Medicaid expansion, a number of things, greater awareness by people. It will be interesting to see what impact covid has had on those numbers. Were going to leave this, but you can watch it in its entirety on our website. We take you live to capitol hill for a Senate Hearing on senator klobuchar would like to be her but cant. Im going to be expressing many of her views in this opening statement. Im going to say on her behalf that she appreciates your work, and appreciate you being here. I want to thank you, and acknowledge the eac was established with broad bipartisan support. Thats good news. That was about 20 years ago, and tasked with the important security, establishing cybersecurity guidelines for promoting accessibility. We want everyone to have the opportunity, who can, to cast their ballot and for that to be counted. Your resources and the administration in all 50 states has been as well as the district of columbia. It has been very important. And as were approaching the 2024 elections, and the eac Mission Remains important. Even more so, as officials are now doing the dedicated planning that it takes to administer elections effectively. Well also confronting the array of new challenges confronting election workers, the spread of disinformation and Artificial Intelligence to mislead voters in our elections. Weve got to continue to support the Election Officials on the front lines of our democracy. We need to be able to rely on regular and federal funding to do their jobs. With these vital resources, including the over 900 and 31 million in security grants since 2018, and enable state and local officials to everything from securing our elections against foreign interference and keeping pace with the evolving technology, to recruiting and training poll workers. One urgent issue that the commission can help to address is the barrage of harassment that is targeting election workers. These Public Servants are essential to the administration for both free and Fair Elections which is why i joined chair klobuchar and a number of our colleagues on this committee to lead comprehensive legislation to take this issue head on. Its an area where we do need Bipartisan Solutions and im glad that last year the eac voted unanimously to allow Election Officials to use federal funding to protect election workers from threats and harassment. Since then, states Like Washington and georgia have used vac funds to improve the physical security of voting and ballot processing centers. I look forward to hearing from you. In addition, the eac has helped enhanced the security of election infrastructure. Essential for Public Confidence in the elections, including issuing new guidance to improve Security Standards for the voting machines. These efforts and significant investments in Election Security help ensure that the 2020 in 2022 elections were secure with a department of Homeland Security repeatedly making clear. The Commission Also serves a very Important Role in combatting misinformation. My home state of vermont is experiencing the same challenges with disinformation as others. Our secretary of state has done everything with the former one, and now in her power to combat the spread of false claims about elections. And im proud to report that independent audits of the 2022 election in vermont found no major discrepancies, despite having a record turnout. That has not stopped people from making false claims to destabilize our elections. This can stop the spread of election disinformation and making sure that theyre ready to face new challenge in 2024. Finally, while we must continue to invest in our elections, i remain concerned that are voters remain its why i and many others embrace the vote act, and it is worth noting that our country has a history of asking federal laws to strengthen our democracy. A few weeks ago we recognize the 20th anniversary of the National Voter registration act, that was enacted with bipartisan support last october. It marks 20 years since last october when we passed the help motor go vote act. Thats where this organization was started. I look forward to hearing about the efforts to support local and state Election Officials. Now i want to thank our witnesses but i will turn it over to our Ranking Member. Good afternoon and thank you for holding the hearing today. Its a pressure to sit with you and i told senator i would keep him under control. She can do it. I also want to extend my gratitude to our witnesses we look forward to hearing your perspectives and experience in guiding the eacs work. As we set our sights on this elections and beyond, todays hearing provides an opportunity to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the operations, and identify areas for improvement. And address existing and emerging challenges. The aca plays an Important Role. Its the only agency with the sole responsibility of helping states improve their federal elections. Which in turn, helps to secure the legitimacy of the voting franchise. It shares best practices, accredits testing laboratories, certifies Voting Systems, and provides vital resources to help ensure elections are conducted with integrity. In recent years, Election Officials have confronted an increase in threats to Election Integrity and cybersecurity. The eac stands to help Election Officials respond emerging challenges in an ever evolving landscape. To that end, i look back to hearing the overhaul of the recent guidelines. I understand these updated standards include significant improvements, aimed at preventing attacks on our election infrastructure. As you will know, states are tasked with the important work of recruiting, training, and retaining Election Officials and poll workers. It is concerning, then, that we continue to hear about difficulties with recruitment and retain meant. Dealing with emerging Election Security issues has become all the more difficult as those with the most experience retire. However, the eac has done its part by raising awareness through the valued role of poll workers and inspiring greater Civic Engagement through the establishment of National Poll worker recruitment day. I was very pleased to hear that on this day, it was so successful that i was pleased to hear it was so successful that the eac also designated august 16th 2022 its help america vote, to help encourage americans to sign up as poll workers. While we in the senate recognize the accomplishments of the eac we must remain diligent in the positive improvements. Our duty is to ensure that the eac is equipped with the necessary tools, resources, and guidance to fulfill its mission effectively. Once again, i extend my sincere appreciation to my witnesses for their commitment to help preserve the public trust. Thank you. Thank you, senator fischer. Our first witnesses, Christine Mccormack confirmed for september 2014. She priests and lay served as an attorney for the department of justice at the u. S. Embassy. Where she oversaw iraqs national elections. Thank you for that. She received her bachelors degree from the university of buffalo and a lot degree from george mason. Our next witness will be vice chair been hovland who was confirmed in 2019, before joining the commission, he spent several years working here at the rules committee. Thank you for that, first four leader schumer, and then for senator klobuchar. And served as deputy counsel for the missouri secretary of state. He received his bachelors degree from Central Arkansas and from the university of oregon. Our third witnesses commissioner tom hicks, who joined the commission in december of 2014. And prior to his current role, commissioner hicks Service Counsel for the committee on house administration. And work for common cause, and the office of Personnel Management in the clinton administration. He received his bachelors degree from clark university, and his law degree from Catholic University of america. Our final witnesss commissioner donald palmer, confirmed in january 2019. Commissioner palmer previously served as secretary of the Virginia State board of elections as the director of elections and attorney with a voting section. He also served for more than two decades as an Intelligence Officer in the navy. He has his masters degree from George Washington and lee autographing from stetson university. I will now swear in our witnesses before we proceed to their testimony. If you would stand and raise your right hand. Do you swear that the testimony you will give before the committee will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you god . Thank you. You may be seated. We will now proceed to your testimony, and i will recognize you for five minutes. A five minute statement, and we will start with chairwoman mccormack. Ranking member fischer and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to appear before you today to discuss the work of the u. S. s elections commission, as we prepare for the 2024 elections. We appreciate the committees crucial oversight efforts and close attention to the eac. Our nations elections have faced increased scrutiny in recent years, and this committee has responded by demonstrating leadership in helping to secure administrators. Whether listening to the needs of officials, or providing grants for Election Security, congress has worked closely with states to reinforce this Critical Infrastructure. As an independent bipartisan agency, the eac stands in a unique position to work with congress in the efficient and accurate administration of elections. Over the past decades, the field has graced evergrowing challenges in the need for improvements to our election systems. Many of these challenges include questions about Adequate Funding and security for Voting Systems. Others, however, had increased suddenly in recent years. For example, social media continues to evolve with new platforms in generative a. I. Tools, making Voter Education more challenging. In addition to administering Voter Education, officials must still prepare for personal security threats. Many Election Officials have left the field, citing safety, increase requirements, and expectations. Some local communities have seen their entire election departments resign. Now, more than ever, Election Officials need our support. With the help of this committee, the eac is prepared to do all it can do to meet these challenges. Over the past year, commissioners have rate doubled outreach by resuming travel across the country for inperson meetings, presentations, and visits with state and local Election Officials. Discussions during these visits underscore not only the outstanding work of Election Administrators in the 2022 midterms, but also the Significant Impact of efforts by the federal government to provide guidance, monetary resources, and best practice materials. Officials have expressed gratitude for resources related to safety and security. This includes over 900 million of security grants provided by congress, and administered by the eac. With support from congress in the form of an increased agency operating budget and more consistent have a funding for the states, the commission continues to fulfill its mission to improve the administration of federal elections and help americans vote. As you are aware, the decentralized nature of elections result in a diversity of laws and regulations. With more than 3000 counties and thousands of localities, it takes nearly 1 million poll workers to operate election polling sites. This process supports more than 209 million registered voters. To support the countrys diversity of election situations, they are charged with developing election guidance. The eac has produced more than 60 product since 2021 to assist Election Administrators. These documents reflect the need for unbiased trusted source guidance as Election Officials navigate the complexities of Election Administration. Earlier this year we hired an experienced government leader, stephen fridge, to serve as our new executive director. One person does not an agency make, so the eac has hired needed support staff to assist in the election process and the role it plays as Critical Infrastructure. Additionally, the eac marked the 20th anniversary in 2022, commemorating this district milestone with a launch of help america vote day. And the Second National recruitment day. The eac continues to strategically promote election worker information on social media and on our website. Recreated help america vote. Gov in 2020, in service of the First National worker recruitment day. This current reach platform offers a custom look up tool, with details as jurisdictions visited context require training and what the ages had over 20 and 63,000 views. We regularly receive modifications from election offices and based on the responses, informations regularly updated on the site. We will continue to offer resources relating to poll worker recruitment, retention, and training leading up to 2024. Including National Poll worker recruitment day and help america vote day. Given the interest members of this committee have shown in this efforts, we welcome our input moving forward. And looking forward to 2024 with ongoing support from congress, the commission will provide the necessary assistance to Election Officials to mitigate challenges and protect the integrity of u. S. Elections. I would like again to thank the committee for its oversight and support of the eac, as well as for the opportunity to speak here. I will now turn discussion over to commissioner to discuss the commissions internal oversight and grants management. Thank you. Good afternoon. Thank you, chairman welch and Ranking Member fischer. Id also like to think chairwoman klobuchar and members of the committee for inviting us to testify about the work of the assistants commission. My name is been hovland and im the current vice chair of the eac. I look forward to sharing updates about the commissions grants management, internal controls, and budget. A core component of the eacs mission is distributing, monitoring, and auditing the use of federal grants for the improvement of Election Administration and security. Federal have a funds include the 900 and 55 million provided since 2018, are a key resource for Election Administrators responding to the increased technology and changing demands of the field. To emphasize the importance and impact of this funding, i would note the election infrastructure specific plan states, quote, it is impossible to make an honest assessment of the election infrastructure subsectors risk, and the potential to mitigate that risk without an understanding of the chronic resource issues the subsector faces at all levels of government. And quote. As we look toward 2024, i believe it has never been more challenging to administer elections, or more expensive. Thats why Grant Funding and partnership with the states is so crucial. And we value your efforts to address the needs of state and local governments through congressional appropriations process. As of march 31st, 95 of the fy 2018 Election Security funds have been expended. Including additional security funds for fy 20, 22, and 23. States have spent a total of 529 million in funds awarded between 2018 in 2023, which is approximately 56 of the available Grant Funding. The spending rate depends on some states allocating the funds for long term programs or resources. Some states provide these funds to local governments in the form of sub grants, while others rely on these funds for staff and materials at the state level. With each state having their own security needs and different timetables for significant purchases, such as Voting System replacement or new statewide Voter Registration databases, usage rates have varied across the country. The next expenditure reports are due to the eac on july 30th, and we will update you on the continued impact made possible by these much appreciated funds. They will expand the provided funds, and the Administration Efforts with new staff leadership