Transcripts For CSPAN3 Form Design And The City 20160724 : c

Transcripts For CSPAN3 Form Design And The City 20160724

>> philadelphia, until recently, philadelphia . >> through the years, the french blight ted areas of hich delved deep into its metropolitan foundation. this has been a group effort accomplished within the framework within american unprecedentedly, plan andersen business and city have joined in a combined toward a common goal, resolution of total effort and definable strength and the man who played role, the executive director of the philadelphia city planning commission and of the american institute architectses. of a city velopment presents a different problem than from designing a building group of buildings. here, we must think in terms of concept.ign we must relate to overall design structure. in ave found in our work rebuilding philadelphia, that and dea, well developed fully expressed, can itself become a creative force and work more meaningful the of individual architects in various parts of an area. o illustrate the power of a design idea to influence the johnson form of the of the onsequent form city, i would like to take you back to the rebuilding of rome. this is the first time in history, i believe, that a comprehensive attempt was made revamp an old to city in total design terms. rome when it was founded 1885.he became pope in a city shrunk from its former size. to the old roman walls stretched the barren wastes, punctuated here and by old monuments and christian churches. christians realized in order to transform rome, they had to think in broad terms. he had the seven churchs and conceived the idea of place in ng points in elation to the churches by the resurrection of the four in this painting. they came together by the great highways across the city, establishes a new design structure which was to dominate over theopment of rome next 200 years. o illustrate the power of the this he, let us look at old square in front of the peters. in st. it carried out support ers and the oblythe. scene is still dominated by the medieval stair. facade of ter, the t. peters of completed and still in rome today, it is the ocal center of one of the greatest compositions in the world. [loud music] to ooking into the source fix this idea, i became onvinced they were the of the discovery of scientific perfection. in this great vision of the ideal city, you see a three dimensional representation of this church, clearly an expression of mass. through this arch way, you see the breakthrough literally, the d joy of space by the penetration arch way etween the and the gates. 0 years later in this drawing, you see the prism of space more tefi lly defined extending more deeply into the picture. in the same time pattern, 30 the streets still into space e deeply but the architect is chaotic. fullars later, you see the maturity of the idea in this the ficent drawing by architect. now it is complete. music] the architectal enframement is and the design at place of the area. in the design, for the setting maria, the oblithe is of the newly designed structure and as the years elapsed, it's confused medieval renaldi ansformed by to meet the scale established. pointmove from this focal minico e design by do santa santana, we come down here, and it becomes the focal point. laelangelo's gate. e travel down to the powers of de own is the bank leading to the boat fountain designed by his father. over 100 years later, it is reaccompliced by the steps built 1724. it further e in the by the obelisk 18th century. the obelisk. marks the point of convergence of three streets. later, these beautiful churches were continued by carlo renalti to mark the juncture of street and square. the confusion of the design. but 150 years later, we see this revolution. these beautiful stairways and above, designed by architect galadie. back over the city of rome, we realize each part is a rich moving piazza, with the moving buildings around it which are the point in space marked by the obelisk with which erected, deep linked with the other by an organized system streets, stairways and vistas. city of rome re melds into one dynamic design composition which not only backbone for the transportation system of modern rome but also gives form and and great the city richness to the people who live within it. remind ourselves that the rome with the vision was at the time of his death. the total visual impact of all up to that time was unimpressive. took 200 years to arrive at full realization but the power of his idea was so great it dominated the work of successes and work over decades. the power is fragmented into the diversities of the councils, bureaucracies, and commissions which make up our democratic government. is to inject the same design strength into these processes. and so we have found it in ssary in our work rebuilding philadelphia today to continue to develop design capable of influencing future actions. we have endeavored to establish design idea of such potency that it welds the work of designing architects in fragments areas into a cohesive hole. evolutiononstrate the of the design structure which underlies downtown philadelphia today. this will be done by several of the architects who have played major roles in the development plan to which will be dded the voices of the civic, business, and political leaders who provide the forces necessary to get the work done. the background which existed at the time of the 1951 is willow von of the hief designer philadelphia city planning commission. >> william penn selected the rivers as ween the the side of the green country town. quite flat,rrain is it is only logical to develop geometric pattern. pennconnected the sooka river and the delaware river east-west access which is now market street. he established the north-south broad stort. now reserved shed a quar for future public buildings. thus he created the focus of the plan. quadrants receive their own centers in the form of green squares. ogan circle in the northwest, franklin square to the northeast. in the southeast, washington square. and in the southwest, rittenhouse square. this area in the northwest, except with the natural rise put to use as the brought to supply the 1822, theween 1812 and fairmont water works were orrected at the foot of this hill. >> to ensure a continuous water supply, the city began to the land in the drain from the river up and established the extended000 acres, and to within one mile of city hall. 1800s, city hall was built in the square which has by william penn 200 years earlier. was established. it remains the dominant land today. as a result vrt beautiful 1900s, thef the early philadelphia's art museum and at exit, rminal at the new the benjamin franklin parkway citycting fairmont park to hall. setting the stage for the of the 20th century. this grand parkway was conceived at the civic building, an idea logan'sas carried out at circle. 1920s became a period of less buildings with inadequate planning. 1930s, clearly what was a period of resurgence. of 939, a renewed period interest in philadelphia was awakened by an aggressive young follow his activities, let us hear from the man m walter philips. men out of law school joined a charter as a reform for the city of philadelphia. group of s of the were on the planning commission. [loud music] who had spoke for the ordinance had a new organization planning.cil on city they provided vigorous support city planning commissioner, to outline the talents for the new commission. vice hear from its hairman, edward hopkinson junior >> the new commission would 1930s he running in the to the absence of materials. music overlaying words] the transportation system was in approval.d of one step towards the plan, it initially by the pennsylvania railroad. here is the chairman of the board. an agreement between the city and the pennsylvania railroad in for the the stage project. when time came to develop the area, occupied by old broad street and the so-called mining the area was welcomed with the planning commission, because larger plan d the of the entire center city area. penn resent concept of center was chosen by the railroad. edwin bacon, robert and the late ork george howe, architect, directed the progress of this project. we of idered it a matter citizen's responsibility to complete the development which long term serve the interest by both the city of philadelphia and our own company. define we first began to our ideas for the development of looked around for someone to work with. me.sked vincent to join because of his model at the hospital, i saw a demonstrated to think in terms of the relationship relationship -- design of the buildings in relationship to believes with each other. >> it's probably the largest single space to become available in the center of an american city in this century. > we have some very powerful forces working on the penn center design. main ly do we have two arteriole road beds coming in street, west, market nd pennsylvania boulevard, directly north of the applicant viawe have the daily influx the pennsylvania suburban track system of 25-30,000 people and the drop point for east-west and north-south subway movements with the terminal here. important idea in the whole of the penn center was the movement of people. the original theme which we up had a great esplanade 18 feet below the street, and the railroad concourse right down to the heart of the city. the tone of the first remained a s redominant element as the plan changed. it can be played back in many keys. course of events, the esplanade was lifted up, and four buildings, east and west, planking the main movement giving powerful access to the design. [ beautiful flute music] a certain discipline has helped this design, consistent use f lime stone, rectangular buildings and repetition of building heights. flexibility in the design of this last open block. at the present time, i am designing a building in this which will be counter recta linear strategics.these despite the modifications in lan, we have maintained the important theme. here are penetrations from the lower pedestrian level to the sky, at three very carefully locations. this movement is below the so intermittently you sunlight and of outdoors along the esplanade right through the project. o the east, we can examine the continuity of this plan. an early vision of turning this of people into the core of the city was by means of a fountain. as this planning action takes once both on the surface and the street level, we have another pedestrian concourse ravens g north into plaza. the structure, which will movement, will be an omnidirectional building. y design for the municipal services building for the headquarters. there is one coherent statement recognized all through this scheme. that is the desire to move core of the h the ci city, exposing them to sun light and sky, and terminating their concourse the grand of the new municipal services building. >> and penn center is is related structure. design pennsylvania boulevard is now in lined by s of being apartment buildings. thank you, vince. it was in the 1930s that the 50 made for a major project in the old city area. independence ound hall and the historical buildings to the east. who succeeded in getting civic lead ers and who worked design for independence mall is roy larsen. graced by an area historic r most structures, mostly structured hall. independence this is independence hall. the old congress hall. the home ty hall, and facade.merican the second bank of the united the old ater to become custom house, and carpenter's hall, the setting of the meeting or the first continental congress. here was also the bank of the nited states, the oldest banking building in america and the old philadelphia exchange. around these deplorable.ere there was congestion, hazards ine and fire the immediate vicinity of these buildings. as a part of the study of the area by the committee on of the l improvements american's institute of plans cts, i can see the of 1937, a simplification with a to the north of independence hall and a green independence on square east connecting with the other buildings to the east. the independence hall association, judge edwin lewis president, and the plan was 1944 by the in fairmont arts association. >> it was envisioned that this an impact on the entire city area. there was a beginning of the to the south on the access of the second bank to the states. although the early studies conclude that the development as project, the federal government undertook the development of the area to the eas ast, and the commonwealth of pennsylvan pennsylvania built the mall to the north. he first block provides a setting for independence hall. was to contain decorated za, and with the flags of the 13 original states. symbolic of ck is the pattern of william penn's lan for philadelphia with flairs and central features. tree-lined of walkways with a canopy of green leaves overhead. whereas the relief of the open with founz, entire locks in design for strolling and relaxation. of course, all this remains in until a group of people during world war ii philadelphia needed a better vision of what it might post-war period. this was done through the medium of the better philadelphia exhibition. stanerov was the designer of the exhibit and doug bacon it.ked with him on >> there were a series of important land marks throughout historic society hill area. house on d winster mary's church, st. and church yard with the grave commodore barry, the father of the united states navy, and a 18th century house at this place, and to the south is peter's church where george washington worshipped, and to first t is the franklin.ian church on these two centers were in the enter of hampton church yard which established a green belt on the south of the city. parks and extensions centered upon and connected together and to ructures establish an open greenway to onnect with roy larsen's extension to the second bank of the united states. the idea was adopted by the park service. roy larsen's design for provides a ball transition from automobile scale scale.strian i extended the plan for pedestrian movement throughout old city by the meandering pattern of the greenway. plan includes a green break through for an extension to the church. the first expression of this oncept is the deulancy street park. these open streets have these pull their gs and flavor deep into the residential area. the o we have observed series of historical points in the structure of the city. we've tried to give them a a firm foundation but the e development, ideas and the plan, and the beautiful area continues until richards and office of sumed the . yor in 1956 >> it was an idea that needed -- i suggested to the a four-pointission program, a most important point of hich was the renewal washington square. this is the oldest part of the place where our city began and where our nation was founded. any place in the world was worthy of being rescued from this is it. the commission's preliminary plans were excellent. fact, that they indicated some certain action by segment of our community. philadelphia has been most ortunate in having many public figures, to get together and vision in every walk of life, ready to devote their time and energy to the their city.of a plan yet capable of realization, they can readily the impact of the future upon our city. ust one thing more was needed, a person of upstanding in the community, preferably a man of capable of transferring the plans into reality. as chairman ppoint of the city planning commission, m. the command, albert green stein. in the city, beautiful flute music] >> to find answers to specific problems, we in the planning engaged three to draw ed architects, launching d plans in the earlier projection of the city.rical while the work in the planning phase was in progress, as chairman, i invited the participation of the leadership of our business, our financial, and our cultural resources to form the old development corporati corporation, a nonprofit dedicated toof men the rebirth and renewal of this great city. job, to speak to the development process. >> to outline this extended speaking for his colleagues and himself, is oscar stanerov. area assignments, in the and we road street, ivided this work among ourselves. very early, we recognized the between relationship hogan square and rittenhouse square. surrounding neighborhoods of the 18th and 19th century and we felt a very connection between what we dubbed the locust street neighborhoods of rittenhouse square and the residents of washington square. >> early in the assignment, we of ized the importance relating to an activity that had significantly nd citizens.y individual my particular contribution to this design was the instigation old with the new, with a very carefully long line of close ion, a small area to washington square connected o a much larger one along the lines of the river, sitting at time, physical as well as a a ual connection, by way of proposed ning and the delaware expressway to a marina in the delaware river. this was an early concept, which eveloped into several variations later on. steps in the first the realization of this way.elopment is now under construction of a big apartment building. completion of this study, the contract was eveloped in more detail the plan for the eastern part of the old city area. to present the role of the us velopment authority for is chairman michael von warefresh your recollection shisker. >> the redevelopment authority falls the responsibility to plan the new use of an area. o acquire the land, clear off the blighted structures and the redevelopment. is also rity responsible for finding homes of families ation displaced by urban renewal. and selective clearance of neighborhoods that begun to show signs of life is another vital part of our work. equally important is the revitalization of whole areas utilizing them to the fullest. in philadelphia, we had the renewal area in the nation, east wick. buildings engaged in and an entire new community. this planning had separated the automobile from foot traffic in the community of persons. residential street are dead ends to eliminate unnecessary traffic. ach street is connected by an esplanade which residents use to walk to churches and shopping centers. the bridges are park-like areas bordered the parkway. the determination to satisfy the borde borders, the cravings of its people in the industry with and pleasant surroundings. here, as in other redevelopment rojects, one percent of the cost of construction will be spent for works of art. urban aesthetics have long influenced our plans for renewal. following the larsens study, the redevelopment authority engaged achitect androtti to develop plan for the eastern section of the old city. simeassignment was not to enlarge but rather to enrich the design structure. this scheme was used as the of the selected developer. four groups competed and the to complete the was weber hats. the society hill development, we found that the ground rules set by the planning commission ers and their consulting architects were really quite sound. the areas of agreement began themselves, we concur to use house instead of slabz. this section of philadelphia, we have a very unique silhouette, determined by the house of st. peters hall, church, the old christ church, custom house. the use ofl, to find five towers, identical in the dime. t will be set in a green and path like study. will be put on historic f the head house.he placed on ower, is axis with the new extension of which will be developed with the project. tower, is arbtrailer axis with the new roup of residentials, square townhouses to the west. two towers near the already green washington square. setting of truly urban character. we find these five towers firmly place. that's the inference of design tructure depending on the area from outside of the space. the project of this scope, interaction of various groups, is an important consideration. solutions work their for the old philadelphia evelopment corporation and its executive vice president. robinson. there is a natural temptation in ublic bodies and city groups and civic organizations to achieve immediate results, to be expedient. in this particular job, however, we feel strongly today that quality, excellence, superiority design is essential for success. o throughout this job, we have tried to make sure that the towers would be actually accomplished on site as it.ented to nd during periods when it appears that there was higher cost of superior design could we still stuck with the problem and now in our that, problem has been lifted. we find all of them, a success is the best t guarantee of further success in protocols still to come. >> the department of commerce recreation facility on the banks of the delaware river in the downtown section engaged the ballinger firm to reestablish this area as a design element. >> in william penn's original the delaware river was one of the great physical treasures of philadelphia. through the years, a series of finger-like periods replaced the pedestrian walk way and cycle, ut the deterioration set in. decision, new the terminals have relocated to operations and the original areas can now be turned public use as a facility. our problem was to propose to -- to the city a framework for public action. was made of combined architects and economist teams and the results seamless decision. the first of the public a new visual es edge to the city. promenade and a arking area along the river bank. connection to the city would market the foot of at the foot of dock street into society hill. the second public facility would be a boardwalk and barkadero, curving continuously for almost the edge of the delaware river. ith the provision of the promenade and the board walk, the land use would be open water basins s of water between certain piers that had good structural condition. the pier that is remained formed activity to be developed by private builders and institutions. the most important of these will be a focus in the form of a the end of the ajor cross axis of the city, market street. o accomplish his role as an urban designer, the architect ust participate in the engineering and economic made.ons being the architect himself must be at the in the studies same time he prepares the small scale sketches in order to total study of his design. in studying the whole of the we made an plan, interesting discovery. the special disposition of city to logan circle to the art identical totually the social disposition of city ha hall, to the mall, to the fourth tower. his may be merely an accident of history. on another reflect basic responsibility of the architect. he must do in our time what is implied in past city planning, in past city building. of these design intentions was in 1947 and in larsen.y roy the interpretation of a plan, the carrying forward of its in the daily decisions of government, is at least as plan itself.the dedication by men of great sensibility and threats. he city planning commission is fortunate in having just such a man as chief of its land division, irving washerman. is the final decision balance to our continuity as to street, which includes any historic buildings and interesting buildings in this area. major focus is determined here dates st church, which back to 1727. martha washington, john adams, robert larst, and franklin worshipped here. greenway extends to the west, where an approach will be made to the oldest friends' meeting in philadelphia. franklin's grave and a final return of this pedestrian movement through the plaza of independence mall. we look forward to the future, we do so with confidence because of the work that has done, because of the support it has received, and because of the leadership given planning commission by its present chairman, g. perkins, being of the school of fine arts of the university of pennsylvania. the charter of 1962 placed on the city planning commission, responsibilities. the most important of these is of a eparation comprehensive plan. this has now been accomplished. more than a far hope for the future, for it is price upon it an accurate tag which permits its total completion within our own lifetime. second major responsibility, the annual preparation of a six-year capital program, this llows them to be built and schedule.on a flexible the commission's interest goes far beyond land use and billing. they are equally concerned with an urban quality of environment, preserving a human scale, with and variety and use. we have worked with many have vigorously supported the comprehensive plan. n example of this type of cooperation is the citizen's planning.n let us hear from the executive director mr. aaron levine. we make every effort in philadelphia to have the citizens participate in the planning and building of adjusting that human values must be preserved in large-scale operations. during the past seven years, itizens have worked very closely with the city planning on the planning program. to help the people of the shapeia visualize of the community in which they we have, work and play, a permanent city planning philadelphia. this exhibit is administered by board of trade and conventions to detail the ispose of this project, here the chairman, lawrence smith. >> ever since 1955, the has beenhia pannoramma housed in the state and anvention center, which means million and a quarter people come each year. this spans the city in three ways. first, it presents the image of to the great members who come to see philadelphia. it tends to break down the instructions between the surrounding counties, create a feeling of planning.ndencence in there are 30,000 school children parochial schools who come for social studies. day-to-day as a planning task on a community level and it says to to accept the plans of the future and to accept planning in their lives. the citizens who have had the the exhibit o see go back with a bigger interest in developing a newer and bigger city. an interest that can grow only under progressive city this ment, and we have vision and leadership in our city council and in its former now mayor, the tate. ble james h.j. >> we have today embarked upon a program for a beautiful and modern big city which will, at the same time, produce the support it. planned on a s to be our asis facility, our level of payroll, and our product and services. every project in every project approved by ily be city council. his procedure requires study, expression, and executive at public tience hearings and above all, on the ip and vision part of our city council. never in american history has a big city on of been so favorable as has been here in the past few years. should be proud of the new public image of our city. this new imagesh its high o live up to standards, by all of the means power. our > the mature resolution is not the work of one man. it's the cumulative effect of many forts of a great people over an extended period of time, each one building on before. of the ones in definition and form, it as a total erge image, encompassing all of the thus far and outlining the projectings which lie ahead. members of the planning commission staff who worked on the plans present it for you. crosstown expressway forms one side of the inner expressway precisely designing the southern boundary of the original plan. roadway directly connects underground street syst system, a parking garage, a automobiles or which do not complete the surface streets. automobile as an its ed guest and cater to needs. the delaware expressway has been guidance of r the david m. smallwood, in relation architectal requirements of the historic area. tconnects ety hill where the benjamin franklin continues to the north. expands north to the expansion and proceeds north. the park town place project marks the beginning of a park extension being developed along the east of the river to the cross town expressway. chest nut street will become a edestrian street, reclaimed by pedestrians over automobile traffic and the installation of light electric trolleys, moving parking into the garages, connecting with the expressway systems. will be landscaped to divide an attractive shopping mall in a very pleasant setting. the pennsylvania railroad system converges at and to the station center.terminal at penn the rail system is to be a new d underground to lower level commuter station on east market street. it tracks north oining the railroads, fusing the two commuter systems into one. the expressway systems move in completion of the inner loop, with special ramps north directly to the side of the longitudinal core, 3,000-car garage and a bus loop one level above the street. in these types of streets, the lower station open into a level guidance, connected by a concourse and commuter rail north. to the a proper entrance into the city. street level, landscaped them.ades before on the upper level is the a pping promenade, 3/4 of mile above the street. glass bridges leading into the of the five department stores link the seven million square feet of retail into a single functioning unit, by every major means of transportation. this comparatively small but intense project binds together ll parts of the plan into a cohesive whole. it is the three dimensional space, organization, a forces.on of regional this is not planning in the sense, nor is it architect. that should m precede architect awaiting the esigner's touch to bring it into life. the challenge to the architectal prove ion today is to that it is capable of designing urban environment working worth the price it costs. n order to do this, its individual practitioners will have to take a new view of the as a and the profession hole must take a new view of itself. we must train men who can think in terms of design broad and who can deal with design problems at the level of government. without a central idea as an force, the individual efforts under renewal will lead to chaos. idea, e central design the creative energies of individual architects will be to new heights and will be purely architecture. beautiful flute music] of the things most important to me as a vote ser how i will get an education and the quality of that education. been a lot of stuff i've seen this year about candidates making public education free and that, and i'm also the access to education and that's important to me as a voter because i go to best e and that's the thing in the world for me. > i'm at this convention today because i'm very concerned about the security and safety of our country, the threat of terrorism throughout the world is coming to our home land and it's not in freedom to travel any longer, so if we don't fix our security issues, really, else matters to the future of america. , lieutenant l governor of georgia. it's great to be in georgia. this is an exciting time with excited about s our presidential nominee. a hink donald trump will be really great president. the issue is focused around who will be the next supreme court justices. those are the ones that will impact our future b not just for decade but the decades to come. and donald trump will be to serve our country. >> probably creating a pro-life america. it's important to me to have a understands the generation today, and that we right to life. >> for me what's the most important thing in this election future and that future includes our economic freedom, our national security. these are the things important to americans and to me because exceptional. tv,ext, on american history supreme court justice steven discusses american history and civil liberties. he talks about his book, the world, american law and the new global cases es, including involving guantanamo bay detainees. this event is about an hour. > honored today to have as our lecturer, justice stephen will be the topic court in the world, american global law and the new -- excuse me, american law and the new global realities. justice breyer has been a long society. friend of he has delivered lectures as he has been today

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