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Activities, including event planning, discussion and community involvement. On behalf of the student Advisory Board, i have the honor of welcoming senator dole and senator kassebaum to the dole institute. Dole has long been a role model of mine. During a time as a student and in turn, he has always been happy to meet me at his office in d. C. , or saying hello at the world war ii memorial. I have not met senator kassebaum before today, but i am so happy to meet her and welcome her to the dole institute. Senator dole and senator kassebaum are not only giants of the senate, but are examples of the best that our country has to offer. Before we begin, i would like to remind you to turn off your cell phones. If you need hearing assistance at any time for a program please , alert a Staff Members student volunteer. During the question and answer period, please raise your hand and wait for microphone and ask one brief question. Now, it is my pleasure to introduce dr. Barbara. [applause] thank you, cody. Good evening and welcome to the dole institute. Giants of the senate, with senators bob dole and Nancy Kassebaum. Todays interview will be conducted by the director of the dole institute, bill lacy. There is not enough time to recognize the immediate special guests and donors. Thank you all for joining us and thank you for your support of the dole institute. Todays guests are both giants of kansas politics, and own a combined 53 years of service in the United States congress. Hailing from russell, kansas, senator bob dole was a world war ii veteran and began his career in Public Service in 1950. In 1968 he was elected to the United States senate where he would represent the state of kansas for 28 years. He was elected Senate Majority leader and served as his partys leader until 1996, making him the longest serving republican leader in the history of the u. S. Senate. Senator Nancy Kassebaum was born in topeka, kansas. She won an election to the u. S. Senate in 1978 and was the only woman in the 100 Member Senate upon her rivals that year. She was a prominent member of many Senate Committees including serving as a Senior Member of the Foreign Relations committee and becoming the first woman to chair a major senate committee. She represented the state of kansas for nearly two decades in the senate. Under senator dole and senator kassebaum, kansas was in good hands. Ladies and gentlemen, it is an absolute pleasure for me to welcome the former united date senators, robert dole and Nancy Kassebaum. Give them a warm welcome. [applause] bill senators dole and Nancy Kassebaum, thank you for being with us and welcome back to the dole institute. It is great to have you. Do we have everybodys microphone on . Former senator dole not fair, they all got a mic. Former senator kassebaum hello. Bill lets start with a question for you, could you tell us about your upbringing, your education and what led you to a career of a big service. Former senator kassebaum i never dreamed i would be running for United States senator, or running for office. I grew up in topeka and spent a lot of time hiking over to the coral river. At that period of time when i was growing up, my parents did not believe it was a good idea to swim and chlorinated water. And walking the railroad tracks. I had a good time campaigning. In those days you could tack up posters, now you cannot do that. That was great fun, going around and tacking up campaign posters. I would do that for other candidates when i was going up. I remember will d roosevelt in 1940, my neighbor and i thought stringed be great if we dandelions together we did not have very many neighbors. We would yell wilke or roosevelt and that way we could decide how the election would come out. I was 80 years old. That was my beginning. I was eight years old. Former senator dole now it is either trump or, what is the other one, clinton. [laughter] bill tell us about that first senate race you had in 1978. Former senator kassebaum there was a lot of us, i think seven in total. I was very fortunate to have gone to ku where i could call on people that i knew. I got in late, but if it if they were helping someone else, they would suggest someone else that i could see for the campaign. I also had four children at kansas state. I was able to go to school and get helpers in the campaign. In those days, it was the same as for you. Great volunteers, i could not won without volunteers. It was enjoyable, it was a close race, but that is how i won with good volunteers who really helped all the time. Former senator dole you won because you deserved it. Former senator kassebaum well, bob, you pave the way. Bill what were your feelings when senator kassebaum was elected, knowing she would be one of your colleagues in the senate . Former senator dole i was very happy, we had a great relationship. We were proud to be traditional, kansas, republican conservatives, which mean we understood to get things done, you have ds and rs but nancy and i also had friends on both sides. [applause] former senator dole you develop a trust when you get to know someone. When you trust each other, you can talk to each other about how can we work this out, how can we settle this so we can pass this bill. Nancy did a better job at that than i did. I learned a lot from her, and i learned a lot from howard baker. He was my mentor, he was the majority in 1981 reagan slept swept us into the majority into the senate and the house and he had been tempered to the finance committee for 17 years. Suddenly, i became chairman of the finance committee. I remember once they called the roll, they always tell you the last one, mr. Chairman he said, mr. Chairman, i brought along the voters. I thought i was the chairman. Chairman. [laughter] he was wonderful guy. He has the right attitude. He knew we were sent there to do a job and not call each other names. I want to think the chancellor and provost for all the help they have given the dole institute, which i think is an asset to ku. [applause] bill very good. , you were oneaum of the first women elected to senate in your own right. Can you talk a little bit and you also were the first to chair a major committee. Can you talk about the challenges you faced as a woman going into the senate with having only one trailblazer trailblazer and how that might be different for challenges that women in Public Service face today. Former senator kassebaum i think there are different challenges for both men and women, as bob touched on, but i always said i was elected to be a senator, not just a senator for women. I thought it was important to be able to show that we are all there addressing in many ways, the same issues. If i spent a lot of time worrying about whether or not i was being taken seriously, i would be wasting a lot of my time. You could worry, there is a Senate Dining room and there is only a Senate Dining room. There is the republican table and the democratic table. I must have been there half a year before i went through that door. Maybe you took me bob. It was not that i was afraid to go, i just wasnt sure if i wanted to bother. [laughter] former senator kassebaum they wouldnt tell me dirty jokes. Alan simpson said he had to clear his jokes through his wife. I think i would have to say bill that the problems now are different, but they are significant. For both of us, the worry is that people are not willing to work across the aisle. You do not spend the time as your committee chairman, and a lot of strength lies in those committee chairman. As finance chairman you had tremendous power, but you always worked with the entire committee. It was the chairman who really exercised that initially, i think today. But when i chair, which is now called the health committee, which is a silly name. [laughter] former senator kassebaum it was the old Labor Committee and handles health issues. Ted kennedy was either major or minor leader, and we worked back and forth together. I had some people ask how did i you work with ted kennedy . You can when you care about the issues, and he did in health care. It isnt easy. I think today, what really is a concern is that people do not have trust and even respect for those who might disagree with you all of the time. There has to be something that you feel is important in that respect. We are really lacking it today, and i think that is why so many people say i am so tired of this yelling and shouting so we may not vote. That is unfortunate too. That is a longer answer than you wanted, but it leads me to what i think is a real issue today. Maybe trying to understand why there is such discontent in the public. Why people feel nobody is paying any attention, nothing is getting done. I can tell you when bob was leader, we were in the senate 18 years together, but bob was leader for six of those years. Former senator dole i thought i was leader even after i left. [laughter] former senator kassebaum maybe it was, you took over in 1984 and i did not leave till 1996. You still work. Then howard was leader for four years. Worked with your committees chairman. You made sure you pointed out and you were working together. I think that is what we need to instill again. Bill i would like to ask both of you, and i will start with you. Name a couple or three leaders that you work with that you really admire. Former senator kassebaum well, bob. [laughter] former senator kassebaum and that is true. And howard, yes of course, howard. Howard, however, after i married him i told him i would never call him leader again. [laughter] former senator kassebaum he also had a rule that i could not believe, and i might share with you, because i grew up and we always talked at the dinner table about Public Affairs and what was going on. Dad like to talk about local gossip in the state as well as national. It was he who did most of the talking. We all sat around the table and we exchanged. Howard came to visit the family in 1996, right at the time of the democrat convention. We were all arguing about that and someone said, so howard what you think about the convention . He said it is my rule that we do not talk politics or religion at the dinner table. So i said, what do you talk about . [laughter] former senator kassebaum i really have to say, i worked with a lot of colleagues, sometimes i agreed with and some i didnt but i admired and i think we all had a fairly convenient time at that time. He followed you after you stepped down in 1996, trent lott. Former senator dole i thought i was going to be president. [laughter] former senator kassebaum we all did. Former senator dole it is too late for a recount. [laughter] former senator kassebaum anyways, i tell you who i miss and disagreed with, president reagan. I have been in the room with him when he was trying to talk about something that we did not agree on, but he always managed to find some way to end the conversation in an upbeat way. I really miss that today. I really miss that sense of energy, enthusiasm, and hope that things could be worked through. Certainly, you who are leaders here at the university, have to know that that is needed and it takes time, patience and dedication that i do not think many are willing to give in Congress Today. I am very disappointed to say that in the congress. It is easy to say now that i am not there. [applause] bill senator dole, could you mention a couple of leaders that you really admire . Former senator dole me. [laughter] former senator dole howard baker, as i said earlier, i learned a lot from howard. Because of the way he dealt with people. I dont care whatever you do, if you are not surrounded by friends, you have far in your life to go. I think when nancy and i were there, we had as many democratic friends as we did republican friends. I would go over on the democratic side and sit down with one of the democrats that and we would not talk politics, we would talk about wherever they were from and where i was from, our families. I do not think that is totally gone, i think there have been 40 bills at least in the Senate Passed which were bipartisan. I think it is starting to come back a little, not as much as it should, but i think there is the recognition. At least that has been my experience of 36 years in congress, some say that was too long and others thought i should run again. Those two people are gone. [laughter] former senator dole nancy and i, i want to get back to Nancy Kassebaum was always the most popular politician in kansas. I was 30 or 40 points behind. Former senator kassebaum you always exaggerate. [laughter] former senator dole no, its true. Nancy had a way about her. She was certainly willing to engage people. If you are going to be good at anything, you have to learn to listen. People have problems, and you have some politicians who are just going through town havent learned anything yourself. We had town meetings where people could come to town meetings, and we would speak, then we would take questions. People would say bob, i have a little problem. I would say good, ill give it to nancy as soon as i get back. [laughter] former senator dole i think it is improving, a little bit. Former senator kassebaum let me ask you bob. In our day there, we had not set up an email system yet either. I knew it was time for me to leave when they said they would email all of the senators. I do not have one yet, that is true. [laughter] former senator kassebaum but think of everybody that tweets today, that is how people get to hear things. It just goes out instantly, that is how donald trump got where he is. He tweets everybody. [laughter] former senator dole thats why i started tweeting in 1992. There is going to be a tweet today about me and you. Former senator kassebaum who is going to tweet that, are you . Bill they will do it for sure out of the dole institute. [laughter] bill during the 1988 and 1996 campaigns, i remember being in senator doles office a lot and i would always run into senator kassebaum. I always enjoyed that because some of your colleagues were not always agreeable to staff of president ial campaign. Senator kassebaum was always a delight. You guys worked together very closely. Could you talk about some of the things you worked together on . Former senator kassebaum i will give you one example. The americans for disability act, because this is the 50th anniversary year . Oh, gosh. That was very controversial. It went through finance committee, a winter the committee i was on. Several Different Committee said had jurisdictions for different part of that bill. Bob was majority leader, and i would have to say today, i saw him call people into the office, all of the chairmen, all of the members of that committee that were intricately involved in that legislation, and i do not think it would have been in existence if it had not been for bob as a majority leader. He called us all together, people would argue up or down. You tell a story of someone who is getting a bad time to everybody, didnt you tell them to get up and leave . Former senator dole no, there was a republican and we had a conference and i was trying to get votes. You cannot win unless you have votes, and he was very contrary. He thought i was a big liberal, so i said to you want to be the leader . If you do, lets have a vote right now. Come up, we will have the conference vote. He sat down and i did not hear much from him afterwards. [laughter] former senator kassebaum but that is an example i think, of one issue that i know where there was a lot of controversy, not controversy, but people were concerned about an aspect of the bill. It just that kind of leadership as majority leader, and his dedication to it to make it work. Former senator dole that is one that i worked with ted kennedy. Former senator kassebaum that is true. Former senator dole if you want to work with kennedy, you have to be prepared. He always had an excellent staff. My view is, you are never better than your staff. That is true at ku, or anywhere else. If you have a good staff, you going to get the credit and they will do a lot of the work. Martin luther king holiday bill, thurman was chairman of the committee and i remember we took the bill up and he said bob would you watch this for me for a while . Ted kennedy was on his side, i did not see thurman for three days. Both ted and i worked out the Martin Luther king holiday bill, the republicans do not get much credit for. Nancy and i i think have a perfect civil rights record. I do not understand people that do not see each of us as americans regardless of ethnicity, background, or whatever. It was really a great experience, and it would not have happened without a lot of the people in this room, and the same with nancy. Those who supported us. You cannot win unless you have people in every county, and Douglas County is a tough one. [laughter] former senator dole working for you. People who voted for me in Douglas County are still alive. [laughter] former senator dole we have protection for them. [laughter] former senator dole they are all here today they are all my friends. Im trying to convert the chancellor. I will just keep working on it. Bill senator, would you take a moment to describe one or two pieces of legislation that you were especially proud of being involved in. Former senator kassebaum i think one was working almost all of my 18 years on trying to get some protection Liability Protection for commercial aviation. It was killing a smaller when when went out of business at the time, and certainly being from kansas beach and cessna, they were really struggling. That is a potent lobby of lawyers who really had trouble wanting to limit, in any way liability. It was a question of, i think at times we get carried away and you almost feel that people can sue the hat that is in the road in their way. The most trivial thing in the Aviation Industry, commercial Aviation Industry at that time was really under. Worked, and worked, and worked. This was in the commerce committee, and i was on the committee. You had to be connected with the Aviation Industry in the commerce committee. I went on there when i was first elected. It was a real pleasure to finally see working across the aisle with a lot of people, finally getting that legislation passed. It did provide give and take, but some ability to help the industry feel there was a way to be better addressed. That was one. I worked a lot on health care issues. One of them was Hillary Clintons First Health Care bill. Former senator dole you worked for her . Former senator kassebaum i did not work with her, that was when she was first lady. Remember . She had a Big Health Care bill, similar, somewhat to the Affordable Care act. We had two full weeks of hearings. I learned more about health care through those hearings, and that is an example of what is missing today. Those were all on cnn, a lot of giveandtake about what was involved. I remembered meeting with her once, oneonone with staff at her office over at the white house. She did not see any need to address my concerns, but she there were a lot of difficulties in that bill. I think the thing that was took from that was maybe a better understanding of what the problems were, the difficulties of trying to address them in such a major way. It never got out of our committee. Bob, you did not have to deal with it on the floor. I think things like that, i guess one thing i have to say because i chaired the african subcommittee for many years. It breaks my heart to see some of the advances there that were made that seem to not hold up. Just to say one thing that i was pleased with, working with sanctions, which on a whole i am not a supporter of sanctions, but sanctions against south africa to try to bring them into apartheid and worked with the house. I know president reagan had a problem with that, and i have to say it bob, im sure you would have been with us, but that is an example where as a leader you have no choice but to represent the persons point of view on that issue. We did override president reagans veto. It i think it symbolized that we cared about africa. Things like that. Bill both of you, senator dole you attended ku before the war, and senator kassebaum you graduated from ku. Share some of your memories about ku. Yes, sir, you can start. Former senator dole i buried my transcript. [laughter] former senator dole it will never be open while im alive. [laughter] former senator dole when i was here, war broke out. Everybody was volunteering for the air force, armory or whatever. We had to have a farewell party, and we had several parties almost every night. [laughter] former senator dole we did not really feel like going to class. I did not do too well on logic and things like that. I still could not do too well. Former senator kassebaum you miss having to take western civics. How many here remember western civ . Former senator dole nancy forgot to mention she did a lot in Rural Health Care and Mental Health care. You can fill the room with things that nancy has been involved in. Former senator kassebaum some things we do not bring up. [laughter] former senator kassebaum you asked what i was glad i worked on, well. Former senator dole dont mess with that amendment. But, anyways, we can look back at it now and hope that we did things that were helpful to people. Of course, i came from the farm part of kansas and farmers were wonderful. I do not care which party, they were wonderful people. In 1974, i had a very close race. The day before the election, i got in an airplane and went all over western kansas. When the votes came in, it was western kansas who carried the day for me by 14,000 points 14,000 votes. My opponents, some of you may remember was bill roy and abortion became a big issue in that came campaign. It was the first state that it became an issue, and all of the press came out. It was in the New York Times and all of those tv people, and we had some strange people on each side of that issue. Some of my supporters were carrying fetuses around in a jar. That bothered me for several years. About three years ago, i called bill roy. I said bill, this is bob dole and i have been wanting to call you, but i have not had the courage because i wanted to ask you if there was anything that i did in our campaign that i did personally that was offensive to you . He thought for a minute and he said i cannot think of a thing. I do not want any enemies, and i am 93 so i will be around another 10 or 20 years. [laughter] former senator dole and nancy is only a child. [laughter] former senator dole so she will be around 30 years. Your dad lived to be 100. Is Merle Robinson in here . Former senator kassebaum he is here standing up to the right. Former senator dole he just celebrated his 100th birthday. [applause] former senator dole he still works everyday raising angus cattle. I called him on his birthday, he probably could not hear or see, or whatever and it sounded like he was about 45 or 50. He told me what he did every day, and i said you are an inspiration, and here he is today. Is your daughter with you . Yes, she is there. I want her to recognize him because we are living longer, there is more technology, improvements in health care, but he told me he was in great health. He probably has not seen a doctor. [laughter] bill senator kassebaum, do you want to share some of your ku experiences and what you remember about ku. Former senator kassebaum dean smith and i were back here, oh gosh, i do not remember or how long ago that was. Maybe about six years ago. Maybe it was longer than that. Well, anyways, dean was a year ahead of me in high school and ku. We were here to help raise money for the bob nash center. We were asked to reminisce, both of us were trying to think. The dynamite, and most of the places i knew are no longer. I would say, one thing i was glad, Martha Peterson was here as dean of women. A new goal was put in place, there were two women storms at that time. The new suggestion was, the freshman girls lived for a year in the dorms before they could pledge in a sorority. I thought that was a good idea. So i volunteered to be a counselor. So my junior and part of my senior year i was a counselor. I decided that those girls probably knew more than i did. It was very hard for me, i had no authority to say no you cannot hide that bottle under your bed. [laughter] former senator kassebaum i do not know how good of a counselor i was, but that is one thing that i enjoyed a lot doing. The senior year i went back to the sorority so that i could graduate with some of my friends, but most of them were getting married before they graduated. It was a different time. I really enjoyed the experience that i had then. It was fun to reminisce, but i think you erase some of the things you dont want to remember, as you say burying your transcripts. I do remember that i did well, but i quizzed out of math and did not have to take it in those days. Thank goodness, or i would have had to bury my transcripts. [laughter] former senator dole nancy made all as here. Former senator kassebaum no i didnt. Former senator dole what did you get one b . This was before world war ii, i knew once i came back if i can use my hands, i had to use my head or it i decided to go to law school my head. I decided to go to law school, made all as and one b because i learned. I grew up in the army and understood, you are not handed anything, you have to work for it just like everybody. You make your contributions. Every day you help somebody, maybe you make a phone call to some relative you have not talked with, or somebody that is in the hospital. The Little Things are really important. I have to tell the story about president reagan. My wife elizabeth, who was also a senator from North Carolina for one term. She and ronald reagan, i think at the time was secretary of transportation. They just happen to be alone in the oval office, and elizabeth said, mr. President , how do you get all of this done . How do you handle all of the stress . And he said, well, there is someone up there helping me everyday. He was a man of faith, and he understood that if god has a plan for us, which he does, and he believed it and practiced it. I listen to joel olsteen and he is very positive about what we can do, and not to worry about things that happen and not worry about finances or health. My Favorite Song is i will never walk alone, i think it is a spiritual song and i know that somebody is walking with me. I wish he would fix my knee. [laughter] bill both of you have referenced today how things were when you are in the senate and how you enjoyed having friends, and working across the aisle. Why do you think things have gotten so polarized and difficult in Congress Today . Former senator kassebaum do you want to go first . [laughter] former senator kassebaum i yield to my leader. Former senator dole i think it is getting a little better. And i watch Congress Pretty closely, hoping someday i might get a chime in. As i said earlier, in the senate this year, they have already passed 40 bipartisan pieces of legislation, which indicated to me that it was starting to turn and the leaders were working together. The press always says the congress is not doing anything, so we do not know if we listen to tv and radio, maybe they are right, maybe all politicians are stupid. I never met but one or two, they were borderline. [laughter] former senator dole the people i worked with, and the people nancy worked with were just good people. They were men and women that were elected to serve the people, not serve themselves, or have their own agenda, but to come to washington because they were elected as a representative, and that means you want to represent the people. I think nancy and i learned that along the way. My parents did not have much money, but they were great parents, and they taught us hard work and discipline. It means a lot. The key. Parenting is i know in this audience, you are all good parents. I worry about young people, and what it will be like in 10 years. As bad as it is now, what is it in New Hampshire, the heroine heroin and hundreds of death of young people. Small state New Hampshire is a small state. We need some leadership to get more young people interested in Public Service. It does not have to be in federal service, but Public Service, and other things than hanging out. They are now bringing colorado fog into western kansas. I do not think that is a good idea. I could be wrong, i have been wrong plenty of times, but i always blamed it on nancy. [laughter] former senator kassebaum i guess i would just add, i think it is important to always think positive about the events. It seems to me we are really, significantly in major changes that are taking place around the world. We are so much more interconnected today. Every evening on the news you hear some new place about something. I feel strongly that it is so important today to know history, to understand what happens in the unintended consequences of actions we might take in decisions. I think here at home, trying to understand the unrest that has boiled up in the campaign for donald trump, or for bernie sanders, where there was a great deal from the youth who feel they are not getting the attention. Somewhere, we all i think have major responsibilities in our communities, or how we talk about these issues so that we can work through some of what will be needed ahead. A lot of it does start right in our communities, whether you are willing to serve on the school board, which is probably more difficult than being a senator. Your county commission, your state legislatures, that is where it needs to start and began. I have to say, i really, really am terribly disappointed in my own Republican Party with the leadership that donald trump has given us. I do not like the language he has given us, i am sorry, bob. [applause] former senator kassebaum i respect you as a former nominee feeling you lent support for that party, my party, not that party. But i cannot help but say it does not help us to come together in a thoughtful way of respect, of understanding what government is really all about. I have a hard time when i hear him speak, and thinking of him giving a state of the union speech. We have major changes occurring, not only within our own country and you cannot just say we are going to build a wall and keep everybody out, or i will hire 25 Million People when i am elected, but lets talk about it. What is changing and what is happening, not talk about somebody and call them names. I feel it does not serve the country well. Sorry, that is my speech. [applause] former senator kassebaum i could not get into it, but to me i am more sad than mad. Former senator dole i think nancy is undecided on the president ial race. [laughter] former senator dole i have talked to donald trump and told him to tone down his rhetoric, and to Start Talking about policy. People want to know what you are going to do. If you were to listen to all these debates, they never mention congress. They are not going to do anything unless they get it through congress, or do it by executive order, which i do not think will happen. Former senator kassebaum well he might. He might decide that is the way to do it. Former senator dole i do not know about donald. Former senator kassebaum you talk to him, do you think hell listen . [laughter] former senator kassebaum you have my ticket to try and talk to him. Former senator dole i am old enough to be his father. I tell him that i lost in 1996, but i do not remember i always thought bill clinton was my opponent, not my enemy. You have to approach it that way. It has gotten all a lot of wack, so a lot of people will stay home election day, which i do not think contributes much. I have been a republican all of my life, and my party has been good to me, and people in kansas have given me many opportunities. I went to the convention in cleveland, and at i did not know mrs. Trump was going to introduce me. Former senator kassebaum im glad she did, and you should have been introduced. You were there representing the veterans, too. That was very important at that convention. Former senator dole plus, there were a lot of kansans there and i got to meet them all. Im not running for anything, unless something pops up. [laughter] bill i think i need to reassert control up here. [laughter] bill we have quite a few members of our student Advisory Board here. I want all of them to stand right now and be recognized. There you go, excellent. [applause] bill you can say the word. Former senator dole i have 20 members in my family, i lost my sisters and brother, but their children and others, there are 20 here and they came from colorado, oklahoma, and all over the state of kansas. I want to say to all the stand, they are all in there somewhere. [applause] former senator dole they are right up front. They are an example of hardworking, middleclass americans, never been in trouble, i am very proud of everyone of them. Sometimes it is tough to get a job and to make enough money for your family, but they have never given up and they persevered. I wanted to be sure we had a crowd, so i invited them. [laughter] bill i will do the same thing, senator kassebaum has some family. I will ask them to stand. Former senator kassebaum it is not that big. One is a student here though. [applause] senator dole two of her granddaughters are attending ku. Probably making all as. Bill what would you tell the students who are here today about the importance of being involved in Public Service . Former senator dole you go first. Former senator kassebaum i think we both would share the same sentiment. It can be fun to volunteer, it is a way to meet a lot of people if you go door to door. I have still done it. Not too long ago i have gone to the door and they say, what are you doing here . I think they were afraid i was doing it for me. It was terribly important, and one way or another, i think just the students who are helping here, those who i had a daughter who graduated from college and went to nicaragua to coach for a soccer team. A small nicaragua town, young women who had to do well in education. It was a ngo group and volunteering. It was something she gained a lot from. She has not continued on in either soccer or education at this point, but is still looking for a job. I think for everybody, it is important to be a participant in one way or another. There was always something one can do. Maybe it is just reading to children at the library. Former senator dole or reading your emails. [laughter] former senator dole nancy and i talk on the phone a lot. We talk about everything, politics. Former senator kassebaum to see how our friends in our age group are getting along. Former senator dole and some are getting [indiscernible]. I do a lot of work for veterans, animals, disabled, volunteer. Every saturday, i go to the world war ii memorial, i have been doing it for five years because that is the day that they fly the old guys, well they are not really that old, 90 something. They have what you call honor flight. Hopefully your grandfather or dad if they are eligible, it does not cost them a dime. There is a nurse onboard. It is a very emotional flight for these men and women when they walk into that memorial. Think about what they did as a young man and in the service, there is a lot of kleenex being used. It is not because they are sad, it is because they are i met a guy who was 101 years old, he had his world war ii uniform on and he was Walking Around like he was about 50, i said to him, can i ask you your age . Hes that i am 101, and i said why are you doing all these things so well and he said i dont know i just take care of myself. I drink a cosmo now and then. [laughter] former senator dole he is an inspiration. A lot of people were inspiration. There are probably 100 people in this room, or more except for lacy, and the rest are inspirational. Where is barbara . Former senator kassebaum he is in the back. Former senator dole nancy and i love kansas, and we love to work with the people here it sometimes we just cannot agree or cannot help them. Our policy was, when we got a letter from somebody in kansas who had a Social Security or whatever problem, you sent them a letter immediately saying we are going to work on the problem, it it may take us a while but we just want to let you know that we received your letter. That means a lot. That is like a walking billboard when they tell their neighbors and their friends that Nancy Kassebaum does these things. And she does. We do not have any secrets on what to do maybe it is just because we are just from a great state where the people are friendly. And all of my political career, i have only had three people who refused to shake hands with me. I have been around all over restate. Every state. I remember in colby, kansas we had a farm bill controversy and had a town meeting and a lot of people showed up. Right on the front row were for four four farmers, tough looking guys, and they all had little caps on. The caps said, dump dole. [laughter] i put them down is undecided. [laughter] former senator dole you cannot be discouraged if if everybody agreed with you a it would be a dull life. You need to hear the other side. This is really the states woman right here. She is so shy. [applause] bill i have one final question, then we will have a few minutes for a few questions from the audience. Senator dole, you started to talk a little bit about senator kassebaum, but thisll be my last question. Tell us how she brought up of, with hert leadership . Former senator kassebaum you know he will not be critical. [laughter] former senator kassebaum we all had some criticism one way or another. Former senator dole i do not remember you getting any, i had a lot. Nancy was liked by everyone, the that does not mean there was not disagreements when people disagreed with her from time to time. But as a person, which is very important, she had the respect, i do not think you had any enemies, did you . Former senator kassebaum well i am keeping it a secret. It is just like your transcripts, i will not tell. Former senator dole she did not have any. [laughter] former senator dole the only senator i can Never Get Close to was a lady named Barbara Boxer from california. Former senator kassebaum she was on the other side of the aisle. Former senator dole i know, but i would say hello barbara and she would just walk right on by. I would try to be friendly and i do not think she liked me. [laughter] former senator dole she is leaving the senate this year. It will be another democrat for california. Former senator kassebaum you never know. Former senator dole this is probably the most popular senator we had when i was there, in both parties. [applause] former senator kassebaum well that is very nice. Nice of you to say. Former senator dole no, it is true. Old men do not lie. Bill senator kassebaum, i think the last time you were here, you were here with senator baker. He received the dole leadership prize, and i think mostly everyone here knows we give out the dole leadership prize once every year. President clinton has received it, president bush 41 received it, hhs secretary donna received it for air force service. Wounded warrior proceeded. This is a little bit of a surprise, but the recipient of the 2016 dole leadership is senator Nancy Kassebaum. [applause] former senator kassebaum how cool. Did you know that . [applause] former senator kassebaum thank you very much, it is a real honor. Thank you. Thats enough. What else that you want on there, it says robert j. Dole. [laughter] and mine is down at the bottom. I am right there. Dole leadership prize. Former senator dole i can only see the first row. [laughter] former senator kassebaum it is a great honor and i am really touched, thank you very much. We all reach a certain age when everything does look better, right . We remember the best things. Bill you are very welcome. We will take a few questions and answers. I do not have a lot of time. I will try to work as many as i can in. Hold up your hand and one of our students with a microphone will find you. Please make one very brief question. Thank you. Senator dole and senator kassebaum, i was wondering if you could talk about Foreign Relations and the challenges of the United States and what you think the United States should be doing with Foreign Relations. Especially with the threat of isis, and things like that. Former senator dole i did not hear it. Bill the question was to get your idea on Foreign Relations, specifically isis. Former senator kassebaum if you were donald trump, there would not be any doubt that it would he would take care of it the minute he gets his hand on it. We are making some advances, and we are working with a coalition. I think that, again, this is where the unintended consequences need to be thought through. Syria right now is so divided, so divided, and the divisions within the divisions. There is assad. There are is the Freedom Fighters, heart of the Freedom Fighters are al qaeda and you have multiple problems of trying to resolve. It is not easy to say we are we better be careful to send in troops. I believe it was general powell who said, if you go in and we cannot alone solve syria or you or or iraq or afghanistan. I think it is the arab world against the persian world going back through centuries. We need to be there, we need to provide the leadership, and perhaps we have not been as strong in expressing that. That is my view, it is not much help, but i do think it is a major issue for us. I think all of us wish it could be resolved easily, but probably not. Former senator dole now, repeat the question. Bill the question was how important Foreign Affairs are, especially the topic in the middle east. Former senator kassebaum with isis. Former senator dole my view is, Foreign Affairs, next to jobs and the economy are the most important. We have trouble all over the world, and we cannot be the worlds policeman, but we have to protect our interests. We cannot be antimuslim, we cannot say we are going to deport 11 Million People back to wherever they came from, it will not happen. Congress would not approve it, nor would they approve the money. I disagree with my hero, trump. [laughter] former senator dole plus on a few other issues. I think once one thing trump could do is work with congress. That is what he has done his entire life, negotiate and work with people. That is important. I have never criticized obama, or my buddy joe biden, i figured there are plenty of people out to criticize them. I think obama is a very fine man and he has done what he thinks he should do as president , but i could have given him some advice, it might not have been worth anything. He never really got to know the congress. I doubt if he knows 30 house members. Or if he can say hi bill or hi joe, or whatever. I do not know he may know all of the democratic senators, but i do not think so. How are you going to get things done, or restarted if you do not have people that trust you and are friends and will listen . If eisenhower or reagan were president , or fdr for example, president , heas was so popular, if congress did not vote would he proposed, he would make a radio address and the letters would come piling up from people saying why are you not voting with eisenhower . He was just that popular, and he is my hero. We are trying to build a memorial in this Great America after 71 years. There is not a single memorial in the Nations Capital for eisenhower who kept us free and destroyed hitler in europe, and as i said earlier ended the war in korea and was a good bipartisan president. We need a strong leadership, boots on the ground, who want s anybody to be shot or killed, no one. If we find a lot of this loan wolf stuff that is taking place, and people coming in with the refugees that are terrorists, then we have a problem. They say that the fbi is investigating cases in every state, which i assume in kansas, somebody out here is taking a look at universities, wichita, johnson county, or whatever people gather and get big crowds. Foreign policy, we have got to get back to the point where the people respect the United States. I do not mean we have to take the lead in everything, but we have to be able to get our allies to come to the party. Whether it is the un where we pay 82 or Something Like that. We do not have that much money, we are 20 trillion in debt. Some of you who have young children, somebody will get a centrally get essentially get stuck. They are saying buy silver, i do not understand it, but nancy is right. You were on Foreign Relations. She knows everything. [laughter] former senator kassebaum i was i would just say regarding syria, i am sure president obama ast regret he ever drew redline. Let that be a lesson to all of us that you have to think twice because we should have realized they violated that and use the used chemical weapons. On the other hand, without others going in with us, we cannot go in and take over syria and run syria. I think it is the strength of diplomacy, backed by the strength of our conventions that convictions that can help. The u. N. Is trying to get food through to aleppo, and somebody has to say this has to get through. Who will it be . Should be the u. N. Former senator dole i do not want to filibuster, but George Mcgovern and i are both losers. We became great friends to try and help feed starving young people in africa. Nancy was helping too. Women were kind of delegated, young girls to secondclass citizens and they did not get to attend schools. I think we were feeding about 20 million, and there are millions more that do not have anything to eat, and it was sad. We cannot do everything in the world, and i believe we always do our share, or more. Some of these countries pledge they will do this and that and nothing ever happens. But Foreign Policy is a big issue. I think it will be discussed extensively in the first debate. When is that, the 26th. I do not think trump will insult anybody that night. [laughter] former senator dole unless its me, he might insult me because i have been telling him to grow up. Bill i only have time for one last question. Somebody who has one. We have one back here, very good. Senator dole, i would like to ask you if you could recall how you felt, or what you felt when president ford called to to be his Vice President ial running mate . Former senator dole John Connolly was in a room right down from me and elizabeth, all of the press was hanging around his room because the word was that connolly would be the vp choice. I got a call early that morning from bob clark who was with abc, and we were friends, he said bob you will be asked by president ford to be his running mate. I said, it is a bit surprising that i was available. [laughter] former senator dole pretty soon the phone rang, and there was president ford. He said would you mind coming over to my hotel, i would like to talk with you about being my running mate. I think he said, we do not need a comedian. [laughter] former senator dole i thought to myself, that is the best thing that could happen to congress. Anyways, i went over to see president ford, we had a great visit, we had been great friends. They made him the republican leader in the house. He felt kindly towards kansas. That was a very close election. 11,000 votes. You want to be the nice guy and want someone to be your neighbor, you would want jerry ford. He had knowledge and he was not one of the elitist. He did not have a lot of money, and he was one of those people liked everybody in congress. Democrats, when they were going to nominate him, they said we will only approve representative ford. Democrats. That was pretty good bipartisanship. President ncy knows ford as well as i do. He came to kansas. Anyway, i know we are finished, we talk so much in the senate, it is hard to stop when we get a chance. [laughter] former senator dole we do not get many chances anymore. I want to thank you again for all of your help, support over the years. If you are against me, that is fine, because i learned when you get out of politics your numbers go up. [laughter] former senator dole people say, well, he was not such a bad guy after all. In nancys case, nobody opposes her. They just say, oh, senator kassebaum, she is popular. That other guy named dole is just hanging around. Thanks again, and bill, thank you. Congratulations nancy. Former senator kassebaum it has been a real honor and wonderful to see some friends here that i have not seen for a while. I thank you bob, this is an honor that i will put right up there by the window so i can look at the cattle and look at this honor. [laughter] [applause] this weekend on American History tv on cspan3, this evening, before 7 00 eastern, ohio state universitys professor talks about the 1866 Supreme Court case, ex parte mulligan where the court ruled it unconstitutional to rule civilians and military courts also the courts are operating. It was part of this debate. Publicd to prove to the that the danger was real. And therefore the military trials were justified. Worked. Ow, it lincoln won the election of 1864. At 8 00, a George Washington professor on the origins of the gayrights movement. Take a movement the gay movement built on the lessons of the other array of social and cultural movements from this time are developing. The antiwar movement. The civil rights and black power ,ovement, womens liberation they are taking the best aspects of those of building upon them. Sunday at 6 00 on american artifacts, we take a tour of the Woodrow Wilson house in washington, d. C. With its executive director. 28th president retired in 1921 and died three years later. He responded to the crisis by sending today to our media, the armenian people were grateful and a group of women touring the United States raising money for charity work here in 1917 just after we declared war. They presented this painting to president wilson. At 8 00 i like ike the president of the Campaign Group incorporated talks about the history of president ial Campaign Advertisements beginning with dwight advertising Dwight Eisenhowers tv jingles. For a complete schedule, go to cspan. Org. Each week, American History tv real america brings you archival films that provide context for todays Public Affairs issues. D. C. ,s is washington, official capital of the United States, unofficial capital of the free world to for the people of massachusetts, they visit with senator and mrs. John f. Kennedy. In this historic building, each legislative battle reaches its climax and where bills are debated and where senator kennedy and his colleagues both on their merits. Where senator kaine 80 senator kaine 80 senator kennedy a marble structure across the constitution from the capital, most committees come all senators, and the Vice President maintain their working headquarters. It is here that scores of massachusetts visitors and hundreds of massachusetts letters and telephone calls are received each day in senator kennedys bustling office. Could i ask you a few questions . Tell us about some of the interesting objects surrounding you. I would be glad to, this is a picture of my wife jackie and my daughter caroline. A picture of former president truman. Here we have a picture of former president hoover, i was chairman on the subcommittee of reorganization which consider the hoover recommendations of which we pass 30 in the senate and he expressed his appreciation and it has done a good deal for our economy. This is the model of a pt vote of which i served during the war. Boat on which i serve during the war. What about the coconut under desk . Our vote was sunk by a japanese to score and we found a native and we gave him a coconut. On it and they picked this up 10 days later and i put it in plastic and kept it as a memento of a more unpleasant day. Office is filled with objects to record your legislative and military battles. Billsmy desk, many of the which i have introduced on behalf of massachusetts, many of them i had had cooperation of my senior colleague. Area in which senator kennedy has attempted to preserve the forest context of this station and look after the interests of individuals, lets talk with my uncle says he came to this country in 1955 but was not able to take his family with them. Affect, he kennedys was reunited in this wonderful country and he wishes to thank senator kennedy very much. Arether families like this brought together in america as a result of senator kennedys bill , the immigration act, it opens this nations doors wider to people from friendly countries seeking safety and refuge. Between 60 and 70,000 refugees, orphans, and escapees from tyranny will enter the United States under this law. A pleasure to have you here, i want you to meet my daughter caroline and my wife, jackie. How do you do . I am back against the our house where we have lived since caroline was born. After i came up with an idea for reproductive rights, a research and with recent events i have heard about in the news, i knew i could find information on that and that would help me figure out what points i wanted to say about it. And how do for my outline for my peace. I do not think i took a methodical approach i did not take a methodical approach, you could, it is the process of reworking and reworking. As i was trying to come up with my theme, i was doing research at the same time and coming up with more ideas of what i could film i would come up with idea like that would be a great shot. I think about that to get me a new idea of something to focus on and i would do research about that and the whole process is about building on other things and scratching what does not work and keeping going until you finally get what is a finished product. This years theme is your message to washington, d. C. , what is the most urgent issue for the new president and congress to address in 2017 . The competition open to all middle school or High School Students six to 12 grade with 100,000 awarded in cash prizes. Students can work alone or in a group of up to three to produce a 5, 7 minute documentary on the issue selected. Include cspan programming and explore opposing opinions. The 100,000 in cash prizes will be awarded and shared between 150 students and 53 teachers and the grand prize of 5,000 will go to the student or team with the best overall injury entry, a deadline is generally 20, 2017 so mark your for more information, go to her website, studentcam. Org. Each week, American History tv takes you to museums and whatric places to learn artifacts reveal but American History. The uss wisconsin, one of the largest battleships built by the u. S. Navy, was launched in 1943 and saw service through world war ii through the gulf war. We toured below deck to see where the crew lived and worked. Welcome aboard the battleship wisconsin. We aer

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