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Illinois for illinois governor Bruce Rauners third state of the state address joining at the General Assembly at the state capital. Today i rise to open for taking a moment for officer from the blooming dadale Police Department who passed away on january 19th just 27 years old this officer had only been on the Department Less than a year, had already received a lifesaving award and was labelled as a shining star. This man took the solemn oath of protecting our communities and saving lives today hes being laid to rest and i would ask that we keep his family and all of our Law Enforcement community in our thoughts and prayers, for they do a nearly impossible job. And unpoapologetically to his family, thank you for sharing him, please remember that that man touched many lives in a short period as an officer. Changed many lives. We very a very difficult job, and i would hope that this body could understand we dont do it for thanks, we dont do it for any type of gratitude, we do it because its right. We do it because its honorable and we do it because we love our families and our communities. I would respectfully ask for a moment of silence. The body will have a moment of silence. Thank you, members. Thank you very much. Speaker [ inaudible ] the session is in recess. Will members please take their seats . Members please take their seats. Ladies and gentlemen, please take your seats. The doorkeeper is recognized for an announcement. Mr. Speaker, the honorable president colorton and members of the senate are at the door and seek admission to the chamber. Mr. Doorkeeper, please admit the honorable senators. As designated in house joint resolution 7, the hour of 12 00 noon having arrived, the joint session of the 100th General Assembly will now come to order. Will the members of the house and our guests from the senate please take their seats . Mr. Clerk, is a quorum of the house present . A quorum of the house is president. Mr. President , is a quorum of the senate present in this chamber . Thank you, mr. Speaker, a quorum of the senate is present. There being a quorum of the house and a quorum of the senate in attendance, this joint session is convened. Will the members please take their seats . Will the members please take their seats . Wed like to announce some distinguished guests who have joined us today. Will we please welcome Lieutenant Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti . [ applause ] attorney general lisa madigan. [ applause ] secretary of state jesse white. [ applause ] comptroller suzanna mendoza. [ applause ] treasurer michael ferricks. [ applause ] and the chief of staff to governor rauner, richard goldberg. [ applause ] chair recognizes the majority leader, representative curry. Thank you, speaker. I move for the adoption of joint session resolution 1. Mr. Clerk, read joint session resolution number 1. Joint session resolution number 1, be it resolved that a committee of ten be appointed, five from the house by the speaker of the house and five from the senate by the president of the senate to wait upon Governor Bruce Rauner invite him to address the joint assembly. Representative curry has moved for the adoption of the resolution. All those in favor signify by sayi saying aye, all those who oppose say nay. The following are appointed as a committee to escort the governor. The appointments from the house with the representative sue shear, representative thaddeus jones, representative lisa hernandez, representative ryan spain, representative nick sour. President cullorton. The appointments from the senate are senator laura murphy, senator tom rooney, senator dale fowler. Will the committee of escort please convene at the rear of the chamber and await the governor. The doorkeeper is recognized for an announcement. Mr. Speaker, the governor of the state of illinois, bruce rauner and his party wish to be admitted to this chamber. Mr. Doorkeeper, please admit the governor. [ applause ] [ applause ] thank you very, very much. Welcome to our guests in the gallery and welcome to our members of the media. Thank you for joining us today. And good afternoon to everyone here. It is an honor to be with you. President cullorton, speaker madigan, leader redono, leader dirken, Lieutenant Governor sanguinetti, attorney general madigan, secretary white, comptroller mendoza, treasurer ferricks and all of you, members of the General Assembly, ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor to stand with you today, to discuss the state of our state. Despite the problems and uncertainties we face, i am deeply optimistic about the future of our beloved illinois. We have big challenges and like many of you, i am frustrated by the slow pace of change here in springfield. But with great challenge comes great opportunity. By working together, we can overcome any obstacle. We have the best people and the best location of any state in america. Through bipartisan cooperation illinois can once again be the economic engine of the midwest. And the home of innovation and prosperity for everyone. [ applause ] two years ago when our administration came into office, we set about to return illinois to a state of growth and opportunity. We knew that we could not simply tax our way out of our fiscal problems. We needed to grow. We needed to fix a broken system. We needed to make illinois more welcoming to job creators, to restore confidence in government, and to ensure that all of our children could receive a high quality education and job training so they could obtain high paying careers here at home. Given those realities, we set key goals for our administration. First, make illinois the most ethical and efficient state in the nation. Second, invest in education so that illinois has the best schools and Vocational Training in every neighborhood, and in every community. And most importantly, make our state more competitive, more attractive to job creators, to grow our economy and bring more good paying jobs to our state. By working together, we have begun to accomplish these goals. But there is so much that remains to be done. Inside government over the past two years we have made Great Strides in ethics reform. We closed the revolving door on executive branch employees leaving government to become administration lobbyists. We tighten the gift band loopholes that lobbyists and contractors use to influence regulators and win favor with decisionmakers. We increased transparency so that any resident of the state can now go online and review state spending on contracts and at will hires. We required more comprehensive economic interest statements so we could all see who was being paid and by whom. We cleaned up the hiring mess we inherited at idot and were working cooperatively with michael shackman to strengthen state hiring rules even more. Were modernizing and streamlining State Government and building toward a higher level of transparency through our new department of innovation and technology. In the last year, the department has protected more than 5 billion records of illinois residents that were previously left unsecured and unencrypted. And removed millions of pieces of paper out of file cabinets and into the digital age. Kirk lawnbalm, leads our cybersecurity efforts at doit, our department of innovation and technology. Hes working around the clock along whith his teammates to mae sure our state records are secure. Hes here today. Lets give him a hand. [ applause ] thank you. We have cut red tape and made it easier for constituents to interact with State Government. Were moving to a digital application process for professional licenses, and reducing processing times by 70 . Were cutting paper and postage costs through online license renewal notifications, saving money, and more than 16,000 hours of work every year. Richard morris works for the department of financial and professional regulation. And has been a leader in our transformation to online licensing. Working across agency lines and with professional associations outside of government, hes put the time and effort in with the right people, the right level, the right time to make this initiative a success. Hes here with us today. Lets all give him a hand for his service to our state. Thank you. Thank you. Youre transforming State Government to benefit our people and taxpayers. We appreciate it. Were using technology and innovation to stop fraud and abuse everywhere we can. Were already saving taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars inside medicaid alone. And were working together, we enacted historic reforms to crack down on Unemployment Insurance fraud as well. We signed Innovative New contracts now with 20 of our State Government unions to drive more value for taxpayers. By paying more for productivity and High Performance rather than just seniority. By starting overtime pay after 40 hours rather than just 37 1 2. By adding greater flexibility in the workplace, and we laid the ground work fwor allowing volunteers to work at our state parks and health facilities. These are all common sense changes that are good for employees and taxpayers alike. [ applause ] we formed a Bipartisan Task force led by Lieutenant Governor sanguinetti. Thank you. To recommend ways we can reduce the cost of our bloated bureaucracy across the state. Our worst in the nation 7,000 units of local government. Every dollar we can save in reducing bureaucracy is a dollar we can invest in education and human services, along with reducing our highest in the nation property taxes. The task force is made 27 recommendations that we can implement together all of us in this room together through legislation to save hundreds of millions of dollars. The communities of grays lake and hainesville are leading by example. They saved half a Million Dollars a year through sharing services while providing more support to their local police. Rep taylor is with us today. Lets give him a round of applause for his service. Thank you. [ applause ] we have worked hard to change our broken political system. And restore competitive general elections in our state. Were encouraged we encouraged many of many in this room encouraged the people of illinois to put more than 1 million signatures on petitions to get term limits and fair maps on the ballot. Unfortunately our judges, who are themselves elected through our state political process, decided that a million signatures werent enough. They decided that only you, each of you, the members of the General Assembly, could pass the necessary legislation to enable the voters to have their say. I ask you today, on behalf of all of the people of illinois, democrats and republicans, please do the right thing. Pass the bills to put term limits and fair maps on the ballot. [ applause ] let the people of illinois decide these issues for themselves. Let them have the ability to vote on these issues. End the power of incumbency and special interest groups, and give power back to the people of our state. Illinois turns 200 in 2018. What better time to give us a brighter next 200 years than by bringing greater integrity to our political system. When it comes to providing a Better Future for the people of illinois, nothing we do together is more important than educating our young people. We all want our children to be able to stay here in illinois with good paying jobs. We want employers to come to illinois because we have the best people. So our administration has made education from cradle to career top priority. Two years ago we delivered together with you unprecedented funding for our k to 12 schools. And the next year we came back and did it again. In all our kids are receiving more than 700 million more per year, our kids and our teachers, 700 million more per year than two years ago, including an extra 100 million more for Early Childhood education. Thank you. This practice is this terrible practice of proration is coming to an end. We formed a Bipartisan Task force to recommend changes to the unbalanced way our k to 12 Public Schools are funded. For years and years illinois has provided the lowest percentage of education Financial Support from any state in the country. This is wrong. I personally believe this is immoral. It denies the American Dream to low income kids. We have the largest gap between funding for high income schools and low income schools of any state in the country. This is wrong. We have to end that. Both across the state and within within the city of chicago. The task force expects to finish their work in the coming weeks, and we look forward to working on a bipartisan basis to implement their recommendation. Governors cabinet on children and youth bringing together all state agencies that serve our children to ensure that illinois young people are healthy, safe, well educated and on the road to becoming selfsufficient. The commitment, cooperation and Effective Problem Solving among the agencies is extraordinary. Im so proud of their work. In partnership with external partners in the private sector, they will make illinois a better place for all of our children. Theyre working with the Illinois State board of ed, the local high schools, Community Colleges and local employers, our youth cabinet is striving to expand Vocational Training and technical programs for all of our High School Students while they are in high school reducing young childrens exposure to lead. We up this at the top of the cabinets priority list from day one when we formed them last year. Were proud to recognize jen walling from the Illinois Environmental Council who is working with us on this effort and shes here today. Jen, thank you for your work. [ applause ] on Martin Luther king day, all of us, democrats and republicans, stood together if signing a bill that requires all schools and Daycare Centers to test their Drinking Water regularly. And inform parents of the results. Dr. King spoke about the threat of lead poisoning in 1966. So it is particularly appropriate were able to sign an important piece of legislation on his birthday. Reducing lead [ applause ] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Reducing lead exposure, which disproportionately affects low income children and children of color is a social justice issue. So too is ensuring that we provide a means for those in our criminal Justice System to rehabilitate themselves and return to productive lives. Everybody deserves a second chance. We are a state of compassion and forgiveness, everybody deserves a second chance. Over the past two years, our administration has worked to reform our criminal Justice System, reduce recidivism and address underlying behavioral and Mental Health issues for those in our systems of care. In order to keep our communities safer, and more compassionate. Were making Great Strides in implementing initial recommendations from our commission on criminal justice reform. Helping get back on their feet and giving them meaningful skills to find employment. [ applause ] were turning around the department of children and family services. It is so critical that they provide their services well. And it has been a deeply troubled agency as we all know for a long time. Were making strides. It is hard, but were making strides. We have safely reduced the juvenile justice population by 49 . We have shuttered the outdated round house at stateville prison. While repurposing two other facilities in murfreesboro as life Skill Centers to help nonviolent offenders return to the workforce more effectively. [ applause ] thank you. Thank you. Sadly very unfortunately our progress in reducing nonviolent crime is being overshadowed by the skyrocketing rate of violence in chicago. The violence occurring in chicago every day is intolerable. We cannot let it continue. We have got to bring it to an end. Violence experts say there is no single cause and no single solution. But with the right mix of policies with a joint commitment between the city, the county, the state, and the federal government we can and Must Find Solutions to curb the violence. At the Illinois State police, were providing the chicago Police Department with a wide range of resources. And we stand ready to do more wherever and whenever called upon. Our troopers have already surged to counter the violence that spilled over on to our expressways. And were committed to hiring more state Police Officers to help patrol chicago expressways and other high violence areas. Now, Law Enforcement plays a Critical Role in Violence Reduction but in the end, it is a treatment, it is not a cure. Addressing the roots of this plague will take much more. To restore hope where hope has been lost. To build a longterm future of quality education and good jobs for communities that need it the most. Most important thing we can do for the longterm. Tearing down the barriers to good jobs and economic opportunity. Getting rid of blight and incentivizing redevelopment, making sure both the state and chicago Public Schools itself treat low income kids the same as high income kids. Giving parents more choices and support to give their kids a world class education. Putting Vocational Training back into our high schools so young people, all young people, in every neighborhood, whether they want to go to college or not, all young people can see a clear path to a career rather than falling victim to the gang recruiters. As my good friend reverend Marshall Hatch has said, nothing stops a bullet like a job. That is so true. And so were building on opportunity in every community, focused on more opportunity, so that every resident of illinois can share in the American Dream. We have got to get jobs into our neighborhoods. Not just certain areas. Everywhere. Everywhere in every neighborhood. Thats the single greatest priority we have, growing more good paying jobs everywhere in illinois. Now to do that, improving transportation is critical to our goal of growing more jobs across the state. We have advanced critical improve the quality of life for residents and attract new families and businesses. We rebuilt 62 miles of interstate 90 between rockford and chicago, replaced or rehabilitated 100 bridges along the way. We expanded the i57, 70 corridor and completed a new flyover ramp connecting the dan ryan and expressways in chicago. Here is an important one, with your approval we need your help, your authorization, with your approval here in the General Assembly partnership to create a new managed lane on paid for by private investors, not taxpayers. Expand life for our can do this together. Well, as you can see, were having some technical issues with the signal from the Illinois State house. And the state of the state address from governor rauner. We are recording it and we hope to be able to get you a good viewing of that on the air shortly on our website at cspan. Org. This weekend on American History tv on cspan3, saturday night at 8 00 eastern, on lectures in history, James Madison University Professor evan friss on the evolution of suburbs from the early 1900s to present day. The suburban kind of style really takes off after the civil war. And people begin to emphasize having a detached home, a cottage style house, having fresh air, accessible space, a yard, a garden. And then at 9 05 p. M. Eastern, Duquesne University history professor elaine france parsons talks about the kos tcos of the ku klux klan and how they were used as tools of intimidation and terrorism. They wrapped a layer of meaning around the acts of violence and ended up, the costumes interpreted what the violence meant and helped the violence to tell a story. Sunday afternoon at 4 00 on reel america, the 1967 cbs news report on the apollo i disaster that killed astronauts gus grissom and roger white during the launch rehearsal 50 years ago on january 27th. There was a flash and that was it, according to a nasa spokesman watching the Television Screen in the block house a few hundred yards away from launchpad 34. The screen went blank. And he said there was no communication from the astronauts. They died silently and apparently swiftly. And at 8 00, on the presidency, sydney blumenthal, author of a selfmade man, the political life of Abraham Lincoln 1809 to 1849 about the Political Forces that shaped our 16th president s views on slavery. The fight must go on he would write to a friend two weeks after his defeat in the 1858 senate race. The cause of civil liberty must not be surrendered at the end of one or even 100 defeats. For a complete American History tv schedule, go to cspan. Org. British Prime Minister theresa may is visiting the white house tomorrow for meetings with president trump. Shell be the first foreign leader to meet with mr. Trump since he took the oath of office last friday. This morning Prime Minister may appeared before parliament where she was asked about that trip. Will the Prime Minister, mr. Speaker, also take this opportunity today to congratulate the 100,000 people who marched in britain last weekend to highlight womens rights after president

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