thank you, senator burr and Ranking Member warner. Before i read a three or fourminute statement, i would like to say im proud to be here to introduce to the committee a person whose family and he has deep roots in iowa. And glad to be here. I think i could probably give one sentence, which would repeat something you said as you talked about him, because ill be repetitive of some of the things you said, but you talked about his Honorable Service within government and his public service, well qualified to take this position. I would emphasize that as i say that im proud to recognize david as the nominee for undersecretary for intelligence and analysis at dhs. He is a dedicated Public Servant with over 20 years of National Security and Law Enforcement experience. He currently serves on the National Security council as special assistant to the president and senior director for Homeland Security. Prior to this, the nominee served as chief Intelligence Officer for the u. S. Customs and Border Protection. Mr. Glowy is a former Police Officer and federal agent with both the u. S. Postal Inspection Service and the fbi. In 2007, he served in iraq and africa on a joint fbi deployment with the department of defense. Following this tour, he was a Senior Adviser at the National Counterterrorism center. In 2012, the nominee was named Deputy National intelligence manager for threat, finance and transnational organized crime where he oversaw and integrated the Intelligence Communitys Data Collections and analysis. In 2014, he began serving as National Security council on that council as the Senior Intelligence official responsible for implementing the president s strategy on transnational organized crime. In 2015, he was awarded the National Intelligence superior Service Medal for his extraordinary contribution to the u. S. Intelligence community and our nations security. The nominee is an iowa native, as i said. Still has family in iowa. Hes a graduate of my alma mater of the university of northern iowa. And also a graduate of Harvard Universitys jfk school of government. He got started in Law Enforcement and advanced his impressive career with charactertically outstanding iowa work effort. He shared with me how much the roots mean to him, and i appreciate his commitment to putting them to work in this new position for our nation as he has several positions in the past. His mother nancy is someone who i crossed paths with for a long time in iowa as well, im proud to say, and i know shes glad to be here with the rest of her family and his friends today to celebrate with him and to support him through this process. Thank you for holding this hearing. And i urge you to support his nomination to fill this very important post. Thank you. Chairman grassley, thank you for that very thorough introduction, and before, david, i ask you to stand and be sworn in, i want to recognize your mother, nancy. I didnt recognize her earlier when i recognized your dad. Also i want to recognize wyatt, even though he left the room, and your daughter alexis, who is just an absolute doll. If you will, raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god . Please be seated. David, youre now sworn in. And before we move to your statement, i would like to ask you five standard questions that the committee poses to each nominee who appears before us. They just require a simple yes or no answer for the record. Do you agree to appear for the committee here or other venues if invited . Yes. If confirmed, do you agree to send officials from your office and designated staff. Yes. Do you agree to provide documents or any other material requested by the committee in order for us to carry out our oversight and legislative responsibilities . Yes. Will you both insure your office and staff provide such materials to the committee when requested . Yes. Do you agree to inform and fully brief to the fullest extent possible all members of the committee of relevant intelligence activities rather than just the chair . Yes. Thank you very much. Well now provide. Your opening state. The floor is yours. Thank you, sir. Chairman burr, vice chairman warner, members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today as the president s nominee for undersecretary for intelligence and analysis at the department of Homeland Security. Im honored to be nominated and humbled to receive the support by secretary kelly, deputy secretary duke. Before we begin, i would like to thank senator grassley. I have learned at an early age about civic duty. I never dreamed at one day i would get to meet a true iowa legend. Thank you for the heartfelt introduction and nearly 60 years of service to the people of iowa. Next, i would like to take a moment to recognize my family. Im grateful for their support and sacrifice. With us are the bedrocks of my life. My 20 year partner and husband, perry, an fbi special agent at the Washington Field office. And our two wonderful children, alexis and wyatt. Wyatt had to leave here. Also is my father, jim, an army veteran drafted for the korean war. My mother nancy, a retired kindergarten teacher. Both from davenport, iowa. My sister who worked for veterans appear, and her husband who also worked for the Veterans Affairs office. My motherinlaw, a lifelong l volunteer in her community. And i would like to recognize my deceased fatherinlaw. I would also like to thank my friends and coworkers who have supported me throughout my life. I would not have this opportunity without them. The Mission State of dhs is clear and correct. Dhs faces a complex and evolving threat environment. They must work across the federal government in concert with state, local, tribal, territorial, and private sector partners. I have over 24 years of Law Enforcement and intelligence experience. If confirmed, i will drive intelligence and operational analysis and identify vulinabilities and mitigate threats. Ina has one of the broadest customer bases. If confirmed, i intent to focus on areas like trade, travel, cyber, borders, marine, and Aviation Security. Their greatest strength is its people. If confirmed, it will be my honor to lead the professionals at ina as we endeavor to implement secretary kellys vision, integrating intelligence and operations and making ina diverse, mission focused and productive environment for the workforce. In closing, i would like to take a moment to recognize the Important Role Congress Plays in the success of ina. I pledge to enable the committee to fulfill that role by keeping you fully informed. Ill stop there and submit the remainder of my comments for the record. Thank you again for the opportunity to appear before you, and i look forward to answering your questions. Thank you. And once again, i thank all of your family members for their Tremendous Service to the country and more importantly to the security of this country. With that, im going to turn to vice chairman to start with questions. Let me also recognize your family, and very impressive. I know theyve got to be very proud of you. I want to start a couple questions in relation to our hearing last week. And just kind of get your sense on this. I want in addition to the comegzs the chairman asked, will you commit to working with this committee as we go forward on the ongoing russia investigation, making sure we get as much access as possible, making yourself acceptable, intelligence reports, cables, products, and other materials. And make sure those are, if requested, are provided to the committee as quickly as possible . Absolutely. One of the things that came away last week was a real concern, and again, while i would just like to get your view, we had representatives from dhs here. They indected 21 states had been the subject of at least some level of russian incursion. But it became evident through the testimony that many cases, the only contact that was made with those states may not have even been to the top election official, the secretary of state or other election official. It might have just been to the vendor who might have been having the Voter Registration roll. I think the chairman and i feel were not made safer by keeping that information private. We understand that dhs views the states have a collaborative relationship with the states and want to maintain that relationship, but they in effect view the states as victims and consequently almost feel like its the obligation of the state to come forward, but we had top Election Officials from indiana and wisconsin here. Neither one of them knew whether their states had been attacked. We had the Illinois State election official here who had clearly indicated he was the victim of an attack, but until the previous testimony of dhs, had not realized and had never been told by dhs that it was actually russia who was behind the attack into the illinois system. What i would like you to do is just commit to work with us as we try to sort through this, recognizing that theres no effort here to relitigate 2016 or to embarrass any state. But we have got to make sure that the states that were subject of attacks are prepared so that information can filter down to local Election Officials so they can all take the necessary precautions. Do you want to comment on that . Any thoughts you might have and how we might be able to address this problem. Sure, senator. Thank you for the question and i appreciate the opportunity to discuss that. I did watch most of the testimony as well. I share your concerns regarding the state and the russian intrusion into the state electoral. And i also understand the challenges with sharing that information regarding the individual states vulnerabilities. Im committed to work with you and be completely transparent with that. I understand the need to understand whos been hacked or the intrusion occurred and the unique vulnerabilities to each state which may be different and working through those challenges. And i concur with you completely. The solutions arent going to be easy and the problem is increasing. And i fully commit if confirmed to work with you. I hope you would be willing to share with us, even if its on a confidential basis, this committee, so we can figure out a way to sort through to make sure were better prepared. Absolutely, sir. I will hold you to that. Im down to the last minute. One other thing, as i mentioned in my opening state, the concept of the Fusion Center makes a great deal of sense. I do wonder at times if theres not duplication and just wonder whether you have, many years now into this concept, is it working the right way . And since youre at the nub of this kind of intelligence and analysis, what would you do to improve this concept or do you feel like its working . Senator, again, thank you for the question. I appreciate the opportunionity talk about that. I was on the joint Terrorism Task force where one of the First Centers was set up, and so im very familiar with it and the challenges. I also have a unique posture of i understand what the needs are of the state, state municipalities as well. If confirmed, i think ill need an opportunity to wrap my arms around the Business Structure they have. Each state operates differently, and thats a challenge. Im committed to work with the committee and yourself on those challenges, and to have a thorough assessment. What i can say is meeting with numerous of the organizations that have graciously supported me, we see the need for it. We need a mechanism to share information. I think its without question there could be improvements in there, and i know undersecretary taylor was working in that direction, and im obligated and committed to do that as well. I dont have a set of recommendations. I do think the whole concept needs a fresh look. Thanks. Senator cornyn. Thank you. Congratulations. And anything chairman grassley, anyone he supports usually guarantees my support. So look forward to your service, continued service to the country. I do have just a broad question about cybersecurity. During the debates, we in congress have had about cybersecurity, we have been unable to overcome the silos that congress itself has built when it comes to jurisdiction over this issue. And the concerns weve had about the organization of the department of Homeland Security since 9 11 and the challenges its had just culturally dealing with so many different disparate agencies now under the umbrella of dhs. But i would be interested in your views about the shortcomings and maybe the opportunities that we have to deal with the cyber threat because it seems to me like were doing a poor job as all of government approach. Senator, thanks for the question. Also, thank you for meeting with me privately and going over some of these issues. I think its a tremendous opportunity in the department to have an integration of Business Enterprise towards this. The elicit pathways of the cyber threat knows no boundaries and no borders. Transnational criminal organizations, terrorist organizations, foreign intelligence organizations, nonstate actors threaten our cyber and threaten the Critical Infrastructure. I have had some initial briefings on our cyber posture within dhs. If confirmed, i would need to unpack that business process we have in place. But what i can commit, senator, if confirmed, is i will bring a sense of urgency, i have served the public, i have served the community. With a sense that you didnt go home until the threats were mitigat mitigated. I view viber in very much that lane. We can say we have room for improvement and i love working with you and the committee if confirmed on that challenge. People understandably are skeptical of our perhaps most capability Government Agency when it comes to cyber which is nsa, so by default, it seems like the department of Homeland Security must assume that role as the intermediary between our agencies like nsa and the private sector who views with skepticism also governments ability to keep information confidential when theres so much at risk from a business standpoint when information about cyber attacks, successful cyberattacks, becomes news. So we look forward to getting your recommendation, and i would just encourage you, we need somebody at the department to stand up and speak with clarity about what we as policymakers need to do to better deal with this threat because as i said, i dont think were doing a very good job right now. Thank you. Senator manchin. Thank you, mr. Chairman. And thank you, mr. Glawe, for being here. First, let me thank your family for the service they have given to our country, each one of them, and for you to continue in their footsteps. Let me ask first of all if you can tell me about your experience as a Police Officer in houston and how that has shaped your service and your dedication to service and be able to lead the dhs with a different perspective than most who have worked through the ranks. Senator, thank you for the question. And thank you for meeting with me yesterday afternoon. It was a real pleasure and honor to meet you. I spent a lot of time in West Virginia and its a wonderful state and a wonderful facility. Thank you for that opportunity to talk about that. As a Houston Police officer, i was 22 years old when i got out of the academy, and i was i just turned 22. I was the youngest Police Officer in the department when i hit the streets. I responded to peoples homes on the worst day of their lives in an effort and hopefully to make it a little better. When you called 911 and responded to a call for service, it was inevitably the worst day in someones life. With that brought a sense of urgency and community, but also an understanding of how important intelligence is. At the time, i probably didnt understand the totality of it, but i surely do now. We must have forward leaning tactical level intelligence to get to our operators and policymakers to allow the appropriate decisions to be made to mitigate those threats. And working with the sense of urgency. What i have seen throughout my 20plus years in working as an entrylevel special agent in the fbi in a post9 11 environment is we have tended to be reaekzary. We have tried to fix that, but some of the critical notes is we have to posture ourselves as an intelligence enterprise to be forward leaning because the worst Case Scenario is when you have to call 911 and a uniformed Police Officer has to respond to the scene. What do you think will be the greatest Security Threat the United States faces . Thank you, senator, for the question. The elicit pathways associated with cyber seem to be an incredible vulnerability. I dont want to get ahead too much on the policy on the threat priorities that the administration and director of National Intelligence and secretary kelly have set, but i will say the illicit pathways being used and the cyber arena and encrypted communication by transnational organizations, by terrorist networks, and by nonstate actors that are on the full spectrum of Illicit Activity from child exploeitation to human trafficking, were in a real challenging situation. How as policymakers and Decision Makers and i can share that intelligence with you to make good decisions. Im committed to that to keep you informed on that. Tsa comes intertwined with your duties. Are you concerned or do you have any concerns with our tsa, our Technology Advancements to be able to detect any type of foreign intervention, if you will, and how would you build cooperation between all those nations and countries that have the ability to fly into our airports and use our u. S. Facilities and the concern you may have with them brings danger to our country . Senator, thank you for the question. If confirmed, i look forward to taking on that challenge. Its a big challenge. The information sharing agreements and our vetting processes to identify nuvarious actors from any country in the world that pose a threat from any threat sector, not just terrorism, again, transnational terrorist organizations that operate just as sophisticated as the intelligence organization, but back to your comment about Aviation Security. In any vulnerabilities we have in Aviation Security arena, i dont think its with any question that terrorist organizations still view aviation as a threat factor that they want to attack. And a nightmare scenario is having a u. S. Flag or any flag carrier to be taken out of the sky. And its something that keeps all of us up at night, and im committed to working toward that and looking at the vulnerabilities with the Intelligence Community to look at threats. My last question, will you if asked by the president render your professional assessment countless if its counter to the current administrations policy or viewpoint . Absolutely, i will always give my honest assessment with complete integrity of the intelligence process. Thank you. Congratulations. Senator harris. Thank you, good morning. I couldnt agree with you more on your priorities arnt cyber and transnational criminal organizations. If confirmed, i look forward to working with you. Theres been a report, and i would just like you to give me your perspective. While you were acting as undersecretary for analysis, you withheld a report as it related to the president s executive order on what we call the muslim ban. Can you give me your perspective on that report and what actually happened. Thank you, senator, for giving me the opportunity to clarify. I had no involvement in the executive order until the day it was released. The report youre referencing there is a compilation of information that was going to be used in the potential litigation for the executive order. It was a combination of multiple intelligence organizations. The information that was contained in the report, a majority was placed in an intelligence product that was disseminated and i authorized that dissemination shortly thereafter, after that information came out or the leak was in the newspaper. Was there a reason that it was withheld before then . It was senator, it was information being compiled in a declaration that was going to be used for the executive order after it was stated. It was a work product . Yes. On the issue of state election infrastructure, you have mentioned that you watched or heard part of the proceedings we had in that regard. Im concerned about what we heard in regard to whether or not dhs has adopted an adequate policy for coordinating with states. And one of the concerns that repeatedly we have heard and we have heard is that the states are concerned they dont have access to intelligence, to safeguard their systems. Obvio obviously, we have concerned about classified information and those who do not have authority receiving any classified information. How do you propose we could improve our systems to give the states more information . And intelligence to emphasize the priority they should place on concerns about hacks . Senator, thank you for that question. And i have had the initial briefings from ntpd on our infrastructure to share information as well as the Fusion Centers. And if confirmed, i look forward to looking at the Business Enterprise of how were doing business and having a sense of urgency. Senator, i come from a background in that arena throughout my entire career to operate with sense of urgency, disseminate intelligence at any classification level to mitigates threats. I share your concern, but if confirmed, i need to unpack and identify those vulnerabilities and how quickly to respond to them. Can you give me examples of what you think might be a remedy or what a remedy would look like . I appreciate the point you made earlier, which is solutions wont be easy. Senator, i think i would have to take a stronger look sorry, not stronger, a more in depth look at our current Business Structure of how that information is disseminated and what infrastructure is currently in place. I would like to say that the Fusion Centers would be a natural touch point for this, but im not sure theyre postured today to do that mission. Especially when youre talking about Intelligence Community secret information that has to go dune to a secret level to get it out there and also to echo what frank taylor said, getting the information in a usable form to the private sector and their vulnerabilities which is tremendous. If confirmed, i share your concerns. Well work with you to work through those challenges. If you did not see that part of the testimony, i urge you to review the hearing we had about what may be a different approach if were talking about a vendor versus state officials who are elected or appointed to represent the state through the State Government system. Senator, thank you. I did see part and some of the confusion involving the legal authorities and disclosure. We have to work through that. I agree with your frustration and im committed to work through it if confirmed. If confirmed, can you give this committee a commitment you will provide us with a report about your assessment well before the 2018 election and if possible, provide us with a report before the end of this year . If confirmed, i absolutely commit to that. Thank you. Thanks, senator harris. David, theres been a lot of discussion about the future of the intelligence component at dhs, how it should be structured, how its mission is defined, what authorities it should operate under, and who ultimately its customers are. Who do you view as the inas core customer . Thank you, senator. Thank you for the question. I have a unique perspective because i was the head of intelligence at u. S. Customs and Border Protection, the largest component of dhs and the largest Law Enforcement organization in the United States. The customers are diverse. And its a challenge because its not necessarily an either or. We have the policymakers and then the Senior Administration specialists, senior policy officials in the legislature, but we have the state and locals and were mandated to share the information with state and locals. We have to do that and do it well because were the only ones mandated to do that. I also see the components. Dhs is a powerful, powerful organization, but they had challenges getting information to them, intelligence, high sight information to the most critical components, and i would use customs and theyre the last person on the line of defense. Well have to find solutions either through our vetting and information sharing agreements or processes to make sure they get all the information they need on the border to mitigate threats. So senator, i apologize my answer wasnt a singular one because its so important with the dhs components, and we have to serve them all, and i have to, if confirmed, to come up with a Business Plan to understand what our customers need. Let me ask it a little different way. What value does ina bring . Senator, thank you. Inas mission is robust and the employees are outstanding. Theyre dedicated and committed to that, interweaving the dhss intelligence is a critical note. Theyre the statutory also charged to bring title 50 information to the component. Function of ic component in dhs and also insuring theyre getting information to the state and local. I see that as also a heavy pronged approach. What i would say is if confirmed, i would bring the mission focus operational focus to insure were meeting our customers need with a sense of urgency. I believe i said it earlier. Having that mind set to deliver tactical lever strategic intelligence to move resources, to beadaptive, the men and women of the ina are incredibly innovative, incredible people. I hope to have the opportunity to help them with that mission. You have the unique background of having served in a number of different capacities that touch the Intelligence Community and the product that comes out of it. The committees been confi conconcerned for some time about the analytic duplication that exists across government, the government wide. Do you share that concern . And what do you see as the analytic component of dhs, or should they be a customer of somebody elses analytic product . Thank you for the question. And i have been a unique position throughout my career to understand that challenge. Especially as a terrorism agent in the fbi and looking at dhs, inas role in the terrorism space and the uniqueness of the organization to provide information. And if confirmed, im committed to look for the business process to duplicati duplication, that we are, if confirmed at ina, i would find the business process for the unique space they operate in, sharing information both ways, but then i also within the dhs component, feel the opportunity to enhance their missions to the integrate in border security, trade, travel, aviation, and Critical Infrastructure is a real opportunity, i think, and to look at ina and our processes and business process to facilitate that mission and possibly carve out other things we dont need, but to make sure were using taxpayers dollars well and mitigating the threat. Given the mission of your agency, as you look forward over the next ten years, do you see more employees that are Government Employees or more employees that are contractors based upon what you know the skill set that youre going to need to attract . Senator, thank you for the question. I have seen incredibly dedicated contractors i worked for in my prior capacity, but i believe a workforce, a continuing workforce, historical workforce with knowledge coming up through the ranks like i have, and also maintaining an employee Business Environment so we retain employees is critical. I have seen the committees past reports on reducing the number of contractors, and im committed to that as well and i agree we would continue to have a government work force in maintaining quality employees from the entry level and having career promotions. Im a believer in that career paths. Im going to put you on the spot. In your view, is there any overlap in the dhs and fbis efforts to counter violent extremists, as others have expressed . Senator, thanks for the question. I think there is potential overlap there, but Business Solutions and partnerships, which i will bring with the fbi, are easy for me, i know the fbi well. Im friends with them. I grew up with them through our management change. But the uniqueness of ina, of incorporating suspicious activity and partnering with state and local and tribal and private sector partners is the unique spot that ina is in and can fill. With the fbi is case driven, investigative driven, dhsina is not. My job is to insure the information and intelligence is shared on those type of threats. I think we have an opportunity in partnership with the fbi and our local partners in that threat space. Ina is such a small piece of dhs. Do you have any concerns about getting lost . Relative to the secretarys view of what ina is or should be or can be . Senator, i do think the critical thing is scoping the mission with having the midlevel and entry level managers understanding our mission directly so were focused on the main mission of keeping the homeland safe. We cant be everything to everyone, and that could cause challenges. So the scoping and Business Plan in my opinion, if confirmed, is going to be the critical aspects of ina moving out on a Mission Oriented approach. I encourage you to make sure that ina is a full partner in the enterprise there versus just the agency you turn to when theres an oh, blank moment. Well turn to the vice chairman. I appreciate your comments and i want to follow up on what i raised and senator harris rais raised. I was surprised last week when we had the head of all the association of secretaries of state who basically viewed that the designation of our electoral system as Critical Infrastructure, she felt that was a burden rather than an asset. And again, not sure this will exactly fall within your purview, but i want to reemphasize that something is wrong with our system if we have information and we feel like our top state Election Officials are not cleared in an appropriate security clearance level to get briefed on that information. Again, i think we missed dodged a bullet in 2016 because none of the systems were penetrated to a level that affected, but if theres one word we heard from the ic, its that the russians will be back. I would hope we get to a point where if your designated Critical Infrastructure, you felt that was a net positive to your institution, and dhs was providing both asset support and information sharing in a way that, again, made sure that our most critical component of our democratic process, our voting systems protected. I hope youll think through that. Its a new area and i appreciated the comments from dhs last week. This is something we have to get to where theres a real sense of urgency immediately. Thank you, vice chairman. David, i want to thank you again for your service to the country and your familys service. Senator manchin. Possible to follow up on one question . The senator is recognized. Thank you very much. David, what have we learned since 9 11 . You know, i understood that we had a lot of we were a lot of the intelligence dmunt was warned, but there wasnt knbt talking at all, but everybody was concerned about that. In your valuation of taking on the role youre going to take on, what do you think that maybe you have learned or we have learned or we should have learned and how can you make sure that doesnt repeat itself . Because youre going to share this down to the level you started with. You know what its like down there. Thats where its got to stop. I read all the reports of 9 11. It really shouldnt have happened. I thought about that for many years. And coming up through the entry level ranks and severaling with some very elite intelligence and operational squads and teams, the one thing i have learned is a Mission Integrated operationally focused approach. And empowering your leaders, empowering your mid and lower level staff with an operational mind set that all threats must be mitigated, you dont know home at the end of the night until the threats are mitigated and you share intelligence. You do everything you can in the legal bounds of sharing information with each other. When you do recognize stovepipes or vulnerabilities, raise them up immediately. You cant sit on them. I was fortunate enough early on in my career to have been the lead on the threat in the homeland at a very entry level, and some incredible leaders i worked for allowed me to develop the program to mitigate that threat. That also involved oversea partners. I have taken that to heart on how i view every day i go to work, is on mitigating threat. Clear and direct information lines to policymakers, so as threats are emerging, we need to change. We change together as a team. I view this as a one team, one fight approach. Doesnt matter what side of the aisle youre on. Its about keeping the country safe. Im committed to that and will always be committed to that. David, again, i want to thank you for your service, your family for their service. And more importantly, for your killingness to fill this role that the president is asking you to do. Its incredible. I have enjoyed your lovely children. If i didnt have a 15monthold granddaughter, i would take alexis home with me today. David, its the vice chairs and my intent to move your nomination as rapidly as we can. Theres a great likelihood we wont adjourn for the fourth of july week tomorrow. I can assure you if theres any way to get the process moving before we leave, well try to do that. Mark and i will talk. If not, well do it as quickly as we can when we get back. Its my hope to get you permanently placed no later than the july timeframe. My one reminder to you is that dhs has many bosses. From a standpoint of policy. You have one. And its this committee. And the intelligence that you process through the ina is of great interest to us. I want to go back to this duplication thing just very briefly because having served in multiple capacities that you have, i think you can understand my frustration. When i sit down in the morning and i go through my intelligence reports from overnight, and i find a report that i read from five different areas and at the bottom of it, the core source was the same product, it really makes me wonder why we need five different interpretations of the same core product, and if that core product is as important as i think it is, why isnt everybody turning to them versus trying to recreate the wheel . I hope youll remember that as you serve out this term at ina because i really think weve got to refine what we do and how we do it from an intelligent stand point. The rest of the world is changing and they dont have the rules and they dont have the history to incumber them like we do in the United States. We have to figure out how to get the history of the way, but the rules are going to stay. And we will be very aggressive from our standpoint of our oversight of you and the organization. With that, this hearing is adjourned. A house panel will look at access to oil and Gas Development on federal lands. We will hear from state and federal energy officials. This house Natural Resources subcommittee hearing begins thursday at 10 00 a. M. Eastern live here on cspan3. You can also follow live coverage on cspan. Org and with the cspan radio app. This Holiday Weekend on American History tv on cspan3, saturday at 6 00 p. M. Eastern on the civil war, historians discuss new york city during the war, from divided political loyalties to its southern economic highs and the 1863 draft riots. It seems clear that these draft riots really were kind of organic, perfect storm of resentment that had been building, you know, maybe for half a century. You know, john, you were saying that this was not so much an irish riot or, you know, an ethnic riot but a working mans, the largest in our history. Sunday at 8 00 p. M. On the presidency, philip levi discusses George Washingtons life including riverfront land long thought to be his birth place. George corbin washington sold the property off, sews he was sort of distancing himself. There were still family stories about the land but they were getting fewer, and the washingtons themselves were living more distanltly, living further away. It is sort of a retreat. There wasnt a lot on the land to recall where the buildings were. Monday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on real america, the 1977 documentary, men of bronze about soldiers of the allblack 369th infantry regiment known as the harlem hell fighters. It was a can teen, a rifle, an army belt and a helmet. We were issued fence helmets, fence rifles, fence ammunitions, fence canteen. And tuesday at 8 00 p. M. , pulitzer price winning historian David Mccullough talks about how the founders, particularly john adams, valued education, viewed slavery and persevered in the face of hardship and how these ideals shaped american society. You grew up on a farm where they had no money, his mother was illiterate, his father we know sign his name maybe because there was a bible in the house and that was the only book. And they worked hard every day from childhood on. But because he got a scholarship to this Little College in cambridge called harvard and, as he said, discovered books and read forever, he became the john adams who helped change the for history tv schedule, go to cspan. Org. Up next, secretary of state Rex Tillerson is asked about the trump administrations proposal to cut the state departments budget by 31 . Secretary tillerson also talked about sanctions against north korea, u. S. Cuba policy and the paris climate agreement. Senator bob corker chairs the

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