Come to order, without objective, chair is authorized to declare a recess at any time. Before mr. Connolly and i give Opening Statements, i want to thank everyone. Our guests, panelists, those in the audience, members and staff and everyone for how accommodating you were this morning. We had an unforeseen contingency that arose in our normal hearing room. Thank you for being so understanding. Over the past two decades, illicit drug use emerged as a Public Health and safety crisis with overdoses becoming the leading kauj of injury or death in the United States. Opioids specifically heroin and prescription pain relievers are the cause of most Overdose Deaths in the United States with a death rate more than doubling since the year 2000. In south carolina, which is where im from, at least 95 people die from heroin in 2015 which is almost twice as many as the Previous Year and more than 5660 died from the abuse of prescription opioids over the same period of time. 0 died from prescription opioids over the same period of time. The epidemic is growing and lives are at stake, literally. It is imperative our nation continue a strong effort across for distribution and c consumption. In 1988 the policy for the antidrug abuse act to inform drug advisories across the government to advise on drug policies and create and oversee the drug control budget. Ondcp is uniquely equipped to eye dress wh address what role the federal government can play in terms of the current economic and Socio Economic role it plays in our country. The operation lapsed in 2010 but the office continued to receive appropriations each year. And in december 2015, this Committee Held a hearing to discuss various proposals for reauthorization. We heard from the then director who talked about combatting the use of Prescription Drugs was top priority for the age enspip however, since then, ondcp failed to produce a drug strategy and National Drug control budget which is supposed to be refleesd later than february 1st each year. In the mean tile, deaths due to opioid overdose has increased in the u. S. In 2016. No office is perfect. God Knows Congress certainly is not. But it is our responsibility, nonetheless, to see that deadlines are met. Particularly statutory deadlines, resources are well spent and leadership that can be provide nationally is being provided. Here is a prevention as spepect education aspect, enforce the aspect, punishment aspect and oversight aspect. The federal government long occupied a space as it relates it both the illicit use of Illegal Drugs and illicit use of legal drugs. We will learn about how this agency can work toward the goal of reducing and ultimately eliminating our nations Opioid Crisis. We will also examine how ondcp can help mitigate the harm in commune its Cross America have felt as a result of our nations Opioid Crisis. There are many areas worthy of exploration today and we thank all of our witnesses for appearing before the committee. We look forward to your testimony as we consider next steps for reauthorization. With that, i recognize my friend from virginia. I thank the chair. Thank four having this meeting and thank you for accommodating our witnesses and to hear the case for why we felt especially adding the dimension of a personal story that mr. Flannery has courageously been willing to share. Thank my friend from south carolina. This is an area where we can find Common Ground where bipartisan cooperation must occur and i note chairman is committed to doing it, as am i. We are in the middle of National Epidemic emergency. Opioids have taken lives aCross America and unfortunately shows no signs of ending. Everyday, everyday, 91 americans die from an opioid overdose. This epidemic doesnt care where you live or what Political Party you belong to. The crisis has touched every corner of our nation. Where i come from, northern virginia, is no exception. Fairfax county, which i chaired for five years, reported more than 100 drugrelated deaths last year. Prince william county, other county i represent reported 52. These are after tstronomical nu. Mr. Flanlys son, their son, kevin, tragically lost his life to opioid overdose two years ago. Three years ago. Kevin was a graduate of the university of virginia. He aspired to a career in filling maki filling film making. But became addicted to oxycontin because of a prescription and medical condition and died at the age of 26. Mr. Flattery has been an outspoken advocate for the need to address this crisis and we all welcome his testimony here today p. M. Everyday people across the country people die from drug addiction. Families are torn apart. Americans are suffering. The crisis cannot wait. As members of congress, weve got to do everything we can to assist and reverse this crisis. Unfortunately were not sensing that same sense of emergency from the administration. On the campaign trail, President Trump said, and i quote, we will help the people seriously addicted, we will help those people, unquote. But were six months into the administration and the president has still not appointed a drug czar. To lead the office of National Drug control policy. Nor mass the nation produced a National Drug control strategy. Instead what president has done is proposed cutting the program that are already working. His proposed budget would cut 370 million to the Substance Abuse and Mental HealthServices Administration which provides grants for opioid overdose drugs, Mental Health and prevention programs, in the midst of a national emergency. We cannot accept that. The president s efforts to repeal the Affordable Care act also would have devastating affects on americans suffering from drug addiction. The latest effort to repeal the ai ca would take Health Insurance away from 2. 8 Million People with Substance Abuse disorders. Let me repeat that. 2. 8 million. Congress must not let that happen. Additionally, repeal of the Affordable Care act could also make it difficult for individuals with Substance Abuse disorders to find the help they need. Legislation repealing the bill would allow states to weigh the aca requirement that Mental Health and Substance Abuse treatment are part of the essential Health Services. This would lead many of those seeking help without the treatment they desperately need. We are here to discuss the National Drug control policy. This office plays a Critical Role in coordinating the federal response to our nations drug epidemic. The office manages a budget of more than 370 million and coordinates 316 different departments and agencies. Ondcp also administers two federal grant kpro grams. Communities in my district for example have been fortunate to receive assistance for what is called the high intense drug Traffic Program which provides groonts local its and states and tribal areas to county Drug Trafficking activities. Its and tribal areas to county Drug Trafficking activities. In 2010 we saw a shift to emphasize Public Health base Services Within the National Drug control strategy. I look forward to hearing more about the importance of a comprehensive approach to this challenge. Prevention and treatment are important tools working together as the chairman suggested in how we approach this. What is also important is ensuring that any drug control strategy has results over ra radiology. Evidence should guide Public Policy particularly what matters with Public Health and safety. We have witnessed the perils failing to follow that restrire in marijuana policies. Each time i noted we have no empirical evidence that justifies marijuana as classified as schedule 1 drug. In fact, the u. S. National institute and drug abuse for years was the sole federal entities that controlled access to the federal governments loan lone Research Supply of marijuana unwilling to fund for koun duct any research into the possibility as to whether marijuana might have positive benefits. Any research into the possibility as to whether marijuana might have positive benefits. This has led us down a dark path t where the drug policy provided cover, arresting nonviolent offenders and eight times those of whie of white americans, filling prisons, scarring families often for life. We have to rethink that approach. And it has to be empirical based. I want to thank our panelists today mr. Chairman for contributions to the office of National Drug control policy. And their personal contributions to this dialogue. And i want to reiterate my commitment to cooperate with you, mr. Chairman. And our mutual staff to make sure that we are aggressively addressing this critical issue that is now afflicting our country. Thank you so much. I yield back. Gentleman from virginia yields back. Well hold a record open for five legislative days for anyone who would like to submit a written statement. I will recognize our witnesses. I will recognize you, from my right to left, then introduce you that way and recognize you for your Opening Statements. I would tell all of the witnesses your Opening Statement is part of the record. Im sure that my colleagues have read it. So to the extent you can, keep your Opening Statement within five minutes so the members can have an active dialogue with you. You are first witness is richard balm from the office of National Drug control policy. Next, we have miss diana mauer, director of justice and Law Enforcement issues at the Government Accountability office. We have dr. Keith humphreys, professor of psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at stanford university. And mr. Don flattery, who is an addiction policy advocate and parent who has been impacted by todays subject matter. We want to welcome all of you and thank four being here. Pursuant to rules all witnesses should be sworn in before they testify. I advise you to all rise and lift your right hand. You solemnly swear the testimony you are about to give is the truth, the cheel truwhole truth nothing but the truth so help you god . All answered affirmative. You may sit down. With that, rerecognize director balm. Members of the committee, thank you for inviting me to pair before you today to discuss the activities of the office of National Drug control. Is your mike on . How is that . Is that better . Just might be old age on our behalf. Do i need to get real close . Yes. I will start over. Can you restart the clock for me . Thank you for inviting me to appear before you to discuss the activities of the office of National Drug control policy. It is a tremendous honor for me to be here. We have a dedicated team of policy experts working to address the Opioid Crisis and full range of drug threats our country faces. Having strong support of the president , his administration and congress and particularly this committee means a great deal us to. Given the state of this crisis, we authorize the office charged with responding to it is more important than ever. Thank you for taking this on. Were grateful. As you are all aware, we are in the midst of the worst drug epidemic in u. S. History. We lost more than 52,000 people to Drug Overdose incluesing 3 p,000 overdoses including opioids. The epidemic began with overprescribing of Prescription Drugs and involved into hero anyone and fentanyl. I have met with parent who have lost children, visited communities hit hard by this epidemic. When i was in johnstown, pennsylvania, students at university of pennsylvania johnstown just found out a star on the wrestling team died of an overdose from fentanyl. We know these are stories you have heard in your districts and all over the country. Most lethal drugs are not made in the u. S. Ondcp work with partners to improve with drug control dismantle organizations that traffic the deadly drug niece our communities. Beyond opioids we also face a rapidly growing threat from cocaine, as well as serious threats from methamphetamine, synthetic drugs and marijuana. Look forward to discussing these specific drug threats in more detail in the q a. Ondcp is the lead Drug Control Agency and adviser to the president on drug issues. Issues include policy development, drug budget oversight as well as targeted grant funding. Our position within the white house provides a platform to build support for proven strategies to address quickly moving drug threats. Reducing the drug supply is critical to all of our efforts. Domestic Law Enforcement plays a Critical Role in reducing drug availability and building cases against trafficking groups. Also playing a Critical Role in the science, addiction and evidencebased treatment and breaking the stigma surrounding Substance Abuse so people are more likely to seek treatment and obtain lifetime recovery. Prevention is a vital component of addressing drug abuse in this country. I have made it a priority to reinvigorate National Prevention effort to engage youth in schools and online. This is a critical component for permitting drug use in the first place. Ondcp also focused on supporting ways for the criminal Justice System to better address addiction within the populations. For many People Engagement with the law is the first opportunity to access treatment services. Whether through pretrial or prearrest aversion. It is bet are for all r for all that need treatment receive it. The strategy is from ekmercomme and other stake holders. One of our greatest strength is to coordinate drug control activities across the federal government and work directly with state, local, tribal and International Partners to further the administrations drug policy goals. We use our budget Oversight Authority to prevent duplication and make sure federal dollars are well spent. We have worked to lift up innovative programs at state and local level such as Police Assisted Addiction and redufrco where people are helped with treatment for drug addiction. We coordinate the response to specific drug threats. Our National Heroin core nation group and National Group are more nimble across development. Such as safe handling directions for fentanyl so First Responders dont experience overdose and efforts to take down dark web marketplaces on the internet for drugs like fentanyl. Department of justice took down a primary source of fentanyl. As you are well aware, there are two Grant Programs that work to address the problem. The dnc provides grants to hundreds of coalitions across the country prp before i close i would like to acknowledge and thank the accounting office. Weve been through numerous talks and they are extremely helpful to us in our work. We look forward to working with a measure that ealigns prioritis and to best address the cries thas the country faces on drugs. Thank you. Thank you, director baum. Ms. Mauer . Good morning, chairman gowdy, Ranking Member connolly, other ranking mers and staff. Im here to discuss gaos work on illicit drug use. It is a truly multifaceted effort with very Different Missions in Public Health, law ep forcement, intelligence, education, corrections and diplomacy. And it needs to be. The problems from illicit drug use in the United States are complex, widespread, and deepseeded. If there is one thing we have learned over the past several decades, there are no quick or easy fixes. But more significant than the cost and complexity of federal efforts is the very human, very tragic and increasingly deadly toll of