Good morning everybody. Norm hi we dont start until the ranking members here but people have scheduling problems today, and ive consulted with the staff and i can go ahead without waiting. Thank you sir for being here. Senator kennedys coming. The topic of todays hearing involves the ms13 crises thats growing and spreading in communities across the nation. The atrocities of these criminals are not new. The group has existed since the 1980s and has made a reputation for itself as a perpetrator of extreme and often gruesome violence. This organization has been dubbed the worlds most dangerous gang. And some say, it would be a terrorist organization. But, you wouldnt expect anything less from a group whose model happens to be kill, rain and control. Unfortunately over the last two years this terrifying model has become a vicious reality for many communities across our country. So far this year, the gang has been publicly linked to dozens of highprofile killings, rapes and assault across the country from washington, d. C. , metro area, to houston, texas and name a lot of other communities as well. Undoubtedly there are many many more that simply havent been reported. Let me give the Committee Just a few examples of this groups absolute brutality and inhumidity. Ms13 has been responsible for nearly 20 murders on long island just since 2010. With victims including high school aged children, as young as 1. The group is also considered responsible for an additional 32 violence acts including eight attempted murders. In january, two gang members, both of whom are unauthorized immigrants murdered a 22yearold man from new jersey to maryland with a promise of sex, where he butchered that person and left him in the woods near gooet berg, maryland to rot. In march, two ms13 members were charged with kidnapping and sexually assaulted three teenage girls for several weeks and eventually murdering one of them in what has been zroibed as a satanic ritual. In march of april, a string of ms13 murders weapon across virginia with a murder of woods. Woods was found space down, ms13 subpoenas had cut his hands and throat before stabbing him 16 times. Now, while these examples are horrifying their far from isolating, according to the department of justice. Ms13 regularly conduct gang activities across 40 states, in the District Of Columbia and their violence touches nearly every Major Community in america. Whats even more troubling than the recent search of ms13 Gang Violence is the fact the organization has a new and more disturbing recruitment strategy, targeting uncompanied alien children. One child who was targeted by ms13 and ultimately lost his life from their violence. As the Washington Post reported friday afternoon, danny san tin ya miranda was just 16yearold when he was ab hended at the border. He traveled to the United States without his parents and like other minors he was sent with the federal government to live with a sponsor, in this case appear uncle. Daniel was enrolled if a local school where he was, according to reports, sucked into tensions between ms13 and rival gangs. This led him as 13 gang leaders in el salvador to order dannys assassination. And he was shot to death at School Bus Stop one morning. Dannys tragic story is all too common example of ms13 rootless targeting of children. It is well known that ms13 targets and recruits children as young as 8 years old. Unaccompanied minors are gang candidates for gang recruitment. Their illegal status and Central American heritage alone make them vulnerable targets for ms recruitment. While their illegal status and Central American heritage are key factors in the targeting, without a doubt, the failure of the Current System for handling these children is also the blame. The Current System is with abuse, system mask errors and lack of effective cooperation. Today wile hear from agencies who share responsibility for allowing these children to fall through the cracks and become target for ms13 recruitment. To help us get to the bottom of the crises, we have asked representatives at the table, the Justice Department, health and Human Services, and the department of Homeland Security to appear today and to give us their point of view and answer our questions. In the report, its found the customs and Border Patrol has allowed many ms13 gang members to enter the United States, according to the whistle blower documents obtained by chairman johnson, the Obama Administration know ghi released at least 16 known ms13 members in the communities after their apprehensive. Many of these members were uncompanied children. Once an unaccompanied chirp is apprehended, the refugee settlement is suppose to find these children a sponsor. Ultimately the sponsors themselves are in the country illegally and many of them have criminal background. Because of the lack of postrelease oversight many children have been placed in dangerous situations including illegal work inviermts and sometimes even prosecution rings. This combination of events, trafficking and apprehension at the United States border, and placement with inappropriate sponsors makes unaccompanied children vulnerable to gang recruitment. With promises of a Cultural Community and an escape from often heroin and isolating Living Conditions at home, measuring s13 Hidalgo County bad an alternative option for too many young people. In in spite of ample evidence that unaccompanied children are a prime target for ms13 rekrums, none of the Government Agencies here today have any statistics about how many more of the gang entered the United States and has recruited unaccompanied children. The end results of the governments total failure to establish an efficient process and meaningful oversight of the placement of these children have led to the current ms13 crises. Todays hearing is a step in plotting the path forward. Throughout the course of this hearing were going to ex mother how customs and Border Patrol and the office of Refugee Resettlement can better pop late to ensure the safe and proper placement of unaccompanied children and decimate ms13s recruitment in setting. Were also going to hear what steps immigration and Custom Enforcement and the Justice Department is taking to eliminate this situation on the back end. At the end of this hearing i fully expect the government and witnesses to be given a better understanding of what needs to be and must be done to end this threat. To many innocent americans and immigrant lives are at take stake. Thank senator frankens, say what have you want to do. Well, before i begin id hike to thank you mr. Chairman for calling this hearing and focusing an attention on an issue that has significant implications for Public Safety. Gang violence, particularly violence perpetrated by ms13 and its rival, the 18th street gang, threatens the safety and security of our communities, most especially our immigrant communities. After police in los angeles arrested close to two dozen ms13 gang members last month, lapd chief, charley beck explained that gangs like ms13 prey on immigrants, in mar on undocumented immigrants. He said quote, they ex start them, problem them, rape them, they murder them. But chief beck also made clear that quote, without immigrants cooperation as witnesses, none of these arrests would be possible. Now chief beck knows, and i expect that ms13 knows as well that members of our immigrant communities are far less likely to seek help from Law Enforcement if they know that the miff that respond to that call is going to check the papers. I think its quite clear that fighting ms13 doesnt just demand a coordinated effort opponent of state and local Law Enforcement, fighting ms13 requires a Law Enforcement officials have the trust and respect of the communities targeted. I hope that todays witnesses are able to speak to how we are working to maintain that trust and respect, notwithstanding the antiimmigrant rhetoric and policies weve seen emerge from the trump campaign, and sadly the Trump Administration. I also think its important to acknowledge that some members of our immigrant communities came to this country to escape the violence and conflict that ms13 and other gangs inflicked upon them in their home countries. Sad sadly, for Central American immigrants, those from southern countries, gaud may la, and hon did you ev duras, the all too narrow. Recent studies have demonstrated Gang Violence, specifically Gang Violence targeting children is a significant factor in some familys decision to leave their home country if search of safety and security here in america. So i hope todays witnesses is raible to help us understand how ms13 east activities in Central America force children and families to make the long journey here. I also hope todays witnesses can help us understand how addressing the root cause, root causes of this violence in Central America fits into the federal governments efforts to fight ms13 here at home. Thank you mr. Chairman and again i appreciate youre holding this hearingism. Thank you. For the benefit of the committee as well as witnesses, im going to have one of my colleagues, chair from 11 to 11 25 so i can go and ask questions on trade and finance committee down the hall. I should be back. We all need to remember the twohour rule would be in place db no i guess well be done by the time the twohour rule go into effective. Im going to sprous the pam and id like to swear you after that then ill take your testimony. Karl rojas, acting chief of the u. S. Border patrol. Miss rojas has a long career in Law Enforcement. She began with the Riley County Police department, man tat tan, kansas, onned the Border Patrol 1997. She has held numerous positions. In 199 , Border Patrol agent in charge. In 2009, deputy chief patrol agent. 2011. Chief patrol agent in 2013. And depth commissioner and responsibility, 2015. Scott lloyd is director of office refugees settlement. Mr. Lawrence joined his dj from catholic university. Prior mr. Lloyd served as chief counsel, Public Policy officer, nights at columbus where he helped shape the organizations humanitarian response and led his policy ethic and minority victims of isis. Mr. Lloyd has served on micks sphere on drug policies and Human Resources and at the department of health and Human Services. Derrick banner is the acting executive associate director for Homeland Security investigation. M banner began his comp store in Law Enforcement in the u. S. Customs service where he served as customs inspector, ama recent enforcement officer. A special agent and a management of meritime Smuggling Task force. Prior to to his current position, m banner served as special agent for Homeland Security investigations where he led Multi Agency Task forces and crossing criminal activity in the Mexican Border area. Mr. El victims is executive associate director of enforcement and removal operations in this role he leads ero in its mission to identify and remove individuals who presented danger to National Security or mechanic safety. He has over 23 years of federal Law Enforcement experience and has held numerous leadership positions, such as depth assistant director for investigations, associate special agent in charge and depth special agent if charge with a former u. S. Immigration and naturalization service. Mr. Elvins have also served as unit chief for isis office of investigation training academy. Kenne Kenneth Blaine koe is the assistant attorney general for criminalinging division. Mr. Blaine koe has early morninged earned a jd. Hes began his career in the miami, dade attorney office. He joined the Southern District of florida u. S. Attorney office 98. M plain koe has held numerous positions, chief of high potential Drug Trafficking area, acting chief of narcotics and deputy chief of major crime sections in 2008. Mr. Plain coserved as Deputy Defense attorney general. Would you please stand. Do you affirm that the testimony youre about to give before the committee will be the truth whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god . Each has affirmed. Thank you very much. Mr. Chairman may a ask a question housekeeping question. You eluded to the two hour rule. Yeah but i think were starting at noon are we . But is that is there an objection to committees meeting during the days session of the senate . Only rumors. Okay. Only rumors. And thats associated with the protest of some of our cheegs over the healthcare issue . Yes. Thank you. As far as i know it was yesterday i believe. Mr. Chair if i may, for those of you who may not know thats if every member were here right now we couldnt finish by noon, so for somebody at the end of the die yas i hope they dont show up so ill have an opportunity to ask my questions. This is an critically important subject we should not be cut off the arbitrated subject for issues that has nothing to do with this problem. Senator under the youre protected. Miss pro voice, bay eay the wayh of you will probably have more than the five minute statement you have been allocated. That longer statement had been put in the record. I dont cut people off right at five minutes but before the red light go on id appreciate if you would go as quickly as you could. Proceed. Thank you. Ranking members thank you for the opportunity to appear today to discuss the role of u. S. Border protection and protecting the homeland and securing our borders. Thanks for the support and leadership of the president , congress and acting commissioner as well as the hard work of men and women of the cdp. Were making progress to secure our borders but threat posed against the operation. Such as ms13. Since taking office the president has issued executive orders and intended to secure our border and enforce immigration laws especially as they relate to etos. Immedication of policy have led to historic decline in illegal crossings along the southwest border. One of the greatest challenges we cap to face along the swes border are tcos such as the criminal organization, ms13. When the u. S. Border patrol encounterers known gang members ore aliens who admit to known and the Border PatrolElectronic System of record, bio mettic information is collected for all aliens over the age of 14. The system elects finger prints and run record checks on detainees and ensuring their prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We encounter unaccompanied alien children with suspect t afacilities to ms13 creates champs. All are court orders and policies pursuant to the trafficking victims protection reauthorization act of 2008, once a child is determined to meet the definition of a uac, cbp is required to transfer the uac into the carry and custody of health and Human Services within 72, except in unusual circumstances. If a uac is expected of being a member of or affiliated with a gang the communicating is conveyed to an i. C. E. Field office juvenile coordinator and office of review yes and resettlement. When a placement request the regenerated. Secure replacement is requested for any uac who has a gang affiliation. Of the more than 250,000 uacs apprehended since 2012, approximately 160 are suspected of having gang afilgs inchuding affiliations with ms13. The Department Unit of Effort Initiative enchuding the tafgs forgots have strengthen processes toen able the operation to impress ctos. The against tcos and elicit networks by sex offenders and seizing weapons and narcotics. With the support of congress, cbp will continue to work with our Law Enforcement partners, leverage their capabilities and continue to target individuals and organizations inchuding ms13 whos criminal conduct jurn mines community, the integrity of immigration system and all board security. Well take steps to prevent the proindividulal of the president s executive orders which support the departments efforts to disrupt and dismantle teos that afortifying the netwo the region and beyond. Members of committee thank you for this opportunity to testify on this important issue. In closing id like to take a moment to mention that although illegal immigration are trendingdown ward the aat all time on Border Patrol agents are on the rise. They are