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Night, kennedy and lincoln are sort of bookends, where i soon i assume everyone knows about who lincoln was and who kennedy was. I wont talk much about kennedy and did not talk about lincoln. I assume most people dont know much about garfield and mckinley, so we will talk more about garfield and mckinley more than the actual assassinations. The assassination of lincoln by john wilkes booze and of kennedy by lee harvey oswald, we were in they were able to get away from the scene of the murder all sorts of conspiracy theories cropped up. Who did it, did they get away and did we get the right guy . In the cases of garfield and mckinley, they caught the guy right away. There was no question. Charles the toe was was captured right after shooting garfield and leon was grabbed immediately after shooting mckinley. They both freely admitted they did it, so there was no question about that. Today, we will look at William Mckinley. Mckinley is a figure who is neglected in american history. Garfield is neglected as a president because his term lasted 200 days. Mckinley is neglected because he was followed by a force of nature named Teddy Roosevelt. A lot of people, when they look back on that time, think that things that happened during mckinleys presidency actually happened during roosevelts when they really happened during mckinleys. It was during mckinleys time that the United States became a major factor in international politics. It had not been one before. People looked at america at time one of my favorite characters was the french ambassador who became ambassador to the United States in 1902 and was the ambassador from france to the United States for over 20 years which does not happen in todays world. There is a monument to him and rock creek park. I believe hes the first foreign diplomat honored in washington dc. On the north, theres nothing more than canada, on the south theres nothing more than x ago. On the east, there is fish at on the west, there is fish. People saw america as contained within the continent. Yet as we see, it was during mckinleys time that the United States added more possessions, territory and control of more territory than under all other president s probably can find. It turned america from an insular country to a major world player. Yet everyone thinks of it as Teddy Roosevelt. It was said of him that if it was a parade, he would want to lead it. If it was a funeral, he wanted to be the corpse. Teddy roosevelt will dominate our discussion of William Mckinley. Yet when we look at mckinley people tend to ignore him. How many of you know what denomination Bill Mckinley is on . You cant answer that because you work for the Treasury Department. How many of you know what Bill Mckinley is on . He is on the 500 bill. No, you dont. Sorry about that. You probably dont know why the good folks of New Hampshire were thinking of making the two dollar bill nonlegal tender it has jefferson on the front but on the back it has a signing of the declaration of independence and the two guys from New Hampshire did not make it. Mckinley is the president on a bill we dont use. Mckinley, at the time of his assassination, the country was expanding, prosperous, doing well, and most people thought would continue to do so and president mckinley president mckinley winds up being assassinated. His election in 1896 set the stage for republican dominance of the presidency until roosevelt. Between 1896 and 1932, only one democrat was able to win the white house, and that was Woodrow Wilson. Wilson probably would not have one if the Republican Party had not split between William Howard taft and some guy named Teddy Roosevelt who wind up getting the majority of the votes and it goes to two former republican president s. So, he sets the stage for america going out into the world, establishing itself as a world player, establishing the Republican Party creating the business oriented economy we have after that. A rather remarkable character. Certainly not the brilliance we saw of garfield, but very cable as a politician and as a human being. William mckinley was born in january of 1843 and a small town called niles ohio, about the five or 70 miles southwest of cleveland. When he was born, the town had a population of 300 and it had three stores and three churches. His father was also named William Mckinley. He was the seventh of nine children and his father was a jack of all trades. His major occupation was managing the towns last furnace. The family was very tied into abolitionist sentiment opposed to slavery. Also very religious, methodist and mckinleys mother, his mother wanted him to start going into a religious background and enter the ministry. Education was a close second and a family insisted all of their children, including william, get a good education. I have forgotten one point in my introduction a gentleman came and asked if i would recommend one book and so i recommend one book on garfield and today, i will recommend one book called the president and the assassin mckinley and the dawn of the american century. As you can imagine, when i put together a talk like this, i look at a lot of primary and secondary sources. I was limited to one. I may cheat and recommend to them, but one jumps off the page. If you want one book, i would recommend scott millers. Its an interesting account of what we will discuss today. Mckinley at age 15 at age 17 he and roles in Allegheny College in pennsylvania and stays only for one year. He developed some sort of nervous ailment. The exact nature of his disease is still not known. He comes home after year, quite depressed, not feeling well. He recovers his health but unfortunately, his father had spent a lot of the family money bailing out an elder brother who developed some debts, so they did not have the money for william to go back to college. As a result, william takes a series of jobs, hes a postal clerk and becomes a teacher you did not need a College Diploma to become a teacher. And then in 1861, the world changes for the mckinleys and everyone else in america. The civil war breaks out and mckinleys p or pressure and desire to end slavery and an enormous admiration for Abraham Lincoln and list in the union army they wind up going together and here he is private mckinley. He joins the 23rd ohio volunteer infantry. Mckinley turns out to be the last american president to have served in the civil war when he ultimately ends his turn. No future president is a civil war veteran. He begins his military career as a private and by the end of the civil war, he gets a series of emotions and leaves the civil war as a major. Not a general, like garfield last week whos a military genius and strategist and forms the Intelligence Service mckinley really liked being a soldier. He loved being with his comrades, he loved being in the field and love all of the aspects of being a soldier. He sends a series of letters home, many of which get published in the newspaper giving him some recognition. He is soon promoted from private to commissary sergeant and his job is to get food for everyone else and by the food, or the food, be the cook. He is assigned to get food and prepare food for thousand people. Shortly after joining the army when he was age 18, mckinley meets another soldier. He meets one who has a tremendous it backed, a major by the name of rutherford the hayes. The two of them wind up spending a lot of time together and become fast friends until hayes dies. I would be willing to bet if someone had told these two guys sitting out in the field sitting out of soldiers, as private sergeant, whatever he was, that by the way the two of you are going to become governor of ohio and both of you will be president of the United States, im sure they would have said you are nuts. Or lets come up with a better fortuneteller. To jump ahead in our story hayes gets elected president of the United States and mckinley gets elected to congress, so both of them wind up showing up in washington in 1877, best friends with lots of civil war memories. Mckinleys regiment participates in a lot of battles in the civil war. The first one is the battle of antietam. One of the bloodiest battles in the civil war. The ohio 23rd was deeply involved and mckinley was in charge of providing food. So he has the chuck wagon full of crackers, meat and coffee and his superiors say whatever you do, dont go into the middle of the battlefield. Those guys are hungry. He arrives in his chuck wagon to deliver food in the middle of antietam. Beans, crackers, meat, and delivers them to Union Soldiers and get a reputation for bravery and heroism for doing this. His regimen suffers quite a number of casualties. Mckinley comes out unscathed. He earns a reputation for his avery and compassion for the rest of his soldiers. A recognition for what he did at antietam, the governor promotes and to become a lieutenant. His regiment continues to participate in quite a number of other engagements. In one battle, mckinley has the horse shot out from under him and the horse dies but mckinley doesnt, so he jumps on another horse and leads his troops to break through the southern forces. His regimen plays a major role in the Virginia Campaign at the end of the civil war. That led to Robert E Lees surrendering to Ulysses Grant at appomattox courthouse. At the end of the war, mckinley receives his final promotion. He is promoted to major. The photo was made by matthew brady. He is asked by his superiors if he would remain in the army. Mckinley says he would rather not, that this is enough and he wants to go back to ohio. He returns home and decides to go into a career in law. In those days, there were two ways to become a lawyer. One was to hang out with other lawyers and the other is to go to law school. Mckinley decides to try the first first and spend time studying law in the office of an attorney in account called poland, ohio. Then he decides to go to law school and in march of 1867, hes admitted to the bar in ohio and then moves to canton, ohio which becomes his home for the rest of his life. His law practice was quite successful. He earns enough money to buy a couple of buildings on main street which he rents out and the income from the rental of these buildings basically provide some with a nice supplemental income pretty much for the rest of his life. In 1867, his civil war buddy rutherford b. Hayes, decides to run for governor of ohio and asks mckinley if he would travel around ohio giving talks on behalf of rutherford hayes. So his first lyrical venture is to promote the candidacy of rutherford hayes. Hayes gets elected governor and says you did that well. You ought to run yourself. He says anyone can run for politics. You want to do it. So in 1869, he decides to run for prosecuting attorney in stark county ohio. Its a seat that had been held by democrats. He runs for reelection two years later and is defeated, but he does when his first election and decides its an interesting way to spend time. His professional career as a lawyer is progressing in his political career is slowly taking off. He begins his social career and begins to a woman by the name of ida saxton. Mckinley finds her to be inordinately beautiful and talks about her beauty for the rest of his life. I will comment on that in a bit. They were married on january 25 1871 and their first child was worn less than a year later. Their first child, catherine, they called her katie was born on Christmas Day in 1871. Two years later, the mckinleys again to suffer a series of personal tragedies. In march of 1871 idas mother dies. She was extremely close to her mother and was upset when she died. She was pregnant at the time with their second child and went into deep depression. William mckinley hope the birth of their second child would cheer her up, but unfortunately, the second child who is named ida, for her mother was born and dies five months later. Mckinleys wife spins into a lack of depression and confusion. She wonders around asking why god has in elected so much pain on her. First the death of her love it mother and then her infant daughter. Her health, which was never good, stress to deteriorate. She suffers from epilepsy and couldnt stand to be a way from her husband. When he left her to do anything, she would go into depression. Then it became worse. In 1875, the older daughter, katie, develops typhoid fever and dies at age four. The mckinleys have no children after that. Both of their daughters died very young and ida is in bad health for the rest of her life. She suffers from epilepsy, depression, and numerous other ailments. When he was a congressman William Mckinleys treatment of his wife is remarkably compassionate, loving and caring despite her various ailments. When he was a congressman, people were calling him into the room entre veal pretext, asking what she should be wearing or what she should do for the rest of the afternoon. She had a portrait of him painted so she could hang it near her bed. He would send her notes daily sometimes hourly. He would have congress written to her, im fine, how are you. Youd have her staff deliver it. When he was president , he would make it a point to see her once or twice a day. He took to learning about things that were interesting to her so they could talk about them. She was interested in laces and flowers, so he studied roses because that was her favorite flower. At night, he would try to avoid receptions, which as you know for a member of congress is not easy today. It was not easy then. He would do that; spend the evening with her. He would sit quietly and either read out loud to her or to himself and she would knit. She loved to knit socks. I have no idea what she did. I assume she sent them to ml the marcos. Everyone of his friends felt she was a borden a burden to him. He never felt that. He always referred to her as my precious love. He said she was the most beautiful creature and i fell in love with her immediately. I was astounded she would marry me. She was beautiful then and shes beautiful to me now. It is a remarkable love story between the two of them. He remained a devoted husband to her despite her medical and emotional needs for the rest of his life. Despite her physical and emotional problems, she encouraged him to go into politics knowing full well this would mean times of some ration from her. His legal career was booming and doing quite well. In 1876, he took a high profile case representing a number of coal miners arrested for rioting after a clash with strike rakers in ohio. He won the case which helped him develop a relationship that stayed with him the rest of his life. As a result of this case, he met a person by the name of mark hanna. Every person said if it was not for mark hanna, William Mckinley would have never become president of the United States. Mark hanna is the dominant figure and friend of William Mckinley who, once they meet and become friends, hanna decides his goal and life is to make mckinley a successful politician president of the United States. That was 1876. Thats a significant year for mckinley for a lot of reasons besides the coal miner case. In 1876, has close friend, rutherford b. Hayes runs for president of the United States. As we discussed last week, hayes lost the popular vote and won the electoral vote because it was unclear who the electors should the from some state called florida. In the case of bush versus gore i need to read my notes were carefully it turned out one Supreme Court justice ultimately decided to accept the electors from florida pledged to hayes. It was one Supreme Court justice. To take a reformed alcoholic, not the rightist bald out there and make him president of the united date as opposed to an extremely talented and bright person. Of course, this would never happen in our lifetime. As a result, hayes was elected president and in 1876 mckinley ran for congress and was also elected. They both show up in washington to begin their terms as president and congressman. Mckinley had to give up his legal career because he was earning more money than he did as a congressman. Mckinley was unlike other members of congress. He was interested in his physical appearance. Most of the politicians had beards or sideburns or mustaches. Mckinley every day began the day by shaving very carefully and would put a carnation in his lapel. Sort of like my friend, gary ackerman. Mckinley would wear his glasses on a string around his neck because he did not want to be photographed with his glasses. If a photographer was there, the glasses would come off. Very concerned about his physical appearance. He wrote a letter a letter to the editor saying im not five foot six, im five foot six and a half. He began each day after shaving by having rockfest with ida. Every day had to start that way because that was important to him. Then he would indulge in his vices. He would buy cigars and newspapers. He loved to read newspapers, particularly the political section and smoked 50 cigars a week. If congress was in session, he would smoke even more. Everyone in congress liked him. He seems to have in a very funny fellow, a great sense of humor a wonderful speaker honest and decent, people just gravitated toward him. He gained a reputation for hard work and developed close friendship with another congressman from ohio named james garfield. The two of them, as you could imagine, became good buddies. Civil war stories, both from ohio and they both shared and interest on financial matters and, remarkably, both of them leaved in the sound currency, a Gold Standard. Most people in the west and ohio was considered the west bakhtin, wanted cheap money. Money backed by silver. But if you only have it backed by gold coming of a limited supply and it is hard currency. Since farmers are by definition usually debtors, they want to repay with dollars that are worth less than when they borrowed the money. Both garfield and mckinley were strong supporters of the Gold Standard. The second issue that was significant was a tariff, a protective tariff. In those days, tariffs had two functions. One was to raise money. It wasnt so much the money on the tariffs, it was protecting american industry. If you charge for goods coming in, they become too expensive and that helps american industry here. The two items mckinley was known for her sound money, Gold Standard, and the protective tariff. Jumping ahead in 1889, mckinley decides to run for speaker of the house. He barely loses to a congressman from maine. They get along now that he supports mckinley to become the chairman of the house ways and Means Committee and it as chairman of the house ways and Means Committee mccamley drafts and gets passed by congress the piece of legislation that is known he is known for more than anything else in his congressional career and that is the mccamley terror of. Basically cherubs trying to protect american industry tariffs trying to reject american industry. As you can imagine, the democrats did not like this. The mccamley terrace becomes a controversial issue, separating republicans and democrats. By this time, the chief of the Ohio Legislature is democratically controlled and every year that has a zero in it according to the constitution, we need a new census. And as a result, in 1890, ohios democratically controlled legislature gerrymanderss mckinley out of his seat. He is narrowly defeated. Narrowly defeated, only by 300 votes, but he is defeated. Ida is thrown into a depression. Mckinley announces he is going to run for governor of ohio. Ohio then, as now, is a swing state in president ial elections. Ohio becomes a state and it will be again and 2016. If you want to understand the election in 2016 i give you two words to put in the back of your mind. Florida and ohio. If either the democrats or the republicans win florida and ohio, the likelihood is their candidate will be the next president. And it was similar in those days. By being governor of ohio, mckinley becomes a National Figure. He travels around the country supporting the republican candidate. The republican candidate president harrison, who defeated Grover Cleveland four years earlier, is defeated by Grover Cleveland. Is feeling time in history that an american president wednesday presidency, loses the presidency, and wins the presidency again. So, president cleveland is elected. You could say reelected but not really because there is a harrison term in the middle. Mckinley is seen as someone who was a loyal trooper for the party, out there doing what he could to get the party elected as president , so people begin to talk about mckinley as a potential candidate for president. But first, he has to get reelected in ohio as governor. It was a twoyear term in those years and mckinley is overwhelmingly reelected as governor of ohio. Now we meet mark hanna. Mark hanna is an extremely successful businessman, and he decides to help him become governor, he is now going to help mckinley become president. He travels around the country with mckinley and gets mckinley to meet Republican Leaders all around the country. He raises money for him. He puts together the organization. He is karl rove. He is the guy who takes the candidate, gets the money come up with organization together, and successfully builds support in the republican ranks for a mckinley president the presidency in 1896. So much so, so much so that mckinley is the front runner that its almost a foregone conclusion when the Republican Party meets that mckinley is going to get the nomination. In those years candidates for president or for the nomination did not go to the convention. It was deemed unseemly. They allowed mckinley or he was somehow able to listen to the convention by telephone. I have this image of him sitting there putting quarters in. [laughter] professor nurnberger anyway, he listened to the nomination of himself as a president ial nominee. Mark can i came up with a name for Vice President. The name was derek hobart of new jersey, who no one had ever heard of. Including in this room. Garret hobart was a very successful businessman from new jersey, very wealthy lawyer, former state legislator. Not a National Figure it all and hanna felt would not hurt the ticket. He would not be much help, but he would not hurt and he had ties to money and hanna realized in this new world, you needed money to run for president. Mckinley gets nominated for president. His platform calls for the currency to be based on the Gold Standard, as opposed to silver as opposed to just greenbacks. And also for keeping a high protective tariff. The democratic conviction convention 1896, was held in chicago and a 36yearold former congressman from nebraska by the name of William Jennings bryan gives probably the most famous political speech at a convention in american history. William Jennings Bryan begins the speech by telling the delegates, i come to speak to you in defense of because as holy as the cause of liberty, because of humanity. And he explains what you need to devalue currency and why the Gold Standard is hurting farmers and laborers around the country. And then he ends, you will answer then the man for the Gold Standard by saying, you shall not pressed down upon this row of labor this crown of thorns. You shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold. He puts his hands on his temples and as he says, you shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold, he throws out his arms like this and stands like this for at least five seconds and the whole Convention Hall is dead silent, looking at him like this. And suddenly he puts his arms down and people throw their hats in the air, people raise their canes, and the applause is deafening. The next day, they nominate William Jennings bryan to be the democratic candidate for president. Mckinley was concerned. How do you beat a guy like this . No one had ever seen a speaker like this on the National Stage before. Hanna says it does not matter. Listen to his words. He is going to ruin the economy of the country and i am going to tell every businessman across america what hes and spore. What he stands for. Hanna raises 3. 5 million. Bryan is able to raise 500,000. Mckinleys campaign has six to seven times as much money to spend as William Jennings bryan. Bryan with his youth 36 years old. He has incredible energy. He is the most remarkable speaker on the american scene at the time. He decides to do something that has not been done before, a Whistle Stop Campaign train across america, stopping everywhere, visiting every state that he can. Standing bear, giving speeches. Hanna tells mckinley youve got to do the same thing. Mckinley says, i cant do that. I would just as well set up a trapeze on my front lawn and compete with a professional athlete as go on a speaking tour against William Jennings bryan. I have to think when i speak. So, instead of going among the people, mckinley comes up with a different idea. Let the people here him. His brilliant strategy as he is not going to leave canton, ohio at all. He sets up the french port campaign the front porch campaign. Anyone want to hear me, they can come to my house. Six days a week, mckinley will give a speech on his front lawn. Hanna arranges with the railroad obviously big business, to give cheaper transportation to canton, ohio for people who want to hear mckinley. He sits there with ida, and people whittle away his front porch and fence as souvenirs. By the end of the campaign, the porch is virtually gone and the fence is totally gone. He also refuses to answer questions and he gives only speeches that are written for him in advance so he does not say anything wrong. Every speech is scripted. Hanna then has all this money and decides to use it to print brochures and pamphlets. They print 200 million brochures to hand out and spread around the country. It becomes a Political Campaign of journalists. The new york journal was controlled of the time by William Randolph hearst, who owned silver mines. Guess which candidate he support. Supports. So, William Randolph hearst endorses bryan. They figure people cannot read, so he uses a lot of cartoons. This cartoons still to this day defines the image for a lot of people of hanna and mckinley. Hanna is seen as a plutocrat trampling on labor and mckinley is seen as a child dominated by mr. Hanna and others of his ilk. You can see the dollar signs on the lapel, on the caller of the cartoon, hannas hand holding mckinley. These cartoons, there were lots of them, dominated the campaign against him. You could not come up with two candidates who were more different in their personalities, their speaking styles. Mckinley sound money protective tariffs. Bryan, cheaper money, silver traveling around the country. Mckinley staying at home. Mckinley looking for work support from business, big cities. Bryan running around to rural voters. Mckinley won the entire northeast and midwest. He winds up winning seven point one million 7. 1 million in the popular vote. Mckinley gets 271 votes, because he gets the populace states and bryan gets 176. As a result, William Jennings bryan is defeated. William mckinley becomes president of the United States and sets the basis for republican political strategy from 1896 until roosevelt in 1932. Other than Woodrow Wilson, no republican gets elected until then. Outgoing president Grover Cleveland, who in this picture does not look very happy, to see a republican sworn in. He is accompanied by his wife and mother. You remember last week garfield walked out with frederick douglass. There was no africanamerican walking out on this inauguration. He is focused almost entirely on domestic issues and financial issues. He talks about the tariff, currency issues. He virtually ignores Foreign Policy. The one line on Foreign Policy is, we want no wars of conquest. We must avoid the temptation of territorial aggression. Here is a man who gets involved in a war of conquest and gets more territory than any other president to date. We do not have time to going to his cabinet. It is fascinating. I wish we had more time. I will mention two cabinet appointees. The first is the secretary of state. He picks john sherman. You may remember john sherman remember 1890 six. John sherman 1880 wanted to be president and he was a senator from ohio home garfield whom garfield back. Sherman is back in your senator from ohio and he is nominated for secretary of state. That probably sounds ok to most of you except for a couple of minor additional factors. Sherman by then was not fully in control of his mental capacity. I am trying to be kind. Everyone told mckinley he is demented and senile or what have you. Mckinley said, no, hes not. He is my friend. He is from ohio. I am from ohio. I need him as secretary of state. Obviously if you become secretary of state he has to stop being senator from ohio which creates a vacancy. There is a businessman in ohio named mark hanna ah. Professor nurnberger ah. Ok. Remember senators were not elected by the people. They were elected by state legislatures. If there was a vacancy, the governor, the republican governor of ohio and purely by coincidence the next senator from ohio is mark cannot. We have a secretary of state moving into this time when american diplomacy is keen who is not the sharpest bulb out there. So, we have to look to his assistant secretaries of state to get a better sense for the state department. They had two assistant secretaries of state. The first person is judge william day. He was a very prominent lawyer in ohio. He was a friend of mckinley. He had absently no understanding or background in Foreign Policy. He knows this. He is smart enough to know he does not know anything, so he never says anything. I dont make this stuff up. These second assistant secretary of state is alvy adee, who has hearing problems. And as a result, it was said at the time the head of the state department knew nothing the First Assistant secretary of state said nothing, and the second assistant secretary of state heard nothing, so you had whatever. The second appointment, and this is again as america moves into as you will see, one Foreign Policy becomes dominant these second appointment that we should talk about is the assistant secretary of the navy. Ok. As assistant secretary of the navy, mckinley appointed a friend of his from congress by the name of john davis long. They had served together in the congress. They were close friends. Long was a very good choice to be secretary of the navy and he basically said to long, you can appoint anyone you want as assistant secretary the navy. Along comes this former new york assemblyman who wants to be the assistant secretary of the navy, a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt. Mckinley does not want him. He says, i want peace, and i am told your friend theodore is always getting into rows with everybody. I think we need someone who can get along with people. Nevertheless, he appoints Theodore Roosevelt to be the assistant secretary of the navy. We will meet him again in this story, not to your surprise. If it had been possible to ask mckinley on his inauguration day, what is your presidency going to be like . What we you focus on . He would have said Gold Standard, cherubs and he was good on these issues and tariffs and he was good on these issues and he gets good grades for his domestic politics. It was a time when the country was prosperous, doing well, and certainly mckinley was good on domestic issues. What he would not have been able to predict is during his first fouryear term america would become a major player on the world scene. He did not see this coming. And he would have been quite surprised if someone told him this was happening. In order to understand the mckinley Foreign Policy, you need to look at cuba. There had been a revolt going on in cuba for a number of years, beginning in the 1890s, even earlier, but growing in the 1890s, seeking independence for cuba from spain. At first, mckinley hoped this would be resolved peacefully. He did not want to go to war with spain. He would do what he could to help the cubans, but he did not see this as a major issue for himself. In 1895, the cuban rebellion against spain, basically a war for cuban independence. The spanish sent a general to cuba to put down the revolt. He used such brutal tactics he got the nickname butcherwhaler. He would surprise the rebels. He would put them in internment camps. Later generations referred to them as concentration camps. The conditions were horrendous, and cubans were put in these camps under terrible conditions. They felt in particular new york newspapers in particular felt it would sell papers. So a war broke out between William Randolph hearst and Joseph Poulos are Joseph Pulitzer to come up with the worst stories from cuba to sell newspapers in new york. One journalist was sent from new york to cuba to report on the horrific conditions and he sent back, right now there are no horrific conditions. And the cable was sent back you just send reports, we will create the war. In the minds of mostly protestant america, it was catholic spain dominating cuba. And they began to feel it was almost like the american revolution. Spain became england, the cubans became the colonists, and there was this helps the cubans become independent movement, help the freedom loving cubans against the tyrannical catholic spanish. Lets create the new american revolution. Mckinley of course, was aware this would be problematic. You do not want to send american troops. Calm down. Theres no need to get involved. So he sent Stuart Woodford to madrid to try and work out a Peace Agreement to end the conflict, and the negotiations are going relatively well. Woodford is a good diplomat. The spanish are talking to him. Maybe we can work this out. Maybe it is not independence. It is autonomy. The negotiations are going well until january of 1898. In january of 1898 a riot breaks out in havana. The riot seems to have been ignited by spanish officers who were offended by cuban newspaper attacks on general whaler. Mckinley realizes there are american citizens in havana and cuba and to protect them since sends a u. S. Ship, the uss maine, to havana to protect american citizens. There was a massive explosion on the uss maine. Here is president and mrs. Mckinley, their president ial picture. You just have to look at her to realize, rather stuffy picture. 276 sailors were killed and there was a tremendous movement, remember the maine. The last thing americans were asked to remember was the alamo. Now they could remember something else. 70 years is enough time to forget one thing and pick up something else. They blew up the main. Critics of mckinley around the country, one of them was an assistant secretary of the navy by the name of Theodore Roosevelt. The president does not want to go to war. He has the backbone of a chocolate eclair. Love that comment. At mckinley asked congress to appropriate 58 Million Dollars for defense. Congress unanimously agreed. Then they look to find out what caused the explosion. A Navy Investigation concludes that the ships powder magazines were ignited when there was an external explosion under the ship. A minor something. Ah somebody did something to the maine and blew it up. The spanish do their own investigation. They find the powder was ignited on the ship. It blew up because of what was happening on the ship. To this day, we really dont know. In the 1970s, 1974, admiral rickover asked for an investigation, not that it would change things, but the investigation at the time, the navy looked into it and they decided there was an internal explosion on the ship. National geographic did a study using computer modeling, in the 1990s. I believe it was published in 1999. They said it could have been caused by a mine or it could have been caused on the ship itself and we do not know read whatever it was, americans were furious and they were furious at the president for not being more aggressive about this. He was burned in effigy and the people being shot into the figures of the president. There was a tremendous feeling of we need to help the cubans and now they blew up our ship. On february 25 1898, after the battleship was blown up, the secretary of the navy long did not feel well. He had the flu. So he went home because he did not feel well. Leaving in his place acting secretary of the navy, the assistant secretary of the navy, a man by the name of Theodore Roosevelt. So, along is home with the flu for four hours in the afternoon. Roosevelt cables the maybe worldwide to prepare for war and begins to issue orders to purchase ammunition and supplies area he then sends a cable to admiral dewey and tells him to prepare to move the American Fleet in the pacific to the philippines, which are controlled by spain and to prepare to attack the spanish in case of war. He then goes home with he happy with a good afternoons work. Mckinley was pragmatic. He did not want to be forced into war. He tells people the evidence that the maine was blown up is circumstantial at best. He is gentle about this. March 26, the Grid Iron Club has their dinner. There featured speaker is the assistant secretary of the navy by the name of Theodore Roosevelt. He keeps popping up here. Pounding his clenched fist into his open palm, roosevelt glares directly at the man sitting at the front table, the senator from ohio named mark hanna and says, we will have this war of freedom. After the talk, roosevelt tells a friend that hanna is the living embodiment of spineless economic interest. Basically while many of his countrymen are looking to liberate cuba, mckinley is saying calm down, we are negotiating, we do not need to do this. Spain refuses mckinleys offer on april 11, 1898 to negotiate. Negotiations stop. Mckinley asks congress for advice. He did not ask for resolution of war, but Congress Passes one. April 20 of, 1898, Congress Declares war against spain and adding an amendment offered by senator Henry Kellett of colorado henry teller of colorado saying if we do beat the spanish and kick them out of cuba, we will not take over cuba. We will be dominant in cuba, but we are not going to annex cuba. The teller amendment is added to the war amendment. Although the causation of the war is cuba, the first battle for the independence of cuba takes place in manila. Someone flunked geography. That is in the philippines. Its on the other side. On may 1 1898, admiral george dewey a taxi spanish navy in manila bay. They were not expecting this because they were not in cuba. The battle begins with the famous expression again for those of you who look sources in the source thesauruses for famous american expressions you may fire when ready, gridley. They destroy the spanish fleet in manila. Due to the overwhelming victory, suddenly the war becomes more than just cuba. It becomes a focus on all of spains colonies around the world. Mckinley then realizes this is going to create additional problems. What do you do with the philippines should we win them as well . But first the philippines is being fought. We win there. Its time to raise an army and fight against cuba. The main army of the United States goes to Tampa Florida to get set to go to cuba and the assistant secretary of the navy by the name of oh, here he is again, Theodore Roosevelt resigns as assistant secretary of the navy and puts together the first u. S. Volunteer cavalry regiment, which is called the rough riders. Here is teddy as the rough rider. He gets together with an army colonel by the name of leonard wood and puts together a volunteer organization. They get the usual help from the army, uniforms and military equipment. Teddy thinks these uniforms are not good enough. We need uniforms from rooks brothers. I dont make this stuff up. So, teddy raises money to buy the uniforms for the rough riders, which he designs at brooks brothers, and the rough riders are an eclectic group. Ivy leaguers, professional and amateur boxers, upscale gentlemen, cowboys indians frontiersman hunters, former soldiers, tradesmen, sheriffs you name it. Lets join teddy and go over to cuba. Roosevelt and his men depart tempora and arriving cuba on june 23, 1898. Under his leadership, the rough riders are famous for two charges. The first, the one people do not know about, and then the second one going up a hill called, of course, san juan hill. Roosevelt has three pair of skepticals spectacles sewn into his jacket in case one or two that get shot off. He is the only one riding a horse and he finally realizes that there is barbed wire and the horses are not prepared for this. The cost, 200 men killed, about 1000 wounded. Mark twain later said that roosevelt should write a book about it. And he suggested the title for the book should be alone in cuba. [laughter] professor nurnberger an intense series of battles. The americans and up winning in less than three weeks. The spanish throw up their hands and say, we resign. We cant do this. So the americans gain control of cuba and ultimately more american soldiers are killed in cuba by yellow fever than by spanish soldiers. Mckinley then orders, while we are in the network, lets take control of puerto rico. Later in july the same month, the americans take control of puerto rico. The spanish then say, lets talk peace. Lets talk cuba. Mckinley said, now that we are in these discussions, lets talk about puerto rico and the philippines. The spanish they, the war was about cuba. Mckinley says, that was before the war got going. They signed the treaty of paris. December of 1898 ending the spanishamerican war. It lasted less than half the year. The spanish are asked to leave cuba, which becomes independent but basically a protectorate of the United States. The United States also acquires puerto rico, the philippines, as well as the island of guam in the pacific. In exchange for the territories the United States agrees to pay spain 20 million. The treaty goes to the senate where it is passed on february 6, 1899. The American Forces fought against the spanish in the philippines figure ok, the philippines are ours. There is only one picky little detail and that is people who live in the philippines. Who felt that now that the spanish are gone, they would be independent. And the americans have troops there and they felt now that we beat the spanish, the philippines are ours. The American Public opinion was pretty divided between should we keep the philippines and civilized them, which was the phrase used or give them their independence . Those who wanted to keep the philippines said for economic reasons, security reasons, and if we leave some other european power will take the philippines. But there were americans forming something called the antiimperialist league. William Jennings Bryan, mark twain, said do not take the philippines. Mckinley was not sure. On the one hand, they were so far away and he did not want to spend the troops in the money. On the other hand, there were potential conflicts with the local population. Finally he explained his thought process and a talkie gave to a methodist church. Remember, that was his background. One late night it came to me this way. I dont know how it came to me but it came. There was nothing left for us to do but to educate the poor filipinos and civilize them and christianize them and do the very best we could buy them by them. Then i went to bed and i slept and i sent for the chief of the War Department and i told them to put the philippines on the map of the United States and that is where they are and where they will stay. And that was the decision made by president William Mckinley to keep the philippines as an american president. The president of the philippines was declared. The United States did not recognize the new republic of the philippines. The new republic of the philippines declared war against the United States. He realized he could not fight the United States in a pitch battle, so they decided to use guerrilla warfare. Bloody ambushes and raids. During the first four months of the guerrilla warfare against the United States, the americans suffered over 500 casualties in the americans therefore began to fight back. A shift to guerrilla warfare led the americans to adopt total war. Civilians were given Identification Cards. If they were stopped and did not have them, they were forced into what today we would call concentration camps. All persons found without Identification Cards would be shot on sight by american soldiers. Thousands of civilians died in the camps due to poor conditions. The americans adopted a method of torture called the water cure. Today we call it waterboarding. The manila correspondence wrote our men are exterminating them, women, and children, prisoners insurgents, and suspected people. The number of filipinos who died or were killed by americans at the time remains a matter of debate. A major filipino historian argues that americans killed 1. 4 million filipinos and refers to this as american caused genocide. 1. 4 million people. Again, that is a filipino historian. I would guess that number is exaggerated, but it certainly was in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of people. News of the atrocities in the philippines arrived at the United States and support for the war obviously flags. Mark twain famously opposed the war. He said it violates all of the ideals of american democracy and that by not allowing the filipino people to choose their own destiny. Twain referred to the american troops as our uniformed assassins and described the killing of helpless savages in the philippines. By the way, the philippines did not receive their independence from the United States until 1934. Shifting to another area of acquisition by the United States, we have hawaii. Hawaii throughout their local king in 1893. During the final days of the presidency of Benjamin Harrison and asked to be admitted to the United States. The senate decided not to act because harrison was in his last days and two wait until the new president , Grover Cleveland came in. Cleveland sent a commission to study and then asked the senate to approve a treaty of annexation for the philippines. The senate refused to accept it. Nevertheless, Many Americans wanted to annex hawaii and mckinley, when he was running for president asked about it and he said, yes, we need hawaii a good deal more than we needed california. It is our manifest destiny. He also realized it would be impossible because he needed two thirds of the senate to approve the annexation of hawaii, so he came up with an idea. A joint resolution of both houses of congress. It sounds very similar to what we are now going through with with the Nuclear Agreement with iran and the corkercardin approach which was approved by unanimous consent a few weeks ago. You could not get 19 members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee to agree to today is monday, but they agreed to that. Many felt that he was violating the constitution by going for a joint resolution rather than a treaty. He said, too bad, and as a result, hawaii was annex and people look back and credit mckinley for his clever way of manipulating the congress and his ability as a legislative strategist to get hawaii at the time. In addition, four days after taking over hawaii, the Mckinley Administration claimed wake island in the pacific as well july 12, 1898. In addition to the possessions in the pacific or why he, wake island, guam, and the philippines, mckinley felt the real key was china and the key to china was not to take over china the last thing you need is a couple hundred million Chinese People under american, but to be able to trade with china. So mckinley and his secretary of state no, not john sherman. He is gone. The new secretary of state john hoeven rate we have met him before, twice. He was lincolns assistant and was with lincoln and the Petersen House when he died. He was a close friend of garfield when garfield was shot and now he become secretary of state to mckinley. He and Robert Todd Lincoln should have stayed away from president s. He is inordinately bright. Comes up with the idea to give mckinley the open door policy. Every country should be able to trade with china freely, no troops and so forth. Britain agrees, because that lets them into china more easily. A number of other countries oppose the open door policy of china. Particularly france, germany italy, and japan agree in principle, but really do not want to live up to it. Trade with china becomes more difficult when the chinese decide no one asked them, and so they begin to oppose the trade policy with something known as the boxer rebellion. 5000 mckinley since 5000 troops to picking taking peiking in july of 1900. Suddenly congress says, you just sent troops without congressional authorization. You cant do that. You sent troops overseas without congress. Mckinley said, i just did. Every president since, including our current president , obama when they send troops overseas without congressional approval site mckinley as the president for doing this. Closer to home, mckinley begins the effort to try to rebuild the hammock and out. Again, people refer to roosevelt. No, it it was mckinley. The first problem was not engineering or disease or anything like that. It was diplomatic. Because the United States in 1850 signed an agreement with britain saying that if either of them built the panama can now, they would build it together and the United States now did not want to build the canal with britain. They needed to get rid of that treaty. Im going to interject for a minute my background on this issue. In the 1970s, i was on the staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and i was one of the staffers most intimately involved with the panama canal treaties in the 1970s. In fact at the time, i wrote the Senate Foreign Relations Committee part of the report on the panama canal, i wrote the history of the panama canal. It is not nearly as good as the tween the seas. And also the economic consequences of the panama canal treaties were things that i wrote. Being arrogant. It also produced two funny side things. I was sent a little button by one of the opponents that said your panama canal badge of dishonor, which i could wear probably. And we got my alltime favorite constituent letter. George washington did not cross the panama canal for you to give it away. [laughter] [applause] professor nurnberger the guys history was not great, but you knew where he was coming from. So mckinley and john hate negotiate john hey negotiate with the british ambassador. The new treaty said the United States could build the canal alone, provided that it is open to everyones shipping and is not fortified. The senate rejected it. Mckinley was outraged. Mckinley said, tell the british we will fortify it if we need to. He really negotiates the treaty. Unfortunately by the time he finishes the negotiations, mckinley has just died. So, the second treaty comes after mckinleys death. Domestic issues, we do not have time to go into. In brief his two main issues terra for forum and currency. Im not going to go into those again. Terror of tariff reform and currency. Another thing that i find appalling, maybe the only thing you will remember other than the fact that he was on the 500 bill and was shot. The thing i find less than admirable is his civil rights policy. Those africanamericans who could vote, and remember most could not, voted for mckinley when he ran for president. Yet he a pointed fewer africanamericans to positions than any of his predecessors. It was a time in the 1890s when there was an normas racial violence in the United States including lynchings, when black postmasters in georgia and South Carolina were lynched and assaulted. He refused to issue a statement condemning them. He was criticized for inaction. His supporters said, even if he said something, nothing would change. Yeah, but at least the president of the United States should be saying something. Africanamericans in the spanish american war fought bravely were complemented by their white troops, and then they were treated badly by those same troops and harassed throughout the war and after. Mckinley toward the south. Yes, he did go to tuskegee institute. He did meet with booker t. Washington. But he also went to confederate memorials and never spoke about the racial tensions coming on in the south. Plessy versus ferguson, the case that was ultimately overturned in brown versus board of education, he should have done more about it. His successes were not good either. Teddy roosevelt had booker t. Washington to the white house early in his presidency. He was criticized. And Woodrow Wilson was a segregationist and a racist growing up in the south. Now the factoid. Other than he was shot and was on the 500 bill, the only other thing you will remember is most people think the first president to ride in an automobile was Teddy Roosevelt. It was not. It was William Mckinley. His friend in canton, ohio, zebulun davis, offered him a ride. Mckinley said, i am not getting into that. Davis said get in and they went for a ride. Most of the time mckinley was gripping the door trying to stay in the car. The highlight or the low light of the ride was when they had to swerve to avoid a guy on a bicycle. Anyway you will probably remember he was the first president to ride a bike, he was on the 500 bill, and the rest we will talk about in a minute. He was unchallenged for the republican nomination in 1900. The only question was who was going to be the Vice President. Here we have a problem because the Vice President Garret Hobart had passed away. Mckinley one of the secretary of war. He was a normatively capable. I covered him a lot when i was doing work on my dissertation. Mckinley said he would be the best and if anything ever happened to me, he would be the best president this country would ever see. People said, yes, but he is also the best secretary of war. We need him there. Who do we appoint . You should appoint the new governor of new york, someone by the name of Teddy Roosevelt. Mckinley said ,no. Roosevelt did not want to be Vice President. He wanted to be president. Vice president s do not make it to president. We have only had three Vice President s president. Jefferson in 1800, van buren in 1836, and then bush senior after reagan, which obviously mckinley and roosevelt did not know about yet. At that point there were only two. And that was a weird election. Roosevelt figures if i am Vice President , they will never hear about me again, but ok, im willing to do it. Mark annis said, oh, my god, no, no, no. Do you realize there is only one life between that crazed cowboy and the presidency of the United States . But mckinley said, that way you will never hear about roosevelt again. The senior senator from new york, thomas platt, who hated roosevelt begged mckinley to take him. No one will ever hear from him again. When the republican nomination came, roosevelt was nominated on the first ballot hanna reluctantly accepted it. Here is mckinley in his official painting and his ticket for the mckinleyroosevelt, focused on success and work, prosperity home. And running against him was William Jennings bryan, again. The democrats nominated him this time, never thinking he had a chance, and he did not. Mckinleys one speech during the entire campaign, accepting the nomination. Bryan traveled around the country, but this time the republicans had someone who wanted to travel around the country. Someone named Teddy Roosevelt. Who gave 600 speeches so everyone could see him everywhere. He radiated energy and he reminded the country help prosperous it was and gave him an opportunity to be on the National Stage for the first time. On november 6, 1900 the mckinleyroosevelt ticket won the largest victory of any republican since Ulysses Grant in 1872. They won everything but william William Jennings bryans home state. They decided to take the victory tour around the country, to travel around the country and let people see the president of the United States for the first time and he wanted to end this by going to the worlds fair which was then called the panamerican exposition, which was being held in buffalo, new york. Buffalo was selected because they had a population of about 350,000 people. More importantly because of the railroad connections, the city was within a days journey of about 40 million people. It so people could get the buffalo. In addition it was only 25 miles from Niagara Falls. They were then able to convert the falls to provide electric power to buffalos for the worlds fair and elsewhere. And mckinley was quite keen on going to the fair and the panamerican exposition in buffalo. He looked around the world and he said, hey, cuba is now an american protectorate. Hawaii has been annexed. The boxer rebellion has been put down. The opendoor policy in china has been accepted by all. We have permission to build a canal in central america. We have puerto rico. My next term is going to be even better. It is going to be calmer and we can focus on making life better for americans. So he travels across the country. Starts in the south, goes to california, gets to los angeles and in los angeles, they throw a parade. If the roosevelt parade minus the football. The carriages pulled by half a dozen white horses. And unfortunately after the parade ida mckinley developed a problem with her hand. A pocket of pus on her forefinger. They lancet and she becomes quite ill and weak, possibly from lead poisoning. She falls into a stupor. Heart stimulants are given, she is very, very weak and it is obvious the tour has to end. Mckinley says we are going home. So they are going to spend the rest of the summer in canton ohio. They do. Which is where he has his car ride. And then she is feeling a little bit better. They go to cleveland. They go first to cleveland where they are hosted by mark hanna and it is a major, major meeting of civil war veterans and he is so happy. He identifies with these people. They identify with him. He goes to them, he is greeted royally. On september 4, he arrives in buffalo. Canons shoot off and they think it is an explosion. Ms. Is mckinley thinks they are being attacked. Everyone yells anarchists , but it is not. Mckinley waves to people after the explosion and a man is standing there looking at mckinley. He stands in front of the crowd and look set mckinley. And decides this is not the right time to do anything. Mckinleys two days in buffalo at the fair. On thursday, september 5, he goes to the fair loud cheering, and he gives a major speech. 50,000 come to see your him give this speech. Here is mckinley giving the speech at the panamerican exposition september fifth, 19 01. Loud applause. After the speech she is not feeling well. They go back to the Melbourne House where they are staying but mckinley goes back to the fair that night because the light of the whole fair with electricity. Wow. Something new. Fireworks. Charles good figures now is a good time to shoot the president. He is jostled and used to for a way. He puts the gun back into his pocket and just cant do it. The next day, mckinley decides to visit Niagara Falls. Here he is in a tuxedo and a top hat. I think that is how people still visit nigra falls. Oscar wilde wrote, i would be more impressed if the water went the other way. Mark twain wrote it is the second biggest disappointment of anyone. Mckinley goes to goat island. He does not go all the way for protocol reasons. He goes half the way. She is not feeling well. She goes back to the Melbourne House. Mckinley has scheduled a reception and his staff are says , staffer says, lets cancel it. The staffer says, who is going to shoot me . People like me. He finally says, why should i take this off . No when would wish to hurt me. His staffer says, lets limit it to 10 minutes. He says, all right. He stands at one of the pavilions and greets anyone who wants to come and an experienced politician, mckinley has developed the ability to shake hands with people so quickly he can shake hands with 40 or 50 people in a minute. If you could not grab his fingers and questionable or hand, it would shove you along the way. The procession of citizens comes and a 12yearold girl comes up to him and says can i have just read carnation . He leans down and gives it to her, which is his symbol of good luck. He goes on to greet other people. At this time its time to meet the other person in our story. Leon, born in may of 1873, ultimately executed at age 28. Born in michigan, when he was 10 his mother died and he ultimately did not like the woman that his father married afterwards, his stepmother. He never had any friends, no interest in friendships, bullied his peers in childhood. Cropped out of school at a young age, goes to work at age 14 in the Glass Factory in pennsylvania. Last for about one year. At age 17 he and his brother find employment as a result of an economic crash and 8093. The company lays off a number of workers, and his brother. He joins him radical group arabians torn about anarchy. This is a time of increasing industrialization and terrible working condition. Renders conditions for people working for minimal wages. Safety for workers is often ignored. Often in response to labor unrest, they would hire strikebreakers or guards to guard them called pinkertons. One of the most significant attack took place was the socalled haymarket massacre in chicago. Picketing for an eight hour day someone identified as an anarchist through a dynamite into the collapse into the crowd, killing several workers in several police. The bomb blast resulted in the death of seven office is in for civilians. Seven officers and four civilians. There was a very famous trial. There is now a sign statue in chicago commemorating the haymarket massacre. Leon czolgosz was not involved, but it had a tremendous effect on his inking. He followed the attack, the trial, and execution break mostly. In the late 1880s he was out of work, he could not find work anywhere. He was a loner who moved in with his father and stepfather, he read anarchist materials and became extremely impressed with the writings of am a goldman. Dash cam a m a m a m a m a m a m a goldman emma goldman. He was impressed with her and went up to her and asked for recommendations on books on and are kims anarchism and he tells her that her words have burned in his head. By way of quick background, she was born of Orthodox Jewish parents in lithuania growing up in prussia and st. Petersburg in 1885, when 16 she and the sister emigrated to the United States. She first moved to rochester, new york and then new york city. She joins a number of different anarchist organizations and groups and then begins a long, long of their with a known anarchist writer named alexander berkman. After haymarket goldman, who is becoming a wellknown writer and lecturer on anarchist philosophy, womens rights, birth and social issues her talks attract thousands of people. In 1892 there was another majors reich, this one taking place at a steel plant in homestead, pennsylvania. At the homestead the factory manager was a man by the name of henry clay frick. He closed the plant, locked out the workers who immediately went on strike, strikebreakers were brought in, the company then brings pinkerton guards in to protect them. July 6, 1892, a fight rates out between the pinkertons and the armed workers areas seven are killed, nine strikers are also killed. Both men decide that they need to respond against the carnegie people and mr. Frick and that it is time to kill mr. Frick. On july 23 he gains access to his office with a concealed handgun and shoot frick three times and stabs him in the leg with a knife. Workers, far from jumping to help, attack berkman. He is sentenced to 22 years in prison, taking away goldmans lover, close friend, and mentor. She spent some time in jail because of it, but they could not tie it together. A few weeks later he finds out that they are going to eat again in chicago. He goes to hear verse the, finds out where she is staying, he knocks on the door and ask the name. It is sort of like ulysses. There is no one here etc. In the weeks that followed he asked her to introduce him to anarchist friends and she feels very uncomfortable with him. His social awkwardness and behavior becomes bizarre. In fact an anarchist radical newspaper called free society prince of mourning on september 1, five days before mckinley is shot, saying stay away from leon czolgosz, hes nuts. May wonder if he is dangerous or a spy sent spy on them. His family wants nothing to do with him but he is attracted by anarchism. He is particularly attracted by an anarchist who assassinated King Humberto the first. He feels it is his god to do it next. Here is that mckinley is going to buffalo and arrives on august the first and rents a room for two dollars per week and goes to the Walbridge Hardware store and purchase is a gun for the first time in his life for 4. 50. He later tells the police i could not have stopped the assassination it was in my head and i saw all of these people bowing to a great ruler and it was in my mind to kill that ruler. Jostled by the crowd, he decided he could not do it. Mckinleys story, he was greeting a crowd of people. Mckinley entered the crowd, the temple abuse again. Look at how he is dressed for this. Amazing. White tails, top hat, full coat to spend 10 minutes shaking hands with people. The guards suddenly become alarmed. A tall, swarthy man who appeared restless was about to shake hands with the president and the guard were about to jump on him and he shakes hands and they think they were lucky. The next man in line is this short little man who had a bandage around his right hand as if injured. He hands out his left hand areas seeing this, mckinley reaches out his left hand and that. You can see an artists rendition right here. Mckinley reaches out, the to shake hands left handedly and in the right hand was the concealed gun and he is mckinley twice in the stomach. As onlookers gaze in horror mckinley lurch forward to step. Leon czolgosz was about to take another shot, two people jump on him and start punching him. He cries out i done my duty. Mckinley steps backward and is prevented from falling by a couple of guards. The president then says that he is not seriously hurt, but the blood starts to pool. At this point he tells the crowd to the beating leon czolgosz. Those inside start going outside. The crowds bump into each other. Panic is news. Mckinley is carried on this venture. People see his ashen face. They start moaning. He has been shot twice. The first bullet bounced off a button on his coat. The second one penetrated his abdomen. They take him to the little hot set up their. The hospital had a small operating eater used basically for fairgoers encase i got sick at the air. The leading surgeon in buffalo was a man by the name of roswell park. He was conducting throat surgery at Niagara Falls and was unavailable. They quickly have to find another doctor. The first one to arrive was herman mentor, whom the president has met the previous day. Mckinley had a face for faces and said i did not think having met you yesterday i would need your services. He did not know what he was doing, the poor man how could he have known . The doctors decide they need to operate. They give him an injection of morphine is the pain. Another surgeon arrives and the decision is made to immediately operate it up waiting. The problem is, the man who is going to conduct the surgery as a gynecologist. Its the best they could find at the time. His work is complicated by the fact that mckinley is obese and they had difficulty with the incision. They finally found and removed the small piece of cloth embedded in the flesh, but they could not find the bullet. There was a primitive xray machine on display at the worlds fair, but they did not want to use it, it was too noisy and they felt it would be a problem. Dr. Park arrives and says let the first doctors in you. The first lady is finally told about what happens. She is so upset that she writes went to Niagara Falls with my dearest. He was then receiving a public call on our return when he was shot by she could not continue the sentence. Could not write anarchist or anything else. Within minutes of the shooting it was news around america by telegraph. Newspaper Companies Put up igbo bulletins for the next few days on the president s health. At first people thought he would not survive. But then he began to get better. The president , two days later, was starting to feel better, he started wanting to think about how people thought of his speech and he was told that it went well. Roosevelt was on vacation at the time in vermont. He hurried to buffalo together the cabinet. The president starts to do better and on the ninth of september it appears hes Getting Better so roosevelt says im getting out of here im going to the mountains. John hayes arrives and determines he will not survive. They had not done a good job of sterilizing the instruments as well as they could. A better xray machine is sent by its inventor, Thomas Edison interesting that he sends a machine to try to find the bullet for mckinley and Alexander Graham bell had sent one to fund the bullet for garfield. On the morning of the 13th of september, mckinley has a relapse. Urgent were to send to roosevelt come back, they cant find them. Hes 12 miles away from the nearest telegraph. Specialists came back but knew it was hopeless. Mckinley knew it was hopeless and said it is useless gentlemen, we ought to have a prayer. The first lady says i want to go. He tells her death we are all going, gods will be done, not ours. With that someone sings nearer my god to the. Different historians say that mckinley and ida saying it together, others that he sang it alone. At this point hannah comes in to say mr. President , we need to talk. He gets no response and yells william, dont you know me . He is no response. At 2 15 a. M. , eight days after you and shot, he died. The cause of death is generally believed to be pancreatic macro cisco, a condition that is difficult to treat today and impossible then. When roosevelt found out that mckinley was that he rushed to buffalo, and as mentioned is inaugurated at the home of a friend of his in buffalo named anthony wilcox. He was dressed for mountain climbing. He borrows a suit. I have not seen a photograph of it. His casket is then brought to washington for an and norms funeral and is then taken to ohio, where he is very. A grand jury obviously indicts by the way, either remains within. She survives in by six years setting up her home as a shrine to him. They are now buried together in canton, ohio with their daughters. Huge, as you can tell even in the rain, funeral in washington. Again, hes in ohio. Leon czolgosz refuses to talk to his attorneys because he says hes an anarchist and they are part of the regime. They say they want to put in a plea for insanity. He refuses to talk to them and use that uses the same argument that they used in the murder of garfield. He is ultimately convicted because he refuses to talk. The judge says do you have a statement to make . He shakes his head, he wont talk to a court because he does not believe in any form of government. He is electrocuted just 45 days after mckinley died. His last words were i killed the president because he is an enemy of the people and i am a lifelike time. People thought that there was not sorry for my crime. At first people thought that there was a conspiracy of anarchist. People started being beating up anarchists around the country. M a goldman is blamed. Here is a newspaper blaming her for inspiring him. She writes a paper comparing them to the killer of julius caesar. They finally realize she had nothing to do with it. In 1908 the governmental congress decided they needed to monitor the activity of anarchist in america to create a new agency to do this and investigate anarchists. They call it the federal bureau of investigation. The fbi is created as a result. During world war i they are deported including Mo Goldman Emma goldman. In 1902 the secret service which had been a branch of the Treasury Department all the counter adding is assigned to protect the president. In 1906 Congress Officially declares that their job is to protect the president. There is huge outcry saying that it should belong to the army not the people looking into counterfeiting, but the army loses this. The worlds fair is a disclosed. They demolish the temple of music in november. There is a very small marker on the street there now, it just says this is the spot where mckinley was shot. There is no way to know other than that. A lot of memorials. Obviously, ohio. Mount mckinley is probably the biggest. In alaska. There was a National Park that was known as mckinley National Park area people forgot mckinley because he is replaced by this guy. People remember mckinley as the guy who died so that roosevelt could become president. Karl rove spoke very highly of him as the guy who set north modern campaigning. The strength of the Republican Party. The business. In terms of americas role in the world it also place during mckinleys time. We tend to forget him. Just like garfield, who was in for an even shorter time mckinleys problem in terms of being remembered is that he was replaced by a force of nature. Its under roosevelt, this young captain, that america sets sail on the stormy voyage of the 20th century, but we seem to forget that it was mckinley who was the first president of the 20th century and in that time he set the stage for what america would ultimately become. Anyway, i have gone on longer than i should have, but we still have time for questions. [applause] yes . [inaudible] yes, he was. Thank you. Yes, certainly. The question was Robert Todd Lincoln. Robert todd lincoln was a friend of make in lees. He was invited up to the exposition in buffalo in buffalo. Im not sure that he was physically there at the moment of assassination, but he was with mckinley at the time and certainly throughout the two days that he survived. So, Robert Todd Lincoln was physically in the Petersen House when his father died and was physicallys ending feet from garfield when he was shot. Remember, he was in the garfield cabinet he was a friend of mckinleys who was there. John hay and Robert Todd Lincoln were both there. Again, i mentioned this in the talk on lincoln booths fiance spent lincolns last day in the white house with Robert Todd Lincoln and john a. Her father had just been named ambassador. Yes, sir . In your opinion, with the at her roosevelt ever had become the president if he had not become president the way that he did . Wow. If you want to know what historians do when they have time to spare, they sit around and play the what if game. I have a couple of entitled what if your code that is such a good question. My guess is yes. He was such what if. That is such a good question. My guess is yes. He was such a dominant personality. A lot of people did not want him to become Vice President. If he had not become Vice President , if mckinley had survived for years to 1904 roosevelt as governor of new york, as the hero of the spanishamerican war and this dynamic figure would hollowly have gotten the republican nomination in 1904. He probably would have been elected on his own as president. In the other scenario, mckinley survives with roosevelt as his Vice President. Only two Vice President s have been elected resident after their Vice President ial term ended. Jefferson ran against john adams , president at the time and he was Vice President the only Vice President at that one who had run after the president had served eight years was Martin Van Buren in 1830. Roosevelt would have run in 1804 if mckinley had survived. But good question, either way i think he would have seen president roosevelt. Roosevelt, quick aside if you watch the wonderful ken burns series on roosevelt, roosevelt made a dramatic the state. In terms of becoming president. Mckinley had only been in for a few and said that if this counts as reelection this is my first and second term, so i will not run again in 1908. He ran in 1904 and did not run in 1908 he later said that was my mistake, i should never have said that but he was not going to go against what he said. Yes, sir . [inaudible] wow. Great question. How did the country respond . The answer is with in normans brief. This past week they reenacted the lincoln funeral in springfield. The gentleman who has been attending the stock and was an expert is in springfield right now for that. Hundreds of thousands came out to see the funeral and page should lincoln garfield, and mckinley. After the lincoln assassination they were trying to figure out if there was a conspiracy behind it confederacy but they did not think they needed to protect the president better. After the garfield assassination they said that they needed Civil Service reform because he was killed by an office seeker. It wasnt until mckinley was assassinated that they said that they need to protect these guys better. Garfield walked into a train station with no one guarding him. Lincoln had a policeman who went for drinks and there was no one there. Mckinley at least had a couple of guards around him, but to create a permanent secret service to guard the president did not come about until the Roosevelt Administration. There were no assassination attempt i am aware of, other than the three. The next one jumps to my mind is roosevelt in 1932 and then truman in the 1940s. And then there were a rash of them. Reagan, and two attempts against or that we are aware of. Despite recent mishaps the future the secret service has been effective, although we will next week talk about kennedy. You were talking about the panama can now and how mckinley was responsible for the beginning of the thought rossas lady did not mention the fact that the dish the fact that the french were there. As to why the americans could not till the canal. Could you talk about that, please . I also glad no one has asked me about the panama canal since the 1970s. Im thrilled. [laughter] the agreement was between the british and the americans in 1850. It said that should either of them build a canal, they would build it together and there would not be a canal otherwise. The french were not art of that. The French Panama Canal Company began to build a canal basically on the site where the panama canal is today. Ultimately the canal was then taken over by a French Company that lobbied for america to buy the rights that the french had and ditch that the french had already dug. And then they signed a treaty with columbia to control that territory that the senate rejected. That is when the Roosevelt Administration felt that it was time for the freedom loving people of animal to have a revolution in the headquarters was of course the waldorf historic the story at new york. Waldorfastoria, in new york. The panamanians gained their independence and signed an agreement with the United States. The french canal was the beginning of what became the current. You are exactly right. One more . Yes, her. Ok . All right, thank you. I happened to know mckinley was on the 500 bill but was it a tribute to him similar to the halfdollar with kennedy . Do you know the dates that he was assigned . No. [laughter] i am wondering what recommended his portrait. I have no idea. You know who is on the thousand . Lets see. I think its Grover Cleveland. I think you are right. And on the 10,000 bill . Too many denominations. I have never seen one, but i think it was salmon chase, the secretary under lincoln. And the 100,000 bill . Have them. It just seems range that you choice. I find it strange that Andrew Jackson is the 20 bill when he was so opposed to the Treasury Department, but thats a different story. I think we need a woman on there. Thank you. 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